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Disgan Experiment No.:2 -Date.

BattenA smsM ineimins Page No.:

Experiment Name: OtMS LA
HH Rheostat
To delermine ealahuh ota snen usre -
pladdleg a aapaof podental Afexece veraus uent
Onenoudn reiatance Arearaus
A resiatance ice, a vadtmeder, and an ammeier o
appmpriate ranqe a batherybatdeng eRminstor,, a
heostat ametre scale, one say keu ennecAing uikes.
CA and a ece sand paper

Acc no ts the Onmslaw "he cament oäna
tase acenducdx is drecAl pmpexdeal do ne dendal
F 3A
ARexenc e ecoss he enda pided he phscal tondARons
empexahre , dmeneians presere oE Ahe conduthox remana
ne seame. f I b e ne turxent fausng hrouan a
conduror and N be hepntenha dterenca acoea ts.
enda hen accosdna d Onms Laua

nereR ne sonstant ofpoporhnalt T is

koon as esistance o heLonducahar.
Marking rmulaa
Observakerg Experiment No. : Date

Lergth ms nomiteq a
Experiment Name
Page No. :

Lerath ot the resstance ure

2. Ranae

Ranae ot *he en ammeteX Q dependa upon he madekal, empekaxe and

Range o Ae aven voltmetex dimersiang c i he cenduhor

Tn S unts the podenha Aexence N R

3Leat Count measured in volt and ahe corent 1 í n ampere he
least ount ot ammeter resistance R s meaured n shm
Least tount o votmehre

To establish the uent -usdaae xeatonsnip it

.Zero ttror 3s be seson hat be radio N/I renains censtant
Zes rOY in
ameteYe Sr aawen reskadence, hereksre aaapn seheen ihe
Zero error in voltmetY, e padenlal ALLxence N) and theakrent(a aut ea
Zeroorrechgn 2The consdant rao aves unknan value of-
Zero Lorrection or amtneter,C esistance
Zero srtecton Tor votmette , C2

Table or Ammeder and altmeter Readings-

Seial emmeter Readhqs T0) voltmeter Readngs R
observes| Corrected observed Corrected
V=Vea) (Oha ) 2. Hrane Ane appsarehudín Ahe ane mabner As ue
(2 (2L) (3a) (35) ()
b e aangernant Ea 4)-
3. CleAn Aheenda of ne onnecng ukres uah
2. Sandpaper n remoue he {naulations if a y
Make neat slean and kalat teneckeas axcerdng to.

Mean Yalue o reSance, R ohma

ExperimentNo. Date
. nomiiegx Experiment Name: Page No.:
i n d rano of and T Aox ench set of obaervaiena.

Ane chrcat daaanAKle oaldkng enareAhat *ve

marted demals of valtader and anmeder ae isined
osards thne +ye erminals o Ahe katen

5 Dedexmne be s t Lontst slkrredex and.

mmeAer And also acte *he zem error, { any
s.Tosext he keq K,slde he heastat condact
and tee hatammedex and Naltmeex are iing

1B Ane slfa ndertoAhe benstat ssh

Anat a aitabe _rent passes hraga he resístance

3Note disonAhe value nt poental Aexence N n.

Noltmeter ad' Lurent Aona ammeter
htF se rheotat tontact slast anAhat sal
ammelex and ultneer dbea hal Aatona readhg and not
I0. Retor nekeadiag ot the Noltmar and ammseder
I Tae a t leask e sets nt_independentnbenAhens
Note: In cas baten eliminator, stepa (ata 1)
Are AL hllbug
Q Taen he noh aB 2 n bten elininadnr and put
heconstant pint ia sheoatat at Kxed paiuon. Nau
Kecos hereading n notrneiex adammeter.
10. ahat aihxeng ne tneostat tum he nob ot
Experiment No. : Date:
Determinahon o t specihe
Experiment Name: Page No.
Lenth ot *he
batten eiminatar s ditfexent voltaacs c h hat u6
8,10 and 2 Y a n d kecsrd _coependin eadina n.
Lesst o u n t ot the Sereu aaue PRch o Ahe 9eeus.
No of Hesd scale divlons
Naltrneder arnd amneder.
Tabe at east ue set of independentreadina3
tlo. of Head scale diviatons
2. u t h e resiatance re at h e polats uanere
leaves he ermirsls,siedch Eand Shd ?ts lenei
Least Lount
b e aedre scae.
13. Recard u r sbien iGnS

Seal Linear Caruslar Scale Realn Obsened
Corecte Reasiu ot he aven wire
Na. o No. af Vaue
D NtnxLC
a N irustar uale n x (C.) D-D+C
rmm) Precauiansi
mm) duisen on mm)
ekerenca ine(nSp
(s) Thie he tonnecons
k coppex uikes shodd be sed t r
afder xernuino he iaalatisns near ther enda by Tubbina

2. Noltmedey and amneder ahauld be of pmper ranoe

. A au) reatadanceiheostat should he used

Srces oErrax
The insaiment sreuna may belsose
2 m k conneching ire& may not be sNallakle
freraae &aneter of re d 3:Pheotat pnay have hian iesadance
. AvexanE raos o sire =r m

Spece resistence XT¢ ohm - Cm

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