A37932 Nguyễn Ánh Hồng

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WEEK 1 (CAM 16 TEST 1)



The number of correct answers: 35/40

PART 1: 10/10 PART 2: 9/10 PART 3: 9/10 PART 4: 7/10

Choose the reasons why I got wrong answers:

A. I was getting too lazy to listen and second guess myself

B. I couldn’t concentrate while listening
C. I could hear and note down the words, but they are misspelled
D. I failed to identify paraphrases
E. I didn’t understand the conversations/ talks

Question types needed revising:

- Map questions

- Matching questions

- Short-answer questions


The number of correct answers: 31/40

Passage 1: 13

Passage 2: 10

Passage 3: 8

Choose the reasons why I got wrong answers:

A. I was getting too lazy to read and second guess myself

B. I misunderstood the question
C. I didn’t understand the text
D. I couldn’t finish the test on time

Question types needed revising:

- Matching headings

- T/F/NG


(What you’ve learned from reading passages and/ or listening parts)

1. List some facts you have learned about polar bears.
-> can reach -40C because of having fat underneath their skin;
-> femal polar bear can fast for about 6 months.
-> their bones is still strong after 6 months of fasting
-> They bring medical benefits
2. Should we protect endangered species such as polar bears? Why or why not?
-> We should protect endangered species such as polar bears because they bring many advantages such as
the biodiversity preservation and healthy ecosystem maintenance.
3. What's inside the step pyramid of Djoser?
-> The step pyramid of Djoser includes include a temple, courtyards, shrines, and living quarters for the
4. How were the Egyptian pyramids built?
-> Egyptian pyramids was built by stacking stone slabs on top of one another, progressively making them
smaller, to form the shape.
5. Will machines replace humans in the future of work?
-> No. “If in 30 years, half of 100 jobs are being carried out by robots, that doesn’t mean we are left with
just 50 jobs for humans. The number of jobs will increase.”
6. What is stoicism? What are stoicism principles? Why is stoicism still relevant today?

-> Stoicism is the most practical of all philosophies and the most appealing.

-> Stoicism principles are happiness achieved by leading a vỉtuous life, controlling emotions, controlling
choices and negative experiences

At least 15 words and their synonyms/ antonyms (the words you have learned from Teacher’s handouts
and/or Cam 16 + 17)
1. aggravate – exacerbate – worsen – degrade >< improve (E.g.:- exacerbate the environment)
2. majestic – magnificant – marvelous - glorious >< humble – unimpressive (E.g.: majestic animal)
3. subsistence – livelihood – independence – maintenance >< poverty – deficiency ( E.g.: Subsistence

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