Owerre 2016 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 28 47LT02

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Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 47LT02 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0953-8984/28/47/47LT02


Chirality-induced magnon transport in

AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral magnets
S A Owerre
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline St. N., Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 6 Melrose Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town 7945, South Africa

E-mail: solomon@aims.ac.za and sowerre@perimeterinstitute.ca

Received 25 May 2016, revised 20 July 2016

Accepted for publication 18 August 2016
Published 16 September 2016

In this Letter, we study the magnetic transport in AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral
magnets coupled either ferromagnetically or antiferromagnetically. For both couplings, we
observe chirality-induced gaps, chiral protected edge states, magnon Hall and magnon spin
Nernst effects of magnetic spin excitations. For ferromagnetically coupled layers, thermal
Hall and spin Nernst conductivities do not change sign as function of magnetic field or
temperature similar to single-layer honeycomb ferromagnetic insulator. In contrast, for
antiferromagnetically coupled layers, we observe a sign change in the thermal Hall and spin
Nernst conductivities as the magnetic field is reversed. We discuss possible experimental
accessible honeycomb bilayer quantum materials in which these effects can be observed.

Keywords: magnon Hall effect, magnon spin nernst effect, magnon edge states, magnon

S Online supplementary data available from stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/28/47LT02/mmedia

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction χijk = Si ⋅ (Sj × Sk ), where (i,j,k) label sites on the triangular

plaquettes of the lattice and Si is the spin at site i.
The subject of chirality is ubiquitous in many branches of Recently, chirality-induced transports have been observed
physics. It plays a prominent role in the understanding of many in two-dimensional (2D) single-layer kagome magnet
physical systems, in particular magnetic systems. Recently, Cu(1–3, bdc) [18, 19]. Also in a number of 3D single-
the influence of spin chirality in magnon excitations of ordered layer chiral ferromagnetic pyrochlores such as Lu2V2O7,
quantum magnetic materials has attracted considerable atten- Ho2V2O7, and In2Mn2O7 [2, 4]. For ferromagnetic pyrochlo-
tion. Chirality-induced topological magnetic systems exhibit res, thermal Hall conductivity changes sign upon reversing
novel properties [1–10] similar to topological insulators in the direction of magnetic field, whereas for kagome mag-
electronic systems [11–13]. In these systems, the propagation net thermal Hall conductivity changes sign as function of
of collective excitations (magnons) is similar to spin-orbit magn­etic field or temperature. There has been a great inter-
coupling induced propagation in non-interacting electronic est in these chirality-induced topologically protected magn­
systems. However, non-interacting magnons can propagate etic systems [20–23]. Recently, chirality-induced magnetic
without dissipation as they are uncharged quasiparticles. This bilayer-skyrmion lattice has been shown to exhibit novel
property is crucial for future dissipationless magnon trans- properties completely different from single-layer skyrmi-
port [2, 14–16]. In magnetic structures with corner sharing ons [8]. However, transport properties of chirality-induced
triangles, chirality is induced by the Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya magnetic bilayer magnons have not been addressed in many
interaction (DMI) [17] and spin scalar chirality is defined as chiral magnetic systems.

0953-8984/16/47LT02+6$33.00 1 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 47LT02

Figure 1. (a) Ferromagnetically coupled AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb magnets. For antiferromagnetically coupled system, the spins on
the upper or layer are pointing downwards. (b) AA-stacked honeycomb-lattice bilayer Néel antiferromagnet.

In this Letter, we study the chirality-induced magnetic

transport in AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral magnet H τDM = ∑ Dij ⋅ Siτ × Sτj ; H τext. = −h ∑ Siτ, z,
coupled either ferromagnetically or antiferromagnetically. For ⟨⟨i, j⟩⟩ i
ferromagnetically coupled layers, we compute the thermal Hall
conductivity κxy, which shows a similar trend to that of single- Hinter. = −J⊥ ∑ STi ⋅ SiB,
layer honeycomb ferromagnetic insulator [21, 22] with no sign i
change. In contrast, for antiferromagnetically coupled layers, where τ denotes the top (T) and bottom (B) layers. Si is the
we observe a sign change in the thermal Hall conductivity and spin moment at site i, J  >  0 is a nearest-neighbour (NN) fer-
spin Nernst conductivity [24] as the magnetic field is reversed. romagnetic interaction on each layer, J ′ > 0 is a next-nearest-
We show that fully antiferromagnetically coupled bilayer with neighbour (NNN) ferromagnetic interaction on each layer,
ordered Néel state exhibits similar properties to that of antifer- and Dij is the DMI vector between site i and j, allowed by the
romagnetically coupled bilayer ferromagnets. These results NNN triangular plaquettes on the honeycomb lattice, where
suggest an experimental search for chirality-induced bilayer Dij = νij D, and νij = ± 1. The Zeeman magnetic field is h in
honeycomb chiral magnets. In fact, many experimental realiza- units of gµB. The interaction J⊥ > 0 represents the ferromagn­
tions of bilayer honeycomb-lattice systems have been reported. etic or antiferromagnetic (J⊥ < 0) interlayer coupling.
They include magnetic compounds such as CrBr3 [25, 26]
which is a spin-1/2 bilayer honeycomb ferromagnetic materials.
Na3Cu2SbO6 [27] and β-Cu2V2O7 [28] are spin-1/2 Heisenberg 3. Magnon bands
antiferromagnetic materials, in each of which the S  =  1/2 Cu2+
ions are situated on the sites of weakly coupled honeycomb- 3.1. Ferromagnetic interlayer coupling
lattice layers. Besides, the iridates A2IrO3 (A  =  Na, Li) [29, 30] For ferromagnetic interlayer coupling J⊥ > 0, the Fourier
have magnetically ordered Mott phases in which the Ir4+ ions space Hamiltonian of the Holstein–Primakoff [31] boson
form effective S  =  1/2 moments arrayed on weakly-coupled
operators is given by H = ∑k ψ†k ⋅ H(k) ⋅ ψ k where
honeycomb-lattice layers. In these honeycomb-lattice materials,
ψ†k = (a†kA1, a†kB1, a†kA2, a†kB2), and
spin chirality or DMI can be induced using many experimental
growth techniques and our results can be confirmed directly. HFM(k) = ε aτ0 ⊗ σ0 + τ0 ⊗ σzmkφ − vsτ0 ⊗ ( fk σ+ + f ∗k σ−)
−v⊥τx ⊗ σ0, (5)
2. Bilayer ferromagnetic insulator 
where σ and τ are triplet pseudo-spin Pauli matrices for the
The Hamiltonian for AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral sublattice and layer degrees of freedom respectively, τ0 and
magnet shown in figure 1(a) is given by σ0 are identity matrices in each space, and σ± = (σx ± iσy )/2;
v0 = h + zvs + z ′v′s, vs(v′s)(vD )(v⊥) = JS (J ′S )(DS )(J⊥S ), vt = v′s 2 + v2D ,
H = H τFM + H τDM + H τext. + Hinter
z(z ′) = 3(6), and ε a = v0 + v⊥ − 2vt ∑µ cos(k ⋅ aµ) cos φ. Here,
fk = eikya / 2(2 cos 3 kxa /2 + e−3ikya / 2), and mkφ = 2vt ∑µ sin(k ⋅ aµ) sin φ,
H τFM = −J ∑ Siτ ⋅ Sτj − J ′ ∑ Siτ ⋅ Sτj ˆ a2 = (− 3 x,
where a1 = 3 x; ˆ 3yˆ)/2 a3 = −( 3 x,
ˆ 3yˆ)/2. We
⟨i, j⟩ ⟨⟨i, j⟩⟩ have assumed a DMI along the z-axis. The phase factor

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 47LT02

Figure 2. Magnon band structures of spin-1/2 bilayer honeycomb Figure 3. Magnon bulk bands of the spin-1/2 AA-stacked bilayer
chiral magnet for h  =  vs  =  0.5, vD = v′s = 0.05, v⊥ = 1, φ = π /4. Néel antiferromagnet along ky  =  0 at h  =  0. The parameters are vs  =  0.5
(a) Ferromagnetic coupling. (b) Antiferromagnetic coupling. (a). vD = v⊥ = 0; v′s = 0.05. (b). v⊥ = v′s = 0.0, vD = 0.05, φ = π /2.
(c). v⊥ = v′s = 0.05, vD = 0.0, φ = 0; (d). vD = v′s = 0.05, v⊥ =
φ = arctan(D /J ′) is a magnetic flux generated by the DMI on 0.5, φ = π /4.
the NNN triangular plaquettes. The eigenvalues are given by diagonalized by generalized Bogoliubov transformation (see
supplementary material (stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/28/47LT02/
εα ±(k) = εa + (−1)αv⊥ ± m2kφ + | vs fk |2 ,
(6) mmedia)). The positive eigenvalues are given by

⎡ 2⎤
where α = 1, 2 is the layer index. For v⊥ = 0, the Hamiltonian 2
⎢ε 0 ± mkφ + | vs fk| ⎦⎥ − v⊥ .
α, ±(k) = (−1) h + ⎣
α 2 2
decouples to two single layers [21]. The magnon band is shown ε(10)
in figure 2(a). At the Dirac points K ± = ( ± 4π /3 3 a, 0),
For h  =  0, the energy bands are doubly degenerate—one of
the eigenvalues reduces to εα ±(K ±) = εφ + (−1)αv⊥ ± | mφ | , the major differences between ferromagnetically and anti-
where mφ = 3 3 vt sin φ. This is similar to AA-stacked spin- ferromagnetically coupled layers. Also notice that antiferro-
orbit-coupled bilayer graphene [32, 33]. magnetically coupled layers have a linear dispersion near Γ
(see figure 2(b)) as opposed to a quadratic dispersion in the
3.2. Antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling ferromagnetic case. For v⊥ = 0, equation (10) decouples and
reduces to equation (6) with opposite magnetic field on each
We now consider antiferromagnetically coupled layers, with layer.
the spins on the upper or lower layer pointing downwards, and
the interlayer coupling J⊥ < 0. The top and bottom layers are
3.3. Bilayer antiferromagnetic insulator
still ferromagnetic insulators described by H τFM and H τDM. To
study the magnetic excitations, we perform a π-rotation about In the fully antiferromagnetic case, each layer is modeled by
the Sx-axis on the top layer, the Heisenberg antiferromagnet, with J , J ′, J⊥ < 0. Due the J ′
term, the Heisenberg antiferromagnet is frustrated as opposed
Six → Six, Siy → −Siy, Siz → −Siz.
to the ferromagnetic counterpart. With zero DMI H τDM = 0,
This rotation keeps the upper ferromagnetic layer invariant but the system is considered to describe bilayer honeycomb anti-
points the spins in the new z-direction, and changes the sign of ferromagnetic material Bi3Mn4O12(NO3) [34–38]. The ground
H τext and H τDM on the top layer. The Fourier space Hamiltonian state phase diagram of this model has been studied extensively
is H = 2 ∑k Ψ†kHAFM(k)Ψk + const., where Ψk = (ψ†k, ψ−k ),
1 [34–38]. It consists of an ordered Néel state for J ′ /J < 1/6 and
and a nonmagnetic state for J ′ /J > 1/6 [34]. For large values of J⊥,
the ground state is an interlayer valence-bond crystal in which
⎛ A(k) B ⎞ the spins from both layers form dimers [37].
HAFM(k) = ⎜ ⎟.
⎝ B A (−k)⎠
(8) ∗ We are interested in the topological effects of the ordered
Néel state for J ′ /J < 1/6 shown in figure 1(b). Such Néel state
The matrices A(k) and B are given by order exists in the bilayer honeycomb iridates A2IrO3 (A  =  Na,
Li) [29, 30]. In this phase, the band structure in the absence of
A(k) = ε 0τ0 ⊗ σ0 + τz ⊗ σzmkφ − vsτ0 ⊗ ( fk σ+ + f ∗k σ−)
 the chiral DMI exhibits Dirac points at K ± = ( ± 4π /3 3 a, 0)
+hτz ⊗ σ0; B =| v⊥| τx ⊗ σ0, (9)
[35–38]. A nearest-neighbour DMI does not introduce chiral-
where ε 0 = zvs + z ′ v′s + | v⊥|−2vt ∑µ cos(k ⋅ aµ) cos φ. Note ity and an external magnetic field introduces canting up to
that A(k) ≠ A∗(−k) due to the DMI. The Hamiltonian is the saturated field when fully polarized ferromagnetic states

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 47LT02

Figure 4. Chiral edge states of AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral magnets with vs  =  0.5. (a) Ferromagnetically coupled layers
(i) vD = 0.1, v′s = 0.05, h = 0.1, v⊥ = 0. (ii) vD = 0.1, v′s = 0.0, h = 0.1, v⊥ = 0.05. (iii) vD = 0.1, v′s = 0.05, h = 0.1, v⊥ = 0.375.
(iv) vD = 0.0, v′s = 0.05, h = 0.1, v⊥ = 0.5. (b) Antiferromagnetically coupled layers (i) vD = 0.1, v′s = 0.05, h = v⊥ = 0. (ii)
vD = 0.1, v′s = 0.0, h = 0.1, v⊥ = 0.5. (iii) vD = 0.1, v′s = 0.05, h = 0.5, v⊥ = 0.5. (iv) vD = 0.0, v′s = 0.05, h = 0.1, v⊥ = 0.5.

are recovered. These terms do not open a gap at K ±. As in

the ferromagn­etic case, chirality is introduced by a next-near-
est-neighbour DMI. As we now show, this is very similar to
antiferromagn­etically coupled bilayer ferromagnets studied
above at zero magnetic field. The only difference is that the
NNN coupling is restricted to J ′ /J < 1/6.
We begin by performing the π-rotation describe above on
sublattice A1 and B2 such that the spins point along the new
rotated z-axis. The SU(2)-invariant NN and NNN interactions
on each layer are invariant under this rotation, but the U(1)-
invariant out-of-plane DMI changes sign as in the previous
case. In the bosonic representation, the Hamiltonian has the
form as equation (8) with
Figure 5. Schematics of chiral edge states (green arrows). (a)
A(k) = ε 0τ0 ⊗ σ0 + mkφτz ⊗ σ0,
(11) Ferromagnetically coupled layers. (b) Antiferromagnetically
coupled layers.
B(k) = vsτ0 ⊗ ( fk σ+ + f ∗k σ− ) +| v⊥| τx ⊗ σ0,
induced by the DMI. Figure 4(a) shows the evolution of the
where ε 0 = zvs − z ′| v′s | + | v⊥| + 2vt ∑µ cos(k ⋅ aµ) cos φ. As chiral protected edge states of the ferromagnetically coupled
before A(k) ≠ A∗(−k), but B(k) = B ∗(−k). The Hamiltonian layers in different parameter regimes. The chiral edge states
is diagonalized as usual. The positive eigenvalues are given by propagate in the same direction as depicted schematically in
figure 5(a). For antiferromagnetically coupled case, the same
εα ±(k) = m2kφ + ε 20 − v⊥
(13) 2
−| vs fk|2 ± 2gk , situation is observed with different parameters as depicted
in figure 4(b). However, the chiral edge states propagate in
where gk = m2kφ(ε 20 − | vs fk |2 ) + | v⊥vs fk |2 . The band ­structures opposite directions for the top and bottom layers because of
depicted in figure 3 are very similar to that of bilayer ferro- ­opposite DMI as shown schematically in figure 5(b).
magnet with antiferromagnetic coupling for h  =  0. As men-
tioned above, a finite magnetic field introduces spin canting. 4.2. Magnon Hall effect
In this case, both the out-of-plane and in-plane DMIs contrib-
ute to the magnon excitations. This scenario is analyzed in the The most interesting property of chiral magnetic systems
supplementary material. is the observation of magnon Hall effect [2, 4, 18, 19]. In
magnon Hall effect [1], as well as magnon spin Nernst effect
[24], the non-vanishing Berry curvatures induce an effective
4. Magnon transports magnetic field in the system, upon the application of a temper­
ature gradient. The propagation of magnons in the bilayer
4.1. Magnon edges states system is deflected by the chiral DMI. Magnon Hall effect
Magnetic transports in topological magnon insulator materials is characterized by a transverse thermal Hall conductivity,
are encoded in the protected chiral edge states of the system given by [3] κxy = −2k 2BTV −1 ∑kµ c2(nµ ) Ωµ (k), where V is
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 47LT02

Figure 6. Thermal Hall conductivity of ferromagnetically coupled AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral magnet as function of (a)
magnetic field (b)temperature. The parameters are the same as figure 2(a).

Figure 7. Thermal Hall conductivity of antiferromagnetically coupled AA-stacked bilayer honeycomb chiral magnet as function of (a)
magnetic field (b) temperature. The parameters are the same as figure 2(b).

the volume of the system, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is theor­etically in the single layer honeycomb chiral ferromag-
the temperature, nµ ≡ nB[εµ(k)] = [eεµ(k)/ kBT − 1]−1 is the Bose net [22]. However, for antiferromagnetically coupled layers
function, c2(x ) = (1 + x ) ln( 1+x 2
x ) − (ln x )2 − 2Li2(−x ), and
shown in figures 7(a) and (b), we see that κxy changes sign as
the magnetic field is reversed and vanishes at zero field. The
Li2(x ) is a dilogarithm. Magnon spin Nernst conductivity has sign change in κxy is encoded in the magnon bulk bands, the
a similar definition [24] αsxy = kBV −1 ∑kµ c1(nµ ) Ωµ (k), where Berry curvatures, and the propagation of the chiral edge states.
c1(x ) = (1 + x ) ln(1 + x ) − x ln x. The chirality-induced Berry The sign change in κxy is very similar to what was observed on
curvature is defined as the pyrochlore chiral magnets upon reversing the direction of
the applied magnetic field [2, 3]. Due to the Berry curvature,
Im[〈ψ kµ| vx | ψ kµ′〉〈ψ kµ′| vy | ψ kµ〉]
Ωµ (k) = −2 ∑
(14) , αsxy shows similar trends (not shown). We also observe that for
µ ≠ µ′ [εkµ − εkµ′]2 the chirality-proximity effect, where only one layer contains
a chiral DMI, topological effects are induced in the bilayer
where |ψ kµ⟩ are the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian and μ labels
system and thermal conductivity κxy is suppressed (see the
the bands; vx, y = ∂H(k)/∂kx, y defines the velocity operators.
supplementary material).
Figures 6(a) and (b) show the dependence of thermal
Hall conductivity on the magnetic field and the temper­ature
for the ferromagnetically coupled layers. As the temper­ature 5. Conclusion
approaches zero, κxy vanishes due to lack of thermal excita-
tions, but it never changes sign as the temperature increases We have studied chirality-induced magnon transport in AA-stacked
or the magnetic field changes sign. This is what is observed bilayer honeycomb chiral magnets. We observe remarkable

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 47LT02

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