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Creating a Baseline by PartyDeMarty


The baseline test1 in the film was written by Ryan Gosling based on “dropping in” a component of the
Meisner Acting Method2 (pg. 29-31). It is a tool of repetition meant to emotionally charge the dialogue
while also aiding in memorization. Ironic, since it is used to make sure the replicant is not straying too
far from their baseline. The baseline in the movie references the following passage with words
emphasized in the baseline test CAPITALIZED and entire phrases (enclosed in parentheses) from A Pale
Fire by Vladimir Nabokov3
“And Blood black nothingness began to spin
a system of CELLS INTERLINKED with
cells interlinked (within cells interlinked)

(Within one stem), (and DREADFULLY DISTINCT)

(Against the DARK), (a tall white fountain played).”

The selection of this book and specifically section is rife with symbolism, and I recommend everyone
head on over to see u/DoctorFork’s discussion of it on reddit 4.
For this analysis we will be using the theatrical cut of the baseline test5. The full script from The Art and
Soul of Blade Runner 2049 by Tanya Lapointe6 is four times as long as the theatrical version and though
it gives a better glimpse into the Meisner method, is too long for an audience to stay engaged,
consisting of 75 questions, I can see why they shortened it for the film.
The section of the poem is 5 lines, 32 words, and 49 syllables. Of those 32 words only 5 (1/6) are chosen
to be emphasized and used to elicit a response from the replicant. Assuming the viewer is present
during the majority of both baseline tests we can infer the following

 Every question ends, or naturally contains the word needing repeated

 The baseline tester pulls from a master list of questions
 The baseline test changes based on encountered conditions
 A test consists of around 10 questions
 A passing tests ends with a repetition of the same phrase 3 times
 A failing tests ends with the repetition of all phrases
 The phrases chosen to repeat are 4 syllables or 6 syllables and 3 to 5 words.
 The test last around one minute
It is likely we missed the recitation of the full baseline at the start of the test in the second baseline test
(when K fails).

Lines 703-707
The baseline is broken up into an A and B phase based on the replicant’s response. It is unknown what
they generally use to gauge a failing response besides a video feed scanning the K’s throat being shown
on the chief’s video feed.
Phase A is composed of 3 emphasized words with questioning, and one phrase to repeat.
Phase B is composed of an additional 3 emphasized words with questioning, and 4 additional phrases to
Based on the Blade Runner Core Rulebook7, the same questions are asked every time to generate a
SINGULAR UNMOVABLE result. However, the scenes from the film showcase that the same questions
are not asked every time since the entire Phase B is not shown in the first baseline test, and K walks out
after simply concluding Phase A. Phase A is then the most repeated Phase a replicant undergoes in a
baseline test and is the phase easily verifiable to show little movement from the baseline. It is simply
taking a sniff test and noting something is off. Phase B utilizes questions that are asked less frequently
and are used to specifically pinpoint how far off baseline a replicant is.
The full text shown in the Art and Soul of Blade Runner can then be seen as an initial test. The coming
online test that every Blade Runner N-9 gives which is what the baseline test is then derived from going
For lore purposes let us say the initial baseline is read and then parsed through by an expert or AI from
Wallace Corp to create the Phases that are most effective.
Creating your own Baseline
1. Find or create a passage around 30 words and 50 syllables
2. Split the passage into an A and B Phase
3. Choose 2 words, and one phrase around 4-6 syllables to repeat from Phase A
4. Choose 3 words, and 3-4 additional phrases from 4-6 syllables to repeat from Phase B
5. Create a master list of questions
a. Each question is direct, with no conjunctions
b. Each question either naturally ends with the emphasized word or states it at the end
c. Each word from Phase A should have 5 questions
d. Each word from Phase B should have 2 questions
Running your baseline
1. Have the replicant repeat their whole baseline
2. State WORD 1 from Phase A
3. Ask 2 questions about WORD 1 from Phase A
4. Have the replicant roll for success or failure (hidden GM Roll for suspense)

Page 177
If Pass If Fail
5. Ask around 5 questions from WORD 1 4. State WORD 2
from Phase A 5. Ask around 1-2 questions from WORD 2
6. State next Word prior to transitioning. in Phase A.
7. Ask around 5 questions from WORD 2 6. Ask to repeat Phrase 1 from Phase A
from Phase A ONCE
8. Ask to repeat Phrase 1 from Phase A 7. State then Ask 1-2 questions from each
multiple times word in Phase B
8. Ask to repeat each phrase from Phase A

No Man is an Island by John Donne is a good choice for this exercise. It is over 80 words long so let’s
strip it down a bit.
“Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.”

Using the same notation, we will note what words and phrases are emphasized.
Phase A “Any man’s (death diminishes me), because I am involved in mankind”
Phase B “(and therefore never send) to (know for whom the bell tolls); (it tolls for thee).”

Now, here is an example of a failing replicant. (I = Interrogator, R = Replicant)

I: State your baseline

R: Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind, And therefore never send to know
for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
I: Diminishes
R: Diminishes
I: Is your constitution waning, diminishes
R: Diminishes
I: Have you every lost love, diminishes
R: Diminishes
I: Do you feel like you are no longer involved?
R: Involved
I: Where do you go when you’re alone, involved
R: Involved
I: Death Diminishes me
R: Death Diminishes me
I: Never
R: Never
I: Do you want a child, never
R: Never
I: Do you yearn for their laugh, never
R: Never
I: Know
R: Know
I: How does it feel to never know?
R: Know
I: Do you feel like a grain of sand in a vast sea, know
R: Know
I: Tolls
R: Tolls
I: Can you handle the job and its toll?
R: Toll
I: Is your ear still ringing from the bell, toll
R: Toll
I: Death Diminishes me
R: Death Diminishes me
I: and therefore never send
R: and therefore never send
I: know for whom the bell tolls
R: know for whom the bell tolls
I: it tolls for thee
R: It tolls for thee

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