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I’m so pumped you fearlessly took the leap to join us throughout this

6-week program. Not only are we going to challenge you physically, but

also mentally and emotionally. We want to help you peel back the layers

and draw more clarity and understanding to who you are as a person both

inside and out! We want to help add light and awareness to your approach

and mindset we apply to push through our workouts or finishing that last

rep is the same mindset we apply to the struggles we face in life outside

of our fitness journey. Our reason and goal is to help you all overcome

struggles you may be facing and bring enlightenment and reason for

your purpose as a human. Our goal is to get you to fully commit to this

mental and physical side of this program for the next 6-weeks. With that

commitment you will create an impactful routine and set of daily habits

that you can continue to apply to your life and fitness journey.

Are you ready? Are you ready to FEAR LESS. DO MORE. & MOVE YOUR BODY?!

- Hannah & Paulo

As we begin our first week of the Fearless program, pay attention to both your body

and mind. Both will struggle with the change you’ve chosen and the unknown that

lies ahead. The first phase of any new life change brings struggle. How we choose to

react to the struggle will dictate our success or failure. If there were no struggle, you’d

already be doing it. I don’t want you to feel as though you have to “fix” any part of you.

When we live fearlessly our best selves are revealed. Focus on what you can do with

what’s “in your hands” now.

1. Write down three things you expect to struggle with before starting the first week.

2. Throughout the week, take notice of and write down struggles you encounter,

whether expected or not. This requires you to pay attention to and be self-aware

during the struggle.

3. At the end of week 1 look back at your struggles from question 1 and 2 above. Of

the struggles you encountered, which were expected and which were not. How did

you deal with your struggles and what could still be improved when encountering

them in the future?

4. Naturally when we struggle, how it makes us feel and how we react to it comes

from a self-centered place. Afterall, whatever the situation, it is happening to us.

But when we feel sorry for ourselves, or deserving of a better situation, we slide

back into our old selves. Focus on gratitude. Focus on how your own struggle

allows you to empathize with those who may have it harder or worse. Pay attention

to each of your days this week. I want you to reflect on it and write one thing you’re

grateful for per day.

Some may say focusing on the “worse case scenario” is a bad thing. I say, being

aware of what could go wrong is going to prepare you to handle it with style

and grace. Don’t externalise your “worse case scenarios” but internally visualize

yourself facing the struggle and overcoming it successfully. This way you are

ready for it… that’s if it just so happens to appear of course.

Consider this: The “scripts” we run in our minds below the surface are what cause

us to repeat the same loops in our lives that we wish to break. Before we can flip the

script we must first become aware of them, of ourselves. Keep in mind, this process is

inherently uncomfortable. A long time ago you needed these thoughts and patterns

to protect yourself. But they no longer serve you and unless you become aware of

them they have the power to control you entirely.

1. As we move through week 2, I want you to observe your own self-awareness. This

does not mean self-judgement. But if you do struggle with negative self thought,

for example, observe when it happens, what it’s tied to in the moment, and how it

feels, physically, in your body. Write them down when you become aware of your

current “scripts” that are holding you back. Be honest.

2. I want you to start to connect with your physical awareness too. What we practice

and what we think “when no one’s looking” is what we become. So, in addition

to being more mentally aware, pay attention to how you move outside of your

training. Even if you’re an advanced athlete, this week, be more in your body and

not just in your head.

There’s no writing prompt for this. The point is not just to commit to your workouts,

but to fully commit to yourself. Don’t cheat your reps or cut your time short. See it

through and complete honest work, even if you finish last. At least you know you

finished with integrity.

3. Being Fearless isn’t just about overcoming where we’ve been. You’ll notice that

by just observing your current awareness and true motivations, your awareness

will begin to grow exponentially. Focus on the positive! Write down the ways your

awareness can offer solutions to your struggles and loops.

You didn’t choose the change you desire for yourself just when you signed up for

Fearless. In fact, I would argue that you’re choosing it this week. Week three of any

new training program is statistically the week most people quit, stop, give up. I’m here

to tell you that you don’t have to become that statistic. This is the moment you dig

deep, call upon your reason, and remember that you already know what you truly

want. Pull from your reason this week to drive you forward.

1. If your reason isn’t truly for you, I promise you it will never be strong enough for

change. Your reason(s) can be health, aesthetic, or non-physical in nature.

Reflecting back on your Fearless journey so far, has your reason changed? Is it

strong enough and have you identified more reasons for yourself throughout your

journey? Write them out and remind yourself of their long-term importance to you

as you move through week 3. Our reasons can change over time and it’s important

to stay true to your current self.

If you’re still here, kicking ass, and still committed to yourself, congratulations! I

want you to know that I am truly proud of you. You’ve passed the halfway point and

are well on your journey to becoming fearless. This week I want you to consider a

new form of discomfort you may start to encounter. Overcoming obstacles doesn’t

mean you arrived. It means you’ve grown and it means you’ll now be offered new

challenges with new potential. Consistency doesn’t just mean results. It also means

momentum, confidence, and inherent fearlessness. Every obstacle that you are able

to overcome will earn another stripe on your belt. It never gets easier, we simply

become better at handling it. Struggle builds character.

1. We celebrate our growth by recognizing it. Reflect and write out all that you’ve

overcome so far. This means the little and the big. Think of all the new routines and

practices you’ve created for yourself, all the fears you had before starting that are

no longer unknown to you.

2. Prepare for new challenges ahead. As we become healthier, more connected to

our bodies, and more aware, many new obstacles in our path will be unknown.

However, there are parts of ourselves that deep down we know we’ll have to face.

Parts of “scripts” that we weren’t ready to cut down before. Reflect on your own.

Write about the challenges you know still lie ahead for you, the “next steps” that

are still unknown and that you may still fear facing.

Put more into your body and I promise you’ll find much less on your mind. At this

point in your journey, this shouldn’t be a surprise to you. This relationship between

body and mind isn’t by accident. It’s by design. I get asked a lot why I continue to

train and I can never answer that question. When you get it, you get it -you know this

relationship. I refer to this moment as your enlightenment. It’s key to keep in mind

that this is a relationship. If you neglect it you will find yourself back on the other side

of enlightenment.

1. You’ve grown in many ways over the last four weeks. Have you noticed the

relationship between physical training and mental relief? In what ways have you

found less stress and more confidence?

2. Reflecting back, are you able to see the evolution of your awareness? Are you able

to accept the relationship between body and mind? Write to the earlier version of

yourself, from before you started the program. The version of you that had more

questions than answers, more unknowns, and more fears. Tell yourself about you

now and what to expect as your body & mind continues it’s optimization journey.

3. After this week, you have only one more left in the program. I want you to finish

strong. Keep up the momentum you’ve created and commit to being fearless.

I want you to begin to think about your next move once you’ve completed this

program. What will you need for your next fitness journey? What will you want to

learn and improve? List them out for yourself so you can begin setting yourself up

for success mentally.

Last week I asked you to start thinking about your next move and needs after you

complete Fearless. This week I want you fully focused on the day at hand. I want you

fully in your body and fully committed to yourself. Consider everything you’ve been

through, everything you’ve overcome, and put all of that energy and respect into

your final week of training. You get one body and one life. You’ve already made the

investment in yourself. Reap all you can from it this week.

1. Before you start week 6 I want you to get hyper focused. Look back at your journey

so far. Be honest with yourself about your shortcomings. What are the last pieces

for you to commit to? Are you struggling with nutrition, sleep, time management?

List them out so you don’t have to struggle with them later this week. Finish strong!

2. During this week, execute at your highest level!

3. As the week comes to a close, I want you to commit to yourself and to all the hard

work you’ve done up to this point, with a clear idea of your next fitness move. When

you’re fearless enough to face your next unknown, you’re fully committed. Write

down what you want for yourself next, what you want to improve, and what you

want to learn next.

I’m a true believer in energy. Energy can be found in many forms and can often take

time to feel, evolve, and apply. Let’s look at the momentum you have built over the

past 5 weeks as energy to fearlessly commit to your next challenge. Don’t let it fade,

commit to your next step and know that I am so proud of you and support you every

step of the way.





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