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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos

NCM 113- A: Community Health Nursing II (Population Groups and Community as


Deliver the Health Care to the Filipino Family and Community

Prepared by:

Mark Ronald F. De Leon, RN, MSN

A.Y. 2020-2021- 1 Semester

A broader horizon awaits as we continue on your nursing journey. An essential

knowledge that needs to be obtained is the continuation of your community health
nursing which now focuses on concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the care
of population groups and communities utilizing community organizing strategies toward
health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation
and community development.

The tasks are made simple and were selected to make sure that independent
learning will occur. To learn most from this module, do not forget to read the specific
topic on your resource book. Take the pretest as this will determine how much time you
will need in each lesson. Make sure to answer the activities given for every lesson so
you can check your progress. Accomplish the post-test so you could identify how much
you have learned

In this lesson you will learn about Filipino culture, its customs and traditions, and
its traits, values and beliefs.

This particular lesson is divided into 3 lessons:

 Lesson 1 Filipino Culture
 Lesson 2 Philippine Customs and Traditions
 Lesson 3 Filipino Traits, Values and Beliefs

Upon completion of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Apply the importance of the Filipino culture to deliver the care to the community
2. Apply the concepts of Philippine Customs and Traditions towards the delivery of
care to the community
3. Apply the Filipino Traits, Values and Beliefs to deliver the care to the community
Title of the Lesson: Filipino Culture (Lesson 1)

The Filipino culture refers to the set of social institutions that the majority of the
Filipino have followed an action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional among
the people in a particular group or place, which is something that is done regularly by an
individual. The Filipino culture includes their own unique assemblage of consistent
ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette and cultural and personal traditions
that are promoted by their society. As with any society though, the following culture that
an individual holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and other
As a general description, the distinct cultural system of Filipinos is rooted
primarily in personal alliance systems, especially those based in kinship, obligation,
friendship, religion (particularly Christianity) and commercial relationships.
DISTINCT CULTURAL SYSTEMS held important in the lives of the Filipino
people includes:
1. FAMILY SOLIDARITY- is a cultural system where the concepts of
intergenerational solidarity is most frequently used to shed light on the nature of
the relationship between adult children and their parents where it refers to the
frequency of social contact and shared activities between family members.

Examples of functional solidarity include gifts of money, buying groceries,

preparing meals, allowing family members to move in with you or looking after
their care needs. Also, older family members can be both beneficiaries and
sources of functional solidarity.

2. COMMUNICATION- is a cultural system where it acts on transferring information

from one place, person or group to another. Filipinos communicate through:

a. VERBAL- is a type of communication where Filipinos often use to

communicate directly through a spoken medium to directly send a
message or in order to prevent a loss of face and evoking hiya on either
side of an exchange.

Also, they tend to avoid interrupting others and are more attentive to
posture, expression and tone of voice to draw meaning, though speech is
often ambiguous and Filipinos may speak in the passive voice rather than
the active to avoid being perceived as speaking harshly.

Ultimately, it is done to find the underlying meaning and to check for

clarification to avoid confusion.
b. NON-VERBAL is a type of communication where Filipinos uses to aid
verbal medium where they communicate indirectly which is facilitated

1. PHYSICAL CONTACT- is a type of non verbal communication

factor wherein it involves a close contact among relatives or
friends of the same gender.

For Filipinos to walk hand in hand or arm in arm is generally

done so as a sign of affection, friendship or if they are shy and
would like someone to accompany them. Also, Filipinos tend to
be modest and conservative in their interactions with their
significant other, and public displays of affection among couples
(such as kissing or hugging) is quite uncommon.

2. PERSONAL SPACE- is a type of nonverbal communication

factor wherein it involves an ample distance between the
speaker and the person being communicated with.

Filipinos, when interacting with people they are familiar with,

tends to prefer standing at an arm's length from one another
and to strangers this distance is farther.

3. LAUGHTER- is a type of nonverbal communication factor in

which positive emotional states, such as joy, mirth, happiness,
relief are enjoyed to relieve pressure packed situations.

Filipinos often laugh in conversations, the meaning of laughter

tends to depend on the situation and at times, laughing may
indicate happiness or pleasure, while other times it may be used
to relieve tension and, in some circumstances, laughter is used
as an attempt to cover embarrassment.

4. REFUSALS- is a type of nonverbal communication factor in

which something is the fact of them showing or saying that they
will not do it, allow it, or accept it.

Filipinos try to save face and avoid hiya in their interactions,

many will be overly polite and seldom give a flat ‘no’ or negative
response and when conversing with a Filipino counterpart, it
tries to focus on hints of hesitation so you must listen to what
they say and also pay close attention to what they don’t say.
5. POINTING- is a type of nonverbal communication factor in
which aimed in a clear using a hand and often critical way
against a particular person or their behavior

Filipinos may point to objects by puckering their lips and moving

their mouths in the direction they are pointing to

6. GESTURES- is a type of nonverbal communication factor in

which a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the
head, to express an idea or meaning

Filipinos putting one’s hands on their hips is a sign of anger.

7. BECKONING- is a type of nonverbal communication factor in

which it makes a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to
encourage someone to come nearer or follow

Filipino people that want someone’s attention, they gesture with

the hand facing downwards and waving fingers towards one
self, but oftentimes, it is common for them to make a sound like

3. SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP- is a cultural system where friendship often is placed

on a par with kinship as the most central of Filipino relationships where it
promotes ties among those within one's group of friends are an important factor
in the development of personal alliance systems and the willingness to help one
another provides the prime rationale for the relationship.
Title of the Lesson: Philippine Customs and Traditions (Lesson 2)
The Filipino customs and traditions refer to the set of norms that the majority of
the Filipino have followed an action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional
among the people in a particular group or place, which is something that is done
regularly by an individual. The Filipino customs include their own unique assemblage of
consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette and cultural and personal
traditions that are promoted by their society. As with any society though, the traditions
that an individual holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and other
As a general description, the distinct custom system of Filipinos is rooted
primarily in personal alliance systems, especially those based in kinship, obligation,
friendship, religion (particularly Christianity) and commercial relationships.
DISTINCT TRADITIONS held important in the lives of the Filipino people
1. PAKIKIRAMDAM- is a custom that talks about empathy or putting yourself in the
other’s shoe, where a heightened awareness of how the other person feels and
is a very key element of the mental make-up of the Filipino, no matter how rich or
poor or how well educated or otherwise they may be and gives a complex social
structure that hopefully explains a lot of things that may have been puzzling

2. BAYANIHAN- is a custom that literally means, “being a bayan”, talks about a

spirit of communal unity and cooperation clearly and impressively displayed in
the old tradition of neighbors helping a relocating family by getting enough
volunteers to carry the whole house, and literally moving it to its new location
where they do this by placing long bamboo poles lengthwise and crosswise
under the house (traditional Filipino houses were built on stilts), and then carrying
the house using this bamboo frame done in a happy and festive mood to a new
place, and at the end of the day, the moving family expresses their gratitude by
hosting a small fiesta for everyone

3. BAHALA NA- is a custom that focuses on a source of psychological strength

when options are few and a decision must be made in a calculated risk. Filipinos
view it not fatalism or resignation, but an inner strength or force that makes them
daring and resilient by making a person extend not only material help to
someone suffering from misfortune, but also emotional support

4. PAGPAPADRINO (GODFATHER) SYSTEM- is a custom in which a "padrino”,

who is a person of position will get things done faster for his clout by bypassing
on the abiding by the rules rooting on the "utang na loob" concept.
5. PAMAHIIN- is a custom that there is a belief or behavior based upon one's trust
in luck or other irrational, unscientific, or supernatural forces often times from
ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a belief in fate or magic,
or fear of that which is unknown where the Filipinos highly believed in

6. BARKADA- is a custom which means a group of close-knit friends or simply a

peer group, in which the best definition of Filipinos, is another form of a family
and the best of both worlds, people who know you and love you anyway, but
sometimes allow you to take them for granted to a certain extent


focuses in the way of withdrawing of the expression of hurt feelings in a culture
where outright expression of anger is inevitable, where it is manifested in non-
verbal ways, such as not talking to other people, keeping to one's self, being
unusually quiet, not joining friends in group activities, not joining family outing, or
simply locking oneself in his or her room. A Filipino who is nagtatampo is
expected to be aamuin or cajoled out of the feeling of being unhappy or left out.

8. FILIPINO TIME- is a custom that originally describes the Filipinos' penchant for
starting, or arriving at, events some 15 to 30 minutes later than the set time, in
which it becomes a notorious habit pulls back the person in terms of lost

9. NINGAS KUGON- is a custom that focuses on the attitude when starting

something with interest and enthusiasm, then after a very short time, we lose
interest and stop whatever it is we are doing by leaving things incomplete just like
a wildfire burning out quickly

10. PAMAMANHIKAN- is a custom where a man, together with his family, pays a
visit to the home of his intended bride wherein on this occasion, his family will
ask the formal blessing of the woman's family for the wedding
Title of the Lesson: Filipino Traits, Values and Beliefs (Lesson 3)
The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values that a
majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. The Filipino values
system includes their own unique assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes,
ethical practices, etiquette and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their
society. As with any society though, the values that an individual holds sacred can differ
on the basis of religion, upbringing and other factors.
As a general description, the distinct value system of Filipinos is rooted primarily
in personal alliance systems, especially those based in kinship, obligation, friendship,
religion (particularly Christianity) and commercial relationships.
DISTINCT VALUES held important in the lives of the Filipino people includes:
that reflects the Filipinos' strong faith in one Creator or God as seen in their
various practices. This includes the numerous church holidays they observe, the
customary (and obligatory) Sunday Mass, the individual's basis of their moral
standpoints, the influence of the Church on the minds, actions, and opinions of
the majority, importance of the Sacraments, praying at almost any possible time
of the day, the extreme practices during Holy Week.

2. MAINIT NA PAGTANGGAP (HOSPITALITY)- is a Filipino value that shows the

heartwarming generosity of a Filipino family hosting a visitor in their humble
home even if it poverty stricken where delicious foods and one of a kind
preparations were made which testify to the warmth and friendliness of Filipinos
as they experience that feeling of belongingness.

3. PAGGALANG (RESPECT) - is a Filipino value to be respectful or to give respect

to a person where it accustomed to using the words “po,” “opo,” and “ho” when
they are conversing with older people or, sometimes, with those who are in a
high role or a prestigious member of society.
It can also be shown toward your elders by kissing their hands before leaving/to
say goodbye and upon arrival/to greet them.
The younger members of the family can show respect toward older siblings by
calling them kuya (older brother) or ate (older sister).
4. PAKIKISAMA (HELPING OTHERS)- is a Filipino value to have a connotation of
getting along with people in general through yearning to be accepted and well-
liked among Filipinos.
This desire is what steers one to perform pakikisama and applies to one and his
or her friends, colleagues, boss, and even relatives.
Therefore, this trait usually fosters general cooperation and performing good or
helpful deeds, which can lead to others viewing you in a favorable light.
5. UTANG NA LOOB (DEBT OF GRATITUDE)- is a Filipino value to pay your debt
with gratitude. With utang na loob, there is usually a system of obligation.
When this value is applied, it imparts a sense of duty and responsibility on the
younger siblings to serve and repay the favors done to them by their elders.
that implies a person will place a high regard on their family and prioritize that
before anything else and puts a great emphasis on the value of family and being
close to one's family members.
For example, this is why it's not uncommon for a father or a mother in a Filipino
family from the Philippines to seek employment abroad or a job they don't want
just to earn a decent wage for their family because they placed the utmost priority
on meeting the family’s basic needs and toward the practice of prioritizing the
In the Philippine Setting, young Filipinos who turn 18 are not expected to move
out of their parents' home. When a Filipino's parents are old and cannot take
care of themselves, they are cared for in their children's homes and are very
rarely brought by their children to Homes for the Aged.

7. KAKAYAHANG MABUHAY (ABILITY TO SURVIVE)- is a Filipino value that

focuses on the developing a sense of resourcefulness or the ability to survive
with whatever they have and the extraordinary ability to make something
especially on food that is out of almost nothing into something.

8. MASAYAHIN (JOYFULNESS)- is a Filipino value that focuses on the ability of to

find humor in everything where sheds light, optimism and positivity in whatever
situation they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or
challenges while serving as a coping technique.


value that focuses on the determination and perseverance in accomplishing
whatever they set their minds to with the help of good physical condition and
industrious attitude.

10. HIYA (SHAME)- is a Filipino value that controls the social behaviors and
interactions of a Filipino. It is the value that drives a Filipino to be obedient and
respectful to their parents, older siblings, and other authorities which is a key
ingredient in the loyalty of one’s family.
Upon learning about Filipino culture, its customs and traditions, and its traits,
values and beliefs, please find a reflective journal or article regarding any topics
mentioned and provide a synthesis or reaction regarding the journal or article.
Chapter 1 of the book entitled “Public Health Nursing in the Philippines” (10th
ed.) by the National League of Philippine Government Nurses (2007)

Chapter 2 of the book entitled “Nursing Care of the Community (5th ed.) by
Maglaya, A. (2009)

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