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A Research Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the Professional Education Department
Pangasinan State University
College of Teacher Education
Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of
Bachelor of Elementary Education major in
Enhanced General Education

Hazel Anne C. Mabanglo

Norhatta Lizel P. Advincula
Jessica R. Ferrer

December 2023

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor of Elementary

Education major in Enhanced General Education, this research proposal entitled,



BAYAMBANG CAMPUS has been prepared and submitted by Hazel Anne C.

Mabanglo, Norhatta Lizel P. Advincula, and Jessica R. Ferrer, who are hereby

recommended for Pre- Oral Examination.


Critic Reader Research Adviser



Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor

of Elementary Education major in Enhanced General Education.


College Dean, CTE Campus Executive Director



TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………… i
APPROVAL SHEET …………………………………………………………. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………….. iii
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………….. v
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………… vi


Background of the Study………………………………………… 1

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework…………………………….. 27

Research Paradigm………………………………………………. 31

Statement of the Problem………………………………............. 32

Hypothesis…………………………………………………………. 33

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………... 33

Significance of the Study………………………………………… 33

Definition of Terms………………………………………………… 35


Research Design ………………………………………………... 37

Subjects of the Study……………………………………………. 38

Locale of the Study……………………………………………… 38

Data Gathering Instrument ……………………………………. 39

Validation of the Instrument …………………………………… 41

Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………............. 41

Statistical Treatment of Data …………………………………... 42

Ethical Considerations …………………………………………. 45

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………….. 46



QUESTIONNAIRE……………………………………………... 52



DATA SUMMARY……………………………………………..... 54

D QUESTIONNAIRE …………………………………………..... 55

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………. 61


No. Page

1 Respondents of the Study ………………………….... .……….… 40

2 Research Paradigm……………………………………………….. 31


No. Page

1 The Research Paradigm …………………………………………. 31

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Career refers to a person’s vocation or occupation. It is a task chosen as

one’s life work. The word “career” is generally connected to the word path as it

determines the journey of a person into the trials and challenges of life. It is a

responsibility of individual to work for sustaining daily necessities. Oftentimes, it

is subjective in everyone as there are different works to select.

The words “job,” “occupation,” and “career” are often used

interchangeably as well as “vocation” and “profession”. These words are related

although there are still minor distinctions between it. Career is the broadest of

these terms. This is usually the one that requires education or special training,

and it is targeted to the entire person’s history employment. Occupation is the

narrower term that refers to someone’s specifically work field selection. Job is the

narrowest term, referring to the specific role someone is hired for. Vocation is the

desired course of action to devote oneself in working. It can give us the

opportunity to learn about oneself and grow as people. Professions are typically

associated with higher education, though there are exceptions to this rule,

especially in fields such as medicine or law.

A one’s profession could consist of one or more occupations that he or

she will hold throughout his or her life as an individual as well as the

achievements, determination, and paths they take hold of to revamp in their

chosen field (Johnson, 2022). Educational environments encourage, give


support, and recompense a career choice that has an accordance to one’s

nature (Kemboi, Kindiki, & Misigo, 2016). This implies that choosing a career that

is appropriate to the abilities and skills of individuals will help them to have more

opportunities in their career path and can envision what would be their life in the

future whether it is fruitful or miserable. It also implies that a career should align

with what they want to be therefore, the essence of career choice is that select a

profession where we can revolve and develop because it is a life-long work.

Individuals have been facing a lot of challenges by increasingly more

career transitions in the twenty-first century. These transitions give impact to the

career decisions of individuals where they need an adjustment by finding a

suitable work or alternatives, collecting different information about them, and

having deeper understanding, comparing the alternatives on the short list to be

more familiar with and choosing one (Kulcsár et. al. 2020). This implies that the

twenty-first century greatly affects the career decision making of individuals.

Career choice is a process of choosing a career which involves the

selection of one occupation over another. It is one of the most difficult decisions

for every student, therefore every individual are counsel to devise a future

occupation because selecting an ideal career that will be accurate to a person is

a very pivotal part in a success in life of students. There is a lot of factors that

influences the career choice of individuals such as the preferences of the family,

the passion and interest of a person and the opportunities that they might have

once they choose this type of career.


Numerous career decision-making frameworks depict information-seeking

but still undergo inadequate investigation in literature. This problem arises as a

result of difficulty in determining how knowledgeable students are in terms of

information about their chosen vocation (Pesch et al., 2017). Due to this

insufficient information and low level of occupational knowledge of students the

tendency of uncertainty in career will be possible since they are lacking

knowledge, there is a difficulty of decision making and that is the time where

factors like family or relatives occur. Individuals will think that their family knows

what the best for them. Students who always ponder about their future and have

don’t enough time to think about what course they want or pursue, can possibly

choose a field that is not suitable to their interests, abilities, and skills.

According to Dahlan et al. (2020), the Self-Directed Career Exploration

Inventory can assist and guide the counseling process by using self informational

counseling services. S-DCEI implement activities involving the process of self-

evaluation to the discovering of the ideas and concepts that every individual has

to make a plan for the future. It is achieved with the use of self-direction as well

as the activities that are intented to attain in the said inventory. By means of this

service students will be able to assess themselves and the environment to have

a deeper understanding about their characteristics and surroundings to carefully

plan their career and to have awareness on the risk and responsibilities of career


College level is frequently viewed by many people as the last step to the

school journey and the forthcoming towards a succeeding career. Hence, the

interconnection between an individual’s career ambitions and college success is

anticipated. The work engagement and certainty in a chosen career is a central

part of education experience and is predicted to have an impact in veteran’s

transition to college (Beach, 2018). As students enter their college journey it is

essential to have a career plan that they will pursue in the future in avoidance of

shifting of course that can possibly lead to uncertainty throughout their study


It is important that future educators are certain on the career that they

wish to take and pursue, since they are the ones who mold the students towards

their potential career paths. They should raise people’s awareness on the way of

life that suit them.

According to the study of Pulliam (2014), the level of career reliability in

advance course decision among college students is significantly influenced by

the anticipated career hurdles and the level of self-efficacy. It was found out that

there is no strong relationship between the career hurdles and advance job

decision among the freshmen college students. This implied that the career

decision and first career choice the said students aren’t affected by the barriers.

While giving consideration to the diminishing impact of specific cultural attributes,

some interplays were seen when simultaneously trying out all the three variables,

nonetheless, when checking separately the only important variable in testing for

the anticipated value of career hurdles to the reliability of the advance career

choice was the college status.


In the study of Beach (2018), which examines the connection between the

anticipated variables in the reliability of a chosen profession, occupational

commitment and distinguishes social assistance and the criterion variable life

satisfaction, the study found that self-competence and life satisfaction are

correlated with occupational commitment and social assistance while unreliability

in the career was unrelated to self-competence and life satisfaction. Additionally,

it was also found out that social assistance could moderate the interconnection

between uncertainty in course and commitment in life satisfaction. Meaning the

career that the students desire has an impact of self-efficacy as well as the

support and environment, uncertainty was not related to self-efficacy because it

gives the individual to think that they are not able to control their own motivation

and social environment same with life satisfaction, individuals who are uncertain

in their career has a high level of dissatisfaction in life.

Vautero et al. (2021) noted the impact of family on career choice

execution, assuming that application of career choice can be evaluated through

the progression of goals and desire fulfillment, and through the anticipated

support or hurdles of surrounding and self-efficacy, it shows that the family affect

the latter part of career choice. Basically, the study implied that the

implementation of career choice may be through the goals, perspectives, and

contentment of individuals while the family just influence in the latter part due to

the environment and barriers that can possibly leads to have shifting in course of

the students. In this study, the respondents whom are college students

participated in the said study and filled out the survey questionnaires about the

different perceived factors on the implementation of the career choice. The

results in path analysis show that values, expectations, and support of the family

do not directly affect the choice of individuals. Career intervention should

contemplate such effects.

Based on the study of Eliamani et. al (2014), humans develop through the

desire to something, individuals take different actions and actvities to make

themselves grow and in this study it noted that guidace and counseling services

are significant tools in the development of humans especially throughout the

adolescent stage. Individuals who has deficiency in supervision and counseling

when they are in adolescent stage caused to rise unpleasant consequences in

the community. It includes here the high rate of drop outs ,drug victims, the

unlawful acts and omission to have stable jobs. Furtherly, the study investigates

the effect of secondary school student’s approach regarding the supervision and

conseling services on school journey, their response to studies and career

options. The services proposed by preferred institutions showed to be averagely

effectual in influencing the individual’s study life and efficient in molding students

attitudes regarding studies and career choice. Counseling services have greatly

affected the student’s life, especially their academic; they can talk about the

possible life situations in the future.

Meanwhile, a study of Dahlan et. al (2020) presented that the use of self-

information in consultive services were efficient in accumulating occupational

options and also helps the mentors compromise career problems. This infer that

individuals who is educating oneself in particular matter can attain a high level of

certainty in terms of chosen field.

Alexander et al. ( 2014) examined if there is a relationship between the

Trait Emotional Intelligence variables and Optimistic Cognitive Style in

anticipating sentiment of certainty in making decisions towards a career. Few

researches have looked for the influence or the impact of trait emotional

intelligence in career choice but it revealed that it has no study showing

combined both, rather it was found that the four domains and various subscales

of the TEIQue corresponds importance with career certainty. Stability-Impulsivity

was discovered as a distinctive predictor of career certainty where it leads to

optimism to be detach as a factor in anticipating career certaity. It implies that

having stability or being firm in thoughts and actions plays an important role in

career enagement.

As stated in the study of Edwin et. al (2022), the total enrollees of post-

secondary institution in United States down by 5% in a middle of the fall in 2009

and 2019. Students who are currently enrolled in college face difficulties in career

objectives which leads them to drop out and results in the U.S nation to be

recorded as the highest number of dropouts in the industrialized world.

Therefore, this study implies that lacking information about career, no clear

career plan and objectives shows an impact in college students where it includes

having a good performance in academic learning and having many opportunities.

In national, the student outcomes which are influence by the uncertainty and

desires in academic has not been studied. The findings of the study revealed that

the desires of the students in terms of academic became an anticipator of the

individuals in applying in college, attending in class and the utmost decision while

being uncertain also an anticipator of enrollment status of the students. Students

has motivation and aspirations in life which influence whether they continue their

college journey and their life decisions.

In line with the study of Jemini-Gashi and Bërxulli (2017), in adolescence

one of the most significant decisions that an individual could take on and show

attentiveness is the career choice. To be able to make a decision with a great

impact throughout the life gather information as early as now, have deeper

understanding in different careers and make a plan. As showed by multiple

researches, a lot of factors impact the progress of career choices. This study

investigates if there is a variance in the level of career certainty of the teenagers

who has compatibility with the attributes and career choice compared to those

without compatibility. It is also revealed in the study that there is a definite

interconnection of both attributes and career choice. Out of the six study

presumption towards the level of certainty on the career choice of adolescents

with and without compatibility of both attributes and selected career, the four

gives support on the result. Adolescents who are reported that has congruence of

personal quantities and chosen occupation for authentic, disquisitive, creative

and social classification appear to be high in career certainty comparing to

individuals that are not recorded as having compatibility with these components.

There were no dissimilarities in the degree of career certainty of adolescents


both with and without compatibility of personal quantities and chosen field for the

entrepreneur and standard classifications.

According to the study of Manapsal (2018), the major decisions that the

Grade 11 students can make in their educational and personal life was the

formation of an accurate career choice. Normally, students ranging an age of 16-

17 face difficulty in decision making where they are being undecided became the

usual problem in selecting a career. When the K-12 program was established

and completely implemented those students both Grade 11 and 12 which are the

first batch face difficulties because there is a lot of components to be considered

especially those students who influenced by family, peers and instructors. This

study aim to determine the reasons and factors in the undecidability that the

Grade 11 students are facing when selecting a career choice and found out that

the most difficulties they experience in making decisions was they are confused

on what career they will pursue, their family or relatives and financial also

influenced as well as the thinking that they might be shifting in course someday.

Most students doesn’t have direct obejctives on what would be their future

therefore, individuals should acquire knowledge particulary about professions so

that they can perceived what they want to be in a future and it will raise

awareness about life situations.

Meanwhile, the study of Ouano et al. (2019) states that in determining

future plans the career choice is the most integral part for the students to make.

This selections became one of the substantial problems and difficulties in the life

of the students. It includes the interaction of different factors and impacts from

their environment. This action is not a easy and simple because it involves

difficulty in decision making. Further, career choice decision making is not a

simple task that can be easily accomplished or decided, students having a task

of selecting a career choice prepare to collect different information, perform

deeper understanding and processing this information to make a progress in it.

This choice point turns to be the most consequential stage, this is because once

an individual chose a career that is not appropriate or not applicable to them will

give an impact in their well-being and will cause in having unstable job and being

unemployed. It also says here that unsuitable career selection will not only bring

failure to individuals but also to the entire society because the rate of

unemployed people will rise which can affect the economy as well as the society.

The study revealed that the most impactful consideration is about institutions

followed by interest and decisions, influence of peers and opportunities from

future works.

According to Drysdale’s (2015) study, secondary school students begin to

have a stronger grasp of choosing a profession and making a career plan during

their adolescent years. Many students select their courses during these

secondary years with the goal of entering a more specialized program in college,

where they can obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for their intended

career and avoid career uncertainties. Students can learn about their chosen

field of study both theoretically and practically through a program called

cooperative education. In this program, students can gain a systematic way of

integrating academic learning with real-world experience. Contrarily, traditional


study programs limit students to a narrow range of subjects that do not include

relevant work experience as part of the curriculum.

The findings showed that while non-cooperative students substantially

more frequently changed their major than their non-cooperative peers, there is

one thing that they all have in common: the confidence they own in terms of their

career choices or what is known as the “career certainty”. It was justified by them

that interest and the impact on career were the two main grounds for changing

their majors, hence, it just implies that interest substantially impacts the decision

making of individuals, ensuring that your skills, abilities, desires, and interest

correlate to the vocation that you’re going to pursue in the near future.

According to Meijers & Kuijpers’ (2014) research, a lack of learning

motivation and a high drop-out rate are usually ascribed to the lack of

comprehensibly defined career objective and a lack of plans for the future. This is

the rationale behind the significant investment made in career counseling for

students in recent years. A narrative career approach is used by most of the

counselors and scientists because it is more expensive than administering data.

Because of this, the bulk of career counseling still uses the trait-and-factor

approach, despite important personal factors like internal locus of control and

learning accomplishments, students who actively seek their careers and look for

work opportunities. Networking is somehow tangled to career identity and career

certainty. It is believed that people who feel more secure about their career

decision are more eager to study so that their goals will be set accordingly.

Career identity and career certainty, as well as career reflection, are found to be

negatively correlated. In this study it implies that students who perform and

explore work opportunities have more certain in their career choice because they

have a wide view about occupations, they have sufficient knowledge to plan for

their future.

Contrary to theoretical predictions, Al’s dysfunctional career beliefs were

found to reduce overall difficulty, increase degree of career choice certainty, and

increase chances of obtaining higher level of decision status, according to

Vaiopoulou et al.’s (2019) research. Additionally, dysfunctional beliefs affect

people’s decision-making processes by adding uncertainty and confusion.

According to Flandermeyer (2019), career uncertainty is a stage that most

people go through at some point in their lives, but it is frequently accompanied by

worry. While anxiety can help with decision-making by concentrating attention

and cognitive resources, excessive anxiety might interfere with an individual's

ability to make career decisions. According to recent research, cognitive flexibility

—the capacity to quickly switch between concepts and situations and adjust to

them—is a key component of anxiety. Young adults who have greater cognitive

flexibility often experience less worry than their less flexible classmates . This

study suggests that cognitive flexibility may work as a strategy to promote

vocational decision-making, hence lowering anxiety connected to job indecision.

Students will have the opportunity to think more thoroughly about what they want

and how they perceive the future since they will have a career plan with a

positive thought.

The theologian students believe that their own viewpoints had influenced

their objectives, that why they put their loyalty in their own views rather than

students who are in education field, according to the study's findings by Hirsto

(2019). However, those enrolled in teacher education programs said they felt far

more confident about their choice of career. The influence of personal views on

aspirations and dedication to one's personal perspective varied greatly either

theologian students or education students. Male students in schoolteacher

education are more likely than female students to be dedicated to their own

personal perspective and to believe that it has influenced their ambitions.

Students studying theology and schoolteacher education in a higher education

setting reflect on the role that their own worldview plays in helping them define

goals in quite different ways. In this instance, it appears that male students made

their goals based on their personal worldview and acted more firmly in

accordance with that commitment than do female students.

According to a study by Ngeno and Magut (2014), occupational guidance

and counseling are now more important than they were a few years ago for

secondary school students and should be included in their curricula. The nature

of job prospects, the lack of available jobs, the explosion of knowledge, and new

technologies are the causes of change. It is suggested that learners connect their

professional needs, aspirations, and job mobility through vocational guidance

and counseling. The study's goal was to ascertain how students felt about how

guidance and counseling programs affected their ability to meet their

occupational needs. This study demonstrates that respondents’ perceptions of


the effect of counseling and assistance on meeting their vocational needs were

unclear (neutral impression), indicating that the impact was not substantial.

Students struggle to demonstrate how the advice program has improved their

ability to find jobs on their own, learn about their talents, find careers outside of

their country (Kenya), or receive career coaching. Further, the student

preferences about careers were not merely affected by this guidance and

counseling in terms of occupational skills and knowledge. Therefore, vocational

guidance and counseling should be more visible to make and raise awareness to

individuals of the value of vocational guidance and counseling.

In line with the study of Aljojo (2016), he emphasized that choosing a

career includes matching a person's unique aptitudes and qualities with a career

that requires or involves such factors. This suggests that a vocation needs

certain knowledge and skills in accordance with what is required to do the task

effectively and efficiently. This being said, individuals must be equipped with the

necessary abilities and capabilities that are well-suited to the career path they will

choose to embark on. That’s why this study was created to have in-depth

knowledge as to how to use the Holland personality test to select a career that

most closely matches one's personality.

Despite the fact that each person’s personality can be matched to a good

career choice, according to Aljojo’s study, there are still additional factors such

as family and opportunities, that influence one’s career choices. No matter how

well your personality fits a particular career, the aforementioned variables may

change your decision about choosing a profession.


Cardoso et al. (2019) noted that methods to career counseling have

evolved to place a high weight on context variables and the ways in which people

generate meaning. As a result, it's important to create client assessment methods

that take into account the subjectivity, cultural specificity, and interaction between

clients' professional and personal problems. One such technique is the

idiographic assessment of results, which makes use of individualized metrics and

involves customers in the creation of person-specific things. In addition to the

typical career outcome measures, a questionnaire about the personality of

individuals was examined in this paper. To demonstrate how the PQ aids

counselors in obtaining careful and context of assessments results of career

counseling, directs interventions, and fosters meaning making, a case study of

career construction counseling is provided. Additionally, they go over the

elements that influenced the growth of idiographic assessment in career


Additionally, Choi et al. (2015), examined the relationship between

academic success and participation in six professional education events among

South Korean youths using data from a longitudinal survey. In the regression

tests shown that students who participated in school activities especially the

career guidance program merely once or twice over a two-year period performed

best in terms of academic success and job development skills. The results

demonstrate that among students that give their participation in career guidance

programs just occasionally or not at all, there was no association between career

education, professional development abilities, and academic achievement.


The use of social media websites as a source for knowledge rate statistics

has drawn significant attention from professionals in career services, according

to the research by Makela and Hoff (2019), with various degrees of approval for

the practice. Websites for professional networking, like Linkedin, provide data on

a range of career-related outcomes, including employer names, job titles, and

industry information. The usage of social media data can result in skewed

conclusions regarding careers, according to this study, which investigated the

social media data gathered from a sizable sample of recent college graduates.

Since social media became widely available, there has been a significant

increase in bias, particularly with regard to highly personal material.

Asian nations have different cultural patterns and conventions that affect

people's decision-making processes throughout their lives, including their choice

of employment, according to the study by Syakurah and Rosyila (2020). The goal

of this analysis was to investigate the elements affecting medical students' career

decisions in Asia. In gathering relevant data which supported the objective of the

study, the phrases about students who study medical field and determining

career choice were served as the databases used as a reference. One’s interest,

family impact, notable profession, stable profession, and financial reward are the

main findings of this study that were grouped into five determinants. The most

important aspect in determining a medical student from Asia's career decision

was personal interest. Additionally, it emphasizes clinical specialists as the

undisputed profession of choice. Because it involves the various aspirations that


an individual has and a variety of strategies that will allow them to achieve those

desires, personal interest was the most important criterion in choosing a career.

Additionally, Keller et al. (2023) made the case that selecting a vocation is

a significant biographical moment for adolescents. They must choose the career

path they want to follow near the end of their required education. In order to

assist teenagers with this unique job decision-making process, the serious game

like2be was introduced. Additionally, a teaching concept for the serious game’s

application that contained extra teaching resources was examined. According to

the data, like2be is a useful tool for expanding individual job options.

According to the study of Christie (2018), accounting graduates lacked

interest to be in accounting field and employed in the corporation of accounting.

Most of the study found out that the factors and reasons why accounting

graduates are lacking interest are because of economic benefits, social,

sustainability, personal training and market considerations. However, in this study

it noted that personal perceptions and the mental capacity of a person should be

given considerations.

The findings showed that the individual’s career choice to be in the field of

accountancy or not has significant impact towards the academic performance,

the perceptions of students to the association of accountant and emotional

intelligence but spiritual intelligence showed that these variables do not have a

significant relationship towards their selection.

Meanwhile, Liaw et al. (2017) noted that despite attracting dropouts to

enroll in nursing programs, having an additional medicinal course and the arise

number of nursing students, the universities are still experiencing rejections.

These challenges often have an impact on student selection of different fields. To

this extent, it is widely proposed to develop an instrument to help with the

recruitment process. Information for admission techniques can be gained from a

study of the effects of career selection and nursing students' perceptions. The

need for an instrument to measure the influences of healthcare career selection

is necessary. It is essentially required as it affects the students' viewpoint in

selecting healthcare as a career. The goal of the study is to improve and assess

the psychometric properties of a tool to compare the impacts of medicinal career

choice with the viewpoints of nursing as a career selection.

The instrument includes opportunities to perceive the distinctions between

the effects of healthcare career selection and viewpoints of nursing as a career

choice. The instrument must include possibilities to comprehend the distinctions

among healthcare careers and viewpoints of nursing as a career choice. This

temporary apprehension of factors influencing career choice might help

educators and policymakers with nursing services.

According to Bama and Borokonda (2019), a selection of career is a

pivotal decision that the individuals have to consider in construction a plan. The

decision of every student in their chosen career will influence the rest of their

lives. Choosing a career is a continuous process and is always influenced by

external factors. This involves the assessing of set of values of their work fulfilled

by the different related work opportunities. The important aspects of student’s


educational journey, has a significant part in shaping their career choice is the

career guidance.

The use of tools such as career guidance can assist the students in terms

of assessing themselves and determining their values, interests, and strength.

The aimed of this study is to determine the impact of career guidance in the

career decisions of students. It found out that providing information such as

about careers and industries that can develop the occupational knowledge of the

students has an essential impact on their decisions. Further, this study suggested

that career activities were an effectual instrument in helping individuals be

informed in terms of their careers. This study also recommends that activities

connected to career should be standardized in schools to provide them guidance,

skills and information to make a well decisions about their future.

According to Shuhada (2016), career decisions are an essential part for

every individual because this will not just affect their lives but as well as the

whole society. A single decision will give impact it’s either opportunity or

something that is not good. In higher education, most students face the daunting

task of deciding what to do with their lives and what kind of adults they want to

be. New graduates are anxious about accessing the job market and finding

reliable and fulfilling employment at the outset of their professional lives. This

research investigates the circumstances that impact the career field of the

student's choices. Furthermore, the findings of the backsliding analysis revealed

that career adaptability exerted a greater significance on career choice than

parents and personal interest contemplations. It implies that the ability of the

students to adapt to changes in the environment and respond quickly to changes

in demands or priorities greatly influences the career choice of individuals.

According to the study of Amoah et. al (2015) school counselors have an

important role in the improvement of students concerning career choices. The

intervention of career development was done to process the different or gathered

information to counselor the students in making choices in life, education and

social features. In this study, the aim is to determine whether the said counselors

have impact in guiding learners in their bid to choose a career. The findings of

this study show that these school counselors influence the students in making a

career choice. This implies that counselors and the impact on the choice of the

student were correlated.

Moreover, Ismail et. al, (2014) stated that a career timetable is commonly

associated with the working life of an individual and it involves full work practice

throughout their career timeline in organizations. A lot of investigators concur that

preparations and managements that give support to the career advancement and

adherence to the career selection are recognizable, but firmly reciprocal ideas.

To give an instance, to develop the career of employees the power of an

administration to implement programs and plans can serve as their support to the

employees. This study evaluates the correlation between the career programs,

career development support and engagement with career choice of an individual.

The implementation of this test established that converging career program is to

assist the career advancement of individuals who are in the organization under

study has pivotal antecedent in their adherence to career selection.


The development of this test established that converging career program

is to support the development of the career that was having an essential

antecedent of adherence with career selection in the studied organization.

Roberts, et. al. (2014) stated that medical professionals, especially those

specialists in crucial care, pulmonary and sleep medicine have significant roles

as an educator for students both treatment and scientific investigation. Moreover,

this declaration, teaching superiority, demands practice in the foundation learning

of adults and the procurement as well as the processing of core skills which

includes the observation and analyzing techniques, the development of

curriculum and methods for appropriate instructions. Those individuals who want

to focus on their teaching profession and do advancement in learning should

subsidize development in profession.

Owusu et al (2023) it examined the correlation between career choice and

personality characteristics among university students, emphasizing the

importance of career planning. The study acknowledged the complexity of the

decision-making process due to advancements in technology and the competitive

job market. It found a statistically significant association between career choice

and personality traits. Additionally, the study observed that gender does not

influence career choices. The study recommended that institutions develop

policies to ensure that counselors provide education on the significance of career

choice and personality traits to assist students in their decision-making process.

In the study conducted by Abbasi (2014), it was demonstrated that formal

education lays the foundation for determining career leadership. Different


professions nurtures to the students from young age and as they grow. They

become more aware of what are the existing professions they might pursue, their

occupational knowledge develops due to this program they are conducting.

Professions such as medicine field, business and even agriculture gradually

more popular in the past few years in Asia. This is due to the employment rates

that every profession has, its impact on the market and the given salaries as well

as opportunities.

This study is conducted to determine the possible factors which is highly

effective and influencing student’s selection of career in Pakistan. The factors in

career choice of the students were also examine, these factors include gender

and occupation, and it shows that there is a significant difference in the factors

heading to a career choice of a student. The results suggested that social

encouragement played a greater role in deciding career choices for female

students as compared to their male counterparts.

Meanwhile, Alkhelil (2016) demonstrated that fundamental changes and

developments have occurred in various aspects of life, and the repercussions of

this process have also been observed in the realm of work. Career selection is a

broadening process that enhance throughout the life of individuals, decisions

should be made with an in-depth understanding of how this will influence our

lives. Selecting an occupation regarding the factors of interest, opportunities, and


Therefore, this study aimed to explore the association between personality

attributes and career choice. It sought to understand whether these


characteristics play a pivotal role in influencing a university or college student's

program selection. The outcome section confirmed a strong relationship between

personal attributes and career selection in most cases.

According to the study of Chinyere (2017), the authorities in Malaysia are

advised to qualify number of workers in engineering and other sectors by the

year 2020. However, the pre-plan has been truncated by the lack of standards for

career decisions to assist the learners in choosing appropriate field based on the

personal traits and gender delimited by gender profession, inequality, and

mismatches. This investigation specified the existing correlation in attributes,

career decisions as well as self-efficacy of both male and female undergraduates

in Malaysia. The results of the study revealed that the most prevalent

characteristics among participants were extroversion, cross-cultural, triumph,

virtue, and nationalism, with analytical traits being the most dominant among

electrical engineering students. The findings also revealed that there were minor

differences in self-efficacy among male and female students in making career

decisions, but electrical engineering learners showed tremendous confidence in

self-assessment, goal selection, and planning as likened to other students.

According to Atlı (2017), students begin to figure out their career choices

during high school. Students attend distinct types of high schools with definite

curricula aimed at diverse occupations. Emotional stability and responsibility

were found to be significant predictors of career success. It emphasized the

significance of understanding an individual's personality characteristics.

Regardless, it is rather challenging to assert to students that their choices are


based factors on various traits such as skills, interests, and values. Therefore,

students must acquire adequate career maturity to create a healthy career

choice. The study aims to figure out if personality traits predict the career

maturity. The five-factor approach was used to analyze the data, and it was found

that the variables involved in the model could effectively predict career maturity.

This study suggests that learners should be encouraged to make interactions

and collaborate with their environment to gain information from different sources,

their social skills will be improved and develop their maturity levels.

According to the study of Pang (2014) which focuses on the career

preferences of the tertiary students in New Zealand. Career decision self-efficacy

(CDSE) was used to examine its part to the assessment of student’s perceptions

of in influencing of their capability to fulfill a task in selecting a career. Based on

the result, it revealed that values came from community strongly correspond with

unessential and charitable aspects however the individual values intimately

related with intrinsic factors. Further, the study imparts significant awareness on

how values and culture impact the career decision-making of tertiary students.

Artistic values had no substantial effect on comprehending significant other's

impact on students. In perception of the impact of significant individuals there is

no gender preferences, and the said gender is selected to pursue career

guidance from their mothers/stepmothers rather than their fathers/stepfathers.

The desire to seek advice from a trusted elder might be more important in their

decision-making process.

Meanwhile, the study of Meddour et. al, (2016) states that career selection

is established as being associated with crucial shifting points in our lives as this

selection decides our forthcoming part in civilization. This study investigates the

aspects that impact the career selection of undergraduate students at Universitas

Indonesia. Undergraduate students were significantly specified in this study as

they face the task of career selection shortly after graduation so they will have a

basis for why they should understand the concept of career choice and how this

will help them to decide according to their desires and perspectives in life. The

results of this study showed that family, self-efficacy, personal interest, and

economic considerations greatly influenced the choice of career. Career choice

plays a significant role in life as it determines one's future role in society.

Therefore, it is indeed driven by various traits of a person.

According to Yılmaz et al (2016), the different perceptions of students in a

profession of nursing and their purpose why they select this profession

encourage them, which subsequently affects their performance in school, their

working skills and career plans. In nursing department, professors should be the

guide and trainer for them to be prepare in their chosen career. Therefore, these

educators should implement activities and events regarding the profession in

order to have information on the career that they are pursuing. The findings of

this study found that students had definite perception in the field.

According to the study of Coetzee et. al (2020) industry 4.0 demands

employees to possess high levels of adaptability and resilience in their career

self-management, especially given the fast-changing nature of the modern


workplace. To acquire knowledge of how the facet of career agility affects career

adaptability, which is a self-regulatory career guidance resource that assists

individuals to carefully meets the demands of the contemporary advancement in

technology, a study is required. This study investigated the potential role of

technology adaptation, approach learning from experience, and career

exploration in explaining the career versatility of individuals. The findings

revealed that these facets are components of adaptive willingness that contribute

to great levels of career malleability resources, such as career concern,

management of career, career interest, and assurance in career. The results

showed numerous regression analyses that support the proposition that

individuals possessing greater levels of these facets demonstrate higher levels of

career adaptability.

As stated in the various literature and discoveries of local and international

studies, career choice can influence different factors and different perspectives of

individuals impact their career decisions. The significant gap of this study is the

need to recognize on the factors that affects the career choice certainty of the

individuals. This research tries to close this gap through determining the specific

factors that affecting the level of career choice certainty. In addition, the overall

aim of the study was to investigate the aspects that determine student’s selection

of College of Teacher Education Students.

The researchers will conduct this study because it is becoming relevant

nowadays that the twenty-first century has brought a lot of changes as well as

opportunities. Practicality occurs in today’s generation in which individuals seek


more opportunities to have a better life without envisioning their future careers.

Through this study, the researchers will determine whether the career certainty

of individuals was influenced by different factors.

This study seeks to subsidize knowledge to individuals who have an

improved understanding of the importance of career plans and being certain

about their careers. It will help the students in seeking out opportunities to gain

experience within their chosen career field.

Moreover, this research proposes an action plan as a result of the conduct

of this study. This action plan will primarily focus on intensifying the career

certainty of the students by providing them information that can increase the level

of their occupational awareness so that they can determine what career they are

suited to and what could be the different opportunities of these careers. Besides,

it would benefit the institution to have an idea of giving their support in this action

regarding the career certainty of the students.

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework will help the researchers to demonstrate

understanding in the following concepts to predict possible connections.

John Holland's Theory of Career Choice (1985;1997), emphasizes that

people seek environments filled with individuals similar to themselves, allowing

them to utilize their abilities, express their attitudes and values, and engage in

enjoyable challenges. According to the theory, behavior is a result of an

interaction between personality and environment.


The perspective of Holland's Theory will be used to relate student’s issues

with job decision certainty with those found in our study. It indicates that a

person's interactions with other people and their surroundings have an impact on

how they behave. It further contends that these decisions are influenced by each

individual's personality. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) has included education

in a number of its subfields.

According to the study of Deci & Ryan (2000), Self-Determination Theory

volitional functioning is facilitated when one's needs for competence, autonomy,

and relatedness are met. In the current study, the relevance of Self-

Determination Theory concepts to collectivist cultures is discussed. Given the

intricacies of choosing a career route in a normal Filipino household, it raises

implications for assisting Filipino teenagers in making career decisions (Abaya-

Garcia, 2015).

Self-Determination Theory is an additional theory that we might use in our

research. The impacts of regulating vs. autonomy-supportive environments on

performance and tenacity across a range of domains, as well as functioning and

well-being, have been examined. It has been theorized that by working in

conjunction with voluntary assistance, relatedness and competency support can

help raise engagement and value in specific contexts and activity domains.

The Social Cognitive Career Theory (1986), serves as the foundation for

the current investigation. This approach acknowledges the elements that

changed as a certain track advanced on the students’ selected professional path.

Additionally, integrating social cognitive processes provides a framework for


understanding success and lack of success academic results, and career

performance. Theoretical analysis consists of two levels: the performance of

cognitive person characteristics and the breakdown of the additional sets of

variables that can influence the individual’s career and to their interests and


The Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) can modify the culture,

influence of others, familial impact, as well as the personality and interest of an

individual. It is feasible to forecast how a person will develop, make choices, and

persist in the educational and occupational domains effectively by putting this

theory into practice. Usually, it involves changing self-efficacy in relation to

interests and job choices. This might effectively aid in enhancing professional

development, career trajectory, and general job happiness. The social cognitive

career theory applies to our research. It is directly associated on how students at

Pangasinan State University Bayambang Campus potential interests may

influence their academic achievement. This theory can help us understand the

elements that benefit or impede students’ personalities in developing the traits

they need to succeed in their chosen careers. It will act as our foundation to

increase the applicability of our study.

The study, which examines the variables that affect high school students'

career pathways, is based on Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory and Albert

Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory. The two ideas were picked because they

have to do with job-related topics, particularly career growth. Both of them took

into account social and cognitive components while paying attention to cultural

considerations. Students connect with their surroundings in a social setting while

they look for career recommendations. By making the pupils aware of their

choices, these theories address the cognitive components of the students. The

Social Learning Theory of John Krumboltz, developed in 1979, places a strong

emphasis on the value of behavior (actions) and cognition (knowing and thinking)

(Linder-Petz & Hall, 2015). According to Krumboltz, in spite of cultural alliances of

individuals, certain universal procedures like experience of the learners affects

the growth of a person (Mtemeri, 2017).

The research paradigm shown in Figure 1 on the following page,

illustrates the procedure for the research analysis. The researchers plan to

gather data on respondents’ profiles and challenges education face in choosing

their career field. The first box displays data on the student’s age, sex, year level,

program/course, track, socioeconomic status and academic performance. The

second box present the factors affecting the level of career choice certainty. The

third box consists of Action Plan in Intensifying the Career Certainty of College of

Teacher Education students.


Demographic profiles of Factors affecting the level

College of Teacher of career choice certainty
Education Students in in terms of:
terms of: Action Plan in Intensifying
a) Personal interest;
the Career Certainty of
a) Age; b) Occupational
College of Teacher
b) Sex; information;
Education Students.
c) Year level; c) Decision -making
d) Program/Course ability.
e) Track;
f) Socioeconomic
g) GPA.


Fig. 1. The Research Paradigm Showing the Profile of the Students, Factors
Affecting the Level Career Choice Certainty and the Action Plan in
Intensifying the Career Certainty of the Students.

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the profile of the students and factors affecting

the level of career choice certainty of the College of Teacher Education students

in Pangasinan State University- Bayambang Campus.

Specifically, it seeks to answers to the following questions:

1) What is the demographic profile of College of Teacher Education students

in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 year level;

1.4 program/course;

1.5 track;

1.6 socioeconomic status;

1.7 GPA?

2) What are the factors that affect the level of career choice certainty among

College of Teacher Education students in terms of:

2.1 personal interest;

2.2 occupational information; and

2.3 decision-making ability?

3) Is there a significant relationship between profile of the students and level

of career choice certainty of College of Teacher Education students?

4) What action plan could be proposed to intensify career certainty of College

of Teacher Education students?



The null hypothesis will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

students and level of career choice certainty.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on assessing the factors that influence the certainty of

career choice of the College of Teacher Education students. The main objective

of this study is to determine the relationship between the demographic profile of

the respondents such as sex, age, year level, program/course, track,

socioeconomic status and general percentage average and their career choice

certainty. Also, this is intended to propose an action plan based on the findings of

this study.

The study will involve students from different programs under the College

of Teacher Education enrolled during the academic year 2023-2024. It is

noteworthy included only on College of Teacher Education students at

Pangasinan State University — Bayambang Campus.

Significance of the Study

The researchers will aim to conduct a quantitative study regarding the

career choice certainty of the students. Institutions and students would benefit

from the success of this quantitative study.

To the Institution. This study would help the institutions to be aware of

the difficulties that every student is experiencing in choosing a course that they

will pursue. They can provide support in terms of having an orientation that can

enhance the level of occupational knowledge of the students, especially the

freshmen who are new to the college journey. They will be able to implement new

memorandum in relation to the quality of teaching through guiding education

students in choosing career tracks they intend to pursue.

To the Economy. This study would help the economy in terms of having a

certain career in the future. Students who are competent to their chosen career

can develop their abilities and skills, making opportunities and being employed

within their chose field can help in economic growth.

To the Parents. This study would help parents to learn and understand

their influence in their child’s decision making. They will be able to give their

perspectives in terms of planning for the future and improve their parental

guidance for their children.

To the Students. This study would help them to perceive the different

factors influencing their choice and they will grasp the significance of having a

career plan based on their decisions and desires. It will provide students with

some knowledge on how career choice certainty affects their academic

performance. This will help them to be aware of their responsibility as a student.

To the Researchers. The findings of this research study can be used as a

basis and guide material for the future researchers who will conduct a related

study about career choice certainty.


Definition of Terms

To achieve a common frame of reference, the following terms were

conceptually and operationally defined:

Career Choice. It is a process of choosing a career and making career

decisions. In this study, the term career choice refers to the students’ selection of

his/her course.

Career plan. It refers to the list of ideas and goals that the students

aspire to achieve. It is used to perceive the perspective of students in terms of


Decision-making ability. In this study, it is used as a factor affecting the

level of career choice certainty, involving how the students make their decisions.

Personal Interest. It is used as a factor affecting the level of career

choice certainty and refers to the desires and preferences of students in pursuing

their career choice that is aligned in their talents and abilities with their values

and preferences.

Occupational information. It is used as a factor affecting the level of

career choice certainty where it determines the insights and awareness of the

students towards their chosen career.

Self-Efficacy. It refers to the student’s confidence that either he or she

has the capability to accomplish the task and attain the objectives which are

connected to the career selection process. It is the ability of individuals to make

decisions and choose his or her own career.

Age. The term age is used to as a variable in the demographic profile of

the students to perceive the age ranges of the respondents.

Sex. The term sex is used to determine the gender of the respondents to

know if this variable affects the career choice of the students.

Year level. It is used to determine the collegiate year of the students and

perceive what level has certain or uncertain to their selected course,

Program/Course. It is used to determine the different programs where the

students enrolled in and to perceive the level of certainty in the selected courses.

Track. In this study, the term track was used to determine if the students

selected program in this college were connected to their strand when they are in

Senior High School.

General percentage average. It is used to perceive the academic

performance of the students towards their selected course. This will determine

whether their chosen program affects their academic performance.

Socioeconomic status. In this study, the term socioeconomic status used

to determine the annual family income of the respondents.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research method, the description of the

subjects, the data-gathering instruments, and the data gathering procedure which

will be used in this study. The statistical treatments of the data that will be

gathered and how the research hypotheses will be tested will also be described

in this chapter.

Research Design

The descriptive-correlation method will be used in this study to examine

the factors affecting the career choice certainty of the College of Teacher

Education students in Pangasinan State University —Bayambang Campus. The

correlational research design is applicable to this study since the aim of this

research is to investigate the relationship between two or more variables. This

type of research helps in discerning indicators and sought to examine whether

one or other relationship of some type exist. In this research, the factors that

influence the career choice certainty of the students were adequate using

weighted means procedure and will be intepret using a set of descriptors.

Concisely, the major task of this study is to determine the different factors

affecting the career choice certainty of the respondents. To achieve this, a

quantitative research approach will be utilized by purposely analyzing and

measuring quantitatively the subject variables. Quantitative study examines the


particular situations by acquiring statistical data to distinguish the nature,

correlation and difference objectively and effectively between variables.

Subject of the Study

The respondents to this study will be selected through stratified random

sampling. All these participants comprised three hundred forty-one (341) College

of Teacher Education students composed of nine programs and courses:

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, Bachelor of Elementary Education Major

in Enhance General Education, Bachelor of Physical Education, Bachelor of

Secondary Education Majors in English, Filipino, Mathematics, Science and

Social Science, and Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education. The

subjects are the first year to fourth year in Academic Year 2023-2024.

Table 1 on page 40, will show the respondents of the study based on the

results of the computation using Slovin’s formula.

Locale of the Study

Among the nine campuses of Pangasinan State University, the

researchers will be conducting their study at Pangasinan State University,

Bayambang Campus formerly known as Bayambang Normal School. The

campus offers different programs under the different departments, the College of

Teacher Education, the College of Arts, Science and Technology, and the Institute

of Nursing. Pangasinan State University Bayambang Campus is bonding

Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines

(AACCUP) level IV Accreditation status in Bachelor of Secondary Education and


Bachelor of Elementary Programs. Throughout the years, Bayambang Campus

holds the distinction of rendering quality education, and by that, the campus has

been recognized as one of the Centers of Excellence in Teacher Education in the


Data Gathering Instruments

In this research, the researchers will gather the data and information using

a self-made and modified survey questionnaire that will be distributed and

answered by the target respondents through the help of Google Forms. The

survey questionnaire will be categorized into two parts. The first part will cover

the demographic profile of the respondents which will include the age, sex, year

level, program/course, track, socioeconomic status and general percentage

average. The second part will revolve around the factors that affect the level of

career choice certainty such as personal interest, occupational awareness and

decision-making ability where the responses of the respondents will be

categorized using a 4-point Likert Scale.


Table 1

Respondents of the Study


Programs and Courses Total Number of Students (N) Number of Respondents (n)
Bachelor of Early Childhood 160 23

Bachelor of Elementary 309 45


Bachelor of Physical 366 53


Bachelor of Secondary 257 38

Education (English Majors)

Bachelor of Secondary 163 24

Education (Filipino Majors)

Bachelor of Secondary 206 30

Education (Mathematics Majors)

Bachelor of Secondary 413 60

Education (Science Majors)

Bachelor of Secondary 300 44

Education (Social Science Majors)

Bachelor of Technology and 166 24

Livelihood Education

TOTAL 2340 341

Validation of Instrument

The researchers will be providing a letter of request to the campus

registrar to ensure that the possible respondents are officially enrolled students

under the College of Teacher Education at Pangasinan State University,

Bayambang Campus in the Academic Year 2023-2024. The survey

questionnaires will be validated by the 5 experts inside the campus who have

expertise and adequate knowledge about the subject matter of the study. These

experts will include the research adviser and content validators within the said

institution. The researchers will conduct an online pilot testing using a small

sample of respondents to oversee how the respondents will react to the survey,

whether the items are acceptable or not, specifically, to evaluate how reliable the

questions before utilizing in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

In the process of data gathering, the researchers will ensure that all the

data and information were from legitimate sources only. First, the researchers will

send a request letter to the campus registrar to get the enrollment data summary

under the College of Teacher Education on the campus. After collecting the data,

the researchers will use Slovin’s Formula to get the pertinent sample size from a

population. Second, the researchers will send a request letter to the Campus

Executive Director and the Dean of the College of Teacher Education to allow the

conduct of the survey. Third, the researchers will orient and provide consent

forms to the respondents containing necessary information and seeking their

approval on how the study will be administered. Then, the researchers will

schedule the answering of survey questionnaires based on the availability of the

students. Lastly, the researchers will cooperate with the respective class mayors

per section in the courses under College of Teacher Education to send the link

for the questionnaires since it will be done through the Google Forms.

After collecting the data, the researchers together with their statistician will

tabulate the survey. As per the results, the researchers will come up with

conclusions and a plan of action.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For problem number 1, to determine the demographic profile of the

respondents which includes age, sex, year level, program/course, track,

socioeconomic status and general percentage average, the frequency counts

and percentages will be utilized. The formula for the computation is shown below.

P = — × 100
Where in:

P- percentage

f- frequency

N- total number of respondents


For problem number 2, to determine the level of career choice certainty of

College of Teacher Education students at Pangasinan State University-

Bayambang Campus, the Likert Scale below and the average weighted mean

(AWM) will be utilized.

Scale Category Mean Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree 3.26 – 4.00 Indicates that the career choice

of the respondents was highly
3 Agree 2.51 - 3.25
Indicates that the career choice
of the respondents was certain.
2 Disagree 1.76 - 2.50 Indicates that the career choice
of the respondents was low
1 Strongly 1.00- 1.76
Disagree Indicates that the career choice
of the respondents was

x̅ = ∑[(f)(w)]
Where in:

x̅ – weighted mean

f – frequency

w – weights

n – number of the respondents

For problem number 3, the following formula will be utilized to determine

the significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents

and the level of career choice certainty.


Spearman Rank Correlation. This will be utilized to determine the age,

year level, socioeconomic status and general percentage average of the

respondents. The formula is shown below.

6 Σ ⅆi
p=1 −
n ( n 2 −1 )

Where in:

𝜌 – Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

𝑑𝑖– difference between the two ranks of each observation

n – number of observations

Point Biserial. This will be utilized to determine the gender of the

respondents. The formula is shown below.


x1 x 2 n1 n2
Sx n(n −1)

Where in:

rpb - point biserial coefficient

x 1- mean of the interval or ratio scale variable of one group (x)

x 2- mean of the other group (y)

n1 - number of populations of one group

n2 - number of populations in the other group

n - total number of population ()


SD- standard deviation of two groups

Chi-Square Test: This will be utilized to determine the program or courses

and academic track of the respondents. The formula is shown below.

2 ( O i − Ei )
x =∑

Where in:

x - chi squared

Oi- observed value

Ei - expected value

∑ – the sum of the calculations for each category

Ethical Considerations

The researchers will inform the respondents on their rights to withdraw

from participation. Additionally, the researchers will explain and will elaborate the

benefits of this study that the respondents may receive after the research study.

The benefits of this study will be clearly explained using simple terms to make it

comprehensible to the respondents. This is to give respect on the rights of the

students as the respondents of this study. This is also to give them a brief

information about the objectives and aims of this research. In accordance with

the Republic Act 10173 also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the

researchers will fully protect the confidentiality and assurance of the respondents

in terms of their obscurity and identity. Lastly, the disposal of data will be followed

when the research will be done.




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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang, Pangasinan


Dean of College of Teacher Education
Professional Education Department

We the students from the Bachelor of Elementary Education III-1 who are
currently doing research about “ASSESSING CAREER CHOICE CERTAINTY
requirement for Research 1. We are writing this letter to ask for your support and
allow us to gather data from our respective departments.

Your kind approval of the above request will be highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,


N O T E D:






Pangasinan State University

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Dear Respondent,

As third year Bachelor of Elementary Education students of Pangasinan State

University, we are presently conducting a study entitled, “ASSESSING CAREER
partial fulfillment of the requirements for our course, Bachelor of Elementary
In this connection, may we request you to share us your precious time by
accomplishing the attached questionnaire. Your full cooperation and patience in
filling in this questionnaire will surely spell the success of our study. Please
provide all the necessary information by honestly and sincerely answering all the
items in the questionnaire.

Rest assured that all responses will be treated in confidence.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Very truly yours,


N O T E D:






In accordance with Republic Act 10173, otherwise known as the Data

Privacy Act of 2012, rest assured that all the information that we gather will be
treated with utmost confidentiality and it will be used for academic purposes only.
Your responses have utmost importance to the study, therefore may we
request that you fill in this questionnaire honestly and completely. Thank you for
your cooperation and favorable response to this request.

I. Demographic Profile of the Students

Directions: Read the statements in this survey form then, put a check
mark (/) in the box to select your response.


□ Under 18

□ 18-19 y/o

□ 20-21 y/o

□ 22 and above


□ Male

□ Female


□ Bachelor of Early Childhood Education


□ Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in Enhanced General


□ Bachelor of Physical Education

□ Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

□ Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino

□ Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science

□ Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

□ Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Science

□ Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

Year level

□ 1st year

□ 2nd year

□ 3rd year

□ 4th year


□ Academic





□ Sports

□ Arts & Design

□ Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

□ Agri-Fishery Arts

□ Home Economics (HE)

□ Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

□ Industrial Arts

Annual Family Income

□ P 10, 957 – P 21, 914

□ P 21, 914 – P 43, 828

□ P 43,828 - P 76, 699

□ P 76, 699- P 131, 484

□ P 131, 484 – P 219, 840

□ P 219, 840 above

General Percentage Average ( AY 2022-2023 previous semester)

□ 1.01- 1.25

□ 1.26- 1.50

□ 1.51- 1.75

□ 1.76- 2.00

□ 2.01- 2.25

□ 2.26- 2.50

□ 2.51- 2.75

□ 2.76- 3.00

II. Factors that Affect Level of Career Choice Certainty

Direction: Please select and indicate your level of agreement with the

following statements on a scale of 1-4, with 1 being strongly disagree 2

disagree 3 agree and 4 being strongly agree.


Scale Category Mean Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree 3.26 - 4.00 Indicates that the career

choice of the
respondents was highly
3 Agree 2.51 - 3.25 Indicates that the career
choice of the
respondents was
2 Disagree 1.76 - 2.50 Indicates that the career
choice of the
respondents was low
1 Strongly Disagree 1.00-1.75 Indicates that the career
choice of the
respondents was

A. Personal interest

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)
1. I like doing
related to
my course.

2. I see
in this field.
3. I really
have a
passion for
4. My skills
are aligned
to this
5. This is my
6. I will take
my second
after I
7. I will
pursue this
career in
the future.

B. Occupational information

Strongly Agre Disagree Strongly

Agree e (2) Disagree
(4) (3) (1)
1. It
es a good
2. It considers
most of

3. It offers
4. It helps me
5. It can
provide job

C. Decision-making ability

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)
1. I weigh the
pros and
cons before
decisions .
2. I consider the
welfare of the
majority in
3. I am open
minded in
4. I am
responsible in
5. I am aware
that making
wise decision
leads me to



Name : Hazel Anne C. Mabanglo

Nickname : Zel
Age : 20
Birthday : November 13, 2002
Civil Status : Single
Year and Section : 3-1
Course : BEE- EGE
Address : 136 Brgy. Paitan-Panoypoy San Carlos City Pangasinan
Parents : Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. Mabanglo
Elementary : Magtaking Elementary School
Secondary : Virgen Milagrosa Saint Dominic High School
Tertiary : Pangasinan State University Bayambang Campus

Philosophy in Life

Trust in timing



Name : Norhatta Lizel P. Advincula

Nickname : Hatta
Age : 20
Birthday : March 14, 2003
Civil Status : Single
Year and Section : 3-1
Course : BEE - EGE
Address : Anulid, Alcala, Pangasinan
Parents : Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Advincula
Elementary : Anulid Elementary School
Secondary : Cipriano P. Primicias National High School
Tertiary : Pangasinan State University (Bayambang Campus)

Philosophy in Life

Your dominant thoughts become your reality. Be confident, resilient,

and passionate. C’est la vie (That’s Life)



Name : Jessica R. Ferrer

Nickname : Negra
Age : 20
Birthday : May 8, 2003
Civil Status : Single
Year and Section : 3-1
Course : BEE- EGE
Address : Warey, Malasiqui, Pangasinan
Parents : Mr. Jesus E. Ferrer & Mrs. Junalyn R. Ferrer
Elementary : J. C. Macaranas Elementary School
Secondary : San Julian National High school
Tertiary : Pangasinan State University Bayambang Campus

Philosophy in Life

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to

live forever. – Mahatma Gandhi

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