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(This Question Paper (10

contsins 2 printed pages)
Your Roll No...
. No of Question Paper ...

nique paper code 232502

ame of the Course B.A. (Hons) Political Science

itle of Paper Classical Political Philosophy

Semester/lAnnual V oL8
lime: 3 Hours
4T: 3 qud Maximum Marks: 75
yifs: 75
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this
question paper)
Note: Answers may be written either in
English or Hindi but the same medium should be toliowed
throughout the paper.

Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is text? Explain the different approaches to textual interpretations?

2 Philosopher King is the pivot around which the ideal state of Plato revolves. Elaborate.

3. Critically evaluate Plato's Theory of Justice.

4. State comes into existence for the sake of
life and continues for the sake of good uic.
Examine the above statement in the
context of Aristotle's political philosophy.

. "He ho is unable to live in state, who has no need because he is sufficient for himselt,
must be either a beast or a god'.In the
light of the above statement discuss Aristotle's
views on State as a natural

6. Machiavelli was a child of Renaissance. Comment.

7. Discuss the
separation of ethics and politics in Machiavelli's political thought.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

a. Feminist school of interpretation

b. Plato's views on education

C. Aristotle's defence of slavery

d. Machiavelli on religion

This quuestion (11

paper contains 4 printed pages]
Your Roll No.

S1. No. of Q. Paper :7900 IC

Unique Paper Code :12321501
Name of the Course
Political Seience
Name of the Paper :Classical Political
Semester :V
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Instructions for Candidates:

(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt of
this question paper..

(b) Answer may be written either in English

or in Hindi; but the same medium
be used throughout the paper.

7900 R
(c) Attempt any four questions.
4. Compare and contrast Plato's theory of Justice
with that of Aristotle.
(d) All questions carry equal marks.

5. "Machiavelli considered as the first modern

1. Critically analyse different schools political thinker." Comment.
interpretation of text as proposed by Terence
6. Critically examine Hobbes's views on the State
of Nature and the State.

2. Discuss Plato's Ideal State with special reference 7. Discuss Locke's

to his
theory of Natural Rights.
scheme of education.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
3. Examine Aristotle's views and
on Household (a) Machiavelli
7ferqrei faar
(b) Hobbes's Materialism

2 3 P.T.O.

(c) Locke's concept of Property

(d) Aristotle's ideas on Revolution


his question paper contains 4(1

printed pages.]
Your Roll No.....

. No. of Question Paper : 7922 IC

nique Paper Code 12321502
ame of the Paper Indian Political Thought - I

ame of the Course B.A. (Hons.) Political

Science (CBCS)

mester V

uration:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

:3 u TUT 75

structions for Candidates

Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.

Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

7922 i c a l A\ou{
Compare the Brahaman and Shraman traditions of
ancient India.

6. Examine Barani's concept of ideal state/sultanate.

contributed in
. Define syncretism. In what ways Kabir
1. Write an essay on Abul Fazal's theory of Kingship.
strengthening syncretic tradition in India?

8. Write short notes on any two of the following:

Discuss the idea of Rajadharma as portrayed in

(a) State in Digha Nikaya

3 Examine the importance of 'Swami' in Kautilya's

theory of saptang.
(b) Islamic tradition

4A. Discuss Manu's understanding of social order.

(c) Mandala theory

7922 4

(d) Kabir on social inequalities

This question paper contains 4 printed pages]

Roll No.

S. No. of Question Paper 8032

Unique Paper Code 12327903 312/1

Name of the Paper Development Processand Social Movement
in Contemporary India

Name of the Course B.A. (Hons.) Political Sçience-CBCS


Semester :

Duration:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper

Note Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the


Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

2 8032 3 8032

1. Analyse the role of planned economy to the development of

ND(eS one te
5. Do you agree that land acquisition policies and withdrawal

agriculture and industry in India.

of government subsidies from agriculture have led to the

farmers' unrest in the contemporary India ? Comment.

2. Do you think liberalization has resulted into informalization of

labour in India ? Give reasons in favour of
your answer.

T Hd TT 3rRiTàT4 6. Discuss in brief some major Dalit movements in contemporary

34qtiATU5 E fAT ? 37 3TR India. How far have they been successful in the
objectives of social justice in India ? Discuss.
. Discuss demands and political strategies of the Naxal

movements and state's response to them.

1. Write a brief essay on women

4. movements in the
Green revolution was region specific with its ecological cost. post-colonial

8. Write short notes on any two of the following

(a) Special Economic Zoness

(6) Planned Economy

ffsa 37efra

() The Bhartiya Kisan Union Movement

(d) NITI Aayog

i f 3H1T

This question paper contains 3. printed pages
Roll No.

S. No. of Question Paper 8202

Unique Paper Code 12327907 IC

Name of the Paper Women, Power and Poitics (this paper

has beenswapped by the paper-Feminism:
Theory and Practice)

Name of the Course B.A. (Hons) : Political Science CBCS

Semester V 20L8
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Writè your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)
Note Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;
but the same medium should be used throughout the


Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Critically analyse the centrality of the concept of patriarchy

in feminist thought.

(2 8202 8202

traditions of feminism.
Compare the liberal and radical 1. Do you think that there is an undervaluation of women workk?

Give reasons to support your arguments.

Write an essay on the origins of feminism in the West.


in national movement in India. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following
Discuss the role of women

Sex-gender distinction

Feminism in Cuba
Analyse the feminist views on social reform movements in (ii) Property rights of women

ameliorating the status of women in India. () Reproductive work.

( fT-

6. Write an essay on the feminist assessment of the nature of

Indian State. (iin)




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