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Main protagonist

Adi, a man who in his thirties, who in under depression, and stress. His love live come to end after his
lover die in car accident led him to under depression and stress. His struggle to get through his daily
life after his lover passed away.

Side character

Emi, Adi lover who passed away (act as comfort, and symbolism)



- Digital 2D animation.
- Action figure (stop motion)


Narrating structure

- Battle with your own emotion like depression and stress

Idea and concept

1) Reality
2) Broken emotion

Short essay 250 word

Title: Women

In “Women” we can see life of Adi, a man who has difficult time to going through his life while he in
his thirties. Adi world shader after the love of his life passed away, he got depress and stress after the
incident. His heart was heavy with grief, his steps heavy with the weight of loss. Just a week ago, he
had been blissfully in love, sharing dreams and making plans for a future together.

His days turned into a blur as Adi tried to navigate the emptiness that hit him. His friends and family
offered condolences and support, but nothing could ease the pain in his soul. He shuts himself off
from the world, retreating into a secluded space in his apartment, where memories of his lover
around every corner.

Adi thought of suicide is the way of end his suffering after losing his lover. He goes to sleep and for a
moment he got a vision of his lover Emi come to him and she comforting him to prevent him for
commenting suicide and then he wakes up from his slumber. He realized that thought she was
physically gone from this world, he still loves her no matter what. In the midst of his grief, he came
stumble upon a picture of them, taken during a moment of pure joy. Holding the picture, he made a
vows to honor her memory by living the life they imagined together. He would carry her love with
him, let it guide him through his darkest days, and fuel his determination to make a difference in the
world, just as she had always encouraged him to.

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