Where Is It British English Teacher

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1 Warm up

These pictures show things you find in a town. Match each word to a picture.

bakery bank cinema (US movie theater)

museum pharmacy post office
supermarket town square traffic lights

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

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Where do you go ...

1. ... if you’re sick?

2. ... if you have some free time?

3. ... if you want to send a letter?

4. ... if you’re hungry?

5. ... if you need to change money?

What do people do in a town square?

2 Listening

Claire is in a new town. She is lost, and her phone is out of battery. Listen to the dialogues and make
a note of which places Claire asks about.


Why is the last dialogue different to the others?

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Listen again and match maps A, B and C with the dialogues 1, 2 or 3.

bank supermarket museum

A. B. C.

3 Language point

Asking for directions - study the sentences and information and answer the question.

Excuse me, is there a bank near here?

Excuse me, I’m looking for the museum.

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the town square?

We use a range of phrases to ask for directions when we are lost.

• How do we open these conversations?
Giving directions - we use a range of phrases to give directions. Match the words and pictures.

go straight on at the traffic lights turn right

turn left go past the hotel on the corner

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

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4 Practice

Find the locations in the picture. Read the dialogues and use the words in the box to complete the

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looking ahead straight tell at

corner on past excuse far

Location 1

me, is there a supermarket near here?

Yes, there is.

How do I get there?

Turn right at these traffic lights. Then go on past one street and turn
right again.

Thank you!

Location 2
Excuse me, I’m for the museum.

4 5
Go straight and turn left the traffic lights. Then turn
left again. It’s the right.

Is it ?

No. It’s only two minutes from here.

Great! Thanks!

Location 3
Excuse me, can you me the way to the cinema?

Sure. Go the supermarket and then turn right. Go straight on for about
two minutes and you’ll see the cinema on the .

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5 Speaking
You are visiting the town in the picture. Work in pairs to plan and perform short dialogues following
the instructions below. Use a range of language to ask for and give directions.
• Location 4: A asks for directions from this place to the café. B gives directions.
• Location 5: B asks for directions from this place to the post office. A gives directions.
• Location 6: A asks for directions from this place to the pharmacy. B gives directions.
• Location 7: B asks for directions from this place to the market. A gives directions.

6 Extra practice/homework
Find and correct five mistakes in each dialogue. You do not need to use the picture for this exercise.
Dialogue 1

• Excuse, can you tell me where the bakery is?

• Of course. It’s on Castle Street.

• How I get there?

• Go ahead the cinema and turn right on the traffic lights. It’s at the left.

• Thanks.

Dialogue 2

• Excuse me, I looking for the market.

• Go straight past and turn left at the end of the street. It’s at the corner.

• Is it long?

• No, it’s not. It’s about ten minutes if you’re walk.

• Thanks!

7 Optional extension
It can be difficult to understand directions. These phrases can help. Use the missing words from the
box to complete the sentences.
again catch check repeat you

1. I’m sorry, can you that?

2. I’m afraid I don’t understand. Can you say it more slowly please?

3. I didn’t that - do I turn right or left at the traffic lights?

4. Sorry, I don’t follow - is it on the right or the left?

5. Let me just what you said: I go past the bank and it’s on the corner?

How are sentences 1 and 2 different from sentences 3, 4 and 5?

Practise saying the sentences.
Work in pairs to repeat one dialogue from the lesson, asking for and giving directions.
This time use one of these sentences to help you understand.

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2. Listening

Narrator: One

Claire: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?

Passer-by: Yes. There’s a bank on the corner.

Claire: Thank you.

Passer-by: You’re welcome.

Narrator: Two

Claire: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here?

Passer-by: Yes. It’s on Chapel Street.

Claire: How do I get there?

Passer-by: Go straight on. Go past the cinema. Turn left at the traffic lights. It’s on the left.

Narrator: Three

Claire: Excuse me, I’m looking for the museum.

Passer-by: Go straight ahead and turn right at the end of this street. It’s on the right.

Claire: Is it far?

Passer-by: No, it’s near. About 5 minutes on foot.

Claire: Thank you.

Narrator: Four

Claire: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the town square?

Passer-by: I’m sorry, I’m not from here.

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Call attention to the context and work with the whole class to match the words with the pictures. Drill the
pronunciation of all items: note that cinema starts with an /s/ sound in English. Then pose the follow-up questions
and nominate students to answer. Accept any reasonable answer for what people do in a town square.
1. traffic lights 2. bakery 3. bank
4. cinema (US movie theater) 5. museum 6. post office
7. pharmacy 8. supermarket 9. town square

Answers to questions:
1. the pharmacy
2. the cinema or museum
3. the post office
4. the bakery and the supermarket
5. the bank (or in some countries the post office)

What do people do in a town square? 7→ Have a coffee, sit and read, meet friends, relax.

2. Listening

10 mins.
Overview: students will listen to the recordings twice and then, if possible, watch the videos to check their
answers. The first time, they listen to the recordings for main idea – explain the context and go over the instructions.
Play the recording, check answers and pose the follow-up question. Then students listen again to dialogues for
detail and respond by matching the three places that Claire asks about in dialogues 1, 2 and 3 to maps A, B and
Before you start, point out to students that the circle with the person in the middle shows where the speakers
are and thus where the directions are from. The destination is the red circle. Set the task and give them a minute
to recall the locations if they can. Then play the recording and check answers. If students need to listen again,
that’s fine. If you have the facilities to show video, students can check their answers by watching the three short
videos, or you can check answers in the usual way.
1. bank
2. supermarket
3. museum
4. town square
Why is the last dialogue different to the others? 7→ Because the person does not know how to get to the
town square. He is also a visitor to the town.

Answers to listening part 2:

1. museum
2. bank
3. supermarket

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3. Language point

10 mins.
There are two stages to this section. Go through them one at a time with students. You should drill students in the
pronunciation of excuse me /Ik­skju:z mi:/ as they will need to be able to use this confidently to open a conversation
in a range of situations. Finally, drill the target language in all the example sentences with the students before
students test themselves/each other with the pictures.They need to be accurate with the prepositions.
Question: How do we open these conversations? - Excuse me /Ik­skju:z mi:/

1. go past the hotel 2. go straight on 3. turn left 4. on the corner

5. turn right 6. at the traffic lights

4. Practice

10 mins.
Go over the instructions and explain that the numbers of each dialogue refer to the pairs of people on the map.
Students work alone to fill the gaps on the side of the page (not in each sentence) and then check answers in pairs.
They can then read out the dialogues for extra practice before they tackle the speaking task. They should cover
the answers and recall the missing words.
NOTE: If students are finding this difficult, skip the speaking stage and do the extra practice/homework exercises
in class for additional support.
1. Excuse
2. straight
3. looking
4. ahead
5. at
6. on
7. far
8. tell
9. past
10. corner

5. Speaking

13 mins.
In this stage, students will activate the vocabulary and grammar from the lesson in a speaking activity. Go over the
instructions for the activity and give students a few minutes to find the starting locations and destinations on the
map. Then set up A/B pairs and give students a few minutes to work together to devise short dialogues for the
four scenarios. They should use a range of language from the lesson. Monitor and support as necessary. Students
can perform one dialogue for another pair or for the class, to compare how they handled the task. Encourage them
to discuss any differences and make suggestions or corrections. Round off the session by correcting any errors
with the target language that you noticed while monitoring the speaking, including pronunciation. You could also
ask each pair to write one dialogue for you to check and correct.
If you are teaching 1-1, the teacher takes on the role of Student B.

6. Extra practice/homework

2 mins to explain.

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These exercises can be assigned for homework or used instead of the speaking activity if the class needs more
support. If you use these for homework, make sure that you mark the exercises in a future class, or collect them
from students and mark them yourself outside class. If you prefer, you can make the answers available to students
and they can check their own answers.
1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the bakery is?
2. (correct)
3. How do I get there?
4. Go past the cinema and turn right at the traffic lights. It’s on the left.
5. (correct)

1. Excuse me, I’m looking for the market.

2. Go straight ahead and turn left at the end of the street. It’s on the corner.
3. Is it far?
4. No, it’s not. It’s about ten minutes if you’re walking.
5. (correct)

7. Optional extension

10 mins.
These exercises are designed as a cooler activity if you have time in your lesson. In this activity, students can
practise five phrases to use if they don’t understand directions (or at any other time). Go over the information and
give students a couple of minutes to complete the gap-fill. Check answers and pose the follow-up questions to
clarify the two strategies. Drill the sentences with the class. If you have time, students could repeat any dialogue
from the lesson but insert one of these phrases, with appropriate responses.
1. repeat 2. again 3. catch 4. you 5. check

How are sentences 1 and 2 different from sentences 3, 4 and 5?:

Sentences 1 and 2 ask the person giving information to repeat it. In sentences 3, 4 and 5, the person asking for
information repeats what they may have heard and asks for confirmation.

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