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Ramon Magsaysay

7th President of the Philippines (Dec 30, 1953-Mar 17, 1957)

o “President of the masses” “Kampeon ng mga masa”

o Known for successfully defeating the communist-led Hukbalahap (Huk) movement.
o Enacted the following laws: Republic Act No. 1160 of 1954 -- Abolished the LASEDECO and
established the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA) to resettle
dissidents and landless farmers.
o Managed to enact agrarian reform, giving some 90,000 acres to 4,500 indigent families for
settlement/farming purposes.
o He led the foundation of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, also known as the Manila Pact
of 1954.
o Known as the best Philippine president because he restored the people's trust in the
o Established a "People's Court" and a hotline where individuals could report corrupt practices
anonymously. Under his leadership, many corrupt officials were removed from their positions,
regardless of their rank or influence.
o "Guns alone are not the answer. We must provide hope for young people for better housing,
clothing, and food; and if we do, the radicals will wither away."

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