VW 360 01 2019 Englisch

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MAY 2019
36 0 °
New Media
Key Details
on P a ge 2

ID.3¹ –
register now
Starting now, non-binding registra-
tions are being accepted for the first
model in the ID. family. Volkswagen
is initially offering a limited special
edition of 30,000 units. → PAGE 12

Everything that concerns the Wolfsburg location: employees, cars and much more – all for 360° readers to find out about.

Electric cars: How

Wolfsburg Calling: All About Employees are Being


the Location in the New 360°

360° explains: See how Volkswagen
is preparing employees for electric
mobility in the Zwickau plant.
→ PAGE 13
Cars, people, technology, divisions and companies: all in the Local News section!

he new 360° is more than and reports on strategic issues in the the VfL and the Autostadt. a strong team for the last 45 years,
just a name. The new employee various divisions – from Production This issue starts off with stories and presents plans from Volkswagen Finals:
magazine offers, well, a
360-degree view of the Volkswagen
to Technical Development. But that’s
not all: articles about vehicles and
about the tools being used in the
body shop, a logistics planner’s
Immobilien. And Franco Lo Presti
from the in-house butcher shop
Group and its brands – and the technology made in Wolfsburg will responsibilities and a trainee gives colleagues in Wolfsburg tips Tickets!
Wolfsburg location of course. In get just as much space as topics that exchange in toolmaking. on grilling in their backyards or on
the Local News section you’ll find play out beyond the plant gates – 360° also reports on two mainte- their balconies.
personal stories from employees such as at Volkswagen Immobilien, nance technicians who have made → PAGES 21 TO 25 360° is giving away 10 x 2 tick-
ets for the DFB Cup finals match
between Bayern Munich and RB
An Interview
with Group CEO
European Elections: The Importance Leipzig on Saturday, May 25, in
Berlin. → PAGE 19

Herbert Diess of the EU for the Group Developments in

Why is Volkswagen on the right Employee Vehicle
track with its electric offensive? The Group Management Board and Group Works Council join forces to encourage voting
How can the Group successfully Between digi-
implement its own structural change? talization and
How will cars change in the future – Europe is voting: In a joint declara- face-to-face
and what does that mean for the tion, the Group Management Board consultation: An
employees of Volkswagen? Group and Group Works Council is urging interview with the
CEO Herbert Diess answers these people to vote in the European Par- Sales Manager for
questions in a major interview with liament elections. “A Europe that is Employee Sales,
the new Volkswagen employee mag- our own, that is ready to face the future, Stefanie Sprenger-
azine 360°. → PAGE 3 standing strong in the face of inter- Meinhardt.
national competition, is in all of our → PAGE 14
interests. The European Single Market,
Answers to cross-border trade, freedom of move-

Questions About
ment for workers and the exchange of
knowledge are the basic framework that
the Diesel Crisis underpins our competitiveness,” reads
the appeal to vote. Voting locations in
Volkswagen employees have Germany will open on Sunday, May 26.
submitted hundreds of questions The importance of Europe for
to their company about the diesel Volkswagen, as well as the impor-
crisis. Hiltrud D. Werner, Group Board tance of Volkswagen for Europe, is
Member for Integrity and Legal Af- illustrated by a few numbers: There
fairs, called for these questions last are 490,000 people working for the
month in the employee magazine Group in Europe – three fourths of the
and in the portal. worldwide workforce. The Group sells
On a special page, 360° has around 4.5 million cars each year. And
summarized ten questions and an- the company operates 69 plants within
swers. These include issues such as the EU. The Group’s products are often The GTI for
responsibility for exhaust emissions
manipulation, the residual values
produced as a team effort among Euro-
pean countries. The core product from
of the diesel vehicles involved, and the company – the Golf – demonstrates 18 apprentices work on “their” car
completed and ongoing legal pro- just how much of Europe is contained for the legendary meeting of fans
ceedings against Volkswagen. in the cars. → PAGE 6/7 in Austria at the end of May.
→ PAGE 11 Encouraging voting: Group CEO Herbert Diess (right) and Works Council Chairman Bernd Osterloh. → PAGE 13


¹ Concept car.
GROUP 360° May 2019

Dear Employees, The New 360° Media Family

If you’re looking to stay informed about In that vein, internal communication
goings-on in the Volkswagen Group, about brands, locations and depart-
we have a range of media available to
help you do that. The media landscape
ments is now subject to even greater
at the Volkswagen Group is varied and
networking. Colleagues have thought
carefully and cut out some dead wood, 360° brief
diverse. It’s now easier for employees so to speak. They are boldly moving for- Volkswagen
to get both a comprehensive overview ward and are daring to try new things. Net
as well as to hear stories about what’s But the ultimate goal is a unifying one:
been going on in the next hall. And to inform the Volkswagen workforce of
today we’re welcoming a new media events, developments, changes and
family. It’s called 360°. You’re holding trends in the best way possible. After
the first edition of 360° in your hands all, as part of the automotive industry,
right now. I hope you enjoy reading it! Volkswagen too is facing substantial
Good to know: A new intranet and change. Only by working together to In
employee app are also part of the 360°
media family. And it’s all set to launch
shape this change will we all be able to
secure our jobs in the long term. brie
in the next few days. You’ll receive all The 360° magazine is the first step.
the necessary information in due time. Many more will follow. The most
360° – the name says it all: The important thing to remember is that
media family aims to help employees we are all treading a path to the future.
gain a full view of what’s happening in 360°
the world of Volkswagen. The magazine Volkswagen
features a clear structure. The most
important bits of news from the Group, Gunnar Kilian
the brand, the location and departments Chief Human Resources Officer
are carefully sorted and edited.
Not every piece of news carries the
same weight everywhere, of course.
That’s why several editions of 360°
will be published: Wolfsburg,
Kassel, Braunschweig, Salzgitter,
Hanover, Osnabrück, Saxony
(Zwickau, Chemnitz, Dresden).
Each location will receive its
own customized 360° maga-
zine featuring news of partic-
ular interest to each location,
giving these news items the
space and attention they

One thing is clear: The only
way for a media family like 360°
to work is through teamwork.

The new
media famil


Group Increases Turnover and Earnings

First quarter of 2019: Chief Financial Officer Frank Witter calls it a pleasing development

he Volkswagen Group has Chief Financial Officer Frank Witter Volkswagen Passenger Cars increa-
confirmed its targets for says, “The Volkswagen Group has once sed its turnover by 7.1 percent to 21.5
deliveries to customers, again had a good start to the year. billion euros during the first quarter.
turnover and operating profit be- The trends we’re seeing in Its operating profit before special items

Wind Power: fore special items for 2019. Turn-

over increased in the first three
turnover and earnings
in the first three
improved to reach 921 (879) million eu-
ros. It was able to compensate for costs
Volkswagen Power months of the current financial months incurred as a result of lower volumes

Plant Builds
year by 3.1 percent to 60 billion and exchange rates with improvements
euros compared to last year. in its product mix and its price positi-
in Salzgitter This and other
details have
At a glance:
The brands of
oning, as well as a positive cost trend.
Negative special items totaled
The Volkswagen Power Plant is emerged from the Volkswagen Group. 400 million euros in the
building four wind turbines at the the quarterly re- reporting period.
MAN compound in Salzgitter. Com- port the Group At 3.3
missioning is planned for November. presented in (2.9) billion
“By installing wind turbines, we are early May. gross earnings remained at last year’s euros,
taking yet another step towards Despite volu- levels. Operating profit before special of this financial year Volkswagen
cleaning up the carbon footprint we me losses in de- items increased by 0.6 percent to are pleasing. But operating Commercial
leave behind when generating ener- liveries (2.6 mil- 4.8 billion euros. profit was also positively impacted Vehicles
gy,” says Michael Heinemann, CEO of lion vehicles, The operating profit-turnover by the valuation of derivative finan- improved
Frank Witter, Group
the Volkswagen Power Plant. equivalent to ratio before special items increased cial instruments – something that turnover by 11.8 percent compared
Chief Financial Officer
The wind turbines, which are -2.8 percent), to 8.1 (7.2) percent. Operating profit can be highly volatile. All in all, we to the first quarter of 2018. Higher
still under construction, will later this growth was due primarily to suffered to the tune of one billion need to keep increasing the tempo volumes and improvements to its
generate a peak electrical perfor- improvements in the Group’s product euros as a result of negative special of our transformation. The growing product mix as well as advantageous
mance of 3.2 megawatts each, with mix and positive business develop- items relating to legal risks, bringing economic risks worldwide also pose exchange rate trends led to a
a combined total output of 12.8 ments in the Financial Services its total to 3.9 billion euros, 0.3 billion challenges for us. But we’re sticking 29.9 percent increase in operating
megawatts. division. At 11.7 (11.6) billion euros, euros less than last year. to our goals for 2019.” profit, bringing it to 291 million euros.

360° May 2019 GROUP

Herbert Diess on Structural Change,

the E-Offensive, and the New Golf
Group CEO: “The car of the future has entirely new qualities” – “Software expertise is becoming increasingly important”

erbert Diess has been Group Wolfsburg will save 1.5 million tons the front of the pack when it comes
CEO for a year now and has of CO₂ a year from 2023. Renewable to developing the cars of tomorrow.
already initiated a number of energies are set to play an ever more
key changes: Improving productivi- important role in the plants going What impact is this essential structural
ty, focusing on the Group’s Chinese forward. Volkswagen in Dresden and change having on the number of jobs
operations, enhancing software Audi in Brussels are testament to available at Volkswagen?
expertise, and pressing ahead with the success of this approach, as our Structural change isn’t something we
the electro-offensive strategy are manufacturing processes are already can simply hide from, but Volkswagen
just some of the initiatives he has carbon-neutral at these sites. is efficient and strong enough to
kick-started to ensure Volkswagen shape it in a way that suits us. We
is running at full steam. There’s still The largest Volkswagen plant in all know that it takes less time to
plenty of work to come, so Herbert Wolfsburg will continue to manufac- produce e-vehicles than it does to
Diess is looking to the future in this ture almost exclusively vehicles with produce vehicles with combustion
interview with 360°. combustion engines for the foreseeable engines, so there will be jobs that
future. How does this fit in with the become redundant along the way,
Herbert, the automotive industry is electric offensive? but then we will be creating new jobs
experiencing fundamental changes It actually fits in very well, since one in other areas. What’s important to
right now. How is Volkswagen going to can’t exist without the other. The pro- remember is that nobody should be
respond to these? portion of combustion engines and worried about their job. As a com-
The changes we are already making other types of drive systems will still pany, we have given guarantees and
at Volkswagen are looking bigger and be around 60 percent in 2030, and assurances that we are going to stick
happening faster than ever before. these will provide the finances we to. We will be offering part-time work
There’s simply no alternative if need to pave our way into the future. for older employees, which will sup-
Volkswagen is to remain sustainable Our main plant here in Wolfsburg can port our demographic development.
and future-proof going forward. The focus all of its efforts on the launch I am sure that we will be able to
reason for this is simple: The entire of the new Golf. The Golf is the heart shape the structural change in a way
history of the car is currently being of our brand, just like the Octavia is that works best for us. Our size will
rewritten, and we are contributing to for Skoda, the 911 for Porsche, and work in our favor, as we already have
a significant chapter by launching the the Leon for Seat. The Golf represents plenty of expertise, experience, and
greatest electro-offensive the auto- progress and technology like no other team spirit here at Volkswagen, and
motive industry has ever seen. Over car. It has even influenced entire we will continue to train up many
the next ten years, we plan to man- generations. With 35 million vehicles more excellent members of our team.
ufacture 22 million electric vehicles sold, the Golf has been in a class of Our aim is for Volkswagen to play a
across the Group. It all starts with the its own for quite some time. Now decisive role in shaping the future of
Audi e-tron and the Taycan followed that’s something our employees can individual mobility as one of the lead-
by the ID., which will be showcased be proud of. The Golf 8 is now on the ing companies in the industry.
in September at the IAA in Frankfurt. home straight. The teams are doing a This is something we have already
What fills me with hope is the fact fantastic job and making good prog- shown our passion for and is only set
that we are more committed to ress. The new Golf is set to really raise to pick up pace going forward.
change than any other manufacturer. the bar in terms of digitalization and
connectivity. It is – and is set to con-
Why does Volkswagen tinue to be – the industry standard in
need this electro-offensive? the compact class. The Golf sticks to
A company as large as Volkswagen its promise of making cutting-edge
has a special responsibility when it technology and pioneering innova-
comes to climate change. We as man- tions available to the mass market. I
ufacturers of passenger cars are alone am sure that our customers are going
responsible for 1 percent of all CO₂ to be just as impressed as I am.
emissions worldwide. In other words,
we have a powerful lever in our hands Periods of rapid growth are often filled “The entire i
when it comes to creating a better with uncertainty. Is there anything you’d
climate. Volkswagen remains un-
conditionally committed to the Paris
like to say to reassure your workforce?
Many of our familiar competencies
history of HERBERT DIESS (60)
was born in Munich, Germany
Climate Agreement, and the guide-
lines of the policy are clear: By the
and qualities are still going to be in
demand in the future. But what we
the car is in 1958. He studied mechani-
cal engineering at the Techni-
year 2030, we have to reduce the CO₂
emissions of our fleet by 37.5 percent
need to be aware of is that 90 percent
of car-based innovation going for- currently being cal University of Munich. After
graduating as an engineer,

in comparison to the fleet average ward will be software-related. This is Herbert became a research
of 2020. This will only be possible if something we haven’t always been in associate at the Institute for
around 40 percent of the vehicles we the best position to handle, with nine Machine Tools and Industri-
sell have an electric drive transmis- out of ten engineers still working
Herbert Diess al Management, where he
earned his doctorate in 1987.
sion by this point in time. Failing on components, such as engines or
Herbert joined Robert
to meet these climate targets will see chassis. This is all set to change in
Bosch GmbH in 1989, which
us hit with huge financial penalties, the future. Our cars are going to be saw him relocate to Stuttgart.
so there really is no other option. But almost completely digitalized and He later moved back to Munich
what I would also like to say is that will form part of the internet. The after taking up a position with
we are going to require extensive car of the future has entirely new BMW AG in 1996. He became
support from Berlin and Brussels as qualities. The disadvantages it still Plant Manager in Birmingham
these changes come into play. This features today are going to fall by the in 1999, and, one year later,
is why I am holding frequent dis- wayside over the next few years. Our transferred to become Plant
cussions on the matter, and I get the approach to driving is set to be far Manager in Oxford. In 2003,
impression that our messages are more sustainable and, thanks to the Herbert took over as head of
being received. The signs are positive, level of automation, safer than ever BMW Motorrad (BMW’s
in any case. before. What this all means is that motorcycle brand). He was
software expertise is going to become appointed to the management
Volkswagen has a schedule in place even more important for Volkswagen. board of BMW AG in 2007.
On 1 July 2015, Herbert
for achieving these climate objectives. This is an area in which we need
became a member of the
Can you tell us more about this? to make up some ground, which is
Group Executive Board for
Our aim is to make the Group CO₂ why we are now expanding the topic
Volkswagen AG and Chair of
neutral by 2050. By 2025, we want to massively with a dedicated executive the Volkswagen Passenger
reduce the CO₂ footprint of our fleet board division. We will be training up Cars brand. He has been
by 30 percent in comparison to 2015 even more of our own IT specialists, CEO of Volkswagen
figures. Not only this, but we also and even joining forces with compa- Aktiengesellschaft since April
want to halve the global CO₂ emis- nies such as Amazon, Microsoft, and 2018. Herbert continues to
sions of our plants. Simply switching Siemens. After all, we have a clear lead the Volkswagen Passenger
from coal to gas at our power plant in objective in mind, which is to be at Annual Press Conference 2019: Herbert Diess has set plenty of wheels in motion at Volkswagen. Cars brand alongside this role.

KONZERN 360° May 2019

The New
Group Directive 39
What’s changing with the new
Group Directive 39:
In an interview: Hiltrud D. Werner (left), Head of Integrity and
Legal Affairs, and Kurt Michels, Group Chief Compliance Officer. ● When awarding and accepting
If in doubt, colleagues from the Com-
gifts, invitations, and benefits,
pliance departments can offer advice. the Volkswagen Group relies on

New Directive for Gifts

guide values rather than rigid
Freedom often carries uncertainty: value limits.
“Thank you” or “No, thank you” – go
or no-go. What advice do you have for ● The guide values for gifts are
360° interview with Hiltrud D. Werner and Kurt Michels: Volkswagen employees? 50 euros per gift, and 100 euros
Group focusing on integrity and personal responsibility of employees Hiltrud D. Werner: In principle, per person for invitations.

the gesture of appreciation should
s this gift or invitation appropri- partners. We’ve laid this down in our apply instead of rigid value limits. always be in the foreground, not the ● Employees judge for themselves
ate when dealing with business Code of Conduct, which is binding for Employees themselves know best value itself. What’s important is that and with their managers whether
partners? From now on, employ- all 640,000 employees in the Group. whether a gratuity, invitation, or gift employees aren’t suspected of being the gift is appropriate.
ees themselves will decide: The new Unfortunately, corruption is still a from a business partner is appropriate influenced in their decisions and
Group-wide directive on avoiding pressing global problem in industry. in their business context. This also ● The giving and taking of gifts
work. It is important to ask yourself
and invitations are documented
conflicts of interest and corruption Our growth markets in particular are applies if they issue an invitation to whether you would still stand by the
in the department.
relies on integrity, personal respon- located in regions where corruption is business partners or give something decision if a critical third party asked
sibility, and guide values instead of still widespread. So we must be very away on behalf of the company. We you about it. ● If in doubt, the responsible
rigid value limits and bureaucracy. active in addressing this issue, to pro- know that from the private context: Kurt Michels: Everyone should follow Compliance department will
In an interview with 360°, Hiltrud D. tect Volkswagen and our colleagues. Whether something is appropriate their moral compass and, if in doubt, advise you.
Werner, Head of Integrity and Legal It’s therefore important that we have or not is determined not only by its ask their supervisor or my colleagues
Affairs, and Group Chief Compliance good guidelines that provide security value, but also by the situation, fre- in the Compliance department for Important note: In the coming weeks,
Officer Kurt Michels explain what lies in dealing with conflicts of interest, quency, and relationship between the advice. When it comes to donations the Group Directive will be imple-
behind the new directive and why it gifts, invitations, and benefits. We two people. The same applies when from or to public officials, govern- mented in all Group brands and com-
supports the culture change within achieve that with the new Group dealing with business partners. ment authorities, or public mandate panies in the form of organizational
the Group. Directive 39. Hiltrud D. Werner: We’re giving back holders such as civil servants, I would guidelines (OG) and organizational
responsibility and placing full trust ask you to contact us in any case. instructions (OA). Until then, the
Ms. Werner, the word “corruption” There are guidelines regarding invi- in the professionalism, professional The legal situation in many countries current regulations remain valid.
tends to evoke political scandals, un- tations and gifts in most Volkswagen competence, and integrity of our em- requires us to be particularly careful
stable regimes, or suitcases of money. brands and companies. What is special ployees on this important issue. With here. It’s important that our actions More information about
What does it have to do with Volkswagen? about the new Group directive? this, we’re setting a milestone for avoid any appearance of trying to the new Group Directive 39 can
Hiltrud D. Werner: Corruption has Kurt Michels: As described in one of a new corporate culture. Executives influence our business partners. In be found on the Group-Connect
no place at Volkswagen. We stand our Corporate Principles, we real- are particularly responsible here for addition, we should always make sure pages, at Compliance under
for clean business and transparent ly are daring to do something new providing their employees with good that we don’t appear to be influenced #allesklar.
relationships with our business here: From now on, guide values will guidance and support. in our decisions by donations.

360° May 2019 GROUP

Major Model Initiative in China

The Auto Shanghai motor show: The Volkswagen brand was the only company to celebrate four world premieres –
with the proportion of SUVs to double

t the Auto Shanghai motor
show, Volkswagen an-
nounced a major model ini-
tiative in China.
The proportion
of SUVs will
double to over
40 per cent by
2020. Initially,
the range is tar-
geting the tradi- Stephan Wöllenstein, CEO Volkswagen
tional segment, Group China
with the electric
mobility market E-Mobility: 11.6
Million Cars for
also gradually
being covered
New SUV:
(see article on the right). The Teramont
The Volkswagen brand was X² will go on
the only company to present five sale in sum- As part of its e-mobility initiative,
new SUVs in Shanghai, with four mer (photo the Volkswagen Group is planning
of them being world premieres. above). to produce around 11.6 million
“Volkswagen is reinventing itself,” electric cars in China by 2028 –
said Stephan Wöllenstein, CEO of more than half of the Group’s total
the Volkswagen brand in China. target of 22 million. “Not only are
“We are becoming bold in terms of we keeping our promise of fulfilling
design and are introducing exciting the legal requirements in China
technologies and a greater choice of for reducing emissions, we are
World premiere: Herbert Diess
engines. Volkswagen has always been presents the ID. ROOMZZ. also aiming to gradually become
a strong brand in China, but with the completely carbon neutral,” says
new line-up we are showing that the Herbert Diess, CEO of Volkswagen
best is yet to come for us.” the Chinese market in 2021. “As a premieres in addition to the ID. AG. “We are therefore focusing on
The world premiere of the large SUV it is the next model in our ROOMZZ: The Teramont X by SAIC clean mobility and environmentally
ID. ROOMZZ¹ was a particular high- line-up, and it embodies the transfor- VOLKSWAGEN was one of the vehi- friendly production processes. China
light in Shanghai. The multivariable mation of our company,” said Group cles presented for the first time. The is of key importance in this regard.”
all-rounder is a zero-emission SUV CEO Herbert Diess at the presenta- impressive 5-seater version of the
in the five-meter class. The series tion, adding: “The ID. ROOMZZ SUV successful Teramont in the fastback Range of electric cars
version is initially to launch on will be our flagship electric car.” style will go on sale this summer. to grow to 14 models by
The vehicle boasts an innovative And, after FAW-Volkswagen recently Presenting the new SMV Concept¹ in Shang- the end of the year
interior concept that includes a cock- added the T-ROC and the Tayron to hai: Klaus Bischoff, Head of Volkswagen
pit that appears to float in front of the its range, the new SUV Coupé Con- Stephan Wöllenstein, CEO of
driver. In the fully automatic driving cept combines avant-garde design, Concept is the most prestigious car Volkswagen Group China, says:
mode, the seats can be rotated inward sporty proportions, and exceptional in the history of FAW-Volkswagen,” “Volkswagen Group China is driving
to create a more communicative, performance. said Klaus Bischoff, Head of forward the expansion of its range
lounge-like atmosphere. Items such There was also a world premiere Volkswagen Design. of electric cars in 2019. By the end
as the seat covers are made of renew- for the SMV Concept, which offers The T-Cross³ was the fourth SUV of this year, we will be offering 14
Impressive characteristics: able raw materials. the prospect of an SUV that is more by SAIC VOLKSWAGEN presented electric models in China, providing
The new Volkswagen SUV Coupé Concept¹. There were three other world than 5.10 meters long. “The SMV in China. our customers with an extensive
Plans have also been drawn up

Showcasing the Individual Brands

to further reduce the environmental
footprint in the 33 Chinese produc-
tion sites owned by Volkswagen
and its partners. In 2018 alone, CO₂
New products from Skoda to Bentley: The cars that caused a stir at the Shanghai trade fair emissions from the Chinese plants
were reduced by 13 per cent, saving
390,000 tons of CO₂.

Charging infrastructure
to be developed

A new joint venture has been

established to develop the charging
infrastructure in China. In order
to research future technologies,
Volkswagen Group China is bundling
the development performance of
Skoda emphasized its electric, innovative, and sustainable side in Shanghai. With Porsche is expanding its Cayenne family: The brand presented the new Cayenne the Volkswagen and Audi brands
the VISION iV¹ concept car, the brand presented its first fully electric model based Coupé⁴ at the trade fair in Shanghai. The adaptive rear spoiler, which comes up and of the Group research division
on the MEB platform. The vehicle will go on sale in Europe in 2020. when speeds of 90 km/h and above are reached, proved a particular highlight. under the umbrella of the new
The VISION iV has a 150 kW (204 bhp) electric motor and can achieve a Two engine options will be available when the model goes on sale at the end of ONE R&D structure.
top speed of 160 km/h with zero local emissions. It has a range of up to May. The Cayenne Coupé with a six-cylinder turbo engine and 3-liter capacity provides It will be easier in future for
500 kilometers. 250 kW (340 bhp), while the Cayenne Turbo Coupé5 has a 4-liter V8 engine with bi-tur- Chinese customers to charge their
bo charging and 404 kW (550 bhp). Both models are available to order now. electric vehicles. As part of the
collaboration between Star Charge,
FAW and JAC, private wallbox
chargers will be offered and a large
number of public charging stations
set up from late 2019 onwards.

Bentley celebrated its centenary with a very special vehicle: The Mulsanne W.O. With its Q2 L e-tron2, Audi presented its first all-electric vehicle designed for the
Edition by Mulliner6 pays tribute to W.O. Bentley, the company’s founder. The last Chinese market. The model will be manufactured in the Foshan plant, with the first
car designed by him, dating back to 1930, was also on show at the trade fair. vehicles reaching customers in summer.
The Mulsanne W.O. Edition production run is limited to just 100 cars. Each one The Q2 L e-tron is 4.25 meters long, 1.79 meters wide and 1.55 meters high.
of the vehicles comes with a very special piece of history: The central armrest on The battery-driven SUV is powered by an electric motor on the front axle that
the back seat of each car features a piece of the crankshaft from the last vehicle mobilizes 100 kilowatts and 290 newton meters. The car accelerates from 0 to 100
designed by the Bentley founder. km/h in 10.2 seconds. Herbert Diess, CEO

¹ Concept car. ² Concept car. This vehicle is not sold in Europe. ³ T-Cross for the Chinese market. The vehicle is not sold in Germany. 5
⁴ Cayenne Coupé: combined fuel consumption 9.4–9.3 l/100 km; combined CO₂ emissions 215–212 g/km.
Cayenne Turbo Coupé: combined fuel consumption 11.4–11.3 l/100 km; combined CO₂ emissions 261–258 g/km.
Mulsanne: NEDC fuel consumption, l/100 km: combined 17.8 (15.9); combined CO₂ emissions, g/km: 350.
Sweden Finland
The Netherlands Population Population

GROUP Population
Luxembourg 17.1 million
10 million 5.5 million
Population Denmark
0.6 million 1.3 million
5.7 million Latvia
United Kingdom Population
Population 1.9 million
66 million
Ireland 2.9 million
Population Poland Czech Republic
4.8 million Germany Population Population
Population 38.4 million 10.6 million
Belgium 82.8 million
Population Slovakia
11.4 million France Population
Population 5.4 million
67.2 million Hungary
Portugal Croatia 9.7 million
Spain Population Romania
Population Bulgaria
Population 4.1 million Population
10.3 million Population
46.6 million 19.6 million
7 million

Austria Slovenia Malta Italy Cyprus

Population Population Population Population Population
8.8 million 2 million 0.4 million 60.4 million 0.8 million

Volkswagen Votes Europe

10.7 million

Designing the future of Europe: joint appeal to voters by Group CEO and Chair of the Group Works Council

Dear Colleagues, ests. The European Single Market, And to do that we need a Europe
cross-border trade, freedom of move- that is strong, both politically and
Elections for the European Parliament ment for workers and the exchange of economically.
are being held from May 23 to 26. knowledge are the basic framework Anyone who wants to have their
This election will set the direction for that underpins our competitiveness. say when it comes to future develop-
the future of Europe. Europe is home But a Europe that stands united ment in the European Union should
to the Volkswagen Group. is so much more than that. It has take advantage of their right to vote.
Alongside you, 490,000 colleagues brought peace and prosperity to the Europe affects anyone and everyone.
work for the Volkswagen Group on the continent after centuries plagued by That is why we together, the CEO of
European continent. Two thirds of our bloody wars and conflicts. Today’s the Volkswagen Group and Chair of
global workforce. Around half of our Europe stands for solidarity and the Group Works Council, are calling
sales are generated here in Europe. cooperation between people and on everyone to participate in the Take advantage of
Our 12 brands originate from seven States. These are indispensable elections. the right to vote:
European countries. We run foundations for peace, freedom, Take advantage of your right to Group CEO Herbert
69 production facilities here. prosperity and economic progress vote! Help shape the future of Europe. Diess and Chair of
A Europe that is our own, that is in each and every country on this the Works Council
Bernd Osterloh.
ready to face the future, standing continent. Only by standing together
strong in the face of international can we stand our ground in tomor- Volkswagen AG
competition is in all of our inter- row’s world. CEO and Works Council Chair

The Volkswagen Group across Europe The top 3 Golf

DQ 381 gearbox
The wet starting 7-gear
dual clutch transmission
has been used since 2017.

EA 211 Evo engine

12 69 490,000 4.5
The EA 211 Evo is the next
generation of the EA 211
engine series. It includes three
and four-cylinder engines.

brands plants employees million cars ZSB axle
Depending on the configu-
Europe is crucially important The Group runs 69 The Group employs some The Group sells around ration, the rear axle of the
to the Volkswagen Group. production facilities 490,000 people on the conti- 4.5 million vehicles in Golf 7 is used as twist-beam rear
suspension, a multi-link-axle
Its 12 brands originate from in 20 European nent, about three quarters of its Europe every year.
or 4motion multi-link-axle
seven European countries. countries. global workforce. 27 of 28 EU
for all-wheel drive vehicles.
nations are represented.

Key Facts and Figure

When will

23 24 25 26
elections be
4 days
of voting
The European Parliament
elections are being held between The Netherlands Ireland Latvia, Malta, Slovakia Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
May 23 and 26, 2019 United Kingdom Czech Republic Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
in every EU Member State. France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Each Member State Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
sets the precise voting day. Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

360° May 2019 GROUP

So Much Europe Under the Golf’s Hood

Components produced in many EU countries – final assembly in Germany.

t’s the top-selling vehicle in Eu- – the Group’s automotive heart. But car. It’s a true blue European itself. plants in Europe produce compo-
rope: It’s hard to imagine many the Golf isn’t just Europe’s top-selling Several of the Volkswagen Group’s 69 nents for the Golf. Who supplies
streets in Europe without the Golf what? Here are a few examples:

Calling for a vote: Chief Human

Resources Officer Gunnar Kilian

Engine Block Assembly European Election:

Adam Skrzypczak works as
a shift manager in Engine Group Joins Alliance
Block Assembly at the Group The Volkswagen Group has joined
Components location in the Lower Saxony for Europe
Polkowice, Poland. (Niedersachsen für Europa) alliance,
which is dedicated to achieving
Engine Assembly high voter turnout in the European
Devin Türkben works at elections on May 26. Gunnar Kilian,
the Salzgitter location of Chief Human Resources Officer,
Group Components. There said, “The upcoming elections will
the electronics engineer for set the tone for Europe’s future.
automation technology Volkswagen advocates for and
assembles engines for is committed to a strong, demo-
the Golf. cratic Europe. All European Union
citizens should take advantage of
their right to vote. Europe affects
anyone and everyone. Only by
turning up to vote can you lend
your voice to the future of the
European Union.”
The Lower Saxony for Europe
alliance is calling for voters to
participate in the European elec-
tions. At the same time, it works
to provide information about the
European Union and its merits
while also encouraging people to
get involved in debates about EU
The Lower Saxony for Europe
alliance is comprised of some
150 organizations, initiatives,
companies and groups, including
the two major Christian churches,
the Federation of German Trade
Unions (DGB), Lower Saxony
Business Associations (UVN), the
IG Metall trade union, municipal
umbrella organizations, the state
government of Lower Saxony and
well-known businesses.
The Volkswagen Group will
be participating in the alliance’s
initiatives over the coming weeks.
It will also call on the Volkswagen
community throughout its other
European locations to cast their
Body Components Transmissions vote with special campaigns high-
Rui Nogueira works at the press Maria Escobar Robles lighting the European elections.
shop in Palmela works to ensure produces one of the Bumpers
that enough parts are available for transmission types for Ersin Kavak works in Plastics
the body of the Golf. Parts like side the Golf at Spanish Seat Engineering at the Wolfsburg
components and seat cross-mem- components plant plant. He works manufactur-
bers are produced in Portugal. El Prat de Llobregat. ing front and rear bumpers
for the Golf.

es about the Election

The minimum age for candidates

years 751 5x
members of European Parliament
The outgoing European Parliament consists
Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania Greece, Italy
of 751 Members of European Parliament
Spain, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, (MEPs). If the United Kingdom does take
Luxembourg, Hungary, Cyprus, Estonia, part in the European elections, the number Voting is mandatory in five
Malta, the Netherlands, Ireland, Latvia, of MEPs will stay the same at 751. Once the Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria,
Austria, Portugal, Lithuania, Poland, Brits leave the EU, some of the seats held by Luxembourg, Cyprus and Greece.
Slovenia, Finland, Slovakia British MEPs will be divided between other Compulsory voting applies to both
Sweden, United Kingdom EU Member States. There will then only be native residents and registered
705 MEPs serving in Parliament. EU migrants.

GROUP 360° May 2019

Lithium: Volkswagen Secures Supply

Letter of intent with Chinese company runs for ten years –
demand for raw materials for battery cell production increasing rapidly

he Volkswagen Group and of Volkswagen’s lithium demand. demand for raw materials for battery ing our e-offensive.” Background:
Chinese company Ganfeng Stefan Sommer, Chief Components cell production is therefore growing the electrification of vehicles has a
have signed a letter of intent and Procurement Officer, says, “The rapidly.” This must be secured at an considerable impact on raw material
for the long-term supply of lithium Volkswagen Group will be bringing early stage. Sommer says, “Long-term markets. According to studies, the
for battery cells. Ganfeng will sup- more than 70 new purely electric agreements like the one we’ve now global demand for lithium is set to
ply with Group and its suppliers for vehicles to the streets over the next entered into for this crucial raw mate- double over the next ten years.
the next ten years. This agreement ten years. By 2025, around a quarter rial, lithium, are therefore of crucial Stefan Sommer, Group Board Member
will secure a significant portion of our fleet will run on electric. Our strategic importance for implement- for Components and Procurement.

On the Road with the Head of Group After Sales

Employee Rebecca Noder from Kassel trailed Imelda Labbé for two days

mployee Rebecca Noder trailed What is shadowing? al matters. It was nonstop verifica-
Imelda Labbé, Head of Group It’s when an employee trails an exec- tion, deliberating, recommending or
After Sales, as she went about utive as they go about their work. making decisions and getting to grips
her day. The 33-year-old from the It can be anywhere from several with complex matters in such a short
Kassel plant got an insider’s look at hours to several days. span of time and getting lots of dif-
what it’s like to be an executive. The ferent perspectives on their impacts.
team coordinator for accidental dam- What was the experience like? And the day is often interrupted by
age management “shadowed” Labbé The sheer range of topics she covers brief, spontaneous conferences.
A great meeting: employees, experts and team spokespersons from Kassel spoke with Chris- for two days. 360° spoke to Rebecca is huge, from digital after sales and
tian Dahlheim (center), Head of Group Sales, about the direction Group After Sales is taking.
Noder about her experiences. battery storage to employees’ person- Would you recommend the experience

Head of Group Sales

to other colleagues?
Anyone thinking about a career on
the executive track who’s interested
Meets After Sales Employees should take advantage of this ex-
tremely intense experience. My tip is
Meeting with Christian Dahlheim about the parts business to approach your supervisor openly to

express your interest.
Take advantage
pen dialog: Christian Dahl- for by increased customer loyalty. of the intensive
heim, Head of Group Sales, And the connected car will play a experience of How will your experiences influence
met with ten employees from major role in that. Dahlheim says, “A shadowing: your own work now?
Group After Sales for lunch at the fully networked vehicle is a real gift Rebecca Noder I’ve incorporated two simple things
Kassel plant. They took advantage of for After Sales. We’ll be able to offer into my work since the shadowing:
the relaxed atmosphere to talk about customers better service and we’ll quickly drawing a sketch when situa-
Offered a
the future of the Volkswagen Group be better placed to take their needs glimpse into her
tions are complicated and – a special
and the strategic orientation of the into consideration. This will allow us work: Imelda tip from Imelda Labbé – asking a lot
parts business. The parts’ greater lack to create a strong bond between our Labbé (right). of questions.
of complexity must be compensated customers and the workshop.”

360° May 2019 GROUP

Cruising Around Hamburg in Five Self-Driving e-Golfs¹

Test drives under real conditions: Volkswagen Group Research is testing automated driving in big-city traffic

he Volkswagen Group is testing
automated driving up to level 4
under real conditions in a major
German city for the first time. Five
e-Golfs have been driving three-kilo-
meter routes through Hamburg for the
past several weeks, all decked out with
laser scanners, cameras, ultrasound
sensors and radar systems. Taking into
account all the relevant data protec-
tion provisions, Group Research is
busy analyzing the findings from these
drives. The same findings will be used
for the Group’s numerous research
projects on autonomous driving, test-
ing customer-oriented services and
optimizing private transport.
“The tests focus on both the tech-
nical possibilities as well as the urban
infrastructure requirements,” says
Axel Heinrich, Head of Volkswagen
Group Research.
“To make The Five Levels of
driving even
safer and more
Retrofitted: the e-Golfs are
equipped with 11 laser scan-
Automated Driving

comfortable in ners, seven radar systems and
14 cameras (pictured here in LEVEL 1: driver assistance;
future, not only Michael Westhagemann (left), Hamburg Senator in charge of the Just to be on the safe side: Test drivers keep front of the Elbphilharmonie example: ACC (adaptive
must vehicles Department of Economics, Transport and Innovation, and Axel an eye on everything and intervene in case concert hall in Hamburg’s cruise control)
become more Heinrich, Head of Group Research, pose with the fleet of e-Golfs. of emergency. HafenCity district).

autonomous and LEVEL 2: partially assisted
intelligent, but The e-Golfs developed by Volkswa- vehicles and vehicles changing lanes To make automated driving viable driving; example: Travel Assist
cities must also gen Group Research are equipped in free-flowing traffic are all recorded for public roads, Volkswagen Group (combined cruise control
Axel Heinrich, Head of
Group Research
offer a digital with 11 laser scanners, seven radar in mere milliseconds at incredibly Research is working together with and guidance)
ecosystem in systems and 14 cameras. Up to five close distances. every brand in the Group. The aim is

which cars can communicate with gigabytes of data can be exchanged to be able to offer customers auton- LEVEL 3: highly automated
traffic lights and traffic guidance sys- per minute during regular test A trained test driver omous transport options in the next driving; example: Traffic Jam
tems and with each other.” drives, each of which takes several can intervene few years. Autonomous driving will Assist
in case of emergency

A nine-kilometer test route for auto- hours or more. make a long-term contribution to im-
mated and networked driving is cur- To tackle the computing power provements in the flow of traffic and LEVEL 4: fully automated
rently under construction in Hamburg, this requires, the trunk of each e-Golf For safety reasons, a trained test driv- road safety. However, autonomous driving; example: autonomous
with a completion date set for 2020. is kitted out with about 15 laptops. er sits behind the wheel during each driving on public roads without a parking in parking lots

The Hanseatic city is upgrading its This enormous computing power test drive. Their job is to keep an eye safety driver also requires changes to
traffic lights for infrastructure-to-vehi- and precise sensor technology en- on all of the car’s driving functions. the underlying legal framework and LEVEL 5: autonomous driving;
cle (I2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure sures that pedestrians, cyclists, cars, They can even intervene in case of the incorporation of the necessary example: completely driver
(V2I) communication. crossings, right-of-way rules, parking emergency. infrastructure. less transport

One Driver Controls Two Vehicles

Platooning technology: MAN Truck & Bus is testing digitally networked HGVs on the A9

ractical test passed: MAN Truck gy. It’s about incorporating it sensibly
& Bus has been testing two dig- into the entire logistics chain,” says
itally networked HGVs on the Joachim Drees, Chair of the Board of
A9 between Munich and Nuremberg MAN Truck & Bus AG. “The findings
over the past few months, putting from this joint project are a key step
them through their paces with logis- toward series development. MAN is
tics work. The vehicles have covered to drive close together in a row on taking on a leading role in the auto-
nearly 35,000 kilometers. the highway using driver assistance mation and digitalization of commer-
The aim of the research project and steering systems. All vehicles in cial vehicles.”
was to optimize what is known as a platoon are linked to one another
platooning technology for the logis- with a kind of electronic drawbar University researching
tics sector. The project focused on using car-to-car communication. The effects on drivers
system safety, efficiency potentials leading vehicle specifies speed and Mass customization: Volkswagen presented a concept for autonomous trucks at the Hannover
and how the technology impacts direction. The driver in the first HGV The HGV drivers were specially Messe that can be used in a variety of ways. The diagram pictures the exhibition stand.
drivers. Cooperation partners include almost controls the vehicles following trained for the project. Fresenius
logistics provider DB Schenker and
Fresenius University of Applied
behind in a way. The drivers in those
vehicles merely monitor the tech-
University of Applied Sciences is
conducting a study to learn about the
Trucks, Customized
Sciences. nology – only intervening in case of psychological and neurophysiological Concept: One vehicle, a variety of uses

Platooning is a vehicle system in emergency. effects of the technology on drivers.
which at least two HGVs are able “It’s not just the use of a technolo- This means the project as a whole will rom the mobile charging station for discussion about shaping tomor-
take into account the experiences to the café to your doctor’s row’s world,” said Alexander Hitzing-
of HGV drivers and expand their job office: under the “Build on er, Head of Technical Development at
profile. Volkswagen” motto, the Volkswagen Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
The results have been positive: Group presented its vision of the For example, healthcare PODs
There were no safety-related inci- mobility of tomorrow could ensure people in
dents and only 0.5 driver interven- at the Hannover Messe. rural areas have access
tions were recorded per 1,000 kilome- Volkswagen Commercial to medical treatment.
ters. The fuel savings in the specific Vehicles could soon Users could order retail
project were three to four percent for offer a variety of differ- PODs to have their
the vehicle driving in the slipstream ent options for mobile measurements taken
of the leading vehicle. According to transport solutions, all and order clothing.
DB Schenker, platooning could be based on the modular Volkswagen does not
used in large parts of the European electric-drive toolkit aim to operate these
cargo network. Drivers rated the (MEB). PODs itself, just to
system positively and did not con- At the trade fair, Volkswagen provide the hardware and software.
sider any situation they encountered showed off what the MEB has to offer Models could be styled after Sedric,
critical. Plus, compared to traditional in terms of possibilities on multi-use Volkswagen’s autonomous electric
driving, the findings showed that casings, called PODs. “As a manufac- concept car. In case you’re interested:
there were no differences in terms of turer, the PODs represent the new the concept will be on display in the
Test drive on the A9: Two digitally linked HGVs test out platooning technology. The driver in front neurophysiological strain on drivers paths we are forging and technology foyer at Group Research in Wolfsburg
controls both vehicles. The driver in the truck behind only intervenes in case of emergency. during the project test drives. we are developing, creating a basis until May 31.

¹ e-Golf: power consumption, kWh/100 km: combined 14.1 with 17-inch wheels – 13.2 16-inch; CO₂ emissions combined, g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+. 9
GROUP 360° May 2019

Efficient and Competitive:

Looking to the Future
Volkswagen Group Components’ German locations have been successfully been working on their competitiveness and sustainability since 2016
as part of the Zukunftspakt (Pact for the Future). The ONE MISSION 2025 components strategy continues along this path.

he Zukunftspakt (Pact for the
Council and the Executive Board
in 2016. Goal: to make the Volkswagen HANOVER CASTING ● Efficiencies: €106 million ● Efficiencies: €33 million
Passenger Cars brand profitable and
● Efficiencies: €17 million

● Partial retirement agreements

● Partial retirement agreements signed: ● Partial retirement agreements Sustainability
739 signed: 195
competitive by 2020. To achieve this, in- signed: 119
vestments are being made in future-ori-
● Future-oriented topics: Electric ● Future-oriented topics: Components is investing
auxiliary drives, MEB rotors/stators Increasing drive shaft volume in transforming its
ented topics, more work is being done HANOVER HEAT EXCHANGER
● Efficiencies: €8 million
locations – investments in
on efficiency and jobs are being cut in a
● Partial retirement agreements
e-mobility from the 67th plan-
socially acceptable manner (e.g. through ning session (2019–2023):
signed: 33
part-time work for older employees).
An interim report on the Zukunftspakt Future-oriented topics: Trans- BRAUNSCHWEIG Kassel: €820 million
at Components indicates that many col- forming the heat exchanger with Braunschweig: €650 million
leagues are accepting partial retirement a focus on charging infrastructure ● Efficiencies: €119 million Salzgitter: €190 million
● Partial retirement agreements Hanover, casting: €23 million
offers and are taking advantage of the signed: 390

opportunity to retire early. This reduc- Hanover, heat exchanger: €22 million
● Future-oriented topics:

es the number of employees in areas KASSEL MEB/MQB battery systems Wolfsburg, chassis: €25 million
where fewer employees will be needed in Chemnitz: €12 million
future. In addition, many colleagues have ● Efficiencies: €295 million
demonstrated a willingness to change ● Partial retirement agree- CHEMNITZ
ments signed: 1,209
and have taken on new tasks in fu-
● Future-oriented topics:
ture-oriented fields, such as rotor/stator Efficiencies: €38 million
Production of electric ● Partial retirement agree-
production in Salzgitter and the develop- drives for the MEB, ments signed: 103
ment and production of battery systems construction of a customer ● F
 uture-oriented topics:
The amount being invested in
in Braunschweig. Components also met service factory Taking over engine e-components has risen from
the efficiency targets for 2017 and 2018 production volumes from five percent to around
set out in the Zukunftspakt, even slightly Salzgitter 40 percent since 2015.
exceeding them.
The map shows interim results on
sustainable cost savings for the period “Our locations are working consistently
from 2016 until the end of 2018 (accord- to reach their efficiency potential and, “The Zukunftspakt secures em-
ing to the 2018 financial statements,
Volkswagen Group Components’ German
in doing so, they are working to ployment and competitiveness.
plants, not including SITECH). Group improve the competitiveness of This balance is still our recipe
Components has managed an impressive Components as a whole. As of now, for success. And Components is
739 million euros in long-term savings.
You can also see the interim status of we’ve succeeded in achieving the sav- well on the way. The switch to
signed partial retirement agreements ings potential set out in the e-mobility is a challenge, yes,
for 1955–1961* as well as examples of fu-
ture-oriented topics, which were agreed
Zukunftspakt through a number of Bernd Osterloh, but our workforce is pulling its
for each location in the Zukunftspakt. efficiency measures and a great deal of Chair of the Group
Works Council weight. We need to keep up
Thomas Schmall,
commitment. Our ONE MISSION 2025 CEO of Volkswagen this momentum. Only by sticking
*For employees born in 1961, only employ- Group Components
ees who will begin partial retirement by
strategy will protect and build upon together will we get through
2020 are counted. what we’ve achieved already.” this transformation.”

Seamless Transition from the Zukunftspakt to Components’ Strategic Brand Strategy: ONE MISSION 2025
Components will be removed from 1. f our strategic goals: customer and these form the basis for more A central transformation team with total of €2 billion by 2025 – with the
the Volkswagen Passenger Cars product, people, responsibility, than 30 specific projects, called representatives from Strategy, engagement of colleagues from the
brand’s profit boosting program. All excellence. Group Components Initiatives. Finance, HR, Industrial Engineering Group Components plants in Germany
measures to increase Components’ 2. the
 12 action areas derived from 3. the “Road to 6%” with efficiency and all business areas manages all and Poland (including SITECH).
competitiveness are part of Compo- the four strategic goals (e.g. potentials for Components: the measures to improve efficiency
nents’ ONE MISSION 2025 strategy. digitalization, product portfolio, aim is to achieve a yield target of and competitiveness. The aim is to
This strategy consists of: competence): 6% by 2021. increase long-term cost savings to a

SPEED+ Award 2019: Audi, Seat, and Skoda

Join Components’ Efficiency Competition
Three competition rounds will be held with nine participants and two new categories
23 plants from four Group brands
are taking part in Components’ 2019
their expertise, efficiency and teamwork
skills. The eighth category, networking,
above-average starting point in the
plant and assembly efficiency catego- Focuses on New
SPEED+ Award. This is the third time
that Components plants are compet-
seeks to honor the best collaboration
between two locations. The aim is not
ries. The plant distinguishes itself by its
technical progress in using human-ro-
Production Target
ing in a friendly efficiency compe- just to optimize assembly lines but to bot cooperation and the competitive It was decided in the Zukunfts-
tition. This year, teams from Audi encourage networked thinking as well: spirit of its employees. pakt (Pact for the Future) that the
(Györ), Seat (Prat) and Skoda (Mladá plants should engage with one another Chemnitz plant’s engine capacity
Boleslav) will also be competing for Ready to go: The Gearshift 1 team for gears and learn from each other. Doing so “We are entitled should be increased from 800,000
gold, silver and bronze. and tool preparation from Prat (Seat). benefits Components as a whole. to strive for to 900,000 units per year. With the
But it’s not just the competition Plant tours are an important part perfection. The help of colleagues from Poland,
that’s increased – there are also specific production program and there- of the awards. The tour allows scans to award gives Zwickau and Dresden, significantly
two new categories: lead time and fore takes greater consideration of more be taken on a plant’s participating lines more engines will be produced at
us an outside
C-HPU. C-HPU (Components Hours complex products over simpler ones. In so different teams’ performance can be the plant than before starting this
Per Unit) is one of Components’ addition, the teams are continuing to compared for the award, ensuring a fair
perspective on year. A new four-shift system was
most important productivity figures. compete in the existing categories: plant competition. The first plant tour took where our strengths put in place back in April for this
It indicates how many direct and efficiency, assembly efficiency, shop place at Audi’s Györ plant in Hungary in lie and how we can work purpose. An eighth production line
indirect staff members are involved floor management, process excellent March. With just shy of two million units on them sustainably.” is being built in Assembly and a
in producing a standard Components and reducing tool costs. The compe- produced in 2018, Györ is Audi’s largest Gyorgyi Kaiszne Csehi, new production procedure is being
part. C-HPU takes into account the tition enables plants to demonstrate engine plant. Györ benefited from an Head of Audi Györ Production Systems incorporated.

360° May 2019 GROUP

Diesel Crisis: Answers to Employees‘

Most Frequently Asked Questions
Hiltrud D. Werner, the member of the Board of Management responsible for Integrity and Legal Affairs,
called on employees to submit questions on the diesel crisis

Dear colleagues, Thank you that so many responded to issue of our new employee magazine. Best regards,
my request. Hundreds of questions re- You can now find even more questions
In the last issue of inside in April, I ached the mailbox and we sorted and and answers on the Volkswagen por-
asked you to submit your questions summarized them. As promised, you tal, as well. We simply had more space
on the diesel crisis. can now read the answers in today’s for a detailed response there. Hiltrud D. Werner

? ? ? ? ?
Who is responsible for What compensation is When will customers be able to At what Group brands was What further risks and
manipulating the emissions Volkswagen offering its retrofit hardware at the cost of the software for manipulating proceedings does the
and what measures is the customers for the loss in Volkswagen? emissions developed and Group face?
Volkswagen Group taking to value of their diesel vehicles? who was responsible?

! !
hold them accountable? Such retrofitting has not been The judicial investigations on

! !
There is no fall in residual values in offered to date. There is a lack of We cannot comment on that since the diesel scandal are still on-

We are making good progress connection with the existence of mature technical solutions and the investigations are still ongoing. going. In particular, the Group
in dealing with the afterma- the switch logic or the required approvals from public We know that is not a satisfactory faces class action lawsuits, as well
th internally and externally, the updates. However, any legal authorities. answer. However, pre-empting the as proceedings under competiti-
but we have not completed this claims for damages can be substanti- The Volkswagen Group offers its results of our efforts to deal with the on law and by public authorities,
process. ated only if this causal connection is customers from particularly impacted crisis and the investigations by the worldwide.
The number of employees established. regions a financial contribution of up public prosecutor’s offices will not In Germany, there are a large
against whom Volkswagen AG has The change in residual values for to €3,000 for hardware retrofits. help clarify the issue. number of different legal disputes:
so far taken or initiated discip- vehicles with type EA 189 engines The collective model case pro-
linary measures is in the double compared to other diesel vehicles ceedings, lawsuits by individual
digits. The nature and extent of does not indicate that the existence customers and investors, labor
these measures were chosen to of the switch logic or revisions to the court proceedings and criminal
reflect the individual case and affected vehicles reduce their value. investigations. *
agreed with the Works Council’s The market value of the affected EA
personnel committee. 189 vehicles has not been negati-
Volkswagen AG assumes that vely impacted by the switch logic or

? ?
the employees who were instantly updates. Which Group brands and other What measures is Volkswagen
dismissed committed a particu- In particular, the residual values of car manufacturers are facing taking to ensure that serious
larly serious breach of duty and the affected vehicles were stable for legal proceedings and who are management and strategic
so has initially claimed damages two years after September 2015. That the plaintiffs? mistakes do not occur again, also
against them in the related pro- has been confirmed by numerous with regard to electric mobility?

! ?
ceedings. What will happen in the court-appointed experts and exten- There are various proceedings What future do

course is still open at present. * sive internal analyses by Volkswagen here. First, there are lawsuits by Emission tests of relevance to certi- combustion engines
AG. Independent service providers, car owners against dealers, indivi- fication at the Volkswagen Group are have at the Group?

such as DAT or Schwacke, come to dual brands and the Group. Second, now examined externally and inde-
the same conclusion based on their there are lawsuits by investors. pendently as a matter of policy. What is The Group’s entire fleet is to
extensive data. At the Volkswagen Group, the important: The department responsible be CO₂-neutral by 2050. Taking
It is correct that there is a funda- brands Audi, Porsche, Seat, Škoda, for developing the vehicle model is not into account a car’s normal
mental uncertainty as regards how Volkswagen Passenger Cars and involved in testing it. lifecycle, the company will
the residual values of vehicles with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles are Volkswagen also endeavors more probably still be selling vehicles
diesel engines will change, in particu- affected by lawsuits by car owners. intensively to make the technical work- with highly efficient combustion

engines until the beginning of the
How does the legal situation lar due to the political debate about The plaintiffs are private customers, flows and processes transparent and so
2040s. Development work will
of manipulation relating to driving bans. However, that affects large customers and government more understandable on a lasting basis.
continue into the 2030s, since we
emissions differ in the U.S. vehicles from all manufacturers and agencies that have acquired vehicles. For example, the Group-wide system
will keep on working to increase
and Europe? Have we committed so is not connected to the switch The lawsuits by investors are for managing field campaigns has been
the energy efficiency and reduce
fraud under the law in the EU? logic or the updates at Volkswagen. directed against Volkswagen AG and modernized. They are service campaigns emissions of all combustion engi-
There can be no claim for compen- Porsche SE. The plaintiffs are very with active customer notification for

nes until their market launch.
In Volkswagen’s view: No. The sation for possible damage for which predominantly experienced, large vehicles already on the market.
switch logic, such as was used Volkswagen is not responsible. institutional investors. They are clai- Last but not least, we have now
outside the U.S. and Canada in ming most of the speculative losses established robust processes so that
vehicles with type EA 189 diesel (totaling around €9.6 billion) they critical issues can be escalated quickly
engines, is not an illegal defeat have allegedly suffered. and the company can respond quickly
device under European law. In addition, the are investigating a and appropriately.
Outside the U.S. and Canada, number of accused parties.
the vehicles fully meet the emis-
sion standards even after the
updates or after other approved
technical measures. *

Where can employees obtain information on all
publicly accessible facts on manipulation of the

There has not been a place for that up to now and
we will change that. The information is also avai-
lable in the Volkswagen Net, but not in a sorted or
collected form. You can find the most important facts
* More detailed answers to these and other and the latest statements on the diesel scandal there
questions can be found in the new section “Die- in the section “Diesel questions”. We are also planning
sel questions” in the Volkswagen-Net (see also to open the mailbox dieselfragen@volkswagen.de to
the right-hand box). questions on a regular basis.

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360° May 2019

ID.3¹ – We’re Off!

Registration for the First Edition of the all-electric Volkswagen is now open
3 Questions

Still a well-camouflaged
prototype – but soon
to be seen on the road:
the Volkswagen ID.3.
Trains employees of the Zwickau
location in the E-Mobility Training
Center: Uwe Becker.

Becker: “Making
Electric Mobility a
Tangible Experience”
The Volkswagen plant
in Zwickau is preparing
for its electric future. In
addition to construction

T measures, the focus is on

he future of electric mobility the first model of the ID. family. can register online at: ing to WLTP. The ID.3 1st is limited
at Volkswagen is becoming tan- Production will start at the end of the www.volkswagen.de/id-prebooking. to 30,000 vehicles and will be
gible: Pre-booking for the new year. At that time, the pre-bookers’ offered in Germany at a base price
qualifying the workforce.

ID.3 began on May 8. With immediate models will be built first. This is an The special edition has a battery with of less than 40,000 euros. More
effect, it is possible to get a non-bind- exclusively configured special edition an output of 58 kW/h (net) and a information can also be found on Mr. Becker, you are currently
ing option on a production slot of – the ID.3 1st. Employees interested range of up to 420 kilometers, accord- the Volkswagen Net. preparing the workforce for
the future of Zwickau as an
e-car-only location. How long will
the training courses last and which

Zwickau Prepares
employees will participate?
We started in the middle of March.
For more than a year, we will train

for E-Mobility
16 people a day. Employees from
Assembly and Quality Assurance will
undergo all-day training. This will
be their preparation for their future
Conversion during ongoing series production duties. Interested parties from

indirectly related areas can also take
t’s a launch – and what a launch! carefully. Detailed preparation and part in two-hour crash courses.

For the first time in the world, a planning are the most important
large car factory is being complete- aspect of such a mega-project. What is so special about the
ly converted from combustion engine After all, we’re talking here about E-Mobility Training Center?
to electric motor manufacture. The the beginning of a new era in the We hold our training sessions
Volkswagen plant in Zwickau will be automotive state of Saxony and in what is known as the E-Motion
transformed into the largest and most this transformation is taking place Room. The name says it all: Instead
efficient e-vehicle plant in Europe. The without interrupting production,” of standing at the front of the
first fully electric ID. models will come says Reinhard de Vries, Managing classroom and lecturing, we actively
off the production line before the end Director Technology and Logistics involve the participants. We use
touchscreens to train them virtually
of 2019. In the final expansion stage at Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH.
in all the steps involved in assem-
from 2021 on, 330,000 purely electric The conversion will last a total
bling an electric car. The compo-
cars can be built per year. Then six of three years. Until mid-2018, the
Reinhard de Vries, Managing Director of Technology and Logistics at Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH. nents of an ID. can be experienced
models for three brands will be pro- Passat ran off the production line with the help of virtual-reality
duced in Zwickau: Volkswagen, Audi, here; currently the Golf and Golf glasses. In addition, the participants
Seat. The Group is investing a total of Variant² still do. Production of the ID. the site will remain stable. All 8,000 of existing equipment will continue drive an electric motor with a hand
1.2 billion euros in the ultra-modern will commence in late fall. The Golf employees are trained to specific to be used. “Production launch for the crank and thus generate electricity
site in Saxony. The mission is clear: Variant will continue to be produced qualifications, which gives them a ID. will mark the beginning of a new themselves.

Volkswagen is building the attractive, in parallel until mid-2020. long-term perspective. The environ- era for Volkswagen. We want to take
affordable electric car for everyone. The future all-electric models from ment will also benefit, because man- e-mobility out of its niche and make What is the first interim
Zwickau will be based on efficient, ufacture of the ID. will be completely the e-car affordable for millions of conclusion?
All jobs stable, and sustainable production. CO₂-free on the balance sheet. people. This is based on large produc- The participants are enthusi-
will be retained The plant’s maximum utilization will tion numbers and efficient production. astic about our experience-oriented
be increased from the current 1,350 The conversion began That’s why we program. We’re making electric mo-
The Zwickau team has the know-how vehicles to 1,500 every day. And since in summer 2018 are bundling bility a tangible experience through
and the passion to build high-qual- the Zwickau-based company is also e-car produc- active training. It’s being received
very well. Employees find the con-
ity electric cars. “We planned the increasing the number of models The conversion began in the sum- tion in Zwickau
tent to be particularly quick and easy
conversion of the Zwickau site very from three to six, employment at mer of 2018 with the modernization and making this
to memorize. That’s because they
of the production lines. The first of location the work everything out for themselves.
two production lines will be set up nucleus of our
step-by-step by the planned start of major e-mobility
production of the ID. in November offensive,” says
2019. To this end, body shop, paint Thomas Ulbrich,
shop, assembly, and infrastructure Head of E-Mobility: Member of the
are being extensively modernized Thomas Ulbrich. Board of Man-
and renewed. agement for
The second line of the location will E-Mobility at the Volkswagen brand:
The Golf and be converted according to the same “The Volkswagen brand has always
Golf Variant pattern by the end of 2020, and will stood for making progress and innova-
models continue go into operation in the same year. tion achievable for many. That was the
to roll off the 9,000 metric tons of steel will be case with the Beetle, that is the case
assembly line in
newly installed, 50,000 square meters today with the Golf – and that will also
Zwickau: Em-
ployee Mirjam of hall space erected and 1,625 robots be the case in the future for the fully
Chlouba installs put in place. 50 partner firms are networked electric vehicles of the new Experience-oriented learning instead of
a side window. supporting the conversion. 30 percent ID. family.” Zwickau is ready. passive instruction: e-mobility training
for employees.

¹ Concept car. 12
² Golf Variant: fuel consumption in l/100 km: urban 9.0–4.3/extra-urban 6.3–3.5 /combined 7.3–3.5; CO₂ emissions combined, g/km: 166–95; efficiency class: D–A+.

The We Charge
Charging Service:
Try It Out Now!
Electric car drivers will, from the end of
May, have the opportunity to try out the
new Volkswagen charging service We
Charge before its official launch. During
the test phase, participants will be able
to charge their car for free. You can
apply via e-mail: wecharge-support@
What exactly is We Charge? The
new charging service will be available
from the end of this year and enables
charging at more than 150,000 charging
points in Europe – irrespective of the
operator of the station. Payment is
made automatically via We Charge and
is no longer tied to contracts with indi-
vidual charging station providers.
Employee André Scholz: “With
We Charge, we want to offer our cus-
tomers the security of always finding a
functioning charging station and thus
driving without fear of running out of
range. In addition, the new service also
offers route planning optimized for Still cloaked: The apprentices’ GTI rolls onto the stage at the end of May at Lake Wörthersee. Holger Schülke (standing, from left), Betty Zimberg, Dominik Metzig, Nicolas Heße,
e-vehicles: We Charge automatically Patrick Münchberg, Henri Vespermann, Patrick Marten, Kira Stöhr, and Kevin Behnsen, as well as Daniel Butz (squatting in front), Lea Radmann, Estelle Fassonge, Lorenzo Canu, Jonas Schatz,
calculates charging stops, finds the best Maximilian Neubauer, Luca Lesse, and Claudio Lindner are involved in the project.
route to the charging station, and, in the

Apprentices and Their Wörthersee GTI

future, will be able to reserve it too.”
In addition, the Volkswagen charging
service gives the customer access to
charging statistics and special offers for
the Ionity fast charging network. It will A fan meeting in Austria: Junior staff will unveil the dream car they designed at the end of May

also be able to control the Volkswagen
Wallboxes in the future. ighteen apprentices from nine “Something that many car enthusi- It remains suspenseful until the very i
areas of vocational training in asts would like to see, but which has end: The 18 apprentices are currently
Wolfsburg and the component not yet been implemented,” is the putting their new GTI through its GTI Meeting
will unveil their dream car at the end only clue that Nicolas Heße, an office paces. There is still time to tighten
of May at the GTI meeting on Lake manager, will give. He is helping with a screw here and there before their at Wörthersee
Wörthersee. From the engine to the the coordination of the units and big appearance at the lake. Project The fan meeting at Wörthersee
rims to the seat cover: For the twelfth manages the budget. manager Holger Schülke, who has takes place from Wednesday,
time, young people will gather in The first planning work started managed the project since 2013, is May 29 to Saturday, June 1. For the
Austria to present their own GTI, last August. Each of the trainees already satisfied with the results. He twelfth time, the otherwise tranquil
which they have designed according worked on a specific task in his or her says, “I, too, am excited until the end area around Reifnitz in Austria will
to their own ideas in less than ten specialist department. The team met and look forward to the presentation be transformed into a hotspot for
months. twice a week to discuss the project. of the finished vehicle.” GTI fans and horsepower enthusiasts.
The up-and-coming carmakers Some ideas worked only in theory;
have adapted components such as others worked in practice too. Heße
the engine and have even designed reports that the design phase was a
other parts such as the interior trim dance between euphoria and disap-
of the vehicle themselves. They don’t pointment. In the end, joy prevailed:
want to reveal beforehand what the “I remember above all the moment
1 highlights of this unique work will when the engine was started for the
Electrified: The We Charge team led by
be. All we know as that the GTI will first time. That was unique and made
André Scholz (front). be digital and particularly sporty. us all proud.”

The ID. R 2019: Ready for More Top Marks

Adapted aerodynamics for planned track record for electric vehicles on the Nürburgring’s North Loop
ID. R Record
Attempts in 2019

● Nürburgring’s North Loop (GER)

Target: Record for e-vehicles
Ready to set new records: the ID. R 2019. The new ID. R: Test on the North Loop.

olkswagen track record for electric and recuperation strategy. The North generate maximum downforce.”
Motorsport is vehicles on the Nürburg­ Loop is very different from the Pikes The North Loop, on the other hand,
advancing the ring’s North Loop this Peak mountain track in Colorado, calls for maximum efficiency.
ID. R. It is set to become summer. where Volkswagen set an overall “In addition to a smaller rear wing, ● Goodwood Festival of Speed (UK)
even more efficient. The François-Xavier record last year. Many details of the this also applies to the front splitter Target: Overall record
team is not only work- Demaison (Technical zero-emissions ID. R are being adapt- and the vehicle underbody,” explains
ing on the drive and the Director, Volkswagen ed accordingly. Demaison.
battery, but also on the Motorsport): “So far, we’ve One clearly visible change to the Technical Development in
aerodynamics. This will focused on advancing 500 kW racing car is in the aerody- Wolfsburg supports the motorsport
prepare the all-electric the drive technology and namics. Demaison: “In the thin air at team with know-how from series
racing car for a new Demaison, battery management.” Pikes Peak, where the finish line is at development and computer capacity
challenge: The ID. R The focus is currently on an altitude of 4,302 meters, we used for simulations requiring a high level ● Tianmen Mountain (CHN)
Technical Director at
intends to break the Volkswagen Motorsport an adapted performance a very large rear wing on the ID. R to of computing power. Target: Overall record


13 ¹ e-Golf: power consumption, kWh/100 km: combined 14.1 with 17-inch wheels – 13.2 16-inch; CO₂ emissions combined, g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+.

3 Questions
for ...

KundenCenter direkt (CustomerCenter direct): This is how the Employee Sales department advertises its digital customer center.

WA Sales: Appointment Allocation

Means More Time for Customers Jürgen Stackmann, Sales Director
The Sales Manager has something to say to employees in her 360° interview: of the Volkswagen brand.
Stefanie Sprenger-Meinhardt on digitalization and personal advice

V “The T-Cross
olkswagen is undergoing a nels. One of these – aktuelle notizen tation in the Customer Center is pri-
far-reaching change – includ- – is currently celebrating its 45th marily intended for consultation-in-
ing the sale to employees, who
are more likely to be known to every
birthday (see the article below). For
employees without access to a com-
tensive matters – with appointment
allocation in order to really have time
Is a Real
employee as WA sales. 360° spoke puter, in particular, this format is an for the customers. We are well aware Multi-Talent”
to Stefanie Sprenger-Meinhardt. The important source of information – for that not all of our customers are
mother of two has been in charge of example, as a notice on the bulletin online; others are unsure of their After the delivery start
sales to employees and internal direct board or flyer to take away. needs or they have a more compli-
customers of Volkswagen AG since Our digital customer center has cated request. This is quite a difficult
of the SUV: 360° interview
March last year. been called KundenCenter direkt balancing act, because we are always with Sales Director
since June of last year – it was caught between the economic inter- Jürgen Stackmann
Ms. Sprenger-Meinhardt, what exactly previously known as WA@Web. ests of the company, our resources,
are WA sales and where are they KundenCenter direkt runs on all mo- and the satisfaction of our customers.

headed? bile end devices. 28,000 employees Mr. Stackmann, you deliv-
Enabling employees to be mobile have activated their personal mailbox ered the T-Cross to the first
In charge of sales to employees:
with special conditions – that is there to date and around 10,500 em- customers in mid-April.
the “heart” of sales to employees.
Stefanie Sprenger-Meinhardt.
ployees have subscribed to Kunden- i What are your expectations of
Until the 90s, doing business with Center news. this new model?
employees was purely a purchase
arrangement. In the 90s, the need for such as a more modern ordering
The “online order change” func-
tion is new. It means that custom-
Sales The T-Cross is an important model
for the Volkswagen brand. It com-
flexibility and simultaneous financial system in order to remain fit for the ers can use KundenCenter direkt to Employees pletes the Volkswagen SUV family
security increased. This led to the first future. We are also continuously im- to change employee leasing orders as it is a versatile, practical, and
Sales to employees and in-
employee leasing offer in 1996 – at proving our offerings and services – conveniently – this saves time and a flexible vehicle, and it also rounds
ternal direct customers offers
that time for the Passat sedan. with direct access to our pool of new journey. Soon we will also be repre- it off at the bottom. We are thus
Volkswagen Group employees
Today, more than 80 percent of vehicles, for example. With immedi- sented in the new Volkswagen 360° occupying an important growth
vehicles at special conditions.
our customers make use of employee ate effect, our customers have direct employee app and on Group Connect segment in which we have not
The services: employee leasing,
leasing. In the future, new products, access to this pool via KundenCenter under KundenCenter direkt. previously been represented.
new car purchase, used car

distribution channels, and mobili- direkt and can order an existing ve- purchase, trade-in, and
ty concepts will also influence and hicle online. This was previously only A very clear digital focus – what does that How many T-Crosses do you
end-of-life vehicle recycling. hope to sell?
change the employee business. possibly via customer advice. mean for face-to-face consultations? Another task is the handling The segment of these little
New car purchases, follow-up orders, of company vehicles. urban crossovers is growing all
How do you make sure that you How do employees find out about these scheduling, or order changes for WA sales can be contacted at over the world. In the small-car
can keep up? new functions and about current offers? employee leasing can increasingly be kundencenter.volkswagen.de segment in Europe, we expect
We are involved in central projects We use various communication chan- handled digitally. A personal consul-
SUVs such as the T-Cross to out-
perform short-rear vehicles such as
our Polo over the next decade. This

For 45 Years:
vehicle class is also very popular
in our most important market –
China – and in South America. That

aktuelle notizen, Especially for Employees

is why we are offering the T-Cross
there too. It really is a global car.

What target group
Since May 1974, Employee Sales has presented exclusive offers for purchase and lease more than 2,000 times do you intend to
reach with this vehicle?

ime flies: On May 13, 1974, completely in-house. “We supply represents fast and reliable infor- has long been retired. The result? Thanks to its versatility, the T-Cross
exactly 45 years ago, the first the texts and the design proposals,” mation.” And how many aktuelle There have been more than 2,000 appeals to different target groups.
issue of aktuelle notizen explains the employee. The Multi­ notizen have there been since mid- special offers and pieces of infor- Young families may appreciate
was published. Every employee mediaCentrum at the Wolfsburg May 1974? Grußendorf has counted mation for employees, either as its variability and modern con-
is probably familiar with it. Since plant then develops the layout. If together with Harry Wolf, the first flyers, notices, or supplements to nectivity, while over-50s enjoy
then, sales to employees have there is a print edition, the com- man in charge of the medium, who payslips. the higher seating position and
regularly kept active and former pany’s own Printing department is the low fuel consumption. Due to
its cool design, the T-Cross has a
employees of Volkswagen AG charged with the task.
high recognition value. It is a real
informed about exclusive offers, However, most of the aktuelle
multi-talent with many facets. This
above all regarding vehicle pur- notizen are now made available
also applies to Cara Delevingne,
chases and employee leasing – and online in KundenCenter direkt
whom we were able to win as a
not just that. (CustomerCenter direct), which has spokesperson for the vehicle. The
The publication also includes been further developing WA@WEB international marketing campaign
little gems of wisdom, always for almost a year now. and the market launch in Europe
referred to as the “Schlusslicht” will start shortly. From the begin-
(taillight). “We also include those Familiar, established, ning of May, the T-Cross will be
to lighten up the information a and reliable available in the showrooms of our
little bit and give our customers German dealers.
something to smile about, or even The name aktu-
to think about. There are even elle notizen has
people who collect the sayings,” stuck, howev-
says Joachim Grußendorf, who has er. Grußendorf
been in charge of aktuelle notizen recalls: “Around
within Employee Sales for 33 years. twelve years ago,
He will be going into early retire- we carried out
ment in a few weeks’ time. an employee
survey on that
Production completely very question. The
in-house agency then advised
us to stick with the name because
Grußendorf is proud of the fact it is extremely well known and The new T-Cross: Available to view at
that aktuelle notizen is made established among the staff, and The faces behind aktuelle notizen: Joachim Grußendorf (left) and Harry Wolf. dealers since the beginning of May.




Thomas Schäfer: Our Pla The Sub-Saharan exec on goals, challenges, and the qualification o

homas Schäfer is Chairman
of the Executive Board at
Volkswagen South Africa.
He’s also responsible for business
in the entire sub-Saharan region
(49 countries), where the Volkswagen
brand is now also active in Ethiopia,
Rwanda, Kenya, and Nigeria, and
will soon be in Ghana.

360° spoke with

Thomas Schäfer about…

... the start of large-scale commit-

ment in Africa:
At the end of 2015, the Volkswagen
brand decided: We want to ap-
proach Africa differently than be- 1
fore. For example, we won’t decide
Modern technology: Tino Herwig equips where we’re active based on market
the prototype of a base electric drive size, but rather clarify: Who is the At the factory gate in Uitenhage: Thomas
with additional measurement sensors. most advanced on the road? We Schäfer has been CEO of Volkswagen South
came up with four countries: Africa for almost four and a half years.

Handiwork: Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and

Ghana. I then presented our plans
Electric Drives in South Africa at the respective
embassies of the four countries.
from Kassel They’ve been positively received – nancing options there. We’ve been
and the first results can already be part of South African society since
Every product from the Kassel seen after a short time. For this, we as far back as 1951. Now we want to
Pre-Series Center (PSC) is unique. needed very pragmatic decisions. use the experience we gained there
The 285-person team manufac- We work like a start-up. Group CEO in other countries as well.
tures prototypes and small series Herbert Diess is giving us free rein.
of gearboxes and electric drives … the reasons for Volkswagen’s
for Components. They work closely … challenges for automakers in Africa: AFRICA commitment:
with the Development departments There are three main ones: Africa has largely overcome the
in Kassel, Wolfsburg, and Ingolstadt. 1. There is a huge used car market. post-colonial phase and is no longer a
Like all his colleagues from It’s inundated by mostly ancient, hopeless continent. On the contrary:
the PSC, Tino Herwig is an expert poor-quality, and therefore cheap There’s a spirit of optimism. Africans
through and through. He alone has vehicles from the Middle East, want to industrialize because they
to master what, in series production, Japan, and the US. know it’s their future. This is another
is divided between multiple work- 2. Fuel quality is poor in many plac- reason why I’m convinced that Africa
stations. He manually assembles es, which is partly due to its high will develop faster than many expect.
an electric drive base – whose in- manganese content. We have to Nothing holds back the young, fully
dividual parts have previously been be prepared for this when choos- digitized population that’s grown
manufactured in the PSC’s machine ing the engines. up with the smartphone and has an

park or by service providers. 3. There are hardly any financing average age of less than 20 years.
options like leasing: In Africa, They want to change things. And
There are no people usually pay for cars in Africa is by no means lagging behind
mass-produced goods cash. The beautiful thing, and in everything. Rwanda, for example,
what gives us courage: it can be has reunited after the genocide in
Serial or mass-produced goods are done differently. South Africa, for 1994 and is a leader (not just in Africa) A Passat on the streets of Kigali: Volkswagen launched a local
virtually non-existent in the early example, bans the import of used in digitalization and the generation of production and car-sharing service in Rwanda last summer.
stages of construction. Each gear cars. There are better fuel and fi- energy from renewable sources.
wheel is milled specifically for its
purpose, each lamella is laser cut Another aspect that speaks in favor will have a barrier-free market with
and glued together by hand to form of our stronger commitment to Africa more than one billion people, which
a “package.” Even the light metal is population development. Nigeria, will grow to 2.5 billion by 2050.
housings are custom-made. This for example, already has 220 million
outlay is important: This is the only inhabitants today, almost four times ...the work in Africa so far:
way developers can test their com- as many as South Africa with our We’re laying the groundwork. If things
puter models in real life. Uitenhage plant. And Ethiopia, where really get going in Africa, we want to be
we also want to assemble vehicles, able to start right away – like in China
Drives equipped has 120 million inhabitants, almost 30 years ago. We are also dealing with
with sensors 50 percent more than Germany, for the question, ‘What needs to be done
example. to create a market for our products?’
With the prototypes produced in In addition, the framework condi- This process is also different: So far,
this way, they collect enormous tions are set to change: If what many we as a company have mostly looked
amounts of data, which are then modern and committed African heads at where there’s a market and have en-
evaluated and converted into im- of state are planning is successful, tered there. Now we’re trying to create
provements. Then the game starts a free trade area like the European a market: In Rwanda, for example, we
all over again: build prototype, test, Union will emerge in Africa. It com- rely on ride hailing, a kind of ride-shar-
further optimize. In order to carry prises almost 50 states. And then we ing service, and car-sharing with 600 to
out these tests as efficiently as
possible, the drives are equipped
with sensors. These wires, probes,
and chips cannot interfere with the
drive itself during operation.
On average, roughly 1,300 trans- From 1951 to Present: How Vol
missions and electric drives leave
the PSC every year, each as valuable n its “Transform 2025+” strategy, August 1951, South Africa: The Uitenhage plant is December 2016, Ken
as a small car. At the end of an al- Volkswagen is strengthening the Volkswagen’s first outside of Germany. Today, around of a vehicle producti

1951 201
most two-year development period, regions and focusing on new, 4,000 employees build about 160,000 Polos and near the capital Nair
there is a finished, mature drive for emerging markets. The sub-Saharan Polo Vivos there each year. In South Africa, Volkswagen production of the Po
series production. At the same time, region is playing an increasingly im- is the market leader by far, with sales of around long term, up to 5,00
the planners create an efficient pro- portant role in this. Although the Af- 70,000 vehicles per year. This is also confirmed by can be produced ann
duction line that incorporates the rican car market is currently relatively the latest numbers: In March of this year, the company Kenya Vehicle Manuf
experience gained from the PSC. small, the region could develop into a sold 6,754 vehicles at the Cape – that’s a market Volkswagen and Ken
And if required, the prototype forge growth market. The Volkswagen brand share of 20.5 percent! Volkswagen enjoys an excellent is tradition there: Vo
can also provide support during has therefore significantly expanded reputation in the country because the company is Vehicle exhibition at the factory: Thomas Schäfer with assembled the Beetl
product start-up. its commitment in the recent past. involved in more than 100 aid projects. the legendary Beetle made in South Africa, built in 1951. back as the 1960s.


16 ¹ Polo GTI: fuel consumption in l/100 km: urban 7.7 / extra-urban 4.9 /
combined 5.9; CO₂ emissions combined, g/kg: 134; efficiency class: C.

an for the Africa Region

of new employees in Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya

Transporter 6.1
at the bauma
After the world premiere of the
Multivan 6.1, Volkswagen Com-
mercial Vehicles presented the new
Transporter 6.1. The framework for
the debut of the commercial vehicle
bestseller with its far-reaching new
technical design: bauma 2019.
It’s regarded as the world’s largest
trade fair for construction machin-
ery and equipment.
The new Transporter 6.1 made
its debut with a variety of body
variants unique in its competitive
environment: as a panel van and
station wagon, as well as a single
Socially committed: and double cab with platform.
The Blue Bike aid project
is one of about one Much more than
hundred that Volkswagen
supports in South Africa. model maintenance
With these bikes, children
and young people can get Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles
to school faster and more has deliberately chosen the new
safely than on foot. additional designation 6.1 for the
in-depth update of the sixth Trans-
porter generation. After all, the
technical measures implemented
View of the plant: Around 4,000 employees work in Uitenhage. go far beyond the usual model
Full of pride:
The employees
maintenance. This is illustrated
in South Africa by the change from hydraulic to
build the Polo Everything comes from South Africa: … goals in Africa: can create an infinite num- electromechanical power steering.
and Polo Vivo. All employees at the Uitenhage site We at Volkswagen want to do our ber of things. This requires A system exchange this complex
are highly motivated for us to suc- part to democratize mobility in Africa courage, energy, persever- usually only takes place within a
cessfully create a regional market and mobilize as many ance, and a certain love series during a complete genera-
on our doorstep. They all know people as possible for Africa and knowledge tion change.
Africa and have taken it to – in part out of of its history, in order to
heart. And they are excel- self-interest, understand the individual Increased safety through
lently trained and are happy we’ll freely countries and the people. new assistance systems
to pass on their knowledge admit. This
to their new colleagues in task is a lot of The electromechanical steering
Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya, fun for me: system has brought a new range

Nigeria, and soon also in My team and I of assistance systems, and thus
Ghana. an increase in safety and comfort,
into the series. The new assistance
systems include Lane Assist (active
i lane departure warning system),
Park Assist (enables the car to steer
Thomas Schäfer (50) itself when parking), Side Protection
has been Chairman of the (warns when getting dangerously
Executive Board at Volkswagen close to obstacles and people),
800 cars in the capital Kigali. These ve- South Africa since 2015, and Back-Out Assistant (protects when
hicles will have to be replaced at some Head of the Sub-Sahara region reversing out of a parking space),
point, and the fleet might get larger, since 2016 In 2012, the and Trailer Assist (makes maneuver-
too. We assemble pre-produced cars in engineering graduate joined ing with a trailer child’s play with
Rwanda with about 30 employees. In Volkswagen from Daimler, automatic steering).
addition, we need 1,000 drivers – and where he was responsible The new Crosswind Assis-
have thus created additional jobs. for the planning and sup- tant is also standard on board in
port of overseas plants, panel vans and station wagons. It
… models preferred in Africa: among other things. He stabilizes the Transporter 6.1 if, for
The African market is a gasoline initially took over the example, the wagon is caught by a
market. Otherwise, it’s inconsistent – management of the for- gust of wind on a bridge. Also fitted
there is no one car for Africa. Pick- eign production group. as standard: multi-collision brake
ups, large and medium-sized SUVs, Schäfer is married to and Hill-Start Assistant.
and even small limousines are in a South African, and
demand – and we offer all of them. says, “By now, Africa is
more my home than
… the qualification of new Germany.”

lkswagen Has Evolved in Africa

nya: Opening July 2017, Algeria: Under June 2018, Rwanda: The Volkswagen August 2018, Ghana and February 2019, Ethiopia:
ion facility the leadership of Seat, brand launches an integrated Nigeria: Volkswagen signs The Volkswagen brand signs a

16 2017 2018 2018 2019

robi, with the the Volkswagen Group mobility concept. This includes vehicle letters of intent with the letter of intent to develop the
olo Vivo. In the and a local partner open a manufacturing, mobility services, and governments of Ghana and automotive industry in Ethiopia.
00 vehicles multi-brand joint venture a sales and service center. The focus is Nigeria. The goal is to build This involves vehicle assembly,
nually at the in Relizane, some 280 on car-sharing and ride-hailing offers new assembly plants in component production, mobility
facturers plant. kilometers southwest of that enable individual mobility for broad both countries. In Ghana, concepts (e.g. app-based driving
nya – there Algiers. In the assembly sections of the population. In addition, the development of new services such as car-sharing and
At the T6.1’s debut in Munich:
olkswagen plant, employees can local production of the Polo and Passat mobility solutions will also ride-hailing), and the establish- Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles CEO
le there as far produce up to 200 vehicles has begun. be studied. ment of a training center. Heinz-Jürgen Löw (right) and
a day. Chief Designer Albert Kirzinger.



Congratulations: Christoph Nieschwietz,

Group Head of Energy and CO₂ Management
(left), and Mario Blank, Head of Logistics
and Planning at the Transparent Factory.

Dresden One million Shar

Becomes First in Portugal. The
an models – prod
millionth Sharan
uction milestone
has rolled off th
at Volkswagen Au
Climate-Neutral The world’s top mid-ra
nge model: Emden
e production lin
e in Palmela.

Location manufacture s the 30 mil lionth Passat.

Now it’s official: The Transparent

Factory in Dresden has become the
first location of the Volkswagen brand
to become climate-neutral in terms of
financial results. This was certified by
Christoph Nieschwietz as Group Head
of Energy and CO₂ Management, who
noted: “The Transparent Factory meets
all of Volkswagen’s internal criteria.
All e-Golf models to come out of
Dresden are manufactured locally on
a CO₂-neutral basis. This amounts to
savings of 3,600 tons of CO₂ each year.”
To make this achievement clear,
four plaques have been mounted
in and in front of the factory. Happy team: The eight-millionth
Polo has now rolled off the production line
“We really wanted to emphasize the in Pamplona.
climate-neutral status of our produc-

Production Milestones in Emden,

tion processes in Dresden, and we are
still welcoming 400–500 visitors on a
daily basis. In 2018, we counted a total

Pamplona, and Palmela

of 135,000,” recalls Mario Blank, Head
of Logistics and Planning at the factory.
This all stems from the factory
power supply being CO₂-free thanks
to Volkswagen Naturstrom®. In
addition, the CO₂ emissions from the Passat, Polo, and Sharan: Teams in the plants proud of production volumes

heat supply are fully offset by climate
protection projects. Generally speak- hree at a time: Cause for cele- pass the eight-million mark, 120,000 production employees What’s more, every milestone demon-
ing, the development of e-mobility bration is now sweeping across and staff in the Portuguese around the world with pride strates exactly what we have already
solutions is an essential building block three separate locations. A total Palmela plant are celebrat- and give them a reason to cel- achieved together as a team,” explains
on the road to financial CO₂ neutrality. of 39 million vehicles have now been ing the production of the ebrate. “It is always reassuring Andreas Tostmann, Head of Production
This is why the key word in the manufactured in Emden, Palmela, millionth Sharan. when we reach a production for the Volkswagen brand.
Volkswagen sustainability strategy is and Pamplona. Whether they’re han- milestone, as it just goes to Volkswagen is one of the most
decarbonization, which refers to step- The 30 millionth Passat has rolled dling the launch of a new confirm that customers are successful high-volume manufacturers
ping away from fossil fuels. Dresden off the production line at the Emden model or commemorating happy with our vehicles and in the world, with over 160 million
is now implementing an all-important plant, the team in Pamplona (Spain) a production milestone, Andreas Tostmann, know they can count on the models already rolling off the produc-
first step in this process. has been delighted to see the Polo these are events that fill the Head of Production quality of our workmanship. tion line for the Group’s core brand.

Meets IT Light Technology
With the Volkswagen Industrial Minimizes Follow-up Work
Cloud, which has been developed
in conjunction with Amazon Web Application in the T-Roc

Services (AWS), Volkswagen is lay-
ing the foundations for integrated team of employees spanning optical distance measurement. This
digitalization in production and lo- the Assembly, Body Shop, involves measuring and comparing
gistics. This cloud provides a space Product Management, and the distances between the trunk lid
for all essential production data to Planning divisions at the Palmela and the tail light that are established
be stored together and managed. plant has developed a portable, con- in the Body Shop and Assembly
Around 30 digitalization experts tactless measuring device capable of processes.
from the Production and IT divisions taking automatic spacing measure- At present, the required correc-
of the Volkswagen brand have been ments for the new T-Roc. This new tion values are determined by means
working on the solution since the technology is set to reduce follow-up of visual inspections and mechanical
start of 2018 in six skillful, interdis- work on the T-Roc by ten percent. measurements. If any recording is re-
ciplinary teams. Their task has been The new development is based on quired in digital format, this process
to work together on shaping the a principle known as optical trian- is performed manually. With the new
digital and fully networked plant gulation, which is a process used for measuring device, it is now possible
automation of the future. The team: Gisela Garcia (Product Management and Planning), Hélder Vicente (Assembly), and
“This has seen them develop apps Joaquim Dias (Product Management and Planning) present the newly developed device.
and services based on production
data from the Volkswagen Industrial
Cloud,” explains Sebastian Volk from to take automatic and digital mea- rently available on the market. This
the Digital Production Management surements of spacings and inclusions innovation has come about as part of
(DPM) team. Machines, production (gaps and cracks) in all glass types. It the Good Man Project, which is dedi-
systems, and plants make production can even be used to measure surface cated to the development of smart
and logistics processes incredibly New tool: This
elements made of plastic or metal, inspection tools and is registered and
efficient. Controlling plants and measuring device and the process of managing and approved as part of the international
machines in a real-time network makes it possible archiving past measurements is now Horizon 2020 program. The aim of
not only creates more transparency, to take auto- performed automatically. The newly this European program is to develop
but also makes it possible to exploit matic and digital developed device is being used to production technologies with zero
the potential of the resulting data of spacings and
analyze the alignment of the T-Roc manufacturing faults that prevent
accordingly. inclusions in all roof. This measuring device costs far the occurrence and proliferation of
glass types. less than other technologies cur- logical defects.


360° May 2019 VOLKSWAGEN PKW

Josuha Guilavogui: “I’m Proud

to Be a Wolfsburger”
360° interview with the captain of the Bundesliga side VfL on industrial towns, travel, and Europe

osuha Guilavogui (28) is the
captain of VfL Wolfsburg.
360° caught up with the
midfielder to talk about the
upturn of the Bundesliga side,
industrial towns, his greatest role,
and a united Europe.
“It’s a
You have been playing at VfL for
almost five years now. Did you ever great feeling
imagine back in summer 2014
that you would stay in Wolfsburg to be a part
for so long?
To be honest, it never crossed my of the
mind that I would one day be play-
ing in Germany at all. Back when I European
was still playing at Saint-Étienne,
I always saw myself playing in the Dynamic: Josuha Guilavogui (right)
surges ahead.
English Premier League as it seemed
to suit my style of play. But then I Josuha Guilavogui
Feeling right at home in
transferred to Atlético Madrid. After table with international
Wolfsburg and with VfL:
a year plagued by injury, I had the competitions in its sights. Josuha Guilavogui.
opportunity to transfer to Wolfsburg. The atmosphere in the locker
We’ve been through plenty of highs room is different to other
and lows here over the years. I’m years. Players like Jérôme
proud to be a Wolfsburger; my family Roussillon, Wout Weghorst,
has settled down here nicely, too. and Daniel Ginczek have had
Plus since my son was born, the next a positive impact on the team
generation of Guilavoguis is an offi- both on and off the pitch.
Visit to the academy training
cial Wolfsburger. We’ve also had Bruno Labbadia complex where this photograph
and his team of coaches to of Guilavogui was taken.
Are there any parallels between make sure we were ideally
Saint-Étienne, Madrid, and Wolfsburg? prepared for the season ahead:
Wolfsburg and Saint-Étienne are both We’re noticeably fresher and fitter
cities with a real ‘blue-collar mental- than we were last season, plus every Pervan about the new coach, as he solutely want to move back to France When I come home and see my
ity,’ which is great for me because it’s last player from the starting eleven to has worked with him for a number of right away. I feel at home in Germany. daughter and newborn son, that’s just
a mindset I can identify with. Madrid, the bench knows exactly what his job years in the past. Glasner is renowned the best feeling in the world for me.
on the other hand, isn’t really compa- is on the pitch. for his offensive mentality, similar You’re 28 and still have plenty of good People really should appreciate the
rable to Wolfsburg or Saint-Étienne to that of Adi Hütter from Eintracht years ahead of you. Have you started opportunity to be a parent, especial-
at all. It’s the capital of Spain, isn’t it, You’ve captained the team since Frankfurt. But what I’m hoping first thinking about what you might like to ly since some people don’t get the
so there’s plenty going on. The whole the start of this season. What does of all is that we qualify for Europe. do once you stop playing? chance. To me, it really is the best
culture and lifestyle there are com- this accolade mean to you? Once we’re playing in Europe, we will I’m not worried at all about what I’ll do thing in the world.
pletely different. One of the things It’s a huge honor for me! Plus my be seeing what Oliver Glasner can do once my playing career is over. There
I did like, though, was eating late at friends and family are proud that twice a week. are plenty of things I could do. I love to The European elections are coming up
night. Wolfsburg is a quieter city with I’m captain of VfL, too. travel and discover new cultures. One at the end of May. What does a united
a low crime rate. It’s the perfect place You’re a Frenchman living in Germany. of my greatest ambitions is to go to the Europe mean to you?
to watch your children grow up. Oliver Glasner (45) from the Austrian How is life here different to how it was Olympic Games as a spectator. Since A united Europe is a special and
First League team from Linz will be back home? my whole life has revolved around soc- important topic for me. It’s a great
Why is this season going better for following in the footsteps of Bruno I miss the French baguettes and cer, I would still love to come back to it feeling to be a part of the European
VfL than last year and the year before? Labbadia next season. What do you croissants [laughs]! Deciding how to one day and share my experiences community. It’s this community,
After the 4–1 win in Hoffenheim, the know about the new VfL coach? spend my free time is also from France, Spain, and for example, that makes it so easy
team moved up to eighth place in the I’ve chatted with our keeper Pavao much easier in France. Germany with the next for us to travel from one country to
i If I go to the cinema
here, for example,
of the season
generation of players. another. Of course, there are always
people who have a different opinion
for VfL Wolfsburg
JOSUHA GUILAVOGUI (28) it’s pretty chal- You became a dad for on the subject, but I think we need
lenging to follow Saturday, May 11, 3:30 p.m.: the second time just to be more interested in looking out
VfB Stuttgart – VfL Wolfsburg
has been playing for Bundesliga side transferred to Wolfsburg from an entire film in a few weeks ago. Is for each other in the present world
VfL since summer 2014, making him Atlético Madrid. Prior to this, he German. But that’s Saturday, May 18, 3:30 p.m.: being a father the best and helping each other out with our
not to say that I ab- VfL Wolfsburg – FC Augsburg job you could have? problems.
one of the longest-serving pros at primarily played for AS Saint-Étienne
Wolfsburg. He has been captain since in his native France. Guilavogui Tickets available at
the start of this season. The midfielder is married with two children. www.vfl-wolfsburg.de


success: VfL
celebrates its
fifth successive
Soccer fans, listen up! Sports Communi- the 18-time cup winners from Munich cup title.
cations and Internal Communications and the Leipzigers, who have reached

Record Holders: VfL Celebrates

are giving away 10 pairs of seated tickets the final for the first time in their young
for the DFB-Pokal knockout final club’s history. If you would like to be in
between Bayern Munich and RB Leipzig with a chance of winning tickets for the
on Saturday, May 25. It all kicks off at final in Berlin, email us at sportkommu- Bundesliga side VfL Wolfsburg Women beat Freiburg 1–0 in the DFB-Pokal final

8 p.m. at the Olympiastadion in Berlin. nikation@volkswagen.de by 2 p.m. on
The giveaway has been organized to Thursday, May 16, with your name, team fL Wolfsburg Women have The crucial goal was scored in front of row,” reports Harder. Teammate
celebrate Volkswagen’s partnership number, and contact telephone number. won the DFB-Pokal competi- 17,000 spectators by striker Ewa Pajor Alexandra Popp was keen to stress:
with the DFB-Pokal competition. tion for the fifth year in a row: with an assist from top goal-scorer “The game was so exhausting.
Sports Communications and Internal After a well-earned 1–0 victory Pernille Harder. I’m delighted to bring the cup back
Record-breakers versus Rookies is the Communications wish everyone the against SC Freiburg, this even makes “It makes me proud that we have home with us once again. It really was
unofficial tagline for the match between best of luck! Stephan Lerch’s team record holders. won the cup for the fifth time in a a well-deserved victory for the team.”



Visit from Swedish Royalty:

Carl Philip in Wolfsburg
The prince tests the new generation of e-vehicles

rince Carl Philip of Sweden Today, more than half of the elec- ity projects in Sweden and will soon
came to Wolfsburg to find out tricity generated already comes from be testing self-driving e-buses in
about Volkswagen’s electric-mo- renewable sources. This is an essen- public transport with Scania.”
bility strategy. He also tested the tial prerequisite for making electric In the Smart Production Lab of
Group’s new generation of e-vehicles, mobility sustainable both for cars and the IT-City in Wolfsburg, Carl Philip
including vehicles from the ID. fam- for trucks and buses.” accompanied 34 Swedish start-up
ily. Sweden is one of Europe’s largest Renschler continues: “We have a entrepreneurs who also visited the
markets for e-vehicles. number of innovative electric-mobil- Hannover Messe. The start-ups
Andreas Renschler, Head of Traton participated in an innovation day at
and Member of the Group Executive Volkswagen. The goal was to intensify
Fun with the race simulators: Maximilian Arnold
Board: “Sweden is a role model when Swedish-German cooperation with (from left), Yannick Gerhardt, Renato Steffen,
it comes to protecting the climate. a view to innovative manufacturing and Phillip Menzel. Afterwards, everyone lined up
technologies and Industry 4.0. on the winner's podium for a souvenir photo.

VfL Professionals Test

New Race Simulators
Maximilian Arnold and his colleagues at the Autostadt

ports steering wheel instead ing each other – adrenaline rush
of soccer boots: That was on guaranteed! In the end, Arnold
the agenda for four players prevailed over his teammates.
Exciting: Jan Wipke (right),
head of the IT-City’s Smart of the Bundesliga soccer team The experienced VfL professional
Production Lab, shows VfL Wolfsburg on the new virtual had this to say: “I’m all sweaty
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden race track (SIM Mobility) of the and now I know how professional
(left) the technology of a Autostadt in Wolfsburg. The mid- racers feel. What a feeling!”
driverless transport vehicle.
field players Maximilian Arnold, Visitors to the Autostadt can
Renato Steffen, and Yannick experience the SIM Mobility daily
Gerhardt, as well as goalkeeper from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. With a valid
Phillip Menzel, tested their driving daily or annual ticket, the price
Signing the Volkswagen guestbook:
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden (left) with skills in the new race simulators for a 20-minute simulator ride is
Andreas Renschler, Head of Traton and and also lost no time in challeng- 12 euros.
Member of the Group Executive Board.

REARVIEW MIRROR – A look at the history books of the Volkswagen company

45 Years Ago:
The Golf Arrives
Sales slump: Around 44 years ago, Volkswagen
reduced the number of employees – amicably
and socially sustainably.
Convertible based on the
Beetle: The Hebmüller

enjoys cult status in
s the successor to the Beetle, ment gives media representatives
classic car circles.
the Golf did not have an easy their first look at the car in Munich. 44 Years Ago:
Oil Crisis Causes
start in 1974. A new design and During the presentation, the Volkswagen
a water-cooled front-wheel drive spell employees underline that the Golf is a
70 Years Ago: a complete departure from the concept
behind the predecessor. This makes
car that represents progress. The high
expectations placed on the new model Difficulty
The Height of Elegance – press promotion even more important
during the model launch: On April 30,
series are fulfilled: With more than
35 million units sold, the Golf, of which for Volkswagen
The Hebmüller Convertible
1974, the Press department provides there are now seven generations, is one
journalists with the first pictures of and of the most successful models in the olkswagenwerk AG finds itself

information about the Golf. And, only a history of automobiles. in a difficult phase in the mid-
ne of the Volkswagen for the construction of 1,000 units few days later, on May 20, the depart- 1970s. The global oil crisis is
brand’s most elegant cars is with Karmann and 2,000 with leading to a slump in the automotive
celebrating its 70th birthday Hebmüller. New design, business, which is also palpably felt
- the two-seater Beetle Cabrio type In April 1949, series production front-wheel drive:
at Volkswagen. At the board meeting
14, built by the body works Joseph starts at Hebmüller. But, after only the Golf in 1974. of April 22, 1975, plans are adopted to
Hebmüller and Sons in Wülfrath in a few months, in July 1949, a major reduce the number of employees.
North Rhine-Westphalia. fire destroys almost the entire After initial conflicts between the
In 1948, Karmann in Osnabrück production facilities in Wülfrath. general works council and the compa-
and the Wülfrath-based body works The company never recovers from ny management, the reduction in staff
Hebmüller develop convertibles this severe economic loss. After the takes place amicably and in a socially
based on the Volkswagen Beetle fire, convertibles are again produced, sustainable manner. But with the new
saloon. While Karmann designs but in 1952 Hebmüller has to close generation of the water-cooled Passat
a four-seater version, Hebmüller because of financial difficulties. and Golf models, Volkswagen manag-
creates a sportily elegant version with For this reason, only 696 units of es to emerge from the crisis: In 1976,
a long rear and an emergency bench. this car, preferably painted in the the company again increased sales by
Volkswagen Managing Director black-red color combination, are a good 15 percent. One of the reasons
Heinrich Nordhoff likes both produced – the last twelve of them is the modular principle behind the
designs – and so he places orders at Karmann in Osnabrück. new manufacturing concept.



Dear Colleagues,
You are holding the first edition of From Puebla to Kaluga: The Lines Are Ready
for the 2019 SPEED+ Award
360° in your hands.
After publishing more than 40
issues of Components News since
2015, we are now part of the
Group-wide 360° media fami- The first plant tour is complete – the 2019 Plant Award is entering the second round

ly. Starting now,
you’ll receive an ll of the initial plant tours 2019 Plant Award
overview of the have now been completed. The Plant Award will
most import- The teams are now waiting also be presented again
ant issues for in suspense to find out the initial this year – with the
the Group, the rankings, compiled on the basis of participants and rules
brand and each the methodology scans that have remaining unchanged
location every been carried out. The first key fig- for the second round.
month with 360°. ures will be issues in May following FYI: lines are as-
the April analysis of the lines. This sessed for the Plant
In this first issue, we’ll will provide a view of the change in Award similarly to
provide you with an these figures compared to zero. the SPEED+ Award.
interim report on how This was the first time the plants A line’s final points
our locations are doing in Puebla, Kaluga and Györ have total indicates wheth-
with the Zukunftspakt (Pact for the taken place in the plant tours. The er a team has earned
Future) in the Group section (p. 10). first plant tour was held in Kaluga in bronze, silver or gold
We’re well on our way – we have late March. The Russian components status or whether it
been working consistently on our plant produces the EA211 1.6L MPI has missed out on
competitiveness over the past few engine variant. Colleagues at the medaling. Unlike the The organizational team from Kaluga with colleagues from ROI and the SPEED+ team in Wolfsburg.
years, and have been making prog- plant showed off the strengths and SPEED+ Award, more
s is motivating –
ress on future-oriented topics like specifics of their production lines and than one team can win News from Córdoba: succes
a are ready to hit
rotor/stator production in Salzgitter are pleased to be able to start compet- gold, silver or bronze and colleagues from Córdob
2019 award
and battery systems in Braunschweig. ing for the SPEED+ Award this year. medals. the ground running for the
Components’ ONE MISSION 2025
strategy is based on what we’ve i
achieved so far and aims to build on
these successes.
Clear and Concise:
Another important deci-
sion for the future: start-
The Plant Efficiency Category
ing in 2020, PPE steering In future, we’ll be presenting one of the Factors for success? The factors for
systems will be produced eight different SPEED+ Award catego- success in the first two years the award
in Braunschweig. This is yet another ries in each issue. The first category to was given out included reducing cycle
step toward making the location be showcased is plant efficiency: times, optimizing transport systems,
future-proof in the long term. high levels of data transparency and
And this is the right decision. Our What is being measured? The relative systematic cause analysis when faults
colleagues have impressed us with improvement and overall equipment occur.
their expertise, which is why they efficiency (OEE) figures. Further information
will be manufacturing the steering Who won the last two years?
More information is available
systems for the electric vehicles by Braunschweig (2017) and SITECH Colleagues from Córdoba won silver in the plant efficiency category at the big SPEED+
Polkowice (2018). on the location pages
premium brands Audi and Porsche. Award ceremony held in March. The team is clearly proud of their success and aims to
at least defend their second-place ranking this year...
The SPEED+ Award and
the Plant Award also
contribute to our compet- Cross-Functional Thinking – Starting Shot for Value
Engineering Transformation Process at Components
itiveness – with sporting
ambition and clever ideas. Both

awards have now progressed to the
next round and the SPEED+ Award ow can resources be used cooperation between the Develop- tial for savings: it launched a training
in particular will be even more optimally during development ment, Production and Procurement concept in early May. From May 2019
challenging this time around with and production? How can we departments will enable us to achieve to April 2021, some 40 employees will
new teams from plants run by other lower the cost of materials? How can the best results together – and reduce be trained as certified value engineers
Group brands, including Audi Györ. we optimize processes? These ques- costs in the process. The Volkswagen and receive further qualifications.
In addition, these new participants tions and more are what the Value brand has already used value engi- The first basic training course has
will help us make even better use Engineering team is working on. The neers successfully on previous occa- already begun. Suitable participants
of cross-brand expertise. aim is to think cross-functionally at sions, as demonstrated by billions of will be notified of upcoming rounds the program and interim results will
an early stage of development and euros in savings. And Components is of training within their divisions over be featured in one of the forthcoming
Value engineering is production. Only optimum early now taking advantage of this poten- the coming weeks. More details on issues.
all about cross-linked
thinking. The goal? To

News, Dialog, and Networking –

create effective interfaces
for development and production,

Employee Media at Volkswagen Group Components

thereby optimizing processes and
products. We are working with the
Group to start a program to train
value engineers at Volkswagen
The 360° media family is expanding upon the media options for Components employees
Group Components.
360° Magazine
The Transform Minds Components Update The most important Group,
serve as ambassadors for The quick online newsletter Components and loca-
our transformation. These for Group Components, covering tion-based news, compiled
12 colleagues presented current issues and events monthly
projects they’ve been developing Components Lead
over the past several months at an Information for executives, in 360° Volkswagen App
ideas pitch in late March. From 3D featuring background charts brief Quick news directly on
printing for maintenance processes for teams your business or personal
to components made of recycled smartphone
PET bottles – these colleagues are Components Talk
contributing to this transformation Live Dialog with Thomas
with their different approaches, Schmall and
demonstrating Components’ poten- his teams 360° Volkswagen Net
tial for innovation. brief Basic information on the
Happy reading! Group Components brand

All the best, Events

Focus on teamwork at employee and Group Connect
Thomas Schmall management events Components in the
CEO news
Volkswagen Group Components



Names & News

Volkswagen Group Components Builds
New Steering System for PPE Platform
Gerd Hahn, previously
Head of Casting (CMK)
at the Kassel plant,
took over as
Head of Production
From 2022, the steering systems for the electric vehicles of the Group’s premium brands will be produced in Braunschweig
Engine and Casting
(CM-3) in Wolfsburg on April 1, 2019.
that a second system kicks in should
Jörg Grams, previously the first fail. However, the individual
Head of Preproduction components are not simply dupli-
Series Bus at MAN cated. The control unit houses two
Truck & Bus AG, took interconnected control units, each
over as Head of Planning of which controls one half of the
In-line Transmission servomotor. Normally, the two halves
(CGK-GP2) in Kassel on April 1, 2019. together have 100 percent steer-
ing force. If there is an electronics
Klaus Schmeckenbech- fault, the steering continues to work
er, previously Head of because the system’s failsafe feature
Planning (CMS-P) at means the driver still has 50 percent
the Salzgitter plant, of the steering force.
took over as Head
of Planning Engine & Software expertise
Casting (CM-2) in Wolfsburg from Braunschweig
on May 1, 2019.
The software architecture for that
Christian Otto, previ- also comes from the Braunschweig
ously Subdivision Head Components plant. “This electronic
Project Lead Gasoline architecture, including the software,
Engines EA211 Region forms the core of the highly available
West and Special Fuels steering system,” explains Christoph
(EAOP/2) at the Wolfsburg Losch, Overall Project Lead on the
plant, took over as Head of Auxiliary The PPE Steering project leads (from left): Dr. Frank Schöttler, Michael Barnstorf, Matthias Glück, Christoph Losch, PPE project, with pride. It is an
Units (CMS-E2) in Salzgitter on Bernhard Weiler, Dr. Lars Gottwaldt. important milestone on the road

April 1, 2019. towards automated and autonomous
olkswagen has the MEB as a Failsafe performance: greater steering forces common in driving. A steering system of this level
Frank Wildschütz, previ- platform for future electric A prerequisite for the larger and heavier cars typical of of development is the basis for future
ously Head of Central vehicles – Audi and Porsche autonomous driving the premium segment, and SUVs in steer-by-wire applications in which
Controlling at SAIC have the Premium Platform Electric, particular. The new steering system there is no longer a physical connec-
Volkswagen Auto- or PPE in short. Cars built on the PPE The PPE steering system is based on stands out as a result of its fail-safe tion to the steering gear via a steering
motive Co. Ltd., took platform have different requirements the tried-and-tested electro-mechanic performance, which is a prerequisite column.
over as Head of Finance in terms of performance, acceleration, APA steering system (axially parallel for future applications of autonomous
in the Engines & Casting division of range, and charging times compared drive). Autonomous driving functions driving. The control Further information
Volkswagen Group Components (CF) to electric vehicles using the MEB that are particularly relevant for the unit and the electric servomotor for More on
in Wolfsburg on April 1, 2019. platform. In comparison with exter- premium segment call for special, the steering system are designed to be PPE on page 23
nal providers, only the PPE steering fail-safe steering systems. functionally redundant. This means
Mirco Wöllenstein, pre- system from the Braunschweig com- The steering system makes it
viously Head of Casting ponent plant was able to meet these possible to effortlessly control the
and Processing high requirements. Our colleagues
Production 2 (CMK-2) there impressed with their expertise
at the Kassel plant, and high process quality in the field
took over as Head of of steering systems.
Casting (CMK) in Kassel on
April 1, 2019.

Mastering Transforma-
tion Through Diversity
Volkswagen Group Components supports the
Diversity wins @ Volkswagen pilot project

hat’s the key to opti- out across the whole of Volkswagen
mal collaboration and a AG.
successful transforma- It fits in perfectly with the work-
tion within the company? Diversity! shops and pilot projects already held
Evidence shows that companies that by Components, one example of
put a strong emphasis on diversity get which would be the Equal Oppor-
better results. However, a corporate tunities and Diversity workshop last
culture that promotes and advances year, which was attended by around
diversity must be designed with the 100 managers and employees. Plant history and product pride – this time the Maintenance Management Meeting was held at the Audi site in Győr, Hungary.
long-term in mind and with an ex- The training workshop was at-

“Isten hozott!” – “Welcome!”

ample set from above. A workshop on tended by 15 Components managers
the training concept of Diversity wins from various management levels, as
@ Volkswagen was held on April 17. well as HR managers from Wolfsburg
The training concept is a pilot project
by Group Diversity and the Advance-
ment of Women, which is to be rolled
(Chassis and Central Units),
Braunschweig, Salzgitter, Kassel,
Chemnitz, and SITECH.
Maintenance Managers Meet in Győr
Components’ maintenance managers gathered
at the Hungarian Audi site at the beginning of April

rom Poznań to Prat – 25 main- discussion included shared, effec- way, expertise is bundled across loca-
tenance managers from 16 in- tive communication channels about tions, allowing the whole of Compo-
ternational Components plants repair work on pumps and motors, nents to benefit. All the maintenance
gathered in Győr on April 3–4 for their and an innovative maintenance app managers gather at one Components
regular conference. After a tour of that supports their day-to-day work. site twice a year to exchange ideas.
Technical Services, the group headed The participants also defined the The next meeting is scheduled for
over to the electric motors manufac- next steps for compiling a catalogue October. For those who are inter-
turing hall, and our colleagues gained of best practices for optimal main- ested, maintenance employees also
a valuable all-round impression of tenance. The goal: to develop shared have a dedicated Group Connect page
maintenance activity at the plant. ideal processes for four major action called “Instandhaltung Komponente”
Afterwards, networking, discussing, fields (e.g. replacement parts man- (Components Maintenance), where
Participants discussed how diversity and equal opportunity could be given more and learning from one another was agement) and to gradually collect all you can find further information
prominence in the workplace from day to day. the order of the day. The topics under the best practices in one place. In this about their work.


21 1
TS Roadster (right) combined fuel consumption l/100 km: 8.1–8.0; combined CO₂ emissions g/km: 183–182*; efficiency class E.
TTS Coupé (left) combined fuel consumption l/100 km: 8.0–7.9; CO₂ emissions g/km: 181*; efficiency class E.
*Where a range is given, the data on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is dependent on the tires/wheels used and the selected features.

From Inspiration to Ideas: The Four

Pitch Topics:
Transform Minds Present Their Projects 1 AFTERMARKET COMPONENTS
Sales of components after
the expiration of manufacturer
As “Transform Minds,” twelve employees from various levels and plants inject new ideas warranty via the aftermarket
into the Components strategy. At the end of March, our colleagues presented their project ideas to Thomas Schmall. → New revenue models for
The “Transform Minds” are twelve ● 
Next steps: Joint meeting with
employees from all the plants and Sales and After Sales has been
hierarchy levels of Components scheduled
who successfully applied for the
twelve action fields of the “ONE 2 M AINTENANCE CONCEPT
MISSION 2025” Components strategy WITH 3D PRINTING
last year. The action fields include ● 
Rollout concept for the
Digitalization, Product Portfolio, and implementation of 3D-printing
Competence. The network’s aim is technology in maintenance
to help shape the transformation of → Faster and cheaper
Components, to function as multi- maintenance processes
pliers boosting dialog between the ● 
Next steps: Will soon be
management and the workforce, and presented by the Transform
to realize their own ideas in projects. Minds to the Volkswagen Group
Components board
From idea to project
To achieve this, the colleagues ABLE SEAT MANUFACTURE
involved have completed a learning ● 
Blinds made of bioplastics
journey over the last six months. As ● 
Seat covers from recycled PET
part of that journey they met various bottles
introductory speakers at five stages, The Transform Minds with Thomas Schmall, colleagues from his management team, and the organization and project team. ● 
Only the visible areas of seat
and developed and discussed ideas structures painted
together. In groups, the Transform At 7 p.m., they go to the more than 300 employ- → Resource-saving and more
Minds then further developed the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg ees from the Group. sustainable seat manufacture
ideas generated into projects, and for a network talk – this There are many ● 
Next steps: Will soon be present-
presented them to Thomas Schmall is the last “impulse” of parallels be- ed by the Transform Minds to
and his management team at the the learning journey. tween us and the Volkswagen Passenger Cars
end of March. You can read a short Together with Ludwig the cross-lo- board
report on what were probably two of Fazel (Head of Strategy cation and
the most exciting days of Transform Volkswagen Group cross-hierar- 4 T RANSFORM MINDS AS MUL-
Minds here: Components), Creative chical future TIPLIERS
Consultant Hans Reitz, project.” ● 
The first round of Transform

and the “Future Heads” Transform Mind
Sebastian Minds also support other
Daniela Blaschke and Katrin Tessmer-Rost Sauer Components activities and projects
Christian Kiefer, the (Subdivi- ● 
Help establishing additional
Thursday, March 28: Dress re- topics of Network and sion Head networks
hearsal and network talk Capital Market are examined and Salzgitter) adds: “We also → Better networking in
discussed. The Future Heads are the discussed how Compo- Components
On the Thursday before the pitch, Group-wide network on future and nents can benefit from ● 
Next steps: The concept is
the teams meet at 1 p.m. for a final innovation topics. Transform Mind the knowledge and the being developed with timelines,
“deep dive”: The pitch topics are de- Katrin Tessmer-Rost (SITECH Project vision of the Future Heads. In the The last impulse of the journey is the talk with and presented in detail to the
the Creative Consultant Hans Reitz, Head of
veloped and rehearsed until they are Engineer) explains: “The Future future, Christian is going to help us Volkswagen Group Components
Strategy Ludwig Fazel, and the Future Heads
ready to be presented to the board. Heads Network currently includes with networking and interlinking.” Daniela Blaschke and Christian Kiefer. board for approval

The seat made of sustainable materials:

Katrin Tessmer-Rost, Tomasz Niewadzi,
here is on what’s known as the after- network philosophy. The Transform “The Transform Minds
DAY 2 presented future-oriented
and Daniel Chodorowski (all SITECH) market: E-commerce has simplified Minds, as multipliers, are keen to
present their project to SITECH Managing the direct sale of replacement parts keep supporting projects and drive
Director Sebastian Patta (from left). enormously. However, Components forward the network with the next
projects which we will
Friday, March 29, 9:45 a.m.: is still not taking advantage round of Transform Minds. now drive forward
Here we go! of this possibility. The resolutely together.”
Transform Minds project Friday, 12:30 p.m.:
Thomas Schmall
On the Friday morning, everyone aims to exploit this after- Made it!
attends the pitch meeting on the market potential for
third floor of the brand’s high-rise Components. After almost three
building. The four Transform Minds 2 The “3D printing hours, the Transform
are about to present four topics to the in maintenance” project Minds have made it –
CEO Thomas Schmall and his man- comes under the and the result is clear:
agement team. Each of the themes “Excellence” objective. Transform Mind “The Transform Minds
belong to one of Components’ four The aim is to utilize 3D Sebastian Sauer have not just met our expec-
strategic goals: “Customer & Product,” printing in maintenance tations, they’ve exceeded
“Responsibility,” “Excellence,” and processes in order to cut costs and them. The impulses and project ideas
“People.” They kick things off with save time. The three Transform generated are an exciting contribu-
Animated discussion and good feedback:
a project on the strategic objective Minds from SITECH present a very tion to our strategy process. This is
CEO of Components Thomas Schmall
“Customer & Product.” 1 The focus environmentally friendly project. what you can achieve with cross-hi- (right) and Heiner Lanze, Head of Procure-
3 For the topic “Responsibility,” they erarchical and cross-site transforma- ment, at the pitch on Friday morning.
have brought prototypes for blinds tion,” says a happy Head of Strategy
made of bioplastics, seat covers made
of recycled PET bottles, and seat
Ludwig Fazel. The day culminates
with the board’s decision: “Thomas
structures with only the visible areas Schmall set up an appointment with
painted. Following that, the ideas on Sales straight away for our aftermar- The Work Continues
the topic of “People” are presented: ket idea,” reports Sebastian Sauer.
The current Transform Minds will
4 The focus here is on a dedicated The Transform Minds will also present
continue to support the themes
community, communication ap- the 3D printing and the sustainable
of the Components strategy until
proaches that overlap into the direct seat manufacture projects at one of
the end of the year. After that,
area, and the furtherance of the the next brand board meetings. The they will be on hand as contact
projects in the “People” strategy field persons and communicators,
“It was clear for all to see are being further developed and will
soon be presented to the board for
functioning as multipliers of
the transformation all the way
how important it is for approval. into the individual sites.
our board that our ideas Further information
The next round of Transform Minds
begins in the summer, when there
The aftermarket concept is being pursued (from left): Dr. Karsten
are actually implemented!” More on Transform Minds on will be 40 new Transform Minds
Küper (Braunschweig), Sebastian Sauer (Salzgitter), and Klaas-Simon pages 22 and 24 and a slightly adapted program.
Jenke (Braunschweig) present their project. Transform Mind Sebastian Sauer Application details will follow


22Legal Notice 360° Volkswagen Group Components | Brand Manager: Ariane Kilian | Editorial Team: Anna von Saldern (Head), Viola Richter, Michèle Joppe, Ariane-Minou Didier
Layout/Production: TERRITORY CTR GmbH | Photos/Illustrations: Volkswagen AG, Getty Images

3D Potential
So much for dreams of the future: 3D printing is already
being used successfully at many locations – an overview of A look into
Components and Group activities the Volkswagen
Passenger Cars

A brand
3D printing saves time and
From Medicine money. For this reason,
Components already relies
to Car Racing: on the process in some manufactur-
ing processes. The Transform Minds
3D printing is also used in have also recognized the potential
other sectors: of the technology and wondered,
‘Where in Components can 3D
printing be used more intensively?’
The three Transform Minds – Rica 1. New era of electric mobil-
Siedler, Shiping Chen, and Marcus tion across locations is a top prior- nents (e.g. DQ381 coupling casings, ity begins for Volkswagen:
… in medicine
Jäschke – presented their maintenance ity: Braunschweig develops the 3D front flap openers in final assembly, Pre-booking for the ID.3¹ has
● Dental crowns, hearing aids, concept with 3D printing to Group printing systems for the production or VR6 cylinder crank housings). started! Production of the ID.3¹
and implants are already being Components CEO Thomas Schmall of sand cores, which can then be In addition, the innovative method will begin in the reconstructed
manufactured with 3D printing. and his management team in late printed in large series at the Hanover is already being used in Wolfsburg in Zwickau plant in late autumn.
● Doctors and medical students March. Components and Group are foundry and subsequently cast. a 3D printing center in the toolmak- Key information can be found at
can practice demanding opera- already using the technology: 3D-printed inductors are a topic ing facility. There are large numbers www.Volkswagen.de/id +++
tions on 3D-printed models to for Wolfsburg Chassis. These can be of printers at the Wolfsburg location;
better prepare for surgery. 3D printing in Components – an used in the future for hardening axle printing orders from the Group are 2. Electric car drivers now have
overview taps. One major advantage here is placed and processed. the opportunity to try out the new
the elimination of time-consuming, Volkswagen charging service “We
In the Hanover foundry, sand cores manual work steps. This decreases Charge” before its official launch.
… in Formel 1
Racing teams save on costs when
are printed in small batches in 3D.
The corresponding 3D printer was
the production time of an inductor
significantly, while increasing the
i Applications at wecharge-support@
Volkswagen.de +++
they produce complex shapes us- put into operation in 2017 and has a geometric accuracy of the construc-
ing 3D printing. The Alfa Romeo volume, i.e. a printing speed, of up to tion. This reduces manufacturing We Want Your 3. Wörthersee GTI: preparations
team (Sauber Group), for example,
prints their exhausts and turbo
400 liters per hour. Important: The
printer sponsored by the Innovation
costs and increases service life.
Ideas! are in full swing, and Components
trainees are also involved. +++
pipes in titanium and their charge Fund II works with a low-emission, 3D printing in the Where should 3D printing be
air pipes in aluminum, among inorganic binder. Volkswagen Group used or expanded in Components
other materials.
The Components plant in Braun- in the future? Send us your ideas
schweig develops high-performance Within the Group, a Group technolo- at the following e-mail address:
printers for Group production. gy circle for 3D printing was defined Komponenten-News@Volkswagen.de. 4. WA sales: special conditions
Among other things, there are two as a cross-brand structure. Specifical- We look forward to your suggestions for employees for leasing, new
pilot projects for mass production ly, 3D printing is used, among other and will report on the car purchases, used car purchas-
… in aviation
printers, for example for sand cores things, in the construction of proto- best ideas! es, trade-ins, and end-of-life ve-
● Although the wings and fuselage for foundries or in plastics. Coopera- types, equipment, and series compo- hicle recycling. More information
of an aircraft may not be at kundencenter.Volkswagen.
printed in 3D today, smaller de +++
components such as hinges are
already being produced this way.
“I also use 3D printing outside of work: When a Venetian
5. What is the Sub-Sahara strat-
● The cost-efficient and tool-free blind in my apartment broke, I bought a 3D printer and egy for Volkswagen Passenger
production of lightweight compo- printed a spare part easily. I’m convinced that 3D printing Cars brands? You can find more
nents reduces material costs and
weight, as well as fuel consump-
can offer us completely new design possibilities.” information on pages 16 and 17
in the Volkswagen Passenger
tion and CO2 emissions. Transform Mind Rica Siedler, Cars brand 360° issue.
Assistant Plant Manager Chassis Wolfsburg

Poznań Colleagues
Redesign Break
Mood Barometer
Room and Group Essentials –
Colorful walls, beautiful furniture, Talking About Them
and a clock with cast iron hands:
This is the new break room of the
Die Casting and Machining division
in Poznań. What’s special about it:
Employees discuss results in their teams
The employees manufactured the

chairs and tables, and even took the
wallpapering work into their own ne important instru- has a positive view of the
hands. The campaign is part of the ment to gauge proceedings: “We’ve The Start-Up Check team in front of the battery housing production facilities: Harald Wilke,
“Cooltur im Alltag” (‘Coolture’ in the mood in conducted the discus- Thomas Richter, Uwe Herr, Steffen Müller, Daniel Weidemann, Ann Kathrin Könnecker,
Stefan Blumrich, Thorsten Koch, and Iskender Dogan (from left to right).
Everyday Life) program, in which the teams is the Mood sions in Components
employees redesign and renovate Barometer. Until late with great commit-

Start-Up Check for New Battery

common rooms. In workshops, the March, all Components ment and agreed on
colleagues jointly designed a break employees had the op- more than 3,000 mea-

Systems in Braunschweig
room according to their ideas. More portunity to discuss the sures. In the coming
difficult repairs, such as replacing results of the 2018 Mood weeks, it’s important to
the ceiling or electrical installa- Barometer with their manag- fill these measures with life
tions, were carried out by crafts- er. For the first time, a team dialog and follow them up, in order to bring Colleagues from headquarters and the location
men. The projects are coordinated on the Group Essentials, the cross- about real improvements.”
by Anita Plokarz, who works in the brand moral values of the Volkswagen Want to share best practices from
ensure smooth start-up

location’s Logistics department. Group, was also held. Wolfgang your department as part of action
Fueter, Head of Human Resources tracking? Feel free to contact your hen a product as import- Check team, consisting of colleagues
Volkswagen Group Components, Stiba coordinator! ant and complex as a new from Start-Up Control in Wolfsburg
battery system for com- and the Braunschweig location, works
pletely new vehicles starts up, noth- together with the colleagues at the
ing is left to chance. Colleagues from respective location, for example from
the central departments check with Project Management, Production,

Dates the colleagues at the location wheth-

er everything is ready for a smooth
start-up. These “start-up checks”
Planning, Quality Assurance, and
Logistics. The first start-up check for
the production test series (PTS) status
05/09/2019 Hanover: Foundry Cost Center assembly ensure that the optimization poten- for the MEB battery has now taken
tial for all processes and employee place in Braunschweig. This enabled
05/22/2019 Martin: P
 arty to celebrate 500 million manufactured components qualifications is identified from the the expert knowledge at the site to be
Colorful and creative furniture in the
break room of the die-casting foundry 06/06/2019 Kassel: Site symposium outset, and that solutions are devel- supplemented by experience gained
invite you to enjoy a relaxed lunch. oped promptly. The Battery Start-Up from other time-critical projects.


¹ Concept car. 23

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