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nations.” God created man referred to as the “Sun of

and healed the blind with righteousness.…” Mal. 4:2
water, ground, and his word says, “But unto you that fear
(breath). See Gen 2:7 mist, my same shall the Sun of
earth, watered, ground Gen righteousness arise with
2:6, spat, ground, clay, healing in his wings:…” The
spittle, wash, John 9:6, 7, parallel between the Son of
said Gen 1:3, John 9:6, 7.) God and the sun (Sun) is
obvious. The O.T. made it
EASTER, Acts 12:4 (There clear that the Sun of
has been a debate for righteous would rise from the
hundreds of years about the dead, just as the sun rises in
etymology of the word the east in the morning.
‘Easter.’ The very old books Numbers 2:3 refers to the
include both meanings, the “east…rising of the sun.”
pagan one and the Biblical Numbers 24:17 calls Jesus
one, which I think is correct. the “Star”: “I shall see him,
This demonstrates that God but not now: I shall behold
and his Bible have a genuine him, but not nigh: there
word and the devil shall come a Star out of
counterfeits it. The Jacob, and a Sceptre shall
etymological focus for ‘east- rise out of Israel…”
er’ or ‘ea-ster’ has been on The counterfeiter came
both ‘east’ and ‘star’ (ster or along quickly, as in Deut 1:4
stern in Germanic languages). we see “A-star-oth” appears.
Let’s look at the genuine She is the fertility goddess
origin of ‘east-er’ first. The (Astarte, Ishtar, etc.), from
sun rises in the east; it sets in which the word ‘Easter’ is
the west. The reader of the sometimes traced. Her
Bible and the natural man, reproductive proclivity is
observing his world, are portrayed by the bunny
preconditioned to understand rabbits and eggs. Of course,
that the word ‘east’ is a the pagan counterfeit
reference to the place where continues to this day with the
the sun rises. Jesus Christ is focus on bunnies and eggs. In

Ezek. 8:16 we see an resurrection. Remember that

example of the pagan in the Bible, “And the
practice, with their "...faces evening and the morning
toward the east; and they were the first day” Gen. 1:5.
worshipped the sun toward The evening, that is, the
the east." Just as there is sunset or death of Christ,
“another Jesus” (2 Cor. 11:4), comes first; the resurrection,
there is ‘another’ Easter. that is, the ‘day’ and the
But, according to the Bible, ‘Son’ rise, occurs second.
the word ‘east’ and ‘star’ Look in the Bible for the
(Ea-ster) first related to the words "sun," "shine," "rise,"
resurrection of the promised "east," "eastern," and "risen"
Messiah, Jesus Christ. for many more pictures of the
Therefore, Easter, as seen in resurrection. Observe the
the KJB, as well as in Luther following sample verses,
and Tyndale’s Bibles, is a which pre-condition the
perfectly good word, reader to understand the word
identifying the resurrection of ‘Easter.’ They point, as
Jesus Christ. Just dump the “shadows,” to the
pagan additions, such as the resurrection of Christ. The
eggs and bunnies. I examined reader of the Bible will not be
all the usages of the word pre-conditioned, through
'east' in the O.T.. In the Bible reading, to understand
surrounding contexts there the word ‘Easter’ as a pagan
are reference to the sun (Son) word. Gen 2:8, 9 "And the
rising and numerous LORD God...eastward...out
prophetic statements about of the ground...the LORD
Jesus rising from the dead. God." Gen 2:14
The sunset pictures the red "east...fourth" (like unto the
blood of Christ, as it covers Son of God). Rev. 20:8 “four
the earth and as he goes down quarters of the earth,” Deut
to hell. The dark night 22:12 “four quarters of thy
pictures the burial of Christ. vesture,” 1 Chron. 9:24 “four
The sunrise, of course, quarters, east, west, north,
pictures his glorious

and south,” etc.. Numbers 2:3 • Ezek 44-48 "looketh

"east...rising of the sun.” toward the east...the
• Josh 12:1; Isa 59:19, sabbath...the prince…he
20 "the rising of the shall
sun...the Redeemer" enter…offering...east...go
• Isa 60:1-3 "Arise, shine; forth...shut the gate [sun
for thy light...the glory of set]...four corners of the
the Lord is risen upon court…foursquare.”
thee...the Lord shall arise • Ps 50:1, 2 "rising of the
upon thee...thy the sun...God hath shined..."
brightness of thy rising..." • Isa 41:2 "raiseth up the
• Ezek 44 et al. "looketh righteous man from the
toward the east...This gate east" (see also verse 41:25).
shall be is the Lord, • 2 Peter 1:19 "day dawn and
the God of Israel hath the day star arise in your
entered by it." hearts."
• Ezek 43:4 "The glory of • Ps 84:11 "For the LORD
the Lord came into the God is a sun..."
house by the way of the • Ps 19:4-6 "In them hath he
gate whose prospect is set a tabernacle for the
toward the east." sun"…".which as a
• Ezek 43:20 "four corners" bridegroom going out...His
(North, South, East, and circuit..."
West). Not only does the Bible
• Ezek 44:1 "the east". condition its readers to
• Ezek 44:2 "God...hath understand ‘Easter’ as
entered." coming from the word ‘east,’
• Matt 17:1, 2 "Jesus…as the but modern usage does
sun." likewise. Have you ever
• Luke 4:40 "Now when the heard of a nor’easter? It is a
sun was setting...he laid his storm that comes from the
hands...healed them." northeast.
• Mark 16:2, 6 "rising of the If someone says the
sun...he is risen" Greek word 'pascha' is
translated elsewhere in the

N.T. as passover, therefore it EFFECTUAL, availeth

must be passover in Acts James 5:16. (Built-in:
12:4, they are proving that ‘effect,’ plus the suffix ‘ual,’
they do not know Greek at which in this case changes
all. If the KJB critics had ‘effect’ unto the adjective
really spent any time ‘effectual.’)
studying Wigram’s or
Smith’s Greek Concordances, EFFECTUALLY, (Built-in:
they would see that many ‘effect’ and ‘effective’)
Greek New Testament words wrought effectually in, was
are translated using numerous mighty in Gal 2:8.
English equivalencies; this is EFFEMINATE, fornicators,
true in all translations. All nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
modern Greek-English nor effeminate, nor abusers
dictionaries today define of themselves with mankind
pascha as both Easter and 1 Cor 6:9. (The context of the
passover. Therefore, the use only usage of this word
of the word ‘Easter’ in Acts definitely places the
12:4 in the KJB is correct. ‘effeminate’ among a group
EDIFICATION (Built-in: of those without natural
‘edify’ and ‘edifice.’) affection. To be more
edification…I should build specific, one must look
upon another man’s within the word and find the
foundation Rom 15:2, 20, Bible’s previous usages of its
edification, and exhortation, roots and phonemes. The
and comfort 1 Cor 14:3 phoneme ‘fem’ is used in the
(Opposite: destruction 2 Cor Bible 23 times in the word
10:8, 13:10.) ‘female.’ Many of those
usages, including the first
EDIFYING, fitly joined usage in Gen 1:29, pair the
together Eph 4:16, fitly words “male and female,”
framed together…builded just as 1 Cor 6:9 pairs,
together for an habitation Eph “…effeminate…mankind…”
2:21. The prefix ‘ef’ adds the
meaning ‘like’ to any word.

An example of ‘ef’ as a elect. “I lay in Sion a chief

prefix is seen in the word corner stone, elect, precious:
‘effigy,’ which is a ‘figure and he that believeth on
that is ‘like’ someone. The him” 1 Peter 2:6. This is the
ending suffix ‘ate’ means same principle as becoming a
having the appearance or ‘son of God’ (even women)
characteristics of. Words like when we are in the Son of
‘fortunate,’ mean having the God. See: “elect's sakes, that
characteristics of a fortune. they may also obtain the
‘Apostate’ and ‘reprobate’ salvation which is in Christ
follow this pattern. Together, Jesus” 2 Tim 2:10. In politics
‘ef’ (like), ‘fem’ (female) and one must be a candidate
‘ate’ (characteristics of) mean before they can be elected.
‘acting like a female.’ The Likewise, one must believe
word ‘effeminate’ or its root on Christ before they are ‘in
word ‘fem’ are hardly Christ,’ the elect. God chose
archaic, both finding their the means of salvation, that
way into the is, being “in him.” God "hath Corrupt chosen us in him before the
new versions omit the word foundation of the world” Eph
‘effeminate,’ as well as its 1:4. He did not choose which
counterpart “abusers of people would believe. God
themselves with mankind.” would not be partial and
These graphically descriptive chose one before another,
words are replaced in new particularly when he
versions by politically condemns that in the context
correct, non-judgmental of the word ‘elect’: “elect
pablum. angels, that thou observe
these things without
ELECT, (This is perhaps the preferring one before
most misdefined word, when another, doing nothing by
studied in the Bible. The partiality 1 Tim 5:21. On the
Bible itself defines the ‘elect’ contrary side, some “believed
as Jesus Christ. Those who not on him…Therefore…He
believe in him then become hath blinded their eyes, and

hardened their hearts,” just as chose to have mercy on

he did Pharaoh John 12:37- whosoever would receive
40. Rom 1:19-32 also Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
explains why Pharaoh's heart He chose the ‘how’ not the
was hardened, saying in part, ‘who.’)
“Because that, when they
knew God, they glorified EMBOLDENETH, (Built-
him not as God, neither were in: ‘bold’; to make bold. The
thankful; but became vain in prefix ‘em’ means ‘to put in’
their imaginations, and their and the suffix ‘en’ takes an
foolish heart was darkened adjective and makes it a verb,
(See also Exod 7). God has meaning to make like. So,
foreknowledge (knowledge emboldeneth would be to
before) of who will have make bold or put boldness in
faith: “elect according to the someone. Opposite: 1 Cor
foreknowledge of God the 8:10 shows the opposite as
Father, through sanctification ‘weak.’ Job 16:3, 5 shows
of the Spirit, unto obedience Job’s friend what true
and sprinkling of the blood of ‘encouragement’ is saying,
Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 1:2. “But I would strengthen
Christ is also the ‘chosen of you…asswage your grief.”)
God,’ and we become chosen EMERODS, (Variant
when we are “in him” 1 Peter spelling of ‘hemorrhoids,’
2:4, Matt 12:18. See IN.) identified as “smote them
ELECTION, purpose Rom with emerods…in their secret
9:11, his will Rom 9:19 (“I parts” 1 Sam 5:6, 9.)
will have mercy on whom I EMINENT, eminent
will have mercy…” Rom place…high place, high
9:15. Who is referred to as mountain Ezek 16:24, 17:22.
‘whom’? Whoever would
believe on Christ. See EMULATION, Be of the
“Whosoever will” Rev 22:17 same mind Rom 12:16,
and “whosoever” John 3:16, provoke them to jealousy…
Rom 10:13, etc, etc.. He provoke to emulation Rom

11:11, 14, envying Gal 5:21, Beast is presented as a

26. (Envy and jealousy may defender of the unfavored. 3.)
lead to emulation, but the The root ‘chant,’ meaning
words are not synonyms), ‘repeated sounds,’ can be
strife (Web: strive to equal) involved: “enchantment, a
Gal 5:20. (Built-in: babbler” Eccl 10:11. The
‘simulation,’ that is ‘similar,’ fairy godmother in Cinderella
as in ‘imitate.’ In Romans chanted “bibbidi, bobbidi,
‘emulation’ is recommended; boo” to grant Cinderella’s
in Galatians it is condemned. wish. The root ‘chan’ also
The difference is the object brings to mind the channeler,
of the emulation. See through which the evil spirit
DISSIMULATION Rom speaks. 4.) They are used by
12:9. It has the same magicians: “magicians…with
‘mulation’ as ‘emulation,’ their enchantments” Exod
also seen in the word 7:11. 5.) It is part and parcel
‘moulage,’ which is a mold with other occult practices
which makes a similar form.) such as wizards, sorceries,
observed times and eating
ENCAMPED, camp 1 Sam “blood” Lev 19:26,
13:16, 17. divination Num 23:23, 2
ENCHANTMENT, (There Kings 21:6, Exod 7:11.
are several facets of Today, in children’s books,
enchantments described in resplendent with beautiful
the Bible: 1.) They involve ‘images,’ the youth are
evil spirits: “enchantments, initiated into the world of evil
and dealt with familiar spirits by stories of ‘the
spirits” 2 Kings 21:6. 2.) The enchanted forest’ where tiny
evil spirits begin their winged females (fairies) have
indoctrination with children: “wings like the wings of a
“thine enchantments…from stork” Zech 5:9 and are
thy youth Isa 47:12, children depicted beautifully in the
to pass thru the fire 2 Kings forbidden “likeness of any
17:17, 2 Chron 33:6. The winged” creature Deut 4:17.
enchantress in Beauty and the There, in the woods, under

the tree of the knowledge of enjoin thee Philemon 8.

good and evil, fairies live to (Opposite: Yet for love’s
grant wishes, a counterfeit of sake I rather beseech thee
true prayer. So, is it fairy Philemon 9, not…of
tales or the word of truth? Is necessity, but willingly
it wishes or prayers? Should Philemon 14, I humbly
one be captivated by beseech thee 2 Sam 16:4.)
beautiful images or the words
of God? (See WIZARDS.) ENLARGED, increased 2
Cor 10:15, make broad Matt
ENDAMAGE, damage Ezra 23:5.
4:13, 22. (Built-in: damage.)
ENLIGHTEN, light (as a
ENDEAVOUR, deeds, work verb) Ps 18:28.
Ps 28:4.
ENMITY, enmity with God?
ENDUED blessed…God …enemy of God James 4:4,
hath endued me with a good between Gen 3:15 (Web),
dowry Gen 30:20, 27. (To Luke 23:12, against Rom 8:7,
‘endow’ means to ‘put on’ between Gen 3:15. (It has
(as does ‘endue’) as a bride letters like ‘enemy.’ ‘EN’
receives a ‘dowry.’ like ‘in’ and ‘un’ is a prefix
and particle of negation;
ENDURE, continued Ps MITY comes from ‘amity,’
72:17. meaning ‘friendship.’
ENDURETH, continually Ps Therefore, it means ‘no
52:1, the word of God, which friendship.’ Opposite: friends
liveth and abideth for Luke 23:12, reconcile Eph
ever…the word of the Lord 2:16, without enmity, without
endureth for ever 1 Peter lying in wait Num 35:22.)
1:23, 25. ENQUIRED, searched
ENJOIN, ENJOINED, diligently 1 Peter 1:10.
wrote with all authority, ENRICH, (Built-in: make
appointed, decreed Esther ‘rich’.)
9:31, 29, bold in Christ to

ENSAMPLE, (Contains the ENSIGNS, ensigns for signs

built-in definition ‘sample’, (Web) Ps 74:4.
which the word ‘example’
does not contain. The KJB ENSNARED, (Built-in:
contains both ‘example’ and ‘snared’ ‘in.’ Job 34:30. See
‘ensample,’ as it is a SNARE.)
compendium of synonyms. ENSUE, seek, followers
But remember, synonyms (Web) 1 Peter 3:11, 13.
may not be identical. See: for (Sounds like ‘pursue.’ The
ensamples…for our book of Job 11:19 says,
admonition 1 Cor 10:11, be ‘many shall make suit unto
followers together of me…us thee.’ In a suit of apparel or
for an ensample Phil 3:17. furniture, one part follows the
‘Ensamples’ are more often other.)
people than things, like
examples often are: “us for ENTANGLED, overcome,
an ensample Phil 3:17, ye bondage 2 Peter 2:19, 20,
were ensamples 1 Thes 1:7, shut them in Exod 14:3, yoke
ourselves an ensample 2 Thes of bondage Gal 5:1. (Built-in:
3:9, being ensamples 1 Peter ‘tangle’ and ‘tangled’ ‘in.’)
5:3, them for ensamples 1
Cor 10:11. However, such a ENTERED, entered
difference between example into…went into Mark 1:21.
and ensample is not (Opposite: devils were
wholesale. The unabridged entered into him…devils
Oxford English Dictionary were departed Luke 8:30,
gives somewhat different 35.)
definitions for ensample and ENTICING, if sinners entice
example, reiterating my thee…If they say, Come with
findings. Could the ‘en’ mean us…turning away Prov 1:10,
‘in’, as in internal and the 11, 32, moved away Col
‘ex’ mean external, as in 1:23, tempted (Web), drawn
things or outside? away of his own lust and
Sometimes, perhaps.) (See enticed James 1:14, 15,
EXAMPLE.) beguile you with enticing

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