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Racism Racism has been a prevalent issue in society for as long as man can remember.

After Hitlers attempt to create a super race, the most well known and well publicized example of racism is racism in the United States. Black slaves were brought to Northern America from Africa and given little to no rights, as they could not vote and were separated from the rest of society. Eventually, the problem was solved and African Americans were given the right to vote after some of them stood up and fought for rights, such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Although the issue of racism In the US was resolved politically, to this day there is still racist activity in the US. This racism is a drop in the ocean of racism that we see throughout the world on a daily basis, and it must be abolished. Racism affects many people all over the world today, not only African Americans, but people of all nationalities. Many people are exploited in the world because of their race, and although they may not be told, people can be rejected employment because of their race. Not only is racism issues in employment, many social stereotypes are placed on the different races of the world. Unfortunately, these stereotypes tend to separate people based on their race. For example, many white people will avoid people of other races just because they have a different skin colour. However, we are all people and we should all be treated equally, and if we arent, a lack of social justice is very apparent. The Catholic bible has many examples and references to social justice. For example, in Luke 10:25-37, the story of the Good Samaritan is told. This story is not only a perfect example of social justice in action, but can also be related to racism. Although the man who is robbed on the road is not specified as a different race, the Priest and the Levite walk past the man because they think he is of less worth than they are. However, the Samaritan helps the man. Translating this to

racism, racists are usually under the impression than another race is of less worth than theirs. Another, simpler bible reference is located in Luke 6:31. Although it is only very short and simple, it contains a very important life message that can be translated into racism easily. Do to others as you would have them do to you. This message is very important, not only in relation to racism, but everything in life. However, looking at the message from a racism point of view, we can observe that this passage has no specification on race, religion, gender or sexuality. It simply tells us to treat everyone else as we would like to be treated; in effect, be kind. The Catholic Justice and Peace Commission is an organization which is made up of fifteen men, women, religious and lay people. Their mission is to improve societys social justice ethics in terms of all social justice issues, not just racism. Their aims include (but are not limited to) working with people who have suffered from lack of social justice, providing assistance and giving advice to the poor, the helpless and the oppressed, and to provide learning opportunities for the Catholic community. The CJPC aims to collaborate with other groups and individuals who are concerned with justice and peace as they are trying to make a difference locally and globally. Although CJPC can make a difference, it doesnt take an organization or even a small group to help. We as individuals can make a difference every day of our lives. There are many large scale operations that can be carried out, such as organising peaceful protests and rallies to raise awareness throughout the community and talking to your community government representative to try to make a difference, but not all help has to be large scale like all of these. Making a difference is as simple as printing out posters, setting up a website, or even just reprimanding someone who makes a racist comment or reference. Every bit helps, and we should all do our part to help put an end to racism. By Jesse Williams

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