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1st Semester BSc(H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course Code:B21DB0101- 68805
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper
a) Solve the problems according to the directions given 5
1. i. P={ x:x is a two digit Natural number such that the sum of its digits is 8}
Write in Roster form.
ii. C={5,25,125,625} Represent the given set in set builder form.
iii. List all the elements of the set
E={ x:x is a consonant in English alphabet which preceeds J }
iv. Write all the subsets of A={1,2,3}
v. Given A={1,3,5}, B={2,4,6}, C={0,2,4,6,8}.Which of the following may be considered
as Universal set for all the three sets A,B,C.
b) If A={1,2,3,4} ,B={3,4,5,6} ,C={5,6,7,8} and D={7,8,9,10}.Find 5
i. BUC
ii. BUD
iii. AUBUC
c) Find the intersection of each of the following pairs of sets: 5
i. A={1,3,5} and B={1,2,3}
ii. X={a, e , i , o, u} and Y={a ,b ,c }
iii. A={x : x is a natural number and multiple of 2 less than 10}
B={x :x is a natural number less than 4 }
iv. X={x : x is a natural number and 3 < x ≤ 6 }
B={x :x is a natural number and 5 < x < 10}
v. A={1,2,3} ,B= 0
d) Find the number of ways in which 5 boys and 5 girls be seated in a row so that 5
All the girls sit together and all the boys sit together
All the girls are never together
e) A man has 7 relatives, 4 of them are ladies and 3 gentlemen, his wife has 7 relatives and 5

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3 of them are ladies and 4 gentlemen. In how many ways can they invite to a dinner
party of 3 ladies and 3 gentlemen so that there are 3 of man’s relatives and 3 of wife’s
2. a) If A={ 3,6,9,12,15,18,21 } ,B= {4,8,12,16,20 },C={2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16}, 5
D={5,10,15,20 } .Find
i. A – B
ii. B – D
iii. C – B
iv. C – D
v. D - C
b) Let U= { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ,A={1,2,3,4} ,B={2,4,6,8} ,C={3,4,5,6} .Find 5
i. B’
ii. C’
iii. (A U B)’
iv. (A U C)’
v. (A’)’
c) For any three sets A,B,C prove the distributive laws: 5
A ∩ ( B U C ) = ( A ∩ B ) U (A ∩ C )
d) Three married couples are to be seated in a row having 6 seats in a cinema hall.If 5
spouses are to be seated next to each other,in how many ways can they be seated ? Find
also the number of ways of their seating if all the ladies sit together.
e) A committee of 7 has to be formed from 9 boys and 4 girls.In how many ways can this be 5
done when the committee consists of atmost 3 girls.
3. a) Prove that for any propositions p,q,r the compound proposition
[ ( p → q ) ʌ ( q → r ) ] → ( p → r ) is a tautology 5
b) Prove that ~ ( p ↔ q ) ≡ ~ [ ( p→q ) ʌ (q → p ) ] 5
c) Show that ~ [ p V ( ~ p ʌ q ) ] and ~ p ʌ ~ q are logically equivalent by developing a 5
series of logical equivalences.
d) Write the converse ,inverse and contrapositive of the following condition 5
If 2 is not a prime number then 2 is an even number.
e) Prove that ~ ( p → q ) ≡ p ʌ ~ q 5
4. a) Verify that the compound propositions
[ p ʌ ( ~ q v r ) ] and [ p v ( q ʌ ~ r )] are logically equivalent 5
b) Verify that the propositions (~ p V ~ q ) and ~ ( p ʌ q ) are logically equivalent 5
c) Show that [ p ʌ q ] → [ p V q ] is a tautology without using a truth table. 5
d) Write the converse ,inverse and contrapositive of the following condition 5
If x is a rational number then it is real.
e) Prove that ~ ( p ↔ q ) ≡ ~ [ ( p → q ) ʌ ( q → p ) ] 5

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5. a) Explain Equivalence Relation with an appropriate example 5
b) Let N be the set of all natural numbers.R be a relation in N defined xRy if and only if 6
x+3y=12.Examine the relation R is
i. reflexive
ii. symmetric
iii. transitive
c) Prove the statement:
If f : A → B and g : B → C are one to one functions .Then ,gof is also one to one function. 3
d) Find the domain and range of the following real function 5
e) Show that f : [ -1 , 1 ] → R given by f ( x ) = is one to one.Find the inverse of the
𝑥+2 6
function f : [ -1,1 ]→ Range f.
6. a) Explain Inverse Relation with an appropriate example 5
b) Show that the relation R in R defined by R = { ( a,b ) : a ≤ b } is reflexive and transitive but 6
not symmetric.
c) Prove the statement:
If f : A → B and g : B → C are onto functions .Then ,gof is also onto function. 3
d) Find the domain and range of the following real function
4−𝑥 5
e) Consider f : R → R given by f ( x ) = 4x + 3 .Show that f is invertible. Find the Inverse of f . 6
7. a) Define the following with appropriate examples 10
i. Null graph
ii. Directed graph
iii. Multigraph
iv. Undirected graph
v. Connected graph
b) Determine whether the below graphs contains a Hamiltonian path. 4



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c) Are the two graphs below equal? Are they isomorphic? If they are isomorphic, give the 6
isomorphism. If not, explain.


V={a,b,c,d,e}, E={{a,b},{a,c},{a,e},{b,d},{b,e},{c,d}}.

Graph 2:

d) Prove that for a tree (T), there is one and only one path between every pair of 5
vertices in a tree.
8. a) Define the following with appropriate examples 10
i. Labelled graph
ii. Weighted graph
iii. Complementary graph
iv. Mention any four applications of Graph coloring
b) Determine whether the below given graphs contains an Euler path.

i) 4


c) 6
I) Which of the following statements for a simple graph is correct?
i. Every path is a trail
ii. Every trail is a path
iii. Every trail is a path as well as every path is a trail
iv. Path and trail have no relation

II) In the given graph identify the cut vertices.

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i. B and E
ii. C and D
iii. A and E
iv. C and B

III) What is the number of edges present in a complete graph having n vertices?

i. (n*(n+1))/2
ii. (n*(n-1))/2
iii. N
iv. Information given is insufficient

IV) In a simple graph, the number of edges is equal to twice the sum of the degrees of
the vertices.
i. True
ii. False
V) A connected planar graph having 6 vertices, 7 edges contains _____________
i. 15
ii. 3
iii. 1
iv. 11
VI) What is the maximum number of edges in a bipartite graph having 10 vertices?
i. 24
ii. 21
iii. 25
iv. 16
d) Prove that If in a graph G there is one and only one path between every pair of vertices 5
than graph G is a tree.


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1st Semester BSc (H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course Code: B21DB0102- 68806
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Write an algorithm and draw the flow chart to find the largest among three numbers. 6
b) Differentiate between Machine Language, Assembly Language and High Level 9
c) What do you mean by variables in ‘C’? Differentiate between Local and Global 10
variables in C.
2. a) Describe identifiers in C language. What are the rules for naming an identifier? Give 8
b) Define Token and its usage in C. Explain the six types of Tokens available in C 7
c) Describe the purpose of the qualifiers, constant, identifiers, and keywords with 10
3. a) Write a C Program for the following: 8
i) Define Nested loop. Write a program to display multiplications tables from 1 to n.
ii) To display the following pattern.
b) Write an algorithm and ‘C’ program to swap two numbers using a temporary variable 8
and without using a temporary variable
c) What are Branching Statements? Explain the syntax of any three forms of Branching 9
Statements with the help of Flowcharts for each.
4. a) Explain the following things with example program 8
i) Break statement ii) continue statement
b) What is an Operator? List the different types of Operators available in C language 10
c) Write a C Program to find out whether given number is Armstrong number or not 7
using while statement
5. a) Define array. Write a program to read and display the elements using 1-D array 7
b) Write a C program to implement Selection Sort technique (ascending order). Trace 10
the steps for the input: 9, 1, 6, 3, 2, 0, 5, 10. Using suitable code, discuss its working
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c) Write a C Program to display the given string in reverse order without using string 8
6. a) Write a C program that: 12
i). Implements string copy operation STRCOPY (str1, str2) that copies a string str1 to
another string str2 without using library function.
ii). Reads a sentence and prints frequency of each of the vowels and total count of
b) Differentiate actual parameters and formal parameters in C Language. 5
c) Write a Program to perform addition of two matrices. Check for the compatibility of 8
the two matrices to perform these operations
7. a) Define Recursion. Write a recursive program to find the sum of the natural numbers. 8
b) Write a C program to maintain a record of “n” student details using an array of 10
structures with four fields (Roll number, Name, Marks, and Grade),with an
appropriate data type. Print the marks of the student given student name as input.
c) Compare Structures and Unions in C with suitable program. 7
8. a) What is a structure? Explain the syntax of structure declaration with an example. 7
b) Describe storage class and explain the various storage classes in C along with suitable 10
c) Demonstrate array of structure in C Language with an example code. 8


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1st Semester B.Sc.(H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course (Subject): Operating Systems And Linux Foundation
Course Code:B21DB0103- 68807
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Explain the time sharing operating system with a neat diagram and mention the 7
advantages and disadvantages of it.
b) Illustrate the Linux Operating system and explain the system calls used in Linux OS. 8
c) Define the command line interface. With a neat diagram explain Ubuntu Linux 10
Operating System Structure.
2. a) With a neat diagram, Explain the Real time operating system with neat diagram. 7
b) Discuss different types of Operating System Components. 8
c) Define Virtual Machine. Illustrate the VMware architecture with a neat diagram. 10
3. a) With a neat diagram, explain Process Control Block. 7
b) Discuss the Inter Process Communication in detail. 8
c) Define CPU Scheduling. Explain the different types of Scheduling algorithm. 10
4. a) Explain different operators used in shell programming with an example program. 7
b) Describe the Secure shell and explain the working of SSH with diagram. 8
c) List and explain the basic commands used in Linux operating system 10
5. a) Explain Memory Management System. Illustrate swapping mechanism with a neat 7
b) Define Paging. Explain demand paging with a neat diagram. 8
c) Illustrate the different types of decision making statement in shell script. Create a 10
shell script to find the greatest of three numbers.
6. a) With a neat diagram, explain Virtual Memory. 7
b) Describe the Frame allocation algorithm with an example. 8
c) Memorize the basic system admin steps to be followed and write its importance of 10
system administration with user management.
7 a) Explain file management system. Illustrate the different attributes of file used in OS. 7
b) Define Directory. Explain the different structures of directory. 8

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c) Write a shell script that accepts as filename as argument and display its creation time 10
if file exists.
8 a) Describe the Contiguous allocation with a neat diagram and mention its advantages 7
and disadvantages.
b) Describe directory implementation of files. Explain the Hash table algorithm with 8
neat diagram.
c) With a neat diagram, explain Samba. Discuss the role of Linux Administrator. 10


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1st Semester B.Sc (H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course (Subject): Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Code: B21DB0104- 68808
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper
1. a) Convert the following numbers : 9
i. (101000)2  (?)8, (?)16
ii. (2B8)16  (?)10, (?)2
iii. (743)8(?)10, (?)16
b) Discuss weighted and Non weighted code with an example. 8
c) Why NAND and NOR gates are called Universal gates? Justify through diagram and Truth 8
2. a) What do you mean by sign magnitude form of representation? 9
How to represent +27 and -27 in signed magnitude format?
b) Explain the following with Truth table, Logic Expression and symbols 8
i. XOR gate
ii. XNOR gate
c) Perform 69 - 17 by using 1's and 2's complement method. 8
3. a) Design a logic circuit that has 3 inputs, A, B, and C, and whose output will be HIGH only 6
when a majority of the inputs are HIGH.
b) Apply the DeMorgan’s theorem for the following expression 9
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
i. 𝐴 + 𝐵𝐶̅ + 𝐷(𝐸 + 𝐹̅ )
ii. ((A+BC)'+(AB')')'
iii. ((AB)'+(CD)')'
c) According to the following Truth Table, the sum of product form can be described as F = 10
 m (0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15). Simply using four variables K-Map. Represent the
logic circuit.

0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0

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0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
4. a) Prove Demorgan’s Theorems with the help of logic circuits and truth tables. 8
b) Discuss all basic gates, universal gates and special gates with respect to the logic 10
expression, logic symbol and truth table.
c) Explain Sum of Product Minimization and Product of Sum Minimization with suitable 7
5. a) Discuss about Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits with example. 8
b) Draw the logic diagram of J K Flipflop and explain it. What is the advantage of J K flipflop 10
over S R flipflop.
c) Discuss Bus structure with a neat diagram. 7
6. a) Design Full adder by deriving SOP term for Sum and Carry outputs. 9
b) Explain the concepts, state diagram and operations of T Flipflop and J K Flipflop. 9
c) Describe about functional units of computer with neat block diagram. 7
7. a) What is the purpose of a memory address? How does memory addressing work? How 8
many memory locations can a 16 bit processor access?
b) Illustrate the input / output organization in a basic computer. 7
c) Explain any five addressing modes with diagram 10
8. a) Discuss on major functions or requirements for an I/O module. 5
b) How Memory is organized? Explain Big Endian and Little Endian memory allocation with 10
neat diagram.
c) With a neat diagram, discuss the operational concepts in a computer highlighting the roll 10
of MAR, MDR, IR and PC.


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2nd Semester BBA/B.Com/BCA/BSc Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Communicative English II
Course Code: B19BB2010/ B22AHE201/B21AHE201- 10214/51704/50822
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Fill in the blanks with the suitable tense form as per the direction given in the 5
i)The train ______(leave) early. (Past Simple)
ii) She ________(sing) in a concert. (Past Perfect)
iii) The bike ______(wash) by George every week. (Present Passive)
iv) Rachel ________(meet) by Ross yesterday. (Past Passive)
v) They _______(not/have) their breakfast yet. (Past Perfect)
b) Questions and Negatives: 2
i)Professor Rajan had telepathic powers. (Frame a question for the underlined
ii) I am happy (Convert into Negative)

c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate question tags: 2

i)Let’s talk, _____
ii) Nobody was there in the room, _______
d) Complete the Conditional Sentences with the appropriate form: 2
i) If I ______ a bird. I _____fly to all countries.
ii)If you ______(listen) to her, you ________(understand) the concept.
e) Change the following sentences into Reported Speech: 2
i) John says, “I am sick.”
ii) Rhea said, “I have sung the song before.”
f) Make meaningful sentences from the following Idioms: 2
i) Couch Potato.
ii) Short Fuse.
Section – B (Writing skills)
2. Answer the following question: 5
a) You have received a complaint from a customer about the quality of your
product/service. Draft a mail to the customer apologizing for the inconvenience,
offering a solution for the problem.
b) Draft a report on a security breach at a large corporation, including details on how
it occurred and steps taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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c) Develop the following hints into a readable passage and give a suitable title 10
A rich farmer – lot of land – cattle and servants – two sons – happy life – After
some years younger son unhappy – asked for his share of the property – wouldn’t
listen to father’s advice – got his share – sold them all – went away to another
country – fell into bad ways – soon all money gone – poor – no one to help him –
understood his mistake.
d) Compose a Cover letter with a CV for a job of your interest in a reputed
multinational company.

Section –C (Literature)
3. Answer any two of the following: (out of 4 questions) 20
a) Explain the themes of patriotism and the love for one’s mother tongue as depicted
in “The Last Lesson.”
b) Compare and contrast the characters of Ulysses and Telemachus with reference to
Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Ulysses”
c) Illustrate with examples the element of irony in “The Gift of the Magi.”
d) Explain the theme of escapism in the short story, “The Open Window.”


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2nd Semester BSc (H) (CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023
Course (Subject): Probability and Statistics
Course Code: B21DB0201- 68815
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) The weights (in grams) of 40 oranges picked at random from a basket are as follows: 6
45, 55, 30, 110, 75, 100, 40, 60, 65, 40, 100, 75, 70, 60, 70, 95, 85, 80, 35, 45, 40, 50, 60,
65, 55, 45, 30, 90, 85, 75, 85, 75, 70, 110, 100, 80, 70, 55, 30, 70
Form a frequency distribution with class interval width12 each
b) List any three functions of statistics 3
c) Represent the following distribution of age of employees by histogram and find the 8
mode. Also, get the frequency curve from the histogram.
Age(in 26- 31-
20-25 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55
Years) 30 35
No of
30 42 37 30 16 8 2

d) The following is the distribution of I.Q of 75 children. Draw the ogives to the data and 8
find the median.
60- 70- 80- 90- 100- 110- 120- 130-
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
No. of
childr 2 8 15 26 17 5 1 1
2. a) Write in briefly the classification of data with suitable examples. 5
b) Draw the ogives to the following data and also find the median by graphically. 8
0- 10- 20- 30- 40-
Marks 50-60 60-70 Total
10 20 30 40 50
No. of
studen 4 8 11 15 12 6 3 49
c) Calculate the mean, median and mode for the following frequency distribution of the 8
marks obtained by 50 students in a class.
05- 10- 35-
Marks 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 40-45
10 15 40
No. of
childr 5 6 15 10 5 4 3 2
Page 1 of 3
d) Draw a bar chart to represent the following data 4
Food Clothing Housing Fuel & Lighting Educatio Recreatio
n n
25 15 10 15 20 15
3. a) Compute the lower quartile, upper quartile, 4th decile and 60th percentile for the 8
following frequency distribution.
CI 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-14 14-18 18-20 25-30
f 10 12 18 7 5 8 4 6
b) The mean weight of 80 students in two classes A and B is 50 Kgs. There are 45 students 3
in class A. The mean weight of the students in class B is 48. Find the mean weight of
the students in Class A?
c) Calculate the mean deviation and its co-efficient of mean deviation for the following 7
frequency distribution.
0- 10- 20- 40- 50-
CI 30-40 60-70
10 20 30 50 60
5 8 15 16 6 8 2
d) Compute the Bowley’s coefficient of skewness for the following frequency distribution. 7
CI 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
f 3 4 68 30 10 6 2

4. a) The scores of two cricketers A and B in 10 innings are given below. Find who is a better 10
run getter and who is more consistent player
A’s 121 66 76
40 25 19 80 38 8 67
B’s 31 25 4
28 70 31 0 14 111 66
b) Compute the Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness for the following frequency 7
10- 60- 70-
CI 0-10 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
20 70 80
f 10 40 20 0 10 40 16 14
c) Compute the Bowley’s coefficient of skewness for the following distribution. 8
20- 25- 30- 35- 40- 50- 55- 60-
CI 45-50
25 30 35 40 45 55 60 65
f 6 8 11 14 21 15 11 9 5

5. a) One card is drawn from a well – shuffled pack of playing cards. Find the probability that 6
the card drawn – i) is a King, ii) belongs to red suit iii) is a Queen or a Jack.
b) A box has 5 white, 4 red and 3 green marbles. Two marbles are drawn at random from 6
the box. Find the probability that they are i) the same colors, ii) each one color

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c) A certain problem is given to three students. The probabilities of their solving the 5
1 1 1
problem are , and . Find the probability that the problem is solved.
2 4 5
d) In a bolt factory 25%, 35% and 40% of the total is manufactured by machines A, B and C, 8
out of which 5%, 4% and 2% are defective what is the probability that a bolt drawn at
random is, it in a manufactured by machine A.
6. a) A bag contains 3 white, 4 red and 2 green balls. One ball is selected at random from the 5
bag. Find the probability that the selected ball is i) white ii) Non – white
b) Find the probability that a 6
i) leap year and ii) Non – leap year selected at random will contains 53 Mondays.
c) A bag contains 5 black, 2 red and 3 white marbles. Three marbles are drawn, what is 6
the probability that the marble drawn are i) all are same color and ii) all are different
d) Three machines A, B and C products 40%, 50% and 10% of total productions out which 8
2%, 4% and 1% are defective. Find the probability that an item selected at random is it
defective and manufactured by machine A.
7. a) A random variable X has the following probability function: 7
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2 2
P(x) 0 k 2k 2k 3k k 2k 7k +k
i) find the value of k, ii) P( 0 < X < 5), iii) Determine the distribution function of x.
a.x 2 , if 0  x  3 6
b) Find the constant ‘a’ such that the function f ( x)   is a probability
 0, otherwise
function, and also compute P(1< X < 2).
c) In a lottery, there are 1000 tickets costing Rs. 1/- each. There is one first prize worth RS. 6
100 /-, two second prizes worth Rs. 20/- each and ten third prizes worth Rs. 10/- each.
Find the expected loss in buying one tickets.
d) If X is random variable and ‘a’ is a constant. Then show that i) E(a) = a, ii) Var (aX) = a2 6
8. a) A random variable X has the following probability function: 10
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(x) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a
i) find the value of ‘a’, ii) P( X ≥ 5), iii) Determine the distribution function of x
6 x1  x , if 0  x  1 8
b) Verify the function f ( x)   is PDF or not. Hence determine
 0, otherwise
c) If E(X) = 3 and Var (X) = 4, find i) E(3X–2), E(X2), Var (3X – 4) . 7


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2nd Semester B.SC(H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course (Subject):Cloud computing and Virtualization Foundation
Course Code:B21DB0202- 68816
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Define Virtualization. Elucidate the evolution of Virtualization. 7
b) Discuss Network Virtualization with its benefits and challenges 8
c) Differentiate between Type1 Hypervisor and Type2 Hypervisor with example 10
2. a) Elucidate Storage Virtualization and its importance. Outline the 2 methods of storage 7
b) Demonstrate the installation of Desktop Virtualization with benefits 8
c) Demonstrate the services and features of VMware ESXi Server. 10
3. a) Explain how we can build a business case for cloud computing 7
b) Define Live Migration. Summarize the types of Live migration. 8
c) Define Cloud Computing. Outline the History of Cloud Computing. 10
4. a) Discuss the need for Cloud Computing services with challenges. 7
b) Demonstrate how cloud computing services operates in giant data centers. 8
c) How does Cloud Computing work and explain its benefits. 10
5. a) Describe Public Cloud with particular work process diagram. 7
b) Describe Community Cloud Model and its work process with a neat diagram and 8
c) Illustrate with a neat diagram the cloud services in Cloud Computing 10
6. a) Demonstrate Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and its features in Cloud Computing. 7
b) Illustrate with a diagram On-premise and Externally Hosted private cloud with its 8
advantages and disadvantages.
c) Elucidate how hybrid cloud benefits and lower cost while maintaining service levels with 10
the help of a diagram.
7. a) Describe about windows PowerShell and Hyper-V 8
b) Elucidate the role of iSCSI on windows server and its challenges. 7
c) Illuminate A Standalone Host Shared NIC with proper diagram 10

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8. a) Discuss about De-duplication and Backup for Additional Attributes of NFS Storage 10
b) Elaborate on Failover Clustering as one of the features and not a role in Windows server 8
c) Explain about Datacenter edition of Microsoft 2016 server 7


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2nd Semester B.Sc.(H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course (Subject): Advanced Linux
Course Code: B21DB0203- 68817
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Define SSL and TLS. Differentiate between SSL and TLS with definitions. 7
b) Explain the FTP client commands in detail. 8
c) Illustrate the steps involved in configuring the web server in Linux. 10
2. a) Discuss about troubleshooting in web server and list the useful techniques for 7
b) Describe the working model of SSL in detail with a neat diagram. 8
c) List out the steps to configure the NFS server in Linux. 10
3. a) Define BASH with three basic forms in detail. 7
b) Discuss the most commonly used BASH parameter expansion. 8
c) Show how to steps to setup a CRON job with a use case. 10
4. a) Show how to Create a simple BASH script and explain the execution process. 7
b) Explain nested if statement and create a BASH script using nested if. 8
c) Briefly explain tr, cut and sed commands in detail with an example program. 10
5. a) Demonstrate the BIND configuration as a Private Network DNS on Ubuntu. 7
b) Define DHCP and mention the step by step guide to set up a DHCP server on Ubuntu. 8
c) Show the step to manage Ethernet interface and configure the same on Ubuntu. 10
6. a) Illustrate the steps to start, stop and restart services using Systemctl in Linux. 7
b) Define Linux logs and show how Linux logs can help. 8
c) Describe Software package Management. Explain the Advance Packaging tool (APT) in 10
7. a) Describe the purpose of basic security in Linux. 7
b) Explain the Whowatch monitoring tool in Linux. 8
c) Summarize the Linux security principles using cryptography. 10

Page 1 of 2
8. a) Discuss the memory issues in Linux and explain the method to resolve it. 7
b) Explain the commands for process management in Linux. 8
c) Differentiate between foreground process and background process with suitable 10


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2nd Semester B.Sc(H) (CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course (Subject): Relational Database Management Systems
Course Code: B21DB0204- 68818
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) A database model shows the logical structure of a database, including the relationships 10
and constraints that determine how data can be stored and accessed. Justify your
answer with different types of data models.
b) Discuss about the type of database system users in detail. 7
c) Define transaction. What do you mean by the ACID property in transaction? Explain 8
with example.
2. a) Explain in detail the database architecture. 10
b) Define relational schema. Write schema diagram for University database. 10
c) Explain about the main characteristics of the database approaches versus file- 5
3. a) Design an entity relationship (ER) diagram for a University database system and identify 8
the different attributes.
b) Briefly explain the concept of functional dependency and discuss the different types. 10
c) What are mapping cardinalities? Discuss the different cardinalities used in a relationship 7
set with diagram.
4. a) List and discuss the features of good relational database design. 7
b) Explain the uses of normalization. Explain about 1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF with appropriate 10
examples using tables.
c) Write a short note on following 8
i. Aggregation
ii. Specialization
5. a) Differentiate between Drop, Delete and Truncate commands with suitable examples in
b) List and explain various Database Constraints and Data types in Oracle’s SQL

Page 1 of 3
c) Consider the below two tables for reference while trying to solve the SQL queries 10

EmpId FullName ManagerId DateOfJoining City

121 John Snow 321 01/31/2019 Toronto
321 986 01/30/2020 California
421 876 27/11/2021 New Delhi
EmpId Project Salary Variable
121 P1 8000 500
321 P2 10000 1000
421 P1 12000 0

i. Write an SQL query to fetch the EmpId and FullName of all the employees
working under the Manager with id – ‘986’.
ii. Write an SQL query to find the maximum, minimum, and average salary of the
iii. Write an SQL query to find the employee id whose salary lies in the range of
9000 and 15000.
iv. Write an SQL query to uppercase the name of the employee and lowercase the
city values.
v. Alter the EmployeeDetail table by setting Empid as primary key and alter
EmployeeSalary by setting Empid as foreign key
6. a) A key refers to an attribute/a set of attributes that help us identify a row (or tuple) 10
uniquely in a table (or relation). Explain the needs of a key in a relation and discuss the
various keys with suitable examples.
b) Describe the spool command with suitable example. 8
c) List and explain various types of Oracle error codes and describe the reasons. 7
7. a) What are the aggregate functions in SQL? Explain with examples. 8
b) Give the difference between where clause and group by clause and Having clause with 7
an example.
c) Describe the syntax of the following commands with proper examples. 10
i) Select ii) Insert iii) Delete iv) Create v) Update
8. a) Write a PL/SQL program to find the factorial of a given number 7
b) SQL Join statement is used to combine data or rows from two or more tables based on 10
a common field between them. Analyse the different kinds of joins supported in
c) Write a short note on following commands using suitable examples in SQL 8
i. Numeric Functions
ii. Single Row Functions

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2nd Semester BSc(H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination August 2023

Course Code: B21DB0205-68819
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Define primitive data structures and explain the various applications of Data Structures. 8
b) Discuss the difference between malloc and calloc functions. Mention the purpose of 8
dynamic memory allocation.
c) Create an array of size 5. Initialize with the array elements 61,39,35,89. Perform the 9
following operation in the given order by writing the code snippet.
i. Insert 76 at pos=3
ii. Delete the second element in the array
2. a) Write a c program to perform insertion and deletion operations using arrays. 8
b) Define Algorithm. Explain the complexity of an algorithm. 8
c) Define Pointers. Pointer arithmetic is different from normal arithmetic, justify the 9
3. a) Illustrate stack overflow and stack under flow operations. List and explain the operations 9
of stack.
b) Evaluate the following postfix expression 81 + 12 * 23 – 1 8
c) Create a Queue using Linked List. Write the Queue empty and Queue full conditions. 8
Perform the following operations on Queue in the following order. For each operation
draw the Queue and explain the operations with the code snippet.
Operations: 1. Dequeue() 2.Enqueue(90) 3. Qfront() 4. Qrear()
4. a) Explain the objective of Tower of Hanoi puzzle and write a C recursive program of Tower 8
of Hanoi.
b) Convert the following infix expression into its equivalent Postfix expression (a + b) * (m/n) 8
+ (x + y).
c) Illustrate circular queue with an example. How does circular queue differ from linear 9
5. a) Binary search is more efficient then Linear search. Elaborate the statement. 8
b) Demonstrate the working of Insertion sort for the given elements with a program. 9
19, 44, 26, 1, 32, 51, 42
c) Quick sort is also known as partition exchange sort. Justify the statement with an 8

Page 1 of 2
6. a) Write an algorithm to perform insertion and deletion of a node in the singly linked list. 8
b) Explain heap sort method for the given set of elements. 9
45 16 34 5 18 22 33
c) Explain the working of binary search by taking 8 elements as an example with an 8
7. a) Define binary search tree. Explain insertion and deletion of element in a BST. 8
b) Write an algorithm for Inorder, Preorder and Postorder traversal operations. 9
c) Explain Depth First Traversal and Breadth First Traversal of a graph with an example. 8
8. a) Define the terms: 8
i. Directed acyclic graph
ii. Connected cuclic graph
iii. Complete graph
iv. Weighted connected cyclic graph
b) Discuss how binary tree is different from normal tree. Explain types of binary tree with 9
c) Explain various tree terminologies with a neat diagram. 8


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2nd Semester BCOM/BBA/BCA/BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Language –II: Hindi
Course Code: B21AHH202/B22AHH202- 53823/50702
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each section. Marks
1. a) मैथिलीशरण गुप्त का जीवन पररचय थलथिए | 5

b) वीरों का कै सा हो बसंत कथवता का सारांश थवशेषताओं सथहत थलथिए | 10

2. a) थनम्नथलथित अवतरण की सन्दर्भ सथहत व्याख्या कीथजए | 5

रात गँवाई सोयेकर, ददवस गँवाये िाये |

हीरा जनम अमोल िा, कौडी बदले जाय ||
b) अजुभन की प्रथतज्ञा कथवता में व्यक्त कथव के थवचारों पर प्रकाश डाथलए |
3. a) तुलसीदास का जीवन पररचय थलथिए | 5

b) संध्या सुद
ं री कथवता में ‘प्रकृ ती का मानवीकरण हुआ है’, थववेचन कीथजए |

4. a) थनम्नथलथित अवतरण की सन्दर्भ सथहत व्याख्या कीथजए | 5

और क्या है? कु छ नहीं।

मददरा की वह नदी बहाती आती,
िके हुए जीवों को वह सस्नेह,
प्याला एक थपलाती।
सुलाती उन्हें अंक पर अपने,
ददिलाती दिर थवस्मृथत के वह अगथणत मीठे सपने।
अर्द्भरात्री की थनश्चलता में हो जाती जब लीन,
कथव का बढ़ जाता अनुराग,
थवरहाकु ल कमनीय कं ठ से,
आप थनकल पडता तब एक थवहाग!
b) कमभवीर कथवता का सारांश थलथिए | 10
5. a) ‘हम झुक नहीं सकते’ कथवता का र्ावािभ थलथिए । 10

Page 1 of 2
6. a) ‘मधुशाला’ कथवता का सारांश थलथिए । 10

7. a) थनम्नथलथित अनुच्छेद का अंग्रज़ े ी में अनुवाद कीथजए| 10

िेल थशक्षा का एक आवश्यक र्ाग है । इनके थबना थशक्षा अधूरी है । हर लडके - लडकी
को दकसी-न-दकसी िेल में अवश्य र्ाग लेना चाथहए । िेल हमारे शरीर को मजबूत
बनाते हैं । हमारे अंदर िु तीलापन पैदा करते हैं । हमें स्वस्ि बनाते हैं । वे हमें कई
प्रकार के पाठ थसिाते हैं, जैसे समय की पाबंदी, अनुशासन, धैयभ तिा आशावादी होना
। जो लोग िेलों में र्ाग नहीं लेते वे प्राय: रुग्ण रहते हैं ।
8 a) प्रेमचंद के व्यथक्ित्व और कृ थतत्व पर प्रकाश डाथलए । 10


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3rd Semester BSc (H) CC&BD Semester End Examination July 2023
Course (Subject): Cloud Computing Architecture And Design
Course Code:B21DB0301- 68824
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each Unit. Marks
1. a) Define Virtual Data Centre and briefly explain the different flavors of virtual data centre. 10
b) Elaborate the Building Blocks for Data Center Cloud Architectures with a neat Diagram. 10
c) Show how quickly does backed-up data need to be recoverable, in the event of a 5
2. a) Differentiate between public cloud, hybrid cloud and private cloud with an example 10
b) Describe network virtualization and mention its functions in brief. 10
c) List down the advantages of Virtual Data Centre. 5
3. a) Summarize any five Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Architecture in brief. 10
b) Illustrate how to connect High Level Hybrid Cloud Architecture with the help of a neat 10
c) Show how to migrate data to the cloud to reduce IT costs. 5
4. a) Define Disaster and briefly explain the types of disasters with an example each. 10
b) Explain Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective with a neat diagram. 10
c) List top five Challenges of Multi-Cloud Management. 5
5. a) List out all the important advanced docker commands used in Docker Operations. 10
b) State the ways to Backup, Restore, or Migrate data volumes under a Docker container. 10
c) Show how will you ensure that container one runs before container two while using 5
6. a) Name and explain the various docker components. 10
b) Differentiate between docker swarm and docker compose with an example each. 10
c) List the most commonly used instructions in Docker-file. 5
7. a) Define Service Level Agreement and briefly explain the types. 10
b) Explain various ways to design service level agreement Structures. 10
c) List out Monthly Uptime Percentage and Service Credit Percentage for Region-Level SLA 5
for Compute service.

Page 1 of 2
8. a) Discuss Pilot Light Disaster Recovery Strategy with a neat Diagram. 10
b) Explain what services are covered in the sl document provided by Cio/Oft. 10
c) State traditional way of recovering data after any disaster. 5


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3rd Semester BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Computer Networks
Course Code: B21DB0302- 68825
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) Define computer network. Explain the characteristics of computer network. 7
b) List the similarities and dissimilarities between OSI and TCP/IP reference 6
c) For efficient star topology we have to choose a centralized device between Hub 4
and Switch. Which device do you prefer? Justify your answer.
d) Explain network hardware and software components in detail. 8
2. a) Explain different types of switching techniques along with their advantages and 15
b) What is transmission medium? Discuss two different types of guided media in 10
detail with their advantages and disadvantages.
3. a) Highlight the importance of multiple access techniques. Explain any two 10
different types of techniques in detail.
b) Write short note on the following concepts: 10
i. Single parity error detection
ii. Ethernet
c) Assume Data frame is 1101011011 and generator polynomial, G(x) is 𝑥 4 + 𝑥 + 5
1.Calculate the transmitted frame using CRC method.
4. a) Compare Hub and Switch. Give the advantages and disadvantages of both Hub 9
and Switch. Briefly discuss the functions of layer-2 switch and layer-3 switch.
b) Discuss the two-dimensional parity error detection mechanism. A 15 bit data 10
word along with parity bits received by the receiver is as follows: 101010
111111 011100 110100. Consider the two-dimensional odd parity error
detection mechanism to find out which bit is received in error? If, any. The bits
shown in bold with underline are parity bits. Assume sender divides the data in
a group of 5 bits each to calculate the parity bits.
c) Briefly explain the HDLC format with neat diagram. 6

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5. a) Use Bellman-Fort algorithm to find the shortest distance for all nodes in the 7

b) How does token bucket algorithm enhance the performance of leaky bucket 10
algorithm? How token bucket algorithm is implemented?
c) Why is QOS so important? Explain the different characteristics of QOS at 8
every layer of OSI.
6. a) For the IP Addresses given below: 1) Identify the classes to which the 12
following IP numbers belong to 2) Identify network Address section 3)
Identify Host Address section 4) Calculate number of hosts that can be
assigned with each network i. ii. iii.
b) Write the step-by-step working of Link State Routing. Also, Compare it with 8
Distance Vector Routing.
c) Write a note on the role of different layers in controlling the congestion. 5
7. a) Write a note on 10
i. DNS Server
ii. HTTP request-response cycle
b) UDP is a message-oriented protocol. TCP is a byte-oriented protocol. If an 7
application needs to protect the boundaries of its message, which protocol
should be used, UDP or TCP? Justify the answer.
c) TCP guarantees the reliable, in-order delivery of a stream of bytes. Justify the 8
8. a) Describe the importance of each field in TCP segment format in detail with 10
neat layout diagram.
b) How does an application layer sends and retrieve an Email? Explain with the 15
help of SMTP, POP and IMAP protocol.


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3rd Semester BSc(H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Course Code: B21DB0303- 68826
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Illustrate the need of the following similarity measures with its types and 10
suitable examples: i) Dice ii) Jaccard iii) Cosine d) Overlap.
b) Elaborate on how Bayes theorem can be used in data mining. 10
c) Draw the box plot for the following data. 5
3, 7, 8, 5, 12, 14, 21, 13, 18.
2. a) Give the formula for Euclidean and Manhattan distance formula. Find the 10
distance for the following data using both the distance measures.
Features F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
X 5 6 3 2 9

Y 7 3 1 0 7

b) Define the following with its applications: 10

i) Classification
ii) Regression
iii) Time series analysis
iv) Clustering
v) Prediction
c) Discuss how models based on summarization gives better understanding on the 5
3. a) Design clusters using single link technique for the given data and draw the 10
dendrogram. (Use Euclidean distance measure).
P1 0.40 0.53
P2 0.22 0.38
P3 0.35 0.32
P4 0.26 0.19
P5 0.08 0.41
P6 0.45 0.30

Page 1 of 3
b) Discover the Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim’s algorithm for the following 10
weighted graph where each vertex represents a city and edge represents the
distance between the cities.

c) Describe the issues in clustering. 5

4. a) Apply K-means clustering for the following data sets for two clusters (k=2). 10
Tabulate the assignments.
1 185 72
2 170 56
3 168 60
4 179 68
5 182 72
6 188 77
b) Demonstrate K nearest neighbor algorithm for classification task. 10
c) With example explain how decision trees can be used in classification. 5
5. a) Apriori algorithm uses frequent item sets to generate association rules”. 10
Consider the following data of a store with four items. Let minimum confidence
value is 60% and support value is 2. Find all frequent item sets using Apriori
algorithm and identify the Association rule.
TID List of items
T1 1,3,5
T2 2,3,5
T3 1,2,3,5
T4 2,5
b) Relate the applications of data mining for financial data analysis and 10
recommender systems.
c) Define association rule and describe the use of association rules with any two 5
6. a) Discuss how sampling and partition techniques help in uncovering association 10
rules in a better way.
b) Describe how data mining can be applied in retail and tele communication 10
c) How do you measure the quality of association rules? Discuss in detail. 5

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7. a) Elaborate various components of data warehouse three tired architecture with a 10
neat diagram.
b) Define Data Cube. Discuss the multidimensional model with an example. 10
c) Discuss various OLAP operations. 5
8. a) Explain Snowflake schema in connection with sales data warehouse. 10
b) Describe the ETL process in data warehouse. 10
c) Brief about Meta data repository in data warehouse. 5


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3rd Semester B.Sc ( H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course Title : Python Foundation
Course Code: B21DB0304- 68827
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Discuss the Salient features of python? 5
b) Write a program to return a list of prime Numbers till N? Take N as Input from the 10
c) Explain Loops and conditional statements in python with example 10
2. a) What is Time Complexity and Big (O) notation? and why is it important from a 8
programmer's perspective?
b) What are tuples in Python? With sample code, explain how to access the tuple with 8
a) Explain the following operations W.R.T Strings with examples? 9
i. Slicing
ii. len()
iii. split()
iv. join()
3. a) What are differences between Lists and Arrays? 6
b) Explain combine and duplicate operations on String with examples? 8
c) Take a number A as input, print its multiplication table having the first 10 multiples. 6
d) Write a Recursion program to Print numbers in reverse order for an Input N? 5
input: 6 O/p : 6,5,4,3,2,1
4. a) You are given an integer N. You need to print all the Armstrong Numbers between 1 10
to N. (N inclusive).
If the sum of cubes of each digit of the number is equal to the number itself,
then the number is called an Armstrong number.
For example, 153 = ( 1 * 1 * 1 ) + ( 5 * 5 * 5 ) + ( 3 * 3 * 3 ).
Note: All the test cases in this problem are limited to 3 digit numbers.
b) Write a program to input T numbers(N) from the user and print first and last digits 8
of the given numbers.
Input: t=2 No’s: 5 and 1001 O/p : 5 5 and 1 1
c) You are given a lowercase latin alphabetic character C. You have to tell whether it is 7
a vowel or not.
The characters 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u' are called vowels. If Vowel return 1 else return 0

Page 1 of 2
5. a) Given an array of integers A and multiple values in B, which represents the number 10
of times array A needs to be left rotated. Find the rotated array for each value and
return the result in the form of a matrix where ith row represents the rotated array
for the ith value in B.
b) Briefly explain List? and explain any two operations/methods that are performed on 8
c) Discuss the usage of function within another function with a sample code. 7
6. a) Given an array of integers A, find and return the product array of the same size 9
where the ith element of the product array will be equal to the product of all the
elements divided by the ith element of the array.
Note: It is always possible to form the product array with integer (32 bit) values.
Input 1:
A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Output 1:
[120, 60, 40, 30, 24]
b) Explain the methods del,update(),clear() in case of Dictionaries with examples for 8
c) Write a program to find the best of two test average marks out of three test marks 8
accepted from the user?
7. a) Write a Program to print the marks of an object ? The Student class contains marks 10
obtained by a student for two subjects m1, m2 respectively? using operator
i. S1= Student()
ii. print(s1)
b) Why inheritance is required in OOPS and also explain different types of inheritance 9
mechanisms present in Python with examples?
c) Discuss the way to override a method with suitable sample code. 6
8. a) Explain static method, class method and instance methods with example? 10
b) Explain about method resolution order in case of inheritance? 6
c) Write a class and methods to create a Student class and calculate the percentage of 9
marks obtained by him in five subjects, Also store metadata for
name,age,batch,degree etc ?


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3rd Semester B.Com/B.Sc Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Course Code:B22CAO301-92103
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each Unit. Marks
1. a) Define cloud computing. How cloud computing differs from cluster computing and 10
grid computing?
b) What is virtualization? Discuss the importance of virtualization in cloud computing. 10
c) Write a brief note on utility computing. 5
2. a) Discuss the characteristics of cloud computing. 10
b) Compare traditional data center and Cloud data center. 8
c) Discuss the various issues related to security and privacy in cloud computing 7
3. a) Describe the cloud reference architecture with the help of suitable diagram. 9
b) What is the role of Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Quality Oriented Service 8
(QoS) in cloud computing?
c) Discuss the Pay-as-you-go feature of cloud computing and how it is related to 8
billing for a cloud user.
4. a) Deliberate the cloud deployment models private, public, hybrid and community 12
cloud with a suitable diagram.
b) Write a brief note on cloud resources that can be shared with the users. 7
c) Discuss how separation of responsibilities are possible in cloud computing 6
5. a) Discuss AWS cloud platform. Briefly explain users can be benefitted? 10
b) Elaborate on Anaka architecture for hybrid cloud environment with a suitable 8
c) List out the advantages of cloud technology bring to scientific applications. 7
6. a) Discuss how cloud computing is beneficial in Health care domain with the help of 12
ECG analysis using cloud computing. Give suitable diagram.
b) Compare parallel computing and distributed computing environments. 8
c) Write brief note on Map-reduce in cloud computing. 5
7. a) Elaborate on implementation of CRM application using cloud computing. 8
b) Write brief notes on how cloud computing helps with B2C, B2B, and C2C 9
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c) Discuss Maya rendering with the help of Aneka Framework. 8
8. a) Discuss how cloud computing can be used for social networking applications. 8
b) What is Dropbox and iCloud? What kind of problems are solved by using cloud 10
c) Describe an examples of ERP implementation based on cloud computing 7


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3rd Semester BBA/BSc Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Fundamentals of computer programming and office automation (OE)
Course Code: B22CAO302 -92104
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) What is printer? Distinguish different types of printers and their working principle. 5
b) Classify Computers based on its working principle. 5
c) Illustrate the evolution of Computer. 8
d) Compare different types of secondary storage devices. 7
2. a) What is ROM? Categorize its types. 5
b) List out different types of Input devices. 5
c) Write in detail about the Generations of computer. 8
d) What is Port? Enlighten on different types of Ports and its uses. 7
3. a) Discuss the basic functions of Operating System. 8
b) Describe in detail about Microsoft Accessories. 7
c) Write a short note on the features of windows operating system. 5
d) List out the steps of installation process of CPU & Hard disk. 5
4. a) Discuss the components of windows operating system. 8
b) Distinguish Microsoft windows versions. 7
c) Outline Windows XP features with diagram. 5
d) How can we install a Hardware? List out the steps. 5
5. a) List out various alignments in MS Word with example. 7
b) How can bullets and numbers be applied in MS words. 8
c) List out the steps to replace multiple wrong with correct ones at a time in MS Word. 5
d) Write a short notes on setting customize margin in MS-Word. 5
6. a) How can we protect the worksheet in MS-Excel? List out the steps. 7
b) What is mail merge? How can MS-Word be used?Explain with an example. 8
c) Distinguish Relative reference and Absolute reference in MS-Excel. 5
d) Define Microsoft Excel.Outline few mathematical functions in Excel. 5

Page 1 of 2
7. a) What is web mail ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of web Mail. 6
b) Elucidate the steps for adding signature in Outlook E-Mail. 7
c) Elaborate the steps required to insert audio and video files in MS-PowerPoint. 6
d) List out the steps to reuse a slides. How is it different from duplicate slides. 6
8. a) What is theme? How can we change the color of themes ? Illustrate the steps. 6
b) Explain the structure of E-Mail. 7
c) Write a short notes on steps to add animation effects to slides and smart art. 6
d) Outline the features of outlook 365. 6


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3rd Semester BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Advanced Virtualization Concepts
Course Code: B21DBS311- 68828
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) List the Virtualization support for different levels of implementation. Describe 10
Hyper-V clustering.
b) Explain Xen virtual cluster manager and XCM client in detail. 10
c) Write a short note on Backup and Restore Granularity of additional attributes of 5
NFS storage.
2. a) Explain KVM clustering and workflow of KVM clustering. 10
b) Discuss all the storage area network components and their usage. 8
c) Describe the different features of CIFS Protocol. 7
3. a) There is a company named Dev technologies who want to give their clients some 10
custom images which contains iso with some software or packages installed in it.
Generate the docker file to do this.
b) Explain five terminologies in Docker and use of those terminologies. 10
c) List any five commands used for Docker image and the usage of those 5
4. a) Explain networking features in docker and goals of Docker networking. 10
b) Describe different container operations of Docker in detail. 10
c) Explain Docker image repositories and its features. 5
5. a) Explain kubernetes master machine components. 10
b) Discuss the key concepts of Paraphrase Mesos and Marathon. 10
c) Describe about Kubernetes Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity. 5
6. a) Point out the features of kubernetes. List down its advantages. 10
b) Explain kubernetes master node structure with a diagram. 7
c) Describe common usage pattern of replication controller. 8
7. a) Describe infrastructure requirements for terraform architecture in AWS. 10
b) Discuss the lifecycle of terraform with its work flow diagram. 10

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c) Write a short note on Helm Client. 5
8. a) List the additional AWS resources used for running terraform on AWS, 10
b) Sketch the infrastructure diagram for terraform in VM ware and elaborate it. 10
c) Describe the usage of terraform for kubernetes. 5


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4th Semester BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Advanced Computer Networks
Course Code: B20BS4061- 68425
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed. Marks
1 a) Discuss in detail about the problems suffered by Plesiochronous digital hierarchy. 8
b) Explain the SDH/SONET Architecture with the help of diagram. 8
c) What is Spread Spectrum technique? How are they classified? 9
2 a) How do you get value of an E1 as 2.048Mbps? 8
b) When wired communication can do most of the tasks that a wireless communication 10
can, why do we need Wireless Communication? Explain the salient features of
Wireless Communication
c) Write the difference between PDH and SDH 7
3 a) Elaborate the procedure to divide networks into subnets. Divide given network 10
address in four equal part to hold maximum 50 devices in each subnet. IP address Solve the problem by considering the given address as Host
address with class C type and 2 bits for subnetting.
b) Write a note on: 8
i. Routing Metrics
ii. Link State routing algorithm
c) Differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6. Also, discuss the need of IP v6 7
4. a) Distinguish the differences between static and dynamic routing. 7
b) Discuss the different types of addresses used in the TCP/IP protocol. 8
c) c) Explain Bellman Ford algorithm with an example. What are the problems 10
encountered here and what are the techniques to overcome this?
5. a) How TCP has proven to be a robust protocol that satisfies the needs of a wide range of 8
b) UDP is a message-oriented protocol. TCP is a byte-oriented protocol. If an application 6
needs to protect the boundaries of its message, which protocol should be used, UDP
or TCP? Justify the answer.
c) Why to use UDP though it is connection less? 6
d) Suppose a TCP and a UDP flow are sharing a link. The UDP flow attempts to transmit 5
at a rate equal to the link capacity. How quickly would each flow transmit at

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6. a) Implement FIFO queuing discipline that governs how packets are buffered while 8
waiting to be transmitted.
b) Explain in detail resource reservation policy and admission control policies? 8
c) Discuss how applications can control their transmission rates such that it 9
approximates the behaviour of TCP.
7 a) Discuss how ECN allows end to end notification of network congestion without 10
dropping packets.
b) b)Can the problem of providing QoS guarantees be solved simply by "throwing 8
enough bandwidth" at the problem, i.e., by upgrading all link capacities so that
bandwidth limitations are no longer a concern? Justify the answer.
c) c)List the advantages and disadvantages of Leaky Bucket algorithm. 7
8 a) How Resource Reservation Protocol contributes to the performance of the application 10
that makes use of it?
b) Explain how Token Bucket technique can be used for traffic shaping. 8
c) Bandwidth management and traffic shaping are essential to improved delivery of 7
time-sensitive data and performance of higher priority applications. Justify the


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4th Semester BBA,, BCA/B.Sc (H) Semester End Examination July 2023
Course (Subject): Hindi
Course Code: B21AHH402- 53862
Time: 2 Hours Max Marks: 50

Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each section. Marks

1. a) पवन पर टिप्पणी लिलिए । 5

b) ‘दौड़’ उपन्यास में दो पीढ़ियों के अंतर को दर्ााया गया है । उपन्यास के आधार पर स्पष्ट 10
कीलिए ।
2. a) लनम्नलिलित अवतरण की संदर्ा सलहत व्याख्या कीलिए। 5
“सम्र्ावना तो यही बनती है ढ़क उनके एिेण्ि र्ाह एंड र्ाह अनुबंध पा िाएँगे पर एक चीि
पर बात अिकी है ।”
b) अलर्षेक का चटरत्र – लचत्रण कीलिए । 10
3. a) र्रद पर टिप्पणी लिलिए । 5
b) “दौड़” उपन्यास का सारांर् लिलिए । 10
4. a) लनम्नलिलित अवतरण की संदर्ा सलहत व्याख्या कीलिए। 5

“वे सब र्ी अपने यथाथा को त्याग कर नहीं, उसमें से चार ढ़दन की मोहित लनकािकर इस
आध्यालत्मक हॉलिडे के लिए आते ।”
b) “दौड़” उपन्यास के आधार पर स्िैिा का चटरत्र – लचत्रण कीलिए । 10
5. a) ममता कालिया के “दौड़” उपन्यास में मानवीय सम्बंधों का लचत्रण हुआ है । उपन्यास के 10
आधार पर स्पष्ट कीलिए ।
6. a) “दौड़” उपन्यास के आधार पर रे िा का चटरत्र – लचत्रण कीलिए । 10
7 a) यूलनकोड की वतामान लस्थलत को लवस्ताटरत रूप से लिलिए । 10

8 a) हहंदी में ब्िॉग िेिन प्रलवलध को स्पष्ट कीलिए । 10


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4th Semester BSc (H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course Code: B21DB0401- 68834
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) Illustrate the process of interacting with azure Linux virtual machine. 10
b) Briefly explain the benefits of attaching and detaching cloud storage to azure virtual 10
c) List out the factors to consider before choosing a subscription in Microsoft azure. 5
2. a) Differentiate between Azure Load Balancer, Application Gateway and traffic manager. 10
b) Explain the different storage classes offered by Azure in detail with an example of each. 10
c) State the benefits of azure storage in detail. 5
3. a) Briefly explain the Recovery Services offered by Microsoft Azure. 10
b) Illustrate the steps involved in implementing Virtual Machine workloads on Azure. 10
c) Discuss key features of SQL databases in Azure. 5
4. a) Explain how can you manage websites on Microsoft Azure step by step. 10
b) Name Microsoft Azure services and explain them in brief. 10
c) Describe App service plan for Azure app service with a neat diagram. 5
5. a) Name the different types of Virtualization in AWS and differentiate between them. 10
b) Explain the consistency models for modern databases offered by AWS. 10
c) Show how do you upgrade or downgrade a system with near-zero downtime. 5
6. a) Illustrate the steps to create S3 bucket in AWS considering naming convection. 10
b) Demonstrate how to generate a policy in s3 static website hosting for getobject action. 10
c) Name any five core components of AWS. 5
7. a) Briefly explain the Elastic Beanstalk components from AWS. 10
b) Define Simple Queue Service and give any five advantages of using SQS. 10
c) Describe the different types of Virtualization in AWS. 5
8. a) Explain any five security services offered by Amazon Web Service. 10
b) Differentiate between Elastic Beanstalk and cloud formation from AWS. 10
c) List and explain the components of Elastic Beanstalk in AWS. 5

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4th Semester B.Sc (H) CC&BD Semester End Examination July 2023
Course Code:B21DB0402/ B20BS4030- 68835/ 68422
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) State software Engineering with its objectives. Describe the organization of layers in 10
software engineering with software process framework in detail.
b) What is perspective process model? With a neat diagram, explain the following: i. XP 15
process model. ii. Spiral Process model
2. a) Why agility is important for the software development? Which are the human factors 10
are essential for successful agile process? Justify your answer.
b) What is agility? List the principles of agility defined by agile alliance to achieve agility. 15
3. a) Broadly explore the components of SRS with standard template. 10
b) What is purpose of Data Flow Diagram diagram? Draw the same for SafeHome security 8
system by labelling activities.
c) Develop SRS for Travel Agent App. 7
4. a) State Requirement engineering and Rules of Thumb in requirement analysis. Explain 10
the various steps involved in the process of requirement engineering.
b) Develop SRS for Railway Reservation System. 8
c) Briefly distinguish between Web App and Mobile App. 7
5. a) What is system design process? Discuss how a good software design be represented. 10
b) Explain the underlined fundamental concepts of a system design. 15
6. a) Discuss the Objectives of Software Design process in detail. 9
b) State and explain attributes of a good software. 6
c) Explain briefly how modularity helps in minimizing complexity of a software product. 10
7. a) Outline the SQA tasks, goals and metrics in brief. 10
b) Define software quality assurance. Discuss in detail on the various elements of SQA. 15
8. a) Define software testing. Discuss on various types of software testing. 10
b) Explain software reliability along with its metrics. 15
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4th Semester BSc (H) (CC&BD) Semester End Examination July2023

Course (Subject): Automation tools for cloud deployment
Course Code: B21DB0403- 68836
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Write the measures to ensure your Chef infrastructure is scalable and flexible in the 10
b) Explain how to manage dependencies between cookbooks, and what is the role of 10
metadata.rb file?
c) Describe any five advantages of chef automation tool. 5
2. a) Summarize the steps involved in writing a cookbook on chef workstation. 10
b) Explain the strategies for monitoring and maintaining Chef infrastructure in a cloud 10
c) List and explain any five knife Plug-ins sub-commands available for Cloud hosting 5
3. a) Describe puppet master and how does it manage user and group creation on nodes? 10
b) Illustrate the steps involved in creating a group on a node using Puppet Master. 10
c) Discuss any five disadvantages of using puppet as automation tool. 5
4. a) Explain the client - server architecture of puppet with a neat diagram. 10
b) Summarize all ten factor commands on puppet master. 10
c) List and explain different types of modules. 5
5. a) Summarize any ten benefits of using ansible for configuration management. 10
b) Briefly explain the following: 10
1. Red Hat ansible
2. ad-hoc commands
c) Discuss ansible module and write a example to support your answer. 5
6. a) Discuss ansible vaults and explain why they are used. 10
b) Summarize the process of creating a user on a node using ansible master step by step. 10
c) Write an example of a playbook for creating a user on a specific node. 5
7. a) Describe ad-hoc commands and give any eight uses of using ad-hoc commands in 10
b) Differentiate between ansible master and a managed nodes. 10

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c) Discuss any five advantages of ansible tower. 5
8. a) Explain running an ad-hoc command using ansible with an example . 10
b) List any ten best practices of using ansible on any cloud platform. 10
c) Define roles in ansible tower for RBAC. 5


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4th Semester BSc (H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Cloud Developer Tools And Ecosystem
Course Code: B21DB0404- 68837
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Describe about different docker components 10
b) Enlist and describe terminologies used in Network Policy of kubernetes 10
c) Describe isolated and non-isolated pods with an example each. 5
2. a) Briefly explain the process of creating, deleting volume on docker step by step. 10
b) Differentiate between Kubectl and Mini-kube 8
c) Describe Kubernetes Api group and versioning 7
3. a) Describe global infrastructure and why cloud infrastructure matters 10
b) Demonstrate a use cases for Amazon Elastic Container Service in AWS. 8
c) Enlist different types of Amazon S3 Storage Classes 7
4. a) Explain the Use of AWS IAM with STS for access to AWS resources 10
b) Summarize about Application Load Balancer components 9
c) Explain the key-features of Amazon S3 Standard storage class 6
5. a) Define Deployment Manager. Mention any five components. 10
b) Explain the features to ensure that your App Engine app is secure 8
c) summarize the process of Setting Up Your Development Environment 7
6. a) Describe cloud computing services that run on the same infrastructure that Google uses 10
internally for its end-user products
b) Illustrate the steps involved in Running App Engine Apps on GKE 8
c) Describe the Requirements for deploying multiple services and testing on App engine 7
7. a) Describe the Principles of Agile Project Management in brief. 10
b) Briefly explain about cloud foundry concept with a neat diagram 8
c) Give a note on Software Vulnerability Management 7
8. a) Demonstrate the agile life cycle and mention the benefits of agile model. 10
b) Summarize How Cloud Foundry Maintains High Availability 8
c) Discuss the Components of High Availability Deployments 7
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4th Semester BSc (H)(CC&BD) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): The Internet Of things
Course Code: B21DBS413/ B20BS4063- 68838/ 68427
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Explain in detail about any three communication models. 9
b) Why do IoT systems have to be self-adapting and self-configuring? Explain with an
c) Determine the IoT-levels for designing home automation IoT systems including smart
lighting and intrusion detection.
2. a) Elaborate any three application layer protocols which are using the Publish- Subscribe
Communication model. .
b) Discuss any four biggest challenges or risks associated with IoT. 7
c) Write a note on integration of IoT and cloud computing. 6
3. a) Elucidate on the optimization goals and figures of merit in wireless sensor networks. 10
How are these metrics evaluated and optimized in the design and operation of WSNs?
b) Discuss how MANET differs from wireless networks. 7

c) Differentiate between single hop and multi hop sensor network with diagram. 8
4. a) Describe different network architectures and sensor network scenarios encountered 10
in wireless sensor networks, such as star, mesh, and cluster topologies, and how do
they influence factors like data routing, network resilience, and scalability?
b) Write about the enabling technologies for wireless sensor networks. 6
c) Discuss the primary factors influencing the energy consumption of sensor nodes in 9
wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and discuss the strategies or techniques required
to optimize and prolong the energy efficiency of these nodes?
5. a) Discuss some real-world applications or scenarios where energy-efficient routing plays 7
a critical role in optimizing energy consumption, such as environmental monitoring,
precision agriculture, or wildlife tracking? How does energy-efficient routing
contribute to the success of these applications?
b) How do routing metrics or cost functions play a role in energy-efficient routing in 8
WSNs? What are some commonly used metrics, such as hop count, residual energy, or
link quality, and how do they influence the selection of routes that minimize energy
c) How does S-MAC address the hidden node problem in WSNs? Explain the techniques 10
used by S-MAC to mitigate collisions and ensure reliable communication among
sensor nodes?
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6. a) How does the capture effect in wireless sensor networks affect communication 10
reliability and fairness? Explain how a stronger signal from one node can overpower
weaker signals, causing the capture node problem?
b) Discuss the challenges or limitations faced by energy-efficient routing protocols in 8
c) How does Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) utilize clustering to 7
optimize energy consumption in WSNs? Explain the process of cluster formation,
cluster head selection, and data aggregation in LEACH.
7. a) What is the role of Python in the logical design of IoT systems? How does Python 8
facilitate the development of IoT applications?
b) How does WAMP differ from other messaging protocols used in IoT, such as MQTT or 8
CoAP? Discuss the key features and advantages of WAMP in terms of scalability,
security, and bidirectional communication.
c) Discuss the performance optimizations and best practices for working with Amazon 9
DynamoDB in Python
8. a) Discuss challenges or limitations when using Python for IoT development? Elucidate 8
the performance considerations, memory management, or scalability issues that may
arise when implementing Python-based IoT solutions.
b) What is a class? Write the syntax to define class in python. How to initiate a class and 9
how the class members are accessed?
c) List the examples of real-world applications or projects where BeagleBone Black has 8
been successfully utilized. How does BeagleBone Black contribute to the development
of robotics, automation, or embedded systems?


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3rd Semester BSc Semester End Examination July 2023

Course Name : Fundamentals Of Cloud Computing
Course code : B19BS5061- 95061

1 What is Cloud Computing replacing?

a) Corporate data centers b) Expensive personal computer hardware
c) Expensive software upgrades D) All of the above
2 Cloud service consists of
a) Software, Hardware, Infrastructure b) Platform, Software, Infrastructure
c) Platform, Hardware, Infrastructure d) None of the above
3 Which of the following is most refined and restrictive service model?
a) IaaS b) HaaS
c) Saas d) Paas
4 CRM is an example of
a) SaaS b) BaaS
c) Iaas d) PaaS
5 The expansion of SLA is
a) The expansion of SLA is b) Service Legal Agreement
c) Software Level Association d) Software Legal Association
6 ____________ audits the correctness of the cloud environment.
a) Cloud Broker b) Cloud Auditor
c) Cloud Carrier d) Cloud Service Provider
7 Which of the following is not a cloud deployment model
a) Public Cloud b) Private Cloud
c) Community Cloud d) Association Cloud
8 The organizations have sensitive data that they are not able to share in a public environment
out of fear, so they will create a cloud of their own for their employees and personal usage.
Typically this is an on premise cloud.
a) Public Cloud Private Cloud
c) Community Cloud d) Hybrid Cloud
9 Sometimes two or more organizations wants to share something, may want to share work,
projects, data, etc., If one organization has a private cloud, the other organization cannot
access it as it will contain sensitive data. So they create this cloud which is accessible for the
employees of both the organizations.
a) Public Cloud b) Private Cloud
c) Community Cloud d) Hybrid Cloud
10 Microsoft Azure is an example of
a) IaaS b) PaaS
c) SaaS d) None of the above
11 The cloud architecture consists of the following layers in the order from bottom to top
a) Physical Layer, IaaS, PaaS, Virtualization Layer, b) Physical Layer, Virtualization Layer,
SaaS ,IaaS, PaaS, , SaaS
c) Physical Layer, Saas, Virtualization Layer ,IaaS, d) Physical Layer, Virtualization Layer
PaaS, ,Paas, PaaS, , SaaS
Page 1 of 4
12 __________ cloud is one where the cloud has been organized to serve a common function or
a) Public b) Private
c) Community d) Hybrid
13 What is the number one concern about cloud computing?
a) Too expensive b) Security concerns
c) Too many platforms d) Accessibility
14 Which of these companies is not a leader in cloud computing?
a) Google b) Microsoft
c) Blackboard d) Amazon
15 Which one of these is not a cloud computing pricing model?
a) Free b) Ladder
c) Subscription d) Pay per Use
16 Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage?
a) Hardware as a Service b) Platform as a Service
c) Software as a Service d) Infrastructure as a Service
17 An Internet connection is necessary for cloud computing interaction.
a) Yes, it is required b) No, It is not required
c) Doesn’t matter d) None of the above
18 “Cloud” in cloud computing represents what?
a) Wireless b) Hard drives
c) People d) Internet
19 Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing
a) Employee satisfaction b) Potential cost reduction
c) Information sensitivity d) All of the above
20 What exactly is cloud computing?
a) A way to organize desktop computers b) Lightweight software that takes up little
space on a hard drive
c) Computing resources that can be accessed on d) The World Wide Web
demand, like electricity from a utility
21 Google AppEngine is a type of
a) SaaS b) PaaS
c) IaaS d) NA
22 How does Cloud computing change the relationship between provider and customer?
a) Increased focus on service level agreements b) Less compliance to standards
c) Less focus on service level agreements (SLAs) d) More focus on training
23 What widely used service is built on cloud-computing technology?
a) Twitter b) Gmail
c) YouTube d) All of the above
24 Which cloud characteristic refers to the ability of a subscriber to increase or decrease its
computing requirements as needed without having to contact a human representative of the
cloud provider?
a) Rapid elasticity b) On-demand self service
c) Broad network access d) Resource pooling
25 Which of these techniques is vital for creating cloud-computing centres?
a) Virtualization b) Transubstantiation
c) Cannibalization d) Insubordination
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26 What August event was widely seen as an example of the risky nature of cloud computing?
a) Spread of Conficker virus b) Gmail outage for more than an hour
c) Theft of identities over the Internet d) Power outages in the Midwest
27 What facet of cloud computing helps to guard against downtime and determines costs?
a) Service-level agreements b) Application programming interfaces
c) Virtual private networks d) Bandwidth fees
28 Cloud Services have a________ relationship with their customers.
a) Many-to-many b) One-to-many
c) One-to-one d) Many-to-one
29 Virtual Machine Ware (VMware) is an example of
a) Infrastructure Service b) Platform Service
c) Software Service d) Hardware Service
30 Amazon Web Services is which type of cloud computing distribution model?
a) Software as a Service b) Platform as a Service
c) Infrastructure as a Service d) Hardware as a Service
31 Which of the following is true of cloud computing?
a) It's always going to be less expensive and b) You can access your data from any
more secure than local computing. computer in the world, as long as you have
an Internet connection.
c) Only a few small companies are investing in d) None of the above
the technology, making it a risky venture
32 What is private cloud?
a) A standard cloud service offered via the b) A cloud architecture maintained within
Internet an enterprise data center.
c) A cloud service inaccessible to anyone but the d) A cloud service which is available to all.
cultural elite
33 Cloud computing is a _______ system and it is necessarily unidirectional in nature.
a) Stateless b) Stateful
c) Reliable d) Robust
34 Which of the following is related to the service provided by Cloud ?
a) Sourcing b) Ownership
c) Reliability d) AaaS
35 How many types of service model are mainly present in Cloud ?
a) 2 b)3
c)4 d)6
36 Which of the following is called the best service model ?
a) SaaS b) IaaS
c) PaaS d) All of the above
37 CaaS stands for
a) Compliance as service b) Computer as service
c) Community as service d) Communication as service
38 Which of the following is one of the unique attribute of Cloud Computing ?
a) utility type of delivery b) elasticity
c) low barrier to entry d) all of the above
39 Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources ?
a) Polymorphism b) Virtualization
c) Abstraction d) Both a) and b)

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40 The three different service models is together known as the _____ model of cloud computing.
a) CPI b) SPI
c) SIP d) MOC
41 Point out the wrong statement :
a) A cloud is defined as the combination of the b) High touch applications are best done
infrastructure of a datacenter with the ability to on-premises
provision hardware and software
c) The Google App Engine follows IaaS d) All of the above
42 _________ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed network
using virtualized resources.
a) Distributed b) Cloud
c) Soft d) Parallel
43 Point out the wrong statement :
a) The massive scale of cloud computing systems b) Soft computing represents a real
was enabled by the popularization of the paradigm shift in the way in which systems
Internet are deployed
c) Cloud computing makes the long-held dream d) All of the mentioned
of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-
go, infinitely scalable, universally available
44 ________ as a utility is a dream that dates from the beginning of the computing industry
a) Model b) Computing
c) Software d) All of the mentioned
45 Which of the following is essential concept related to Cloud ?
a) Reliability b) Productivity
c) Abstraction d) All of the mentioned
46 Point out the wrong statement :
a) All applications benefit from deployment in b) With cloud computing, you can start
the cloud very small and become big very fast
c) Cloud computing is revolutionary, even if the d) None of the mentioned
technology it is built on is evolutionary
47 Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources ?
a) Polymorphism b) Abstraction
c) Virtualization d) None of the mentioned
48 ________ has many of the characteristics of what is now being called cloud computing.
a) Internet b) Softwares
c) Web Service d) All of the mentioned
49 Which of the following can be identified as cloud ?
a) Web Applications b) Intranet
c) Hadoop d) All of the mentioned
50 Cloud computing is an abstraction based on the notion of pooling physical resources and
presenting them as a ________ resource.
a) Real b) Virtual
c) Cloud d) None of the mentioned

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5th Semester BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Building Private Cloud with Open Stack
Course Code: B20BS5010- 68441
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Describe about Openstack. Explain different types of projects included in Openstack. 10
b) Explain the Keystone & Glance. Write the installation steps for the above projects in 10
cent os.
c) Enlighten on the use of Horizon service in Openstack and explain about it. 5
2. a) Outline the system requirements on single node. write the pre-requisite installation for 10
Openstack deployment in cent.
b) Write a note on Nova in Openstack installation steps of cent os. 8
c) Describe Tenant Network with a diagram. 7
3. a) Describe about the neutron agents used in Openstack. 10
b) Explain different types of compute resources used in Openstack. 8
c) Explain the creation of Nova instance from an image. 7
4. a) Explain cinder with cinder Architecture and diagram. 10
b) Write down the installation steps for neutron in Openstack Ubuntu. 9
c) Explain Access and Trunk Link in Openstack neutron with diagram. 6
5. a) Explain the installation steps for pre-requisite of Openstack Ubuntu. 10
b) Describe Standalone Host- Shared NIC in Hyper-V with a diagram. 8
c) Explain Logical switch and Virtual Switch in Hyper-V. 7
6. a) Explain the installation steps for keystone in controller part of Openstack multimode 10
cent os.
b) Explain Overview of the Steps to Provision NFS Data stores. 9
c) Evaluate the dashboard service in Openstack single node Ubuntu. 6
7. a) Explain the benefits for using Network Storage with diagram 10
b) Discuss iSCSI Networked Storage, hardware iSCSI, Software iSCSI 9
c) List out the installation steps for iSCSI storage in Hyper-V 6

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8. a) Explain Hyper-V Architectural Overview with diagram. 10
b) Discuss in detail what do you mean by Standalone Hyper-V Host Networking? 8
c) Explain the installation steps for neutron in controller part of Openstack multinode 7
cent OS.


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5th Semester B.Sc ( H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Bigdata Analytics using Hadoop
Course Code: B20BS5020- 68442
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) Justify why to use YARN. Elaborate with diagram. Explain the components of YARN. 10
b) Discuss the Goals of HDFS? Explain working of Hadoop HDFS? 10
c) Explain big data programming models. 5
2. a) A company named Acertt need to use map reduce. They have cent OS in their 10
company. For doing map reduce they need to setup Hadoop in it. Help them
providing the procedure to configure Hadoop in Cent OS.
b) Explain Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) architecture with diagram. 10
c) List out the features of HDFS. 5
3. a) Explain three main components of Flume Agent with a neat diagram. 10
b) Explain all the phases of map reduce. 10
c) A company has already set up Hadoop in Ubuntu operating system and they need to 5
monitor HDFS. Discuss the process of monitoring the HDFS with DataNode
4. a) Explain how Performance Testing is done in bigdata? Present the testing approach 10
b) Explain Flume with neat diagram. List out its features. Brief the applications of 10
c) While setting up Hadoop sometimes we need to kill the task tracker process and 5
create a new one to perfectly work on. Discuss the steps of killing a task tracker
5. a) Write the steps for running and deleting of word count hive job program in AWS 10
b) Explain AWS EMR Bootstrap actions. 10
c) Explain Understanding the Windows Azure Storage Blob. 5
6. a) Demonstrate Block Replication in Amazon EMR. 5
b) With a neat sketch, explain different types of nodes in Amazon EMR. 10
c) Explain the Amazon EMR job flow steps. 10

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7. a) Explain using of Apache Hive on DataProc with help of reference architecture. 10
b) Explain two methods that implies in importing Dataset to BigQuery. 5
c) Explain the process of loading data into BigQuery. 10
8. a) Explain stream data processing on Dataflow. 10
b) Explain use cases of Bigtable. 10
c) Explain underlying data representation of BigQuery 5


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5th Semester B.Sc ( H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Machine Learning Foundation With Python
Course Code:B20BS5030- 68443
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
1. a) List out the types of algorithms under supervised and unsupervised learning. 5
b) Explain the role of machine learning in health care with use cases. 10
c) What is meant by home automation? Explain how ML can help achieve this. Explain 10
any 2 use cases briefly.
2. a) What is ML? Define and explain evolution of ML. 10
b) List and brief about the some of the features of ML 5
c) List and explain any Five application of ML in transportation in detail. 10
3. a) Define Series, Data frames and Panels in pandas. Write simple code to demonstrate 8
their use.
b) List any 4 built in functions of pandas library and explain with example. 8
c) For the given data below, write sample code to plot Line graph using matplotlib 9
1 5
2 10
3 15
4 20
5 25
6 30
4. a) Consider the following Dataframe : 7
student_df =
Name class marks
Axar XI 95
Abhi XI 82
Mahender XI 65
Surabhi XI 45

Write the code to

 get the minimum value of the column marks
 Find the average of all marks combined.
b) Given an 2D array 3X3 arr = [[1,NaN,3],[4,5, NaN],[NaN,8,9]] 5
Write a code to fill all the NaN with a scaler value 0.
Page 1 of 2
c) Explain iloc() and loc() methods in pandas. Consider the dictionary: 8
{'Brand': [
'Maruti', 'Hyundai', 'Tata','Mahindra', 'Maruti', 'Hyundai', 'Renault', 'Tata', 'Maruti'],
'Year': [2012, 2014, 2011, 2015, 2012,2016, 2014, 2018, 2019],
'Kms Driven': [50000, 30000, 60000,25000, 10000, 46000,31000, 15000, 12000],
'City': ['Gurgaon', 'Delhi', 'Mumbai', 'Delhi', 'Mumbai', 'Delhi', 'Mumbai', 'Chennai',
'Mileage': [28, 27, 25, 26, 28,29, 24, 21, 24]
Use pandas to convert the dictionary to Dataframe.
Using loc() filter Brand Maruti and City Mumbai.
Using iloc() filter to get the even rows and odd columns of the dataframe.
d) List and briefly explain Numpy package and its features. 5
5. a) Discuss briefly on 9
i. Deep learning
ii. Artificial Intelligence
iii. Natural Language Processing
b) Explain concepts of OpenCV used for image processing in your own words with 8
c) Given an independent variable ‘X’ and a dependent variable ‘Y’, give the formula 8
used for linear regression for X v/s Y and state the steps involved in linear
6. a) Given a dataset containing Experience and Salary package for an individual, explain 7
how Linear regression can be applied on the dataset with steps briefly.
b) Define K-Means clustering. Explain in depth about K-Means clustering algorithm. 10
c) Discuss any four applications of Artificial Intelligence. 8
7. a) Define Elcat and Apriori. List and explain 4 use cases of where these algorithms can 9
be used.
b) With Block Diagram explain reinforcement learning algorithm. 6
c) NLP can be used for sentiment analysis state and explain how NLP can be used in 10
assessment of movie reviews.
8. a) Explain the classification of stop words in NLTK. 8
b) List the 2 algorithms present under reinforcement learning. Explain with formulas. 8
c) A survey was conducted and collected data contained census of people buying 9
vegetables from market. What type of ML algorithm can be used for analysis of this
data? State and explain with steps.


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5th Semester BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Cloud Migration and Disaster recovery
Course Code:B20BS5053- 68449
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1.Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Discuss Recovery Point Objective and Recovery Time Objective in brief. 10
b) How to restore and backup VM in same region in Amazon Web services. 10
c) Explain the different Categories of Disasters with an example each. 5
2. a) Define BCP in brief and Mention any five Functions of BCP in the cloud. 10
b) How is disaster Recovery different from a regular backup in brief. Justify. 10
c) List and briefly explain all four elements of business continuity plan. 5
3. a) State what are the on-Premise to cloud migration challenges when adapting BCP. 10
b) Write the process of designing a reliable fail-over mechanism for AWS round 53. 10
c) Elucidate how to calculate a recovery point objective step by step. 5
4. a) Name any five AWS Disaster Recovery Services. 10
b) Demonstrate multi region workload with AWS code pipeline with a neat diagram. 10
c) Explain ongoing monitoring and analytics for RTO and RPO. 5
5. a) Define Terraform and mention any five functions of using Terraform. 10
b) Briefly explain the command terraform validate in the context of Terraform. 10
c) Illustrate how to store sensitive data in terraform? 5
6. a) List some of the built-in provisions available in Terraform? 10
b) Explain benefit of terraform State and What is the benefit of using modules in terraform? 10
c) List any fiveterraform-supported versions. 5
7. a) Write JSON and YAML file for cloud formation template step by step. 10
b) Explain the process of creating and deleting AWS cloud formation stacks. 10
c) Name any five advantages of using AWS cloud formation. 5
8. a) Briefly explain what exactly is the amazon web services cloud formation registry with an 10
b) Write down the steps involved in creating EC2 instance using cloud formation stack. 10
c) Explain how AWS cloud formation works in brief. 5
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6th Semester BSc(H)(CC&BD) Special Supplementary Examination September 2023

Course Title : DevOps
Course Code: B20BS6010- 68451
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1. Answer ONE FULL question from each unit.
2. Verify and ensure that question paper is completely printed.
3. Any queries/ discrepancies regarding the question paper, must be brought to the notice of the
4. Students must check the course title and course code before answering the question paper Marks
1. a) Explain how the organizations uses DevOps and business advantages by using DevOps 6
b) Write the three types of artifacts repository and also write the features of artifacts 11
management tools.
c) LIST OUT some common issues that can occur with Jenkins. How to troubleshoot? 8
2. a) Explain any three artifacts management tools. 6
b) Write the features of Nexus Repository. 7
c) Explain the key advantages of Static code analysis tools of using Fortify and SonarQube. 6
d) Discuss the concept of infrastructure as code (Iac). 6
3. a) Explain the process of automated testing in AWS DevOps. 7
b) Define AWS OpsWorks. Compare it with other configuration management tools. 6
c) Explain the approach of monitoring and logging in AWS using DevOps principles. 7
d) Write a note on AWS CodeCommit 5
4. a) How to ensure high availability and scalability of applications in AWS using DevOps? 6
b) Illustrate the method to handle rollbacks and failover in AWS DevOps. 5
c) Explain the working of AWS X-Ray with example. 7
d) Is it possible to deploy on-premises instances using AWS CodeDeploy? If yes, Justify 7
5. a) Write a note on Google Container Registry 5
b) Define Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Compare it with other container orchestration 6
c) Explain container signing. And explain importance of container singing 7
d) Differentiate between a private and a public repository in GCP Cloud Source Repository. 7
6. a) Define Google Cloud Build. Write its purpose. 5
b) Write the benefits of using GCP Container Registry. 7

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c) Discuss about Google Deployment Manager. Explain its working 7
d) Explain benefits of using Spinnaker pipelines over traditional deployment methods. 6
7. a) Explain DevOps tools by functionality like Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, Git and Kubernetes. 10
b) Discuss the Docker Container Lifecycle Management with a neat diagram and commands 15
in Docker Container Lifecycle Management
8. a) Describe Jenkins Pipeline with a neat diagram. 15
b) Demonstrate scheduling a bamboo job in detail. 10


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6th Semester BSc(H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): DevOps
Course Code: B20BS6010- 68451
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) Summarize waterfall methodology that help the teams to optimize minimal 7
b) Describe Agile Model and mention any Ten principles of Agile Model. 12
c) Identify the various branching strategies used in the version control system. 6
2. a) Explain DevOps operating model structured along with people, process and
technology. Discuss dimensions in detail and how it is necessary for successful 8
DevOps implementation
b) Discuss the different phases of DevOps methodology in detail. 8
c) Define Terraform Core. Describe some primary responsibilities of it and
demonstrate the terraform configuration for creating a single EC2 instance on 9
3. a) Support your answer, You want to distribute a CloudFormation template to a
group of trainee developers in your company so they can create EC2 instances as
development and practice environments. However, you do not want them to 9
create instances of type “large” and “small” and want to restrict them to “nano”
or “micro”. Define which attribute in the template would you set to accomplish
b) Write a note on Continuous Integration (CI) in AWS DevOps. 8
c) Briefly explain about AWS CloudFormation in AWS DevOps. 8
4. a) Illustrate build process using CodeBuild in AWS DevOps. And mention the benefits 10
of using AWS CodeBuild.
b) Discuss the most significant advantage of using an AWS DevOps model. 7
c) Illustrate the steps involved in launching EC2 Instance in cloudformatiom. 8
5. a) Discuss the benefits of using Google Cloud Platform for DevOps compared to 7
other cloud providers
b) Describe the method of collaborate with development and operations teams in a 7
DevOps environment?
c) Discuss with an example of implementing CI/CD pipelines using Google Cloud 11
Platform tools.
6. a) Differentiate between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). 6
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b) Identify the role of Google Cloud Build in Google Cloud Platform DevOps. 6
c) Discuss the methods of automating the deployment process in Google Cloud 7
d) Discuss the features of Google Cloud Platform Container Registry. 6
7. a) Write a note on Continuous Testing (CT). 5
b) Describe containers Orchestration in Kubernetes. 5
c) Explain the different types of test cases that can be used with an example of test 15
report for banking application.
8. a) Illustrate the setup of a Jenkins pipeline, and identify are the different stages in a 10
Jenkins pipeline.
b) Summarize SonarQube integration with the software development lifecycle, and 10
identify some best practices for using SonarQube in a development team.
c) Discuss few key features of Bamboo CI. 5


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6th Semester BSc (H) Semester End Examination July 2023

Course (Subject): Deployment And Management Of Private Cloud
Course Code: B20BS6021/B19BS6021- 68452/32622
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each unit. Marks
1. a) Briefly explain the following 10
i) log formatting
ii) conditional logging
b) Differentiate between Apache and Nginx with an example each. 8
c) Describe Nginx server in Openstack High Availability. 7
2. a) Define Improving logging and mention the different ways to improving logging. 10
b) Disuss Why do we need a dedicated webserver like Nginx. 10
c) Describe why we are looking beyond Apache 5
3. a) Briefly explain What are the different type of agents we used in Compute Service and 10
Networking Service.
b) Illustrate the steps involved in installation and configuration of neutron in controller 10
part of multi node centos.
c) Discuss the role of Glance in openstack cloud deployment 5
4. a) Write down the steps for nova in compute part of multimode openstack centos 10
b) Briefly explain the project used for Identity Service and mention it’s its Components. 9
c) Summarize the different nodes used in deployment of Openstack Multimode 6
5. a) Define Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) and explain how resources are shared 10
b) Discuss the Protection policy in DPM in brief. 8
c) Elaborate the file data synchronization process. 7
6. a) Discuss Data Protection Manager, and explain step by step to deploy System Center 10
Data Protection Manager (DPM).
b) Differentiate between App Controller & VMM with example each. 8
c) Describe Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). 7
7. a) Illustrate the steps involved in Orchestrating a Runbook with a neat diagram. 10
b) Briefly explain Network Teaming in Hyper-V environments with a diagram. 8
c) Discuss the benefits of using Networked Storage. 7

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8. a) Summarize the process of Installing system center advisor. 10
b) Explain how Orchestrator are used in Automation by using runbooks with proper 10
c) Describe FCOE Networked Storage 5


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