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Find the expression of the Perimeter and Area for the following
rectangles. ………./6

a. b.

A:.......................................................... A:.......................................................

P:.......................................................... P:.......................................................

2. Read the following problems and write an expression for each

question below.

a. Sebastian has 12 more trophies than Megan. Megan has t trophies.

How many trophies does Sebastian have ?


b. 6 bags of purple and 2 bags of white from which 8 pockets have been
removed from each bag and the remaining number has been
multiplied by 3.


c. One number is 10 more than another. The sum of twice the smaller
plus three times the larger, is 55. What are the two numbers?

3. Factorise ……../3


4. Factorise …….../3


5. ……./2



Change the subject in the expression to x.

e. f.

7. ……./4

………………….. ……………………...

8. Indices Table …../4

Fill in the table below. If xy=+30
x +6 +5 +3 +1 -1 -3 -5 -6

9. Simplify the following indices ….../8

a. …………………………………………….

b. ………………………………………………

c. ¿ ¿=.....................................................................

d. 1 20 × 5−2 = ……………………………………………….

e. =...................................................................

f. =...................................................................

g. =....................................................................

h. ¿=...................................................................

9. Draw the isometric drawing for the elevations shown below.

10. Calculate interior angle for a decagon.


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