The Word Philos

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The word philosophy comes from the Greek word for Philo which means

love and Sophia which means wisdom hence philosophy is the love of


Philosopher is a lover of wisdom, puts meaning to what is out there

open to changes in discovery, does not stop Knowing, Wondering

And asking questions , hang is for truth, meaning, and sense someone

who goes beyond the surface of things, experiences, transcendence and

processes a beautiful mind.

Characteristic of philosophy are framework, discipline, and examination

of knowledge

framework is a way of thinking about World and is composed of views

and beliefs of a person

Examination of knowledge is the examination of of other disciplines,

particular areas of knowledge, embraces all type of knowledge example:

scientists have scientific knowledge while historians have knowledge of

the past.

Philosophy is the mother of human in natural sciences. More than just

knowledge, it seeks to open our minds to become aware of illusions and

flawed reasoning
Ancient Greece is situated on the souther, in depth of the Balkans at the

crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. Greece is the birthplace of

philosophy in the west it is the Asian Greek city of Miletus it is now

turkey that gave birth to philosophy, who where the first philosopher is.

Thales of Miletus the father of philosophy in western civilization (624-

546 BCE)

Thales believes that there is one in the many

He is the one to try to reduce the multiplicity into unity.

In India, Buddha is not a name, but it is a title. It is a Sanskrit word that

means a person who is awake what Buddha is a way to is the true nature

of reality.

Gautama Buddha “ rule your mind what it will roll you with your

thoughts, we make the world”

Branches of philosophy

(cognitive)- this branches provide a description of being and knowing

they are foundations of understanding and the philosophical system

Logic- turn off the light deals with the nature of thinking and reasoning,

uses empirical support information which are reliable, valid and

objective. It is the science of our thinking.

Two types of logic

Deductive reasoning, form a general through to a specific truck from a

universal truth to particular

Inductive reasoning from a specific truth, or a general truth from

particular to Universal

Epistemology concerns with the definition of knowledge and related

concepts, such as courses in criteria of knowledge

Rational school- the main source of knowledge is deductive reasoning,

based on self evident principles or actions.

Empirical school- the source of knowledge is sense perception

Metaphysics meta-beyond and physikon-nature. Concerned with the

nature of ultimate reality.

(Normative)- concerned with the standard of the good. If the cognitive

branches are concerned, with what is the normative branches are

concerned with what is ought to be.

Ethics - comes from the Greek word, Ethos which means character it is

the sign of correct doing. It is the said of what is right, what is wrong in

human behavior in the pursuit of beauty and goodness of life. Ethics

gonna be regarded as technology of philosophy because it tells us

human being on earth to function as human being.

Politics or political philosophy- what is the body of knowledge that looks

up on the society politics and the people making it whole. it is believed

that society is inseparable to politics

Aesthetics it is the derived from the Greek word is particles, which

means one of the perceptible things through its sensation, feelings and

intuitions. It is concerned with the essence of perception, objective

judgment, beauty, and nature of art.


The word philosophy comes from the Greek words “philos” which means

love and “Sophia”, which means wisdom

Philosophy can be defined as the study that uses human reason to

investigate the ultimate causes reasons and principles which governs of

things .

Philosophy is a distinct area of knowledge with its own goals, concerns,

and ways of doing things

Philosophy is divided into several branches, namely, aesthetics, logic,

epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy

Philosophy can also be seen as framework, an examination of knowledge

and discipline

Philosophy is concerned with the deepest and biggest questions in life.

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