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Teacher: Princess B.

Grade Level: 10
Daily Lesson Plan Serrato
Teaching Learning Mathematics
Date: Area:
Quarter: 1st

Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

Standards: sequences, polynomials, and polynomial equations.
Performance The learner is to be able to formulate and solve problems
Standards: involving sequences, polynomials, polynomial equation in
different disciplines through representations.
Learning The learners illustrates a geometric sequence

At the end of the 60-minutes discussion, the learners are
expected to:
a. Define the geometric sequence,
b. Determine the common ratio and the nth term of the given
c. Grasped the importance and application of geometric sequence
in a real-life situation.
Subject Matter: Geometric Sequence
References: Grade 10 Mathematics Textbook, Teacher Guide
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
Preliminaries The class will start with a prayer to be leaded by the assigned
prayer leader…
The teacher will greet the class with a “Good morning”.
The class will respond to the teacher a “Good morning” too.
The teacher will ask the class to arrange the chair properly
and pick up the pieces of trash.
The class secretary will check the attendance.
The teacher will make a short recapitulation about the
previous topic.
The teacher will present a simple problem to the class.
A. Activity The class will grouped into four (4).
The title of the Activity is “Fold Me Up”
General Instruction
1. The class will be divided into four (4) groups.
2. Each group should assign 1 leader, 1 secretary, and 1
3. The output will be written in the cartolina paper that is
given by the teacher.
4. Each group will be given 5 minutes to finish the
5. Each discussant will be given 2 minutes to present
their work.
6. Each group will be graded according to the rubrics


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“Fold Me Up”
Do the activity with a group. One of you will
perform the paper folding while the other will do the recording
in the table.
1. Start with a big square from a piece of paper.
Assume that the area of the square is 64 square
2. Fold the four corners to the centre of the square
and find the area of the resulting square.
3. Repeat the process three times and record the
results in the table below.

SQUARE 1 2 3

Guide Questions:
1. What is the area of the square formed after the first
fold? Second fold? Third fold?
2. Is there a pattern in the areas obtained after 3 folds?
3. You have generated a sequence of areas. What ate
the 3 terms of the sequence?
4. Is the sequence an arithmetic sequence? Why?
5. Using the pattern in the areas, what would be the 6th
term of the sequence?
B. Analysis Each group will present their work in front.
The teacher will flash on the screen her subject matter and
the learning objectives, before she starts the discussion.
The teacher will present the PowerPoint presentation to the

A geometric sequence is a sequence where each term after

the first is obtained by multiplying the proceeding term by a
nonzero constant called the common ratio.

The common ratio, r, can be determined by dividing any

term in the sequence by the term that proceeded it.

Example 1:
Identify the common ratio and the next term of the
following sequences.
a. 1,2,4,8, __
b. 3,6,12,__
c. 120,60,30,__


a n=a1 r

Example 2:
Let’s use the formula of geometric sequence in the real-
life application.

a. Micheal saved ₱30.00 in January. Suppose he saved

twice the count he saved the previous month. How
much would he save after 6 months?
b. A colony of ants increase its population dramatically
by trice a month. If there are 75 ants initially. How
many ants will be there in 10 months?
C. Abstraction Since the teacher is done discussing the lesson. She will give
another example to be answered by the students.

Direction: Use geometric sequence formula to answer the

following real-life situations.

a. Kisha saved ₱500.00 in December. Suppose he saved trice

the amount he saved the previous month. How much would she
save after 10 months?
b. A certain bacterial culture doubles in number every hours. If one
bacterium is placed in a glass breaker at 7:00 AM, how many
will be there at 12 midnight?
c. A student saved ₱15.00 on Sunday and double
d. D his savings each day thereafter. How much did he save on
the 7th day? What was his total saving for the week?

The teacher will ask the class the following questions:

1. What is geometric sequence? Common ratio?
2. What is the formula in finding the geometric sequence?
3. How to find the nth term of a geometric sequence?
4. How will you apply geometric sequence in areal-life
situation? Give at least 1 example.
D. Application The teacher will group the class into 3 groups.
The teacher will provide a white board and a pentel pen in
each group.

“Missing You”
A. Find the missing terms in each geometric sequence.
1. __,__,32,64,128,…
2. 2,12,48,__,__
3. 5,__,20,40,__,__
4. 5 x 2 ,¿ ,5 x 5 , 5 x 8 ,__,…
5. 256,__,__,-32,16,…
B. Insert 3 terms between 2 and 32 of a geometric

The teacher will show a geometric sequence using PowerPoint

presentation and the first group who will get the correct
answer will get a point.
Whichever group gets the most points is the winner.
E. Evaluation In the 1 whole sheet of paper.

Direction: Use the geometric sequence formula in the given

real-life situation. Show your all solution.

1. During the initial phase of the outbreak of measles, the

number of infections can grow geometrically. If there
were 5,10,20,… on the first three days of an outbreak of
measles, how many will be infected on the 8th day?
2. A cellphone depreciates in a value at the rate of 6%
every year. If a motorcycle cost ₱48,000.00 now. What is
its value on the 3rd year?
3. A house cost ₱900,00.00 depreciates 15% in a value each
year for the first 6 years. What is its cost after 6 years?



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