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December 18, 2023

[16]: from math import exp

# Calculate neuron activation for an input

def activate(weights, inputs):
activation = weights[-1]
for i in range(len(weights)-1):
activation += weights[i] * inputs[i]
return activation

# Transfer neuron activation

def transfer(activation):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-activation))

# Forward propagate input to a network output

def forward_propagate(network, row):
inputs = row
for layer in network:
new_inputs = []
for neuron in layer:
activation = activate(neuron['weights'], inputs)
neuron['output'] = transfer(activation)
inputs = new_inputs
return inputs

# Make a prediction with a network

def predict(network, row):
outputs = forward_propagate(network, row)
return outputs.index(max(outputs))

# Test making predictions with the network

dataset = [[2.7810836,2.550537003,0],

network = [[{'weights': [-1.482313569067226, 1.8308790073202204, 1.
↪078381922048799]}, {'weights': [0.23244990332399884, 0.3621998343835864, 0.


[{'weights': [2.5001872433501404, 0.7887233511355132, -1.

↪1026649757805829]}, {'weights': [-2.429350576245497, 0.8357651039198697, 1.


for row in dataset:

prediction = predict(network, row)
print('Expected=%d, Got=%d' % (row[-1], prediction))

Expected=0, Got=0
Expected=0, Got=0
Expected=0, Got=0
Expected=0, Got=0
Expected=0, Got=0
Expected=1, Got=1
Expected=1, Got=1
Expected=1, Got=1
Expected=1, Got=1
Expected=1, Got=1

[22]: from math import exp

from random import seed
from random import random

# Initialize a network
def initialize_network(n_inputs, n_hidden, n_outputs):
network = list()
hidden_layer = [{'weights':[random() for i in range(n_inputs + 1)]} for␣
↪i in range(n_hidden)]

output_layer = [{'weights':[random() for i in range(n_hidden + 1)]} for␣
↪i in range(n_outputs)]

return network

# Calculate neuron activation for an input

def activate(weights, inputs):
activation = weights[-1]
for i in range(len(weights)-1):
activation += weights[i] * inputs[i]
return activation

# Transfer neuron activation
def transfer(activation):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-activation))

# Forward propagate input to a network output

def forward_propagate(network, row):
inputs = row
for layer in network:
new_inputs = []
for neuron in layer:
activation = activate(neuron['weights'], inputs)
neuron['output'] = transfer(activation)
inputs = new_inputs
return inputs

# Calculate the derivative of an neuron output

def transfer_derivative(output):
return output * (1.0 - output)

# Backpropagate error and store in neurons

def backward_propagate_error(network, expected):
for i in reversed(range(len(network))):
layer = network[i]
errors = list()
if i != len(network)-1:
for j in range(len(layer)):
error = 0.0
for neuron in network[i + 1]:
error += (neuron['weights'][j] *␣

for j in range(len(layer)):
neuron = layer[j]
errors.append(neuron['output'] - expected[j])
for j in range(len(layer)):
neuron = layer[j]
neuron['delta'] = errors[j] *␣

# Update network weights with error

def update_weights(network, row, l_rate):
for i in range(len(network)):
inputs = row[:-1]
if i != 0:
inputs = [neuron['output'] for neuron in network[i - 1]]

for neuron in network[i]:
for j in range(len(inputs)):
neuron['weights'][j] -= l_rate *␣
↪neuron['delta'] * inputs[j]

neuron['weights'][-1] -= l_rate * neuron['delta']

# Train a network for a fixed number of epochs

def train_network(network, train, l_rate, n_epoch, n_outputs):
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
sum_error = 0
for row in train:
outputs = forward_propagate(network, row)
expected = [0 for i in range(n_outputs)]
expected[row[-1]] = 1
sum_error += sum([(expected[i]-outputs[i])**2 for i in␣

backward_propagate_error(network, expected)
update_weights(network, row, l_rate)
print('>epoch=%d, lrate=%.3f, error=%.3f' % (epoch, l_rate,␣

# Test training backprop algorithm

dataset = [[2.7810836,2.550537003,0],
n_inputs = len(dataset[0]) - 1
n_outputs = len(set([row[-1] for row in dataset]))
network = initialize_network(n_inputs, 2, n_outputs)
train_network(network, dataset, 1, 60, n_outputs)
for layer in network:

>epoch=0, lrate=1.000, error=5.969

>epoch=1, lrate=1.000, error=5.314
>epoch=2, lrate=1.000, error=4.825
>epoch=3, lrate=1.000, error=4.109
>epoch=4, lrate=1.000, error=3.437
>epoch=5, lrate=1.000, error=2.821
>epoch=6, lrate=1.000, error=2.331

>epoch=7, lrate=1.000, error=1.937
>epoch=8, lrate=1.000, error=1.621
>epoch=9, lrate=1.000, error=1.365
>epoch=10, lrate=1.000, error=1.157
>epoch=11, lrate=1.000, error=0.989
>epoch=12, lrate=1.000, error=0.855
>epoch=13, lrate=1.000, error=0.747
>epoch=14, lrate=1.000, error=0.659
>epoch=15, lrate=1.000, error=0.586
>epoch=16, lrate=1.000, error=0.527
>epoch=17, lrate=1.000, error=0.476
>epoch=18, lrate=1.000, error=0.434
>epoch=19, lrate=1.000, error=0.397
>epoch=20, lrate=1.000, error=0.366
>epoch=21, lrate=1.000, error=0.339
>epoch=22, lrate=1.000, error=0.315
>epoch=23, lrate=1.000, error=0.294
>epoch=24, lrate=1.000, error=0.275
>epoch=25, lrate=1.000, error=0.258
>epoch=26, lrate=1.000, error=0.244
>epoch=27, lrate=1.000, error=0.230
>epoch=28, lrate=1.000, error=0.218
>epoch=29, lrate=1.000, error=0.207
>epoch=30, lrate=1.000, error=0.197
>epoch=31, lrate=1.000, error=0.188
>epoch=32, lrate=1.000, error=0.179
>epoch=33, lrate=1.000, error=0.172
>epoch=34, lrate=1.000, error=0.165
>epoch=35, lrate=1.000, error=0.158
>epoch=36, lrate=1.000, error=0.152
>epoch=37, lrate=1.000, error=0.146
>epoch=38, lrate=1.000, error=0.141
>epoch=39, lrate=1.000, error=0.136
>epoch=40, lrate=1.000, error=0.131
>epoch=41, lrate=1.000, error=0.127
>epoch=42, lrate=1.000, error=0.123
>epoch=43, lrate=1.000, error=0.119
>epoch=44, lrate=1.000, error=0.115
>epoch=45, lrate=1.000, error=0.112
>epoch=46, lrate=1.000, error=0.109
>epoch=47, lrate=1.000, error=0.105
>epoch=48, lrate=1.000, error=0.103
>epoch=49, lrate=1.000, error=0.100
>epoch=50, lrate=1.000, error=0.097
>epoch=51, lrate=1.000, error=0.095
>epoch=52, lrate=1.000, error=0.092
>epoch=53, lrate=1.000, error=0.090
>epoch=54, lrate=1.000, error=0.088

>epoch=55, lrate=1.000, error=0.086
>epoch=56, lrate=1.000, error=0.084
>epoch=57, lrate=1.000, error=0.082
>epoch=58, lrate=1.000, error=0.080
>epoch=59, lrate=1.000, error=0.078
[{'weights': [-1.9598419667150966, 2.6239832962806067, 1.3882488579080972],
'output': 0.012004364044413891, 'delta': 0.00047484739603003887}, {'weights':
[-1.2471410186511618, 1.581638968485985, 0.7999207962427648], 'output':
0.04034348306913755, 'delta': 0.0007190111183387699}]
[{'weights': [3.8149956061436465, 2.203918566765813, -2.696403338915056],
'output': 0.07196576384975523, 'delta': 0.00480635535395085}, {'weights':
[-4.288688346420154, -1.5764744416485663, 2.6481765752481286], 'output':
0.9260832267280501, 'delta': -0.005059831082476945}]

[21]: import math

# Initial weights and biases

W13 = 0.1
W14 = 0.4
W23 = 0.8
W24 = 0.6
W35 = 0.3
W45 = 0.9

# Inputs
X1 = 0.5
X2 = 0.6

# Target output
target_output = 0.5

# Learning rate
alpha = 1.0

# Forward Pass
Y3 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-(W13 * X1 + W23 * X2)))
Y4 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-(W14 * X1 + W24 * X2)))
Y5 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-(W35 * Y3 + W45 * Y4)))

# Error calculation
error = 0.5 * (target_output - Y5)**2

# Backward Pass (Gradient Descent)

dE_dY5 = Y5 - target_output
dY5_dz5 = Y5 * (1 - Y5)
delta5 = dE_dY5 * dY5_dz5

dE_dW35 = delta5 * Y3
dE_dW45 = delta5 * Y4

# Update weights
W35 = W35 - alpha * dE_dW35
W45 = W45 - alpha * dE_dW45

# Another Forward Pass with Updated Weights

new_Y5 = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-(W35 * Y3 + W45 * Y4)))

# Print results
print("Value of Y3:", Y3)
print("Value of Y4:", Y4)
print("Error:", error)
print("Final Output Y5:", new_Y5)
print("Updated Weights:")
print("W13:", W13)
print("W14:", W14)
print("W23:", W23)
print("W24:", W24)
print("W35:", W35)
print("W45:", W45)

Value of Y3: 0.6294831119673949

Value of Y4: 0.6364525402815664
Error: 0.016509687447868068
Final Output Y5: 0.6748179335379595
Updated Weights:
W13: 0.1
W14: 0.4
W23: 0.8
W24: 0.6
W35: 0.2751807037581705
W45: 0.874905912738877

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