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JHE 5 (1) (2020)

Journal of Health Education



Annisa Khaerani , Laras Sitoayu, Vitria Melani, Nazhif Gifari, Rachmanida Nuzrina

Nutritional Science Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Esa Unggul University

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Background: Adolescence is a period of transition physical, mental, and emotional changes. Adoles-
Submitted : November 2019 cents usually experience lifestyle changes and eating habits such as excessive dieting, skipping meals,
Accepted : July 2020 using supplements and adopting diets.
Published : August 2020 Method : The study used the quasy experimental method with pre-test and post-test in the intervention
and control groups. The number of samples used in this study amounted to 84 samples
Keywords: Result: Most of the respondents were male (61.9%) with an average age of 14 years. Based on the analy-
Application System, Eating sis carried out showed that there were no significant changes in the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and
Pattern, Nutrition Knowl- eating patterns of adolescents before and after the intervention (p> 0.05), but there was a change in
edge. diet, the mean score on knowledge and behavior scores increased
Conclusion : Nutrition education with the application of Remind me application can increase the
knowledge, attitudes, behavior and diet of adolescent balanced nutrition, if adolescents are exposed
to the media intensely and continuously. Providing the Remind me application media as a media for
nutritional education to adolescents still needs to be developed in an effort to perfect the application
display, content, specifications of mobile phones or smart phones, better programming system specifica-
tions and safer domain server usage will reduce debugging on the application system, so that the mes -
sage delivered and can be achieved.

© 2020 Universitas Negeri Semarang

 29
Correspondence Address : ISSN 2527 - 4252
Nutritional Science Study Program,
Esa Unggul University
Jalan Arjuna Utara, Tol Tomang, Kebon Jeruk,
West Jakarta, Indonesia,11510
Annisa Khaerani et al / Journal of Health 5 (1) (2020)

INTRODUCTION pay more attention to the diet that is carried out

(Muhajirin, 2011) .
According to the Minister of Health Reg- Nutritional knowledge plays an impor-
ulation Number 25 of 2014 adolescents are the tant role in determining the health status of
age group of 10 to 18 years. Adolescence is a the community. Various nutritional and health
transition period from childhood to adulthood problems can occur due to the low level of
where physical, mental, and emotional changes public knowledge about balanced nutrition,
occur very quickly (Ministry of Health, 2014) one of which is adolescents due to an imbal-
. Biological, emotional, and cognitive changes ance in diet. Research conducted by Fadhilah,
in adolescents are directly related to nutritional Widjanarko, & Shaluhiyah (2018) as many as
status. The growth and physical development 65.4% of respondents have poor knowledge
experienced by adolescents significantly in- about eating behavior. Respondents with poor
creases their needs for energy, carbohydrates, knowledge have bad eating behavior. This is il-
fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Adoles- lustrated by 50.6% of respondents having obe-
cents usually experience changes in lifestyle sity nutritional status.
and eating habits such as excessive diets, skip- Based on these data, it can be concluded
ping meals, use of nutritional supplements and that the level of nutritional knowledge among
dietary adoption. This often occurs because of adolescents is still lacking, so that health promo-
kei nginan to contort her body (body image) tion and nutrition education for adolescents are
that result in changes in daily eating pattern ( still needed. Balanced nutrition education for
Purnamasari , 2017). school-age children can shape eating patterns
Diet consists of the amount, type and fre- and improve the negative impacts that arise as
quency of eating. The frequency of eating is said adults besides that it can form a healthy diet
to be good if the frequency of eating every day during their childhood so that they can grow
is three main meals or two main meals with one well Bong Nguyen & Mary W (2017). KEM-
snack, and it is considered insufficient if the fre- KOMINFO in collaboration with UNICEF in
quency of eating each day is two main meals or 2014 conducted a study on the use of internet
less. The composition of food includes the type for children and adolescents, the ownership of
and quantity or portion of food to be consumed mobile phones in Indonesia reached 84% of the
(Walalangi, Sahelangi, & Widodo, 2015) . The total population in 12 provinces with an age
dietary pattern of adolescents in Indonesia is range of 10-19 years, the result was 80% of the
still not good, this is reinforced by the results 400 respondents had use the internet with the
of research by the Ministry of Health (2014) highest percentage of 27% among children aged
that the average level of energy sufficiency in 14-15 years, and as many as 52% of respondents
adolescents aged 13-18 years is 72.3% with the access the internet via mobile phones with 65%
proportion who consume <70% AKE of 52% of using the internet to support learning activities.
the total population. youth nationally (Ministry Research conducted by Perdana et al in May
of Health, 2014) . 2017, showed changes in balanced nutritional
The research of Schoenfeld et al. ( 2015 ) behavior before and after the intervention were
there is emerging evidence that irregular eating measured using a questionnaire. Before the in-
patterns can have a negative impact on meta- tervention, there were 72.9% children with a
bolic effects that will affect nutritional status. good level of knowledge, 78.5% children with
Basically, a person’s nutritional status is deter- a positive attitude, 54.9% children with good
mined based on nutritional consumption and balanced nutrition practices. After the inter-
the body’s ability to use these nutrients. Nor- vention, good knowledge, positive attitude, and
mal nutritional status indicates that the quality good balanced nutrition practice increased by
and quantity of food has met the body’s needs. 11.8%, 5.5%, and 15.9%, respectively. Android-
Someone who is under normal weight has a based nutrition education media is better than
risk of infectious diseases, while someone who other media . This study aims to determine the
is above the normal size has a high risk of de- role of application media giving to changes in
generative diseases . Therefore, it is expected to knowledge, attitudes, behavior and dietary pat-

Annisa Khaerani et al / Journal of Health 5 (1) (2020)

terns of balanced nutrition in adolescents aged RESULT AND DISCUSSION

13-15 years.
Respondent Characteristics
METHOD The number of respondents in this study
were 84 students consisting of the treatment
This type of research used in this study group and the control group. There are 26 male
was a quasy experimental method by interven- respondents (61.9%) and 16 female respond-
ing (treatment ) on the research subjects for ents (38.1%).
behavior and knowledge of balanced nutrition This study uses adolescent respondents
by giving a pre-test and post-test . The design aged 13-15 years because according to Sundari
used is a non-equivalent control group design, (2005) in adolescence, individuals tend to still
in which the intervention group and the con- make adjustments , which in adolescents is the
trol group are not selected in a straightforward ability to make plans and organize responses
manner but have been determined by the re- in such a way that they can survive and cope
searcher (Siswanto, Susila, & Suryanto, 2013) . with everything. form conflicts, difficulties, and
The variables of this research include independ- frustrations efficiently and have mastery and
ent variables (free), namely a media application emotional maturity
called Remind Me, this application is based on The most of the respondents were 14
android which can be downloaded on the Play years old in both the treatment group and
Store. The Remind Me application contains the control group with a total of 22 students
measurement of nutritional status, recall of re- (52.4%) and 18 students (42.9%)
spondent meals, balanced nutrition education
and meal time alarms in accordance with the Balanced Diet Pre-test, Post-test 1 and Post-test
principles of balanced nutrition. S edangkan , 2 between Treatment and Control groups
the dependent variable (dependent) such as Giving questionnaires to respondents in
knowledge, attitude, behavior and nutritional the treatment group and control group to deter-
diet seimb ang teenagers. mine a balanced nutritional diet.
The sample in this study were adolescents From a total of 84 respondents with each
who were still students of SMP AL-Chasanah group of 42 respondents, still a few respondents
and SMP Al-Kamal aged 13-15 years. The sam- who have a diet in accordance with the pillars
ple will be divided into two groups, namely and guidelines for balanced nutrition. In the
the treatment group given the application and treatment group, the value before being given
the other group without treatment with only the intervention ( pre- test) was 4 respondents
counseling related to balanced nutrition for (9.5%) who obeyed this value continued to in-
adolescents using the discussion or question crease during the study as evidenced by the in-
and answer method, each group totaling 42 crease in respondents who obeyed the post-test
people. The statistical test in this study was 1 to 8 respondents and post-test 2 to 9 respond-
conducted to determine differences in knowl- ent,
edge, attitudes, behavior and dietary patterns In the control group or group respond-
of balanced nutrition between the intervention ents who were not given the media, the mean
group and the control group. Based on the re- score of behavior at the time of the pre-test was
sults of the normality test between the treat- found to be 7 obedient and 35 disobedient. At
ment group and the control group in this study, the time of Post-test 1, it was seen that there
all data were normally distributed, so that the was no increase in respondents who were obe-
next analysis can be used the paired sample t- dient, still 7 and 35 people were non-compliant.
test and independent t-test. Post-test 2 decreased the number of respond-
ents who obeyed to 5 people and 37 people who
did not comply.
This proves that balanced nutrition edu-
cation can encourage increased knowledge but
has not been able to change behavior so that

Annisa Khaerani et al / Journal of Health 5 (1) (2020)

Table 1 Analysis of Balanced Nutrition Knowledge Score

Knowledge Group Mean Sd Difference p Value
Pre-Test Treatment 7.95 1.05 0.64 0.06
Control 7.31 1.02
Post-Test 1 Treatment 7.81 1.21 0.15 0.56
Control 7.66 1.02

Post-Test 2 Treatment 8.04 0.93 0.30 0.08

Control 7.64 1.14

dietary patterns also change . In line with re- balanced nutrition in this study was carried out
search conducted by Musyayyib et al (2018), it using a questionnaire.
is shown that teenagers at the Nahdlatul Ulum Based on research conducted in the treat-
Soreang Maros Islamic Boarding School in Ma- ment group, it was found that the mean score
ros Regency who have knowledge and good of knowledge had an insignificant increase
eating patterns are 48 subjects (35.8%), while because the pre-test score was good. Based on
those who have good knowledge but poor diet. table 1, the respondent’s knowledge during the
as many as 50 subjects (37.5%). Then those study can be said to be good (8.04 ± 0.09), the
who had less knowledge and good eating pat- mean obtained from the control group can also
terns were 15 subjects (11.2%), while those who be said that the control group has knowledge of
had less knowledge and eating patterns were 21 good balanced nutrition (7.67 ± 0.88) . This is in
subjects (15. 7%) . The results of the Chi square line with the theory of Nursalam (2008) which
analysis, the value of p = 0.57, indicate that states that the criteria for assessing the level of
there is no relationship between knowledge knowledge use values: the level of knowledge is
and diet at the Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Islamic good if the score is 76-100%, the level of knowl-
Boarding School . Another study conducted by edge is sufficient if the score or value is 56-75%
Damayanti et al (2014) states that there is no and the level of knowledge is insufficient if the
relationship between nutritional knowledge score is or is value ≤ 56%.
and diet. The cause of the absence of a relation- The results of statistical tests carried
ship between nutritional knowledge and diet is out both in the treatment group and the con-
due to having a diet that includes the number, trol group showed that there was a significant
type and frequency of being in a category that change in the mean value of response knowl-
is not in accordance with the nutritional needs edge (p <0.05), but there was no significant
recommended every day. change indicating that nutrition education with
the Remind me application media could im-
Balanced Nutrition Knowledge Pre-test, Post- prove. respondents’ knowledge (p> 0.05). This
test 1 and Post-test 2 between the Treatment research is in line with the research conducted
and Control Groups by Safitri & Fitrant i (2016), it was found that
Measurement of knowledge is carried the mean increase in nutritional knowledge in
out by interviewing or giving questionnaires the lecture group from the previous 72.99% to
that ask about the content of the material to be 78.88%, while in the booklet group the aver-
measured from the research subject or respond- age knowledge before education was 73.96%
ent Notoatmodjo (2010). A person’s nutritional to 78.89%. There was a difference in the mean
knowledge according to Suwandono 2007 in knowledge of the lecture and booklet groups
Arimurti (2012) can be assessed based on the (p <0.05). However, there was no difference in
respondent’s answer to the questions given ac- changes in nutritional knowledge between the
cording to the questionnaire proposed. The pre- two groups (p> 0.05).
test in this study was conducted to determine One of the factors causing students’
the basic knowledge of respondents regarding low knowledge is the lack of socialization and
knowledge of balanced nutrition. Measurement knowledge about balanced nutrition. Soekir-
of adolescent knowledge about the message of man (2011) stated that in 2003 and 2005 the

Annisa Khaerani et al / Journal of Health 5 (1) (2020)

Table 2 Analysis of Balanced Nutrition Attitude Score

Behavior Group Mean Sd Difference p Value
Pre-Test Treatment 8.33 1.63 0.17 0.64
Control 8.50 1.67
Post-Test 1 Treatment 8.28 1.40 0.22 0.45
Control 8.50 1.23
Post-Test 2 Treatment 8.31 1.33 0.09 0.82
Control 8.23 1.65

Ministry of Health issued a Balanced Nutri- Saloso (2011) the provision of interventions
tion Guidelines book, but the lack of sociali- must be done at least three times so that in-
zation and publication on this matter made creased knowledge is achieved.
the public less familiar with the guidelines for Balanced Nutrition Attitude Pre-test, Post-test
balanced nutrition. Another factor that influ- 1 and Post-test 2 between Treatment and Con-
ences changes in respondents’ knowledge is the trol Groups
distance during the study. According to Vaus The analysis carried out on the attitude
(2005) in Arimurti, (2012) giving distance be- scores in the treatment group and the control
tween pre- test and intervention should not be group using the Independent T-test showed
too long . This is done to minimize any outside that the mean value increase in the pre-test atti-
influence before the intervention. However, the tude score between the treatment group and the
distance that is too close between the pre-test control group was 8.33 ± 1.63 and 8.50 ± 1.67,
and the intervention can also affect the level of the difference in mean value was 0.17 and ob-
memory sensitivity of the treatment group to tained p value 0.64, the mean post-test attitude
the intervention that will be given. Therefore, score 1 treatment group was 8.28 ± 1.40 and
the distance between the pre-test and the in- 8.50 ± 1.23 in the control group with a p value
tervention in this study was seven days with a 0.45, the difference between the mean post-test
pre-test time of 45 minutes (Arimurti, 2012) . 1 score was 0.22, then the mean score of atti-
Supported by research by Siagian et al tude scores at post -test 2 treatment groups and
(2010) which tested the effect of visual media the control group were 8.31 ± 1.33 and 8.23 ±
posters and healthy food leaflets on the behav- 1.65, the difference in value obtained was 0.09
ior and knowledge of snack selection students and the p value was 0.82 so it could be said
in schools got an average score before the inter- that there was no significant effect between the
vention by distributing leaflets of 1.99 and af- provision of media applications on the attitude
ter the intervention the score increased to 3.00. score of pre-test, post-test. test 1 and post-test
The results of the questionnaire after giving the 2 treatment group and control group, but it can
leaflet showed an increase in overall knowl- be seen from the difference between the two
edge, namely 100% of students answered ques- groups in each test conducted that i changes in
tions about knowledge of street food correctly, the mean value of the attitude of the treatment
the pretest and post-test durations were differ- group and the control group. Nutrition educa-
ent. In this study , a two-week pre-post test was tion with the Remind Me application cannot
used , while this study was only three days af- provide a significant change to changes in the
ter the intervention with the distribution of the attitude of balanced nutrition among respond-
Remind me application media . In addition to ents. This is because human attitudes are the
the long factor of giving intervention, the fac- main predictors of everyday behavior (actions),
tor of giving the frequency of intervention can although there are other factors, namely the
also affect a person’s knowledge, as according to environment and one’s beliefs. This means that
Dewi & Aminah (2016) giving optimal inter- sometimes attitude can determine a person’s ac-
vention is sufficient to do a maximum of three tions, but sometimes attitude doesn’t turn into
times because if it is given more than twice it action. Consideration of all the positive and
can cause boredom. Meanwhile, according to negative impacts of an action also determines

Annisa Khaerani et al / Journal of Health 5 (1) (2020)

Table 3 Analysis Behavior Score of Balance Diet

Behavior Group Mean Sd Difference p Value
Pre- Test Treatment 11.81 3.10 0.86 0.17
Control 12.67 2.56
Post-Test 1 Treatment 11.88 2.52 1.52 0.01*
Control 13.40 3.00
Post-Test 2 Treatment 12.38 2.68 0.97 0.09
Control 13.35 2.67

whether a person’s attitude becomes a real ac- However, there are still quite a lot of students
tion or not. In other words, besides attitude, (25-63.9%) whose practice is in the medium
another major factor influencing one’s actions and low category; Generally students often buy
is social norms (Zuchdi, 1995). In line with the unhealthy snacks and eat instant food. Nutri-
research conducted by Damayanti (2017) on tion education interventions improve the sub-
elementary school children carried out for two ject’s balanced nutrition practice. After the in-
weeks with two counseling while playing MOZ- tervention, there was an increase in the practice
IBANG getting a value of p (sig) = 1.16> α 0.05 score by 5.1 points (android & website com-
so that it can be concluded that there is no ef- bined group) to 11.6 points (website group),
fect of counseling using balanced nutrition mo- which differed significantly between groups.
nopoly media. (MOZIBANG) on the balanced There are several factors that influence
nutritional attitude of students. the occurrence of this, one of which is because
the behavior observed by the researcher is lim-
Balanced Nutritional Behavior of Pre-test, ited to closed behavior where the measurement
Post-test 1 and Post-test 2 between the Treat- of behavior is carried out by calculating the
ment and Control Groups score of the number of respondents’ answers
The behavior is the end result of the in- to the questions raised. According to Skinner
crease of knowledge and change the attitude of (1993) in Notoatmodjo (2010) states that closed
an individual, based on the research and analy- behavior ( covert behavior ), closed behavior
sis using test Independent T-test found a mean occurs when the response to the stimulus can-
value increment behavior score pre-test group not be clearly observed by other people (from
perlaku late and the control group was 11.81 ± outside).
3:10 and 12.67 ± 2:56 with a value p value 0.17. Research conducted by Fadhilah et al
The mean post-test behavior score of 1 treat- (2018) states that there are several factors that
ment group was 11.88 ± 2.52 and 13.40 ± 3.00 influence a person’s eating behavior, especially
in the control group with the p value of the test junior high school adolescents. Some of these
results of 0.01 so it can be said that there is a factors are the availability of infrastructure at
significant difference between the post-test be- home which is still poor (54.3%), and the ma-
havior score 1 treatment group and the control jority have light physical activity (58 %), the
group. The mean post-test behavior scores of majority of the allowances given are used to buy
the 2 treatment groups were 12.38 ± 2.68 and snacks and sweet drinks (84%), environmental
13.35 ± 2.67 in the control group with a p value factors such as the role of teachers are still bad
of 0.09. (50.6%), the role of parents who have not sup-
This research is in line with the research ported respondents in eating well (58% ), as
conducted by Perdana (2017) regarding the well as the role of friends who have not provid-
development of balanced nutrition education ed a good example to respondents in eating be-
media based on Android and the website which havior (74.1%), some of these factors produce a
states that all treatment groups generally show p value <0.05, so it can be concluded that these
balanced nutrition practice during the pre-test factors have a significant effect on changes in a
is quite good (average score 80-86) and there person’s behavior.
was no difference between treatment groups .

Annisa Khaerani et al / Journal of Health 5 (1) (2020)

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