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Window to Viewport


3/13/2020 1
• Transformation worldscreen
• Clipping: Removing parts outside screen

3/13/2020 2
Clipping Window
World Coordinates

The clipping window is

mapped into a viewport.

xwmin xwmax
Viewing world has its own
coordinates, which may be
a non-uniform scaling of
world coordinates.

Viewport Coordinates

xvmin xvmax
3/13/2020 3
2D viewing transformation pipeline

Construct World-
Modeling World Convert World-
Coordinate Scene
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates to
From Modeling-

Viewing Coordinates

Transform Viewing- Normalized Device

Coordinates Map Normalized- Coordinates
Coordinates to
Coordinates to

3/13/2020 4
2D Viewing pipeline
World: Screen:
Clipping window Viewport
ywmax yvmax

ywmin yvmin

xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

Clipping window: Viewport:

What do we want to see? Where do we want to see it?

3/13/2020 5
2D Viewing pipeline
World: Screen:
Clipping window Viewport
ywmax yvmax

ywmin yvmin

xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

Clipping window:

3/13/2020 6
2D Viewing pipeline
World: Screen:
Clipping window Viewport
ywmax yvmax

ywmin yvmin

xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

Clipping window:

3/13/2020 7
2D Viewing pipeline
World: Screen:
ywmax yvmax

ywmin yvmin

xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

Clipping window:

3/13/2020 8
2D Viewing pipeline
World: Screen:
ywmax Viewport

xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

Clipping window:

3/13/2020 9
2D Viewing pipeline
MC: Modeling Coordinates
Apply model transformations
WC: World Coordinates
Determine visible parts
VC: Viewing Coordinates
To standard coordinates
NC: Normalized Coordinates
Clip and determine pixels
DC: Device Coordinates

3/13/2020 10
Window to Viewport
• What is window?

3/13/2020 11
Window to Viewport
• What is viewport?

3/13/2020 12
3/13/2020 13
3/13/2020 14
3/13/2020 15
leave some 4 lines gap here

3/13/2020 16
3/13/2020 17
3/13/2020 18
3/13/2020 19
Similarly, do for Yv

3/13/2020 20
3/13/2020 21
3/13/2020 22
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3/13/2020 24
Now, go back to that gap...

3/13/2020 25
Apparently, in 5th lab program (cohen
Sutherland line clip)

3/13/2020 26
Clipping window
Clipping window
ywmax  ywmin

xwmin xwmax xwmax xwmin

- Clipping window usually an axis-aligned rectangle

- Sometimes rotation
- From world to view coordinates: T xwmin , ywmin 
possibly followed by rotation
- More complex in 3D
3/13/2020 27
To normalized coordinates

ywmax -ywmin yvmax -yvmin

xwmax-xwmin xvmax-xvmin
Scale with :
 xvmax  xvmin yvmax  yvmin 
S , 
 xwmax  xwmin ywmax  ywmin 
If the two scale factors are unequal,
then the aspect - ratio changes : distortion !
3/13/2020 28
To normalized coordinates
1 Viewport
yvmax -yvmin

xvmax-xvmin xvmin xvmax 1

Translate with :
Txvmin , yvmin 

3/13/2020 29
To normalized coordinates
Clipping window 1 Viewport
ywmax yvmax

ywmin yvmin

xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax 1

All together :
 xvmax  xvmin yvmax  yvmin 
T( xvmin , yvmin )S , T( xwmin , ywmin )
 xwmax  xwmin ywmax  ywmin 

3/13/2020 30
OpenGL 2D Viewing
Specification of 2D Viewing in OpenGL:
- Standard pattern, follows terminology.

First, this is about projection. Hence, select and the

Projection Matrix (instead of the ModelView
matrix) with:


3/13/2020 31
OpenGL 2D Viewing
Next, specify the 2D clipping window:
gluOrtho2D(xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax);

xwmin, xwmax: horizontal range, world coordinates

ywmin, ywmax: vertical range, world coordinates


xwmin xwmax

3/13/2020 32
OpenGL 2D Viewing
Finally, specify the viewport:
glViewport(xvmin, yvmin, vpWidth, vpHeight);

xvmin, yvmin: coordinates lower left corner (in pixel coordinates);

vpWidth, vpHeight: width and height (in pixel coordinates);


(xvmin, yvmin)

3/13/2020 33
OpenGL 2D Viewing
In short:

gluOrtho2D(xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax);
glViewport(xvmin, yvmin, vpWidth, vpHeight);

To prevent distortion, make sure that:

(ywmax – ywmin)/(xwmax – xwmin) = vpWidth/vpHeight

3/13/2020 34
OpenGL 2D viewing functions
• glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
• glLoadIdentity();
• glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
• gluOrtho2D(xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax);
• glViewport(xvmin, yvmin, vpWidth, vpHeight);
• glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, vpArray);
• glutInit(&argc,argv);
• glutInitWindowPosition(10,10);
• glutInitWindowSize(500,500);
• glutCreateWindow(“My First”);
• glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE|GLUT_RGB);
• windowID = glutCreateWindow(“My First”);
• glutDestroyWindow(windowID);
3/13/2020 35
OpenGL 2D viewing functions
• glutSetWindow(windowID);
• currentWindowID = glutGetWindow();
• glutReshapeWindow(width,height); //reset
• glutFullScreen();
• glutReshapeFunc(reshapeFunction);
• glitIconifyWindow();
• glutSetIconTitle(“Icon Name”);
• glutSetWindowTitle(“New Window Name”);
• glutSetWindow (windowID);
• glutPopWindow ( );
• glutSetWindow (windowID);
• glutPushWindow ( );
• glutHideWindow ( );
3/13/2020 36
OpenGL 2D viewing functions
• glutShowWindow ( );
• glutCreateSubWindow (windowID,
xBottomLeft, yBottomLeft,width, height);
• glutDisplayFunc (pictureDescrip);
• glutPostRedisplay ( );
• glutMainLoop ( );

3/13/2020 37

2D Geometric Transformations

3/13/2020 1
2D Transformations

“Transformations are the operations applied to

geometrical description of an object to change its
position, orientation, or size are called geometric

3/13/2020 2
Why Transformations ?

“Transformations are needed to manipulate

the initially created object and to display the
modified object without having to redraw it.”

3/13/2020 3
• Translation

• Rotation

3/13/2020 4
• Scaling
• Uniform Scaling

• Un-uniform Scaling

3/13/2020 5
• Reflection

• Shear

3/13/2020 6
• A translation moves all points
in an object along the same
straight-line path to new
• The path is represented by a P'(8,6)
vector, called the translation or
shift vector.
• We can write the components: ty=4
p'x = px + tx
p'y = py + ty P(2, 2) tx= 6
• or in matrix form:
P' = P + T
x' x tx
y' = y + ty

3/13/2020 7
• A rotation repositions
all points in an object
along a circular path in P
the plane centered at
the pivot point. 

• First, we’ll assume the P

pivot is at the origin.

3/13/2020 8
• Review Trigonometry
=> cos  = x/r , sin = y/r
• x = r. cos , y = r.sin 
P’(x’, y’)

=> cos (+ ) = x’/r

•x’ = r. cos (+ )
•x’ = r.coscos -r.sinsin y’ P(x,y)
•x’ = x.cos  – y.sin   r y

=>sin (+ ) = y’/r x’ x
y’ = r. sin (+ )
Identity of Trigonometry
•y’ = r.cossin + r.sincos
3/13/2020 •y’ = x.sin  + y.cos  9
• We can write the components:
p'x = px cos  – py sin 
p'y = px sin  + py cos 

P’(x’, y’)
• or in matrix form:
P' = R • P
•  can be clockwise (-ve) or 
counterclockwise (+ve as our
example). y’
• Rotation matrix
 r
cos  sin   y
R  
 sin  cos  x’ x

3/13/2020 10
• Scaling changes the size of an
object and involves two scale
factors, Sx and Sy for the x-
and y- coordinates P’
• Scales are about the origin.
• We can write the components:
p'x = sx • px
p'y = sy • py
or in matrix form:
P' = S • P
Scale matrix as:
sx 0
0 s y 
3/13/2020 11

• If the scale factors are in between 0

and 1:----
•  the points will be moved closer
to the origin P(2, 5)

•  the object will be smaller.


• Example :
•P(2, 5), Sx = 0.5, Sy = 0.5

3/13/2020 12
• If the scale factors are in between 0
and 1  the points will be moved
closer to the origin  the object
will be smaller.
• Example :
•P(2, 5), Sx = 0.5, Sy = 0.5
P(2, 5)

•If the scale factors are larger than 1

 the points will be moved away P’

from the origin  the object will be

• Example :
•P(2, 5), Sx = 2, Sy = 2

3/13/2020 13

• If the scale factors are the same,

Sx = Sy  uniform scaling
• Only change in size (as previous
•If Sx  Sy  differential scaling. P(1, 2)
•Change in size and shape
•Example : square  rectangle
•P(1, 3), Sx = 2, Sy = 5

3/13/2020 14
Matrix Representations &
Homogenous Coordinates

Combining above equations, we can say that

3/13/2020 15
3/13/2020 16
Problem: Rotate the given Triangle by 90 degrees about the origin

3/13/2020 17
Problem: Prove that successive translations are additive

3/13/2020 18
Problem: Prove that successive scaling is multiplicative

3/13/2020 19
General pivot point rotation
• Translate the object so that pivot-position is moved to the
coordinate origin
• Rotate the object about the coordinate origin
• Translate the object so that the pivot point is returned to its
original position

(b) (c) (d)

Translation of Rotation was Translation of the
Original object so that the
Position of object so that about origin
pivot point pivot point is returned
Object and to position (xr,yr)
pivot point (xr,yr) is at
3/13/2020 20
General fixed point scaling
• Translate object so that the fixed point coincides with the
coordinate origin
• Scale the object with respect to the coordinate origin
• Use the inverse translation of step 1 to return the object to its
original position


(a) (b)
Translation of (c) (d)
Position of object so that scaling was Translation of the
Object and fixed point about origin object so that the
Fixed point (xf,yf)is at Fixed point is
origin returned to position
3/13/2020 21
Composite Transformations
(A) Translations
If two successive translation vectors (tx1,ty1) and (tx2,ty2) are applied to
a coordinate position P, the final transformed location P’ is calculated
as: -
P’=T(tx2,ty2) . {T(tx1,ty1) .P}
={T(tx2,ty2) . T(tx1,ty1)} .P
Where P and P’ are represented as homogeneous-coordinate column
vectors. We can verify this result by calculating the matrix product for
the two associative groupings. Also, the composite transformation
matrix for this sequence of transformations is: -
1 0 tx2 1 0 tx1 1 0 tx1+tx2

0 1 ty2 . 0 1 ty1 = 0 1 ty1+ty2

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

Or, T(tx2,ty2) . T(tx1,ty1) = T(tx1+tx2, ty1+ty2)

3/13/2020 Which demonstrate that two successive translations are additive. 22
(B) Rotations
Two successive rotations applied to point P produce the transformed
position: -
P’= R(Ө2) . {R(Ө1 ) . P}
= {R(Ө2) . R(Ө1)} . P
By multiplication the two rotation matrices, we can verify that two
successive rotations are additive:
R(Ө2) . R(Ө1) = R (Ө1+ Ө2)
So that the final rotated coordinates can be calculated with the
composite rotation matrix as: -
P’ = R(Ө1+ Ө2) . P

3/13/2020 23
(C) Scaling
Concatenating transformation matrices for two successive scaling
operations produces the following composite scaling matrix: -

Sx2 0 0 Sx1 0 0 Sx1 . Sx2 0 0

0 Sy2 0 . 0 Sy1 0
= 0 Sy1 .Sy2 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

Or, S(Sx2, Sy2 ) . S(Sx1, Sy1) = S (Sx1 . Sx2, Sy1 .Sy2 )

The resulting matrix in this case indicates that successive scaling

operations are multiplicative.

3/13/2020 24
2D Composition Problems


3/13/2020 25
problem Step 1

Step 3
Step 2

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3/13/2020 27
3/13/2020 28

3/13/2020 29

3/13/2020 30
Other transformations
• Reflection is a transformation that produces a mirror image of
an object. It is obtained by rotating the object by 180 deg about
the reflection axis

1 Original position Reflection about the line y=0, the

X- axis , is accomplished with the
transformation matrix

1 0 0
2 3
2’ 3’ 0 -1 0
0 0 1

Reflected position

3/13/2020 31

Original position Reflected position

2 2’ Reflection about the line x=0, the

Y- axis , is accomplished with the
1 1’
transformation matrix
3 3’

-1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1

3/13/2020 32
Reflection of an object relative to an axis perpendicular to
the xy plane and passing through the coordinate origin

-1 0 0
Reflected position 0 -1 0
0 0 1

1’ The above reflection matrix is

Origin X-axis the rotation matrix with
1 O (0,0) angle=180 degree.
2 This can be generalized to any
reflection point in the xy plane.
3 This reflection is the same as a
180 degree rotation in the xy
Original position
plane using the reflection point
3/13/2020 as the pivot point. 33
Reflection of an object w.r.t the
straight line y=x

0 1 0
Original position 1 0 0
0 0 1
2 1

Reflected position
Origin O X-axis

3/13/2020 34
Reflection of an object w.r.t the
straight line y=-x

0 -1 0
-1 0 0
0 0 1
Origin 2
O (0,0) 3
Original position
2’ Line Y = - X
3/13/2020 Reflected position 35
Reflection of an arbitrary axis
Original position

2 1

3/13/2020 36
Original position Translation so that it passes through origin
3 Rotate so that it coincides with x-
Original position axis and reflect also about x-axis
2 1
2 1
Original position
2 3

Rotate back Translate back
Original position
Original position 3 Reflected position
2’ 3’
2 1 1
1’ Reflected position
3’ 3’
2’ Reflected position
3/13/2020 37
Shear Transformations

• Shear is a transformation that distorts the shape of

an object such that the transformed shape appears
as if the object were composed of internal layers that
had been caused to slide over each other
• Two common shearing transformations are those
that shift coordinate x values and those that shift y

3/13/2020 38

Original Data y Shear x Shear

1 0 0 1 shx 0
shy 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1

3/13/2020 39
An X- direction Shear
For example, Shx=2

(2,1) (3,1)
(0,1) (1,1)

(0,0) (1,0) (0,0) (1,0)

3/13/2020 40
An Y- direction Shear
For example, Shy=2

Y Y (1,3)


(0,1) (1,1) (0,1)

(0,0) (1,0) (0,0)

3/13/2020 41
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner
Scanned with CamScanner

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