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Supporting Lecturer : Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum

Arrangge By: Group 10

Class / Semester : TBI 3 / VI

Nabila Widiastari (0304201062)

Putri Aghna Asyifa (0304202084)
Ririn Hariyanti (0304202077)
Ronaldo Masti Tarigan (0304203090)
Siska Widiya (0304201056)
Syahadah (0304203178)
The Definition of Speech Act & Speech Event

1. Speech Act
In general, a speech act is an act of communication to
express a certain attitude and the type of attitude expressed.
For example, statements express conviction, requests express
wishes, and apologies express regret.

2. Speech Event
Speech events is a symptom that is social, and it can be
said that speech events. This is a series of several speech acts.
Chaer and Leonie Agustine (1995) suggests that what is meant
by a speech event is the occurrence or ongoing linguistic
interaction in one form utterances or more that involve two
parties, namely the speaker and the interlocutor, with one
point of speech in a certain time, place and situation.
The Types of Speech Acts
1. Locutionary
Locutionary speech act is roughly equivalent to uttering certain
utterance with certain sense and reference, which again is
roughly equivalent to meaning in traditional sense (Austin,
1962: 108).
2. Illocutionary
The illocutionary act is performed via the communicative force
of an utterance, such as promising, apologizing, offering (Yule,

3. Perlocutionary
Hufford and Heasley (1983:250) states that perlocutionary act
is the act that is carried out by a speaker when making an
utterance causes in certain effect on the hearer and others.
Components of Speech Event

Dell Hymes (1974) states that speech event requirements

must fulfill eight speech components, the first letter of which is the
acronym ‘SPEAKING’
S - setting and scene:
P - participants:
E - ends:
A - act sequence:
K - key:
I - instrumentalities:
N - norms of interaction:
G - genres:
The Classification of Speech Acts

1. Declaration
Declaration is the statement of some words that, when spoken
,cause the speaker's immediate surroundings to change.

2. Representative
Representative is the speeach which consist of word that show the
speaker’s believe to be the case.
3. Commissive
Commissiveis the words which commit the speaker about future
action can be after the utterances done or the next time.
4. Directive
Directive is the words which have relation to other people; the
people who do some actions here is the hearer.
5. Expressive
Directive is the words which have relation to other people; the
people who do some actions here is the hearer.
The Application of Speech
Event and Speech act
The Application of Speech Event
Complex speech event' as a communicative event with the
main role of a speech component(planned, organized,
controlled, socially significant) meeting, conference, summit,
wedding, funerals, elections, party, primaries, etc.
The Application of Speech act
Speech act theory, Theory of meaning that holds that the
meaning of linguistic expressions can be explained in terms of
the rules governing their use in performing various speech acts
(e.g., admonishing, asserting, commanding, exclaiming,
promising, questioning, requesting, warning).

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