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Mey - ( aa : a Jeet ea aa ati 8D Canter OcisierB ec chster C7 aero. Cluster ee fe” 2m procent by whlch a paychiatrl patient Is enabled to regain or achiewe his maximum Possible mg, are Ee cael oon a} Poychotherapy —b, Counseling @tensviieavon Physiotherapy ocr aa inet uct pea sponse opnceeng en e a) Anviety b, Stress © Cane, CM Somx0form di / 3. All ofthe folowing ae pes of bipolar eorder except 2 ¢ don 4) Bipolar, manic ——b. Bipolar, depressed Dwnisociat 4. ¢yclothymia @ itusons , Delusion +c. Hallucination d. Phobia Settee: i a} Poverty of speech ) mabitty 10 niiate and persist in nat Soe. pee Ps 1B Wrsseedotneriomaie Seine = Premier watt eamtemmsatetyan tens cana Ta 3) Anwety disorders Disocitive dizorgers| A AZ Act ores F somatic daordes| aofmater rm ca or. Za haecroton ‘th teas of hang, othe ia hat one has, 2 serious tease bed On the DeTION'S yg 5 coy by 2S mln er bee opt eas, et Oo , 1b, Pain disorder @rypochond riasis dobsession “ST Gok BO ve et Se ‘Attention Deficit wypersetvity Border (ADHD) sw cldhood dsorder KAOWn 35: fete a HER, Pe sos: 2) Moana daorers @trenrtnete sorters) 2 SS ag HO ae sae 0 baba’: S) tnversasisdiwrcers ener ok ee et 79. ABE drier 5 didhood dinterative disorder, Asperger's disorder, and jswvesive (ond SY 80°05" Sevelopmenial order are sommes ered tim whchot te tlw? Nor Se CMyg, Atm | Ass specrum coder stereotypy 6. Mentaat 2 eae ." 7 {iS a maladaptive pattern of alcohol or other drug use ran Sr CA oe ea va coho or other rag use tht leads to significant Deer’ 9 Otho > Sie ab Alcholon [i Sutstence dependence |_iSTRS sf waharanal ss °F Wresioushy 9 Al" 34. tack of emotional somata = sheen ia par, . Lack of emotional feeling a icateey r pret ste i Oro ree : Sr Sb een ee zn an emotional ast to Which an ease | ‘ana which eads to tenslon ané wot = pene } va) Ansiety @BStress, Frustration: a. Crisis i 33. A type of delusion in which 2 chent believes am exaggerated sense of one’s own importance, on fete " ‘Se aay, Fg ep eee rien . | '3} Biochemical and physiological changes, <}_ Behavioral changes. b) Cognitive changes. @ AtoF the above. 135, False sensory perception inthe absence of any external stimulus is: cal fet Delusion *@stwcination oi ase an ti re mente a | ont) Crcurstontiatyb.toosingofasedation Tange “d. thought va | coosing oh 2289!" yea tate wher tron tus tog felngs of wor or read, when the souee Is nonapecies kaown plese, Phobia idtonion - i ‘Databaree io Abe i tore wt ro panera occurs: nd 3 Pi evra Both 386 of ATO [pes eet ears Ne ioowing belongs to Wee everson? sAmyes) o.. | renee om ov Sp esteem Needs (Tasos) |p. ce co coma nh eracrcee eee ee foes Oates mee Brreciposingtactos COPE ovoing any Bee aie 41. Which one ‘of the following is Freud's Psychosexval Stage of development?

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