Abraham Lincoln

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Hello everyone! I’m Hermon Jason Lessly from Grade I Birmingham. I have come
here to share a few words about the 16 th president of America, Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th February 1809 in Kentucky to Thomas and
Nancy Lincoln. Being born into a poor family he faced many difficulties yet he
never gave up. He self-educated himself to be a lawyer. He was nicknamed as
“Honest Abe” because of his honesty and truthfulness. In 1832 he started his career
in politics. After many hardships, he became the 16 th president of America in the
year 1860. His determination and leadership helped the Union win the Civil War,
putting an end to slavery and ensuring nation's equality and freedom. Sadly,
Abraham Lincoln's life was tragically cut short when he was assassinated by John
Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. His death was a darkest period in American
history, but his legacy as a great leader and champion of freedom continues to be
celebrated and remembered to this day. Hereby I’m ending this speech with a
golden words quoted by him.
“Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people”

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