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This chapter presents the research design, research respondents,

research instruments, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This research employed a quantitative – descriptive correlational research

design. This quantitative research study involved the use of numerical data that

was descriptively analyze with the aid of computational, statistical, and

mathematical tools. This approach was utilized to describe and quantify the

problem and generate data that can be interpreted using statistical tools to know

the relationship and extent of the problem on hand. According to Bhandari

(2020), quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical

data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal

relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. Moreover, according to

McCombes (2019), descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically

describe a population, situation or phenomenon. Along with this is the

correlational research design which investigates the relationships between two or

more variables and a non-experimental, which means that the researchers does

not manipulate or control any of the variables as defined by Cherry (2023).

Since there is no manipulation of variables in this quantitative study,

descriptive and correlational research design are ideal in gathering the data

quickly especially from a natural setting. Hence, this research design will
describe and investigate the relationship between variables without manipulating

of any of them.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 Senior High School

Students of Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc., located at

Lasang, Davao City.

Research Instrument

In this study the researchers will utilize adopted questionnaires in

measuring the financial literacy and spending habits. The independent variable is

the financial literacy which is divided into four parts based on the indicators

namely: financial education, parental socialization, peer influence, and self-

control. The dependent variable is the spending habits and it is divided into three

parts namely: academic purpose, food, and spending behavior.

Financial Literacy. In measuring the extent of financial literacy, The financial

literacy scale developed by Chai Ming Thung et al. (2011) is a reliable and widely

used tool for measuring financial knowledge and understanding among

individuals. It is a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 15 items that

assess respondents' knowledge.

The financial literacy scale has been validated in various studies and has

demonstrated good psychometric properties, including reliability and construct

validity. It is a valuable tool for researchers, educators, and financial

professionals to assess financial literacy levels among individuals, particularly

university students.

The following parameter limits, with their corresponding descriptions will be

applied to all levels of students’ body image.

Parameter Descriptive Interpretation

Limits Equivalent

4.20 - 5.00 Very High This means that the body image
of students is very much observed
3.40 – 4.19 High This means that the body image of
students is much observed.
2.60 -3.39 Moderate This means that the body image of
students is fairly observed.
1.80 – 2.59 Low This means that the body image of
students is less observed.
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low This means that the body image of
students is not observed.

Spending Habits. In measuring the students’ spending habits, the spending

habits questionnaire developed by Russel N. Fernandez et al. (2020) is a

comprehensive tool for measuring the spending patterns and behaviors of

students, particularly those pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Information Systems (BSAIS) program. It consists of 20 items that assess

students' spending habits across three main categories: academic needs, food

expenses, and personal expenditures.

The spending habits questionnaire has demonstrated good reliability and validity

in assessing the spending patterns of BSAIS students. It provides valuable

insights into students' financial behaviors and can be used to identify areas for

improvement and guide financial education interventions.

The following levels with its corresponding parameter limits, descriptive

equivalent, and interpretations will be followed.

Parameter Descriptive Interpretation

4.20 – 5.00 Very High This means that leadership roles of
student is very much observed.
3.40 – 4.19 High This means that the leadership roles
of students is much observed.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate This means that the leadership roles
of students is fairly observed.

1.80 – 2.59 Low This means that leadership roles of

students is less observed.
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low This means that the leadership roles
of students is not observed.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedures will be conducted through the following


Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. First, the researchers will ask for

a recommendation to conduct a study from the School President through the

School Principal of Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc. Second,

the researchers sought permission from the subject teachers to get information

from their students and provide their copies of the letter of recommendation from

the School President through the School Principal. Lastly, only written consent

and assent were sent to the respondents and their parents for the voluntary

participation of the students in the study. Participation was voluntary and


Seeking Parental Consent and Assent from Respondents. Essentially, the

respondents will be asking to sign an informed consent before starting each

survey, this form will indicate their authorization to be included as respondents in

the research study. Individuals is entitled to make educated decisions for

themselves and to decide whether or not they want to share the data they have,

taking into account the human freedom and independence of the research of the

respondents. The role of the researcher, they will ensure that this and its future

implications have been understood by the subjects.

Administration and Retrieval of Questionnaires. Before the administration of

the instrument, orientation is conducted with the help of the subject teachers

regarding the instructions of the questionnaire. The researchers administered the

questionnaire to the respondents through face to face for both categories. After,

the questionnaire is retrieved immediately from the respondents.

Checking, Organizing, and Processing of Data. After the researchers checked

and collected the questionnaire and made sure all data were set confidential and

anonymous. Afterward, the data is organized and presented in tables and will be
submitted to the official statistician. The results will be analyze and interpreted in

accordance to the purpose of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered in this study will be subjected to the following statistical


Mean. This was used to measure the extent of body image and leadership roles.

This will answer research questions one and two.

Pearson Product - moment Correlation r or Pearson r. This was used to

determine the significant relationship between financial literacy and spending

habits of the students. This will answer research question number three.

Ethical Considerations

To address ethical considerations in this study, the three principles

presented by Krish (2019) were followed. The following are: respect for person:

beneficence; and justice.

Respect for persons. Researchers in the humanities face moral problem

that are specific for their research practices and, arguably, are not encompassed

by the principles in these works either, Iphofen and Tolich (2018). In connection,

the researchers presented an informed consent in this study that incorporated all

relevant study details in a comprehensive form. Furthermore, the respondents

were asked if they willingly agree or declined to have a participation for the study.

The respondents were free to participate freely.

Beneficence. Research should be conducted on something that will be

helpful to the majority of people, researchers have a moral obligation to choose

structure of studies in a way that provides the greatest amount of benefit to

society and the least amount of risk.

Justice. The principles of justice also indicate that questions being asked

in trials should be of relevance to the communities participating in the study.

(AVAC 2022). That is, it should not be the case that one group in society bears

those costs of research while another group reaps benefits. Issues of justice are

most strongly around questions about the selection of participants.

Data Privacy Act. In accordance to the declaration of R.A. No. 10173 or

the Data Privacy Act of 2012, which is to protect the fundamental human right of

privacy, of communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote

innovation and growth. The researchers have taken into account the rights of the

data subjects. In recognition to the constitution and inherent right of the

respondents, the researchers uphold respect towards their privacy in the conduct

of this research.

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