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I'm Madan p currently pursuing my final year bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronics

Engineering at Panimalar Engineering College. Mrs. Christina Mam was taking about interview skills
for the first week of training the session was very useful to analyse myself and also done my swot
analysis. Mam gave us a live action of how a interview would be conducted . The next week technical
classes started and our instructor name was Mr.Mahesh. He started the classes with general
mechanical concepts such as IC engine ,mechanical properties, vehicle components ,etc ; further he
proceeded to take classes upon what is an electrical vehicle what are the types available in the
current market trend and the major parts needed for the EV. Then after that we were give classes on
hybrid vehicles its framework ,their gear trains and some of the major and relevant topics. The topic
which is personal to me is electric hybrid vehicles in that topic I have gave a presentation and sir also
thought some important components in electrical core .Then in middle of the week we were
instructed to come to the EV training center in St.ThomasMount Montfort School ,since it was
mandatory for us to atleast complete one week of training in the center, here we wet with our
current instructor Mr.Duraikannan .In the first class we introduced ourself to him and get to know
each other, he started his classes with the Exhaust system of a IC engine , then we got to learn about
several electrical and mechanical concepts thanks to the seminar session arranged by the instructor
which was helpful in a way to determine how we were performing under pressure. Then we got to
learn about extinguishers and the types which was surprisingly interesting.I loved the teach back
session where the topics taken in the previous class were given as a recap session the next day so
the doubts could be clarified and all the topics were made sure to be covered .The audit sessions
were great so we got to interact with the faculty who were responsible for the program . Overall I
loved the program and would definitely recommend this to my friends and colleagues in the future.

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