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Vienna, 1990


E. Cortes Toro
R.M. Parr
S.A. Clements


E. Cortes Toro
R.M. Parr
S.A. Clements


This report has been produced from a database on analytical reference

materials of biological and environmental origin, which is maintained at the
International Atomic Energy Agency. It is an updated version of an earlier
report, published in 1985, which focussed mainly on reference materials for trace
elements. In the present version of the report, reference materials for trace
elements still constitute the major part of the data; however, information is also
now included on a number of other selected analytes of relevance to IAEA
programmes, i.~. radionuclides, stable isotopes and organic microcontaminants.
The database ; -.esently contains 2,694 analyte values for 117 analytes in 116
biological and 77 environmental (non-biological) reference materials produced by
20 different suppliers. Additional information on the cost of the material, the unit
size supplied, (weight or volume), and the minimum weight of material
recommended for analysis is also provided (if available to the authors). It is
expected that this report will help analysts to select the reference material that
matches as closely as possible, with respect to matrix type and concentrations of
the analytes of interest, the "real" samples that are to be analysed.

IAEA/RL/128 ( R e v . l ) , Vienna, 1990

A Report Prepared by the IAEA's

Section of Nutritional and Health-Related Environmental Studies
International Atomic Energy Agency
P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Single copies of this report are available on request,

free of charge, from the above address.
Please address correspondence to Dr. R.M. Parr.












TABLE 1: Suppliers of biological and environmental reference

materials 23

TABLE 2: List of reference materials according to type of analyte

and type of material 27

TABLE 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements sorted

in order of the code number of the reference material 33

TABLE 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for

trace elements sorted in order of the code number of
the reference material 45

TABLE 5: Reference materials for organic mieroeontaminants sorted

in order of the code number of the reference material 59

TABLE 6: Reference materials for radionuclides sorted in order of

the code number of the reference material 61

TABLE 7: Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted in order

of the code number of the reference material 63
TABLE 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements sorted
in order of the chemical symbol of the element and in
descending order of the elemental concentration 65

TABLE 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for

trace elements sorted in order of the chemical symbol
of the element and in descending order of the elemental
concentration 81

TABLE 10: Reference materials for organic microcontaminants sorted

in order of the common abbreviation for the organic
chemical and in descending order of the analyte
concentration 101

TABLE 11: Reference materials for radionuclides sorted in order

of the radionuclide symbol and in descending order of
the radionuclide activity 103

TABLE 12: Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted in order

of the isotope name and in descending order of the
analyte value 107


Annex I: Potential suppliers of calibration sources and reference

materials for radioactivity measurements 109

In December 1985 the International Atomic Energy Agency issued a report [ I ]

on the availability of reference materials of biological and environmental origin.
That report aimed to give the users of such reference materials an overview of the
types of matrices accessible and information on the concentration levels of some
of their elemental constituents. The recent development of new analytical
methodologies (such as ICP-MS) and the improvement of existing ones has opened
the way for new studies on trace and ultra-trace elements in the environment and
in biological systems. However, for the accurate determination of elements at
very low concentration levels, a strict application of analytical quality assurance
(QA) procedures is almost a necessity. QA should indeed be mandatory for all
kinds of chemical analysis, but is especially important for trace element analysis.
To this end the International Atomic Energy Agency has introduced QA as an
obligatory step in the research carried out by participating institutes within its
own Co-ordinated Research Programmes for Nutritional and Health-Related
Environmental Studies.

For the proper application of QA, the careful analyst is well advised to choose
a reference material that matches as closely as possible, with respect to matrix
type and concentrations of the elements of interest, the "real" samples that are
to be analysed. The present report provides a survey of all currently available
biological and environmental reference materials known to the authors. It is
expected that it will help the analyst to select the most suitable reference material
for the analysis of any given samples.

This report is an updated version of one issued in 1985. The database created
at that time contained information on 60 biological and 40 environmental (non-
biological) reference material from 11 suppliers, with a total of 69 elements
recorded and 1771 elemental concentration values. The database presently
contains 2,694 analyte values for 117 analytes in 116 biological and 77
environmental (non-biological) reference materials produced by 20 different
suppliers. Most of this information still refers to trace elements. However, in
addition, various new kinds of analytes are now included in the database, as
outlined in the following section.


As in the previous version of this report, a series of tables is included to help

the user to find suitable materials in different ways. The information contained
here has been reproduced from the relevant certificates of analysis, information
sheets and other reports. Although the focus of this document is on trace
elements, details are also reported on major and minor elements such as Ca, K, N
and S if these are mentioned in the relevant certificates of analysis. In addition,
this issue now contains information on a number of other selected analytes of
relevance to IAEA, programmes, i.e. reference materials with certified or
information values for organic microcontaminants, radionuclides (from natural
fallout or produced as a consequence of nuclear accidents) and stable isotopes.
- 2 -

One of tho difficulties in compiling a database of this type is the fact that
there are discrepancies among the producers concerning how the relevant
information should be quoted [2]. For example, there is a confusing lack of
uniformity in the technical terms currently used. "Control material", "reference
material", "research material", "standard reference material" and "certified
reference material" are sometimes used as synonyms. A variety of terms is also
currently used to describe the concentration values reported, e . g . "certified",
"recommended", "assigned", "indicated", "non-certified" and "information".
Although four international organizations, namely B1PM (International Bureau of
Weights and Measures), 1KC (International Electrotechnical Commission), ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) and OIML (International
Organization for Legal Metrology), have adopted a vocabulary covering many of
these issues [ 3 ] , their recommendations are not always followed consistently by
the producers. In this report only two kinds of values are recognized, either
certified or non-certified. The meanings of these terms (as used here) are
explained further in section 3.

Also included in this report (in Tables 3-7) is data (if available to the
authors) on the cost (in US$) and unit weight or volume of each material. This
data was mostly compiled in the last quarter of 1989. The prices of those materials
originally quoted in other currencies were converted to US$ using typical
exchange rates applicable in January 1990.

Further information on the preparation and nature of some of the materials

listed here can be obtained from other publications on biological reference
materials [4J and marine reference materials [ 5 ] . In addition, most of the
certificates of analysis accompanying each material contain a summary of the
procedure used for sampling and preparation of the material, and a description
of homogeneity t e s t s , analytical methods used in the analysis and information on
the statistical procedures employed in the evaluation of the data.

Not included in this report are a large number of geochemical reference

materials, which, in many cases, could be used as analogues of environmental
materials such as soil and sediment. Comprehensive data on such materials is,
however, already available in a compilation of data for 170 international reference
samples published by Govindaraju [61.

This report comprises the following tables:

Table 1: Suppliers of biological and environmental reference materials.

Table 2: List of reference materials according to type of analyte and type of


Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements sorted in order of

the code number of the reference material.
- 3 -

Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace

elements sorted in order of the code number of the reference

Table 5: Reference materials for organic microcontaminants sorted in order

of the code number of the reference material.

Table 6: Reference materials for radionuclides sorted in order of the code

number of the reference material.

Table 7: Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted in order of the code
number of the reference material.

Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements sorted in order of

the chemical symbol of the element and in descending order of the
elemental concentration.

Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace

elements sorted in order of the chemical symbol of the element and
in descending order of the elemental concentration.

Table 10: Reference materials for organic microcontaminants sorted in order

of the common abbreviation for the organic chemical and in
descending order of the analyte concentration.

Table 11: Reference materials for radionuclides sorted in order of the

radionuclide symbol and in descending order of the radionuclide

Table 12: Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted in order of the
isotope name and in descending order of the analyte value.


The samples listed in this report are all identified by a "Code No.", which is
generally a combination of the name of the supplier (in abbreviated form, see
Table 1), together with the name or number given to it by the supplier. For
example, the IAEA's reference material A-ll milk powder is identified throughout
this report by the code: IAEA-A-ll.

Elements are identified by their chemical symbols, radionuclides and stable

isotopes by their isotopes and organic compounds by their common abbreviations
(e.g., Al, Cs-137, C-14, pp'DDT).

Column "T" (see Tables 3-12) contains a code for the Type of reference value
specified by the issuing authority. For details of the exact meaning of the
- 4 -

terminology used, please consult the original certificate of analysis or relevant

documentation. The letter "C" has been used when the level of concentration of
the analyte is certified (this category also includes recommended concentrations
or values quoted as having a "satisfactory" or "acceptable" degree of confidence).
The letter "N" (indicating not certified) has been used for information values or
similar data. In this column, the codes "C" or "N" may further be combined with
"*" or "#" to indicate that the concentration of the analyte is expressed in
different units, such as mg/L, Bq/filter or atom % (see next paragraph).

The column heading "Concentration, mg/kg or mg/L" (see Tables 3, 4, 5, 8,

9 and 10): each value is generally given on a dry weight basis in units of mg/kg
(parts per million). However, for water, urine, most blood and most other liquid
reference materials, values are expressed on a wet weight basis, in mg/L; in these
cases an asterisk (*) is printed in the preceding column, namely column "T". The
column heading "Concentration, Bq/kg, mg/kg and Bq/filter" (see Tables 6 and
11): values are given in Bq/kg of dry material. When a value for a non-
radioactive analyte has been given in the certificate of analysis, an * is printed
in the preceding column, namely column "T". For the material IAEA-083 the unit
is Bq/filter for each radionuclide and is indicated by a # in column "T". The
column heading "Enrichment per mille and atom %" (see Tables 7 and 12): for the
material IAEA-311 the concentration unit is atom % and an * has been printed in
column "T" to indicate this fact.

The column heading "Error %" (see Tables 3-12): this is the percentage error
which, applied to the analyte value, gives the confidence interval for that value
( i . e . , if c is the concentration and p is the percentage error, then the overall
confidence interval is from c(l-p/100) to c(l+p/100)). For some materials, the
confidence interval is not symmetrical about the quoted analyte value. In such
cases, which are indicated by an asterisk in the following column, namely column
"E" in Tables 3-7, it is necessary to consult the original documentation for further

The column heading "E" (see Tables 3-7): here the type of Error is indicated,
as follows.

a = 95% confidence interval for the mean.

b = ±2 standard deviations of the mean.
c = 95% / 99% tolerance interval (i.e. with 95% confidence, the analyte
concentration in at least 99% of the samples should be included in
the listed interval),
d = 99% / 99% tolerance interval.
0 = other.

An asterisk (*) in combination with a confidence or tolerance interval ( e . g . ,

a*) signifies a non-symmetrical form of confidence interval or a small modification
of the usual definition. For further information, the original documentation
should be consulted.
- 5-

For many of the materials listed, the issuing authority indicates a minimum
weight of sample that should be taken for analysis. This is to ensure that,
despitvi possible inhomogeneities in the reference material, the actual
concentration is still within the specified confidence interval. These minimum
weights are printed, if available, at the top of each column of data in Tables 3-7
together with information on the unit size and price.


In this report, values for elemental concentrations are given as described in

the relevant certificates of analysis, information sheets or other reports obtained
from the suppliers, i . e . , in almost, every case on a dry weight basis. Values for
all milk reference materials are also reported on a dry weight basis (mg/kg).
However, values for all water, urine and blood (except IAEA-A-13) reference
materials are reported on a wet weight basis (mg/L). As explained in Section 3,
an asterisk (*) is printed in column "T" if a wet-weight basis is used. For the
reference material NBS-SRM-1643b, trace elements in water, the certified values
in the original certificate of analysis are expressed in nglg. However, to fnllov.'
the rule indicated above, the values included in this report are expressed in mg/L
assuming a density of 1 g/mL. To obtain the correct concentration in mg/L the
reader should multiply the values indicated in this report by 1.017 g/mL, the
actual density of this material at 23"C, as indicated in the certificate of analysis.

If one wishes to make the concentrations for these liquid reference materials
comparable with those reported for the other reference materials, concentration
values for blood and urine reference materials may be converted approximately to
a dry weight basis using the following assumed ratios of dry-to-wet weights:
blood = 0.2, urine = 0.07 (from lyengar et al. [7]).

All values for oil reference materials are reported in mg/kg.


As already mentioned in Section 2, there are many geochemical reference

materials available which have similar matrices to some environmental materials,
such as soil and sediment. Details are not included in this report since they have
already been published by Govindaraju 16].

The suppliers listed in this report expect to issue more reference materials of
biological and environmental origin in the near future. Some may already have
been produced while this report was being reproduced. For further information
users should contact the producers directly. An address list is given in Table 1.
- 6-

New suppliers are also expected to enter the market for reference materials.
A fresh initiative in this respect, which is due to become operational on a regional
basis, is exemplified by the proposed Asian Society for Reference Materials
(ASREM) [8].

In several countries there are also national standard reference materials or

on-going programmes to prepare and produce them. Such materials are not
included in this report since the authors do not have a list of them or any
information on their availability to the international scientific community. Readers
of this report are kindly requested to provide the authors with any relevant
information on such reference materials, if they are available for international
users. In addition, if the reader knows of any other relevant reference materials
from other suppliers, the authors would he grateful to be informed about them so
that details can be included in future revisions of this report.

Although somewhat outside the scope of this report, calibration sources for
radioactivity measurements may also be of interesi to many readers. Information
on potential suppliers, reproduced from a recent IAEA Technical Report | 9 ] , is
given in Annex I.


Although the authors have tried to exercise all necessary care in preparing
this report, the correctness of the values reported cannot be guaranteed. The
reader is advised that the original certificates of analysis or other relevant
reports are the definitive sources of information and should, in all circumstances,
be consulted before any use is made of these materials. If the reader thereby
discovers any errors in this report, the authors would be grateful for having the
matter drawn to their attention.


The authors would like 1o thank R. Schelenz and S. Ballestra for assistance
in assembling part of the data quoted in this report.
- 7-


1. Muramatsu, Y . , Parr, R.M., Survey of Currently Available Reference

Materials for Use in Connection with the Determination of Trace Elements in
Biological and Environmental Materials, Report IAEA/RL/128, IAEA, Vienna,

2. Parr, R.M., Muramatsu, Y., Clements, S.A., Survey and evaluation of

available biological reference materials for trace element analysis, Fres. Z.
Anal. Chem. 326, 601-608, 1987.

3. International Organization for Standardization, Switzerland, Terms and

definitions used in connection with reference materials, ISO Guide 30, 1981.

4. Wolf, W.R., Stoeppler, M. ( e d s ) , Biological Reference Materials (Proc. 2nd

Symposium, Neuherberg, April 1986), Fres. Z. Anal. Chem. 326, 597-745,

5. Cantillo, A.Y . , Standard and Reference Materials for Use in Marine Science,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA, 1986.

6. Govindaraju, K., 1984 compilation of working values for 170 international

reference samples of mainly silicate rocks and minerals, Geostandard
Newsletter, vol. VIIT, 1-39, 1984.

7. Iyengar, G.V., Kollmer, W.E., Bowen, H.J.M.. The Elemental Composition

of Human Tissues and Body Fluids, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, p . XIV, 1978.

8. Iyengar, G. V . , Analytical Quality Control Reference Materials for Developing

Countries, A New Initiative, Food Laboratory News No. 19, Vol. 6 : 1 , 20-22,

9. International Atomic Energy Agency, Measurement of Radionuclides in Food

and the Environment, A Guidebook, Technical Report Series No. 295, p p . 156-
166, IAEA, Vienna, 1989.

AMM-SO-1 Holynska, B . , Jasion, J . , Lankosz, M., Markowicz, A . ,

Baran, W., Soil SO-1 Reference Material for Trace Analysis,
Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 332 (1988) 250-254.

ARC/CL-AM Kumpulainsn, J . , Paaki, M., Analytical Quality Control

Program Used by the Trace Elements in Foods and Diets Sub-
network of the FAO European Cooperative Network on Trace
Elements, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 326 (1987) 684-689, and
Kumpulainen, J . , Paaki, M., Tahvonen, R., Characterization
of Wheat, Meat and Milk Reference Materials for Contents of
Heavy Metals, Fourth International Symposium on Biological
and Environmental Reference Materials, Orlando, Florida,
February 5-8, 1990.

ARC/CL-MP Same as for ARC/CL-AM.

ARC/CL-PP Kumpulainen, J . , Paaki, M., Analytical Quality Control

Program Used by the Trace Elements in Foods and Diets Sub-
network of the FAO European Cooperative Network on Trace
Elements, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., 326 (1987) 684-689.

ARC/CL-TD Same as for ARC/CL-AM.

ARC/CL-WF Same as for ARC/CL-AM.

BCR-CRM-038 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Catalogue of BCR

Reference Materials, BCR, Brussels, 1989.

BCR-CRM-040 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-060 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-061 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-062 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-063 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-141 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-142 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-143 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

- 9-

BCR-CRM-144 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-145 Same as for BCR-CRTvi-038.

BCR-CRM-146 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-150 Same as for BCi*-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-151 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-176 Same as '."or BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-180 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-181 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-181,
Coking Coal, EOR, Brussels, December 1986.

BCR-CRM-182 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-124 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-184, Trace
Elements in Lyophilised Bovine Muscle, BCR, Brussels, April

BCR-CRM-186 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-186, Trace
Elements in Lyophilised Pig Kidney, BCR, Brussels, April

BCR-CRM-189 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-189, Trace
Elements in Wholemeal Flour, BCR- Brussels, December 1986.

BCR-CRM-191 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-191, Trace
Elements in Lyophilised Brown Bread, BCR, Brussels,
December 1986.

BCR-CRM-194 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-195 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-196 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

BCR-CRM-273 Same as for BCR-CRM-038.

- 10 -

BCR-CRM-274 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-274, Trace
Elements in a Single Cell Protein, BCR, Brussels, December

BCR-CRM-277 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-277, Trace
Elements in Estuarine Sediment, BCR, Brussels, June 1988.

BCR-CRM-278 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-278, Trace
Elements in Mussel Tissue, BCR, Brussels, June 1988.

BCR-CRM-279 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-279, Trace
Elements in Sea Lettuce (Ulva Lactuca), BCR, Brussels, June

BCR-CRM-280 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-280, Trace
Elements in Lake Sediment, BCR, Brussels, June 1988.

BCR-CRM-320 Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium): Certificate of

Analysis for the Certified Reference Material BCR-320, Trace
Elements in River Sediment, BCR, Brussels, June 1988.

BOWEN-KALE H.J.M. Bowen: Kale as a Reference Material. Tn Biological

Reference Materials (ed. W.R. Wolf), Wiley Interscience, New
York, 3-18, 1985.

CANMET-CLV-1 Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (Canada):

Announcement for Vegetative Radionuclide Reference
Materials CLV-1 and CLV-2, Ottawa.

CANMET-CLV-2 Same as for CANMET-CLV-1.

CZIM-LIVER Kucera, J . , Mader, P . , Miholova, D . , Cibulka, J . , Polakova,

M., Kordik, D . , Report on the Interlaboratory Comparison of
the Determination of the Contents of Trace Elements in Bovine
Liver 12-02-01, Report, Czechoslovak Institute of Metrology,
Bratislava, November 1989.

EPA-FISH U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USA): Information

Sheet on Water Pollution Quality Control Samples, Trace
Metals in Fish, Cincinnati.
-11 -

EPA-SLUDGE U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USA): Information

Sheet on Quality Control Samples, Municipal Digested Sludge
WP976, Cincinnati.

FISHER-SRS001 Fisher Scientific (USA): Information Sheet on Solid Waste

Reference Samples for Environmental Testing, Springfield,
NJ, April 1989.


F1SHER-SRS004 Same as for FISHER-SR001.

F1SHER-SRS009 Same as for FISHER-SR001 .

FISHER-SRS010 Same as for FISHER-SR001.

FISHER-SRS011 Same as for FTSHER-SR0O1.

FISHER-SRS012 Same as for FISHER-SR001.

GHENT-SERUM Versieck, J . , Vanballenberghe, L . , De Kcse, A . , Hoste, J . ,

Wallaeys, B . , Vandenhaute, J . , Baeck, N . , Steyaert, H.,
Byrne, A . , Sunderman, F. W., Certification of a Second-
Generation Biological Reference Material (Freeze-Dried Human
Serum) for Trace Element Determinations, Analytica Chimica
Acta 204 (1988) 63-75.

IAEA-083 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-083, Radionuclides in
Simulated Air Filters, IAEA, Vienna, November 1988.

IAEA-152 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-152, Radionuclides in Milk
Powder, IAEA, Vienna, November 1988.

IAEA-153 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-153, Milk Powder, IAEA,
Vienna, November 1989.

IAEA-154 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-154, Whey Powder, IAEA,
Vienna, November 1988.

IAEA-154 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-154, Radionuclides in VJhey
Powder, IAEA, Vienna, November 1988.
- 12 -

IAEA-302 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-302, Water IAEA Enriched
Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA, Vienna, March 1990.

IAEA-303 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-305, Sodium Bicarbonate
IAEA Enriched Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA,
Vienna, March 1990.

IAEA-304 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-304, Water IAEA Enriched
Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA, Vienna, March 1990.

IAEA-305 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-305, Ammonium Sulfate
IAEA Enriched Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA,
Vienna, March 1990.

IAEA-307 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-307, Radionuclides in Sea
Plant, IAEA, Monaco, October 1989.

IAEA-308 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-308, Radionuclides in
Seaweeds, IAEA, Monaco, October 1989.

IAEA-309 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-305, UL Glucose IAEA
Enriched Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA, Vienna,
March 1990.

IAEA-310 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-305, Urea IAEA Enriched
Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA, Vienna, March 1990.

1AEA-311 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-305, Ammonium Sulfate
IAEA Eni'iched Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA,
Vienna, March 1990.

IAEA-A-11 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material A - l l , Milk Powder, IAEA,
Vienna, July 1980, with new data for selected elements from:
Byrne, A . R . , Camara-Rica, C , Cornells, R., de Goeij,
J . J . M . , lyengar, G.V., Kirkbright, G., Knapp, G., Parr,
R.M., Stoeppler, M., Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 326 (1987)
- 13 -

1AEA-A-12 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material A-12, Radium-226 and
Strontium-90 in Animal Bone, IAEA, Vienna, January 1983.

IAEA-A-13 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material A-13, Freeze-Dried Animal
Blood, IAEA, Vienna, March 1983.

1AEA-A-14 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material A-14, Milk Powder, IAEA,
Vienna, January 1984.

IAEA-AG-B-1 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material AG-B-1, Radionuclides in Marine
Algae, IAEA, Monaco, September 1985.

IAEA-F-1 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material F - l , Potassium Feldspar, IAEA,
Vienna, February 1978.

IAEA-H-5 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material H-5, Animal Bone, IAEA,
Vienna, October 1982.

IAEA-MA-A-1/OC International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Certificate of

Analysis for Reference Material MA-A-1/OC, Organic
Compounds in Copepod Homogenate, IAEA, Monaco.

IAEA-MA-A-1/TM International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material MA-A-1, Copepod Homogenate,
IAEA, Monaco.

IAEA-MA-A-2/TM International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material MA-A-2, Fish Flesh Homogenate,
IAEA, Monaco.

IAEA-MA-A-3/OC International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material MA-A-3/OC, Organic Compounds
in Shrimp Homogenate, IAEA, Monaco, January 1989.

IAEA-MA-B-3/OC International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material MA-B-3/OC, Organic Compounds
in Lyophilised Fish Tissue, IAEA, Monaco, January 1989.

IAEA-MA-B-3/RN International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Certificate for

Reference Material MA-B-3/RN, Radionuclides in Fish Flesh,
IAEA, Monaco, August 1987.
- 14 -

IAEA-NBS19 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-304, Calcium Carbonate
IAEA Enriched Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA,
Vienna, March 1990.

IAEA-SD-N-2 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material SD-N-2, Radionuclides in
Sediment, IAEA, Monaco, January 1986.

IAEA-SL-1 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material SL-1, Lake Sediment, IAEA,
Vienna, December 1979.

IAEA-SL-2 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Certificate for

Reference Material SL-2, Radionuclides in Lake Sediment,
IAEA, Vienna, May 1987.

IAEA-SOIL-6 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material Soil-6, Radionuclides in Soil,
IAEA, Vienna, April 1984.

IAEA-SOIL-7 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material SOIL-7, Soil, IAEA, Vienna, May

IAEA-V-8 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material V-8, Rye Flour, IAEA, Vienna,
January 1982.

IAEA-V-9 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material V-9, Cotton Cellulose, IAEA,
Vienna, March 1983.

IAEA-V-10 International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Information

Sheet for Reference Material V-10, Hay Powder, IAEA,
Vienna, July 1985.

IAEA-VSMOW International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria): Reference

Sheet for Reference Material IAEA-304, Water IAEA Enriched
Stable Isotope Reference Material, IAEA, Vienna, March 1990.

ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 Commission of Trace Analysis of the Committee for Analytical

Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of
Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Poland): Certificate for
the Polish Certified Reference Material CTA-AC-1, Apatite
Concentrate, Warszawa, Poland. (Undated).
- 15 -

ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 Commission of Trace Analysis of the Committee for Analytical

Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of
Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Poland): Certificate for
the Polish Certified Reference Material CTA-FFA-1, Fly Ash,
Warszawa, Poland. (Undated).

IRANT-ECH Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques

(CSSR): Report on Intercomparison, ECH, Coal Fly Ash,
Kosice, October 1984.

IRANT-ECO Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques

(CSSR): Certificate for the Czechoslovak Reference Material
ECO 12-1-04, Toxic and Essential Elements in Coal Fly Ash,
Kosice, April 1987.

IRANT-ENO Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques

(C3SR): Report on Intercomparison, ENO, Coal Fly Ash,
Kosice, October 1984.

IRANT-EOP Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques

(CSSR): Report on Intercomparison, EOP, Coal Fly Ash,
Kosice, October 1984.

IRANT-KHK Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques

(CSSR): Certificate for the Czechoslovak Reference Material
OK 12-1-06, Major and Trace Elements in Copper Smelting
Plant Flue Dust, Kosice, June 1988.

IRANT-OK Institute of Radioecology and Applied Nuclear Techniques

(CSSR): Certificate for the Czechoslovak Reference Material
OK 12-1-05, Major and Trace Elements in Steel Plant Flue
Dust, Kosice, April 1987.

KL-100-H Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for

Blood-Lead Control Material, Catalogue No. 0100, West
Caldwell, September 1989.

KL-100-L Same as for KL-100-H.

KL-100-M Same as for KL-100-H.

KL-110-H Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for

Urine-lead Control Material, Catalogue No. 0110, West
Caldwell, September 1989.

KL-110-L Same aa for KL-110-H.

- 16 -

KL-110-M Same as for KL-110-H.

KL-14O-I Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for

Heavy-Metal Urine Control Material, Catalogue No. 0140, West
Caldwell, September 1989 >

KL-14O-II Same as for KL-140-I.

KL-142-I Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for

Trace-Metal Urine Control Material, Catalogue No. 0142, West
Caldwell, September 1989.

KL-142-II Same as for KL-142-1.

KL-146-I Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for-

Trace-Metal Panal A Serum Control Material, Catalogue No.
0146, West Caldwell, September 1989.

KL-146-II Same as for KL-146-I.

KL-147-1 Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for

Trace-Metal Panal B Serum Control Material, Catalogue No.
0147, West Caldwell, September 1989.

KL-147-II Same as for KL-147-1.

KL-148-I Kaulson Laboratories Inc. (USA): Information Sheet for

Trace-Metal Panal C Serum Control Material, Catalogue No.
0148, West Caldwell, September 1989.

KL-148-II Same as for KL-148-I.

NIES-CRM-1OA National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan):

Information Sheet for NIES Certified Reference Material
CRM-10, Rice Flour, Unpolished, NIES, Tsuki*ba, May 1989.

NIES-CRM-1OB Same as for NIES-CRM-10A.

NIES-CRM-1OC Same as for NIES-CRM-10A.

NIES-CRM-2 National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan):

Information Sheet for NIES Certified Reference Material
CRM-2, Pond Sediment, NIES, Tsukuba, July 1981.

NIES-CRM-3 National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan):

Information Sheet for NIES Certified Reference Material
CRM-3, Chlorella, NIES, Tsukuba, December 1982.
- 17 -

NIES-CRM-7 National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan):

Information Sheet for NIES Certified Reference Material
CRM-7, Tea Leaves, NIES, Tsukuba, April 1986.

NIES-CRM-8 National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan):

Information Sheet for NIES Certified Reference Material
CRM-8, Vehicle Exhaust Particulates, NIES, Tsukuba, April

NIES-CRM-9 National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan):

Information Sheet for NIES Certified Reference Material
CRM-9, Sargasso, NIES, Tsukuba, May 1988.

NIRH-BARLEY Personal Communication of Dr. Johan Baarli, Director,

National Institute of Radiation Hygiene, Osteras, Norway,
February 1988.












NIST-RM-50 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Report of Investigation

for Research Material 50, Albacore Tuna, NBS, Washington,
May 12, 1977.

NIST-RM-8412 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Report of Analysis for

Reference Material 8412, Corn (Zea Mays) Stalk, NBS,
Washington. (Undated).
- 18 -

NIST-RM-8413 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Report of Analysis for

Reference Material 8412, Corn (Zea Mays) Kernel, NBS,
Washington. (Undated).

NIST-RM-8505 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Report of Investigation

for Research Material, 8505, Vanadium in Crude Oil, NBS,
Washington. (Undated).

NIST-SRM-1549 National Bureau of Standards (USA); Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1549, Non-Fat Milk Powder,
NBS, Washington, April 17, 1984.

NIST-SRM-1566 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1566, Oyster Tissue, NBS,
Washington, December 12, 1979.

'-L --SRM-1567a National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1567a, Wheat Flour, NBS,
Washington, September, 1988.

NIST-SRM-1568 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1568, Rice Flour, NBS,
Washington, January 3, 1978.

NIST-SRM-1569 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1569, Brewers Yeast, NBS,
Washington, September?, 1976.

NIST-SRM-1572 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1572, Citrus Leaves, NBS,
Washington, February 22, 1982.

NIST-SRM-1575 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1575, Pine Needles, NBS,
Washington, October 18, 1976.

NIST-SRM-1577A National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1577a, Bovine Liver, NBS,
Washington, March 5, 1982.

NIST-SRM-1632B National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1632b, Trace Elements in Coal
(Bituminous), NBS, Washington, June, 1985.

NIST-SRM-1634B National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1634b, Trace Elements in Coal
(Bituminous), NBS, Washington, June, 1985.

- 19 -

NIST-SRM-1633A National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1633a, Coal Fly Ash, NBS,
Washington, April 18, 1979.

NIST-SRM-1634B National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1634b, Fuel Oil, NBS,
Washington, February, 1986.

NIST-SRM-1635 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1635, Coal (Subbituminous),
NBS, Washington, August 22, 1979.

NIST-SRM-1641B National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1641b, Mercury in Water
(mg/ml), NBS, Washington, April 13, 1983.

NIST-SRM-1642B National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1642b, Mercury in Water
(ng/ml), NBS, Washington, July 15, 1982.

NIST-SRM-1643B National Bureau of Standards (USAV. Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1643b, Water, NBS,
Washington, May 18, 1984.

N1ST-SRM-1646 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1646, Estuarine Sediment,
NBS, Washington, June 7, 1982.

NIST-SRM-1648 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 1648, Urban Particulate
Matter, NBS, Washington, May 11, 1982.

N1ST-SRM-2670 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 2670, Freeze-Dried Urine,
NBS, Washington, February 28, 1984.

N1ST-SRM-2689 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 2689, Coal Fly Ash, NBS,
Washington, October, 1986.

NIST-SRM-2690 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 2690, Coal Fly Ash, NBS,
Washington, October,1986.

NIST-SRM-2691 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 2691, Coal Fly Ash, NBS,
Washington, October ,1986.
- 20 -

NIST-SRM-2704 National Bureau of Standards (USA): Certificate of Analysis

for Standard Reference Material 2704, Buffalo River
Sediment, NBS, Washington, June, 1987.

NRCC-BCSS-1 National Research Council Canada: Information Sheet for

Reference Material BCSS-1, MESS-1 and PACS-1, Marine
Sediments, Ottawa, January 1981.

NRCC-CASS-1 National Research Council Canada: Information Sheet for

Reference Material CA^.S-2, Nearshore Seawater Reference
Material for Trace Metals, Ottawa, January 1989.

NRCC-DOLT-1 National Research Council Canada: Information Sheet for

Reference Material DORM-1 and DOLT-1, Dogfish Muscle and
Liver Reference Materials for Trace Metals, Ottawa.

NRCC-DORM-1 Same as for NRCC-DOLT-1.

NRCC-MESS-1 Same as for NRCC-BCSS-1.

NRCC-NASS-2 National Research Council Canada: Information Sheet for

Reference Material NASS-2, Open Ocean Seawater Reference
Material for Trace Metals, Ottawa. (Undated).

NRCC-PACS-1 Same as for NRCC-BCSS-1.

NRCC-SLEW-1 National Research Council Canada: Information Sheet for

Reference Material SLEW-1, Estuarine Water Reference
Material for Trace Metals, Ottawa, October, 1988.

NRCC-TORT-1 National Research Council Canada: Information Sheet for

Reference Material TORT-1, Lobster Hepatopancreas, Ottawa,
October 1983.

NYCO-105 Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica (Norway): Information Sheet

for Seronorm, Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Batch No. 105,
Oslo, Norway, 1989.

NYCO-108 Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica (Norway): Information Sheet

for Seronorm, Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Batch No. 108,
Oslo, Norway, 1989.

NYCO-112 Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica (Norway): Information Sheet

for Seronorm, Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Batch No. 112,
Oslo, Norway, 1989.
- 21
NYCO-904 Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica (Norway): Information Sheet
for Seronorm, Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Batch No. 904,
Oslo, Norway, 1989.

NYCO-905 Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica (Norway): Information Sheet

for Seronorm, Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Batch No. 905,
Oslo, Norway, 1989.

NYCO-906 Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica (Norway): Information Sheet

for Seronorm, Trace Elements in Whole Blood, Batch No. 906,
Oslo, Norway, 1989.

SABS-SARM-18 South African Bureau of Standards (Republic of South

Africa): Certificate of Analysis for Certified Reference
Material SARM-18, Coal (Witbank), Pretoria, 1984.

SABS-SARM-19 South African Bureau of Standards (Republic of South

Africa): Certificate of Analysis for Certified Reference
Material SARM-19, Coal ( O . F . S . ) , Pretoria, 1984.

SABS-SARM-20 South African Bureau of Standards (Republic of South

Africa): Certificate of Analysis for Certified Reference
Material SARM-20, Coal (Sasolburg), Pretoria, 1984.

SHINR-HH Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, Academia Sinica

(People's Republic of China): Certificate of the Certified
Reference Material Human Hair, Shanghai, April 1988.
- 23 -

TABLE 1: Suppliers of biological and environmental reference materials

Abbreviated name
(this report) Full name and address

AMM Academy of Mining and Metallurgy

Institute of Physics and Nuclear
Al. Mickiewicza 30
PL-30-059 Krakow

AKC Dr. Jorma Kumpulainen

Agricultural Research Centre
Central Laboratory
SF-31600 Jokioinen

BCR Community Bureau of Reference (BCR)

Commission of the European Communities
200 Rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels

BOWEN Dr. H.J.M. Bowen

West Down
West Street
Winterborne Kingston
Dorset DT11 9AT
United Kingdom

CANMET Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy

Coordinator, CCRMP
555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario

CZIM Dr. J. Kucera

Nuclear Research Institute
25068 Rez (near Prague)

EPA U . S . Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Monitoring and Support
- 24 -

TABLE 1: (continued)

Abbreviated name
(this report) Full name and address
FISHER Fisher Scientific
International Division Headquarters
50 Fadem Road
Springfield, NJ 07081

GHENT Dr. Jacques Versieck

Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
University Hospital
De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Ghent

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

Analytical Quality Control Services
Laboratory Seibersdorf
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna
ICH Commission of Trace Analysis of the
Committee for Analytical Chemistry of the
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Dorodna 16
030195 Warszawa

IRANT Institute of Radioecology and Applied

Nuclear Techniques
Komenskeho 9
P.O. Box A-41
040 61 Kosice
C zechoslovakia
PZO Sluzba vyskumu
Konevova 131
130 86 Prague 3 - Zizkov
C zechoslovakia
KL Kaulson Laboratories Inc.
687-691 Bloomfield Avenue
West Caldwell, NJ 07006
- 25 -

TABLE 1: (continued)

Abbreviatf J name
(this report) Full name and address

NIES National Institute for Environmental

Japan Environment Agency
Yatabe-machi, Tsukuba
Ibaraki, 305

NIRH National Institute of Radiation Hygiene

Osterndalen 25
P.O. Box 55
N-1345 Osteras

NIST Standard Reference Materials

Room 205, Building 202
National Institute of Standards and
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
NRCC National Research Council Canada
Division of Chemistry

NYCO Nycomed Pharma, Diagnostica

P.O. Box 4284 Torshov
N-0401 Oslo 4

SABS South African Bureau of Standards

Private Bag X191
Pretoria 0001
Republic of South Africa

SHINR Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research

Academia Sinica
P.O. Box 8204
Shanghai 201849
People's Republic of China
- 27 -

TABLE 2: List of reference materials classified according to type of analyte and

type of material.


1.1. Biological Materials for Trace Element Studies

Body Fluids and Products

Animal Blood IAEA-A-13

Blood KL-100-H
Blood KL-100-L
tilood KL-100-M
Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-194
Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-195
Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-196
Lead in Blood (set of 4) NIST-SRM-955a,b,c,d
Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11
Milk Powder IAEA-153
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549
Serum KL-146-I
Serum KL-146-II
Serum KL-147-I
Serum KL-147-II
Serum KL-148-I
Serum KL-148-II
Serum NYCO-105
Serum NYCO-112
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151
Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063
Urine KL-110-H
Urine KL-110-L
Urine KL-110-M
Urine KL-140-I
Urine KL-140-II
Urine KL-142-I
Urine KL-142-II
Urine NYCO-108
Urine (Normal and Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670
Whole Blood NYCO-904
Whole Blood NYCO-905
Whole Blood NYCO-906
- 28 -

TABLE 2: (continued)

Other Animal (Terrestrial) and Human Tissues

Animal Bone IAEA-H-5
Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184
Human Hair SHINR-HH
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186

Marine Animals
Albacore Tuna N.iST-RM-50
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-l/TM
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566

Aquatic Plants
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061
Chlorella NJES-CRM-03
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279

Flours and Cereal Products

Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189

Other Terrestrial Plants

Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-09
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10
Kale BOWEN's Kale
Olive leaves BCRCRM-062
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575
Rye Flour IAEA-V-08
Tea. Leaves NIES-CRM-07
- 29 -

TABLE 2: (continued)

Other Biological Materials

Brewers Yeast NIST-SRM-1569
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a
Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD

1.2. Environmental Materials (Non-Biological) for Trace Element Studies

Ashes and Aerosols

City Waste BCR-CRM-176
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08

Coal BCR-CRM-040
Coal NIST-SRM-1635
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181
Crude Oil NlST-RM-8505
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182

Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1
- 30 -

TABLE 2: (continued)

Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1

Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704

Soils and Sludges

Board Coating Sludge FISHER-SRS009
Chrome Plating Sludge FISHER-SRS011
Diatomaceous Filter FISHER-SRS004
Electroplating Sludge FISHER-SRS010
Incinerated Sludge FISHER-SRS012
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146
Soil AMM-SO-1
Soil BCR-CRM-141
Soil BCR-CRM-142
Soil BCR-CRM-143

Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1
Feldspar IAEA-F-1

Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2
Waste water FISHER-SRS002
Water NIST-SRM-1641b
Water NIST-SRM-1642b
Water NIST-SRM-1643b


Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC


Air Filters IAEA-083

Animal Bone IAEA-A-12
- 31
TABLE 2: (continued)


Cultivated Pasture NIRH-CULT-PAST
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-B-3/RN
Fresh Water Fish NIRH-FISH
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-2
Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1
Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2
Milk Powder IAEA-A-14
Milk Powder IAEA-152
Reindeer Bone NIRH-REIND-BN
Reindeer Meat NIRH-REIND-MT
Sea Plant IAEA-307
Sea Weeds IAEA-308
Uncultivated Pasture NIRH-UNCUL-PAST
Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-1
Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-2
Whey Powder IAEA-154


Ammonium Sulfate IAEA-305

Ammonium Sulfate IAEA-311
Calcium Carbonate IAEA-NBS19
Sodium Bicarbonate IAEA-303
Urea IAEA-310
UL Glucose IAEA-309
Water IAEA-302
Water IAEA-304
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements sorted in order of the code number of the reference material. Concentrations are
quoted on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted by an asterisk in column T. See text, section 3, for further explanations of
the column headings.

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) I Element T mg/kg (*=mo/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

AHC/CL-AM Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-TD Total Diet BCR-CRM-060 Aquatic Plant (cont:)
Unit Size: 50g $50 Unit Size: 20g $50
Mn C 1759 275"
Ca 150 6.7 a Ca 2860 4.3 a N N 41200
c 0.022 a Cd c 0 .021 14.3 a Na N 6700
c 2.68
10.4 a Cu
c 3 .18 5.9 a P N 5160
c 52. 8 10.4 a Fe
c 30 .4 2.9 a Pb C 63.8 5.0
c c
Hg c 0. 022 13.6 a Hg c 0 .0066 54.5 a S N 5200
Mg c 1010 3.9 a K c 9420 3.2 a Si N 28500
Mn c 0. 30 8.0 a Mg c 785 3.2 a Ti N 240
Mo c a.034 47.1 a Mn c 12 .9 4.5 a Zn r 313 2.6
Pb c 0.089 14.8 a Mo c 0 .262 13.4 a
Se c 0. 394 7.9 a Na c 7870 7.2 a
Zn c 104 2.9 a Ni c 0 .271 14.0 a BCR-CRM-061 Aquatic Plant
Pb c 0 .043 18.6 a Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70
Se c 0 .181 9.4 a
ARC/CL-MP Milk Powder Zn c 28 .9 4.5 a Al K 17100
Ca N 16900
Cd C 1.07 7.5 a I
Ca 13000 2.2 a ARC/CL-WF Wheat Flour Cl N 2300
Cd c
N <2 Unit Size: 50g $50 CU C 720 4.3 a

Cu C 0. 59 25.4 a Fe K 9300
Fe c 4. 54 18.9 a Ca C 210. 23.8 a Hg C 0.23 8.7 a
Hg N <1 Cd C 0.039 10.3 a K N 12500
Mg C 1230 2.4 a Cu 2.48 12.5 a Mg N 3900
C 0. 44 22.7 a Fe c 51 11.8 a Mn C 3771
Mo 0.49 <1 N N 33500 2.1 a
c 6.1 3 Hg N
c 0. 017 23.5 a Mg C 570 3.5 a Na N 3000
Se 0. 082 9.8 a N 922C
Zn c Mn C 13.0 2.3 a P
c 41. 7 2.6 a Mo C 0.26 7.7 a Pb C 64.4
N 2300 5.4 a
Ni C 0.12 25.8 a S
Pb C 0.018 33.3 a Si N 75300
ARC/CL-PP Potato Powder Se C 0.059 15.3 a Ti N 780
Unit Size: 50g $50 Zn C 14.6 4.5 Zn C 566
2.3 a
Ca c 90 66.7 a
Cd c 0 .035 5.7 a BCR-CRM-060 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-06 2 Olive leaves
Cu c 3 .9 4.6 a Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70 Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70
Fe c 22 9.1 a
Mg c 750 2.1 a Al N 6140 Al N 260
Mr. c 8 .1 3.7 a Ca N 30900 Ca N 17500
MO c 0 .21 23.8 a Cd C 2.20 4.5 a Cd C 0.10 20 a
Ni c 0 .193 22.3 a Cl N 10000 Cl N 700
Pb c 0 .026 11.5 a Cu C 51.2 3.7 a Cu C 46.6 3.9 a
Se N <c .005 Fe N 2400 Fe N 280
Zn C 9 .0 3.3 a Hg C 0.34 12 a Hg C 0.28 7.1 a
K N 11400 K N 3100
Mg N 6030 Mg N 1200
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error Concentration Error

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

BCR-CRM-062 Olive leaves (cont:) BCR-CRM-150 Skim Milk powder (cont:) BCR-CRM-186 Pig Kidney
Unit Size: 15g Min.Wt: 200mg $60
Mn C 57.0 4.2 a Se K 0 .127
N N 19500 Tl N 0 .001 As C 0.06 3 14 a
Na N 70 Zn N 49 .500 Ca K 295
P N 1050 Cd C 2.71 5.5 a
Pb C 25.0 6.0 a Cl N 9400
S N 1600 BCR-CRM-151 Skiir. Milk powder Cr N 0.058
Si N 1300 Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: lOOmg $45 Cu C 31.9 1.3 a
Ti N 240 Fe C 299 3.3 a
Zn 16.0 4.4 Cd C 0.101 7 .9 a Hg C 1.97 2.0 a
Co K 0.006 I N 0.145
Cu C 5.23 1 .5 a K N 12600
BCR-CRM-063 Skim Milk Powder Fe C 50.1 2 .6 a Mg N 829
Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: lOOmg $65 Hg C 0.101 9 .9 a Mn C 8.5 3.5 a
I C 5.35 2 .6 a Na N 710C
Ca 12600 2.4 a Mn N 0.223 Ni N 0.42
c 0 .0029 41 Ni N
Cd c a 0.056 P N 12200
Cl c 10700 2.8 a Pb C 2.002 1 .3 a Pb C 0.306 3.6 a
Co N 0 .0062 Se N 0.125 Se C 10.3 4.9 a CO
Cu C 0 .545 5.5 a Tl N 0.0008 Zn c 123 2.3 a
Fe C 2 .06 12 a Zn N 50.4 i
Hg C 0 .001 40 a
K c 17800 3 .9 a BCR-CRM-189 Wholemeal Flour
Mg c 1120 2 .7 a BCR-CRM-184 Bovine Muscle Unit Size: 40g Min.Wt: 200mg S45
Mn N 0 .226 Unit Size: 15g Min.Wt: 200mg S60
N c 58800 1 .6 a As N 0.018
Na c 4570 3.5 a As 0. 026 Ca N 520
Ni N 0 .0112 Ca 150 Cd C 0.0713 4.2
P c 10400 2 .9 a Cd 0. 013 15 Cl N 700
Pb c 0 .1045 2 .9 a Cl 2000 Cr N 0.057
Se N 0 .088 Cr 0. 0"/6 Cu C 6.4 3.1 a
Tl N 0 .0013 Cu 2. 36 2.5 Fe C 68.3 2.8 a
Zn N 42 Fe 79 2.5 Hg N 0.001
Hg 0. 0026 23 K K 6300
I 0. 04 Mg N 1900
BCR-CRM-150 Skim Milk powder K 16600 Mn C 63.3 2.5 a
Unit Size: 3Cg Min.Wt: lOOmg $45 Mg 1020 Na N 40
Mn 0. 334 8.4 Ni N 0.38
Cd C 0.0218 6.4 a Na 2000 Pb C 0.379 3.2 a
Co N 0.00f4 Ni 0. 27 Se C 0.132 7.6 a
Cu C 2.230 3.6 a P 8300 Zn C 56.5 3.0 a
Fe C 11.8 5.1 a Pb 0, 239 4.6 a
Hg C 0.0094 18 a Se 0, 183 6.6 a
I c 1.29 7.0 a Zn 166 1.8 a
Mn N 0.236
Ni N 0.0615
Pb C 1.00 4.0 a
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error E Concentration Error

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) 4 Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

BCR-CRM-191 Brown Bread BCR-CRM-273 Single Cell Protein (cont:) BCR-CRM-27 9 Sea Lettuce (cont = »
Unit Size: 40g Min.Wt: 200mg $45
N N 121000 Cu C 13.14 2.8 a
AS N 0 .023 Na N 44 Fe N 2400
Ca N 410 P C 26800 1.5 Hg N 0.05
Cd C 0 .0284 4.9 S N 10200 I N 154
Cl N 16500 K N 13000
Cr N 0 .068 N N 20800
Cu C 2 .6 3.8 a BCR-CRM-274 Single Cell Protein P N 1800
Fe C 40 .7 5.7 a Unit Size: lOg Min.Wt: lOOmg $60 Pb C 13.48 2.7 a
Hg N 0 .002 Se C 0.593 5.4 a
K N 3100 As C 0.132 To a~~ Zn c 51.3 2.3 a
Mg N SOO Cd C 0.030 6.7 a
Mn C 20 .3 3.4 Co C 0.039 7.7 a
Na N 10000 Cu C 13.1 3.1 a BOWEN's Kale
Ni N 0 .44 F N 17.6 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $75
Pb C 0 .187 7.5 a I N 0.021
Zn C 19 .5 2.6 a Mn C 51.9 2.3 a Ag N 0.33
Ni N 0.3 Al N 39.9 25 2 1
Pb C 0.044 22 a AS N 0.131 34 2 W
BCR-CRM-194 Bovine Blood Se C 1.03 4.9 a AU N 0.00205 33 2 Oi
Unit Size: lg $20 Zn C 42.7 2.3 a B C 49.0 13 2 i
Ba N 4.86 16 2
Cd C* 0.0005 20 Br C 24.9 9.9 2
Pb C* 0.126 3.2 BCR-CRM-278 Mussel Tissue C K 448000 6.8 2
Unit Size: 35g Min.Wt: lOOmg Ca C 41060 5.4 2
Cd K 0.889 28 2
BCR-CRM-195 Bovine Blood As 5.9 3.4 a Ce N 0.210
Unit Size: lg $20 Cd
c 0.34 Cl C 3560 12 2
c 5.9 a
17 2
Cr c 0.80 10 a Co C 0.0632
Cd C* 0.00537 4.5 Cu c 9.60 1.7 a Cr N 0.369 27 2
Pb C* 0.416 2.2 Fe c 133 3.0 a Cs C 0.0763 7.7 2
Hg c 0.188 3.7 a Cu C 4.89 13 2
Mr c 7.3 2.7 a Eu N 0.00665
BCR-CRM-196 Bovine Blood Pb c 1.91 2.1 a F C 5.87 17 2
Unit Size: lg $20 Se c 1.66 2.4 a Fe C 119.3 12 2
Zn 2.6 a Ga N 0.0267 8.1 2
Cd C* 0.0124 4.0
c 76
H N 5680C
Pb C* 0.772 1.4 Hf N 0.013
BCR-CRM-279 Sea Lettuce Hg C 0.171 16 2
Unit Size: 35g Min.Wt: lOOmg $45 i N 0.137
BCR-CRM-273 Single Cell Protein ___ In N 0.00C62 3.2 2
Unit Size: lOg $60 As C 3 .09 K C 24370 6.0 2
Br N 345 La C 0.0864 15 2
Ca C 11970 1.2 a C N 320000 Li N 1.56
Fe C 156 2.6 a Ca N 27000 LU N 0.02
K C 2220 2.3 a Cd C 0 .274 8.0 Mg C 1605 11 2
Mg C 2700 3.7 a Cr N 10 .7 Mn N 14.82 11 2
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/'kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

BOWEN's Kale (cont:) CZIM-LIVER Bovine Liver (cont:) IAEA-A-11 Milk Powder
Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: lOOmg S40
Mo 2.27 16 2 Rb 16.0 16"
c 3 .4 S 7734
N c 42790
2 Sb 0.033
As C 0.00485 4.1 0
Na c 2366 Ca C 12900 6.2 a
Ni N C.895 15 2 Se 0.325 4.3 Cd c 0.0017 11 0
0 N 397000 Sn C.53 Cl c 9080 19 a
P C 4480 3 .6 2 Sr 0.83 Co c 0.0045 17 0
Pb N 2.49 23 2 V 0.26 Cr c 0.0177 21 0
Rb C 53.4 10 2 Zn 162 3.7 Cu c 0.378 8.2 0
Ru N 0.0045 Fe c 3.65 20 a
S C 15660 14 2 Hg c 0.0032 18 0
Sb N 0.0685 21 2 EPA-FISH Fish I c 0.087 6.9 0
Sc N 0.00948 Min.Wt: 2g K c 17200 5.8 a
Se M 0.134 15 2 Mg c 1100 7.3 a
Si N 249 29 2 As 2.43 32 a Mn c 0.257 2.3 0
Sm N 0.067 Cd 0.16 50 a Mo c 0.092 9.8 0
Sn N 0.221 Cr 0.58 65 a Na c 4420 7.5 a
Sr N 75.7 39 2 Cu 2.21 29 a Ni N 0.054 51 0
Th N 0.0104 9 .8 2 Hg 2.52 25 a P c 9100 11 a
U N 0.0117 23 2 Ni 0.54 51 a Pb c 0.054 18 0
V C 0.386 15 2 Pb 0.26 69 a Rb c 30.8 20 a
w N 0.0606 11 2 Se 0.37 51 a Se c 0.0339 21 a
Zn C 32.29 8 .5 2 Zn 43.6 9.4 a Zn c 38.9 5.9 a

CZIM-LIVER Bovine Liver GHENT-SERUM Human Serum IAEA-A-13 Animal Blood

Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: 200mg $80

Ag N 0.29 Al C C.0202 14 a Er C 22 11 a*
As N 0.11 As C 0.0196 20 a Ca c 266 19 a*
Br N 8.6 19 a Br C 48.8 7.8 a Cu c 4. 3 13 a*
Ca N 168 cd C 0.0C20 2C a Fe c 2C0C 6.3 a*
Cd C 0.48 6.3 a Co c C.0036 16 a K c 2300 14 a*
Cl N 2870 Cr c 0.00076 13 a Mg 99 29 a*
Co N 0.37 8.1 a Cs c 0.010 23 a Na c 12600 7.5 a*
Cr N 0.044 Cu c 11.1 3.6 a Ni N 1 40 a*
Cs N 0.047 Fe c 25.9 5.8 a p N 940 23 a*
Cu C 26.3 6.1 a Mr. c 0.0077 3.9 a Pb H 0. 18 44 a*
Fe N 495 5.7 a Mo c 0.0075 10 a Rb 2. 3 30 a*
Hg C 0.37 5.4 a Rb c 1.85 17 a S c 6500 8.5 a*
K N 12800 4.7 a Se c 1.05 4.8 a Se c 0. 24 33 a*
La N 0.07 Zr. c 9.6 4.2 a Zn c 13 7.7 a*
Mg N 650
Mn C 7.6 6.6 a
Mo N 3.5 17 a
Na N 2185 18 a
Pb C 0.71 11 a
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) » Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) i
=========== == =

IAEA-H-5 ,ftnimal Bone 1AEA-MA-A-2/TM Fish Flesh (cont:) IAEA-V-9 Cotton Cellulose (cont: )
Unit Size: 2 x 15g Min.wt: lOOmg $40
Ni C 1. J. 18 a Hf H 0.002
Ba C 79 16 a Pb c 0.58 12 a Hg C 0.06 33 a*
Br C 3.5 14 a Sb c 0.005 20 a Li N 0.024
Ca c 212000 3.8 a Se c 1. 7 17 a Mg C 53 20 a*
Cl c 550 18 a Zn c 33 3.0 a Mn C 0. 15 30 a*
Fe c 79 7.5 a Mo C 0.034 28 a*
K c 680 17 a Na c 56 13 a*
Mg c 3550 2.5 a IAEA-V-8 Rye Flour Ni c 0.09 61 a*
Na c 5000 5.6
a Unit Size:: 50g Min.Wt:: 200mg $40 Pb c 0.25 22 a*
P c 102000 a S N 54
Pb c 3.1 18 a Al N 3 Sc N 0.009
Sr c 96 8.6 a Au N 0.,0034 Se N 0..015
Zn c 89 5.9 a Ba N 0..2 Sm N 0.003
Br C 0..38 18 a Sn K 0.6
Ca c 149 6.7 a Sr C 0.65 32 a*
IAEA-MA-A-1/TM Copepoda Cd N 0..017 Th N 0.,004
Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: lOOmg $40 Cl C 570 19 a V N 0..05 I
Co N 0,.0025 V N 0..09
*g C 0.33 16 a Cs N 0..002
As C 6.7 9.0 a Cu C 0..95 20 a
Cd C 0.75 4.0 a Fe C 4..1 17 a IAEA-V-10 Hay Powder
Co c 0.12 8.3 a K c 1925 7.0 a Unit Size : 50g Min.Wt:: lOOmg $8CI
Cr c 1.1 18 a Mg c 121 7.4 a
Cu c 7.6 2.6 a Mn c 2 .06 5.8 a Al N 47
Fe c 60 3.3 a Mo N 0 .12 Ba C 6 25 a*
Hg r 0.28 3.6 a Na N 2 .5 Br c 8 25 a*
Mn C 2.9 6.9 a P C 592 15 a Ca c 21600 2. 8 a*
Ni c 1.9 1C a Rb C 0 .48 15 a Cd c 0 .03 50 a*
Pb c i.l 14 a S N 620 Co c 0 .13 12 a*
Sb c 0.07 42 a Sb N 0 .0026 Cr c 6 .5 12 a*
Se c 3.0 6.7 a Zr. C 2 .53 13 a Cs N 0 .017
Zn c 158 1.3 a Cu C 9 .4 4.,8 a*
Eu K 0 .0024
IAEA-V-9 Cotton Cellulose Fe C 185 3.,5 a*
IAEA-MA-A-2/TH Fish Flesh Unit Size : 25g Min.Wt: 200mg $80 Hg C 0 .01? 27 a*
Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: lOOmg $40 K N 21000
Al N 44 La N 0 .07
Ag c 0.10 10 a Ba C 9 .0 33 a* Mg C 1360 4.,4 a*
As c 2.6 3.8 a Br N 0 .17 Mn N 47
Cd c 0.066 6.1 a Ca c 240 8.3 a* Mo C 0 .9 28 a*
Co c 0.08 12 a Cd N 0 .002 Na N 500
Cr c 1.3 7.7 a Cl c 600 13 a* Ni C 4.0 14 a*
Cu c 4.0 2.5 a Cr c 0 .11 27 a* p C 2300 8 .7 a*
Fe c 54 1.9 a Cu c 0 .59 40 a* Pb c 1 .6 34 a*
Hg c 0.47 4.3 a Fe N 11 Rb c 7 .6 3.3 a*
Mn c 0.81 4.9 a Ga N 0 .01 Sb N 0 .020
Table 3: Biological reference materials £01 trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

IAEA-V-10 Hay Powder (cont:) KL-110-L Urine KL-146-I Serum

Unit Size: 4 x 5ml $30 Unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: 7 $50
Sc 0.U14 11
N 0.022 Pb C* 0.15 47 Cu C* 0.7 21 0
Sr C 40 8.8 Pe C* 1 20 0
Zn C 24 13 Zn c* 1.3 19 0
KL-110-M Urine
Unit Size: 4 x 5ml $40
IAEA-153 Milk Powder KL-146-II Serum
Unit Size: 50g Hin.Wt: 300mg S40 Pb C* 0.5 20 unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: 7 $50

Br C 12.3 10 a Cu C* 1.5 20 0
Ca C 12800 3 .1 a* KL-140-I Urine Fe c* 2 20 0
Fe c 2.53 34 a Unit Size: 4 x 5ml $50 Zn c* 1.2 20 0
K c 17600 6 .3 a
Mg c 1060 8 .5 a* As C* 0.05 25 0
Na c 4180 7 .4 a* Cd C* 0.01 25 0 KL-147-I Serum
p c 10100 10 a* Hg C* 0.02 25 0 Unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: 7 $75
Rb c 14.0 15 a* 1
Zn c 39.6 4 .8 a* Al C* 0.35 17 0 CO
KL-140-II Urine Mg C* 15 66 0 00
Unit Size: 4 x 5ml S50 Mn C* 0.03 33 0
KL-100-H Blood
Unit Size: 4 x Sml £$40 As C* 0.15 20 0
Cd C* 0.03 20 0 KL-147-II Serum
Pb 0.95 21 Hg C* 0.06 20 0 Unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: ? $75

Al c* 0 .7 21 0
KL-100-L Blood KL-142-I Urine Mg c* 15 66 0
Unit Size: 4 x 5ml $30 Unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: ? $75 Mn c* 0 .04 37 n
Pb C* 0.2 30 Be C* 5 50 0
Cr C* 10 50 0 KL-148-I Serum
Ni C* 10 50 0 unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: ? $95
KL-100-M Blood Se C* 20 37 0
Unit Size: 4 x 5ml $30 Be C* 0.025 80 0
Cr C* 0.075 80 0
C* 0.45 22 KL-142-II Urine Ni C* 0.03 66 0
Unit Size:; 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: ? $75 Se C* 0.15 40 0
K L - U O - H Urine Be C* O.i 50 0
Unit Size: 4 x 5ml $40 Cr C* 0.2 37 0 KL-148-II Serum
Ni C* 0.2 37 0 Unit Size: 4 x 5ml Min.Wt: ? $95
Pb C* 1.1 16 se C* 0.5 20 0
Be C* 0.03 66 0
Cr C* 0.15 40 0
Ni C* 0.05 40 0
Se C* 0.25 24 0
Table 3s Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) i Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

NIES-CRM-9 Sargasso NIES-CRM-10A Rice Flour (cont:)

Unit Size: lOg Min.Wt: 400mg Free
NIES-CRM-3 Chlorella Hg N 0.004
Unit Size: 36g Min.Wt: 300mg Free Ag 0.31 b.b b K C 2800 2.9
N 215 Mg C 1340 6.0
Ca 4900 6.1 As C 115 7.8 b Mn C 34.7 5.2
N 0 .026 Br N 270 Mo r 0.35 14
Co C 0 .87 5.7 Ca C 13400 3 .7 b Na c 1C.2 2.9
cu C 3 .5 8.6 Cd C 0.15 n b Ni c 0.19 15
Fe C 1850 5.4 Cl N 51000 P c 3400 2.1
K C 12400 4.8 CO C 0.12 8.3 Rb c 4.5 6.7
Mg C 3300 6.1 Cr N 0.2 Se N 0.06
Mn c 69 7.2 Cs N 0.04 Sr N 0.3
P N 17000 Cu C 4.9 4.1 Zn C 25.2 3.2
Pb N 0 .60 Fe C 187 3.2
Sc N 0 .013 Hg N 0.04
Sr C 40 7.5 I N 520 NIES-CRM-10B Rice Flour
Zn C 20 .5 4.9 K C 61000 3.3 Unit Size: see 10A Min.Wt: 400mg
Mg C 6500 4.6
Mn C 21.2 4.7 Al N 2
HIES-CRM-7 Tea Leaves Na C 17000 4.7 As N 0 .11 w
Unit Si2e: 22g Min.Wt: 250mg Free P N 2600 Br N 0 .5 i
Pb C 1.35 3.7 Ca C 78 3.8 b
Al c 775 2.6 b Rb C 24 8.3 Cd C 0 .32 6.3 b
Ba N 5 .7 S N 12000 Cl N 310
Ca c 3200 3.8 b Sb N 0. 04 Co N 0 .02
Cd c 0 .030 10 b Sc B 0. 09 Cr N 0 .22
Co N 0 .12 Se V 0.05 Cu C 3 .3 6.1 b
C: K 0 .15 Sr c 1000 3.0 Fe C 13 .4 6.7 b
Cs N 0 .022 Ti N 9 Hg N 0 .003
Cu C 7 .0 4.3 b U N 0. 4 K C 2450 4.1 b
K C 18600 3.8 b V C 1. 0 10 b Mg C 1310 4.6 b
Mg 1530 3.9 b Zn C 15..6 7.7 b Mn C 31 ^ c; 5.1 b
Mn c 700 3.6 b Mo c 0 .42 11 b
Ma c 15 .5 9.7 b Na c 17 .8 2.2 b
Ni c 6 .5 4.6 b NIES-CRM-10A Rice Flour Ni c 0 .39 10 b
P N 3700 Unit Size: set 3 x 60g Min.Wt: 400mg Free p c 3150 1.9 b
Pb C 0 .80 3.7 b _ Rb c 3 .3 9.1 b
Sb N 0 .014 N 3 Se s 0 .02
Sc N 0 .011 As N 0.17 Sr N 0 .3
Sr N 3 .7 Br N 0.3 Zn c 22 .3 4.0
Zn c 33 9.1 h Ca C 93 3.2 b
Cd C 0.023
0 .023 13 b
Cl N 260 NIES-CRM-10C Rice Flour
Co N 0 .02 Unit Size: see 10A Min.Wt: 400mg
Cr N 0 .07
Cu C 3 .5
3.5 8.6 b Al 1.5
Fe C 12 .7
12.7 5.5 b AS 0.15
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element mg/kg (*=mg/L) Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=ir.g/L) %

NIES-CRM-10C Rice Flour (cont:) NIST-RM-8412 Corr. Stalk (cont:) NIST-SRM-1549 Milk Powder
_ _ Unit Size: lOOg Min.Wt: 500mg $173
Br N 0 .5 N 6970
Ca C 95 2.1 C 26 28 a Ag N <0 .0003
Cd C 1.82 3.3 Se C 0.016
0.016 50 a Al N 2
Cl N 230 Sr C 12 16 a As N 0 .0019
Co N 0 .007 Zn c
C 32 9.4 a Br N 12
Cr N 0.08 Ca C 13000 3.8 a
Cu C 4 .1 7.3 b Cd c 0 .0005 40 a
Fe C 11 .4 7.0 b NIST-RM-8413 Corn Kernel c: c 10900 1 .8 a
Hg N 0 .005 Unit Size: 47g Min.Wt: 500mg $64 Co N 0.0041
K C 2750 3.6 b Cr C 0 .0026 27 a
Mg C 1250 6.4 b Al N 4 50 a Cu C 0 .7 14 a
Mn C 40 .1 5.0 b Ca C 42 11 a F N 0 .20
Mo C 1 .6 6.3 b Cl N 450 26 a Fe c 1 .78 5 .6
Na C 14 .0 2.9 b Cu C 3 .0 20 a Hg c 0 .0003 67 a
Ni C 0 .30 10 b F N 0 .24 8.3 a I c 3 .38 0 .6 a
p C 3350 2.4 b Fe C 23 21 a K c 16900 1 .8 a
Rb C 5.7 5.3 b K C 3570 10 a Mg c 1200 2 .5 a i
Se N 0 .07 Mg C 990 8.3 a Mn c 0 .26 23 a
Sr N 0 .2 Mn c 4 .0 7.5 a Mo N 0 .34 O
Zn C 23 .1 3.5 M N 13750 3.1 a Na c 4970 2 .0 a I
Se C 0 .004 50 a p c 10600 1 .9 a
Zn C 15 .7 8.9 a Pb c 0 .019 16 a
NIST-RM-50 Albacore Tuna Rb N 11
Unit Size: 2 x 35g Min.Wt: 250mg $103 S c 3510 1 .4 a
NIST~RM-8431a Mixed Diet Sb N 0 .00027
As N 3 .3 12 Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: 250mg $118 Se C 0.11 9 .0 a
Hg N 0 .95 10 Si N <50
K N 12200 Al c 4 .39 24 a Sn N <0 .02
Mn N 1 .3 As c 0 .924 37 a Zn C 46 .1 4 .8 a
Ha N 1100 Ca c 1940 7 .2 a
Pb N 0 .46 Cd c 0 .042 26 a
Se N 3 .6 11 Co c 0 .038 21 a NIST-SRM-1566 Oyster Tissue
Zn N 13 7.4 Cr c 0 .102 5 .9 a Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: 250mg $112
Cu c 3 .36 9 .8 a
Fe c 37 7 .0 a Ag c 0 .89 10 a
NIST-RM-$412 Corn Stalk K c 7900 5 .3 a As c 13 .4 14 a
Unit Size: 34g Min.Wt: 200mg $64 Mg c 650 6 .2 a Br N 55
Mn c 8 .12 3 .8 a Ca C 1500 13 a
Ca C 2160 3 .7 a Mo c 0 .288 10 a Cd C 3 .5 11 a
Cl C 2440 5 .7 a Na c 3120 5 .1 a Cl N 10000
Cu C 8 12 a Ni c 0 .644 23 a Co N 0 .4
F N 0.65 20 a P c 3320 9.3 a Cr C 0.69 39 a
Fe C 139 10 a Se c 0 .242 12 a Cu C 63 .0 5.6 a
K C 17350 2 .7 a Zn c 17 .0 3 .5 a F N 5 .2
Mg c 1600 4 .4 a Fe C 195 17 a
Mn c 15 13 a Hg c 0 .057 26 a
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) » Element T nag/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

NIST-SRM-1566 Oyster Tissue (cont:) NIST-SRM-1567a Wheat Flour (cont:) NIST-SRM-1572 Citrus Leaves (cont:)

I N 2. 8 V N 0 .0110 Cr 0. 8 25
K C 9690 0. 5 a W N 0 .0008 Cs
N 0. 098
Mg c 1280 7. 0 a Zn r 11 .6 3.4 Cu C 16. 5 6. 1 a
17. 5 6. 9 a Eu N 0. 01
N <0. 2 Fe C 90 11 a
Na C 5100 5. 9 a NIST-SRM-1568 Rice Flour Hg C 0. 08 25 a
Ni C 1. 03 18 a Unit Size: 80g Min.Wt: 400mg S130 c 1. 84 16 a
p N 8100 K c 18200 3. 3 a
Pb C 0. 48 8. 3 a As c 0. 41 12 0 La N 0. 19
Rb C 4. 45 2..0 a Br N 1 Mg C 5800 5. 2 a
S N 7600 Ca C 140 14 0 Mn C 23 8. 7 a
Se C 2. 1 24 a Cd c 0. 029 14 0 Mo C 0. 17 53 a
Sr C 10. 36 5. 4 a Cc c 0, 02 50 0 N N 28600
Th N 0. 1 Cu c 2. 2 14 0 Na C 160 13 a
Tl N <0. 005 Fe r 8. 6.9 0 Ni C 0. 6 50 a
U C 0. 116 5.,2 a Hg C 0. 0060 12 0 P c 1300 15 a
V C 2.,3 4..3 a K C 1120 1.8 0 Pb c 13. 3 18 a
Zn c 852 1..6 a Mn C 20. 1 2.0 0 Rb c 4. 84 1. 2 a
Mo N 1. 6 S c 4070 2. 2 a
Na C 6. 0 25 0 Sb N 0. 04
NIST-SRM-1567a Wheat Flour Ni N 0. 16 Sc N 0. 01
Unit Size: 80g Min.Wt:: SOOmg $198 Pb C 0. 045 22 Se N 0. 025
Rb N 7 Sm N 0..052
Al C 5,,7 22 a Se C 0. 40 25 0 Sn N 0. 24
As N 0,.006 Te N <0. 002 Sr C 100 2. 0 a
Br N 6 C 19. 4 5.2 Te N 0..02
Ca C 191 2 .1 a Tl N <0.,01
Cd C 0,.026 7 ,7 a U N <0.,15
Cl N 565 NIST-SRM-1569 Brewers Yeast Zn C 29 6. 9 a
Co N 0 .006 Unit Size: 50g Min.Kt: 150mg $110
Cu C 2 .1 9 .5 a
Fe C 14 .1 3 .5 a Cr 2.12 2.4 NIST-SRM-1575 Pine Needles
Hg N 0 .0005 Unit Size: 70g Min.Kt: 500mg S128
X N 0 .0009
K C 133D 2 .3 a NIST-SRM-1572 Citrus Leaves Al 545 5.5
Mg C 400 5 .0 a As
c 0.21 19
Unit Size: 70g Min.Wt: SOOmg S126 c
Mn c 9 .4 9 .6 a Br N 9
Mo c 0 .48 6 .3 a Al 92 16 Ca C 4100 4.9
Na c 6 .1 13 a As 3.1 9.7 Cd N <0.5
P c 1340 4 .5 a Ba 21 14 Ce N C.4
Pb N <0 .020 Br 8.2 Co N 0.1
Rb C 0 .68 4 .4 a Ca 31500 3.2 Cr C 2.6 7.7
S C 1650 1 .2 a Cd 0.03 Cu C 3.0 10
Se C 1 • J. 18 a Ce 0.28 Eu K 0.006
Sn N 0 .0033 Cl 414 Fe C 200 5.0
U N 0 .0003 Co 0.02 Hg C 0.15 33
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg'L) * Element mg/kg (*=mg.'L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

NIST-SRM-1575 Pine Needles (cont:) NIST-SRM-9S5a Lead in Blood

Unit Size: set of 4 Min.Wt: lOOmg $166
K 3700 5 .4 0 NIST-SRM-2670 Urine (Normal)
c Unit Size: set 2 x 20ml S232
La N 0 .2 Pb 0.057
Mn C 675 2 .2 0 __
N N 12000 N* 0.18
Ni N 3.5 As N* 0.015 NIST-SRK-955b Lead in Blood
P C 120C 17 0 Be N* <0.0005 Unit Size: see 955a Min.Wt: lOOmg
Pb C 10 .6 4 .6 c Ca C*
C* 105
105 4.8
Rb C 11 .7 0 .9 0 Cd N* 0.0004 Pb C* 0.305 1.0
Sb N 0 .02 Cl N* 4400
Sc N 0 .03 Cr N* 0.013
Sr C 4 .8 4 .2 0 Cu C*
C* 0.13
0.13 15 NIST-SRM-955c Lead in Blood
Th C 0 .037 8 .1 0 Hg N* 0.002 Unit Size: see 955a Min.Wt: lOOmg
Tl N 0 .05 K N* 1500
U C 0 .020 20 0 Mg C* 63
63 4.8 a Pb C* 0.494 1.6
Mn N* 0.03
Na C*
C* 2620 5.3
NIS?-SRM-1577a Bovine Liver Ni N* 0.07 NIST-SRM-955d Lead in Blood
Unit Si2e: 50g Min.Wt: 250mg $146 Pb N* 0.01 Unit Size: see 955a Min.Wt: lOOmg
Pt N* <0.01 to
Ag 0. 04 25 S N* 434 Pb 0.732 1.0
Al 2 Se C*
C* 0.03
0.03 27
As 0. 047 13
Br 9 NRCC-DOLT-1 Dogfish Liver
Ca 120 5 8 NIST-SRM-2670 Urine (Spiked) Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: 250mg $85
ca 0. 44 14 Unit Size: see normal
2800 3.5 As C 10. 1 13 a
Cl 24
0. 21 Al N* 0.18 Cd c 4. 18 6. 7 a
158 4.4 As C* 0.48 21 Cl c 6880 3. 2 a
194 10 Be N* 0.033 Co c 0. 157 23 a
0. 004 SO Ca C* 105 4.8 a Cr c 0. 40 17 a
9960 0.7 Cd C* 0.088 3.4 a Cu c 2C. 8 5.8 a
60C 2.5 Cl N* 4400 Fe c 712 6.7 a
9. 8.1 Cr C* 0.085 7.1 a rig c C. 225 16 a
3. 14 Cu C* 0.37 8.1 a Methyl Hg C 0. 080 13 a
N N 107000 Hg C* 0.105 7.6 a K C 10100 9.9 a
Na C 2<30 5.3 K N* 1500 Mg C HOC 13 a
P C 11.00 3.6 Mg C* 63 4.8 a Mn C 8.72 6.1 a
Pb C 0. 135 11 Mn N* 0.33 Na C 7260 10 a
Rb C 12. 5 0.8 Na C* 2620 5.3 a Ni C 0.26 23 a
5 C 7800 12 Ni N* 0.3 Pb C 1.36 21 a
Sb N 0. 003 Pb C* 0.109 3.7 a Se C 7. 34 5. 7 a
Se C 0. 71 9.9 Pt N* 0.11 Zn c 92. 5 2.5 a
Sr C 0. 138 2.2 S N* 434
Tl N 0. 003 Se C* 0.46 6.5 a
U C 0. 00071 4.2
Zn C 123 6.5
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concsntrat- -on Error Concentration Error E Concentration Error

Element mg/kg (*-mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

NRCC-DORM-1 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-TORT-1 Lobster Hepatopancreas (cont:) NYCO-112 Serum

Unit Size: 40g Min.Wt: 250mg $85 Unit Size: 3ml
Zn 177 5.6
As C 17.7 11 a Al N* 0 .07
Cd C 0.086 14 a Ca N* 94
Cl C 11300 2.7 a NYCO-105 Serum Cu N* 1 .1
Co C 0.049 28 a Unit Size: 3ml Fe N* 1 .3
Cr C 3.60 11 a K N* 170
Cu C 5.22 6.3 a Al N* 0 .07 Mg N* 13 .9
Fe C 63.6 8. 3 a Ca N* 130 Na N* 2940
Hg C 0.798 9.3 a Cu N* 1 .3 p N* 82
Methyl Hg C 0.731 8. 2 a Fe N* 1 .4 S N* 950
K C 15900 6.3 a Hg N* 0 .0011 Se N* 0 .09
Mg C 1210 10 a K N* 205 Zn N* 0 .8
Mn C 1.32 19 a Mg N* 15
Na C 8000 7. 5 a Na W* 3250
Ni C 1.20 25 a Ni N* 0 .0032 NYCO-904 Whole Blood
Pb C 0.40 30 a Pb N* 0 .0027 Unit Size: 5ml
Se C 1.62 7. 4 a Se N* 0 .09
Zn c 21.3 4. 7 3 Zn N* 0 .9 Cd N* 0 .0056
Hg N* 0 .004
Pb N* n.062 I
NRCC-TORT-1 Lobster Hepatopancreas NVCO-108 Urine
Unit Size: 35g Min.Wt: SOOmg $65 Unit Size: 10ml
NYCO-905 Whole Elood
As C 24 .6 8 .9 a Al N* 0. 161 Unit Size: 5ml
Ca C 8950 6 .4 a AS N* 0. 2
cd C 26 .3 8 .0 a Ca N* 110 Cd N* 0 .0124
Cl C 55800 1 .7 a Cd N* 0. 0062 Hg N* 0 .01
Co C 0 .42 12 a Co N* 0. 011 Pb N* 0 .374
Cr C 2 .4 25 a Cr N* 0. 022
Cu C 439 5 .0 a Cu N* 0. 045
Fe c 186 5 .9 a F N* 3. 8 NYCO-906 Wnole Blood
Hg c 0 .33 18 a Fe V* 0. 072 Unit Size: 5ml
Methyl Hg C 0 .128 10 a Hg N* 0. 051
K c 10410 3.8 a K N* 174C Cd N* 0.019
Mg c 2550 9 .8 a Mg N* 120 N* 0.014
Mn c 23 .4 4 .3 a Mn N* 0. 02 Pb N* 0.788
Mo c 1 .5 20 a NE N* 2640
Na c 36700 5 .4 a Ni H* 0. 04
Ni c 2 .3 13 a Pb N* 0. 088 SHINR-HH Human Hair
P c 8790 2 .3 a Se N* 0. 049 Unit Si2e: 7g Min.Wt: 200mg
Pb c 10 .4 19 a Tl N* 0. 01
S c 12200 8 .2 a Zn N* 0. 64 Ag N 0.35
Se c 6.88 6 .8 a Al C 13. 3 17 b
Sn c 0 .139 7 .9 a As C 0.59 11 b
Sr c 113 4 .4 a Ba N 5.41
V c 1 .4 21 a Br N 0.602
Table 3: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E
Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

SH1NH-HH Human Hair (cont:)

Ca C 790 9.1 b
Cd C 0.095 12 b
Cl N 152
CO C 0.135 5.9 b
Cr c 4.77 8.0 b
Cu c 23.0 6.1 b
Fe c 71.2 9.3 b
Hg c 2.16 9.7 b
I N 0.875
K N 11.8
La N 0.014
Mg C 75 8.0 b
Mn c 2.94 6.8 b
Mo N 0.56
Na C 266 4.5 b
Ni C 3.17 12 b
P N 164
Pb C 7.2 9.7 b
S N 46900
Sb N 0.21
Sc N 0.00287
Se C 0.58 8.6 b
Sr C 4.19 3.3 b
V N 0.069
Zn C 189 4.2 b
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements sorted in order of the code number of the reference material.
Concentrations are quoted on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted by an asterisk in column T. See text, section 3, for
further explanations of the column headings.

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) I Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

AMM-SO-1 Soil BCR-CRM-038 Fly Ash ((cont:) BCR-CRM-141 Soil (cont:)

Min.Wt: 150mg
Hg C 2.1 7.1 a Ti N 2800
As 3 .4 15 Mn C 479 3.3 a Zn C 81.' 4.6 a
N 304 Na C 3740 4.0 a
Br N 1 .6 Ni N 194
Ca C 2600 23 a Pb C 262 4.1 a BCR-CRM-142 Soil
Cd C 0 .3 26 a Th N 17.3 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70
Ce C 44 8 .0 a V N 334
C C 3 .9 7 .7 a Zn C 581 5.6 Al N 50100
Cr c 38 23 a ca N 35300
Cs N 1 .5 Cd C 0 .25 36 a
Cu N 6 .3 BCR-CRM-040 Coal Co N 7 .9
Eu C 0 .6 6 .7 a Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $100 Cr N 74 .9
Fe C 9880 4 .6 a Cu C 27 .5 2 .2 a
K C 12050 4 .8 a c 13.2 8.3 Fe N 19600
La N 21 Cd c 0.11 18 Hg C 0 .104 12 a
Lu N n. 3 Co c 7.8 7.6 K N 20000
Mg N 1550 Cr c 31.3 6.4 Mg N 6570
Mn C 266 6 .8 a F c 111.4 7.6 Mn N 569
Na C 4440 3 .2 a Hg c 0.35 17 Na N 7200
Ni N 13 Mn c 139 3.6 Ni C 29 .2 8 .6 a
Pb C 15 24 a Ni c 25.4 6.3 P N 960
Rb C 52 4 .2 a Pb c 24.2 7.0 Pb C 37 .8 5 .0 a
Sb C 0 .5 18 a TI N 0.79 Se N 0 .53
Sc C 4 4 .0 a Zn c 30.2 6.3 Si N 319300
Sm N 3 .6 Ti N 3700
Sr N 55 Zn C 92 .4 4 .8 a
Ta N 0 .8 BCR-CRM-141 Soil
Tb N 0 .6 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70
Th C 7 2.0
Ti N 2550 Al N 55860 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt : lOOmg $70
U N 2 .1 Ca N 128400
V N 27 Cd C 0 .36 28 a Al N 53590
Yb N 2 .5 Co N 9 .2 Ca N 66800
Zn C 35 9.4 cr N 75 Cd C 31. 1 3.9 a
Zr C 620 16 Cu C 32 .6 4.3 a Co N 11. 8
Fe N 26100 Cr N 228
Hg C 0 .0568 7.6 a Cu C 236. 5 3.5 a
BCR-CRM-038 Fly Ash K N 12900 Fe N 26200
Unit Size: 5g Min.Wt: lOOmg $45 Mg N 7180 Hg C 3. 92 5.9 a
Mn N 547 K N 13400
As C 48 .0 4.8 a Na N 3200 Mg N 29500
cd c 4 .6 6.5 a Ni N 30 .9 Mn N 999
Co c 53 .8 3.5 a P N 670 Na N 3000
Cr N 178 Pb C 29 .4 8.8 a Ni C 99. 5 5.5 a
Cu C 176 5.1 a Se N 0 .16 p N 4000
Fe C 33800 2.1 a Si N 199300 Pb C 1333 2.9 a
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error

Element 1 m g A g (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

BCR-CRM-143 Soil (cont:) BCH-CRM-145 Sewage Sludge (cont:) BCH-CRM-176 City Waste (cont:)

Se N 0.6 Ni C 41 .4 5.8 Mg N 21800

Si N 199900 P N 32900 Mn N 1.5
Ti N 4000 Pb c 394 3.8 Na N 43000
Zn C 1272 2.4 Se N 3 .3 Ni C 123.5 3.4
Si N 101600 P N 5550
Ti N 1900 Pb c 10870 1.6
BCR-CRM-144 Sewage Sludge Zn C 2843 2.3 S N 44600
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg S70 Sb C 412 4.4
_ Se C 41.2 5.1
N 24200 BCR-CRM-146 Sewage Sludge Si N 140500
As N 6.7 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70 Ti N 8510
Ca N 40600 TI C 2.85 6.7
Cd C 4.8
4.82 20 Al N 47600 Zn C 25770 1.5
Co C 9.0
9.06 6.6 Ca N 101400
Cr N 485.4 Cd C 77.7 3.3
Cu c
C 713
713 3.6 Co C 11.8 BCR-CRM-180 Gas Coal
Fe N 44300 Cr N 784 5.9 Unit Si2e: 20g $95
Hg C 1.4
1.49 15 Cu C 934
K N 6500 Fe N 18500 2.6 Al K 12400 CT5
Mg N 5500 Hg C 9.4 As C 4. 23 4.5 a I
Hn C 449
449 2.9 a K N 4800 8.0 B N 55
Na N 3400 Mg N 19900 Ba N 156
Ni C 942
942 2.3 a Mn C 588 4.1 a Br N 7. 3
P N 22200 Na N 2200 C C 760100 0.3 a
Pb C 495
495 3.8 a Ni C 280 6.4 a Ca N 13. 5
Se N 2.3 p N 25800 Cd C 0. 212 5.2 a
Si N 63840 Pb C 1270 2.2 a Ce N 14. 1
Ti N 1100 Se N Cl C 593 4.4 a
Zn C 3143
3143 3.3 Si N 10670C Co N 3. 3
Ti N 17400 Cu N 9.1
Zn C 4059 2.2 a Fe N 11700
BCR-CRM-145 Sewage Sludge H C 50400 1.2 a
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70 Hg C 0. 123 6.5 a
BCR-CRM-176 City Waste K N 1200
Al N 18200 Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: lOOmg $70 La N 6.5
Ca N 109600 Mn c 34. 3 3.2 a
Cd C 18.0 6.7 a Al M 101500 N c 14400 2.1 a
Co C 8.38 8. 5 a As N 93 .3 Na N 448
Cr N 105.4 Ca N 87900 Ni N 16
Cu C 429 2. 3 a Cd C 470 1.9 Pb C 17. 5 2.9 a
Fe N 9090 Co C 30 .9 4.2 Rb N 8. 3
Hg C 8.82 10 a Cr C 863 3.5 Sc N 2. 7
K N 4100 Cu c 1302 2.0 Se C 1. 32 4.5 a
Mg N 18700 Fe c 21300 5.2 Ti N 700
Mn C 241 5.0 Hg c 31 .4 3.5 TI N 2.,2
Na N 2000 K N 45000 V C 19. 3 3.1 a
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %
====== ====
BCR-CRM-180 Gas Coal (cont:) BCR-CRM-182 Steam Coal (cont: ) BCR-CRH-280 Lake Sediment (cont: )
Zn 27.4 4.0 Co N 8.8 Se C 0.68 8. e a
Cu N 12.3 Zn C 291 1. 4 a
Fe N 7300
BCR-CRM-181 Coking Coal H C 42200 3 .6 a
Unit Size: 20g Min.Wt: lOOmg $95 Hg C 0.040 18 a BCR-CRH-320 River Sediment
K N 4300 Unit Size: 40g Min.Wt: lOOmg
Al N 2800 La N 8
As C 27 .7 4.3 Mn C 195 3 .1 a As C 76.7 4. 4 a
B N 8 .3 N C 16360 1 .8 a Cd C 0.533 4. 9 a
Br N 34 .9 Ni N 39 Cr C 138 5. 1 a
C C 848900 0.2 Pb N 15.3 Cu C 44.1 2. 3 a
Cd C 0 .051 5.9 Rb N 22 Hg C 1.03 12 a
Ce N 4 .8 Sc N 3.8 Ni C 75.2 1. 9 a
Cl C 1380 3.6 Se C 0.68 10 a Pb C 42.3 3. 8 a
CO N 1 .6 Th N 2.3 Sc C 15.25 2. 4 a
Cr N 5 Ti N 600 Se C 0.214 15 a
Cu N 12 .3 V C 24.3 4 .1 a Zn C 142 2. 1 a i
Fe N 3600 Zn C 33.3 4 .5 a
K C 54000 1.1
Hg c 0 .138 8.0 EPA-SLUDGE Municipal Sludge
K N 146 BCR-CRM-277 Estuarine Sediment
La N 2 Unit Size: 40g Min.Wt: lOOmg
Mn N 2 .8 Ag 80.6 75 a
N c 17800 2.2 As C 4771 574 a~ Al c 4560 28 a
Na N 87 .6 Cd C 11.9 3.4 a As c 17.0 211 a
Ni N 8 .6 Cr C 192 3.6 a Be c 0.28 50 a
Pb C 2 .59 6.2 Cu C 101.7 1.6 a Cd c 19.1 23 a
Sc N 0 .9 Hg C 1.77 3.4 a Cr c 193 11 a
Se C 1 .15 4.3 Ni C 43.4 3.7 a Cu c 1080 9.3 a
Th N 0 .5 Pb C 146 2.1 a Fe c 16500 16 a
V C 12 .0 3.3 Sc C 9.0 1.3 a Hg c 16.3 60 a
Zn C 8 .4 7.1 Se C 2.04 8.8 a Mn c 202 5. 0 a
Zn C 547 2.2 a Ni c 194 7. 7 a
Pb c 526 14 a
BCR-CRM-182 Steam Coal Ti c 2120 64 a
Unit Size: 20g $95 BCR-CRM-280 Lake Sediment V c 13.0 43 a
Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: lOOmg Zn c 1320 4. 9 a
Al N 15 .6
As N 1 .47 As 51.0 4.7
B N 31 .3 Cd
c 1.6 6.3 FISHER-SRS001 Fly Ash
H 36 .5 Cr c 114 3.5
C C 732900 0.3 a Cu c 70.5 2.1
Ca N 20 Hg c 0.670 2.8 Ba C 425 7.1
Cd C 0 .05 7.0 a Ni c 73.6 3.5 Cr C 30 .1 12
Ce N 17 Pb c 80.2 2.9 Cu C 41 .1 9.2
Cl C 3700 1.9 a Sc r 12.8 5.5 Ni C 19 .5 9.2
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) 1

FISHER-SRS012 Incinerated Sludge IAEA-SL-1 Lake Sediment (cont :)

FISHER-SRS002 Waste water Ir N 0. 0083

Cd C 3582 1.9 K N 15000
Cr C 161600 8.4 La C 52. 6 5. 9 a
C 20.4 12 Cu C 2248 0.7 Li N 29
Cr C 35947 8.3 Ni C 13088 8.3 Lu N 0. 54
Cu C 95558 4.9 Pb C 145.4 14 Mg N 29000
Mn C 3460 4. 6 a
Mo N 1. 3
FISHER-SRS004 Diatomaceous Filter IAEA-F-1 Feldspar Na C 1720 7. 0 a
Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: lOOmg S40 Nb N 17
Nd C 43. 8 6.4 a
Ba C 1653 5.9 a K c 83000 3. 6 a Ni C 44. 9 17 a
Cd C 3.1 29 a Th N 1. 37 P N 831
Cr C 23.3 16 a U C 2. 52 10 a Pb C 37. 7 19 a
Pb C 12427 7.2 a Pt N 0. 36
Rb C 113 9.,7 a
IAEA-SL-1 Lake Sediment Bu N 0. 13
FISHER-SRS009 Board Coating Sludge Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt : lOOmg $80 S N 12000
Sb C 1. 31 9,.2 a 00
Ag N 0. 082 Sc C 17. 3 6,.4 a I
C 17.6 43 a Al N 89000 Se N 2. 9
Cr C 54.9 17 a AS C 27. 5 10 a Srn C 9. 25 5,.5 a
Cu C 124209 5 .7 a AU N 0. 010 Sn N 4
Ni C 347 6 .3 a B N 39 Sr N 80
Pb C 14516 7 .7 a Ba C 639 8. 3 a Ta N 1. 6
Bi N 1 Tb N 1. 4
Br C 6. 82 25 a Te N 2
FISHER-SRS010 Electroplating Sludge ca N 2500 Th C 14 7..1 a
Cd C 0. 26 19 a Ti C 5170 7 .2 a
Ce C 117 14 a Tm N 0. 66
C 68.0 17 Cl N 10 U C 4. 02 8 .0 a
Cr C 61.0 5.2 Co C 19. 8 7. 6 a V c 170 8 .8 a
Cu C 65477 5.5 Cr c 104 8. 7 a K K i
Ni C 195.7 6.7 Cs c 7. 01 12 a y N 85
Pb C 164476 5.5 CU c 30. 0 18 a Xb C 3.,42 18 a
Dy c 7. 46 28 a Zn C 223 4 .5 a
EU N 1. 6 Zr N 241
FISHER-SRS011 Chrome Plating Sludge Fe C 67400 2..5 a
Ga N 24
Gd N 12 IAEA-SOIL-7 Soil
Cr C 53818 7.9 a Ge V 25 Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: lOOmg $80
Cu C 107.4 29 a Hf c 4. 16 13 a
Ni C 41600 10 a Hg N 0.,13 Al 47000
Pb C 2622 2.0 a HO N 1.,3 As 13.4 6.3
I N 28 Ba 159
In N 0.,20 Er 7
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) i Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

IAEA-SOIL-7 Soil (cont:) ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1

Coal Fly Ash (cont: 1
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt : lOOmg S65
ca N 163000 Be N 27
Cd N 1.3 Al N 4100 Ca N 22900
ce C 61 11 Ba C 767 10 a Ca C 21900 3.7 a
Co C 8.9 9.6 Ca c 327000 9.5 a Cd N 2.8
Cr C 60 2x Ce c 3326 5.3 a Ce C 120 5.8 a
Cs C 5.4 13 Co c 2. 72 10 a Co c 39. 8 4.3 a
Cu C 11 18 Cr N 13 Cr c 156 5.1 a
Dy C 3.9 27 Cu C 54. 0 8. 3 a Cs c 48. 2 5. 4 a
Eu C 1.0 20 Dy N 78 Cu c 158 5. 7 a
F H 480 Er N 26 Dy c 9.09 16 a
Fe N 25700 Eu C 46. 7 2. 8 a Er c 4. 52 24 a
Ga N 10 Fe N 5000 Eu c 2. 39 2. 5 a
Hf C 5.1 6.9 a* Gd C 124 18 a F c 198 19 a
Hg N 0.04 Hf C 1. 13 15 a Fe c 48900 2. 9 a
Ho C 1.1 36 a* Ho N 9 Ga N 49
K N 12100 K N 2088 Gd c 10..0 26 a
La C 28 3.6 a* La C 2176 4. 3 a Hf c 6..09 7. 4 a i
Li N 31 Lu C 1..08 14 a In N 0..34
Lu N 0.3 Mg N 435 K N 22000 CO
Mg N 11300 Mn C 317 15 a La c 60..7 6.6 a i
Mn C 631 3.6 a* Na C 3841 14 a Li c 128 17 a
MO N 2.5 Nd C 1087 11 a Lu c 0,.658 6..5 a
Na N 2400 Ni N 9 Mg N 15500
Nb N 12 Pr N 353 Mn C 1066 3.,8 a
Nd C 30 20 Sc C 0..244 14 a Mo i\" 17
Ni N 26 Si C 5700 22 a Nd C 56 .8 6.,5 a
N 460 Sm C 162 14 a Ni c 99 .0 5..9 a
Pb C 60 13 a* Sr N 20000 P c 725 10 a
Rb C 51 8 .8 a* Ta c 2.65 6 .7 a Pb c 369 12 a
Sb C 1.7 12 a* Tb c 13 .9 10 a Rb c 185 2..7 a
Sc C 8.3 1 .3 a* Th c 21 .8 9 .6 a Sb c 17 .6 14 a
Se K 0.4 Ti c 2927 18 a Sc c 24 .2 4..5 a
S: N 18000C U c 4 .4 2C a Se K 4 .6
Sir. 5.1 6 .9 a* V c 104 9 .6 a Si c 22480C 4 .1 a
Sr 108 5 .1 a* Y c 272 19 a Sm c 10 .9 5 .5 a
Ta 0.8 25 a* Yb c 11 .4 17 a Sr c 250 5 .2 a
Tb 0.6 33 a* Zr c 38 .0 20 a Ta c 2 .11 7 .6 a
Th 8.2 13 a* Zr K 51 Tb c 1 .38 10 a
Ti 3000 Th c 2 .94 2 .4 a
U 2.6 21 a* Ti N 5800
V 66 11 a* ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 Coal Fly Ash Tm C 0 .705 28 a
Y 21 29 a* Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg $65 U C 15 .1 5 .3 a
Yb 2.4 15 a* V C 260 3 .8 a
Zn 104 5 .8 a* Ai C 148700 2.6 a K C 10 .5 10 a
Zr 185 5 .7 a* As C 53.6 5.0 a Y C 45 .0 30 a
Ba C 835 6.7 a Yb C 4 .24 4 .5 a
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T rag/kg (*=mg/L) %
-==—====== =================== ======= = = =

ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 Coal Fly Ash (cont:) IRANT-ECO Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO Coal Fly Ash (cont O
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg
Zn c 569 10 a V c 500 4.0 a
Al W
c 160000
62. 2
c 17.0 7.1 a
c Zn c 225 18 a
IRANT-ECH Coal Fly Ash Au N 0. 006 Zr N 560
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt : 25mg S80 Ba C 974 8. 4 a
Be N 12
Al C 14600 3. 2 a Ca C 15000 8. 0 a IRANT-ENO coal Fly Ash
As C 56. 9 7. 6 a Cd c 1. 99 60 a Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: 25mg S80
Ba C 711 11 a Ce N 240
Be C 10. 1 22 a Cl N 2400 Al C 109000 3.7 a
Ca C 18600 9.7 a Co C 49. 0 16 a As C 1790 6.1 a
Cd C 3. 06 36 a Cr C 176 4. 5 a Ba C 674 6.4 a
Ce C 183 5. 2 a Cs K 22 Ca C 33400 11 a
Co C 49. 8 5. 4 a Cu C 177 14 a ce C 98.7 5.5 a
Cr C 183 5. 2 a Dy N 7 Co C 26.1 4.8 a
Cs C 23. 0 7. 6 a Eu N 4 Cr C 96.1 8.3 a
Cu C 157 8. 6 a Fe C 52700 10 a Cs C 118 6.8 a
Ga I
Eu C 2. 95 3. 2 a N 42 Cu C 61.0 7.8 a
Hf 14
Fe c 55700 3. 1
a N
N 0. 028
EU c 1.76 20 a o
Ga c 73. 8 a Hg Fe c 74600 3.2 a
Hf c 8. 22 4. 0 a K C 9700 8. 0 a Ga c 29.0 22 a
K c 13200 4.9 a La C 136 8. 8 a Hf c 4.89 5.1 a
La c 84. 4 5. 3 a Li N 170 K c 17300 3.2 a
Lu c 0. 61 7. 4 a LU N 0. 0006 La c 42.9 7.5 a
Mg 7900
c 381 5. 7 a Mg C 6830 2.9 a Lu c 0.54 8.3 a
Mn c 2900 6.0 a Mn C 398 4. 0 a Mg c 12000 10 a
Na c 3.4 a Mo C 11. 2 30 a Mn c 634 4.3 a
Ni c 117 2. 6 a Na C 3100 6.5 a Na c 5400 4.6 a
Pb c 70. 7 16 a Nb N 110 Ni c 77.0 17 a
c 1413. 73 9.6
4. 8
Nd N
92. 0 15 a
c 41.7
c Ni c
Sc c 29. 2 8. 2 a Pb C 62. 4 18 a Sb c 5.72 36 a
Si c 250000 1. 2 a Rb c 71. 3 31 a Sc 20.7
c 264000 9.9 a
Sir, c 13. 6 4.0 a Sb c 2. 41 11 a Si c 5.3 a
Sr c 401 8. 7 a Sc N 36 SRI
c 2839.45 12 a
Ta c 4. 37 6.4 a Se N 17 Sr c 7.4 a
Tb c 1. 41 39 a si N 240000 Ta c 1.22 4.1 a
Th c 22. 1 11 a Sm K 17 Th c 15.3 10 a
Ti c 13700 9.5 a Sn N 14 Ti c 4600 7.6 a
u c 7. 36 16 a Sr C 498 7. 2 U c 1917.29 16 a
V c 375 6.1 a Ta N 9 V c 6.3 a
Yb c 3. 62 19 a Tb N 2 Yb c 1493.49 10 a
Zn c 251 7.2 a Th N 24 Zn c 5.4 a
Zr c 361 19 a Ti C 27300 16 s Zr c 222 23 a
TI N 14
U N 8
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

IRANT-EOP Coal Fly Ash IRANT-KHK Copper Plant Flue Dust (cont:) IRANT-OK Steel Plant Flue Dust (cont :)
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: 25mg $80
As 28800 5.6 Ba C 85.8 20 a
Al C 158000 7. 9 a Au 1.4 Br N 8.5
AS 79. 1 8.4 a Ba 1600 Ca C 69100 4.3 a
c 5.0 a Be <4 Cd c 37.9 5.3 a
Ba c 1100 Bi 3100 Ce N 1.6
Be c 23. 3 28 a
Ca c 16800 15 a Ca C 22300 6 .3 a Cl N 7000
Cd c 2.94 51 a Cd C 442 6 .3 a Co N 9
Ce c 322 6.5 a Ce N <10 Cr C 139 11 a
Co c 53. 2 3. 2 a Cl N 1100 Cs C 3.69 7.0 a
Cr £ 183 6.3 a Co C 313 7 .0 a Cu C 190 4.2 a
Cs c 20. 1 8. 2 a Cr C 157 16 a Eu N 0.030
Cu c 229 10 a Cs N 230 Fe C 534000 1.9 a
Eu c 4. 99 16 a Cu C 195000 1 .0 a Ga N 19
Fe c 51600 3.,9 a Fe C 231000 1 .7 a Hg C 0.349 25 a
Ga c 67. 0 27 a Hg 53.2 12 a K c 3490 11 a
Hf c 17. 7 6..8 a In 82 La N 0.8
6400 3..9 a K 3460 11 a Li N 3 i
K c Lu N <0.090
La c 164 5..5 a Li 1.8
0..51 7..8 a Mg 4560 2 .2 a Mg C 3500 5.7 a H-»
c 5800 10 a Mn 578 5 .5 a Mn C 7690 5.2 a I
c 25 a Mo C 9.82 36 a
Mn c 440 6,.9 a Mo 246
Na c 3700 12 a Na 1010 15 a Na C 6870 2.9 a
Ni c 108 15 a Ni 188 10 a Nb N 24
Pb c 40..7 20 a Pb 67800 3 .5 a Nd N 0.5
Rb c 69 .0 14 a Rb 59 Ni C 49.8 10 a
Sb 1,.94 6 .7 a S 65000 Pb C 2130 3.8 a
c 36 .7 Sb 14000 5.7 Rb C 24.6 16 a
Sc c 9 .9 a
N 2
Si c 229000 1 .1 a Sc 1.5 Ru
Sin 21 .9 4 .3 Se 682 13 Sb C 21.3 12 a
c a
Sc N 0.2
Sr c 574 6 .9 a Si 25100 4.0
Ta 13 .0 12 a Sn 2240 17 Se N <1
c 1 .93 31 a Sr 41.8 5.7 Si C 5250 15 a
c Sm N 0.33
Th c 23 .9 11 a Ti 432 11
Ti c 36800 9 .8 a Tl <1 Sn C 58.5 50 a
U c 9 .44 18 a V 15 Sr c 23.7 18 a
V c 553 5 .2 a Zn 57600 1.7 Ta N 0.031
Vb 4.41 18 a Zr 29 Th N 0.2
c 219 Ti K 80
c 13 a
Zr c 822 15 a Tl N <3
IRANT-OK Steel Plant Flue Dust U N 0.4
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg V C 67.3 14 a
1RANT-KHK Copper Plant Flue Dust w N 4.4
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: lOOmg Ag N 11 Yb N <0.6
Al C 888 8.6 Zn C 8390 4.8 a
Ag 190 As C 19 .8 11 Zr N 20
Al 6200 6.8 Au N 0 .003
Table 4J Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error E Concentration Error

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) * Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) I Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

NIES-CRM-2 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-8 Vehicle Exhaust (cont:) NIST-SRM-1632b Coal (Bituminous) (cont:)
Unit Size: 20g Min.Wt: 300mg Free
Mg C 1010 5 .0 b Mg C 383 2 .1 0
Al C 106000 4 .7 b MO N 6 .4 Mn C 12 .4 8 ._ 0
AS C 12 17 b Ha C 1920 4 .2 b Mo N 0 .9
Br N 17 Ni c 18 .5 8 .1 b N C 15600 4 .5 0
Ca C 8100 7 .4 b P N 510 Na C 515 2 .1 0
cd C 0.82 7 .3 b Pb C 219 4 .1 b Ni C 6 .10 4 .4 0
CO C 27 11 b Rb N 4 .6 Pb c 3 .67 7 .1 0
cr C 75 6 .7 b Sb C 6 .0 6 .7 b Rb c 5 .05 2 .2 0
Cu C 210 5.7 b Sc N 0 .55 S c 18900 3 .2 0
Fe C 65300 5.4 b Se N .3 Sb N 0 .24
Hg N 1.3 Sm N 0 .20 Sc N 1 .9
K C 680C 8 .8 b Sr c 89 3 .4 b Se c 1 .29 8 .5 0
La N 17 Th N 0 .35 Si N 14000
Mn N 770 V C 17 11 b Sm N 0 .87
Ma C 5700 7 .0 b Zn C 1040 4 .8 b Sr N 102
Ni C 40 7 .5 b Th C 1 .342 2 .7 0
P N 1400 Ti C 454 3 .7 0 I
Pb C 105 5 .7 b NIST-RM-8505 Crude Oil U C 0 .436 2 .8 0 en
Rb N 42 Unit Size: 275ml $52 V N 14
Sb K 2.0 K N 0 .48 i
Sc N 28 390 Zn C 11 .89 6 .6 0
Si N 210000
Sr H 110
Ti N 6400 NIST-SRM-1632b Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1633a Coal Fly Ash
V N 250 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt : 250mg $157 Unit Size: 75g Min.Wt: 250mg $156
Zn C 343 5 .0 b
Al C 8550 2.2 0 Al N 140000
As C 3. 72 2.4 0 As C 145 10 0
NIES-CRM-8 Vehicle Exhaust Ba C 67. 5 3.1 0 Ba N 1500
Unit Size: 7g Min.Wt: 300mg Free Br N 17 Be K 12
C C 781100 0.5 0 Ca C 11100 0 .9 0
Ag N 0.20 Ca c 2040 2.9 0 Cd C 1.0 15 0
Al C 3300 6 .1 b Cd c 0. 0573 4. 7 0 Ce N 180
As C 2.6 7 .7 b Ce N 9 Cc N 46
Br N 56 Cl N 1260 Cr C 196 3 .1 0
Ca C 5300 3 .8 b Co C 2.29 7.4 0 Cs N 11
Cd C 1.1 9 .1 b Cr N 11 Cu C 118 2 .5 0
Ce N 3.1 Cs N 0. 44 Eu N 4
Co C 3.3 9, i b Cu C 6.28 4.8 0 Fe C 94000 .1 0
Cr C 25.5 5 .9 b Eu N 0.17 Ga N 58
Cs N 0.24 Fe C 7590 5.9 0 Hf N 7.6
Cu C 67 4 .5 b H C 50700 1.2 0 Hg C 0.16 6 .3 0
Eu N 0.05 Hf N 0.43 K C 18800 3 .2 0
K C 1150 7 .0 b K C 748 3.7 0 Mg C 4550 2 .2 0
La N 1.2 La N 5.1 Mn N 190
Lu N 0.02 Li K 10 Mo N 29
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

NIST-SRM-1633a Coal Fly Ash (cont:) NIST-SRM-1635 Coal (cont:) NIST-SRM-1643b Water (cont:)

Na 1700 5.9 Cr C 2.5 12 Fe C* 0.099 8.1

Ni 127 3.1 Cu C 3.6 8.3 Mn C* 0.028 7.1
Pb 72.4 5.5 Eu N 0.06 Mo C* 0.085 3.5
Rb 131 1.5 Fe C 2390 2.1 Ni C* 0.049 6.1
Sb 7 Ga N . .05 Pb C* 0.024 3.0
Sc 40 Hf N C..29 Se C* 0.010 5.2
Se 10.3 5.8 Mn C 21.4 7.0 Sr C* 0.227 2.6
Si 228000 3.5 Na N 2400 Tl C* 0.008 2.5
Si 830 3.6 Ni C 1.74 5.7 V c* 0.045 0.9
Th 24.7 1.2 Pb C 1.9 11 Zn c* 0.066 3.0
Ti 6000 S C 3300 9.1
Tl 5.7 3.5 Sb N 0.14
U 10.2 1.0 Sc N 0.63 NIST-SRM-1646 Estuarine Sediment
V 300 Se C 0.9 33 Unit Size: 75g Min.Wt: 500mg $145
Zn 220 4.5 Th <_ 0 62 6.5
Ti N 200 Al 62500 3.2
U C 0 24 8.3 As 11.6 11
NIST-SRM-1634b Fuel Oil V c 5.2 9.6 Be 1.5
Unit Size: 100ml Hin.Wt: lg $157 Zn c 4.7 11 Ca 8300 3.6 en
Cd 0.36 19 CO
Al 16 Ce 80
As 0.12 16 NIST-SHM-16 41b Water Co 10.5 12
Ba 1.3 Unit Size: 6 x 20ml $158 Cr 76 3.9
Ca 15 Cs 3.7
Co 0.32 12 Hg C* 1.52 2.6 Cu 18 17
Cr 0.7 Eu 1.5
Fe 31.6 6.3 Fe 33500 2.9
Hg <0.001 NIST-SRM-1642b Water Ge 1.4
Mn 0.23 13 Unit Size: 950ml $194 Hg 0.063 19
Na 90 K 14000
Ni 28 7.1 Hg C* 0.00149 4.0 Li 49
Pb 2.8 Mg 10900 7.3
£ 28000 1.8 Mn 375 5.3
Se 0.18 22 NIST-SRM-1643b Water Mo 2.0
V 55.4 2.0 Unit Size: 950ml $195 Na 20000
Zn 3.0 6.7 Ni 32 9.4
Ag 0.010 8.2 P 540 9.3
N* 0.049 Pb 28.2 6.3
NIST-SRM-1635 Coal B N* 0.094 Rb 87
Unit Size: 75g Min.Wt: 250mg S135 Ba C* 0.044 4.5 S 9600
Be C* 0.019 11 Sb 0.4
Al N 3200 Bi N* 0.011 Sc 10.8
As C 0.42 35 Cd C* 0.02 5.0 Se 0.6
Cd c 0.02 33 Co C* 0.026 3.8 Si N 310000
Ce 3.6 Cr 0.019 2.2 Te N 0.5
c* 0.022 Th N 10
N Cu c* 1.8
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) * Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) * Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) I

NIST-SRM-1646 Estuarine Sediment (cont:) NIST-SRM-2689 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 Coal Fly Ash (cont:)
Unit Size: 3 x lOg Min.Wt: 500mg $130
Ti N 5100 Si C 168300 0.7
Tl N 0.5 Al c 129400 1.6 Sr N 2700
V C 94 1.1 Ba N 800 Ti C 9000 2.2
2n C 138 4.3 ca C 21800 2.8
Fe C 93200 0.6
K c 22000 1.4 NIST-SRM-2704 River Sediment
NIST-SRM-1648 Urban Particulate Mg c 6100 8.2 Unit S i z e : 50g M i n . W t : 250mg $143
Unit Size: 2g Hin.Wt: lOOmg $159 Mn N 300
Na C 2500 12 Al 61100 2.6
Ag N 6 P c 1000 10 As 23.4 3.4
Al C 34200 3.2 0 Si c 240600 C.3 Ba 414 2.9
As C 115 6.7 a Sr N 700 Br 7
Ba N 737 Ti C 7500 1.3 C 33480 0.5
Br N 500 Ca 26000 1.2
C<3 C 75 9.3 a Cd 3 45 6.4
Ce h 55 NIST-SRM-2690 Coal Fly Ash Ce 72
Cl N 4500 Unit Size: 3 s lOg Min.Wt: 500mg $130 Cl <100
Co N 18 Co 14.0 4.3 en
Cr c 403 3.0 a Al C 123500 2.3 Cr 135 3.7
Cs N 3 Ba N 6500 Cs 6 i
Cu C 609 4.4 a Ca C 57100 2.3 Cu 98.6
Eu N 0 .8 Fe C 35700 1.7 Dy 6
Fe C 39100 2.6 a K 10400 3.8 Eu 1.3
Hf N 4.4 Mg C 15300 3.3 Fe 4110C
I N 20 Mn N 300 Ga 15
In N 1 .0 Na c 2400 8.3 Hf
K C 10500 1.0 0 P c 5200 1.9 Hg 1 44 4.9
La N 42 s c 1500 6.7 I 2
Hg N 8000 Si C 25850C 0.7 K 20000 2.0
Mn N 860 Sr N 2000 La 29
Na r» 4250 0.5 0 Ti C 5200 1.9 Li 50
Hi c 82 3.7 a Lu 0
Pb c 6550 1.2 a Mg 12000 1.7
Rb N 52 NIST-SRM-2691 Coal Fly Ash Mn 555 3.4
S N 50000 Unit Size: 3 x lOg Min.Wt: 500mg $130 Na 5470 2.6
Sb N 45 Ni 44 6.8
Sc N 7 Al 98100 4.0 P 998 2.8
Se C 27
N Pb 161 1C
3.7 Ba 6600
Sm N 4 .4 Ca C 184500 1.7 Rb 100
Th N 7 .4 Fe C 44200 0.7 S 4000
Ti N 4000 K c 3400 2.9 Sb 3 79 4.0
U C 5 .5 1.8 a Mg c 31200 2.6 Sc 12
V C 140 2.1 0 Mr, N 200 Se 1
W N 4.8 Na C 10900 4.6 Si 290800 0.4
Zn C 4760 2.9 a P C 510C 3.9 Sm 6
S r 8300 6.0 Sn 9.5
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error Concentration Error

Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) « Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) I
NIST-SRM-2704 River Sediment (cont: ) NRCC-CASS-2 Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 Seawater
Unit Size: 2 litres $115 Unit Size: 2L $115
Sr N 130
Th N 9.2 As C* 0 .00101 6 .9 a As C* 0.00165 11 a
Ti C 4570 3.9 a Cd C* 0 .000019 21 a Cd C* 0.000029 13 a
Tl C 1.2 16 a Co c* 0 .000025 24 a Co C* 0.000004 25 a
U C 3.13 4.2 a Cr c* 0 .000121 13 a Cr C* 0.000175 5.7 a
V C 95 4.2 a cu c* 0 .000675 5 .8 a Cu c* 0.000109 10 a
Yb N 2.8 Fe c* 0 .0012 10 a Fe c* 0.000224 15 a
Zn C 438 2.7 a Mn c* 0 .00199 7 .5 a Mn c* 0.000022 31 a
Zr N 300 Mo c* 0 .00901 3 .1 a Mo c* 0.0115 16 a
Ni c* 0 .000298 12 a Ni c* 0.000257 10 a
Pb c* 0 .000019 31 a Pb c* 0.000039 15 a
NRCC-BCSS-1 Marine Sediment Zn c* 0 .00197 6 .1 a Se c* 0.000024 16 a
Unit Size: 80g Min.Wt: 500rog S90 u c* 0.003 5.0 a
Zn c* 0.000178 14 a
Al C 62600 3 .5 a NRCC-MESS-1 Marine Sediment
As C 11 .1 12 a Unit Size: 65g Min.Wt : 500mg $90
Be C 1 .3 23 a NRCC-PACS-1 Marine Sediment i
C C 21900 4 .1 a Al C 5830C 3. 4 a Unit Size: 60g Min.Wt: 500mg $90 tn
Ca C 5430 9 .7 a As C 10. 6 11 a
Cd C 0 .25 16 a Be c 1. 9 10 a Al C 64750 1 .8 a i
Cl C 11200 4 .5 a C c 29900 3. 0 a As C 211 5 .2 a
Co C 11 .4 18 a Ca c 4810 9.5 a C c 36900 3 .0 a
Cr C 123 11 a Cd c 0. 59 16 a Ca c 20870 4 .5 a
Cu C 18 .5 14 a Cl c 8200 8. 5 a Cd c 2.38 8 .4 a
Fe c 32900 3 .0 a Co c 10. 8 17 a Cl c 23900 3 .8 a
Hg c 0 .129 9 .3 a Cr c 71 15 a Co c 17.5 6 .3 a
K c 18000 1 .8 a Cu c 25. 1 15 a Cr c 113 7 .1 a
Mg c 14700 9 .4 a Fe c 30500 5. 7 a Cu c 452 3 .5 a
Mn c 229 6.6 a Hg c 0. 171 8.2 a Fe c 486804.57 1 .7 a
Na c 20200 7 .7 a K c 18600 1. 8 a Hg c 3.5 a
Ni c 55 .3 6.5 a Mg c 8680 6. 3 a K c 1245C 6.0 a
P c 672 10 a Mr. c 513 4. 9 a Mg c 1453C 3 .7 a
Pb c 22 .7 15 a Na c 18600 6.C a Mn c 47C 2 .6 a
S c 3600 13 a Ni c 29. 5 9.2 a Mo c 12.3 7 .3 a
Sb c 0.59 10 a P c 638 9.6 a Na c 32650 2 .5 a
Se c 0 .43 14 a Pb c 34. 0 17 a Ni c 44.1 4 .5 a
Si c 309000 1 .5 a S c 7200 6.9 a P c 1015 7 .7 a
Sn c 1 .85 10 a Sb c 0. 73 11 a Pb c 404 5 .0 a
Ti c 4400 3.3 a Se c 0. 34 17 a S c 13200 6 .1 a
V c 93 .4 5.2 a Si c 316000 2. 8 a Sb c 171 8 .2 a
Zn c 119 10 a Sn c 3. 98 11 a Se c 1.09 10 a
Ti c 5420 3. 1 a Si c 260380 0 .9 a
V c 72. 4 7. 3 a Sn c 41.1 7 .5 a
Zn c 191 8. 9 a Sr c 277 4 .0 a
Ti c 4215 1 .6 a
V c 127 3 .9 a
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error Concentration Error E

T ing/kg (*=mg/L) » Element T mg/ltg (*=mg/L) % Element T nig/kg (*=mg/L)

NRCC-PACS-1 Marine Sediment (cont:) SABS-SARM-18 Coal (Witbank) (cont:) SABS-SARM-19 Coal (O.F.S) (cont:)

Zn 824 2.7 a Ni C 10 .8 6 .5 a* La C 27 5.6 a*

P C 30 17 a* Li N 37
Pb N 5 Mg C 1200 5. 0 a*
NHCC-SLEW-1 Estuarine Water Rb C 8 .1 17 a* Mn C 157 8. 0 a*
S c 5600 8 .0 a* Mo N 2
Sb 14 0 .3 Na C 2200 5. 2 a*
AS C* 0.000765 12 a Sc C 4 .3 8 .1 a* Nb N 10
Cd C* 0.000018 16 a Si c 29000 0 .7 a* Ni C 16 22 a*
Co c* 0.000046 15 a Sm c 2 .0 7 .5 a* P C 130 10 a*
Cr c* 0.000139 11 a Sn N 1 Pb c 20 15 a*
Cu c* 0.00176 5.1 a Sr C 44 3 .4 a* Rb c 9 11 a*
Fe c* 0.C0208 16 a Ta N 0 .3 S c 14900 4. 4 a*
Mn c* 0.0131 6.1 a Tb N 0 .3 Sb N 0. 3
Ni c* 0.000743 10 a Th C 3 .4 19 a* Sc C 7.6 8. 6 a*
Pb c* 0.000028 25 a Ti C 680 2 .2 a* Se N 1
Zn c* 0.00086 17 a U C 1 .5 17 a* Si C 70100 8. 6 a*
V C 23 8 .7 a* Sm C 4. 9 8. 2 a* i
W N 2 Sn N 3
SABS-SARM-18 Coal (Witbank) Y N 12 Sr C 126 6.3 a*
Unit Size: 120g ? Zn C 5 .5 IS a* Ta N 0. 8
Zr c 67 6 .7 a* Tb N 0. 7
Al c 13600 1.4 Th C 12 13 a*
B N 30 Ti c 2040 4. 7 a*
Ba C 78 7.1 a* SABS-SARM-19 Coal (O.F.S) U c 5 30 a*
Be c 4.1 7. 3 1• Unit Size: 120g ? V c 35 5. 7 a*
Br N 3 W N 2
Ca C 1300 5. 6 a* Al 42400 1.8 a* Y N 20
Ce C 22 6.8 a* As
c 7 14 a* Yb N 2
c 17
Co C 6.7 13 a* E N 90 Zn C 12 a*
Cr C 16 13 a* Ba C 304 3. 8 a* Zr c 351 3.6 a*
Cs N 1 Be C 2 .8 14 a*
Cu C 5.9 10 a* Br N 2
Eu N 0.3 Ca c 9920 1. 4 a* SABS-SARM-20 Coal (Sasolburg)
Fe c 2030 1. 7 a* Ce c 56 7.1 a* Unit Size: 120g ?
Ga N 8 Cl N 32
Ge N 8 CO C 5 .6 14 a* Al c 59600 2 .b a*
C a*

Hf 7 5.9 Cr C 50 11 a* As c 4. 7 15
Hg N 0.04 Cs C 1 .4 25 a* B N 90
K C 1200 3.4 Cu c 13 15 a* Ba C 372 2.8 a*
La C 10 20 Eu N 0 .7 Be c 2. 5 18 a*
Li N 11 Fe C 12200 0. 9 a* Br N 2
Mg C 660 4.5 Ga C 14 7.1 a* Ca C 13400 1 .1 a*
Mn C 22 4.5 Ge C 13 15 a* Ce C 87 8 .6 a*
Mo N 1 Hf C 5.4 13 a* CO C 8. 3 fl.4 a*
Ha N 130 Hg N 0 .2 Cr N 67
Nb N 6 K C 2000 2.1 Cs N 2
Table 4: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error E
Element T mg/kg (*=mg/L) »

SABS-SARM-20 Coal (Sasolburg) (cont:)

Cu C 18 11 a*
EU N 1
Fe C 8180 1. 7 a*
Ga C 16 9.4 a*
Hf C 4.8 10 a*
Hg C 0.25 18 a*
K C 1200 3.5 a*
La C 43 20 a*
Li N 90
Hg C 2600 4.7 a*
Mn C 80 3.1 a*
Ha C 2000 3.7 a*
Hb N 16
Hi c 25 6.0 a*
p c 610 7.1 a*
Pb c 26 17 a*
Rb c 10 25 a*
S c 5100 4. 9 a*
Sb H c.4
Sc C 10 10 a*
S-! C 0.8 19 a*
Si c 82600 1.6 a*
Sm c 6.3 5. 6 a*
Sn N 4
Sr C 330 3. 0 a*
Ta C 1.2 21 a*
Tb H 0.9
Th C 18 11 a*
Ti C 380C 3.2 a*
U c 4 25 a*
V c 47 5.3 a*
W N 3
V C 29 12 a*
Yb N 2
Zn C 17 12 a*
2r N 180
Table 5: Reference materials for organic microcontaminants sorted in order of the code number of the reference material, Concentrations are
quoted on a dry weight basis. See text, section 3/ for explanations of the column headings.

Concentration Error E
Analyte T mg/kg *

IAEA-MA-A-1/0C Copepoda
Unit Size: 30g Min.Wt: 7 $40

alpha-HCH C 0.010 80 0
gamma-HCH C 0.008 75 0
pp'DDD C 0.006 100 0
pp'DDE C 0.006 83 0
pp'DDT C 0.008 62 0
ALDRIN C 0.015 133 0
AROCLOR-1242 C 0.120 41 0
AROCLOR-1254 C 0.140 50 0
DIELDRIN C 0.007 42 0

IAEA-MA-A-3/0C Shrimp Homogenate

Unit Size: 35g Min.Wt: ? S40

alpha-HCH C 0.015 100 0

gamma-HCH C 0.0032 100 0
pp'DDD C 0.00081 93 0
pp' DDE C 0.0047 72 C
pp' DDT C 0.0032 100 0
ALDRIN C 0.0007 71 0
AROCLOR-1254 C 0.033 100 0
AROCLOR-1260 C 0.005 60 0
HCB c 0.00032 37 0
HEPTACHLOR c 0.0024 75 0

IAEA-MA-B-3/0C Fish Tissue

Unit Size: 35g Min.Wt: 7 $40

alpha-HCK c 0.010 140 a*

gamma-HCH c 0.0034 111 a*
pp'DDD r 0.046 71 a
pp'DDE C 0.160 58 a
pp'DDT c 0.065 75 a
ALDRIN c 0.0018 94 a
AROCLOR-1254 C 0.400 57 a
AROCLOR-1260 C 0.390 64 a
DIELDRIN c 0.0053 90 a
HCB c C.C015 40 a
PCE-101 c 0.061 55 a
PCB-138 c 0.17C 27 a
PCE-153 c 0.120 38 a
PCB-180 c 0.035 14 a
Table 6: Reference materials for radionuclides sorted in order of the code number of the reference material. All values are on a dry weight
basis. Activities are quoted in Bq/kg (except that an asterisk in column T indicates a value for a minor element, which is quoted
in mg/kg). For IAEA-083 Air Filters the unit is Bq/filter. See text, section 3, for further explanations of the column headings.

Concentration Error Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Bq/kg(*=mg/kg) Bq/kg(*=mg/kg) % Bq/kg % /kg)
Radionuclide T (#=Bq/filter) Radionuclide T (#=Bq/filter) Radionuclide T (#=Bq/filter)

IAEA-AG-B-1 Marine Alga (cont:) IAEA-083 Air Filters

CANMET-CLV-1 Vegetative Radionuclide Unit Size: 6 filters Min.Wt: ? $40
unit size: 125g $45 Mn-54 C 19.7 11 a*
Pu-238 N 0.0034 66 a* Ba-133 N# 864 7.2 a
Cs-137 N 110 Pu-239+240 C 0.066 21 a* Co-60 C# 2160 3.1 a
Pb-210 N 660 9.1 a Ra-226 C 16.5 17 a* Cs-137 C# 1182 5.4 a
Po-210 N 490 40 a Ra-228 N 16.9 8.3 a* Pb-210 N# 151 24 a
Ra-226 N 700 4.3 a Sr-90 C 10.2 12 a* Sr-90 C# 231 3.9 a
Th-230 N 310 9.7 a Tc-99 C 11.5 27 a*
U N* 86 5.2 a Th-228 N 7.6 12 a*
IAEA-152 Milk Powder
unit Size: 250g Min.Wt: 250g $40
CANMET-CLV-2 Vegetative Radionuclide IAEA-MA-B-3/RN Fish Flesh
Unit Size: 12Sg $45 Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: ? $40 Cs-134 C 764 5.5 a*
Cs-137 C 2129 3.6 a
Cs-137 N 34 Cs-137 C 14.2 7.7 a* K-40 C 539 6.5 a*
Pb-210 N 74 12 a K-40 c 272 9.9 a* Sr-90 C 7.7 9.1 a4
Po-210 N 73 28 a
Ra-226 N 38 31 a O5
Th-230 N 33 42 a IAEA-SD-N-2 Marine Sediment IAEA-154 Whey Powder h-*
U N* 3.6 16 a Unit Si2e: lOOg Min.Wt: ? $40 Unit Size: 250g Min.Wt: 250mg $40 I
Am-241 N 0.0039 Cs-134 C 1355 4.4 a
IAEA-A-12 Animal Bone Cs-137 C 0.8 37 a* Cs-137 c 3749 3.6 a
Unit Size: 80g Min.Wt: 200mg $80 K-40 c 220 14 a* K-40 c 1575 4.1 a
Pu-238 N 0.0007 Sr-90 c 6.9 15 a*
Ra-226 5.2 28 Pu-239+240 C 0.0088 59 a*
Sr-90 54.8 15 Ra-226 N 4.4
Th-232 C 4.9 10 a* IAEA-307 Sea Plant
U-238 N 4.2 Unit Size: 90g $40
IAEA-A-14 Milk Powder
Unit Size: 2S0g Min.Wt: lOOmg $80 Ag-llOm 5.1 6.9 a*
IAEA-SL-2 Lake Sediment Am-241
c 0.036 27
c a*
Ca C* 1310C 8.4 Unit Size: 25g Min.Wt: 250g $40 Cs-134 c 1.6 12 a*
Cs-137 C X •8 38 Cs-137 c 4.9 7.1 a*
K C* 16600 3.6 Cs-137 2.4 8.3 K-40 150 6.7
Na C* 4300 11
c 0.025 12
K-40 240 12 Pu-238 c a*
Sr N* 3. 4 35 Pu-239+240 c 0.72 9.0 a*
Sr-90 C 1. 7 11 Ra-226 c 3.1 37 a*
IAEA-SOIL-6 Soil Ru-106 33.5 9.7 a*
Unit Size: 250g Min.Wt: 250g $80
IAEA-AG-B-1 Marine Alga
Unit Size: 50g Min.Wt: 20g $40 Cs-137 C 53.6b 7. 9 a IAEA-308 Sea Weeds
Pu-239 C 1 .04 7. 5 a Unit Size: lOOg $40
Co-60 C 1360 2.4 a* Ra-226 C 79 .92 16 a
Cs-137 C 16.7 19 a* Sr-90 C in.34 20 a Ag-llOm 2.0 37
K-40 C 798 11 a* Am-241 0.17 26
Table 6: Reference materials for radionuclides (continued)

Concentration Error E Concentration Error E

Bq/kg(*=mg/kg) * Bq/kg(*=mg'kg) %
Radionuclide '_ (#=Bq/filter) Radionuclide T (#=Bq/filter)

IAEA-308 Seaweeds (cont:) NIRH-LICHEN Lichen

Cs-134 C 1 .6 9.4 a*
Cs-137 C 5 .6 6 .3 a* Cs-134 N 20000
K-40 C 1381 4 .9 a* Cs-137 N 80000
Pb-210 C 73 6 .2 a* Sr-90 N 200
Pu-238 c 0 .017 20 a*
Pu-239+240 c 0 .50 6 .0 a*
Ru-106 c 23 6 .5 a* NIRH-OAT Oat
Th-228 c 2.5 28 a*
Cs-134 N 25
NIRH-BARLEY Barley Cs-137 N 75

Cs-134 N 4 NIRH-REIND-BN Reindeer Bone

Cs-137 N 12

Sr-90 S" 4000 O5

NIRH-CATTLE-MK Cattle Milk to
NIRH-REIND-MT Reindeer Meat
Cs-134 N 200
Cs-137 N 800
Cs-134 N 20000
Cs-137 N 80000


Cs-134 N 1000
Cs-137 N 4000
Cs-134 N 3000
Cs-137 N 1200C
NIRH-CULT-PAST Cultivated Pasture

Cs-134 N 1000
Cs-137 N 3000
Cs-134 N 2000
Cs-137 N 4000
NIRH-FISH Fresh Water Fish

NIRH-UNCUL-PAST Uncultivated Pasture

Cs-134 N 8000
CS-137 N 32000
Cs-134 N 2500
Cs-137 N 7500
Table 7: Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted ir. order of the code number of the reference material. The values quoted are the
isotopic enrichments (per mille) unless otherwise noted by an asterisk in column T (in which case the value is in atom percent).
See text, section 3, for further explanations of the column headings.

Enrichment Error E Enr ichment Error E

per mille % per mille
Isotope T (*=atom %) Isotope T (*=atom %)

IAEA-304B Water
IAEA-NBS19 Calcium Carbonate Unit Size: see 304A
Unit Size: 0.5g $40
0-18 C 502.5 0.7 a
C Nat
0-18 C Nat
IAEA-305A Ammonium Sulfate
Unit Size: set 2 x lOOmg $40
Unit Size: 30ml $40 N-15 C 39.8 1.3

C Nat
0-18 C Nat • IAEA-305B Ammonium Sulfate
Unit Size: see 305A

IAEA-302A Water N-15 C 375.3 0.6

Unit Size: set 2 x lml $40

H-2 C 508 .4 0 .6 a IAEA-309A UL Glucose

Unit Size: set 2 x lOOmg $40

IAEA-302B Water C-13 C 93.9 1.1

Unit Size: see 302A

H-2 C 996 1 .7 a IAEA-309B UL Glucose

Unit Size: see 309A

IAEA-303A Sodium Bicarbonate C-13 C 535.3 0.9

Unit Size: set 2 x 3ml $4C

C-13 C 93 .3 2 .3 a IAEA-310A Urea

Unit Size: set 2 x lOOmg $40

IAEA-303B Sodium Bicarbonate N-15 C 47.2 2.6

Unit Si2e: see 303A

C-13 C 466 1 .3 a IAEA-310B Urea

Unit Size: see 310A

IAEA-304A Water N-15 C 244.6 0.3

Unit Size: set 2 x 10ml $40

0-18 C 251.7 1.0 a IAEA-311 Ammonium Sulfate

Unit Size: 1 x lOOmg $40

N-15 C* 2.05 0.7

Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements sorted in order of the chemical symbol of the element and in descending order of
the elemental concentration. Concentrations are quoted on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted by an asterisk in column T.
See text, section 3, for further explanations of the column headings.

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) 1

Ag: Silver As: Arsenic

Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 C 0.89 10 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 115 7.8

Human Hair SHINR-HH N 0.35 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 24.6 8.9
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.33 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 17.7 11
copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM C 0.33 18 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 C 13.4 14
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 0.31 6.5 Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 10.1 13
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0.29 Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM C 6.7 9.0
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 0.10 10 Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 C 5.9 3.4
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0.04 25 Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 N 3.3 12
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N <0.0003 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 3.1 9.7
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 C 3.09 0.2
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 2.6 3.8
Al: Aluminium Fish EPA-FISH C 2.43 32
============= Mixed Diet NIST-RM-84318 c 0.924 37
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 17100 Human Hair SHINR-HH c 0.59 11
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 614C Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 c* 0.48 21
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 C 775 2.6 Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 c 0.41 12
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 C 545 5.5 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 c 0.21 19 I
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 260 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.2 c
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 215 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 0.17 c
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 92 16 Urine KL-140-II C* 0.15 20 i
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 N 47 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0.15
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 K 44 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 C 0.132 10
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 39.9 25 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.131 34
Human Hair SHINR-HH C 13.3 17 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER K 0.11
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 5.7 22 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B N 0.11
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a C 4.39 24 Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 C 0.063 14
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 N 4 50 Urine KL-140-I C* 0.05 25
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 3 Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0.047 13
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 3 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 0.026
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B N 2 Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 0.023
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N 2 Human Seruir GHENT -SERUV. C G.0196 20
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a K 2 Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 K 0.018
Rice Flour NIEE-CRM-10C N 1.5 Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-267C N* 0.015
Serum KL-147-II C* C.7 21 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-156 7a K C.006
Serum KL-147-: C* 0.35 17 Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 0.00485 4.1
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0.18 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N 0.0019
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0.18
Urine NYCO-10e N* 0.161
Serum NYCO-105 N* 0.07 Au: Gold
Serum NYCO-112 N* 0.07 =-===-!=
Human serum GHENT-SERUM C 0.0202 14 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0.0034
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.00205 33
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg'kg (*=mg'L) % Material Code T rog/kg (*=mg/L) *

B: Boron Br: Bromine (cont:)

Kale BOWEN'S Kale 49.0 13 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 0.38 18

Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A 0.3
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 0.17
Ba: Barium

Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 79 16 C: Carbon

Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 21 14
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 9 -C 33 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 448000 6.8
Hay Powder IAEA-V-1C C {. 25 Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 320000
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 5 .7
Human Hair SHINK-HK N 5 .41
Kale 30WEK's Kale N 4 .86 16 Ca: Calcium
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0 .2
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 21200C 3.U
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 41060 5.4
Be: Beryllium Citrus Leaves NIST-SHM-1572 C 31500 3.2
============= Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 30900
Urine KL-142-I C* 5 50 Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 27000
urine KL-142-II C* 0 .1 50 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 21600 2.8
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0 .033 Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 17500
Serum KL-148-II C* D .03 66 Aquatic plant BCR-CRM-061 N 16900
Serum KL-148-I C* 0 .025 80 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 13400 3 .7
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-267C N* <0 .0005 Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 13000 2 .2
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 13000 3 .8
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 12900 6 .2
Br: Bromine Milk Powder IAEA-153 c 12800 3 .1
===s======= Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 c 12600 2 .4
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 345 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273 c 11970 ^ .2
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 270 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 c 895C 6 .4
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 55 Chi orella NIES-CRM-03 c 4900 6 .1
Human Serum GHENT-SERUM C 48.8 7 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 c 410C 4 .9
Kale BOWEN's Kale c 24.9 9 Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 320C 3 .8
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 c 22 Total Diet ARC./CL-TD 2860 4 .3
Milk Powder IAEA-153 c 12.3 10 Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 2160 3 .7
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1S49 N 12 Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a 1940 7 .2
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 9 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 1500 13
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a N 9 Human Hair SHINR-HH 790 9 .1
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 8.6 19 wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 520
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 8.2 Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 41C
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 8 25 Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 295
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 6 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 286 19
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 3.5 14 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 24C 8 .3
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-156B N 1 Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF 210. 23 .8
Human Hair SHINR-HH N 0.602 wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a 191 2 .1
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B N 0.5 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER 168
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0.5 Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM 150 6.7
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error
Material C 3e T mg /kg (*=mg/L) Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) i

Ca: Calcium (cont:) cd: Cadmium (cont:)

Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 150 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-2 7 4 C 0 .030 6. 7

Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 C 149 6. 7 Tea Leaves NIES-CRH-07 C 0 .030 10
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 C 140 14 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 0 .03 50
Serum NYCO-105 N* 130 Urine KL-140-II C* 0 .03 20
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 120 5. 8 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-157 2 C 0 .03 33
Urine NYCO-108 N* 110 Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 C 0 .029 14
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 105 4. e Brown Bread BCB-CRM-191 C 0 .0284 4. 9
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 105 4. 8 Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 N 0 .026
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 95 2. i Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 0 .026 7. 7
Serum NYCO-112 N* 94 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A C 0 .023 13
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A C 93 3. 2 Animal Muscle (pork) APC/CL-AM c 0 .022 18. 6
Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 90 66. 7 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 c 0 .0218 6. 4
Rice Flour NIEF-CRM-10B c 78 3. 8 Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 0 .021 14. 3
Corn Kernel NIS'i-RM-8413 c 42 11 Whole Blood NYCO-906 N* 0 .019
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0 .017
Bovine Muscle BCB-CRM-184 C 0 .013 15
Cd: Cadmium Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-196 C* 0 .0124 4. 0
Whole Blood NYCO-905 N* 0 .0124
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 c 26.3 8..0 Urine KL-140-I C* 0 .01 25
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c 4.18 6.,7 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0 .0062
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 3.5 11 Whole Blood NYCO-904 N* 0 .0056
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 c 2.71 5. Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-195 C* 0 .00537 4. 5
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-06C c 2.2C 4..5 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-06.' c 0 .0029 41
Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP N <2 Human Serum GHENT-SERU>. c 0 .0020 20
Rice Flour NIES-CItM-lOC C 1.82 3 .3 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0 .002
Aquatic Plant BCF.-CRM-06: c '..07 7.. 5 MilK Powder IAEA-A-11 C 0 .0017 11
Kale BOWEN's Kale N C.889 28 Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-194 C* 0 .0005 20
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1 TM C C .75 4. C Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 c 0 .0005 40
Pine Needles NISI-SRM-15-5 K < C . •; Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-267C N* 0 .0004
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVEF C.46 6 .3
Bovine Liver NIST-SSM-157la ~ C.44 14
Mussel Tissae BCR-CRM-278 C.34 c, 9
Ce: Cerium
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-1CE r C.3 2 6. 3
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-275 C 0.274 e. C Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0 .4
Fish EPA-FISH r 0.16 5C Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0 .28
.. rgasso NIES-CRM-09 C C.15 13 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0 .210
SKifr. Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 C 0.101 7 .9
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 C 0.1C 20
Human Hair SHINS-KH c 0.095 12 Chlorine
Urjne (Sp'.ked) KIST-SRM-267C c* C.088 3 .4
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-i c 0.086 14 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 55800 1.7
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRK-189 c 0.0713 4 .2 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 510CC
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM c 0.066 f 1 Browr. Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 16500
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 0.042 2£ Cogfish Muscle NRCC-DORW-1 C 11300 2.7
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF r 0.0 39 10 .3 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 10900 1.8
Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP r 0.035 .7 Skim MilK Powder BCR-CRM-063 c 10700 2.8
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error
Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg {*=mg/L) %
= = = :==: = = = =
Cl: Chlorine (cont:) Co: Cobalt (cont:)

Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 10000 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 0.02

Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 10000 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10E N 0.02
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 9400 Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 C 0.02 50
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 9080 19 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0.02
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 6880 3.2 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.011
Urine (Normal) NIST-SBM-2670 N* 4400 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0.007
Urine (Spiked) NIS7-SRM-2670 N* 4400 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 N 0.0064
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 3560 12 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 N 0.0062
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 2870 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 N 0.006
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-lS77a C 2800 3.5 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 0.006
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 C 2440 5.7 Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 0.0045 17
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 2300 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N 0.0041
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 2000 Human Serum GHENT-SERUM C 0.0036 16
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 700 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0.0025
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 N 700
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 600 13
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 C 570 19 Cr: Chromium I
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 565 en
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 550 18 Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 10.7 oo
Corn Kernel HIST-RM-8413 N 450 26 Urine KL-142-I C* 10 50 i
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 414 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 6.5 12
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B N 310 Human Hair SHINR-HH C 4.77 8. 0
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 260 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 3.60 11
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 230 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 C 2.6 7. 7
Human Hair SHINR-HH N 152 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 2.4 25
Brewers Yeast NIST-SRM-1569 C 2.12 2. 4
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 1.3 7. 7
Co: Cobalt Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM C 1.1 18
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 C 0.80 10
Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 C 0.87 5.7 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 0.8 25
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 0.42 12 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 C 0.69 39
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 0.4 Fish EPA-FISK C 0.58 65
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0.37 8. 1 Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 0.40 17
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0.21 24 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.369 27
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 0.157 23 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B N 0.22
Human Hair SHINR-HH C 0.135 5.9 Urine KL-142-II C* 0.2 37
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 c 0.13 12 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0.2
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM c 0.12 8. 3 Serum KL-148-II C* 0.15 40
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 0.12 Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 0.15
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 0.12 8. 3 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 0.11 27
P'ne Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0.1 Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a C 0.102 5.9
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 0.08 12 Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 0.085 7. 1
Kale BOWEN'S Kale C 0.0632 17 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0.08
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 c 0.049 28 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 0.076
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 c 0.039 7.7 Serum KL-148-I C* 0.075 60
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 0.038 21 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 0.07
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Cr: Chromium (cont:) Cu: Copper (cont:)

Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 0.068 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 5. 22 6.3
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 0. 058 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 4. 9 4. 1
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 N 0. 057 Kale BOWEN's Kale C 4. 39 13
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0. 044 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 4. 3 13
Urine NYCO-108 N 0. 022 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 4. 1 7. 3
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 0. 0177 21 Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM c 4. 0 2. 5
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N 0. 013 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 3. 9 4. 6
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 0. 0026 27 Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 c 3. 5 8. 6
Human Serum GHENT-SERUM c 0. 00076 13 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A c 3. 5 8. 6
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 3. 36 9.8
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B c 3. 3 6.1
Cs: Caesium Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 3. 18 5. 9
=====s===== Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 c 3. 0 20
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1S72 N 0 .098 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-157J c 3. 0 30
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 0 .0763 7.7 Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM c 2. 68 10. 4
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0 .047 Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 c 2. 6 3. 8
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0 .04 Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF c 2. 48 12. 5 I
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 0 .022 Bovine Muscle BCK-CRM-184 c 2..36 2. 5 O3
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 N 0 .017 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 c 2..230 3. 6 CD
Human Serum GHENT-SERUM C 0 .010 23 Fish EPA-FISH c 2,.21 29 1
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0 .002 Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 c 2..2 14
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a c 2..1 9.5
Serum KL-146-II c* 1..5 20
Cu: Copper Serum NYCO-10 5 N* 1 .3
==s======= Serum NYCO-112 N* 1 .1
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRH-061 C 720 4.3 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 c 0..95 20
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 439 5.0 Serum KL-146-I c* 0..7 21
NIST-SRM-1577a 158 4.4 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 c 0 .7 14
Bovine Liver c ARC/CL-MP 0 .59 25. 4
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 63. 0 5.6 Milk Powder c
BCR-CRM-060 51. 2 3.7 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 c 0 .59 40
Aquatic Plant c BCR-CRM-06 3 0 .545 5..5
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 c 46. 6 3.9 Skim Milk Powder c
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 c 31. 9 1.3 Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c c .378 8..2
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER c 26. 3 6.1 Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 c* 0 .37 8.,1
Human Hair SHINR-HH c 23. 0 6.1 Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-267C c* 0 .13 15
NRCC-DOLT-1 20.8 5.8 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0 .045
Dogfish Liver
c 16. 5 6.1
Citrus Leaves c 2.8
Sea Lettuce 3CR-CRM-279 c 13.14
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM- " 4 c 13.1 3.1 Er: Erbium
Human Serum GHENT-SERUM c 11.1 3.6 ==========
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 c 9.60 1.7 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0 .01
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 9.4 4.8 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0 .00665
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412
c 8 12 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0 .006
c 2.6
s Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM c 7.6 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 N 0 .0024
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 7.0 4.3
Wholemeal Flour
c 3.1
BCR-CRM-189 c 6.4
Skim Milk powder 5.23 l.S
BCR-CBM-151 c
Table B: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

r: Fluorine Fe: Iron (cont:)

Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 N 17.6 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP C 22 9.1

Kale SOWEN's Kale C 5.87 17 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 14. 1 3. 5
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 5.2 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B C 13. 4 6.7
Urine NTCO-108 N* 3.8 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A C 12. 7 5.5
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 N 0.65 20 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 C 11. 8 5.1
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 N 0.24 8.3 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C c 11. 4 7. 0
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N 0.20 Cctton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 11
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 C 8. 7 6.9
Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 4. 54 18. 9
Fe: Iron Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 c 4. 1 17
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c 3. 65 20
Aquatic plant BCR-CRM-061 N 9300 Milk Powder IAEA-153 c 2. 53 34
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 2400 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 c 2. 06 12
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 2400 Serum KL-146-II c* 2 20
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 2400 6.3 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 c 1. 76 5. 6
Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 C 1850 5.4 Serum NYCO-105 N* 1. 4
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 712 6.7 Serum NYCO-112 N* 1. 3 1
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 495 5.7 Serum KL-146-I C* 1 20
Pig Kidney BCR-CRN-186 C 299 3.3 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0. 072 O
Olive leaves BCR-CP.M-062 N 280 1
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 C 200 5.0
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 195 17 Ga: Gallium
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a c 194 10
Sargasso NIES-CRH-09 c 187 3.2 Kale BOWEN's Kale 0.0267 8.1
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 186 5.9 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 0.01
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10
c 185 3.5
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273
c 2.6
c 156
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 c 139 10 H: Hydrogen
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 c 133 3.0
Kale BOWEN's Kale c H9.3 12 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 56800
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 c 90 11
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 c 79 2.5
Animal Bone IAEA-K-5 c 79 7.5 Hf: Hafnium
Human Hair SHINR-HK c 71.2 9.3
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-169 c 68.3 2.8 Kale BOWEN's Kale 0.013
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 c 63.6 8.3 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 0.002
Copepoda IAEA-Mfi-A-1/TM c 60 3.3
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM c 54 1.9
Animal huscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM c 52.8 10.4 Hg: Total Mercury
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF c 51 11.8
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 c 50.1 2.6 Fish EPA-FISH 2.52 25
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 c 40.7 5.7 Human Hair SHINR-HH 2.16 9.7
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 37 7.0 Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 1.97 2.0
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 30.4 2.9 Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP
Human Serum GHENT-SERUM c 25.9 5.8 Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 c 23 21 Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 0.95 10
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued!

Concentration Error Concentration Error

T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Hg: Total Mercury (cont:) Hg: Methyl Mercury

Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 0 .798 9.3 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 0 .731 8 .2

Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 0 .47 4.3 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 0 .128 10
Bovine Liver CZIK-LIVER C 0 .37 5.4 Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c 0 .080 13
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 C 0 .34 12
Lobster Hepatopancxeas NRCC-TORT-1 C 0 .33 18
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 c 0 .28 7.1 I: Iodine
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM c 0 .28 3.6
Aquatic Plant BCH-CRM-061 c 0 .23 8.7 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 520
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c c .225 16 Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 154
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 c 0 .188 3.7 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 C 5.35 2 .6
Kale BOWEN's Kale c 0 .171 16 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 3.38 0 .6
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 c 0 .15 33 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 2.8
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 c* 0 .105 7.6 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 1.84 16
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 c 0 .101 9.9 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 C 1.29 7 .0
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 c 0 .08 25 Human Hair SHINR-HH N 0.875
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 c 0 .06 33 Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 0.145
Urine KL-140-II c* 0 .06 20 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.137 I
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 0 .057 26 Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 0.087 6 .9 -q
Urine NYCO-108 N* 0 .051 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 0.04 I—»
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 0 .05 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 N 0.021 1
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0 .04 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 0.0009
Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM C 0 .022 13.6
Urine KL-140-I c* 0 .02 25
Whole Blood NYCO-906 N* 0 .014 In: Indium
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 0 .013 /.I
Whole Blood NYCO-905 N* 0 .01 Kale BOWEN's Kale 0.00062 3.2
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 C 0 .0094 18
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 0 .0066 54.5
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 c 0 .0060 12 K: Potassium
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0 .005
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 0 .004 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 61000 3.3
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0 .004 50 Kale BOWEN's Kale C 24370 6.0
Whole Blood NYCO-9C1 N* 0 .004 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 N 21000
Milk Powder lAEA-A-J.'. C 0 .0032 18 Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 C 18600 3.8
Rice Flour NIES-CRK ^OE N 0 .003 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 c 18200 3.3
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 C 0 .0026 23 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 c 17800 3.9
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 0 .002 Milk Powder IAEA-153 c 17600 6.3
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0 .002 Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 c 17350 2.7
Serum NYCO-105 N* 0 .0011 Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c 17200 5.8
Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 Q 0 .001 40 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 c 16900 1.8
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 N 0 .001 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 16600
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 0 .0005 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 15900 6.3
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 0 .0003 67 Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279
N 13000
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 12800 4.7
Pig Kidney BCS-CRM-186 N 12600
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 12500
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error
Material Code T mg/kg <;*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

K: Potassium (cont:) Lu: Lutetium

Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 C 12400 4.8 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.02

Albacore Tuna NIST-BM-50 N 12200
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 11400
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 10410 3.8 Mg: Magnesium
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 10100 9.9 =============
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a c 9960 0.7 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 6500 4.6
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 9690 0.5 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 6030
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 9420 3.2 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 5800 5.2
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 7900 5.3 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 3900
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CBM-189 N 6300 Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 355C 2.5
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 C 3700 5.4 Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 C 3300 6.1
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 c 3570 10 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273 c 2700 3.7
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 3100 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 c 2550 9.8
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 3100 Wholemeal Flour BCR-CKM-189 N 1900
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A C 2800 2. 9 Kale BOWEN's Kale C 1605 11
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 2750 3. 6 Corn stalk NIST-RM-8412 C 1600 4.4
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 2500 14 Tea Leaves NIE3-CRM-D7 C 1530 3.9
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B C 245C 4. 1 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 c 1360 4.4
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273 C 2220 2. 3 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A c 1340 6.0
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 C 1925 7. 0 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B c 1310 4.6
Urine NYCO-108 N* 1740 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 (2 1280 7.0
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 1500 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 1250 6.4
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 1500 Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 1230 2.4
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 1330 2. 3 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 c 1210 10
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 C 1120 1. 8 Olive leaves BCH-CRM-062 N 1200
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 680 17 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 1200 2.5
Serum NYCO-105 N* 205 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 C 1120 2.7
Serum NYCO-112 N* 170 Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 1100 7.3
Human Hair SHINR-HH N 11 .8 Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 1100 13
Milk Powder IAEA-153 C 1060 8.5
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 1020
La: Lanthanum Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM C 1010 3.9
============= Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 C 990 8.3
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0 .2 Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 829
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0 .19 Total Diet ARC/CL-TD C 785 3.2
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 0 .0864 15 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 750 2.1
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0 .07 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 650
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 N 0 .07 Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a C 650 6.2
Human Hair SHINR-HH N 0 .014 Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a c 600 2.5
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF c 570 3.5
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 500
Li: Lithium Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a c 400 5.0
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 c 121 7.4
Kale BOWEN'S Kale N 1 .56 Urine NYCO-108 N* 120
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0 .024 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 N 99 29
Human Hair SHINR-HH C 75 8.0
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Mg: Magnesium (cont:) Mn: Manganese (cont:)

Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 63 4 .8 Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 N 1.3

Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 63 4 .8 Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 0.81 4 .9
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 53 20 Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 0.44 22 .7
Serum KL-147-I C* 15 66 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 C 0.334 8 .4
Serum KL-147-II C* 15 66 Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0.33
Serum NYCO-105 N* 15 Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM C 0.30 8 .0
Serum NYCO-112 N* 13.9 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 0.26 23
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c 0.257 2 .3
skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 N 0.236
Mn: Manganese Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 N 0.226
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 N 0.223
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 C 3771 2.1 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 0.15 30
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 C 1759 2.9 Serum XL-147-II 0.04 37
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 C 700 3.6 Serum KL-147-I
c* 0.03 33
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 675 2.2
c Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0.03
chlorella NIES-CRM-03 c 69 7.2 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.02
wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 c 63 .3 2.5 Human Serum GHENT-SERUM C 0.0077 3 .9
Olive leaves ECR-CRM-062 c 57 .0 4.2
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 c 51 .9 2.3 OJ
Hay Powder IAEA-V-1C N 47 Mo: Molybdenum i
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C c 40 .1 5.C
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A c 34 .7 5.2 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER K 3.5 17
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B c 31 .5 S.I Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 3.5 14
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 c 23 .4 4.3 Kale BOWEN's Kale C 2.27 16
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 c 23 8.7 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 1.6 6.3
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 c 2] .2 4.7 Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 N 1.6
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 c 20 .3 3.4 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 1.5 20
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-156S c 20 .1 2.0 Hay Pov3er IAEA-V-10 C 0.9 28
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 17 .5 6.9 Human Hair SHrNR-HH N 0.58
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-6412 c 15 13 Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 0.49 6.1
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 14 .82 11 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 0.48 6.3
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF c 13 .0 2.3 Rice Flour " NIES-CRM-10B C C.42 11
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c .9 4.5 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A c 0.35 14
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577& c 9 .9 8.1 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 I! C.34
wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a c 9 .4 9.6 Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 0.288 10
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c 8 .72 6.1 Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 0.262 13. 4
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 c 8 .5 3.5 Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF c 0.26 7.7
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 8 .12 3.8 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 0.21 23. 8
Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 8 .1 3.7 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N <0.2
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER c 7 .6 6.6 Citrus Leaves N:ST-SRM-157 2 C 0.17 53
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 r 7 .3 2.7 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0.12
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 c 4 .0 7.5 Milk Powaer 1AEA-A-11 C 0.092 9.8
Human Hair SHINR-HH c 2 .94 6.8 ARC/CL-AM 0.034 47. 1
Animal Muscle (pork) c
Rye Flour
IAEA-MA-A-i/TK c 2 .9
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 c 0.034 28

Dogfish Muscle
IAEA-V-8 c 2 .06 Human Serum GHENT-SERUM c 0.0075 10
NRCC-DORM-1 c 1 .32 19
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elt.nents (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material coae T mg/kg % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

N: Nitrogen Na: Sodium (cont:)

Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273 N 121000 Olive leaves BCR-CRM-06 2 N 70

Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a N 107000 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 56 13
Skiiri Milk Powder BCF.-CRM-063 C 58800 1.6 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273 N 44
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 42790 3.4 Wholemeal Flour BCR-CP.M-189 N 40
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 41200 Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 C 28 28
Aquatic Plant SCR-CRM-061 N 33500 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B C 17.8 2.2
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 28600 Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 c 15.5 9.7
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 20800 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C c 14.0 2.9
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 19500 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A c 10.2 2.0
Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 N 13750 3.1 Wheat Flour
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 1200C Rice Flour
c 6.1 13
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 N 6970 4.6
c 6.0 25
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 2.5

Na: Sodium Ni: Nickel

Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 36700 5.4 Urine KL-142-I C* 10 50

Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 1700C 4.7 Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 c 6.5 4.6
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 12600 7.5 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 c 4.0 14
Brown Bread SCR-CRM-191 N 10000 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-157 5 N 3.5
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 8000 7.5 Human Hair SHINR-HH C 3.17 12
Total Diet ARC'CL-TD C 7870 7.2 Lobster Hepatopancreas NBCC-TORT-1 C 2.3 13
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 7260 10 Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM C 1.9 10
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 7100 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 1.20 25
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 6700 Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 1.1 18
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 C 5100 5.9 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-156 6 C 1.03 18
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 c 5000 5.6 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 N 1 40
Milk Powder N:ST-SRM-1549 c 4970 2 0 Kale BOWEK's Kale N 0.895 15
Skim Milk Powder BCR -CRM-063 c 4570 3.5 Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a C 0.644 23
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c 4420 7.5 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 0.6 50
Milk Powder IAEA-153 c 4180 7.4 Fish EPA-FISH C 0.54 51
Serum NYCO-105 N* 3250 Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 N 0.44
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 3120 5.1 Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 0.42
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 3000 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10E c 0.39 10
Serum NYCO-112 N* 2940 Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 N 0.38
Urine NYCO-108 N* 2640 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 0.30 10
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 262G 5.3 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 N 0.3
Urine (Spiked) KIST-SRM-2670 C* 2620 5.3 Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0.3
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 2430 5.3 Total Diet ARC/CL-TD C 0.271 14.C
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 2366 12 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 0.27
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 2185 18 Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 C 0.26 23
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 2000 Urine KL-142-II C* 0.2 37
Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 N 1100 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP C 0.193 22.3
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 N 500 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A C 0.19 15
Human Hair SHINR-HH C 266 4.5 Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 N 0.16
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 160 13 Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF C 0.12 25.'
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kq ;*=mg/L) %

Ni: Nickel (cont:) P: Phosphorus (cont:)

Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 0 .09 61 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 N 940 23

Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0 .07 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 C 592 15
Skim Milk povder BCR-CRM-150 N C .0615 Human Hair SHINR-HH N 184
Sklir. Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 N 0 .056 Serum NYCO-112 N* 82
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 K 0 .054 51
Serum KL-148-II C* 0 .05 40
Urine NYCO-108 N* 0 .04 Pb: Lead
Serum KL-148-I C* 0 .03 66
Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 N 0 .0112 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 C 64. 4 5..4
Serum NYCO-105 N* 0 .0032 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 c 63. 8 5..0
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 c 25. 0 6.,0
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 c 13. 48 2..7
0: Oxygen Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 c 13. 3 18
========= Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 c 10. 8 4..6
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 337000 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 c 10. 4 19
Human Hair SHINR-HH c 7. 2 9 .7
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 c 3. 1 18 1
P: Phosphorus Kale BOWEN's Kale H 2.49 23
Copepcda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM C 2. 1 14 Ol
Animal Bone IAEA-K-5 C 102000 8.4 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 c 2. 002 1 •3 i
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRH-273 C 26800 1.5 Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 c 1. 91 2 .1
Chlorella NIEE-CRM-03 N 17000 Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 c 1..6 34
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 N 12200 Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c 1.,36 21
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 1110C 3.6 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 1..35 3 .7
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 10600 1.9 Urine KL-110-H
c 1 .1
. 18
Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150
c 10400 2.9 c 1..00 4 .0
Milk Powder IAEA-153 c lOiOO 1C Blood KL-100-H c* 0..95 21
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 9220 Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 c 0.,80 3 .7
Milk Powder IAEA-A'l: c 9100 11 whole Blood NYCO-906 N* 0..788
Lobstet Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-i c 8790 2.3 Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-196 c* 0 .772 1 .4
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 N 8300 Lead in Blood NIST-SRM-955d c* 0,.732 1 .0
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 8100 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER c 0,.71 11
Aquatic Plan- BCR-CRM-P60 N 5160 Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 N 0 .60
Kale BOWSN's Kale c 4480 3.6 Fish Flesn IAEA-HA-A-2/TM C 0 .58 12
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 3700 Urine KL-llO-M c* 0 .5 20
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A r 3400 2.1 Lead in Blood N1ST-SRM-955C c* 0 .494 1 .6
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 3350 2.4 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 0 .48 8 .3
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a C 3320 9.3 Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 N 0 .46
Rice Flour KIES-CRM-10B C 3150 1 .9 Blood KL-100-M C* 0 .45 22
Sargasso NIES-CBM-09 K 2600 Bovine Blood BCE-CRM-195 C* 0 .416 2 .2
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 c 230C 8.7 Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 C 0 .40 30
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 N 1800 Wholemeal Flour BCfi-CRM-189 0 .379 3 .2
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 1340 4.5 Whole Blood NYCO-905
N* 0 .374
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 1300 15 Pig Kidney BCF-CRM-186 C 0 .306 3 .6
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 c 1200 17 Lead in Blood NIST-SRM-955b C* 0 .305 1 .0
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 1050 Fish EPA-FISH C 0 .26 69
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Material Code T mg/kg ( *=mg/L) Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/I.)

== = " =
Pb: Lead (cont:) Rb: Rubidium (cont:)

Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 0.25 22 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 4.84 1. 2

Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 C 0.239 4.6 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A C 4.5 6. 7
Blood KL-100-L C* 0.2 30 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 4.45 2. 0
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 c 0.187 7. 5 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B c 3.3 9. 1
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 N 0.18 44 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 c 2.3 30
Urine KL-110-L C* 0.15 47 Human Serum GHENT-SERUM c 1.85 17
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0.135 11 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a c 0.68 4. 4
Bovine Blood BCR-CRM-194 C* 0.126 3.2 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 c 0.48 15
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 c* 0.109 3.7
Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 c 0.1045 2.9
Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM c 0.089 14. 8 Ru: Ruthenium
Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.088 =============
Whole Blood NYCO-904 N* 0.062 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.0045
Lead in Blood NIST-SRM-955a C* 0..057 8.8
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c 0.,054 18
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 c 0..045 22 S: Sulphur
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 c 0.,044 22 ========== i
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 0..043 18. 6 Human Hair SHINR-HH K 46900 ~]
Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 0.,026 11. 5 Kale BOWEN's Kale C 15660 14 U3
wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N <0..020 Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 12200 8. 2 i
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 c 0..019 16 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 12000
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF c 0,.018 33. 3 Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-273 N 10200
Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP c 0..017 23.5 Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 7600 12
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 M* 0..01 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 7734
Serum NYCO-105 N* 0,.0027 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N 7600
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 6500 8. 5
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 5200
Pt: Platinum Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 4070 2. 2
============ Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 3510 1. 4
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 0 .11 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 2300
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 N* <0 .01 Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 1650 1. 2
Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 1600
Serum NYCO-112 N* 950
Rb: Rubidium Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 620
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-267P N* 434
Kale BOWEN's Kale C 53 .4 10 Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 N* 434
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 c 30 .8 20 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 54
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 c 24 8..3
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 16 .0 16
Milk Powder IAEA-153 C 14 .0 15 Sb: Antimony
NIST-SRM-1577a g
!.£.. c3 u,> o
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 C Human Hair SHINR-HK N 0.21
Milk Powder N n .7 0..9
C 0.07 42
Hay Powder
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM
C .6 3..3 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.0685 21
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 N 7 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0.04
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C C 5 .7 5,.3 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0.04
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Sb: Antimony (cont:) Se: Selenium (cont:)

Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0.033 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER C 0. 325 4. 3

Hay Powder IAEA-V-1C N 0.020 Serum KL-148-II C* 0.25 24
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0.02 Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a C 0.242 12
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 0.014 Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 0. 24 33
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 0.005 20 Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 C 0.183 6.6
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a N 0.003 Total Diet ARC/CL-TD C 0.181 9.4
Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 N 0.0026 Serum KL-148-I C* 0.15 40
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N 0.00027 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.134 15
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 C 0.132 7. 6
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 N 0.127
Sc: Scandium Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 N 0.125
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 0.11 9.0
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0.09 Serum NYCO-105 N* 0.09
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0.03 Serum NYCO-112 N* 0.09
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 0.014 11 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 N 0.088
Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 N 0.013 Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 0.082 9.8
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 N 0.011 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0.07
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0.01 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 0.06
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.00948 Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF C 0.059 15. 3
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0.009 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0. 05
Human Hair SHINR-HH N 0.00287 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.049
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 0.0339 21
Urine (Normal) NIST-SRM-2670 C* 0. 03 27
Se: Selenium Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0. 025
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 K 0.022
Urine KL-142-I C* 20 37 Rice Flour NIES-CRM-1OB N 0.02
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 C 10.3 4.9 Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 C 0.016 50
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c 7.34 5.7 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0.015
Lobster Hepatopancrtas KRCC-TORT-1 c 6.88 6.8 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP N <0. 005
Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 N 3.6 11 Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 C 0.004 50
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM c 3.0 6.7
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 2.1 24
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM c 1.7 17 Si: Silicon
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 c 1.66 2.4
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 c 1.62 7.4 Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 75300
Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a c 1.1 18 Aquatic plant BCR-CRM-060 N 28500
Human Serum GHENT-SERUM c 1.05 4.8 Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 1300
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 c 1.03 4.9 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 249 29
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a c 0.71 9.9 Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N <50
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 c 0.593 5.4
Humar. Hair SHINR-HH c 0.58 8.6
Urine KL-142-II c* 0.5 20 Sm: Samarium
Urine (Spiked) NIST-SRM-2670 c* 0.46 6.5
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 c 0.40 25 Kale BOWEN's Kale 0.067
Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM c 0.394 7.9 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 0.052
Fish EPA-FISH 51 IAEA-V-9 0.003
c 0.37 Cotton Cellulose
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L)

Ti: Titanium

Sn: Tin Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-061 N 780

Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 N 240
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0.6 Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 N 240
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0.53 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 9
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N 0.24
Kale BOWER'S Sale N 0.221
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 0.139 7.9 Tl: Thallium
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 N <0.02
wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 0.003 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 N 0.05
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N <0.01
Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.01
Sr: Strontium Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 N <0.005
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a N 0.003
Sargasso MES-CRM-09 C 1000 3.0 Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 N 0.0013
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 113 4.4 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 N 0.001
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 C 100 2.0 Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 N 0.0008
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 C 96 8.6
Kale BOWEN's Kale N 75 .7 39 -q
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 C 40 8.8 U: Uranium CO
Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 C 40 7.5
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 c 12 16 Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 N 0.4
Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 c 10 .36 5.4 Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 N <0.15
Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 c 4 .8 4.2 Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 C 0.116 5.2
Human Hair SHINR-HH c 4 .19 3.3 Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0.05
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 K 3 .7 Pine Needles NIST-SRM-1575 C 0.020 20
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVEE N 0 .83 Kale BOWEN's Kale N 0.0117 23
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 C 0 .65 32 Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0.00071 4.2
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A N 0 .3 wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a N 0.0003
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10B K 0 .3
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10C N 0 .2
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a C 0 .136 2.2 V: Vanadium

Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 2.3 4.3

Te: Tellurium Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1 C 1.4 21
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 1.0 10
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 0.02 Kale BOWEN's Kale C 0.386 15
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 <0.002 Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER N 0.26
Cotton Cellulose IAEA-V-9 N 0.09
Human Hair SHINR-HH N 0.069
Tb: Thorium Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-lS67a N 0.0110

Oyster Tissue NIST-SRM-1566 0.1

Pine Needles NIST-3RM-1575 0.037 8.1
Kale BOWEN's Kale 0.0104 9.8
Cotton cellulose IAEA-V-9 0.004
Table 8: Biological reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) * Material Code T mg/tcg (*=mg/L) %

W: Tungsten Zn: Zinc (cont:)

Kale BOWEN'E Kale 0.0606 11 Olive leaves BCR-CRM-062 C 16.C 4.4

Wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a 0.0008 Corn Kernel NIST-RM-8413 C 15.7 8.9
Sargasso NIES-CRM-09 C 15.6 7.7
Wheat Flour ARC/CL-WF C 14.6 4.5
Zn: Zinc Albacore Tuna NIST-RM-50 N 13.6 7.4
Animal Blood IAEA-A-13 C 13 7.7
Oyster Tissue NIST-~RM-1566 C 852 1 .6 wheat Flour NIST-SRM-1567a C 11.6 3.4
Aquatic Plant BCR-CKM-061 c 566 2 .3 Human Serum GHENT-SERUM C 9.6 4.2
Aquatic Plant BCR-CRM-060 c 313 2 .6 Potato Powder ARC/CL-PP c 9.0 3.3
Human Hair SHINK-HH 189 4 .2 Rye Flour IAEA-V-8 2.53
Lobster Hepatopancreas NRCC-TORT-1
c 177 5 .6 Serum KL-146-I
c 1.3
c 1 .8 Serum
Bovine Muscle BCR-CRM-184 c 166 KL-146-II c* 1.2 20
Bovine Liver CZIM-LIVER c 162 3 .7 Serum NYCO-105 N* 0.9
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/TM c 158 1 .3 Serum NYCO-112 N« 0.8
Pig Kidney BCR-CRM-186 c 128 2 .3 Urine NYCO-108 N* 0.64
Bovine Liver NIST-SRM-1577a c 123 6 .5
Animal Muscle (pork) ARC/CL-AM r 104 2 .9
Dogfish Liver NRCC-DOLT-1 c 92 .5 2 .5
Animal Bone IAEA-H-5 c 89 5 .9 CO
Mussel Tissue BCR-CRM-278 c 76 2 .6
Wholemeal Flour BCR-CRM-189 c 56 .5 3 .0
Sea Lettuce BCR-CRM-279 r 51 .3 2 .3
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-151 N 5C .4
Skim Milk powder BCR-CRM-150 N 49 .500
Milk Powder NIST-SRM-1549 C 46 4 .8
Fish EPA-FISH c 43 .6 9 .4
Single Cell Protein BCR-CRM-274 c 42 .7 2 .3
Skim Milk Powder BCR-CRM-063 N 42
Milk Powder ARC/CL-MP C 41 .7 2 .6
Milk Powder IAEA-153 C 39 .6 4 .8
Milk Powder IAEA-A-11 C 38 .9 5 .9
Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-A-2/TM C 33 3 .0
Tea Leaves NIES-CRM-07 C 33 9
Kale BOWEN's Kale c 32 .29 8 .5
Corn Stalk NIST-RM-8412 c 32 9 .4
Citrus Leaves NIST-SRM-1572 c 29 6 .9
Total Diet ARC/CL-TD c 28 .9 4 .5
Rice Flour NIES-CRM-10A c 25 .2 3 .2
Hay Powder IAEA-V-10 c 24 13
Rice Flour KIES-CRM-10C c 23 .1 3 .5
Rice Flour NIEb-CRM-lOB c 22 .3 4 .0
Dogfish Muscle NRCC-DORM-1 c 21 .3 4 .7
Chlorella NIES-CRM-03 c 20 .5 4 .9
Brown Bread BCR-CRM-191 c 19 .5 2 .6
Rice Flour NIST-SRM-1568 c 19 .4 5 .2
Mixed Diet NIST-RM-8431a c 17 .0 3 .5
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials £or trace elements sorted in order of the chemical symbol of the element and in
descending order of the elemental concentration. Concentrations are quoted on a dry weight basis unless otherwise not=d by an
asterisk in column T. See text, section 3, for further explanations of the column headings.

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=rog/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Ag: Silver Al: Aluminium (cont:)

Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 19C Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 4100
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 8C.6 75 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 C 3300 6.1
Electroplating Sludge FISHER-SRS010 c 68.C 17 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 N 3200
Waste water FISKER-SRS002 c 20.4 12 Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 2800
Board Coating Sludge FISHER-SRS009 c 17.6 43 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 888 8.6
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 11 Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b N 16
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-164B N 6 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 15.6
Vehicle Exhaust NIEE-CRM-08 N C.2C
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 K C.082
Water NIST-3RM-1643b C* 0.01C 8.2 As: Arsenic

Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 28800 5.6

Al: Aluminium Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 1790 6.1
============= Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 211 5.2
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 160000 6.3 Coai Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a c 145 10
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 15800G 7.9 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 c 115 8.7
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 r 148700 2.6 City Waste BCR-CRM-i76 N 93.3
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 140000 Coal Fly Ash IP-ANT-EOP C 79.1 8.4
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689 c 12940C 1.6 River Sediment BCK-CRM-320 C 76.7 4.4
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-269C c 123500 2.3 Coal Fly Ash 7RANT-EC0 C 62.2 9.6
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 10900C 3.7 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 56.9 7.6
Pond Sediment N:ES-CRM-C2 c 106000 4.7 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 53.6 5.0
City Waste BCR-CRM-17£ N 101500 Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 c 51.0 4.7
coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 r 98100 4.C Fly Ash BCF.-CRM-038 c 48.0 4.8
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 890CJ Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 c 47. 3 3.4
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 64750 1.8 Coking Coal BCS-CRM-181 c 27.7 4.3
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 62600 3.5 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 27.5 10
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 62500 3.2 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 23.4 3.4
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 61100 2.f Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 19.8 11
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARH-20 c 59600 2.5 Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE c 17.0 211
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 c 5830C 3.4 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 c 13.4 6.3
Soil BCF.-CRM-141 K 5586C Coal BCR-CRM-040 c 13.2 8.3
Soil BCR-CRK-14 3 N 5359C Sediment NIES-CRM-02 c 12 17
Soil BCP-CRM-142 N 50100 Estuarine Sedimer.t NIST-SR.M-1646 c 11.6 11
Sewage Sludge BCH-CRM-146 N 4750C Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 11.1 12
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 47000 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 c 10.6 11
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 r 42400 1.8 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SAR.M-19 c 7 14
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 C 34200 3.2 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-i44 K 6.7
sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 N 24200 Coal (Sasolburg! SABS-SARM-20 c 4.7 15
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-14 5 N 18200 Gas Coal BCP.-CRy-180 c 4.23 4.5
Coal Fly Ash TRANT-ECK 14600 3.2 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b c 3.72 2.4
Coal (Witbank) SAES-SARM-18 c 13600 1.4 Soil AMM-SO-1 c 3.4 15
Gas Coal BCK-CRM-18C N 1240C Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 c 2.6 7.7
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-3RM-1632b 8550 2.2 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 1.47
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHF C 6 200 6.8 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 c 0.42 35
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE 4560 28 Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b c 0.12 16
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elemeucs (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

As: Arsenic (cont:) Ba: Barium (cont:)

Water KIST-SRM-1643b N* 0.049 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 304 3.8

Seawater NRCC-RASS-2 C* 0.00165 11 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 159
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 C* 0.00101 6.9 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 156
Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 C* 0.000765 12 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 85 .8 20
coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 78 7.1
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 67 .5 3.1
Au: Gold Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b N 1 .3
water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0.044 4.5
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 1.4
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 0.010
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 0.006 Be: Beryllium
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0.003
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 N 27
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 23. 3 28
B: Boron Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 12
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-16 33a N 12
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 90 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 10. 1 22 I
Coal (Sasolburct) SABS-SARM-20 N 90 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 4. 1 7.3
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 55 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N <4 to
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 39 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 2. 8 14 1
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 31. 3 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 2. 5 18
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 30 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 1. 9 10
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 8. 3 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 1. 5
Water NIST-SRM-1643b N* 0. 094 Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 1. 3 23
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE c 0. 28 50
Water NIST-SRM-1643b c* 0. 019 11
Ba: Barium

Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRH-2691 6600 Si: Bismuth

Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 6500
Diatomaceous Filter FISHER-SRS004 1653 5.9 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 3100

Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KKK 1600 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 K
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-16333 1500 Water NIST-SRM-1643b N* 0. 011
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP 1100 5.0
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO 974 8.4
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 835 6.7 Br: Bromine
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-26B9 800
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 767 10 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 K 500
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 737 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 56
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH 711 11 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 36. 5
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO 674 6.4 Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 34. 9
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 639 8.3 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 17
Fly Ash FISHER-SRS001 425 7.1 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 17
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 414 2.9 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 8. 5
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARW-20 372 2.8 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 7. 3
Soil AMM-SO-1 304 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 7
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Br: Bromine (cont:) Ca: Calcium (cont:)

River Sediment NIST-SRM-27C4 N 7 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 9920 1.4
La»:<s Sediment IAEA-SI-1 C 6.82 25 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 C 8300 3.6
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 3 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 C 8100 7.4
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SABM-19 N 2 Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-i C 5430 9.7
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-2C N 2 VehiclP Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 C 5300 3.8
Soil AMH-SO-1 N 1.6 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 481C 9.5
Soil AMM-SO-1 C 2600 23
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 2500
C: Carbon Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 204C 2.9
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 1300
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 C 848900 C.2 Steam Coal BCP.-CRM-182 N 20
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 781100 C.5 Fuel Oil NIST-3R^f-1634b N 15
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 C 760100 0.3 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-18C N 13.5
Steam Coal BCK-CRM-182 C 732900 0.3
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 36900 3.C
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 33480 C.5 Co: Cadmiuir
Marine Sediment NBCC-MESS-1 C 29900 3.0
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 21900 4.1 Incinerated Sludge FISKEH-SRS012 C 3582 1.9 CO
City Ksste BCR-CRM-176 C 470 1.9
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANI-KHF C 442 6.3 w
Ca: Calcium Sewage Sludge BCF. -CRM-146 C 77 t 7 3.3
Urban Paiticulate NIST-SRM-1648 C 75 9.3
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 327000 9.5 Steel Plant Fiue Dust IRANT-OK C 37 .9 5.3
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 c 18450C Soil BCR-CRM-143 C 31 . 1 3.9
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 163C0C "•micipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 19 . 1 23
Soil BCR-CRM-iil N 12840." Sewage Sludge BCR-CR.u-145 c 18 .0 6.7
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 109600 Estuarine Sediment BCR-CR^-277 c 11 .9 3.4
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 1014CC Sewage Sludge BCR-CRH-144 c 4 .82 20
C:ty Waste BCR-CRM-176 N 8790C Fly Ash ECR-CRM-C36 c 4. 6 6.5
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 6910C 4.3 River Sedimer.t NIST-SRK-2704 z 3 .45 6.4
Soil BCR-CRM-14 3 >; 6680C Biatomaceous Filter FISHER-SRS004 c 3 .1 29
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRK-269C ™
5?io: 2.3 Coal Fly Ash IRAST-ECK c 3 .06 36
Sewage Sludae BCE-CRM-144 K 4060C Coal Fly Asn IRANT-EOF c 2 .94 51
Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 353OC Coal Fly Asr. ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 K 2 .8
Coal Fly Ash 1RANT-EN0 C 3 3 4G C 11 M = : m e Sediment NRCC-PACE-1 c 2 .38 8.4
River Sediment NIST-SRK-2 704 c 26GC: Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO 1 .99 60
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 N 229GC LaKe Sediment BCR-CRM-28C c 1 .6 6.3
Copper Plant Flue Dus'. IRANT-KHK C 2230C b. 3 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 1 .3
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-l C 2190C 3. Vehicle Exnausr NIES-CRM-Oe C 1.1 9.1
Coal Fly Ash KIST-SRM-2689 c 21C0C 2.8 Coal F'.y As-. NIST-SRW-1633a C 1 .0 15
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 2087C 4. i Pond Sediment NIES-CRH-02 C 0 .82 7.3
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH r 186CC Marine Sedimer/. NRCC-MESS-i C 0 .59 16
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 1680C River Sed;mer.: BCR-CRK-3 2C c 0 .533 4.9
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-SCO c 15G0C Soil BCR-CRM-141 c c .36 28
Coal (Sasolburg) SABE-SAr<M-2C c 134CC Estjanr.e Secime.-.t K:ET-SRM-I646 r 0 .36 19
Coal Fly Ash NI?T-3RK-1633a r 11100 Sc 11 AMM-SO-1 C 0 .3 26
Table 9: Ervironmer.tal (r.or.-b-oloTical 1 .' ei e: en"* m a t e r i a l ? for t r a c e elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code mg Kg (*=mg. L) * Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Cd: C=ior:urr ( r o u t : ) Cl: C h l o r i n e

Laxe Seiimer," 1AEA-S1-1 0 .26 19 Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 2390C 3.8
Sell B-:R-':RM-I4: c.25 3f. Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS- 1 C 11200 4.5
Marine Sed:meat N3CC-BC55-1 c.25 16
Marine Sediment NKCC-MESS-i C 820C 8.5
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-iS: c c. A * i. Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 7000
Coal ij-F-CRM-C4C . 11 18 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 4500
Coal (3;tur,i.-,ous > NrST-SRM-1632a c c.C5 3 4.7 Stea.x Coal BCE-CRM-182 C 3700 1.9
Steam Coa. BCR-CRM-16." c.05" -.c Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 2400
Coking Coal BCP-CR.1-1- 1S1 n C 51 5.9 Coking Cjal BCR-CRM-181 c 1380 3.6
Coal NIST-SRV-16 35 0 ri 35 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1S32D N 126C
water STST-SRM-lf43c c c. Z 1 5.0 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N HOC
Seawater NrCC-NASS-: .000025 13 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 C 593 4.4
Eeawate: NRCr-CASS-1 c .000019 21 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N <100
Estuarine kate: NRCC-SLEX-1 ,-» r .000018 If Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 32
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 K 1C

Ce: Ceriuir.
Co: Cobalt I
Apatite Concentrate ICKTJ-CTA-AC-l 3326 5.3
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOF 322 6.5 Copper Plant Flue Dust 00
z IRANT-KHK C 313 7.0
Coal Fly Ash IFANT-ECO N 240 Fly Ash BCK-CRM-038 C 53.8 3.5
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH z 183 5.2 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOF c 53.2 3.2
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 180 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 49.8 5.4
Coal Fly Ash ICKTJ-CTA-FFA-1 r 120 5 .8 Cosl fly Ash IRANT-ECO c 49.0 16
Laks Sediment IAEA-SL-1 r 117 14 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 46
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENG C 98 .7 5 .5 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 39.8 4.3
Coal (Sasolburgj SAB?-SARM-20 C 87 8 .6 City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 30.9 4.2
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 80 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 C 27 11
River Sediment NIST-SRH-2704 N 72 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 26.1 4.8
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 r 61 11 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 19.8 7.6
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 56 7. 1 "Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 18
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-164-6 N 55 Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 17.5 6.3
Soil AMK-SO-1 r 44 8 .0 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 14.C 4.3
Coal (Witbank) SAES-SAHM-18 r 22 6 .8 Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 11.8
Steam Coal BCF.-CRM-182 N 17 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 C 11. £' 5.9
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 14 Marine Sediment NP.CC-BCSS-i 11.4 18
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK <10 Marine Sediment
c 17
N NRCC-MESS-i c 1C.8
Coal (Bituminous) NI?T-SK«-1632b N 9 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-16 46 c 1C.5 12
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 4 .8 Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 9.2
Coal NIST-SRM-1635 N 3. 6 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 C 9.06 6.6
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 3 .1 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 9
Steel Plant Flue Dust IBATT-OK N 1 .6 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 8.9 9.6
Steam Coal BCR-CSM-182 N 8.8
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 C 8.38 8.5
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 8.3 8.4
Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 7.9
Coal BCR-CRM-040 C 7.8 7.6
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) • Material Code T mg/kg (*=ing/L) %

Co: Cobalt (cont:) Cr: Chromium (cont:)

Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 6.7 13 Pone Sediment NIES-CRM-02 C 75 6.7
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SAEM-19 C 5.6 14 Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 74.9
Soil AMM-SO-1 c 3.9 7 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 71 15
Gas Ccal BCR-CRM-180 N 3.3 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 67
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 C 3.3 9.1 Electroplating Sludge FISHER-SRS010 C 61.0 5.2
Apati-e Concentrate ICKTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 2.72 10 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 c 60 21
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-16 32b C 2.29 7. 4 Board Coating Sludge FISHER-SRS009 c 54.9 17
Coking Coal BCP.-CRM-181 N 1.6 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 50 11
Coal NIST-SRM-16 35 N 0.65 Soil AMM-SO-1 c 38 23
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-16 34b C C.32 12 Coal BCR-CRM-040 c 31.3 6.4
hat fir NI3?-SRM-16 43b C* 0.026 3. 8 Fly Ash FISHER-SRS001 c 30.1 12
Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEV-1 r* 0.0C004E 15 Vehicle Exhaust NI3E-CRM-08 c 25.5 5.9
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 C* C.000025 24 Diatomaceous Filter FISHER-SRS004 c 23.3 16
Seawacer NRCC-NASS-2 c* O.0C00D4 25 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 16 13
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 K 13
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 11
Cr: C'rromium Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N
= = = = = = = = t: = = ^ Coal NIST-ERW-1635 C 2.5 12
K 00
Incinerated Sludge FISHEF-SRS012 C :6160C 8.4 Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b 0.7 tn
Chrome Plating Sludge F:SHEF-SRSOII C 53818 7.9 Water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0.019 2.2
Waste water FISKEF.-SRS002 r 3594-7 8.3 Seavater NRCC-NASS-2 C* 0.000175 5.7
r* 11
City Waste BCP.-CRM-17 6 663 3.5 Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEK-1 C* 0.000139
Sewage Sl»>-1ge BOR-CRM-146 N 784 Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 C* 0.000121 13
Sewage Siudg SCR-CRM-144 N 485.4
Urban Particuli-f N:ST-SRM-1648 C 4C3 3.0
Soil BCR-CRM-14 3 K 228 Cs: Caesium
Coal Fly Ash NI3T-SRM-1633a C 196 3 .1
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE (I 133 11 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 23C
Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 c 192 3 .6 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 118 6 .8
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECK c 183 5 .2 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-i C 48.2 5 .4
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP c 183 6 .3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 23.0 7 .5
Fly Ash BCR-CRK-038 N 178 Coal Fly A S K IRAKT-ECO K 22
Coal Fly Asr. IRANT-ECO c 176 4 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 20.1 8t 2
Copper Plant Flue Dust IFANT-KHF c 15 7 16 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 11
15£ c .1 IAEA-SL-1 C 7.01 12
Coal Fly Ash ICH1J-CTA-FFA-1 c i_l
Lake Sediment
Steel Kianc Flue Dust :RANT-OF c 139 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 6
River Sediirent BCR-CRM-32C c 138 5 .1 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 5.4 13
River Sediment KIST-SRM-2704 c 135 3 .7 Sstuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 K 3.7
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 123 11 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 3.69 7 .0
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 Q 114 3 .5 Uroan Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 M 3
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 113 7 .1 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 2
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 105.4 Soil AMM-SO-1 N 1.5
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 104 8 .7 Coai (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 1.4 75
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 96.1 8 .3 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 K 1
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 c 76 3 .9 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 0.44
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 75 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 0.24
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) « Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Cu: Copper (cont:)

Cu: Copper Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 5.9 10

:==rstS52S Coal NIST-SRM-1635 C 3.6 8.3
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 195000 1.0 Water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0.022 1.8
Board Coating Sludge FISHER-SRS009 C 124209 5.7 Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 C* 0.00176 5.1
Waste water FISHER-SRS002 C 95558 4.9 Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 C* 0.000675 5.8
Electroplating Sludge F1SHER-SRS010 C 65477 5.5 Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 C* 0.000109 10
Incinerated Sludge FISHER-SRS012 C 2248 0.7
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 1302 2.0
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 1080 9.3 Dy: Dysprosium
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 C 934 2.6
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 C 713 3.6 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 78
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 C 609 4.4 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 9.09 16
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 452 3.5 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 7.46 28
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 C 429 2.3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 7
Soil BCR-CRM-143 C 2?..5 3.5 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 6
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 2;9 10 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 3.9 27
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 C '10 5.7
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 190 4.2
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 177 14 Er: Europium CO
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 C 176 5.1
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 158 5.7 Apatite Concentrate ICHU-CTA-AC-1 N 26
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 157 8.6 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 4.52 24
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a C 118 2.5
Chrome Plating Sludge FISHER-SRS011 C 107.4 29
Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 C 101.7 1.6 Er: Erbium
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 98.6 5.1
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 C 70.5 2.1 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 r* 46 .7 2.8
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 C 67 4.5 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 4 .99 16
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 61.0 7.3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 4
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 54.0 8.3 Coal Fly Ash KIST-SRH-16 33a N 4
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 C 44.1 2.3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 2 .95 3.2
Fly Ash FISHEH-SRS001 C 41.1 9.2 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 2 .39 2.5
Soil BCR-CRM-141 C 32.6 4.3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 1 .76 20
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 30.0 18 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 1 .6
Soil BCR-CRM-142 C 27.5 2.2 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 1 .5
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 25.1 15 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 1 .3
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 18.5 14 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 1 .0 20
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 C 18 17 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 1
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 18 11 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 0 .8
Coal (O.F.S) SA3S-SARM-19 C 13 15 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 0 .7
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 K 12.3 Soil AMM-SO-1 C 0 .6 6.7
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 12.3 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 0 .3
Soil IAEA-SO-L-7 C 11 IS Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 0 .17
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 9.1 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 N 0 .06
Soil AMM-SO-1 N 6.3 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 0 .05
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 6.28 4.8 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0 .03
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) I Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Fe: Iron (cont:)

F: Fluorine Ccai NIST-SRM-1^35 C 23S0 2.1

=========== Coal (Hitbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 2030 1.7
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 480 Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b C 31.6 6.3
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 198 19 Water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0.099 8.1
Coal BCR-CRM-040 C 111 7.6 Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 c* 0.00208 16
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 c* 0.0012 10
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 c* 0.000224 15
Fe: Iron
Steel Plant Fiue Dust I RANT-OK C 534000 1.9 Ga: Gallium
Copper Plant Fiue Dust IRANT-KHK C 231000 1.7
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SR1-1633a c 94000 1.1 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 73. 8 37
Coal Fiy Ash NIST-SRM-2689 c 93200 0.6 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP c 67. 0 27
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 74600 3.2 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SBM-1633a N 58
Lake Sediment IAEf-SL-1 c 67400 2.5 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 N 49
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 c 65300 5.4 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 42
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 55700 3.1 Coal Fly Ash 1RANT-EN0 C 29. 0 22
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO c 52700 10 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 24
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP 5160f 3.9 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 19 CO
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 48900 2.9 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 16 9.4
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 46680 1.7 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 15 I
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 N 44300 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 14 7.1
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRK-2691 c 44200 0.7 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 10
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 41100 2.4 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 8
Urban Farticulate NIST-SRM-1648 c 39100 2.6 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 N 1. 05
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 c 35700 1.7
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 c 33800 2.1
Estuarine Pediment NIST-SSM-1646 c 33500 2.9 Gd: Gadolinium
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-i c 32900 3.C
Marine Sediment NSCC-MESS-] c 30500 5.7 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 124 18
Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 26200 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 12
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 26100 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 10. C 26
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 2570C
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 21300 5.2
Soil BCR-CHM-142 N 19600 Ge: Germanium
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 18500 =============
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 16500 16 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 25
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 12200 0.9 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 13 15
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 11700 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18
Soil AMM-SO-1 C 9880 4.6 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 1.4
Sewage Sludge BCH-CRM-145 N 9090
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 8180 1.7
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SBM-1632b C 7590 5.9
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 7300
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 5000
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 3600
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

H: Hydrogen Hg: Total Mercury (cont:

Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 C 54000 1.1 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 0.2
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 50700 1.2 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 0.171 8 .2
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 C 50400 1.2 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-l633a C 0.16 6 .3
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 C 42200 3.6 Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 C 0.138 8 .0
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 0.13
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSE-1 C 0.129 9 .3
Kf: Hafnium Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 C 0.123 6 .5
=====s===== Soil BCR-CRM-142 C 0.104 12
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 17.7 6.8 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 c 0.063 19
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO K 14 Soil SCR-CRM-141 c 0.0568 7 .6
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 8.22 4.0 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 c 0.040 18
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 8 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 0.04
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 7.6 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SATIM-18 N 0.04
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 6.09 7.4 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 0.0-28
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 5.4 13 Water NIST-SRM-1642b C 0.00149 4 .C
Soil 1AEA-SOIL-7 C 5.1 6.9 Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b N <0.001
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 4.89 5.1
Coal (Sasolburg) SAES-SARM-20 C 4.8 10 00
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 4.4 Ho: Holmium 00
Lake Sediment 1AEA-SL-1 C 4.16 13 == = = = = = = = r =
Coal (Witbank) SA3S-SARM-18 C 1.7 5.9 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 9
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 1.13 15 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 1 .3
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-16 32b N 0.43 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 1 .1 36
Coal NIST-SRM-1635 K 0.29

I: Iodine
Hg: Total Mercury
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 28
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 53.2 12 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1S48 N 20
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 31.4 3.5 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 2
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 16.3 6C
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 c 9.49 8.0
Sewage Sludge BCP-CRM-145 c 8.82 1C In: Indiurc
Marine Sediment NSCC-PACS-1 c 4.57 3.5
Soil BCR-CRM-143 c 3.92 5.9 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 82
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 c 2.1 7.1 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 1.0
Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 c 1.77 3.4 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 N 0.34
Water NIST-SRM-1641b c* 1.52 2.6 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 0.20
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 c 1.49 15
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 1.44 4.9
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 1.3 Ir: Iridiuir,
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 c 1.03 12
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 c 0.67C 2.8 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 0.0083
Coal BCR-CRM-040 c 0.35 17
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 0.349 25
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 0.25 18
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

K: Potassium La: Lanthanum (cont:)

Feldspar IAEA-F-1 C 83000 3. 6 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 60.7 6.6

City Waste BCR-CRM-176 N 45000 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 52.6 5.9
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 N 22000 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 43 20
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SKM-2689 C 22000 1. 4 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 42.9 7.5
Soil BCR-CRM-i42 N 20000 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 42
River Sediment NIST-SRM--2704 C 2000C 2. 0 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 29
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-16 33a c 18800 3. 2 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 28 3.6
Marine Sediment N3CC-MESS-1 c 18600 1. 8 Coal (O.F.S) SABE-SARM-19 C 27 5.6
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 1800C 1. 8 Soil AMM-SO-1 N 21
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENC c 17300 3. 2 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 17
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 15000 Coal (Witbank) SABE-SARM-18 C 10 20
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 14000 S^eair. Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 8
Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 13400 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 6.5
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 13200 4. 9 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 5.1
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 1290C Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 2
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-i C 12450 6.0 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 1.2
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 12100 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0.8
Soil AMM-SO-1 C 12050 4. 8
Urban Particulate 10500 i .0 00
NIST-SRM-1648 c CO
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 c 10400 3. 8 Li: Lithium
Coal Fly Ash f 07 nn p
d •n
? /uu ,u
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 c 6800 8.8 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 170
Sewage Sludge BCF-CRM-144 N 650C Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 128 17
Coal Fly Asn IRANT-EOP C 6400 3..9 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 90
Sewage sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 4800 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 50
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 430P Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 49
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 4100 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 37
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 3490 11 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 31
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 3460 11 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 K 29
Coal F]y Asn NIST-SRM-2691 C 340C 2..9 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 11
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-i N 2088 Coal (Bituminous) N:ST-SRM-16 32b N 10
Coal (O.F.S1 SABS-SARM-19 C 20CC 2,, 1 Steel Plant Flue Dusr IRANT-OK N 3
Gas Coal BCF-CRM-18C K 1200 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 1.8
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SAHM-18 C 1200 3 .4
Coal (Sasolburg) EABS-SARM-20 C 12CC 3 .5
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRK-08 c 115C •7
.0 Lu: Lutetiurr.
Coal (Bituminous) K"C < r -SRM-1
41 A t_- A
U&^l I ^ f\7ri
O J b kj 748 2
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 14£ Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 1.08 14
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 0.658 6.5
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 0.61 7.4
La: Lanthanum River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 0.6
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 K 0. 54
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 2176 4 .3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 0.54 8.3
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EO? c 164 5 .5 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 0.51 7.8
Coal Fly Asn IRANT-ECO c 136 8 .8 Soil AMM-SO-i N 0.3
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECK c 84.4 5 .3 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 0.3
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg («=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %
== = = =
Lu: Lutetium (cont:) Mnj Manganese
= = = = = = = = = =: = = = = =: = = r = =
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N <0. 090 Steel Pl»"t Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 7690 5.2
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CSM-08 N 0.02 Lake Sedi""=>«t IAEA-SL-1 r 3460 4. 6
Coal Fly Ash IRAKT-ECC N 0.0006 Coal Fly As:. ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 r 1066 3.8
Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 999
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 860
Mg: Magnesium Pond Sediment N1EE-CRM-02 N 770
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 634 4. 3
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 C 31200 2.6 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 631 3.6
Soil BCE-CRM-143 N 2950C Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 C 588 4. 1
Lake Sediment :AEA-SL-I N 2900C Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK 578 5.c
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 N 2180C Soil BCR-CRM-142
N 569
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 1990C River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 555 3.4
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 1870C Soil BCR-CRM-141
N 547
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 N 1550C Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 513 4. 9
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 C 15300 3.3 Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 C 479 3.3
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 14700 9.4 Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 470 2.6
Marine Sediment NBCC-PACS-1 C 14530 3.7 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 449 2. 9
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 12000 10 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP
c 440 6.9
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 12000 1.7 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO
c 398 4. 0 CD
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 11300 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH
c 381 6. 0
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 C 10900 7.3 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-16 46 375 5. 3
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 8680 6.3 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1
c 317
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 8000 Coal Ply Ash NIST-SRM-2689
K 300
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 7900 5.7 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 N 300
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 7180 Soil AMM-SO-1 C 266 6.8
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 6830 2.9 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 C 241 5.0
Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 6570 Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 229 6.6
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2669 C 6100 8.2 Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 202 5.0
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 580C 10 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 N 200
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 K 5500 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 C 195 3.1
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 456C 2.2 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 190
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a C 455C 2.2 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 157 8.0
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 350C 5.7 Coal BCR-CRM-040 C 139 3.6
Coal (Sasolburg) SAES-SARH-2C c 260C 4.7 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 80 3.1
Soil AMM-SO-1 N 1550 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-18C C 34.3 3.2
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 1200 5.0 Coal (Kitbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 22 4. 5
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 c 1010 5.0 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 C 21. 4 7.0
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 660 4.5 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-l632b c 12. 4 8.1
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 K 435 Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 2.8
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b c 383 2.1 City Waste BCR-CRM-176 a 1.5
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b c 0.23 13
Water NIST-SRM-1643b c* 0.028 7.1
Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 c* 0.0131 6.1
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 c* 0.00199 7.5
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 c* 0.000022 31
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %
=============== ==============================

Mo: Molybdenum Na: Sodium (cont:)

Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 246 25 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 3100 6.5
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-15a3a N 29 Soil BCR-CRM-14 3 N 3000
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 K 17 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 2900 3.4
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 12 .3 7.3 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689 c 2500 12
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 11 .2 30 SoiJ IAEA-SOIL-7 N 2400
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 9 .82 36 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 N 240C
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 6 .4 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 C 2400 8.3
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 2 .5 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 2200
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 2 .0 Coal (O.F.S) SABE-SARM-19 C 2200 5.2
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 K 2 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 2000
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 1 .3 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 2000 3.7
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 1 Vehicle Exhaust KIES-CRM-08 C 1920 4.2
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N C.9 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 172C 7.0
Water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0 .085 3.5 Coal Fly Ash JJIST-SRM-16 333 C 1700 5.9
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 C* 0 .0115 16 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK c 1010 15
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 C* 0 .00901 3.1 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b c 515 2.1
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 448
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 130
N: Nitrogen. Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-16 34b N 90 CO
=========== Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 87.6
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 C 17800 2.2
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 c 16360 1.8
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632C c 15600 4.5 Nb: Niooiuir
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-I8C r 1440C 2.1
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 110
Steel Flant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 24
Na: Sod i urn Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 17
Coal iSaso'-burg) EABS-SARM-20 N 16
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 43000 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 12
Marine Sedin.ent NRCC-PACS-1 22650 2.5 Coal (O.F.S) SAEE-SARM-19 N 10
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-; 2C2OC Coal (witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 6
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 20000
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 1860C 6 . '-'
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2C91 1090C 4.6 Nd: Neodyrr.ium
Soil BCR-CRK-142 720C
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK 687C 2.9 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 1087 11
Pond Sediment NIES-CRH-02 5700 7.C Coal Fly Asr. IRANT-ECO N 130
River Sediment NIST-SRH-2704 547C 2.6 Coal Fly Ash ICHTC-CTA-FFA-l C 56 .8 6.5
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO 5400 4.6 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 43 .8 6.4
Soil AMM-SO-i 3.2 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 c 30 20
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1548 C 4250 0.5 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0 .5
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 3841
Fly Ash BCF-CRM-C38 374C 4.C
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP - 3700
Sewage Sludge BCF-CRM-14 4 N 340C
Soil BCR-CRM-14. N 320C
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Ni: Nickel Ni: Nickel (cont:)

Chrome Plating Sludge FISHER-SRSOli 41600 10 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 C

c 8.3
1.74 5.7
Incinerated Sludge F1SHEK-SRS012 c 13088 Water NIST-SRM-164jb C* 0.049 6.1
Sewage Sludge BCF-CRM-144 c 942 2.3 Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 C* 0.000743 10
Board Coating Sludge FISHER-SRS009 r 347 6.3 Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 C* 0.000298 12
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 C 280 6.4 Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 C* 0.000257 10
Electroplating Sludge FISHER-SRS01C c 195 .7 6.7
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-0 3e K 194
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE c 194 7.7 P: Phosphorus
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHF c 188 1C
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a c 127 3.1 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 32900
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 c 123 .5 3.4 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 25800
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECK c 117 2.6 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 N 22200
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP c 108 15 City Waste BCR-CRM-176 N 5550
Soil BCR-CRM-143 c 99 .5 5.5 coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 C 5200 1.9
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 99 .0 5.9 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-26 91 C 5100 3.9
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO c 92 .0 15 Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 4000
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 c 82 3.7 Pond Sediment N1ES-CRM-02 N 1400
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 77 .0 17 Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 1015 7.7
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 c 75 .2 1.9 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689 C 1000 10 CO
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 c 73 .6 3.5 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 998 2.8
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-i c 55 .3 6-5 Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 960
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 49 .8 10 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 831
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 44 .9 17 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 725 10
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 44 .1 6.8 Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 672 10
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 44 , 1 4.5 Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 670
Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 c 43 .4 3.7 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESE-1 C 638 9.6
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 c 41 .4 5.8 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 610 7.1
Pond Sediment NIEE-CRM-C2 c 40 7.5 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 c 540 9.3
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 K 39 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 510
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 c 32 9.4 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 460
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 30 .9 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 130 10
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 c 29 .5 9.2 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 30 17
Soil BCR-CriK-142 c 29 .2 8.6
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b c 28 7.1
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 26 Pb: Lead
Coal BCR-CRM-040 c 25 .4 6.3
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 25 6.0 Electroplating Sludge FISHER-SRS010 C 164476 5.5
Fly Ash FISHER-SRS001 c 19 .5 9.2 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK c 67800 3.5
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 c 18 .5 8.1 Board Coating Sludge FISHER-SRS009 c 14516 7.7
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 16 Diatomaceous Filter FISHER-SRS004 c 12427 7.2
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 16 22 City Waste BCB-CRM-176 c 10870 1.6
Soil AMM-SO-1 N 13 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 c 6550 1.2
coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 10 .8 6.5 Chrome Plating Sludge FISHER-SRS011 c 2622 2.0
Apatite Concentrate 1CHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 9 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 2130 3.8
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 8 .6 BCR-CRM-143 1333 2.9
Soil c 2.2
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-16 32b c 6 .10 4.4 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 c 1270
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L; %

Fb: Lead (cont:) Pr: Praseodymium

Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 526 14 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 353

Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 C 495 3. 8
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 404 5. 0
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 C 394 3. 8 Pt: Platinum
t m n r i fn* n PICA I 10
Coal Fly Ash Iv_nT J—LTA-Fr A—1 c 262
1 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 c 4. 0. 36
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 c 219 4. 1
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 161 10
Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 c 146 2. Rb: Rubidium
Incinerated Sludge H
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 c
c 105 5. 7 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 185 2.7
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 c 80. 2 2. Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 149 5.4
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a c 72. 4 5. 5 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 141 9.6
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 70. 7 16 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a C 131 1.5
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO c 62. 4 18 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 113 9.7
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 c 60 13 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 100
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 c 42. 3 3. 8 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 87
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 41. 7 23 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 71. 3 31
Coal Fly Ash 40. 7 20 Coal Fly Ash 14 Id
Soil BCR-CRM-142 c 37. 8 5.0 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 59
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 37. 7 19 Soil AMM-SO-1 C 52 4.2
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 c 34. 0 17 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-16 48 N 52
Soil BCR-CRM-141 c 29. 4 8. 8 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 51 8.8
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 c 28. 2 6. 3 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 42
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 26 17 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 24. 6 16
Coal BCR-CRM-040 c 24. 2 7. 0 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 22
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 22. 7 15 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 10 25
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 20 15 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 9 11
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 c 17. 5 2. 9 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 8. 3
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 15. 3 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 8.1 17
Soil AMM-SO-1 c 15 24 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 5.05 2.2
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 5 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 4. 6
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b c 3.67 7. 1
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b N 2.8
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 c 2.59 6..2 Ru: Ruthenium
X *n

IviSl SKH 16 JD c XI
NIST-SRM-1643b c* 0.024 3.
.0 Steel Plant Flue Dust
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 c* 0.000039 15 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 0. 13
Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 c* 0.000028 25
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 c* 0.000019 31
S: Sulphur

Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 65000

Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 50000
city Waste BCR-CRM-176 K 44600
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b C 28000 1.8
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error
Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg t*=mg/L) *

S: Sulphur (cont:) Sc: Scandium

Coal (Bituminous) NIST-•SRM-1632b C 18900 3.2 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 40

Coal (O.F.S) SABS-•SARM-19 C 14900 4.4 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 36 .7 9. 9
Marine Sediment NRCC-•PACS-1 C 13200 6.1 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 36
Lake Sediment IAEA--SL-1 N 12000 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 29 .2 8. 2
Estuarine Sediment NIST--SRM-1646 N 9600 Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 28
Coal Fly Ash NIST--SRM-2691 C 8300 6.0 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 24 .2 4. 5
Marine Sediment NRCC--MESS-1 C 7200 6.9 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 20 .7 9. 9
Coal (Witbank) SABS--SARM-18 C 5600 8.0 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 17 .3 6. 4
Coal iSasolburg) SABS'-SARM-20 C 5100 4.9 River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 c 15 .25 2. 4
River Sediment NIST -SRM-2704 a 4000 Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 c 12 .8 5. 5
Marine Sediment NRCC--BCSS-1 c 3600 13 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 12
Coal NIST -SRM-1635 c 3300 9 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 10 .8
Coal Fly Ash NIST -SRM-2690 c 1500 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 10 10
Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 C 9 .0 1. 3
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 8 .3 1. 3
Sb: Antimony Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 7 .6 8. 6
============ Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 7
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 14000 5.7 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 4 .3 8. 1
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 412 4.4 Soil AMM-SO-1 c 4 4.0 tO
Marine Sediment NSCC-PACS-1 c 171 8.2 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 K 3 .8
NIST-SRM-1648 N 45 Gas Coal BCR-CRM-18C N 2 .7 i
Urban Particulate
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 21. 3 12 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 1 .9
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 17. 6 14 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK K 1 .5
Coo. ?ly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 7 Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 0 .9
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 C 6. 0 6.7 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 N 0 .63
Coal Fly Ash IRAST-ENO C 5. 72 36 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 0 .55
River Sediment NIST-3RM-2704 c 3. 79 4.0 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 0 .244 14
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 3.73 4.8 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0 .2
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO c 2. 41 11
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 2. C
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP c X • 94 6.7 Se: Selenium
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C I. . 12
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c X • 31 9.2 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 682 13
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-: c 0. 73 11 City waste BCR-CRM-176 C 41.2 5.1
NRCC-BCSS-1 0.59 10 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 C 27 3.7
Marine Sediment c
Soil AMM-SO-1 c 0. 5 18 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 17
Estua: -ne Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 0.4 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRH-1633a C 10.3 5.8
Coal (Sasolcmrg) SABS-SARM-20 N 0. 4 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 K 4.6
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 0.3 Sewage sludge BCR-CRM-1-45 N 3.3
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 0. 3 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 2.9
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 0. 24 Sewage Sludge BCl^-CRM-144 N 2.3
Coal NIST-SRM-16 35 N 0. 14 Estuarine Sediment BCR-CRM-277 c 2.04 8.8
Sewage sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 1.7
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 C 1.32 4.5
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 1.3
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 1.29 8.5
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Se: Selenium (cont:) Si: Silicon (cont:)

Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 C 1.15 4 .3 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 82600 1.6

River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 1. 1 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 70100 8.6
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 C 1.09 10 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 N 63840
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N <1 Coal (Kitbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 29000 0.7
Coal (O.F.S) SASS-SARM-19 N 1 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK c 25100 4.0
Coal NIST-SRM-1635 C 0.9 33 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 14000
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 0.8 19 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 5700 22
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 C 0.68 1C Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 5250 15
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-28C C 0.68 8 .8
Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 0.6
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 0.6 Sm: Samarium
Soil PfD— f O U 1 ill c 5
JJLK LMM L% i. n u. 3 5
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-l 0. 43 14 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 162 14
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 c
N 0.4 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP c 21 .9 4.3
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 0.34 17 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 17
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 c 0.214 15 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 13 .6 4.0
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b c 0.18 22 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 10 .9 5.5
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 0.16 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 9.45 12
Water NIST-SRM-1643b 0.010 5 .2 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 9.25 5.5 CO
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2
c* 0.000024 16 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 6.7
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 6 .3 5.6
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 5.1 6.9
Si: Silicon Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 4.9 8.2
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 4.4
Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 319300 Soil AMM-SO-1 N 3.6
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 316000 2 .8 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 2.0 7.5
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 310000 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 0.87
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-l C 309000 1 .5 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0.33
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 290800 C .4 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 0 .20
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 26400C 5 .3
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 26038C 0 .9
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 c 258500 0 ,7 Sn: Tir.
Coal Fly Ash TRJiHT-PTP
J.rVrtr<l Cv_K
? annn r J.
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689 c 24060C 0 .3 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRMJT-KHK C 2240 17
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 240000 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 58 .5 50
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 229000 1 .1 Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 41 . 1 7.5
coal Fly A9h NIST-SRM-1633a C 228000 3 .5 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 14
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 224800 4 .1 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 9 .5
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-D2 N 210000 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 4
Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 199900 Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 4
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 199300 Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 3.98 11
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 180000 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 3
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 C 168300 0 .7 Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-l C 1 .85 10
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 N 140500 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 1
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 106700
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 101600
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %
Sr: Strontium Tb: Terbium

Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 N 20000 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 13. 9 10

Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 N 2700 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 2
Coal Fly Ash N1ST-SRM-2690 N 2000 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 1. 93 31
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a C 830 3.6 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 1. 41 39
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689 N 700 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 1.4
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 574 6.9 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 1. 38 10
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 498 7.2 Coal (Ssc-lburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 0. 9
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 401 8.7 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 0. 7
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 330 3.0 Soil AMM-SO-1 N 0.6
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 283 7.4 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 0. 6 33
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 277 4.0 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 0. 3
Coal Fly A=.h ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 250 5.2
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 130
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SAHM-19 c 126 6.3 Te: Tellurium
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 110
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 108 5.1 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 2
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 102 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 0. 5
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 C 89 3.4
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-i N 80 CD
Soil AMM-SO-1 N 55 Th: Thorium
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 44 3.4
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 41 .8 5.7 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a C 24..7 1 .2
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 23 .7 18 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 24
Water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0 .227 2.6 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 23,.9 11
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 22..1 11
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 21..8 9 .6
Ta: Tantalum Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 18 11
Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 N 17 .3
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 13 .0 12 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 15 .3 10
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 9 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 14 7 .1
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 4 .37 6.< Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 12 13
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 2 .65 t . 7 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 10
Coal Fly Ash ICHT J-CTA-FFA-1 C 2 .11 7.6 River sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 9 .2
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 1 .6 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 8 .2 13
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO r 1 .22 4.1 Urban particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 7 .4
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 1 .2 21 Soil AMM-SO-1 C 7 2 .0
Soil AMM-SO-I N 0 .6 Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 3 .4 19
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 0 .8 25 Coal Fiy Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 2 .94 2 .4
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 0 .8 Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 N 2 .3
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 0 .3 Feldspar IAEA-F-1 N 1 .37
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0 .031 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b C 1 .342 2 .7
coal NIST-SRM-1635 C 0 .62 6 .5
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 N 0 .5
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 N 0 .35
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0 .2
Table 9t Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) % Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Ti: Titanium Tl: Thallium (cont:)

Coai Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 36800 9.8 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 1.2 16
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 27300 16 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N <1
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-146 N 17400 Coal BCR-CRM-040 N 0.79
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECK C 13700 9.5 Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 0.5
Coil Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2691 c 9000 2.2 Water NIST-SRM-1643b C* 0.008 2.5
city waste BCR-CRM-17 6 N 8510
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 8000
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2689 c 750C 1.3 Tm: Thulium
Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 6400
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 K 5800 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 0.705 28
Marine Sediment NRCC- -ESS-1 C 5420 3.1 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 0.66
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-2690 c 5200 1.9
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 5170 7.2
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 N 5100 U: Uranium
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 4600 7.6
River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 4570 3.9 Ccal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 15.1 5.3
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 4400 3.3 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-16 33a C 10.2 1.0
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 4215 1.6 Ccal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 9.44 18
Soil BCR-CRM-143 N 400C Co*l Fly A=h IRANT-ECO t) 8
CJrbar. Participate NIST-SRM-1648 N 4000 Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 7.36 16
Coai (Sasolburg) SABS-SAHM-20 C 3800 3.2 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 7.29 16
Soil BCR-CRM-142 N 3700 Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1S48 C 5.5 1.8
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 N 3000 Coal (O.F.S) SABE-SARM-19 C 5 30
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 2927 18 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-i C 4.4 20
Soil BCR-CRM-141 N 2800 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 4.02 8.0
Soil AMM-SO-1 N 255C Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 C 4 25
Municipal Sludge EPA-SL'JDGE C 2120 64 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 C 3.13 4.2
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 C 2040 4.7 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 2.6 21
Sevage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 N 1900 Feldspar IAEA-F-1 C 2.52 10
Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-144 K 1100 Soil AMM-SO-1 S 2.1
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-18C N 700 Coal (Kitbank) SABS-SARM-18 C 1.5 17
Coal (WitbanK) SABE-SARM-18 r 68C 2.2 Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRK-16 32b C 0.436 2.8
Steam Coal BCF-CRM-182 N 600 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 0.4
Coal (Bituminous) NIS?-SRM-1632b c 454 3.7 Coal NIST-SRM-1635 C 0.24 8.3
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK c 432 11 Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 C* 0,00d 5.0
Coal NIST-SRM-16 35 N 200
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 80
V: Vanadium

Tl: Thallium Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 553 5.2

Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 500 4.0
coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO N 14 Crude Oil NIST-RM-8505 N 390
Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-i633a C 5.7 3.5 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH C 375 6.1
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N <3 Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 K 334
City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 2.85 6.7 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a N 300
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 N 2.2 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 260 3.8
Table 9: Environmentai (nor.-biclogicall reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg'kc (*=mg/L) i Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) *

V: Vanadium (cont:) Y: Yttrium (cont:)

Pond Sediment NIES-CRM-02 N 250 Coal (Sasolburg) SAES-SARM-20 29 12

Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 191 6.3 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 21 29
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 C 170 8.8 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 20
Urban Parti-rulate NIST-SRM-1648 c 140 2.1 Cos: (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 12
Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 127 3.9
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 104 9.6
River Sediment NIST-3RM-2704 c 95 4.2 Yb: Ytterbium
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 c 94 1.1
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 c 93.4 5.2 Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 11.4 17
Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 c 72.4 7.3 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP C 4.41 18
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK c 67.3 14 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 4.24 4
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 c 66 11 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 3.62 19
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b c 55.4 2.C Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO c 3.49 10
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 47 5.3 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 3.42 18
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 35 5.7 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 N 2.8
Soil AMM-SO-1 N 27 Soil AMM-SO-1 N 2.5
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-182 c 24.3 4.1 Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 2.4 15
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 23 8.7 Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 2
BCF-CRM-18C 19.3 3.1 CD
Gas Coal c Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 K 2 00
Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 c 17 11 Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N <0.6
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK N 15
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b N 14
Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE C 13.0 43 Zr.: Zinc
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 c 12.0 3.3
Coal NIST-SRM-1635 c 5.2 9.6 Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK C 57600 1.7
Water NIST-SRM-1643b c* 0.0 0.9 City Waste BCR-CRM-176 C 25770 1.5
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK C 8390 4.8
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 c 4760 2.9
W: Tungsten Sewage Sludge BCE-CRM-146 c 4059 2.2
:::::==;=:: Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-I44 c 3143 3.3
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO C 17.0 7.1 Sewage Sludge BCR-CRM-145 c 2843 2.3
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 10.5 10 Municipal Sludge EPA-SLUDGE c 1320 4.9
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 6 Soil BCR-CRM-143 c 1272 2.4
Urban Particulate NIST-SRM-1648 N 4.8 Vehicle Exhaust NIES-CRM-08 c 1040 4.8
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK N 4.4 Marine Sediment NRCC-PACS-1 c 824 2.7
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 N 3 Fly Ash BCR-CRM-038 c 581 5.6
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 N 2 Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 c 569 10
Coal '.C.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 N 2 Estuarine Sediment BCH-CRM-277 c 547 2.2
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-16 32b N 0.48 River Sediment NIST-SRM-2704 c 438 2.7
Pond Sediment NIES-CRH-02 c 343 5.0
Lake Sediment BCR-CRM-280 c 291 1.4
Y: Yttrium Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECH c 251 7.2
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO c 225 18
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 C 27 2 19 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 c 223 4.5
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 N 85 Coal Fly Ash NIST-SRM-1633a c 220 4.5
Coal Fly Ash ICHTJ-CTA-FFA-1 C 45.0 30 Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP c 219 13
Table 9: Environmental (non-biological) reference materials for trace elements (continued)

Concentration Error
Material Code T mg/kg (*=mg/L) %

Zn: Zinc (cont:)

Marine Sediment NRCC-MESS-1 C 191 8.9

Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO C 149 5.4
River Sediment BCR-CRM-320 C 142 2.1
Estuarine Sediment NIST-SRM-1646 C 138 4.3
Marine Sediment NRCC-BCSS-1 C 119 10
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 C 104 5.8
Soil BCR-CRM-142 C 92 .4 4.8
Soil BCR-CRH-141 C 81 .3 4.6
Apatite Concentrate 1CHTJ-CTA-AC-1 c 38 .0 20
Soil AMM-SO-1 c 35 9.4
Steam Coal BCR-CRM-1S2 c 33 .3 4.5
Coal BCR-CRM-040 c 30 .2 6.3
Gas Coal BCR-CRM-180 c 27 .4 4.0
Coal (Sasolburg) SABS-SARM-20 c 17 12
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 c 12 17
Coal (Bituminous) NIST-SRM-1632b c 11 .89 6.6
Coking Coal BCR-CRM-181 c 8 .4 7.1
Coal (Witbank) SABS-SARM-18 c 5.5 15
Coal NIST-SRM-1635 c 4 .7 11
Fuel Oil NIST-SRM-1634b c 3 .0 6.7
Water NIST-SRM-1643b c* 0 .066 3.0
Seawater NRCC-CASS-2 c* 0 .00197 6.1
Estuarine Water NRCC-SLEW-1 c* 0 .00086 17
Seawater NRCC-NASS-2 c* 0 .000178 14

Zr: Zirconium

Coal Fly Ash IRANT-EOP 822 15

Soil AMM-SO-1 620 16
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECO 560
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ECK 361 19
Coal (O.F.S) SABS-SARM-19 351 3.6
River Sediment N1ST-SRM-2704 300
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-1 241
Coal Fly Ash IRANT-ENO 222 23
Soil IAEA-SOIL-7 185 5.7
Coal (Sasolburg) SABE-SARM-20 180
Coal (Witba-ik) SA3S-SARM-18 67 6.7
Apatite Concentrate ICHTJ-CTA-AC-1 51
Copper Plant Flue Dust IRANT-KHK 29
Steel Plant Flue Dust IRANT-OK 20

Table 10: Reference materials for organic microcontaminants sorted in order of the common abbreviation for the organic chemical and in
dtscendina order of the analvte concentration, concentrations are quoted on a dry weight basis. See text, section 3, for
Table 10: Reference materials for organic microcontaminants sorted in order of the common abbreviation for the organic chemical and in
descending order of the analyte concentration. Concentrations are quoted on a dry weight basis. See text, section 3, for
explanations of the column headings.

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Material Code T mg/kg % Material Code T mg/kg %
»^ ^m^ ^ ^ w p ^ ^ ^ t a ^ ^ ^m BHP ^ m ^
«^ * * = = S = = = ^ •£ = = = = = v ~ = • ^m ^ ^ « * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^m ^m^m
=========== = ===:= = ===========
alpha-HCH AROCLOR-1260
========= ============
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC C 0.015 100 Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.390 64
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.010 80 Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC C 0.005 60
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.010 140
gamma m-n
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC C 0.007 42
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.008 75 Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.0053 90
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.0034 111
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC c 0.0032 100 HCB
pp'DDD Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.0015 40
====== Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC C 0.00032 37
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.046 71
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.006 100 HEPTACHLOR
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC c 0.00081 93 ==========
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC C 0.0024 75
====== PCB-101
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.160 68 =======
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.006 83 Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.061 55
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC c 0.0047 72
pp'DDT =======
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.170 27 O
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.065 75
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.008 62 PCB-153
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC c 0.0032 100 =======
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.120 38
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.015 133
Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.0018 94 Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC C 0.035 14
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC c 0.0007 71

Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.120 41

Fish Tissue IAEA-MA-B-3/OC c 0.400 57
Copepoda IAEA-MA-A-1/OC c 0.140 50
Shrimp Homogenate IAEA-MA-A-3/OC c 0.033 100
Table 11: Reference materials for radionuclides sorted in order of the radionuclide symbol and in descending order of the radionuclide
activity. All values are on a dry weight basis. Activities are quoted in Bq/kg (except that an asterisk in column T indicates a
value for a minor element/ which is quoted in mg/kg). For IAEA-083 Air Filters the unit is Bq/filter. See text, section 3, for
further explanations of the column headings.

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Bq/kg (*=mg/kg) » Bq/kg (*=mg/kg) %
Material Code T (#=Bq/filter) Material Code T (#=Bg/fil
Sea Plant IAEA-307 S.I 6.9
Sea Weeds IAEA-308 2.0 37 Lichen NIRH-LICHEN N 80000
Reindeer Meat NIRH-REIND-MT N 80000
Fresh water Fish NIRH-FISH N 32000
Am-241 Sheep Meat NIRH-SHEEP-MT N 12000
Uncultivated Pasture NIRH-UNCUL-PAST N 7500
Sea Heeds IAEA-308 C 0.17 26 Cattle Meat NIRH-CATTLE-MT N 4000
Sea Plant IAEA-307 C 0.036 27 Soil NIRH-SOIL N 4000
Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 N 0,0039 Hhey Powder IAEA-154 C 3749 3.6
Cultivated Pasture NIRH-CULT-PAST N 3000
Milk Powder IAEA-152 C 2129 3.6
Ba-133 Air Filters IAEA-083 c# 1182 5.4
Cattle Milk NIRH-CATTLE-MK N 800
Air Filters IAEA-083 N# 864 7.2 Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-1 N 110
soil IAEA-SOIL-6 C 53.65 7.9
Ca: Calcium Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-2 N 34
Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 C 16.7 19
Milk Powder IAEA-A-14 C* 13100 8.4 Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-B-3/RN C 14.2 7.7 O
Barley NIRH-BARLE? N 12
Sea Heeds IAEA-308 C S.6 6.3 w
Co-60 Sea Plant IAEA-307 C 4.9 7.1
Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-2 C 2.4 8.3
Air Filters IAEA-083 C* 2160 3.1 Milk Powder IAEA-A-14 C 1.8 38
Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 C 1360 2.4 Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 c 0.8 37

C»-134 K: Potassium

Lichen NIRH-LICHEN N 20000 Milk Powder IAEA-A-14 c* 16600 3.6

Reindeer Meat KZRH-REIND-MT N 20000
Fresh Hater Fish NIRH-FISH N 8000
Sheep Meat NIRH-SHEEP-MT N 3000 K-40
Uncultivated Pasture NIRH-UNCUl-PAST N 2S00
Soil NIRH-SOIL N 2000 Hhey Powder IAEA-154 C 1575 4.1
Hhey Powder IAEA-154 C 1355 4.4 Sea Weeds IAEA-308 C 1381 4.9
Cattle Meat NIRH-CATTLE-MT N 1000 Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 C 798 11
Cultivated Pasture NIRH-CULT-PAST N 1000 Milk Powder IAEA-152 C 539 6.5
Milk Powder IAEA-152 C 764 5.5 Fish Flesh IAEA-MA-B-3/RN c 272 9.9
Cattle Milk NIRH-CATTLE-MK N 200 Lake Sediment IAEA-SL-2 c 240 12
Oat NIRH-OAT N 25 Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 c 220 14
Barley NIRH-BARLEY N 4 Sea Plant IAEA-307 150 6.7
Sea Plant IAEA-307 C 1.6 12
Sea Heeds IAEA-308 C 1.6 9.4

Table 11: Reference material* for radionuclides (continued)

Table 11: Reference materials for radionuclides (continued)

Concentration Error Concentration Error

Bg/kg (*=mg/kg) % Bq/kg (*=mg/kg) %
Material Code T (#=Bq/filter) Material Code T (#=Bq/filter)

Mn-54 Ra-226
IAEA-AG-B-1 19.7 11 Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-1 N 700 4.3
Marine Alga
Soil IAEA-SOIL-6 C 79.92 16
Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-2 N 38 31
Na: Sodium Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 C 16.5 17
Animal Bone IAEA-A-12 C 5.2 28
Milk Powder IAEA-A-14 C* 4300 11 Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 N 4.4
Sea Plant IAEA-307 C 3.1 37
Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-1 N 660 9.1
Air Filters IAEA-083 N# 151 24 Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 N 16.9 8.3
Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-2 N 74 12
Sea weeds IAEA-308 C 73 6.2
Po-210 Sea Plant IAEA-307 C 33.5 3.7 ^
sea Weeds IAEA-308 C 23 6.5 O
Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-1 490 40
Vegetative Radionuclide CAHMET-CLV-2 73 26
sr: Strontium
Pu-238 Milk Powder IAEA-A-14 N* 3.4 35
Sea Plant IAEA-307 0.025 12
Sea weeds IAEA-308 0.017 20 Sr-90
Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 0.0034 66
Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 0.0007 Reindeer Bone NIRH-REIND-BN N 4000
Air Filters IAEA-083 C# 231 3.9
Lichen NTRH-L1CHEN N 200
Pu-233 Animal Bone IAEA-A-12 C 54.8 15
Soil IAEA-SOIL-6 C 30.34 20
Soil IAEA-SOIL-6 1.04 7.5 Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 C 10.2 12
Milk Powder IAEA-152 C 7.7 9.1
Whey Powder IAEA-154 C 6.9 15
Pu-239+240 Milk Powder IAEA-A-14 1.7 11
Sea Plant IAEA-307 0.72 9 .0
Sea Weeds IAEA-308 0.50 6 .0 Tc-99
Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 0.066 21 ===s=
Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 0.0088 59 Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 11.5 27

Table 11: Reference materials for radionuclide

Table 11: Reference materials for radionuclides (continued)

Concentration Error
Bq/kg (*=mg/kg) %
Material Code T (#=Bq/filtar)

Marine Alga IAEA-AG-B-1 N 7.6 12
Sea Weeds IAEA-308 C 2.5 28


vegetative Radionuclide CAHMET-CLV-1 310 9.7

vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-2 33 42

Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 4.9 10

U: Uranium

Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-1 H* 86.8 5.2

Vegetative Radionuclide CANMET-CLV-2 3.6 16

Marine Sediment IAEA-SD-N-2 4.2

T«blt 12i Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted in order of the isotope name and in descending order of the analyte value.
Table 12: Reference materials for stable isotopes sorted in order of the isotope name and in descending order of the analyte value. The
values quoted are the isotopic enrichments (per tnille) unless otherwise noted by an asterisk in column T, in which case the value
is in atom percent). See text, section 3, for further explanations of the column headings.

Enrichment Erro
per mille %
Material Code T (*=atom %)


UL Glucose IAEA-309B C 535.3 0.9

Sod:urn Bicarbonate IAEA-303B C 466 1.3
UL Glucose IAEA-309A C 93.9 1.1
Sodium Bicarbonate IAEA-303A C 93.3 2.3
Calcium Carbonate IAEA-NBS19 C Nat.

H-2: Deuterium

Water IAEA-302B C 996 1.7

water IAEA-302A C 508.4 0.6
water IAEA-VSMOW C Nat.


Ammonium Sulfate IAEA-305B c 375.3 0.6

Urea IAEA-310B c 244.6 0.3
Urea IAEA-310A c 47.2 2.6
Ammonium Sulfate IAEA-305A c 39.8 1.3
Ammonium Sulfate IAEA-311 c* 2.05 0.7


Water IAEA-304B c 502.5 0.7

Water IAEA-304A c 251.7 1.0
Calcium Carbonate IAEA-NBS19 c Nat.
Water IAEA-VSMOW c Nat.
- 109 -

Annex 1 *



This annex contains a list of potential suppliers of calibration sources and refer-
ence materials for radioactivity measurements. The list is based mainly on informa-
tion provided by the Agency's Member States who were surveyed in 1988.
Additional information from suppliers' catalogues and published reports is also
included. Although the list is extensive, it may not be complete. Calibration sources
are also available from a number of suppliers of nuclear counting instruments. These
have not been included in the list, but the reader can contact the manufacturers of
instruments of interest for further information. The list contains names and addresses
of commercial suppliers as well as national institutions. Some of the larger commer-
cial suppliers have branch offices or local representatives in many countries; further
information should be available from the Head Offices of these suppliers.
Inclusion of a supplier in the list does not indicate an endorsement of that
supplier by the Agency. The onus is on the reader to ascertain whether the products
offered by a supplier are adequate for the purpose intended. To ensure accurate ana-
lysis of radioactivity, the standards used to calibrate the instruments must be trace-
able to a competent standards institution. The reader is cautioned further that radio-
nuclides that are supplied as unstandardized sources have only a nominal activity
value assigned to them. Since the nominal value usually differs markedly from the
true value, such sources cannot be used for calibration purposes unless they are first
calibrated by a competent standards institution.
The Agency assumes no responsibility for errors in the entries, nor for the
completeness of the list, since the information was supplied by other parties.

* Reproduced from:

International Atomic Energy Agency, Measurement of Radionuclides

in Food and the Environment, A Guidebook, Technical Report Series
No. 295, pp. 156-166, IAEA, Vienna, 1989.
- 110 -


Amersham (Australia) Pty Ltd., Comissao National de Energia Nuclear,

28-36 Foveaux St. (8th Floor), Calibration of Radionuclides Division,
Sydney, NSW 2010 Rua General Severiano 90,
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, 22.294 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Private Mail Bag 1.
Menai. NSW 2234 Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares,
COURP/AFN — Laboratorio de Metrologia Nuclear,
Australian Radiation Laboratory, Cx. P. 11049, Pinheiros,
Lower Plenty Road, CEP 01000, Sao Paulo, SP
Yallambie, VIC 3085


International Atomic Energy Agency,' CANADA

Analytical Quality Control Services,
P.O. Bon 100, Amersham Canada Ltd.,
A-1400 Vienna 505 Iroquois Shore Road.
Lahorex GmbH, Ontario L6H 2R3
Dambockgasse 4,
A-1060 Vienna Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology,
555 Booth St.,
New England Nuclear GmbH, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1
Lasallestrafle 2/20,
A-1020 Vienna Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories,
Neutron and Solid State Physics Branch.
Chalk River,

Amersham Belgium NV,

EDA Instruments Inc.,
Vorstsesteenweg 171-173,
4 Thorncliffe Park Drive,
Postbus 1,
Toronto, Ontario M4H 1H1
B-1060 Brussels

Du Pont de Nemours (Belgium),

Biotechnology Systems Division,
Mercure Centre,
Raketstraal 100, CHINA
100 Rue de la Fusfe,
B-1130 Brussels (Haren) Institute for Radiation Protection,
P.O. Box 120,
Reference materials only. Taiyuan, Shanxi
- Ill -


Chemapol, Amt fur Standardisierung,

Foreign Trade Co., Messwesen und Warenpriifung,
Kodanska 46, Bereich Messwesen,
Prague !0 Fursienwalder Damm 388,
Berlin 1162
Ustav pro vyzkum, vyrobu a vyuzitf radioisotopfl,
Radiova 1,
Prague 10


Amersham Buchler GmbH,
Gieselweg 1,
Amersham Denmark,
D-33OO Braunschweig
Abildgardsparken 2,
DK-3460 Birkerod
Du Pont de Nemours GmbH,
Biotechnology Systems Division.
Du Pom Denmark,
NEN Research Products,
Biotechnology Systems Division,
Postfach 40 12 40,
Park Allee 292,
D-6072 Dreieich
DK-2605 Brondby

New England Nuclear GmbH,

Postfach 40 12 40,
FRANCE D-6072 Dreieich

Amersham France. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Abt. 6.

B.P. 144, Bundesallee 100,
Avenue du Canada, Postfach 3345,
F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex D-3300 Braunschweig

Du Pont de Nemours (France),

Biotechnology Systems Division,
137, me de 1' University, HUNGARY
F-75334 Paris Cedex 07
Izinta Isotope Trading Enterprise,
Laboratoire de metrologie des rayonnements ionisants, P.O. Box 77,
CEA/ORIS/DAMRJ, Konkoly Thege Miklos ut 29/33,
B.P. 21, H-1525 Budapest
National Office of Measures,
Transnucleaire, P.O. Box 19,
Rue Christophe Colomb, Nemetvolgyi ut 37/39,
F-75008 Paris H-1124 Budapest
- 112 -

Pharmatrade, NETHERLANDS
P.O. Box 126.
H-1808 Budapest Amersham Nederland BV,
Spoorhaag 134,
Postbus 32,
NL-3990 DA Houten
Du Pont de Nemours (Nederland) BV,
National Atomic Energy Agency, Biotechnology Systems Division,
Centre for Standardization and Radiological Safety Research Postbus 2060,
JL. Cinere Pasar Jumat Kotak, NL-5202 CB's-Hertogenbosch
P.O. Box 43 Kby.
Jakarta Selatan

Departamento de Salud Radiologica,
Amity Pg. SR2, Complejo Hospitelario Melropolitano,
Via Mecenate 30/14, Caja de Seguro Social,
1-20138 Milan Apartado 9732, Zona 4,
Du Pont de Nemours,
Via Niccohni 3/E,
1-50121 Florence

Laboratorio di Metrologia delle Radiazioni Ionizzati,
C.R.E. Casaccia C.P. 2400,
Institute ui' Atomic Energy,
1-00)00 Rome
Foreign Trade Office,
PL-05-400 Otwock-Swierk

Institute of Atomic Energy,

Isotope Production and Reactor Centre,
PL-05-400 Otwock-Swierk
Amersham Japan Ltd.,
Tokyo Toyama Kaikan,
1-3 Hakusan 5-chome,
Tokyo 112 ROMANIA

Japan Radioisotope Association, Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering,

28-45, 2-chome, Hon-Komagome, Radionuclide Metrology Group,
Bunkyo-ku, P.O. Box MG 6,
Tokyo 112 76900 Bucharest
- 113 -


Radioactivity Standards and Radiation Safety Division, Amersham International pic,

Natinal Acceleration Centre, CSIR, UK Sales Office,
P.O. Box 72, Lincoln Place, Green End,
Faure 7131 Aylesbury, Bucks

Du Pom (UK).
Biotechnology Systems Division.
Wedgwood Way, Stevenage.
Hens SGI 4QN
National Physical Laboratory,
Amersham Sweden AB. Division of Radiation Science and Acoustics,
Hagalundsgatan 30, Department of Trade and Industry,
S-171 50 Solna Teddington, Mddx TW11 OLW

Du Pom Scandinavia AB, National Physical Laboratory.

Biotechnology Systems Division, Office of Reference Materials,
Torshamnsgatan 35-39. Teddington, Mddx TWll OLW
S-163 86 Stockholm
Nuclear Enterprises Ltd.
Bath Road,
Reading. Berks R67 PR

Du Pont de Nemours International SA,
Giotechnology Systems Division, Amersham Corp.,
Pumpwerkstr. 15, 2636 Clearbrook Drive,
CH-8105 Regensdorf Arlington Heights, IL 60C05

Dupont NEN Research Products,

331 Treble Cove Road,
North Billerica, MA 01862

UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

Catalog of Standard and Reference Materials for Marine Science.
All-Union Association "Isotop", US Department of Commerce,
Pogodinskaja ul. 22, Rockville, MD 20857
119435 Moscow
New England Nuclear,
Techsnabexport, 575 Albany Street,
121200 Moscow Boston, MA 03118
- 114 -

Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc..
Isotope Distribution Office,
P.O. Box 2008-6015,
Oak Ridge, TN 3783!

Thermo Electron,
P.O. Box 3874,
7021 Pan America NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87190


Analytics Inc.,
1094 Hemphill Avenue, NW,
Atlanta, GA 30318

Isotope Produce,
1800 North Keystone St.,
Burbank, CA 91504

National Bureau of Standards,

Radioactivity Group,
Center for Radiation Research (Bldg 245),
Gaithersburg, MD 20899


Environmental Measurements Laboratory, Nuclear Radiation Assessment Division,

Analytical Chemistry Division, US Environmental Protection Agency,
US Department of Energy. P.O. Box 93478,
376 Hud^.i St., Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478
New York, NY 10014-3621
National Bureau of Standards,
National Bureau of Standards, Radioactivity Group,
Office of Standard Reference Materials, Center for Radiation Research (Bidg 245),
Room B311, Chemistry Building, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

New Brunswick Laboratory (Bldg 350),

Chicago Operations Office.
US Department of Energy,
9800 South Cass Avenue,
Argonne. IL 60439

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