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國一英文 06/13 課後考 範圍:U6 大卷(1)

訂 正 成 績
作答時間 40 分鐘,標準 90 ,滿分 100 分

學生姓名:______ 家長簽名:______

一、文意字彙 (每格 1 分,共 12 分)

1. Our company is near the a t. We can see planes right from our office.
2. You’ll(將)never see life if(假如)you stay(待)at home f r.
3. Bob: Where did you b y this comic book? Ivy: I got it from a b re
4. They all enjoyed the t p to Japan. They had lots of fun.
5. There is a train s n near the park. People can take(搭乘)a train there.
6. Jill: Is Chihkan Tower very famous in Tainan? Lisa: I think so. It’s a w lk wn
7. She c ed for days and did not get out of the house for about one month.
8. My husband doesn’t like the movie; it l ts about three hours. It’s really a little too long.
9. Jenny f l in love with Rick and wants to be his wife.
10. Dad d e me to my new school in Taipei today.
二、文法選擇 (每題 1 分,共 10 分)
1. ( ) Carson: Bye, girls. See you tomorrow(明天), Phoebe. Shirley: did Carson say
he would(將會)see you tomorrow? Phoebe: We’re going out for a picnic. Do you
want to come?〔103.會考〕 (A) What (B) When (C) Where (D) Why
2. ( ) Ann: Did your husband go to the USA yesterday? Liz: Yes, he there for five days.
(A) go (B) goes (C) went (D) is going
3. ( ) Willy: Why they play basketball with us? David: They have a big test(考
試)later. (A) not (B) aren’t (C) cannot (D) don’t
4. ( ) He put his toys back in his bedroom, but his brother . (A) does (B) did (C)
doesn’t (D) didn’t
5. ( ) Jill: didn’t you come to my party last Saturday? Beth: Sorry, but I was too busy.
(A) What (B) How (C) How come (D) Why
6. ( ) did you go to the zoo last Sunday? (A) Where (B) Who (C) When (D)
7. ( ) Maria was very busy last night, she did not go to Ella’s birthday party.
(A) Because; × (B) Because; so (C) ×; because (D) So; ×

8. ( ) Jack: Who sang the song? Lisa: A-Mei . (A) was (B) did (C) is (D)
9. ( ) Sally did a good job you. (A) because (B) because of (C) from (D) by
10. ( ) My brother put his watch on the sofa and out. (A) go (B) goes (C) went
(D) going
三、填充題 (每格 1 分,共 41 分)
1. 完成下列句子。
(1) Jill: Why Ben make a cake last Sunday?
Lily: He it it was his mom’s birthday.
(2) Tom: you go to bed late last night?
Joe: Yes, I to bed at 11:30 p.m. I a lot of homework to do.
(3) Max: What you eat for dinner last night?
Emi: I two plates of fried rice(炒飯)for dinner.
(4) Jill, just your eyes and some rest.
(5) Let’s bike to the park.
2. 完成下列的問句與答句
(1) Josh: you have a good time at Mr. Lin’s party tonight?
Mike: Yes, I . I’m happy I went.
(2) Roy: Who let you use the computer? Liz: Mom .
(3) Katy: Why they have a picnic at the park today?
Lisa: it rained(下雨)a lot, the grass(草地)was wet(溼的)and they (c) not sit on it.
(4) Mary: What our son do at home this evening?
Brad: He read a good book, and I , too.
(5) Jay: Why are you a little fat now?
Mia: You know what? I lots of snacks and (s) for ten hours a day every day last month.
3. 完成下列的問句與答句。
(1) Joe: Why Sally write a card last Friday?
Ben: She a card last Friday it was her mom’s birthday.
(2) Liz: Why Grandpa and Grandma take a walk at the park tonight?
Jill : They a walk at the park tonight it was not warm enough.
(3) Meg: Why you early for school this morning?
Jay: I up too late and didn’t catch(趕上)the school bus, I (w) to school at 7:50.
(4) Pat: Today is Saturday. Why not a picnic at the park?
Sue: How great!
(5) Ted: Let’s go to the movies tonight, but why Greg and Emi join us?
Bob: They too busy with their homework.
4. a young age, Joe in love with Mia, but his love her (l) only two months. They broke up(分
手)two months later.

四、對話與完成句子 (每題 1 分,共 5 分)
1. ( ) Lily: Jeff: It’s too sad, so I don’t like it. (A) Who likes the story? (B) Who
wrote the story? (C) What is the story about? (D) Why don’t you like the story?
2. ( ) Mia had too much homework last night . (A) , so she could not go to bed early
(B) , so she needs some help from her dad (C) because she hurried home by taxi
(D) because she could not write with her right hand
3. ( ) It’s a long train ride. (A) Why don’t you stand all the way? (B) Why not just
close your eyes and get some sleep? (C) Do you need a fork or something like that?
(D) Poor me. There are not many people on the train.
4. ( ) Mia: Why did you make a cake this morning? Liz: It’s a gift for her. (A) I made
it with many eggs. (B) Today is my mom’s birthday. (C) I make a cake every day.
(D) Because I love cakes.
5. ( ) I was hungry a few minutes ago, so . (A) I buy some snacks then (B) I did not
need a fork (C) I used my right hand (D) I got something from the man over there
五、克漏字測驗 (每格 1.5 分,共 13.5 分)
(In the forest)
Ian: I’m tired. Can I (1) ?
Meg: Sure. Let’s go sit under the trees.
Ian: Wow. The trees here are really tall and beautiful.
Meg: You know what? (2)
Ian: How do you know their age?
Meg: I came here before and met some locals. They told me the story behind the forest.
Ian: Really? Tell me about it.
Meg: Hundreds of years ago, a king and his wife traveled to many places together. However, on
their way to this place, (3) . The king was very sad. He buried her and then planted a lot of
trees here. The trees were his wife’s favorite.
Ian: The king really loved his wife.
Meg: I think so, too.

( )(1)(A) take a trip (B) take a rest (C) go for a walk (D) do exercise
( )(2)(A) They’re very famous. (B) They didn’t last for a long time. (C) They’re
almost 800 years old. (D) They rested here for some time.
( )(3)(A) the king’s wife lost her life (B) they saw a beautiful sight (C) the king fell
in love with her (D) they hid from everyone for days

Maybe not many people know the name, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but many people
read his books. He was popular around the world. Before his adult life, Clemens lived by a
river with his family. He did not go to school for too long (1) his family needed money
and his help at that time. He had his first job at age eleven. In his free time, Clemens often
went to the library and read in the evening. He read a lot of books. Later, (2) . He went by
the pen name, Mark Twain. He took stories from his life and put them into his books. His first
(3) book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer , was about two boys’ adventures on a river. To this
day, there are still people reading that book.

( )(1)(A) so (B) and (C) because (D) but

( )(2)(A) he sold books (B) he built a library (C) he became(成為;become 的過
去式)a writer (D) he hid behind the books
( )(3)(A) famous (B) adult (C) right (D) warm

(On the way to Grandma’s house)
Dad: Oh my! Our car broke down. What can we do?
Mom: Let’s (1) to Grandma’s house. It’s near here.
Meg: Can’t we take a taxi there? We are in a desert now! (2) taxis in a desert?
Dad: Hey! Look over there.
Mom: What’s that?

Meg: I know. It’s an alien! Let’s get the camera ready.
Amy: Oh! It’s Grandma. She’s (3) a jeep!

( )(1)(A) walk (B) swim (C) call (D) leave

( )(2)(A) Did you know (B) Do you like (C) Are they (D) Are there
( )(3)(A) taking (B) driving (C) flying (D) riding
六、閱讀測驗 (每格 1.5 分,共 18 分)
PTV News
Date: September 14, 2019
How do you go to school? By bus or by bike? The elementary school students on the
small Daiso Island, Penghu, Taiwan, go to school in the big Magong City by boat. Why?
Because there is no elementary school there.
Going fishing was hard work, and there were not enough fish in the sea. Parents on Daiso
Island went to big cities with their children for different jobs. The only school there didn’t have
enough students, so it was closed in 2005.
Now, the students take a boat at 6:40 a.m. to Chongguang Port in Magong City. It is about
20 minutes. Then they take a taxi to school. It is about 10 minutes. Sometimes the wind is too
strong, and they can’t go to school on that day. They really want to have a school on their
island, but they can’t.

( )(1) The students on Daiso Island take a boat to school because:

A: The only school was closed.
B: Parents went to big cities.
C: There were not enough fish.
D: The students go to school in Magong City.

Which is the right order(順序)? (A) A → B → C → D (B) B → D → C →
A (C) C → B → A → D (D) D → A → C → B
( )(2) A teacher writes down the schedule(行程表)for the students on Daiso Island.

Which is right? (A)




( )(3) What may the title(標題)of the news be? (A) Ways to Go to School (B)
Going Fishing in Penghu (C) Students Go to School by Boat (D) How to Go
Home in Strong Wind

Gary: Hi, Mark. I have something to tell you. My sister can’t drive us to Moon City on
Saturday. She needs to work in the hospital.
Mark: Then we’ll need to take the train. Let me take a look at the train schedule. How about

the 9:00 train?
Gary: That’s too early. I never get up before 9:00 on Saturday morning.
Mark: Well, then, how about the one at eleven o’clock?
Gary: That’s fine with me. Let’s eat lunch somewhere near the Moon City Train Station and
then go to the History Museum.
Mark: We don’t have that much time. We need to be back before five for Emily’s birthday
party. Remember?
Gary: Oh, I forgot about that. Well, let’s take some rice balls with us. We can eat our lunch on
the train.
Mark: OK.

( )(1) Why are Gary and Mark going to Moon City? (A) To visit Gary’s sister. (B)
To have lunch. (C) To go to a museum. (D) To go to Emily’s party.
( )(2) Which train do Gary and Mark plan(打算)to take to get to Moon City? (A)
The five o’clock train. (B) The nine o’clock train. (C) The eleven o’clock
train. (D) The twelve o’clock train.
( )(3) Which is NOT true? (A) Gary’s sister works in the hospital. (B) Gary never
gets up before nine o’clock on the weekend. (C) Gary and Mark are going to
Emily’s birthday party on Saturday evening. (D) Gary and Mark will(將)have
rice balls at a 7-ELEVE in Moon City.

Table manners are so different around the world. When you are having dinner as a tourist,
you always have to be careful. As the saying goes, “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

You can learn some dos and don ' ts about these countries.

( )(1) If you are going to travel to India, what kind of kitchenware can you bring? (A)

(B) (C) (D)

( )(2) Which is a BAD thing to do in these countries? (A) Enjoy your pizza with forks in
Italy. (B) Put your chopsticks beside your bowl. (C) Eat food with your clean
right hand in Brazil. (D) Eat noodles very loudly in Japanese restaurant.
( )(3) Why do Chinese not like people to put chopsticks vertically? (A) It’s not clean
and polite to their family and friends. (B) It doesn’t show respect to someone

prepared the food. (C) It doesn’t respect the food prepared with all heart. (D) It
might be a bad future sign of someone’s death.
Read Amy’s diary and answer the questions.

( )(1) Did Jimmy come to Taiwan before? (A) Yes, he did. (B) Yes, he’s living in
Danshui now. (C) No, he didn’t. (D) No, but he came to Danshui the second
( )(2) How did Amy go to Ba-li with her American friend? (A) She drove her dad’s car
there. (B) She took a ship(搭船)there. (C) She flew there. (D) By(藉
( )(3) What DIDN’T Amy and Jimmy do today? They didn’t . (A) go biking
along Danshui River (B) talk to each other in English (C) eat fast food (D)
go fishing(釣魚)on the river bank

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