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and Planning
LESSON 1 Planning and Management of the Teaching and Learning


A. Check whether the following teaching and learning tools are present in the

classroom that you have observed.

Teaching Tools Present None

1. Lesson Plan ✔

2. K to 12 Curriculum Guide ✔

3. Teacher's Manual or Textbook ✔

4. Reference Materials ✔

5. Instructional Materials ✔

Other teaching tools present:

As I observed all of these tools mention above are all present in the classroom setting,
were the teachers utilized in disseminating their knowledge to their students, incline to
their student’s needs.

B. Ask the cooperating teacher to show his or her lesson plan to you. Analyze
the lesson plan by checking the appropriate box.
Subject Economics

Grade Level 9

Topic Structure of the Market

Standards Yes No

1. The objectives are measurable and developmentally ✔

appropriate for the grade level of the students

2. The content is appropriate for the grade level of the ✔


3. The instructional materials needed for the lesson are ✔


4. The sequence of instruction (instructional procedure) is ✔

easy to follow and logical.

5. The sequence of instruction follows an appropriate ✔

instructional design or learning theory.

6. Creative learning experiences are used in the lesson. ✔

7. Differentiated learning is used in the selection of ✔

learning activities.

8. Assessment of learning is included in the instructional ✔


Other comments and observations:

Based on my observation the instructional materials they produce are comprehensive
and the institutions itself is well equipped with advanced technology and all the
educators always promote an engaging captivating lessons for their learners.
A. Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class. You
may write further remarks in the last column.

Developmentally Appropriate Not

Teaching Practices Observed
Observed Remarks

1. Uses different teaching strategies ✔ Educators used different kinds of

teaching strategies.

2. Promotes positive classroom ✔ Educators promotes positive and

environment secure and safe classroom

3. Respects the learning styles and ✔ Educators show respect the

abilities of the learners learning styles and abilities of
their learners.

4. Differentiates learning activities ✔ Educators utilized differentiated

learning activities for their

5. Promotes active learning ✔ Educators always promotes

active learning.

6. Uses different instructional materials ✔ Educators used different

instructional materials to aid
his/her lessons.

7. Uses effective motivation strategy ✔ Educators always promote an

effective and efficient motivation

8. Presents the objective of the lessons ✔ Educators always presents

effectively his/her objectives of the lesson
effectively for them to assist their
student critical thinking.
9. Recalls prerequisite knowledge and ✔ Educators always do recalling for
experiences of the learners before them to develop their students’
proceeding to the lesson knowledge and excel their
experiences before engaging the
learners to the next lesson to be

10. Presents lesson in meaningful way ✔ Educators always present his/her

that is easy to understand lesson plan in a meaningful way
to understand it clearly.

11. Provides clear examples to explain ✔ Educators always provide clear

concepts learning examples to explain the
given concepts.

12. Provides opportunity for students to ✔ Educators always provide

practice/apply what they learned opportunity to his/her students to
practice what they learned in
class and apply it in times of their

13. Processes questions and difficulties ✔ Educators always process

of students questions and difficulties of the

14. Uses learning strategies that ✔ Educators used learning

develops creativity and critical strategies that could develop the
thinking creativity and critical thinking of
the students.

15. Provides helpful feedback to help ✔ Educators always provide a

students understand the lesson helpful feedback to aid their
students to understand the
16. Encourages students to do their best Educators always encourages
in accomplishing each learning task their students to do their best in
fulfilling each learning task.

17. Promotes positive learning behavior ✔ Educators always promotes a

and values in the lesson positive, safe and secure
learning behavior and values in
the lessons.

18. Observes professionalism in ✔ Educators always observes the

handling students behavior professionalism and in handling
their students different behaviors.

19. Shows enthusiasm and interest in ✔ Educators shows eagerness and

every aspect of teaching interest in every aspect of

20. Uses appropriate assessment tools ✔ Educators used appropriate

to measure learning outcomes assessment tools that could help
to improve and measure the
learning outcomes of the

Other comments and observations:

It is very vital for us to plan and manage our teaching and learning process especially in
creating an engaging, effective and efficient educational experiences that could
supports our learner’s academic achievements and can assist their growth.


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What developmentally appropriate learning principles and strategies are
observed in class?

As what I’ve observe the teacher always makes plan to have some hands-on
activities that could aid and allow their students to learn by doing, since the
strategies that the teacher utilizes materials that could develop the knowledge
and curiosity of the learners, by this the students can expand and explore their
ideas, abilities and show their different expertise by giving response for the
teacher to see the progress.

2. What are the things that need to be improved by the teacher?

Nothing, educators already knows how to handle his/her students by promoting a

positive and secure classroom environment for them to assist easily their
students’ behavior and meet their needs.

3. How do the developmentally appropriate teaching practices improve the

students' learning ability?

To practice appropriate teaching that could improve the students learning ability
by promoting early childhood development by this we can make decisions based
on the knowledge of each learner’s growth for them to understand easily the
different learning methods.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

Planning is very vital for us, since it can aid and manage different teaching
strategies to guide and facilitate the students’ progress.
2. I believe that

Planning can establish different learning goals and objectives for their students,
by ensuring that the instruction is focused on the given concepts and find it

3. I feel that

Planning can help the teachers to easily identify the difficulties of their students
may encounter in the field of learning through this educator can develop effective
strategies that could address this matter to maximize the students learning and

4. When I become a teacher, I will

I will do my best to see the different kinds of abilities, interest and learning styles
of my students during the planning, for me to build instructions that could meet
diverse needs for my individual learners, and can promote an inclusive
classroom environment.
LESSON 2 Aligning Learning Outcomes with Learning Competencies

A. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a copy of the whole K to 12 curriculum guide?

K-12 curriculum guides. Furthermore, we can have a copy for this in their school
administration all we need to do to access this is to request a copy so that we
can utilize it as our guide especially in planning and creating our instructional
materials in the making process.

2. Is the curriculum guide available to all teachers?

Yes, the K-12 curriculum is available for the teachers to use in delivering their
lessons in the classroom.

3. Are the teachers using the K to 12 curriculum guide in planning their


Yes, the teachers know how to utilize the curriculum guide in designing and
planning their intended lessons by the implementation of instructional materials
for the students.

4. Are the teachers aware of the differences between content standards,

performance standards, and learning competencies?

In my point of view, the content standards show what our students know and able
to do by showing their skills and learning capacities in different levels through the
evaluation, as we all know that performance standards are considered in terms of
their skills level of understanding and view as a proof of their own knowledge in a
certain field, furthermore as we define the learning competencies that the
teachers make to set their students understanding by having a specified
objectives that could trace the abilities of the students to meet the learning
competency of a the certain matter, since learning competencies can be define
as the main ideas and skills develop by educators for their learnings.

B. From the lesson plans of five cooperating teachers, provide five examples

of learning outcomes based on each of the three learning domains.

1. The students can describe the main ideas about

stratification system.

2. The students can identify the different types of


3. The students can reflect on the particular social issues
as depicted in class discussion.

4. The students can make jingle about stratification exist

in the community.

5. The students can define the pictures presented in the


1. The students can describe the main ideas about

stratification system.

2. The students can identify the different types of


3. The students can reflect on the particular social issues

as depicted in class discussion.
4. The students can make jingle about stratification exist
in the community.

5. The students can define the pictures presented in the


1. The students are able to express their feelings upon

writing their on piece.

2. The students can apply and use the different

strategies of having conversations by collecting specific
information in the community they lived in.

Values 3. The students can easily impress and expressed their

emotions towards individuals in the society.

4. The students seem to enhance their grammar skills

and can apply and embrace the 21st century teaching skills.

5. The students engage in disperse accurate information.

C. Check if the learning outcomes used by the cooperating teachers in their

lesson plans are aligned with the appropriate learning competency from
the K to 12 curriculum guide. Write down some of the learning outcomes
and learning competencies then check the appropriate box that
corresponds to your findings.

Learning Outcomes Learning Competency (Based on K Not

to 12) Aligned

Lesson 1: Ang Pamilihan at iba’t- Nailalalarawan ang paikot na ✔

ibang Istruktura nito daloy ng ekonomiya
Lesson 2: Mga Salik na Nasusuri ang mga salik na ✔
Nakakapekto nakaaapekto sa demand

sa Demand

Lesson 3: Kahulugan ng Matalinong nakapagpapasya ✔

”Demand” sa pagtugon sa mga
pagbabago ng salik na
nakaaapekto sa demand

Lesson 4: Elastisidad ng Demand Naiuugnay ang elastisidad ng ✔

demand sa presyo ng kalakal
at paglilingkod

Lesson 5: Kahulugan ng Suplay Nailalapat ang kahulugan ng ✔

suplay batay sa pang-araw araw na
pamumuhay ng
bawat pamilya

D. Check the alignment of the leaming outcomes with the teaching and learning

strategies used by the corresponding teachers in their lesson plans. Write down

the learning outcomes and teaching strategies and then check the box that

corresponds to your findings

Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Aligned

Ang mga mag-aaral ay

kritikal na
nakapagsusuri sa mga
pangunahing kaalaman
sa ugnayan ng pwersa Lecture ✔

ng demand at suplay,
at sistema ng pamilihan
bilang batayan ng
pagdedesisyon ng
sambahayan at bahaykalakal
tungo sa
pambansang kaunlaran

E. Check the alignment of the learning outcomes with the assessment tools used by

the cooperating teachers in their lesson plans. Write down the learning outcomes

and assessment tools, then check the box that corresponds to your findings.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools Aligned

Ang mga mag-aaral ay

kritikal na
nakapagsusuri sa mga
pangunahing kaalaman
sa ugnayan ng pwersa
ng demand at suplay,
at sistema ng pamilihan
bilang batayan ng
pagdedesisyon ng
sambahayan at bahaykalakal ✔
tungo sa Formative
pambansang kaunlaran


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Are the teachers aware of the function of the K to 12 curriculum guide?

Explain your answer.

Yes, based on my observation the learning outcomes, they embrace in the

lesson plan are all aligned in the K-12 curriculum guide.
2. Are the teachers using the curriculum guide in planning their lesson?
Explain you answer.

Yes, educators using the curriculum guide in planning their lesson in

disseminating their knowledge to their learners based on the curriculum guide.

3. What types of learning outcomes are emphasized in every lesson

(knowledge, skills, and values)?

All of the learning outcomes mention above are both interrelated with each other.

4. Are the learning outcomes of the teachers aligned with the learning

Yes, all of them are all aligned with the learning outcomes.

5. Are the learning strategies of the teachers aligned with the learning

Yes, all the learning strategies of the teachers use in aligning their learning
outcomes in the lesson are all aligned in the k-12 curriculum guide.

6. Are the assessment tools of the teachers aligned with the learning

Yes, indeed assessment tools can be applicable in formative and summative

assessment, furthermore formative assessment happens in the middle of the
discussion on the other hand summative is in the end of the discussion, since it
assists the knowledge and skills of our learners.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that

It is very vital for us to align the learning outcomes and the learning competency
for us to deliver our lessons clearly and specific.

2. I believe that

In all aspect of teaching assessment tools are essential for us to practice the
learning especially for us to measure the knowledge and skills gained and
developed by our learners.

3. I feel that
Curriculum guide can aid our teaching and learning process, especially in
disseminating our own knowledge our students, inclined to the learning
objectives to execute the lessons successfully.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Make sure that I will utilize the use of curriculum guide for me to easily plan and
create my lessons.
LESSON 3 Relevance and Responsiveness of Learning Programs

A. Before starting your observation, it is important to read the annual plan (if
private) or school improvement plan (if public) of the school where you are
assigned. Write a request letter to the principal noted by your student
teaching supervisor.

N/A, we can’t provide this data to support this question.

B. Based on the annual plan or the school improvement plan, what learning
programs are provided for the students?

Learning Programs Months Implemented

Buwan ng Wika Culmination August

United Nations October

English Month Culmination November

Intramurals 2023 November

Christmas Party/ Year End Party December

Valentine’s Day February

C. Request an interview with the teachers and the principal. Ask the following
1. How does the school plan for each learning program?

The institution always embraces the collaborative consultation with the parents,
teachers and other stakeholders in school, since in planning and developing
one’s institutions can involve everything to have a valuable insights and positive
perspectives gathered to ensure that the programs can meet the needs of the
students efficient and effectively. Furthermore, having this kind of approach we
can easily promotes the sense of shared ownership for us to develop a cohesive
learning environment.

2. Who are involved in planning?

These are the teachers, school administrators, parents/guardian and students.

Since, they play the vital role in planning and implementing to establish priorities
and ensure that it still aligned with the school goals and policies.

3. Are the stakeholders involved in planning the different learning programs?

If yes, how are they involved?

Indeed, by having collaboration and consultation with the parents of the students
and the other staff in the institution are essential in developing school academic
programs that could help to excel the academic achievements of the students.
Because of them it can develop a comprehensive understanding of the students’
needs, goals and can motivate them to expand more their learnings, since it
brings diverse perspectives and insights to improve the students’ academic
4. How does each learning program contribute to the development of the
curriculum goals?

The learning programs can serve as to secure for achievement of the institution
vision, mission, goals and objectives.

5. How does the school monitor and evaluate the implementation of each
learning program?

By the help and with the guide of the school administrations and the involvement
of the teachers can help us monitor and evaluates the implementation of each
learning, this includes assessing the achievements progress of our students in
attaining their desired learning competencies.

D. If the school is private, gather the following data and information:

1. What type of curriculum is implemented?

N/A, we can’t provide information about this question.

2. What are the special features of the school's curriculum?

N/A, we can’t provide information about this question.

3. What learning programs are implemented to support the curriculum?

N/A, we can’t provide information about this question.

4. How does the learning programs support the philosophy of the school?
N/A, we can’t provide information about this question.

E. Identify the extra- and co-curricular programs being implemented in the


N/A, we can’t provide information about this question.


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How do the different learning programs support the development of the


The different learning programs can support the development of the students if
their needs can be identified and addressed, by this they can improve and
practice HOTS by having participating in extracurricular activities, furthermore,
assessing our students level of understanding to various topics is very vital for us
to assist.

2. How does each learning program support the goals and objectives of the

By having positive learning outcomes and develop learning programs that could
help them to achieve their goals and objectives of the curriculum.

3. How does the school monitor and evaluate the implementation of each
learning program?
The institutions monitor and evaluate the implementation of each learning
program, when they can see that there’s a progress especially in different
learning aspects particularly on teaching and learning process.
4. What are the challenges and problems in the implementation of each
learning program?

The challenges and problems in the implementation of each learning program is

the lack of budget and resources.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that
The responsiveness of learning programs is vital part of a curriculum for the
student’s growth or development.

2. I believe that
Extra-curricular and so called co-curricular activities has a big impact to the
student’s growth socially and cognitively.

3. I feel that
In the connection of responsiveness of the learning programs is essential in the
consultation of the learners need, to promote effective learning outcomes and
develop positive engagement.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Ensure that I implement the relevance and responsiveness of the learning
outcomes, since it allows me to give clear instructions to meet the specific needs
and interest of my learners, furthermore being responsive to my students
learning styles, abilities and progress can aid me to adapt the different strategies
that could support an appropriate learning experiences.
LESSON 4 Enriching Teaching Practices through Professional


A. Ask permission from any school to gather the following data and answer the

succeeding questions.

Total Enrolment

Enrolment per Grade Level Grade 7- 291

Grade 8- 326

Grade 9- 329

Grade 10- 287

Number of Sections Per Grade Level 7

Average Class Size 47

Total Number of Teachers 50

Number of Teachers with MA units N/A

Number of Teachers with MA 20

Number of Teachers with Doctorate 3


Number of Master Teachers 3

Average Year of Service for 36


1. Does the school implement a mentoring program for its teachers? How?
Yes, the school implement or provide seminars and training for its educators to
produce enhance their instructional strategies, especially in handling their
student’s behavior.
2. Does the school conduct professional meetings to discuss learning issues
and problems?

Yes, indeed from what I’ve observed it is crucial to observe and conduct
consultations to discuss the different learning outcomes of the school, for them to
recognize the different issues of the school to create an intervention in this

3. Does the school support the continuing education and development of its
teachers? How?

Yes, the institution still continues to support the education to have development
to make sure that their using different kinds of strategies to improve the learner’s
high performance.

4. How do expert teachers help other teachers in improving their teaching


Based on my observation the expert teachers will help their peers to improve
their teaching skills for them to manipulate their students’ needs by producing
positive and secure and safe classroom environment.

5. What are the different collaboration activities available or done by the

teachers to improve their teaching practices?
The different collaboration activities that the school have is training and seminars
through this they can improve and practice their teaching skills, furthermore, it
makes them to grow and develop teaching methodology.

6. Is there an existing academic collaboration between the school/teachers

and higher education institutions? If yes, what forms of collaboration are

Yes, there is an existing academic between collaboration and the school,

teachers and higher education institutions, this include the making of
consultations about the teaching strategies they use in delivering lessons.

B. Ask permission to attend a faculty meeting or a professional meeting in the

school. Answer the following questions:

1. Is sharing of good teaching practices part of the meeting? What types of

good teaching practices are shared?

Yes, it is vital for us to share our good teaching practices, for us to practice and
grow in the field of teaching, because I do believe that everyday has a lesson to
learn that’s why by having this mindset we can explore our knowledge and skills
to promote effective and efficient approach.

2. How do teachers discuss issues and problems related to teaching and


Educators can discuss the issues and problems related to teaching by

addressing all the concerns to have an intervention after and if it is hard to settle
down then asking for some possible solutions is not a bad choice then.

3. How do teachers observe professionalism during the meeting?

They act as what educators must do when they have a formal consultation.

4. Do the teachers include in their agenda how the result of learning

assessment should be utilized to improve instruction?

Yes, the teachers always mention their agenda on how does the learning
assessment will be utilized to improve the education, by conducting a formal
consultations and discuss what are the possible results of their student’s
performances, for them to measure and develop a better strategy that could aid
the improvements of each learners learning.

C. Identify the different continuing education and development programs offered to

teachers to understand the instructional demands of the K to 12 curriculum.

These are the following learnings and training programs offered by the teachers in order to aid the
pedagogical standards of the K-12 curriculums.
• Professional Development Workshops and Seminars.
• Professional Learning Communities.
• Online Courses and Webinars
• Educational Conferences
• Specialized Training for Specific Students or Students Needs

Read the questions carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What are the implications of the data gathered during the preliminary

Educators should recognize their student’s strengths and weaknesses in the

particular areas to prepare and exercise their needs by this we can easily
determine their levels of understanding.

2. How can the school utilize the data to develop better professional
collaboration among teachers to improve their teaching practices?

To develop a better professional collaboration to improve educators teaching

practices, it’s better if the teachers will attend seminars and trainings for the
teachers to enhance and share their teaching styles, to adopt, promote and
create new styles that suitable to every learner’s needs.

3. How can the school promote stronger collaboration among its teachers?

The institutions promote stronger collaborations among its teacher by

encouraging educators to organize any activities in which they can interact and
build positive association with their companion.

4. How does the school support and sustain a culture of excellence among
teachers and other staff?

In order to support and sustain the culture of excellence to have a continuous

improvement among educators and other staff, the institutions must plan,
produce and promotes culture sensitivity, to aid equality and responsibility in the
classroom setting despite of one’s differences.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that
Some educators who are more likely exposed in a variety of teaching services
are the one who can share their expertise and different experience in order to
improve the implementation of the curriculum in the institutions and by this the
teacher can easily deal with their student’s circumstances in the classroom

2. I believe that
If there’s a unity in the workplace, it can build and create a more efficient and
effective learner’s management, by implementing different kinds of strategies and
learnings that other educators embrace to provide the best learnings for their
students that inclined to their students learning capacity and interest.

3. I feel that
By analyzing the different strategies and techniques in the classroom, the
educators can gather more learnings that is appropriate to use in utilizing the
different learning teaching styles that suits for everyone, where they can engage
to have change based on the reality.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Keep in mind the different learnings I have for me to easily deal with a range of
students in school, and make sure that I will recognize and attained every needs
of my learners for me to promote a good relationship with my students to give
serves what’s the best for them.
LESSON 5 Utilizing Teaching and Learning Resources and ICT


A. Identify different teaching and learning resources available in the school.

Categories Examples

Print Modules, hand-out, textbooks

Audiovisual Materials Speaker, microphones, projectors,


Assessment Tools Test exams , projects, quizzes, etc.

Learning Objects Video presentation that is engaging

Visual Materials PowerPoint presentation and Betamax

Audio Materials Speakers, ICT-based materials, computers

ICT-based Materials computers

B. Check whether the school has the following learning resources:


Basic Science Laboratories

Internet Facilities

ICT Laboratory

Technology and Livelihood Education


Audiovisual Room


Guidance Office

Speech Laboratory


Faculty Room

C. Observe the classroom environment.

Criteria for Observation Observed Not Observation/Comments


1. Classrooms are The classroom here New Bataan National High

School are conducive for learning where
conducive for learning.
students can learn effectively.

2. Classrooms have The classroom here in New Bataan National

High School are ventilated and there is enough
enough lighting and
lighting, where the learners are comfortable
enough in their respective classrooms.

3. Classrooms are free of The classrooms here in New Bataan National

High School is secured in any hazard.
any hazard.

4. Classrooms are not The students are freely roam around where the
students can participate in any activity.
5. Classrooms are clean. The SSLG here in New Bataan National High
School always encourages the leaners and
educators to clean their respective rooms and
areas to maintain the cleanliness.

D. Analyze the lesson plans of the cooperating teachers. Examine how

technology is used to support the implementation of particular learning
outcomes. Provide an example.

Learning Outcomes Topics Instructional Materials


Ang mga mag-aaral ay

kritikal na
nakapagsusuri sa mga
pangunahing kaalaman
sa ugnayan ng pwersa
ng demand at suplay, Kahulugan ng ”Demand” Laptop, pictures, markers, TV
at sistema ng pamilihan
bilang batayan ng
pagdedesisyon ng
sambahayan at bahaykalakal
tungo sa
pambansang kaunlaran

E. Observe how technology is used to enhance teaching and learning


Learning Outcomes Instructional Observation

Materials Used
Ang mga mag-aaral ay The teacher is presenting the
kritikal na classifications of people in the society
nakapagsusuri sa mga and let his/her students to classify by
pangunahing kaalaman using the paper and markers for a
Laptop, TV,
sa ugnayan ng pwersa group exercises.
ng demand at suplay, markers, paper

at sistema ng pamilihan
bilang batayan ng
pagdedesisyon ng
sambahayan at bahaykalakal tungo sa
pambansang kaunlaran


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Are there enough teaching and learning resources available in school?

Yes, there are enough teaching and learning resources available in the
institutions for both educators and their students.

2. How are these teaching and learning resources utilized in teaching and

The teaching and learning resources are used in disseminating the teaching and
learning just to present the discussions with clear information and instructions.
3. How do these teaching and learning resources help attain learning

The teaching and learning process is used to assist our student’s in attaining
learning outcomes by recognizing positive relationships with our learners for
them to expand their level of learnings.

4. How do these teaching and learning resources improve the quality of

students learning?

To improve the quality of students learning can assist to the teaching and
learning, since the learners can build their knowledge and can strengthen their
learning approach, values and behavior for them to excel their levels of

5. What teaching and learning resources are lacking in the school?

The internet connection is one of their teaching and learning resources that the
institutions lacks, since they don’t have network that could support the needs of
individuals in the school due to inconsistent connections.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that
Indeed, as I reflect on becoming a teacher, I’ve come to realize that curriculum
and planning are like creating blocks there’s a lot of challenges we experience
just to gathered learning experience for our students.

2. I believe that
Crafting a curriculum isn’t just about the books and other schedules, since it’s all
about creating a knowledge that incline to our student’s needs, furthermore it is
vital for us to carefully chosen for us to cater our student’s needs, to ensure that
everyone finds and develop learnings to work on.

3. I feel that
As an educator one our responsibility is to sit our lessons, we need to create and
design something for our students to explore, learn and grow, and also in
creating lessons for our students we must plan creatively to test the curiosity and
encourage, inspire our learners to think and work independently.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Ensure that I can give a dynamic classroom with enthusiasm and engagement
where each learners can contribute to build unity and guide them to have lifelong

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