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Advanced C# Online Training Course Syllabus

Chapter-1 Introduction and Environment Setup

1. Introduction to .NET Framework
2. .NET Framework Architecture and Components
3. Introduction to C# Programming Language
4. .NET Core Environment Setup
5. Download and Install Visual Studio 2022
6. Download and Install .NET Core SDK
7. Download and Install Visual Studio Code
8. Download and Install SQL Server 2022
9. Download and Install SSMS
10. Difference Between .NET Core and .NET Framework
11. .NET Core vs .NET Framework Code Execution Process
12. Creating First Console Application using Visual Studio

Chapter-2 C#.NET Basics

1. Basic Structure of C# Program
2. Methods and Properties of Console Class in C#
3. Data Types in C#
4. Literals in C#
5. Type Casting in C#
6. Variables in C#
7. Operators in C#
8. Control Flow Statements in C#
9. If-Else Statements in C#
10. Switch Statements in C#
11. Loops in C#
12. While Loop in C#
13. Do While Loop in C#
14. For Loop in C#
15. Break Statement in C#
16. Continue Statement in C#
17. Goto Statement in C#
18. Functions in C#
19. User-Defined Functions in C#
20. Call By Value and Call By Reference in C#
21. Command Line Arguments in C#
22. String in C#
23. Static Keyword in C#
24. Static vs Non-Static Members in C#
25. Const and Read-Only in C#
26. Properties in C#
27. Why we Should Override ToString Method in C#
28. Override Equals Method in C#
29. Difference Between Convert.ToString and ToString Method in c#
30. Checked and Unchecked Keywords in C#
31. Stack and Heap Memory in C#
32. Boxing and Unboxing in C#

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

Chapter-3 OOPs in C#
1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)
2. Class and Objects in C#
3. Constructors in C#
4. Types of Constructors in C#
5. Why We Need Constructors in C#
6. Static vs Non-Static Constructors in C#
7. Private Constructors in C#
8. Destructors in C#
9. Garbage Collection in C#.NET
10. Access Specifiers in C#
11. Encapsulation in C#
12. Abstraction in C#
13. Inheritance in C#
14. Types of Inheritance in C#
15. How to use Inheritance in Application Development
16. IsA and HasA Relationship in C#
17. Generalization and Specialization in C#
18. Abstract Class and Abstract Methods in C#
19. How to Use Abstract Classes and Methods in C# Application
20. Interface in C#
21. Interface Realtime Examples in C#
22. Multiple Inheritance in C#
23. Multiple Inheritance Realtime Example in C#
24. Polymorphism in C#
25. Method Overloading in C#
26. Operator Overloading in C#
27. Method Overriding in C#
28. Method Hiding in C#
29. Partial Class and Partial Methods in C#
30. Sealed Class and Sealed Methods in C#
31. Extension Methods in C#
32. Static Class in C#
33. Difference between Variable, Reference and Instance of a Class in C#

Chapter-4 Exception Handling

1. Exception Handling in C#
2. Multiple Catch Blocks in C#
3. Finally Block in C#
4. How to Create Custom Exceptions in C#
5. Inner Exception in C#
6. Exception Handling Abuse in C#

Chapter-5 Events, Delegates, and Lambda Expression in C#

1. Introduction to Events, Delegates, and Lambda Expression
2. Roles of Events, Delegates, and Event Handler in C#
3. Delegates in C#
4. Multicast Delegates in C#
5. Delegates Real-Time Example in C#
6. Generic Delegates in C#

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7. Anonymous Method in C#
8. Lambda Expressions in C#
9. Events in C# with Examples

Chapter-6 Multi-Threading in C#
1. Multithreading in C#
2. Thread class in C#
3. How to Pass Data to Thread Function in Type Safe Manner in C#
4. How to Retrieve Data from a Thread Function in C#
5. Join Method and IsAlive Property of Thread Class in C#
6. Thread Synchronization in C#
7. Lock in C#
8. Monitor Class in C#
9. Mutex Class in C#
10. Semaphore Class in C#
11. SemaphoreSlim Class in C#
12. Deadlock in C#
13. Performance Testing of a Multithreaded Application
14. Thread Pool in C#
15. Foreground and Background Threads in C#
16. AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEvent in C#
17. Thread Life Cycle in C#
18. Threads Priorities in C#
19. How to Terminate a Thread in C#
20. Inter Thread Communication in C#
21. How to Debug a Multi-threaded Application in C#

Chapter-7 Collections in C#
1. Arrays in C#
2. 2D Arrays in C#
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays in C#
4. Collections in C#
5. ArrayList in C#
6. Hashtable in C#
7. Non-Generic Stack in C#
8. Non-Generic Queue in C#
9. Non-Generic SortedList in C#
10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Generic Collection in C#
11. Generic Collections in C#
12. Generics in C#
13. Generic Constraints in C#
14. Generic List Collection in C#
15. How to Sort a List of Complex Type in C#
16. Comparison Delegate in C#
17. Dictionary Collection Class in C#
18. Conversion Between Array List and Dictionary in C#
19. List vs Dictionary in C#
20. Generic Stack Collection Class in C#
21. Generic Queue Collection Class in C#
22. Foreach Loop in C#

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

23. Generic HashSet Collection Class in C#
24. Generic SortedList Collection Class in C#
25. Generic SortedSet Collection Class in C#
26. Generic SortedDictionary Collection Class in C#
27. Generic LinkedList Collection Class in C#
28. Concurrent Collection in C#
29. ConcurrentDictionary Collection Class in C#
30. ConcurrentQueue Collection Class in C#
31. ConcurrentStack Collection Class in C#
32. ConcurrentBag Collection Class in C#
33. BlockingCollection in C#

Chapter-8 File Handling in C#

1. File Handling in C#
2. FileStream Class in C#
3. StreamReader and StreamWriter in C#
4. File Class in C#
5. TextWriter and TextReader in C#
6. BinaryWriter and BinaryReader in C#
7. StringWriter and StringReader in C#
8. FileInfo Class in C#
9. DirectoryInfo Class in C#
10. Export and Import Excel Data in C#

Chapter-9 Asynchronous Programming

1. Introduction to Concurrency
2. Async and Await in C#
3. Task in C#
4. How to Return a Value from Task in C#
5. How to Execute Multiple Tasks in C#
6. How to Limit Number of Concurrent Tasks in C#
7. How to Cancel a Task in C# using Cancellation Token
8. How to Create Synchronous Method using Task in C#
9. Retry Pattern in C#
10. Only One Pattern in C#
11. How to Control the Result of a Task in C#
12. Task-Based Asynchronous Programming in C#
13. Chaining Tasks by Using Continuation Tasks
14. How to Attached Child Tasks to a Parent Task in C#
15. ValueTask in C#
16. How to Cancel a Non-Cancellable Task in C#
17. Asynchronous Streams in C#
18. How to Cancel Asynchronous Stream in C#

Chapter-10 Parallel Programming

1. Task Parallel Library in C#
2. Parallel For in C#
3. Parallel Foreach Loop in C#
4. Parallel Invoke in C#
5. Maximum Degree of Parallelism in C#

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

6. How to Cancel Parallel Operations in C#
7. Atomic Methods Thread Safety and Race Conditions in C#
8. Interlocked vs Lock in C#
9. Parallel LINQ in C#

Chapter-11 AutoMapper
1. AutoMapper in C#
2. AutoMapper Complex Mapping in C#
3. How to Map Complex Type to Primitive Type using AutoMapper in C#
4. AutoMapper Reverse Mapping in C#
5. AutoMapper Conditional Mapping in C#
6. AutoMapper Ignore Method in C#
7. Fixed and Dynamic Values in Destination Property in AutoMapper

Chapter-12 Optional Parameter, Indexers, and Enums

1. How to make Optional Parameters in C#
2. Indexers in C#
3. Indexers Real-Time Example in C#
4. Enums in C#

Chapter-13 .NET Framework Architecture

1. Introduction to .NET Framework
2. Common Language Runtime in .NET Framework
3. .NET Program Execution Process
4. Intermediate Language (ILDASM & ILASM) Code in C#
5. Common Type System in .NET Framework
6. Common Language Specification in .NET Framework
7. Managed and Unmanaged Code in .NET Framework
8. Assembly DLL EXE in .NET Framework
9. App Domain in .NET Framework
10. Strong and Weak Assemblies in .NET Framework
11. How to Install an Assembly into GAC in .NET Framework
12. DLL Hell Problem and Solution in .NET Framework

Chapter-14 Var, Dynamic and Reflection

1. Reflection in C#
2. Dynamic Type in C#
3. Var Keyword in C#
4. Var vs Dynamic in C#
5. Dynamic vs Reflection in C#
6. Volatile Keyword in C#
7. Ref vs Out in C#
8. Named Parameters in C#

Chapter-15 C# New Features

1. Enhancement in Out Variables in C#
2. Pattern Matching in C#
3. Digit Separators in C#
4. Tuples in C#
5. Splitting Tuples in C#

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

6. Local Functions in C#
7. Ref Returns and Ref Locals in C#
8. Generalized Async Return Types in C#
9. Expression Bodied Members in C#
10. Thrown Expression in C#
11. Async Main in C#
12. ReadOnly Structs in C#
13. Default Interface Methods in C#
14. Using Declarations in C#
15. Static Local Functions in C#
16. Disposable Ref Structs in C#
17. Nullable Reference Types in C# 8
18. Indices and Ranges in C#
19. Null-Coalescing Assignment Operator in C#
20. Stackalloc in C#

Chapter-16 ADO.NET (Working with Database)

1. Introduction to ADO.NET
2. ADO.NET using SQL Server
3. ADO.NET SqlConnection
4. ADO.NET SqlCommand
5. ADO.NET SqlDataReader
6. ADO.NET SqlDataAdapter
7. ADO.NET DataTable in C#
8. DataTable Methods in C#
9. ADO.NET DataSet
10. ADO.NET DataSet using SQL Server
11. ADO.NET Using Stored Procedures
12. ADO.NET DataSet Using Stored Procedure
13. ADO.NET DataView Class in C#
14. Architecture of ADO.NET DataSet
15. Transactions in ADO.NET
16. ADO.NET Distributed Transactions
17. ADO.NET Connection Pooling
18. ADO.NET Architecture
19. Bulk Insert Update in C# using Stored Procedure
20. Bulk INSERT using SqlBulkCopy in C#
21. Batch Operations in C# Using ADO.NET DataAdapters
22. Connected and Disconnected Architecture in ADO.NET
23. ADO.NET using XML Data
24. SQL Injection and Prevention in C#
25. ADO.NET SqlCommandBuilder in C#

Chapter-17 Entity Framework Basics

1. Introduction to Entity Framework
2. Entity Framework Architecture
3. Entity Framework Context Class
4. Entities in Entity Framework
5. Types of Entities in Entity Framework
6. Entity States in Entity Framework

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

7. Development Approach with Entity Framework

Chapter-18 Entity Framework Database First Approach

1. Introduction to Entity Framework Database First Approach
2. Entity Data Model in Entity Framework
3. Model Browser in Entity Framework
4. DbContext Class in Entity Framework
5. DbSet in Entity Framework
6. Relationships Between Entities in Entity Framework
7. CRUD Operations in Entity Framework
8. Querying in Entity Framework
9. LINQ to Entities Queries in Entity Framework
10. Eager Loading in Entity Framework
11. Lazy Loading in Entity Framework
12. Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading in Entity Framework
13. Explicit Loading in Entity Framework
14. Disconnected Entities in Entity Framework
15. Saving Disconnected Entity in Entity Framework
16. Asynchronous Programming with Entity Framework
17. Bulk Insert, Update and Delete in Entity Framework
18. BulkInsert in Entity Framework
19. BulkUpdate in Entity Framework
20. BulkDelete in Entity Framework
21. Stored Procedure in Entity Framework
22. Stored Function in Entity Framework
23. Views in Entity Framework
24. Transactions in Entity Framework
25. Validate Entity in Entity Framework
26. DbEntityEntry Class in Entity Framework
27. Change Tracking in Entity Framework
28. Logging Database Commands in Entity Framework

Chapter-19 Entity Framework Database First Approach

1. Introduction to Entity Framework Code First Approach
2. Default Code-First Conventions in Entity Framework
3. Database Initialization in Entity Framework Code First
4. Database Initialization Strategies in Entity Framework Code-First
5. Configure Domain Classes in Entity Framework
6. Data Annotation Attributes in Entity Framework
7. Table Attribute in Entity Framework
8. Column Attribute in Entity Framework
9. Key Attribute in Entity Framework
10. ForeignKey Attribute in Entity Framework
11. Index Attribute in Entity Framework
12. InverseProperty Attribute in Entity Framework
13. NotMapped Attribute in Entity Framework
14. Required Attribute in Entity Framework
15. MaxLength and MinLength Attribute in Entity Framework
16. StringLength Attribute in Entity Framework
17. DatabaseGenerated Attribute in Entity Framework

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

18. TimeStamp Attribute in Entity Framework
19. ConcurrencyCheck Attribute in Entity Framework
20. Fluent API Configurations in Entity Framework
21. Entity Configurations using Entity Framework Fluent API
22. Property Configurations using Entity Framework Fluent API
23. One-to-One Relationships in Entity Framework Fluent API
24. One-to-Many Relationships in Entity Framework Fluent API
25. Many-to-Many Relationships in Entity Framework Fluent API
26. Existing Database using Entity Framework Code First Approach
27. Stored Procedures in Entity Framework Code-First
28. Cascade Delete in Entity Framework Code First Approach
29. Seed Data in Entity Framework Code-First
30. Automated Database Migration in Entity Framework Code-First
31. Code-Based Migration in Entity Framework Code First

Chapter-20 Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

1. Architecture of LINQ
2. Different Ways to Write LINQ Query
3. IEnumerable and IQueryable in C#
4. Differences Between IEnumerable and IQueryable
5. LINQ Extension Methods
6. LINQ Operators
7. LINQ Select Operator in C#
8. LINQ SelectMany in C#
9. Where Filtering Operators in LINQ
10. OfType Operator in LINQ
11. Set Operators in LINQ
12. LINQ Distinct Method in C#
13. LINQ Except in C#
14. LINQ Intersect Method in C#
15. LINQ Union in C#
16. Linq Concat Method in C#
17. Ordering Operators in LINQ
18. Linq OrderBy Method in C#
19. Linq OrderByDescending Method in C#
20. Linq ThenBy and ThenByDescending Method in C#
21. LINQ Reverse Method in C#
22. LINQ Aggregate Functions in C#
23. Linq Sum in C#
24. Linq Max in C#
25. Linq Min Method in C#
26. Linq Average Method in C#
27. Linq Count Method in C#
28. Linq Aggregate Method in C#
29. LINQ Quantifiers Operators
30. Linq All Operator in C#
31. Linq Any in C#
32. Linq Contains in C#
33. Linq GroupBy in C#
34. GroupBy By Multiple Keys in Linq

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

35. Linq ToLookup Method in C#
36. Linq Joins in C#
37. Linq Inner Join in C#
38. Linq Join with Multiple Data Sources
39. Linq Group Join in C#
40. Left Join in Linq
41. Linq Cross Join
42. Element Operators in LINQ
43. ElementAt and ElementAtOrDefault in Linq
44. First and FirstOrDefault Methods in Linq
45. Last and LastOrDefault Methods in Linq
46. Single and SingleOrDefault Methods in Linq
47. DefaultIfEmpty Method in Linq
48. SequenceEqual Operator in LINQ
49. Partitioning Operators in Linq
50. Take Operator in Linq
51. TakeWhile Method in Linq
52. Skip Method in Linq
53. SkipWhile Method in Linq
54. Paging Using Skip and Take Method
55. Linq Range Method in C#
56. Linq Repeat Method in C#
57. Linq Empty Method in C#
58. Linq Append Method in C#
59. Linq Prepend Method in C#
60. Linq Zip Method in C#
61. Deferred Execution vs Immediate Execution in LINQ
62. ToList and ToArray Methods
63. ToDictionary Method
64. Cast Operator
65. Difference between Cast and OfType Operators

Chapter-21 SOLID Design Principles

1. Single Responsibility Principle in C#
2. Open-Closed Principle in C#
3. Liskov Substitution Principle in C#
4. Interface Segregation Principle in C#
5. Dependency Inversion Principle in C#

Chapter-22 Design Patterns

Creational Design Pattern
1. Introduction to Creational Design Pattern in C#
2. Factory Design Pattern in C#
3. Factory Method Design Pattern in C#
4. Abstract Factory Design Pattern in C#
5. Abstract Factory Design Pattern Real-Time Example C#
6. Builder Design Pattern in C#
7. Builder Design Pattern Real-Time Example in C#
8. Fluent Interface Design Pattern in C#
9. Prototype Design Pattern in C#

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

10. Shallow Copy and Deep Copy in C#
11. Singleton Design Pattern in C#
12. Why Singleton Class is Sealed in C#
13. Thread-Safe Singleton Design Pattern in C#
14. Lazy Loading vs Eager loading in Singleton Design Pattern
15. Singleton VS Static Class in C#
16. Singleton Design Pattern Real-Time Example Logging in C#
17. Singleton Design Pattern Real-Time Example Caching in C#

Structural Design Pattern

1. Introduction to Structural Design Pattern in C#
2. Adapter Design Pattern in C#
3. Adapter Design Pattern Real-time Example
4. Facade Design Pattern in C#
5. Facade Design Pattern Real-Time Example in C#
6. Decorator Design Pattern in C#
7. Decorator Design Pattern Real-Time Example
8. Bridge Design Pattern in C#
9. Bridge Design Pattern Real-Time Example
10. Composite Design Pattern in C#
11. Real-Time Example of Composite Design Pattern in C#
12. Composite Design Pattern Real-Time Example
13. Proxy Design Pattern in C#
14. Virtual Proxy Design Pattern Real-Time Example in C#
15. Flyweight Design Pattern in C#

Behavioral Design Pattern

1. Introduction to Behavioral Design Pattern in C#
2. Iterator Design Pattern in C#
3. Observer Design Pattern in C#
4. Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern in C#
5. Real-Time Examples of Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
6. State Design Pattern in C#
7. State Design Pattern Real-time Example
8. Template Method Design Pattern in C#
9. Template Method Design Pattern Real-Time Example
10. Command Design Pattern in C#
11. Visitor Design Pattern in C#
12. Strategy Design Pattern in C#
13. Strategy Design Pattern Real-Time Example – Travel
14. Strategy Design Pattern Real-Time Example – Payment
15. Interpreter Design Pattern in C#
16. Mediator Design Pattern in C#
17. Memento Design Pattern in C#

Dependency Injection Design Pattern

1. Dependency Injection Design Pattern in C#
2. Property and Method Dependency Injection in C#
3. Dependency Injection using Unity Container in MVC

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

Repository Design Pattern
1. Repository Design Pattern in C#
2. Generic Repository Pattern in C#
3. Using Both Generic and Non-Generic Repository Pattern in C#
4. Unit Of Work in Repository Pattern

Chapter-23 C#.NET Logical Programs (As Requested by Members)

1. Swapping Program in C#
2. Fibonacci Series Program in C#
3. Prime Numbers in C#
4. Palindrome Program in C#
5. Reverse Number Program in C#
6. Armstrong Number Program in C#
7. Factorial Number Program in C#
8. Sum of Digits Program in C#
9. Decimal to Binary Conversion in C#
10. Binary to Decimal Conversion in C#
11. Character Occurrence in a String in C#
12. How to Reverse a String in C#
13. Reverse Each Word in a Given String in C#
14. How to Remove Duplicate Characters from a String in C#
15. How to Find All Substrings of a Given String in C#
16. How to convert a two-dimensional array to one-dimensional array in C#
17. How to convert a one-dimensional array to a two-dimensional array in C#
18. How to Perform Left Circular Rotation of an Array in C#
19. How to Perform Right Circular Rotation of an Array in C#
20. How to find the angle between hour and minute hands of a clock at any
given time in C#
21. How to Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array in C#
22. Duck Number in C#
23. Disarium Number in C#
24. Twisted Prime Number in C#
25. Buzz Number in C#
26. Strong Number in C#
27. Kaprekar Number in C#
28. Krishnamurthy Number in C#
29. Vampire Number in C#
30. Happy Number in C#
31. Automorphic Number in C#
32. Area of Rectangle in C#
33. Area of Square in C#
34. Area of Triangle in C#
35. Area of Circle in C#
36. Surface Area of Cube in C#
37. Volume of Cube in C#
38. Surface Area of Cuboid in C#
39. Volume of Cuboid in C#
40. Surface Area of Cylinder in C#
41. Volume of Cylinder in C#
42. Surface Area of Cone in C#

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

43. Volume of Cone in C#
44. Celsius to Fahrenheit in C#
45. Fahrenheit to Celsius in C#
46. Profit and Loss Program in C#
47. Inches to Centimeters in C#
48. Perimeter of Rectangle in C#
49. Perimeter of Square in C#
50. Check Power of 2 or not in C#
51. Count Number of 1 Bit in a Given Number in C#
52. Count Number of Digits in an Integer Number in C#
53. Find sum of even numbers from 1 to N in C#
54. Find sum of odd numbers from 1 to N in C#
55. How to Convert Kilogram to Gram and Vice Versa in C#
56. How to Find all Factors of a Given Number in C#

Chapter-24 Web Application using .NET Core

1. How to Develop ASP.NET Core MVC Application
2. How to Develop ASP.NET Core Web API Application
3. How to Develop ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Application
4. How to Develop ASP.NET Core Blazor Application

Chapter-25 Upcoming C# 12 New Features

End of the Syllabus

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New Batch: 6th September, 9:30 AM to 11 AM, IST

Zoom Credentials to attend the Demo Classes on 6, 7 and 8 September:

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Meeting ID: 871 2517 3398

Passcode: 649653

By: Pranaya Kumar Rout Website:

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