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In simpler times, humans were closer to animals in terms of flow; there was the

occasional psychic entropy in times of danger, hunger, or pain, but overall, we

were free from the worries brought about by the complex societies of today. Is
there a way back to such a simple mode of existing? It would be very difficult (and
almost impossible) to operate in today’s world. Thus, the challenge we face is to
return to what is, in essence, a more primordial, harmonious mind state in the face
of our highly complex, modern environment. Solitude, therefore, can help achieve
flow, according to Mihaly. I mean, let’s face it. Solitude allows us to turn away
from the world, at least for a while, especially if we disconnect from certain
media outlets. The constant flow of information, the noise of catastrophizing
media, the warped showcasing of people’s lives, and the consumeristic ideals of
what you should own and do with your time are significant birthplaces of
distraction. Hence, for some activities and some individuals, solitude is
essential. So, what do you think? What triggers the flow state within you? And what
prevents you from having it? Please let us know in the comments; this often leads
to interesting discussions. If you're interested in a more philosophical view on
the flow state I recommend that you watch my older video 'The philosophy of flow'
which explores the flow state from a Taoistic point of view. Thank you for

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