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Writer's Mindset


A simile is a type of figurative language that compares

two different things using the word 'like' or 'as'.

Examples of similes using 'like' :

The bad news hit me like a tons of bricks.

You shines like a diamond while singing on stage.
She grinned like a Cheshire cat.

Examples of similes using 'as' :

I can pick my baby sister up easily. She is as light

as a feather.
The poor cat was as flat as a pancake after being
run over by a car.
As soon as the exam was over, I was as free as a

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Writer's Mindset

Try it yourself ! Fill in the blanks.

1. While we were busy cleaning up after the party, Noah

just sat there ____________ .

2. Katie exercises regularly, so she is ____________ .

3. The old lady has a voice ____________ .

4. My sister and I always argue as we are ____________


as thin as a rail

as different as night and day

like a bump on a log

like a foghorn

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An Unforgettable Birthday
Paragraph 1
Alicia and her family were dining at a restaurant to
celebrate her birthday.

Writing Guide

What did Alicia and her family do and say?

How did they feel?
What was going on at the restaurant?
What did they see or hear?


Crazy English Tuition Online - SJKC & SK & SMK

Paragraph 1
Alicia and her family were dining at a restaurant to
celebrate her birthday.


clink of cutlery

a relaxing ambience

smacked her lips

food - served - in a jiffy

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Paragraph 2
Suddenly, an armed robber came into the restaurant and
demanded for money.

Writing Guide

What did the robber do and say?

How did Alicia feel?
How did everyone else react?
Did anyone call the police?
How did the cashier react?


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Paragraph 2
Suddenly, an armed robber came into the restaurant and
demanded for money.


beefy man - black balaclava

hollered - brandishing - gun

furtively - reached for - phone

a pang of fear

colour drained from _____'s face

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Paragraph 3
As the robber was standing in front of the cashier counter
which was beside Alicia's table, she made a daring move...

Writing Guide

What did Alicia do and say to the robber?

How did she manage to grab the gun from him?
What did the waiter do?
What did her father do and say?
What happned to the robber in the end?
What did the restaurant manager do to thank


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Paragraph 3
As the robber was standing in front of the cashier counter
which was beside Alicia's table, she made a daring move...


squirted - at robber's eyes

without missing a beat

snatched - gun

metal serving tray - a resounding blow

birthday - a tale of valor

Crazy English Tuition Online - SJKC & SK & SMK

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