Brain Activity - DONE

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True/ False

1) A machine: has taken a ste·p towards a

biocomputer . T' / F
2) Researchers mixes lab-grow·n brain cells with
microelectrodes~ T / F
3) The new biocom1puter i.s called Brainyware .
4) New biocomputers, could require less e·n ergy
than traditio·nal computers.. T / F
5) Organoids are artificial tissue and stem1cells
that are grouped together. T / F
6) The organoids in the research hav·e neu1rons
simHar to those in our brain. T. / F
7) The bio,c omputer can already perform. .higher-
le·vel tasks,. T / F
8) !Researchers are pondering how to keep the
t issue alive.. T / F
Synonym Match
(The words in bold are from t he news article . )
1. merging a.. !look like
2. embryonic
b. therapies,
3,. complex
C. o·n ly
4. solely d. intricate
5. proo,f e. similar
,&. bu1ndles fL combining
7. re,s emble g. ytackle
8. 1
a 1k in h. clumps
91. undertake I. evidence
1 0. cures.
] .. ru1dimentary
The merging I OF " I human and machine has taken another step forward as Fesearchers
have built a "biocomputer". Bioengineers I AT v Ithe University .of Indiana I OF v Ithe USA
have combined laboratory-grown human brain tissue WITH ._I--"~I microelectrodes. The scientists
have dubbed their creation Brainoware. It is I IN . ., I its embryonic stage I OF " I
development, but it can already perform complex tasks such as voice recognition. Lead
researcher Dr Feng Guo hopes his softer-than-usual software will help to advance Al

technologies. It could also mean Al hardware uses far less energy than solely using silicon
chips. Dr Guo said "This is just proof~._OF
__"_,1-concept to show that we can do the j ob. We still
have a Ion§ way to go."

The researchers said their Brainoware system utilizes "organoids". These are artificially grown

bundles OF " I tis.sue and stem cells that resembJe an organ. Dr Guo said his team's

organoids are I LIKE" I mini-brains. They have transformed and developed neurons, akin to
those found I IN " I the human brain. The researchers say their next step is to investigate
how Brainoware can be adapted to undertake higher-level tasks. The technology could one

day be used to create improved models I OF " Ithe brain, and move neuroscience research
forward. It could also lead to cures I TO vI neurological diseases. One major challenge
FOR "_,I the researchers is to find solutions I FOR " I how to keep the living tissue alive.

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