Cleaning Roster

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Every AM Shift: Every PM Shift

Wash & dry staff linen Sweep kitchen floor

Empty & reline office & client bathroom bins Wash any dirty dishes

Spray n wipe kitchen benches Refill toilet rolls Place any YP belongings from
common areas outside their bedroom door
Put away any clean dishes

Disinfect & brush toilets

Mon PM
Empty & reline bins
Vacuum covered floors, including office

Check balances on XS cards & update as needed.

Email card balances to Kathie

Tues PM
Tues Am
Unpack groceries
Clean & wipe out all fridges. Discard any leftovers
Wipe over TVs
Clean out pantry

Clean client bathroom, shower & toilet

Wed PM
Wed AM
File all loose paperwork
Sweep & mop all hard floors
Thurs PM
Clean staff bathroom, shower & toilet
Vacuum/sweep hard floors including sleepover
Put bins out for collection
Thurs AM
Print new Incentives & pocket money balances.
Vacuum covered floors, including office
Fri PM
Vacuum car
Sweep & mop all hard floors
Fri AM
Clean out car
Clean client bathroom, shower & toilet
Sat PM
Tidy laundry & storage areas
Wipe over kitchen cupboard doors
Sat AM
Sweep rear patio & front verandah.
Clean Oven & line base with foil
Shake out floor mats & rugs
Wash sleepover mattress protector

Vacuum/sweep hard floors including sleepover

Sun PM
Sun AM
Print & update rosters (fortnightly)
Clean staff bathroom & toilet
Remind (assist if needed) YP to clean bedrooms
Spray n wipe kitchen benches

Put away any clean dishes

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