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西 南 财 经 大 学


专 业 Enterprise Management

研 究 方 向 Brand Management

选 题 名 称 Brand Equity Under the Shock of Technology

Transformation: the Case of the Chinese Automobile Market

指 导 教 师 JIN ZHANG

论文起止日期 2023-12-13

填表时间: 2023 年 12 月 13 日
填 表 说 明










Topic and topic source
Brand equity under the shock of technology transformation:

The case of the Chinese automobile market

This topic comes from the supervisor’s research project

The significance and purpose of this research
Brand equity is an important component of modern firms’ assets, serving as a
valuable intangible asset that contributes significantly to a company's overall value.
A successful management of brand equity is critical to a firm’s survival and growth
and thus is an important part of a firm's business strategy. This strategic approach
aims to maintain the positive perceptions and associations consumers have about a
brand thereby influencing their buyingpurchase decisions and loyalty. In the ever-
shifting automotive industry landscape, major companies such as Volkswagen,
Toyota, and BMW, which have always been associated with the roar of the
gasoline or diesel engine, are embarking on the electric vehicle (EV), which is
challenging customary brand perceptions that are linked with gasoline or diesel

Brand equity comes under various shocks in today’s dynamic business world. A
particular type of shock is brand extension, a strategic move where a firm decides
to broaden its product or service offerings under an existing brand name. The
decision of a company to undergo brand extension, whether passively motivated or
actively pursued due to certain factors, shakes its Brand brand Equityequity. Such
uncertainty arises from the possible dilution of established brand perceptions and
difficulties in maintaining consistent brand associations across various product
lines. The shift towards electric vehicles as a major brand extension for automakers
is an example of such difficulty.

The electrification of the automobile market that is happening globally, especially

in the Chinese market provides such an example of brand extension. Major
companies such as Volkswagen, Toyota, and BMW, which have always been
associated with the roar of the gasoline or diesel engine, are embarking on the
electric vehicle (EV), which is challenging customary brand perceptions that are
linked with gasoline or diesel engines. As major automotive players, including
Volkswagen, Toyota, and BMW, shift from traditional gasoline engines to electric
vehicles (EVs), they are navigating uncharted territory in terms of brand equity.
This metamorphosis transcends technological progress and necessitates a holistic
comprehension of brand image as well as customer needs given that sustainability
takes center stage in the automotive industry plot. Brands redefine themselves not
just as manufacturers but also as pioneers in sustainable mobility solutions.

There are few research studies on the impact of the EV revolution on brand equity
in the literature. There are articles on the topic of technology transformation, brand
equity, and other relative domains such as brand extension, but there is no study
that connects all of these areas.

In this thesis, I will study the brand equities of automobile firms in the Chinese
market, exploring the intricacies of how different brands manage and adapt their
brand equities during the electrification process. The focus of this paper is to
understand the brand equities of different companies, how have they changed along
the way of electrification, and why these changes happened. This study will provide
insights into how market value and technological development interact in
automotive brand extension and the effect it leaves on the brand premium, as well
as provide a comprehensive assessment of the dynamic business of China's
automobile industry, which has become more well-known in recent years for its EV
brands. For sustainable success as electric vehicles become increasingly entrenched
in product portfolios, it becomes important to appreciate the transitions happening
in brand equity.

Research Question
As the The keycentral question of my thesis, s driving this research in electric
vehicle (EV) evolution: I will study

Hhow the brand premium has been changing under the EV transformation
shock and what the driving forces are?. Specifically, my study aims to

which aims to reveal and understand reveal the subtle changes in consumer
behavior and attitudes as the automotive industry goes through this technological
transformation. This study not only examines the direct impact but also provides a
perspective that allows experts and business professionals to understand the
significant changes in product category in the evolution of electric vehicles.

Relative literature
Given my research question, This literatthree lines of studies are most relevant: ure
review explores three interrelated concepts that provide insight into brand equity
and its measurement, the value proposition of products, the evolutionbrand
extension and its impact on brand equity, of sustained prand oduct success and
failure, and the third, how the evolution of EV adoption may impact on auto
industry among established brands.
Brand equity and its measurement

Many scholars have provided deep understanding of these issues and areas.
Following Dilawar Sadiq's (2020) research on the impact of product equity in the
automotive industry, he investigated the automotive industry marketing strategy.
Sadiq takes a closer look at the relationship between relationships in business and
highlights how brand equity is important in influencing consumer thinking and
behavior. In the context of China's automotive industry's transition to electric
vehicles, Sadiq's work illuminates the important role of brand equity in
guiding consumers and businesses to position themselves. As companies
grapple with technological change, this study provides a better understanding
of the impact of parallel businesses on the evolving automotive industry.

Going one step further, Kevin Keller and Tim Brexendorf (2019) emphasize the
important role of product equity assessment. His Their work provides a strong
foundation that goes beyond traditional measurements and examines the tangible
and intangible aspects of brand value. Keller and Bressendorf's insight play an
important role in the context of the auto industry, especially in China, where
the market is shifting to electric cars. Their model helps brands evaluate the
effectiveness of their strategies and guides them through the complexities of
managing business parallels in the face of technological disruption.

Evaluation of product equity measurement is the main problem in Rong Huang and
Emine Sarıgollu's (2014) research. The research delves into the complexities of
consumer behavior and marketing, providing a better understanding of the various
ways to assess brand loyalty. For businesses in China, this is particularly important
because brands face the challenge of redefining their image in the electric car era.
Huang and Sarigollu's findings provide a way for brands to assess and improve
their loyalty in the face of changing consumer preferences.

P. Chitramani and Deepa S's (2013) study provides a comprehensive overview of

equity valuation types. This study provides important insights into the holistic
approach adopted to measure product equity. It is important to understand these
differences in the context of China's automotive industry transformation. Brands
can use this information to develop effective measurement strategies that will
enable them to capture the nuances of brand value during the transition to electric

Marta Oliveira, Rodrigo Study of Stock Chain Types and Measurement Methods
Heldt, Cleo Silveira and Fernando Luce (2023) provide a modern perspective on
the evolution of stock markets. As the Chinese automobile brand competes with
technological influence, this study sheds light on understanding how brand
value can be built and in various ways. The insights gained from this research
will be useful for brands looking to manage and develop the complexity of their
brand values in a rapidly changing environment.

Molly Espey and Santosh Nair (2008) add resonance to the consumer voice on the
oil industry. Their research examines the US start-up market in 2001 and shows
how consumers perceive and act on the benefits associated with fuel development.
As China's automotive industry accelerates, this information plays a role in guiding
brands through changes in consumer preferences and environmental awareness.
Taken together, these studies provide consistent guidance for the Chinese
automotive industry, where product equity is affected by technological change.

Brand Extension: Dynamics of Success and Failure

Brand extension is a marketing strategy where a company uses its brand name to
create new products or enter a different market segment. This strategy aims to
encourage good associations and loyalty built around existing brands to encourage
faster recognition and acceptance of new products. The impact of product
continuity on product equity has been the subject of extensive research examining
endorsement, confidence, and knowledge of parenting goals concerning continuous
products. In particular, Ahmed et al. (2011) examined in depth the case of Johnson
in the UK and investigated how the brand continues to influence the parent brand.
The findings show that the success of the brand continues to have a positive impact
on the parent brand and highlight the importance of careful planning and effective
management and development of the product balance.

In examining consumer attitudes toward brand extensions, Ahmed et al. (2015)

presented a complex task that consistently involved accepting or rejecting objects.
This study investigates how consumers' perceptions and attitudes toward parenting
brands influence their reactions to product extensions. Similarly, Alavinasab et al.
(2017) investigated the impact of brand continuity strategies on the role of
consumer perception in creating brand continuity. Understanding consumer
behavior is important because it has a direct impact on retention or switching of the
same product during the development of new products within the same brand.

Comprehensive research on the impact of product continuity on product

profitability includes analysis of direct and indirect effects. Dwivedi and Merrilees
(2010) introduced a framework for understanding product extension offerings by
considering the interaction between the parent brand and the product extension.
This approach goes beyond the immediate impact of sales or market share to
address the long-term impact on business operations. Brand extension is a nuanced
concept that, at its core, requires a deep understanding of customer needs,
preferences, and interactions between existing and related products.

Electric Vehicle Transformation: Impact on Brand Dynamics

Electric vehicle transformation is the acid test for brand dynamics. When a
traditional auto maker starts making EV, it has just essentially started a brand
extension. Jiang et al. (2021), Razmjoo et al. (2022), and Koch et al. (2011)
demonstrated the complexity of consumer thinking and business preferences in the
age of electric vehicles. Brands like Tesla and NIO embody the symbiotic
relationship between brand purpose, technological innovation, and consumer
experience. As Vranesevic et al. (2016-17) point out, businesses need to have a
strong core brand when entering the electronics space as did Joshi and Yadav
(2007). The literature review concludes by highlighting interrelated concepts such
as measuring product quality, understanding product sustainability, and
highlighting the evolution of EV adoption. This common sense determines the
brand's quest to succeed in the ever-evolving automotive industry.


Put here all the papers you cite above

The main content and the requirement of this research
To thoughtfully present the gap between powerful products in the evolution of
electric vehicles (EV), this article created a campaign plan detailing the importance
and opportunities. The plan is presented as follows:

To answer the central research question of this thesis, the following analyses are

Brand equity measurement with the Hedonic Model

Using the hedonic model, an optimal method to examine the brand in depth is an
important part of our strategic plan. This relevant way will reveal the level of
premium products in the Chinese car market, showing the perfect combination of
well-known manufacturers and special advantages for individual models. In the face
of unique technological change, hedonic models serve as a guide for comprehending
the complexities of the type of analysis.

Brand equity

Brand equity is a multifaceted concept that includes the value that the brand adds to
the product, going beyond its functional features, and the bond that includes the
customer's emotions, feelings, and relationships. It is an indicator that measures the
strength and economic impact of the target. Product equity evaluation involves
assessing customer needs, trust, awareness, and the impact of the product on
purchasing decisions. For example, products with high loyalty will command higher
prices and help sustain business by satisfying loyal customers. In the context of
examining the impact of technological change on product equity in the Chinese
automobile industry, managing and improving product value is important for
automobile manufacturers to switch to electric vehicles (EVs). As the automotive
industry evolves, maintaining continuity, increasing reliability, and being responsive
to changing customer preferences are critical to the management and growth of the
same business. Companies like Tesla embody a successful combination of
technological innovation, sustainability, and customer experience and show how
fairness can be improved in the time of the electric car.

A key part of our program introduces the art of brand extensions and explains how
Chinese automakers are continuing their legacy in the presence of electric vehicles
(EVs). Different "Brand Extension Strategy" covers a set of methods used by
automotive brands to expand their product range. These ideas range from
introducing new models and categories to turning to other energy sources. Theory
suggests that the effectiveness of these strategies has a positive impact on all types
of parental fairness. These explanations highlight the areas of continuity, trust, and
customer responsiveness, providing a better understanding of how brands change in
response to technological change.

Brand equity change to technology transformation

Changes in the brand equity of the Chinese automotive industry due to technological
change are important for our research. As seen in the statement, this change is
related to the emergence of electric vehicles (EV), changes in consumer preferences,
and technological developments. The main theme has been carefully designed to
form the intellectual basis of our research by delving into the interaction between
market prices, market impacts, and the challenges caused by electric cars, especially
in China.

Drawing insights from the seminal work of Jiang et al. (2021), Razmjoo et al.
(2022), and Koch et al. (2011), the narrative illustrates the negative nature of
consumer sentiment and business preferences in the age of electric vehicles. More
importantly, brands like Tesla and NIO; The goals exemplify the relationship
between technological innovation and customer experience. Vranesevic et al. (2007)
state that companies need to strengthen their missions when entering the electronics
sector, which is an important aspect of social cohesion.

In the unfolding story, the central idea is carefully shaped to become the intellectual
foundation of our investigation. The framework combines brand value, trade
barriers, and unique challenges arising from the electrification of the Chinese
automotive industry. Our conceptual fabric is enriched with a wealth of information
on lessons taught by thought leaders on brand management and technology

The main stage, progress, and completion time
The estimated completion time for this research is approximately three months. This
phase involves data analysis, formulating research questions, developing a
qualitative model, collecting data, checking facts, interpreting the results, and
translating the research results into a research report. Successful completion of each
stage within the specified time will ensure the accuracy and precision of the research
to solve the gap in the educational understanding of the justice genre in the context
of change in technology change in the automobile industry in China.

Literature Survey (September 2023)

 Review and analyze existing literature on the automotive industry,

brand equity, and challenges related to the transition to electric

 Identify key concepts, theories, and insights from relevant studies.

Data Collection and Processing

Initial Estimation

 Establish a framework for data collection, outlining key

variables and sources.

 Collect preliminary data on market trends, brand

performance, and consumer attitudes toward electric vehicles.

Initial Draft of Thesis

 Begin structuring the thesis, incorporating insights from the

literature review and initial data findings.

 Develop an outline for the research questions, methodology,

and qualitative model.

Second Estimation

 Refine the data collection process based on the initial findings

and gaps identified in the literature.

 Collect more comprehensive and targeted data to address

specific research questions.

Final Draft of Thesis

 Analyze the collected data using appropriate tools, such as

Stata, to derive meaningful insights.

 Interpret the results and conclude the effect of the electric

vehicle transition on brand equity in the Chinese automotive
Estimated Completion Time: Three Months

 Ensure each stage is completed within the specified time frame to

guarantee the accuracy and precision of the research.

 Conclude the study with an inclusive report addressing the

educational gap in understanding the justice genre amid technological
changes in the Chinese automobile industry.

Methodology, measures

Hypothesis Development

H1: The Emotional Continuum of Brand Equity

The emotional resonance between consumers and automotive brands forms

a continuum of brand equity, influencing the loyalty of the parent brand
within the competitive automotive landscape.

This hypothesis assumes that consumers' perception of the relationship between

automobile brands will affect brand equity. Reference Ahmed et al. (2011) and
Martinez Chernatony (2004), historical data, customer feedback, and success
stories of the automotive industry will be examined. By examining these
elements, this study intends to demonstrate that emotional intelligence leads to
parental trust, acceptance, and, ultimately, customer loyalty. These references
serve as analytical pillars for establishing the existence and significance of
emotional choice in shaping brand equity.

H2: Decoding Variables' Influence on Perception

Power type, brand, and model complexities play a significant role in shaping
consumer perceptions and preferences within the automotive industry.

Inspired by the work of Buil et al. (2009) and Estes et al. (2012), this theory
posits that variables such as power type, type, and complexity of a particular
vehicle model play an important role in consumers' decisions. Through analysis
of consumer preferences and social studies, this study focuses on the impact of
these changes on how consumers view and evaluate cars. The concept aims to
provide insight into the different formations of the automobile market by linking
these changes with customer preferences.

H3: Unveiling Temporal Transformations in Brand Premiums

The brand premiums of electric vehicle (EV) models will exhibit temporal
changes compared to traditional gas engine-producing brands in the Chinese
automobile market over more than ten years.

Schemes from Herath and Riyas (2022) and Sing et al. (2012), this theory focuses
on the evolution of premium products over time. This study aims to reveal price
changes in the Chinese automobile industry by comparing the electricity of the
electric vehicle (EV) model and the electric vehicle model in the long term.
Historical data covering more than a decade will form the basis of this research
and provide a better understanding of how products change over time according
to market conditions.

H4: Hybrid Narratives and Market Niche Dynamics

Normal and Hybrid brands, successful in traditional markets, may face

challenges in the emerging electric vehicle (EV) market due to the dichotomy
between known success factors and the uncertainties of the EV market.

Inspired by Vranesevic et al. (2007) and Joshi Yadav (2016), this theory explores
the fate of normal gas engines and hybrid models in the automotive industry. This
shows that success in the traditional market cannot guarantee a transition to the
electric vehicle (EV) market. This study aims to gain an understanding of the
changes in transition in the automobile industry by examining the dilemma
between perceived success and the challenges posed by the electric vehicle
industry. This review will shed light on the problems hybrid types face in the
transition to electric vehicles and the effect on their brand premium.


This proposal presents an economic model that examines the relationship

between business continuity and parent-company investment in the automotive
industry. Here aim to present a model of recovery inspired by research and
previous literature and to suggest implications for further educational

The empirical model The econometric model is a powerful regression model

designed to show the impact of continuous production on the parent company's
investment in the automotive industry. It goes beyond traditional price analysis to
include various details such as car make, model, category, power type, engine
specifications, gearbox, warranty details and premium price. The model utilizes
the following hedonic regression equation with semi-log transformation:



Where “Price” represents the dependent variable.

“Price”, a fundamental economic indicator, serves as the dependent variable in

this hedonic model. It represents the market valuation of automotive products and
is influenced by various factors, including brand equity.
The dependent variables are as follows:

“BRAND” represents different brand identities within the automotive industry.

BRAND plays a significant role in shaping customer perceptions and influences
the pricing of automotive products.

“BRAND_CATEGORIES” Classifying automotive products into distinct

categories based on brand characteristics. This variable considers the diverse
nature of brands and their impact on pricing within precise categories.

“BRAND_MODELS” Specifies different models associated with a particular

brand. The variable contributes to the differentiation of products within a brand,
influencing pricing dynamics.

“YEAR_CAR_NAMES” Represents the model year or production year of

automotive products. This variable encapsulates the temporal aspect of pricing,
considering how newer models or model years may influence market value.

“Sale” Representing the volume of automotive products sold. Sale serves as a

crucial factor influencing pricing dynamics, capturing the demand-side aspect of
market behavior.

“CAR_LEVEL” Indicates the level or class of the car, distinguishing between

different automotive segments and also contributes to pricing variations based on
the perceived class of the vehicle.

“ET_N (Energy Type)” Represents the energy type of the vehicle, distinguishing
between different fuel or power sources. This variable considers the impact of
energy type on pricing and consumer preferences.

“TIME_TO_MARKET” Indicates the time taken for a car model to enter the
market after its initial design or conceptualization, at the same time it captures the
influence of the launch timeline on pricing.

“MAXIMUM_POWER(KW)” The maximum power output of the vehicle's engine

in kilowatts. This variable is a key factor influencing the performance and pricing
of the vehicle.

“MAXIMUM_TORQUE(N·m)” The maximum torque produced by the vehicle's

engine in Newton-meters. This variable is crucial for understanding the engine's
power and its impact on pricing.

The remaining variables, including “ENGINE“, “GEARBOX“,

“lengthwidthheight(mm)“, “BS_N (Body Structure)“,
“MAXIMUM_speed(km/h)”, and many others, collectively contribute to the
intricate details of automotive products affecting pricing. These variables are
essential components of the hedonic model, capturing various aspects of product
specifications, performance, and features

Regression Analysis
Stata commands were used to execute the regression analysis, producing
coefficients for each variable.

Key coefficients, such as those for “BRAND” and “BRAND_CATEGORIES”,

were interpreted for their impact on pricing and sales.

During the graphical analysis various graphical representations, including scatter

plots and histograms, were employed to visually explore relationships between
brand-related variables and pricing/sales.

Potential difficulty, problems. How to resolve.
Data Quality and Consistency

The reliability of the results depends on the quality and consistency of the data
set. Challenges may arise from inconsistencies in data sources, changes, or
inconsistencies in input data. There will be stringent data cleaning procedures to
resolve these issues and increase the robustness of these tests.

Endogeneity Issues

Endogeneity (where the variable is related to error terms) can create problems.
For example, unmonitored factors that affect the continuity of the brand and
customers' opinions may affect the results. Different measurement methods will
be investigated to reduce the endogeneity problem and establish a more solid

Model Complexity

Many variables present the risk of model complexity. A model that includes too
many variables can lead to overfitting, affecting the generality of the results.
Model selection techniques such as adaptive regression can be used to achieve a
balance between explanatory power and simplicity.

Assumptions of Hedonic Regression

Hedonic regression is based on some assumptions such as linearity, independent

error, and homoscedasticity. Violation of these assumptions may affect the
validity of the results. Diagnosis and sensitivity analysis will be performed to
evaluate the strength of the hypothesis.

Interpretation of Causal Relationships

Building relationships through data analysis reveals common problems. While the
hedonic model allows for social analysis, social relationships require careful
consideration of alternative explanations. Results will be discussed in the context
of the observational nature of the study, with emphasis on relationships rather
than causality.

External Validity:

The results of this study may vary from case to case and may not be applicable to
different automobile industries. Recognizing the limitations of external validity,
efforts will be made to discuss the validity of the results in the stated context.

(The final outline might vary in the thesis draft)

1. Introduction …................. xx
1.1 Background and Context …................. xx
1.2 Significance and Purpose …................. xx
1.3 Research Questions …................. xx
1.4 Formulation of Central Research Question …................. xx
1.5 Objectives and Sub-questions …................. xx
2. Literature Review …................. xx
2.1 Overview of Relevant Literature …................. xx
2.2 Brand Equity and Measurement …................. xx
2.3 Definition and Importance …................. xx
2.4 Approaches to Measuring Brand Equity …................. xx
2.5 Brand Extension Dynamics …................. xx
2.6 Success and Failure Factors …................. xx
2.7 EV Transformation Impact …................. xx
2.8 Examination of Impact on Brand Dynamics …................. xx
3. Research Methodologyhypo development …................. xx
3.1 hypo development
…................. xx
Data Collection Sources and Methods
3.2 Utilization of Hedonic Model

3.2 hedonic model …................. xx

4. data Description …................. xx

descriptive statistics

5. empirical results Brand Equity Measurement

estimation 4
interpretation of
explantino of the estimated premium …................. xx

.1 Application of Hedonic Model

4.2 Brand Equity …................. xx
4.3 Exploration of Brand Equity Components …................. xx
4.4 Technology Transformation and Brand Equity …................. xx
4.5 Analysis of Transformational Impact …................. xx
5. Data Analysis …................. xx
5.1 Application of Stata …................. xx
5.2 Potential Difficulties and Solutions …................. xx
5.3 Identification of Challenges …................. xx
5.4 Proposed Solutions …................. xx
6. Data Quality and Consistency …................. xx
6.1 Ensuring Reliability and Consistency …................. xx
7. Model Complexity …................. xx
7.1 Managing Complexity of Hedonic Model …................. xx
7.2 Assumptions of Hedonic Regression …................. xx
7.3 Clarification of Assumptions …................. xx
86. Conclusion …................. xx
8.1 Discussion …................. xx
8.2 Future Scopes …................. xx
8.3 Limitations ……………. xx
9. References …................. xx
10. Appendices …................. xx


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