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Assessment 1 Information

Subject Code: DATA4600

Subject Name: Business Analytics Project Management
Part 1 - Case Study Analysis
Assessment Title:
Part 2 - Introduction to Projects Quiz
Part 1 – Individual Written assessment and Video presentation
Assessment Type: Part 2 – Individual online Assessment (multiple choice and written
Part 1A - Written assessment 1200 Words (+/- 10%)
Assessment Limits:
Part 1B – Video presentation 3 minutes (+/- 30 seconds)
30 %
Part 1A Written Assessment = 15%
Part 1B Video Presentation = 10%
Part 2 Online Assessment = 5%
Part 1A Written Assessment = 15 marks
Total Marks:
Part 1B Video Presentation = 10 marks
Part 2 Online Assessment = 5 marks
Submission: Turnitin / MyKBS
Part 1 A & B - Tuesday 23:55pm (AEST) Week 5
Due Date:
Part 2 - Friday 23:55pm (AEST) Week 5

Assessment Description – Case Study

This assessment covers L01 and L03 from the first 4 weeks of the course.

This assessment is to be completed individually. The written assessment will be completed as

Microsoft word report submitted via Turnitin. The presentation will be a video uploaded to KBS.

Imagine you have been tasked with leading a project to assess the adaptation of infrastructure
in petrol stations to accommodate the expected increase in electric vehicles on the roads.

Assessment Overview

PART A – Written Report – 15 Marks (1200 Words)

With the CRISP-DM model as a framework, you will write a report on the case study provided
describing the project set up, the project methodology and your personal recommendations.

PART B – Video Report – 10 Marks (3 minutes)

You will deliver a 3-minute presentation outlining your recommendations specific to the case as if
presenting to a executives for their approval.

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Business case study: How to Adapt Gas Stations for Electric Vehicles

With the popularity of electric vehicles on the rise, there will be more demand for charging stations
throughout Australia, especially when drivers are making longer journeys cross country.

Gas stations are uniquely positioned to adapt to these changes and incorporate charging stations into
their infrastructure. The article below discusses some of the issues and opportunities for gas stations.

Imagine you have been asked to lead the following project. A small team of analytics specialists have
been asked to collaborate with the gas station infrastructure team to place new electric charging
vehicle stations in locations throughout Australia – both metro and rural areas.

The main aim of the project is to perform analytics to identify the best locations for the charging
stations and provide suitable on-going analytics to track and monitor the success and usage of the
new charging station infrastructure.

This assessment is to be completed individually. The written assessment will be completed form of
a report in Microsoft word submitted via Turnitin. The presentation will be a video uploaded to the
KBS system

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Assessment Instructions

Part 1 – Case Study (25 Marks)

PART 1A – Written Paper – 15 Marks (1200 Words)

With the CRISP-DM overall methodology in mind, answer the following questions and produce a
written report.

Section 1 – Project Set-Up (5 marks) (500 Words)

• Introduce the project and define 3-4 key business problems to be solved in relation to this

• Set 2-3 relevant KPI’s for the project. These should be related to the business questions, and
may be concerned with timelines, data collection or analytics methods.

• Describe the specific data required for the project and how it will be used.

Section 2 – Project Methodology (8 marks) (700 words)

• Describe the features of the waterfall project methodology and how it would be specifically
applied to this project.

• Describe the features of one of the newer Agile/Hybrid project methodologies (Scrum,
Kanban,etc.) and how it could be specifically applied to this project.

• Suggest why some of the methodologies may fail in this specific case and which method you
would recommend as the best fit for project success.

• Describe possible issues you may encounter collecting data and using analytics in this
specific project.

Section 3 – Structure, Context and Referencing (2 marks)

• Find at least five supporting references for your report. List the references in Harvard format.
Answers should be in the context of CRISP-DM. Structure your work as a report.

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PART 1B – Video Presentation – 10 Marks (3 minutes)

You are required to prepare and deliver a 3-minute presentation using Zoom (or Kaltura) and upload
this to Kaltura. Instructions on uploading the video into Kaltura will be available in the subject portal

The presentation will provide your recommendations on how the case study outlined above should
be set up and run. Imagine you are delivering the presentation to executives at the petrol company
for their approval of the project to commence.

The presentation should cover the following:

• What is your personal recommendation on how to set up and run the project of adapting
petrol stations for electric vehicles
• What are the benefits of your chosen project methodology compared to other methodologies
• What are the potential issues your proposed project methodology may encounter for this
specific project
• Cover other areas you feel are relevant and important

The video should include the following:

• A clear introduction stating the business problem

• Provide a clear recommendation that can be acted upon
• The video will last 3 minutes with no cuts – imagine this is a live presentation
• The video will show you presenting a set of PowerPoint slides and a clear video image of you
presenting the material
• The presentation contains novel ideas, is well thought out, flows well and is interesting to the

Part 2 – Introduction to Projects Quiz (5 Marks)

• This assessment is to be done individually.

• An online assessment will be completed within MyKBS
• You will be applying concepts related to the first four weeks of your subject to a business case
• The assessment will comprise both multiple choice and written questions
• LO1 and LO3

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Important Study Information

Academic Integrity Policy

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences
of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct

What is academic integrity and misconduct?

What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?

Click here for answers to these questions:

Word Limits for Written Assessments

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point
at which that limit is exceeded.

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

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Assessment Marking Guide – Part 1A

Assessment 1
Part 1A Written Case Study
Has demonstrated limited Has achieved all or most of:

Project Set Up
0-2 3-5 /5

• Project introduction and questions • Project introduction and business

vague or irrelevant problems well integrated and novel in
some way
• Information provided is generic and
not specifically referencing the • Relevant, practical and specific data and
case or the specific project KPIs given, that are measurable and 5
implementable with examples
• KPIs given were too difficult to
implement or not relevant • Very well thought out ideas on the data to
be collected and used
• Data suggested is too general or
not practical

Project Methodology
0-4 5-8 /8

• Features of the waterfall method • All features of the waterfall method well
not well explained, generic and not explained with strong reference to the
specific to this case application to this case. Method was
applied in an engaging way and in context.

• Detailed features of the newer • Detailed features of the newer method well
method not clear, generic and not explained and applied to this specific case
specific to this case in an engaging way in context 8

• Explanation regarding issues and • Explanation regarding potential issues and

deployment missing or too general the best methodologies for success well
articulated and specific to this case

• Data collection and analytics issues • Issues regarding data collection and
not well thought out analytics well explained

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Structure, Context and Referencing

0-1 1-2 /2

Structure Structure
• Not appropriate for a report • Appropriate for a report
• Does not flow • Flows well
• No novelty or not engaging • Has novelty and is very engaging

Context Context
• Answers are not in the context • Answers are in the context of CRiSP-
Referencing Referencing
• References are missing or not • Five or more references are present
in order • Relevant and clear
• Not relevant • In text references are related to the
• In text references are not paragraphs in which they appear
related to the paragraphs in • Harvard referencing style was used
which they appear correctly
• Harvard referencing style
was not used

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Assessment Marking Guide – Part 1B

Assessment 1
Part 1B Video Presentation
Has demonstrated limited Has achieved all or most of:

Recommendations and Content

0-3 4-6 /6

• Vague and generic • Clear, specific recommendations provided

recommendation that are not with specific reasons for choices made
specific to this case relevant to this case

• Generic or non-specific articulation • Clear articulation of the benefits of the

of the benefits or issues associated chosen methodology with specific 6
with the chosen methodology examples and comparison to other project
• Little evidence of comparison of the
chosen methodology to other • Specific evidence of potential issues
project methodologies. outlined and mitigation strategies

Style and Novelty

0-2 3-4 /4

• The presentation is not clear • The presentation is clear, has interesting

and novel ideas and presents in an
• The slides are not clear including engaging manner
too many words that are not
summarised • Excellent slide deck with clear, simple
• The presenter is reading the slides
or reading from a prepared script • The presenter and their slides are clear
with strong evidence of rehearing the

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Assessment Marking Guide – Part 2

Assessment 1 – Part 2
Introduction to Projects Quiz
Has demonstrated limited Has achieved all or most of:

0-2 3-5 /5

• Questions not answered correctly • Questions answered correctly

• Written answers completed well

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Assignment Submission

Students must submit their individual analysis via Turnitin on Tuesday of Week 5 at
23:55pm AEDT.

This file must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document to avoid any technical issues
that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be
considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is any issue with the
submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief
description of the issue and a screen shot of the Turnitin error message.

Students are also encouraged to submit their work well in advance of the time deadline to
avoid any possible delay with Turnitin similarity report generation or any other technical

Late assignment submission penalties

Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan
Business School’s Assessment Policy.
Number of Penalty
1* - 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the student’s total
10 - 14 days 50% deducted from the student’s total marks.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the
due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero
for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given
a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been
returned to students.

*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after deadline will be
considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty.

If you are unable to complete this assessment by the due date/time, please refer to the
Special Consideration Application Form, which is available at the end of the KBS
Assessment Policy:

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