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2SVE16_Content and Performance-based Assessment and Evaluation in VE

maria. luisa a. pilapil

bve iii-11

K - What I Think I know

Assessment is an integral part of Instructional As teachers utilize the means of assessment and
Delivery. Teachers are expected not only to teach evaluation as the starting point of their instruction.
and impart essential knowledge but also to Assessment for Learning is being incorporated and
widely assess the progress of their students in integrated into three different kinds: (1) Placement
different learning areas by the means of Assessment: that is done prior to the instruction that
developing and tailoring highly-responsive and aims to determine the prior knowledge of the students
differentiated/diverse assessments that would assess the emerging learning needs/demands (2)
assist the learning process of the students in Formative Assessment: that is done during the
determining their learning strengths, instruction that aims to monitor the level of attainment
weaknesses, needs, potentials and learning gaps of the students to the learning objectives and (3)
that should be addressed to improve the quality Formative Assessment: that is done after the instruction
of teaching and learning delivery to plot the overall learning progress of the students.

In the context of values education, the application of

In the field of values education, holistic and
different modes of assessment is pivotal in able to make
optimum learning development can be attained
holistic assessment that includes the Traditional
through developing highly responsive learning
Assessment (Pen and Paper Test), Alternative
objects and goals that is inclined to the differing
Assessment (Performance-Based Activities, Journals,
learning needs and capacity (multiple intelligences)
Exhibitions, Portfolios), Authentic Assessment
(Community-Based Projects, Observations, Debates,
Reflective Papers)

W - What I Want to Know

How values education teachers would be able to What are the following emerging assessment
develop and tailor highly responsive and suitable strategies is best suited to the teaching of Values
assessments that would match the contemporary Education both in Primary and Secondary and its
teaching strategies utilized now in the 21st Century integration to Senior High School?
in teaching values education?

Given the remarkable standing of traditional

What possible wave of changes will be applied in assessment strategies utilized in teaching VE in the
the matching assessment methods of the learning past. What are the enormous benefits and impact of
competencies in the New GMRC and VE Curriculum? the emergence of technology-based assessment,
tools and applications in the instructional delivery,
assessment and evaluation of values education
teachers to the learners?

L - What I Learned
Assessment is indeed vital tool not only to assess the In the context of values education, assessment does not
learning progress of learners but also for teachers to only implicates the cognitive development and
measure and to assess the quality of instructional achievement of a learner to memorize different concepts
delivery, the different point for improvements and but it entails a holistic and optimum goals to develop
teaching enhancement and modifications that would different learning domains of learning that is not only for
cater the learning needs of the students. rote memorization but also for the development of skills,
inculcation of values and molding well-rounded individuals
who is much capable to transfer and perform their
Better utilization and critical integration of
acquired knowledge through continuous learning, practice
different modes, kinds and strategies for
and application
learning assessment and evaluation will
surely boost the interest of the learners to Lastly, I highly believe that the development on
assess their learning milestones through the Assessment and Evaluation skills of future
diverse ways that might also break the values education teachers in the near future will
stereotyping in the Values Education field prove that our field is more than “answering a
that our assessment is just all about “pen true or false question” but rather it is an
and paper assessment” “picking the assessment and an avenue for learners to
righteous answers” that creates continuously exhibit their critical and reflective
misconception on the normalized cyclic thinking skills to reproduce their learnings in the
assessment strategies of some Values most significant way.
Education Teachers.

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