Method Result

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Chapter 3

Method & Results

I. Data collection
The data for the research is based on the survey of one hundred and twelve
participants with ages ranging from 15-to-30 and over; almost all participants have
experienced secondary and high school education. Therefore, the survey quality
could be relevant to the participant to take the research. The research is conducted
by Google Forms with a duration of 4 weeks. In, most of the participants come
from all over Vietnam Provinces studying at International University-HCMC and
others. The questions used to survey contained 27 items using various question
types namely five-point Likert scale, short question, and multiple-choice questions.

To ensure the items in the questionnaire and the model are valid and reliable, a
part of the questionnaire is conducted as a pilot test for testing the clarity of
contents and misspellings. Then, one hundred and twelve participants are surveyed.
The result is applied to SPSS software with the following steps: Statistic analysis;
evaluation of Cronbach alpha for each factor; EFA, then used Amos to analyze the
SEM model based on the EFA’s result. The result of descriptive statistics shows 6
different data and graphs namely (1)“The age group of participants”, (2)“Have
they ever committed to bullying”,(3)“Which reasons are responsible for bullying”,
(4)” The impact of each factor leads to bullying”, (5)(6) “ the prediction of main
reasons for bullying.”
II. Background Information of Surveyed participants.

Age Group of participants










16-18 Aged 19-25 Aged 26-30 Aged 30+ Aged

Figure 2.1
Have you ever commited to bully or being bullied



yes no Others

Figure 2.2

The bar chart and pie chart give information about the number of participants
in each age group and the number of participants committed to violent activities.

It is obvious that, in the first chart (Figure 2.1), the number of Respondents
aged 19-25 accounted for the majority of participants. In comparison, the second in
the rank is people aged 16-18. In terms of the pie chart, the number of participants
who have not or never participated in bullying activities possessed the most.

As can be seen from the bar chart the highest number of respondents belongs to
people aged 19-to-25 with approximately 80 respondents. Meanwhile, the number
of people aged 16-to-18 is almost 4 times lower than the figure for people aged 19-
25, occupied with over 20 people. By contrast, the number of participants aged 26-
to-30 and 30 possessed the lowest respondent with roughly 10 and 5 people
respectively. By contrast the number of participants aged 26-to-30 and 30
possessed the lowest respondent with roughly 10 and 5 people respectively.

According to the pie chart, the number of study participants "who have ever
been involved in the issue of violence or bullying”. The majority have not
experienced violence, accounting for 73,2% (82 people). conversely, a smaller
proportion of 28% of people including ever been bullied or related to violence in
school possesses roughly one-fourth of survey respondents. Whereas 3.8% of
respondents partly suffer from bullying and witnessed bullying in school, with 2
people (1.9%) respectively for each. Actually, the research has been conducted by
almost all students and ex-students which consist of 89,2% of which 23,2% of
participants have undergone bullying in secondary school or high school.

III. Data Analysis and Results for the current

The Evaluation of Reasons cause bullying









Relationship Additive Subtanances Media Prejudices

Dramatic Impact Slight Impact Neutral Not Interfere

Figure 3.1

Based on the literature review, the survey was conducted on 4 main categories
namely Relationships, Addictive Substances, Media, and Prejudices. Each
Respondent has to match the extent of 4 reasons.

The given bar chart shows the extent of interaction of 4 main factors that lead to
bullying in school through 4 different extend including Dramatic impact, slight
impact, Neutral, and Not Interfere.

According to Figure 3.1, The main reason cause bullying belongs to the
Media with 78 respondents answering the Dramatic impact of bullying .following
70 respondents opined Relationship is dramatic impact on bullying. Meanwhile,
Addictive Substances and Prejudices remained the least responsible for Bullying in
school with roughly below 30 and 60 respondents correspondingly.
The Impacts of each category to bully

Dramatically Impact Slightly Impact Neutral Not Interfere

Was a victim of disparity between rich and Health status Academic level
violence, become a person poor psychologically unstable

Dramatically Impact Slightly Impact Neutral Not Interfere

Domestic violence, violent video Disciplinary forms Using of alcohol The unfairness of Competition for
parent careless- games or movies impropriety and and substances teacher scores,
ness admonition anvil stimulate award

Dramatically Impact Slightly Impact Neutral Not Interfere

Figure 3.2
To have a general and detailed view, the survey also analyzes more closely
based on the 4 aforementioned reasons through Figure 3.2, The research will
clearly show which specific causes account for the majority of the problem of
violence and bullying in school.

It is clear that Domestic violence and parental carelessness is the most impact
on the current phenomenon, while an unsafe environment, following other friends,
and being Psychologically unstable rank second to Fourth respectively.
Meanwhile, the data collected from the remaining causes are not significant, in
which the disparity between rich and poor, and academic level are perceived as not
interfering by the surveyors leading to school violence.

As can be seen from the chart. Corresponding on the dramatic impact on each
category the first four positions namely Unsafe environment, Domestic violence,
admonition anvil, and psychologically unstable, accounted for Over 50 to 90
Participants. Meanwhile from the top 5 to the top 11 causes including bragging
about inappropriate discipline, Ex-victims of bullies to become bullies,
Discrimination, competition, and unfairness by teachers, occupied the greatest
number of participants opined on "Slightly impact" and "Neutral" on bullying
ranging from 40 to 60.

In terms of the remaining categories, the least impact on Bullying goes to

"Violent video games and movies", "alcohol and drug", "Disparity" and the
Academic level. Which is the number of participants who opt Not to Interfere for
the lowest rank accounting for 5-20 participants. Actually, Addictive Substances
and Prejudices might have remained not affected by bullying in school.

IV Prediction of Bullying in the future

The prediction of bullying tendency



Increase Decrese Unchange Others

Figure 4.1

The Prediction of Popular category lead to bullying in the





Addictive substances


0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00%

Figure 4.2
For further research, the survey is also conducted to refer to participants'
predictions about the tendency of bullying and which reasons will be responsible
for bullying and violence in the future.

As can be seen from Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2, the Respondent's prediction
agrees the tendency of bullying will rise dramatically, in which Media will be the
most popular form of bullying in the future.

According to Figure 4.1, the highest proportion of participants opting for the
tendency of bullying in the future will increase by approximately 64%. Meanwhile,
the tendency of Decreased and unchanged bullying in the future, with 12,5% and
16% respectively. In addition, the proportion of remaining respondents choose
other trends or un-estimated possess at 8.04%

In terms of Figure 4.2, It can be seen that media will become the main cause of
violence in the future with an estimated 85% of participants agreeing. Following
that, nearly 60% of respondents agree Relationship is still the cause of violence.
However, this percentage has changed significantly when the difference between
relationship and media has been markedly different by 15%. In addition, the
percentage of Prejudice has also decreased (Figure 3.1) from approximately 46%
to roughly 37% of participants' options. Meanwhile, the figure for additive
substances will remain unchanged over the period shown with approximately 27%
of respondents. actually, it can be seen that in the future the trend of social internet
or media will be the main cause of influence on the issue of violence and bullying
in school. meanwhile, the trend of stigma or prejudice will tend to decrease slightly
over the period shown.

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