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Copyright Runehammer Games 2022

Permission granted to print
this document for personal use

Art by Brandish Gilhelm

Hankerin portrait by Richard Whitters

This Book made possible by

the shield wall of Patreon
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Example: Last Rites
GM Bullets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Core Systems For Honor! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Times-Ten Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Thinking In Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tables
Improving the Odds . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Propulsion Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Ships Don’t Do Things . . . . . . . . 3 Weapons and Rams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Uncommon Maneuvers . . . . . . . 4 Armor & Utility Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Gravity and Inertia . . . . . . . 5
Crew Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Engines and Fuel . . . . . . . . . 6
Things in the Aethr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Diversity of Action . . . . . . . . 6

Ships Rules Summary Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Construction Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cloud Chaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Dexy’s Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Atheon Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Granite Resolve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
If you’re reading these words, you’re a seeker like me. You’re never content, never
settled, always looking for ways to create a better game for your players. On this
journey, you’ve come a vast distance: from the shadowy corners of the so-called OSR to
a shining stack of the latest books from the biggest publishers, to the myriad offerings
of independent creators like Runehammer. Now, your players have their eyes set on
the worlds beyond the sky. Flying ships, magical engines, and cataclysmic events
drive them to dare the stars. Your job? Use all your design chops, color outside the
lines, be bold, and make it awesome.


Starfaring in a fantasy RPG involves many daring themes and offers a tantalizing new
frontier for players. All this potential inevitably leads to expectations of ship-to-ship
conflict. What use is being a pirate if you can’t take on the royal fleet? How fun would
Star Trek be without Klingons to battle?

Much like its earthbound cousin 5e Hardcore Mode, Aethrjammr prefers fast, simple
and deadly mechanics to clunky, over-detailed and seldom dangerous stats and
systems. Sure, it’s a titanic clash of star-galleons, but that doesn’t mean we need to halt
the story, bury our noses in numbers, and measure the gunrails foot by foot.

Aethrjammr is here to offer a fast, simple, brutal system for ship-to-ship battles in your
game. It’s friends with 5e Hardcore Mode, but like all Runehammer works, it’s intended
as brain-food for the innovative GM. Take what works, toss the rest.

See you in the Aethr.


Hankerin here. These damned fools are set on this

spacefaring madness. I don’t know what’s worse: dying in
the aethr, or wearing this ridiculous helmet.

To get started, let’s make a fundamental All aethrjammrs are built in parts. A part
distinction of things that can be harmed, is a large section of the ship like a cluster
attacked, affected, rammed, or blasted of cannons, a battle ram, magic engine,
by an aethr-faring starship. solar sail, or grapple crane. Parts have
a number of hit points and one ability.
First, there is ship-to-ship interaction.
Most often, ships target each other. Their When a part is reduced to 0 HP, it must
aim is to disable, destroy, or plunder make a 50/50 save to remain intact. If this
another vessel. In these cases (most save is failed, the part is obliterated! The
common) use the parts system at the core simplest way to roll this is meet or beat a
of this document. DC 10 on a D20. If the save is made, the
part can be repaired, but is out of use until
When individual characters are directly repairs are made. If an already unusable
impacted by a ship’s weapons, or even part is hit again, it is obliterated with no
crushed by its hull or battle ram, multiply save.
its ship-to-ship effect by 10. Your battle
ram inflicts 4 ship damage? Well, that’s If a part is obliterated, the ability
40 damage to a crewman. Someone get associated with it is gone.
the medkit.
A given part features 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 HP.
Similarly, the damage or effect delivered
uses a matching tier of die, rolling that
Ships’ weapons and effects... die when used. Beneath the parts is the
• Roll a single die for effects hull, with a handful of HP, only hit when
• Operate at 10X character numbers all parts are unusable. Hulls at 0 HP must
• Do not roll to succeed save or be obliterated.
• Originate in destroyable parts
Take a look at the rules
summary sheet for easy

Ship to ship, there’s always a chance to bolster, reinforce,

repair. When a ship directly attacks or impacts a crewman...
well, that’s an ugly business indeed.

No one wants to lose their ion drive in Parts have obliteration saves and a die
the Zangeezi voids or bumble a ramming for output, but what about rolling to
maneuver and hit a Beldarian asteroid- succeed? That’s where crew comes in.
castle. Your players will be looking for
ways to improve the odds with everything When a player announces an action,
they do aboard their aethrjammr. call for a roll on the corollary attribute.
Hurling an anchor to swing ʻround? STR.
When it comes to ships, the only way to Spinning the helm to dive under a cloud?
improve performance and chance-of- DEX. Bracing the main sail for a blast of
success is with parts and strategy. solar fire? CON. Don’t overthink it, keep
it visceral.
Higher HP parts have a higher
corresponding output die, improving Enemy ships take D4 crew actions
pull-away speed, cannon damage or fuel on their turn
reserves. As far as strategy, well once
you’re using your ship’s parts to effect, In extreme cases, pump the DC of an
that’s a boundless array of options for attribute check by 3 or 6. Still doesn’t feel
players to improvise and imagine during crazy enough? The wildest maneuvers
their adventures in the aethr. can require ALL CREW to succeed their
respective checks. See p. 18 for a handy
Take a look at the parts table on p. 15. reference on crew rolls.
Your crew should be doing everything
in their power, between trips to save the “Boom line?” “Made it, cap!” “Engine
universe, to get more or better parts! shield?” “Half capacity!” “Grapple
arrows?” “Bullseye, cap’n! Punch it!”
Seeking out shipyards and merchants
or stealing from other ships is always a By avoiding pre-defined crew
priority in the vastness of space. roles and skills, players can
freely think in 3D space,
not look for answers
on their sheet.

I see your fancy squid-sloop. You’ve all the shiny bits in all
the right places, but give me three stalwart crewmen with
the right training, and I’ll take on a whole fleet in a rowboat.

Aethrjammr may strip away a lot of numeric detail in ship combat, but this simplicity
frees up player brain-power for the real task: thinking creatively and tactically in a
fully 3D combat space. Starfaring ships have limited maneuverability, and the vasty
nothin’ awaits the unwary captain in any skirmish. Any crew can execute a fast run,
sharp turn, cannon attack or boarding. Tactics below are for the seasoned sailors.

Present Flank: Position your ship with a heavily armed or armored side to your foe.
Damaged, but not obliterated, parts can also be presented to absorb fire.
Dropout: If an encounter is happening in a relative plane of space, cut engines or use
heavy ballast to ʻdrop’ vertically, eluding an opponent’s immediate view.
Anchor Catch: At speed, hurl an anchor at a massive object to induce an extremely
sharp turn. Anchor catching has been known to toss crew and parts overboard.
Decoy: Use concealment or silent running to convince a foe you are somewhere else.
Split Ram: Superior sailing skill means getting above or perpendicular to an enemy
ship. Ramming from above, or directly into a flank, is far more destructive.
Dead Man’s Handshake: Pulling up flank-to-flank is a signal for boarding. This
devious maneuver uses that assumption to fire a massive volley at point-blank.
Shunting Maneuver: At speed, a precise collision can push another ship slightly,
using its momentum to ʻshunt’ it into an unwanted collision with other objects.
Brick Wall: Surprising a fast moving ship by appearing in front of it, forcing a collision.
Ball & Chain: Using a massive object as a pivot point, usually on a long cable or chain.
Hitchhiker: For madmen. A single crew leaps into open space, slowly falling or drifting
to an enemy vessel undetected. Employed for sabotage, rescue, or demolitions.

Surviving an engagement is almost never about outgunning

or outrunning. You’ve got to use the clouds, use the rocky
bits. The battle is won up here - in the brain pan.

The vast of space is criss-crossed with currents of gravity. In most places, it is light,
but present, requiring engines to keep jammrs moving on course and pulling masses
of gas like great rivers. Gravity pulls toward whatever mass may be nearby. This aids
navigation, but dooms the drifters. Aethrjammr reduces all possible gravity scenarios
into four varieties:

Zero G: Pure weightlessness. Use crampons or ship parts to keep ship decks walkable.
Gravity River: A gentle pull of gravity toward a world or larger rock mass.
Fall Zone: Enough gravity to induce a high speed fall (to your doom).
Gravity Well: A powerful vortex of gravity only the best engines can escape.

Using gravity to advantage in ship combat is a key part of any engagement.

Like a seafaring vessel, an aethrjammr has limits in the precision of its movement,
especially stopping and tight turns. Don’t get too hung up on exact measurements of
distance here, it’s more about time. Parts will help your crew execute more precise
stops and turns. Engines roll high, but improved brakes use smaller dice to measure
stopping time. Let’s compare two braking systems:

Simple Inertia Stop: With no special brakes, come to a stop in 1D4 rounds.
Braking Chute: A simple sail to slow a ship. 8 HP. Come to a full stop in D8 turns.
Impulse Reverse: A small, forward-facing coal thruster. 4 HP. Full stop in D4 turns.

Notice how maneuvers here are measured in turns and rounds. Turns are fast!

A captain slams the reverse thruster, rolls a 2. The next player takes his turn.
The player after that sees the ship grind to a full stop before taking
their action. Once again, it’s all about parts.

Stacking parts of the same type compounds your effect, lad.

Fire two cannon batteries back to back. Ignite two reverse
thrusters together, cutting stop time in half.

On a leisurely sailing voyage, almost As a conclusion to the core systems,
no fuel, of any type, is consumed by an it’s important to note that ʻrules’ only
aethrjammr. Gas currents and gravity are represent baselines. Every crew worth
used to get from place to place with little its salt will want to bend rules, push the
care for supply. In battle, though, fuel is limits, and go for broke as long as the GM
consumed to execute maneuvers. provides diverse challenges.

Engine parts have HP and a corresponding Diverse challenges is a very brief way
die like any other part. Big coal furnace? of saying that space combat needs
8 HP and D8 turns of lead on a pursuer. interesting and ever-changing variables,
Expensive alloy mage ring engine? 12 limitations, and seemingly impossible
HP and 12 turns of pull-away. Aethrjammr odds to keep crewmates on their toes.
uses one simple rule to govern how much Simply blasting cannon volleys is only
fuel an engine can burn: one very simple type of action.

Take a look at the space battles proposed

in ʻHusk of a Titan’ and ʻSleep Among
Subtract thrust roll from engine HP. the Stars.’ These adventures introduce
opposite-but-complex ship conflict
When an engine reaches 0 HP, it is out scenarios that test all kinds of crew skills,
of fuel. If fired again it will function, but ship parts, and tactical thinking.
then be obliterated.
Just like all good RPG play, if the GM
If carrying fuel reserves, add their only asks for STR rolls in tank-and-spank
value to engine HP. combat, players are seldom tested. Mix
it up and, dare I say, call for an INT roll
now and then!

Refuel an empty engine by rolling its die,

working the pump. That many fuel HP are
recovered in 1 round.

I’ll take a good iron war boat with three small coal forges
over these superfast mage rings any day. I blow an engine?
No problem, I’ll have two more to spare.

Let’s get you sailing the vasty nothin’. A handful of example ships are included below,
but all the cool players will want to build their own. What’s to keep wily crews from
just stacking loads of parts and crafting the ultimate ship for every possible purpose?
If your players don’t track gold much, earn 1 part for every 5 levels in your group. If
coin is your jam, multiply part HP x 100 for gold coin cost.

Acquire a hull (ship without parts) by king’s fortune, royal gift, or inheritance.
Aethrjammr hulls are rare, wondrous things that cannot be bought.

For 5 levels or part HP x 100gp, acquire 1 part for your aethrjammr hull.

Only acquire parts at dry dock, shipyards, merchant ports,

or other such locations, regardless of available levels.

Part cost may seem a bit high if your group is lower level. Never fear! Some hulls offer
early sailors a better deal, but with limited build potential. Consider these hull types.

Sloop: A stripped down, simple sailing hull. Hull HP: 2. Part capacity: 2. Pay 2 levels
under normal part cost for such simple mounting cleats.
Argosian Keelboat: The most common jammr type. Hull HP: 6. Part capacity: 4.
Krakken: A tentacled, organic ship design from deep space. Hull HP: 8. Part capacity:
5. Krakken ships include a D8 / 8 HP magic engine with the hull.
Thrustrock: A mass of rock equipped to sail. Hull HP: 12. Part capacity: 4. These are
the easiest hulls to acquire (they’re just space debris), but cannot be fitted with parts
over D6 / 6 HP quality. Add +2 to obliteration saves aboard this durable hull.
Galleon: A huge masterpiece of shipcraft. Hull HP: 12. Part capacity: 6. Pay 2
levels above normal part cost to outfit this vessel. Also requires a crew of 10
or more to sail.
Flagship: A massive sailcraft the size of a village. Hull HP: 30. Part
capacity: 10. Requires crew of 30 or more, very few of these are
known to exist... a true sight to behold.

I know you’ve got big dreams, lass, but I’ve seen naught
but sloops and keelboats for a decade. The bigger ships
are out there - beyond the argon storms.


Hull: Argosian Keelboat
Origin: Edsel shipyards
Hull HP: 6
• Modified Beldarian Ion Drive: A D12 engine, custom built with a D4 fuel reserve.
• Hidden Cargo Bay: A D4 part that cannot be actively targeted by foes. Carry 4
parts or up to 40 people. Secret access hatch is -4 for searchers to detect.
• Heavy Smoke Bellows: A cloaking device. D10 part. When deployed, roll D10 for
spot/target/pursue penalty on opposing ships and crew.
• Shadowsails: Light-absorbant, quiet canvas fans for silent running. A D4 engine
that does not consume fuel.

The Cloud Chaser has changed hands several times over the past 50 years,
mainly employed by smugglers running the argon frontier. It combines top
speed with a few dirty tricks to elude pursuit, but has little to offer in
a direct combat engagement. It’s current captain is Randall Kay, a
former kingsman turned fugitive.

Kay? That jackal? He’s got the void-madness allright! Left

me and crew marooned for three weeks on the Halberd
spider-crags! He doesn’t deserve that lovely boat!


Hull: Krakken
Origin: Outer reaches, stolen
Hull HP: 8
• Grapple Crane: A D8 haul-in winch and articulated tentacle - hook.
• Heavy Cannon Rail: A D10 array of extra large gunpowder cannons.
• Jaw Ram: A brutal D12 sawtooth battle ram. Parts or hulls damaged by this ram are
at -3 / Disadvantage on obliteration saves.
• Mage Ring Engine: A typical magic engine with D8 capacity. Cast any spell into
the engine as a 1 point fuel reserve.
• Coal Forge Engine: Heavy iron thruster. D6 capacity. Tough construction gains +3
/ Advantage on obliteration saves.

Dexy is an aethr captain of legend, known to spearhead a major offensive

against the cosmic outsiders commonly called ʻsquids.’ In the opening
days of that conflict, this ship was stolen from the strange species,
earning their undying wrath.

Dexy laid low a while, but she’s back at it again these days,
using that ship as bait to lure the squids out of their nebulae.
A bit mad, but she’s got some real sand.


Hull: Galleon
Origin: Elven High Court
Hull HP: 12
• Mage Ring Engine: A typical magic engine with D8 capacity. Cast any spell into
the engine as a 1 point fuel reserve.
• Arcane Fuel Reserve: A D10 fuel reserve contained in a small silver vessel. This
part cannot be deliberately targeted from afar.
• Standard Cannon Rail: A D8 battery of gunpowder cannons. Lighter than heavies,
in exchange for a retractable state, in which they cannot be targeted. 1 crew action
to retract/extend them.
• Coal Brake Thruster: A D4 part reverse engine for fast stops and other extreme
maneuvers. Dwarf-craft gives it a 1 point fuel reserve on any successful obliteration
• Admantium Hull Shield: 10HP blast armor.
• Standard Iron Ram: A D8 ram fitting. Lighter than a jaw ram, but easier to
salvage, +3 / Advantage on obliteration rolls.

The elves claim sovereign right to some sectors of the aethr,

claiming these glow-clouds as celestial homelands.

Don’t be hasty antagonizing the elves up here. As master

artisans, their shipcraft is beyond reproach. It’s the silly
space suits I take issue with.


Hull: Thrustrock
Origin: Dwarven salvage team
Hull HP: 12
• Cold Iron Coal Engine: A D10 coal-burning engine. Coal can be mined on any
asteroid or space-rock to stockpile fuel reserves.
• Coal Brake Thruster: A D4 part, reverse engine for fast stops and other extreme
maneuvers. Dwarf-craft gives it a 1 point fuel reserve on any successful obliteration
• Dragonfire Cannon: A huge, terrible weapon that ejects a bolt of white-hot steel.
D12 part. Any hit on a vessel of 6 or more ignites the vessel, inflicting 1 damage
every subsequent round until extinguished.
• Anchor Gun: A massive iron hook fired from a pneumatic turret. D10 part.
This anchor functions as normal, but with a tremendous range. It can also
be used as a boarding hook or weapon.

Dwarves don’t really want to be in space, so they bring the

mountains with them.

I’ve seen a thrustrock, devoid of all parts, just gravity

surfing out in the coal belt. The damn thing hit an elvish
galleon and went clean through.

As a direct counterpoint to Titan Shell, this Dave: Ok guys, both ships are drifting
encounter pits two allied aethrjammrs into the weird, teal-colored gas clouds.
against a common enemy: an outsider A heavy dirge of druidsong is in your
warship. The stakes couldn’t be higher, as hearts, but before you can reach the
a king’s dying wish hangs in the balance. cradle of stars, a massive shape emerges
from the gas.
• A long-beloved king has finally Holt: I knew it.
passed away, leaving a legendary Dave: First you see the blades on the hull,
final wish: to be interred among the then the strange thrust pods, the weird
stars in a young nebula. Our heroes green lights within. Outsiders.
are the only starfarers willing to make Holt: (Grabbing a handful of dice)
the journey... willing to risk their lives Ironbeard! Thrust hard starboard. Let’s at
for a king’s last rites. So the journey least give this thing two targets.
begins. Ironbeard: Aye aye!
• The nebula is a remote gas cloud Dave: Ok, I suppose that’s our first roll.
known to be patrolled by outsiders. Let’s get the Granite Resolve thrusting
The chances of survival are all too low. away. Holt, you can roll for the Resolve.
• On the journey, a second, smaller ship Holt: Excellent. Let’s see, Cold iron coal,
joins the quest, vowing endless loyalty D10... a 3. Down to 7 fuel.
to the ʻgreatest king in the cosmos.’ Dave: As the Resolve pulls away, who
• Before the body can be set adrift in the reacts faster, the Cloud Chaser crew or
strange, cloudy nebula, the two ships the outsiders? Give me a D20, highest
are ambushed by an outsider warship. wins.
• We have a GM (Dave), 2 players aboard Holt: Can I use my DEX bonus?
the Cloud Chaser (Em and Holt), and 1 Dave. Sure! I’ve got an 11 here.
NPC solo piloting the Granite Resolve Holt: 17! To your stations guys! Let’s
(Ironbeard). keep the guns off Ironbeard to start. Em,
• The target or DC for this encounter can you fire our engines? Straight at the
is set by the GM at 12. All DEX, STR enemy ship? I’ve got an idea.
and such rolls are against that number Em: We don’t have any weapons on
unless circumstances warrant a board, but I like it. D12 engine here... a
penalty or bonus. beast! How far is the outsider ship?
• Outsiders are a mysterious and Dave: Good question. (Rolls D4) Looks
malevolent species that have sworn to like 2 ROUNDS distant at cruise speed.
kill all Oearthlings. Em: Firing engine! Boom! a 9! 3 fuel

Dave: More than enough. You blast across Holt: For the king! Helluva shot, Ironbeard!
the nebula, slamming into the outsider Dave: Ok, your move, Cloud Chaser. A
warship. You don’t have a ram, so both massive plume of fire billows into the
ships take D4 damage. A 3, ouch. aethr as the warship catches fire.
Em: Let’s mark that damage on the Holt: Thank the gods they failed with
shadowsails. They’re torn to pieces, 1 HP the grapple crane. Let’s disengage so
left. Ok, Holt, your plan ready? Ironbeard can make another shot. Rolling
Holt: Dave, I want to deploy our smoke engine to blast away from this flaming
bellows. The idea is ram them, get their hulk. Whoah, I rolled max! A 12! That
attention, then make it hard to see exactly expends our 7 fuel AND our reserve. The
where we impacted. engine is at 0!
Dave: Love it. Roll. Em: You’ve pushing it too hard!
Holt: Ha! A 6. So they are -6 to exactly Dave: The Cloud Chaser speeds well out
locate or target us, but they sure know of outsider weapon range, the huge fire
we’re here. far behind you. The engine goes dark.
Dave: Alright that brings us to the outsider Holt: The engine is dry, Em! We’re on
ship. I’ll take D4 crew actions here... a 2. sails now- and they’re almost shredded!
First, they fire standard cannons into the Dave: Em, your move.
smoke! Rolling DEX for these weirdos. AT Em: Not sure I can do this, but I want to
-6? The volley goes wide, hitting nothing get working on these sails. They’re our
but smoke! lifeline now.
Holt: Yes! Dave: Ok, give me an INT roll for shipcraft.
Dave: Ok, another outsider crew action 15? Ok, recover D4 HP on the sails.
here, firing Grapple Crane! Another Em: Ugh, a 1. More than nothing.
DEX-6 attempt on DC12: ugh, a 3 after Dave: Ironbeard fires engines to head
the penalty. Damn smoke! Ok, back to your way. A 2. It will take 5 or 6 rounds,
Ironbeard: Firing dragon cannon, but I’m but he’s letting his engine cool, coming
2 ROUNDS out of range. Can I try anyway? your way slowly. As for the outsider ship,
Dave: Make it a longshot. -4 to hit with it’s in flames, taking another... 3 damage.
DEX. (-2 per ROUND out of normal range.) That damage goes to its engine. Do they
Ironbeard still gets it with a 15! D12 on stay to fight? A 2 on my D6 here, so no,
this monstrous weapon... 11 damage! they don’t! The outsiders pull away,
Em: Where does it hit? working to extinguish the fire.
Dave: Well, the outsider ship just fired Holt: I walk slowly onto the deck, seeing
its cannon rail, so Ironbeard takes aim at the young stars. It’s time. Time to bury a
the muzzle flash. 11 brings it to 0 HP, so king.
rolling for obliteration here. Nope. The
rail of cannons is totally destroyed!


1. Solar Sails: 4 HP. Common, lightweight cloth sails for fuel-free cruising.
2. Shadowsails: 4 HP. Light-absorbent, quiet canvas fans for silent running. Roll D4 as a
penalty for pursuer attempts to spot or target.
3. Gobbo Prop: 4 HP. A cheap but reliable belt-driven propeller.
4. Coal Forge Engine: 6 HP. Heavy iron thruster. Simple construction grants +3/Advantage
on obliteration saves. Coal is easily found and mined to stockpile fuel reserves. Carry up
to 4 coal reserves with no cargo hold.
5. Cold Iron Coal Engine: 10 HP. The big one. Coal is easily found and mined to stockpile
fuel reserves. Carry up to 4 coal reserves with no cargo hold.
6. Coal Brake Thruster: 4 HP. Reverse engine for fast stops. Dwarf-craft gives it a 1 point
fuel reserve on any successful obliteration roll.
7. Mage Ring Engine: 8 HP. An alloy ring that focuses arcane energy into thrust. Cast any
spell into the engine as a 1 point fuel reserve.
8. Arcane Fuel Canister: 4 HP. Glowing aethr in a glass bell.
9. Arcane Micro Battery: 10 HP fuel reserve contained in a small silver vessel. This part
cannot be deliberately targeted from afar. Very hard to find.
10. Beldarian Ion Drive: 12 HP. A massive engine. Can be seen from afar.
11. Varithruster: 8 HP. A semi-organic thrust system with pivoting valves. Use for engine
thrust in any direction. Attracts attention from outsiders and other non humans.
12. Crystal Furnace: 4 HP. Keep this heat core burning to feed D4 fuel into any engine
with a 1 turn crew action. If obliterated, explosion inflicts D4 damage on engine in use.
13. Ion Trail Scoop: 6 HP. A large intake vent mounted on the bow. If pursuing another
ship within 3 ROUNDS distance, refuel engine in use with D6 fuel per ROUND.
14. Arc Drive: 10 HP. A super-rare space-folding engine. When used, travel distance
rolled without crossing the space between. Flash of lightning can be seen for vast
distances when this engine is employed.
15. Argosian Silksails: 6 HP. These mastercraft sails are silvery in texture. They deliver
6 thrust consistently with no roll when unfurled. Ideal for long journeys.
16. Bounce Piston: 6 HP. In a collision, this pneumatic piston is deployed to shoot away
from another object with great force. The same thrust is delivered to the other object.
17. Cold Iron Engine Casing: 8 HP. A heavy bell for engines. Add +3/Advantage to
obliteration saves on that engine. The engine within also cannot be targeted until this
shielding is at 0 HP.
18. Frost Heart: 4 HP. Arcane ice cools engine parts, allowing a final push. Gain 1 extra
thrust roll when your engine is at 0.
19. Arcane Injectors: 4 HP. Alloy tubes fixed to any engine. Add D4 to your engine rolls.
20. Integrated Engine Housing: 4 HP. This custom-fitted requires a master shipcrafter.
The ship’s engine is hidden inside the hull. The engine is hit with damage only if all
other parts are at 0 HP.


1. Standard Iron Ram: 8 HP. Simple construction, +3/Advantage on obliteration rolls.

2. Jaw Ram: 12 HP. A brutal sawtooth battle ram. Parts or hulls damaged by this ram are at
-3/Disadvantage on obliteration saves.
3. Barbed Spike Ram: 4 HP. This sword-like ram pierces an enemy hull and holds it. Ram
damage goes directly to the target hull. Rammed ship must use thrust to pull free. Rare.
4. Standard Cannon Rail: 8 HP battery of gunpowder cannons. Retractable state, in which
they cannot be targeted. 1 crew turn action to retract/extend them.
5. Heavy Cannon Rail: 10 HP array of extra large gunpowder cannons.
6. Meteor Cannon: 12 HP. On impact, distribute the damage from this weapon across all
parts on the target ship. Takes 1 full round for 1 crew member to reload.
7. Ripper Fins: 4 HP. Inflicts hull-to-hull damage on a flank-to-flank collision.
8. Scorpion Repeater: 4 HP. An anti-personnel weapon usable within 1 ROUND of pursuit.
When fired successfully, hit all on-deck crew members with standard crossbow damage.
9. Fletchette Sheller: 4 HP. Tiny darts inflict damage on sails only. Contact range only.
10. Sulphur Rockets: 6 HP. A self-propelled cannonball usable at up to 6 ROUNDS pursuit
distance. If this part is destroyed, explosion inflicts D6 damage, distributed among other
ship’s parts, but not the hull.
11. Spell Cannon: 4 HP. An oversized wand of sorts. Cast a spell you know into a stored
form, use at up to 2 ROUNDS pursuit distance. The GM will assist in delivery.
12. Ice Ray: 4 HP. Blast an enemy ship. For D4 ROUNDS its thrust rolls are -1D4.
13. Sonic Bombardment: 6 HP. In gaseous environments, this funnel-like weapon emits
sub-audible sound, crippling crew. Afflicted crew take 2 turns to do 1 turn actions.
14. Dragonfire Cannon: 12 HP. A huge, terrible weapon that ejects a bolt of white-hot
steel. Any hit on a vessel of 6 or more ignites the vessel, inflicting 1 damage every
subsequent round until extinguished.
15. Boarding Jaw: 4 HP. A hinged clamp that, once attached to an opposing vessel,
serves as a boarding plank. Forces target vessel to use engine thrust to pull free.
16. Boarding Harpoon: 4 HP. A ranged grappler/winch weapon. Pulls target vessel to
boarding in D4 TURNS.
17. Disruptor Beam: 4 HP. A ranged arcane weapon that vibrates ship parts. D4 of a
ship’s parts cannot be used for 1 ROUND when hit. Inflicts no physical damage.
18. Ballistic Seeker: 6 HP. This rocket requires D4 ROUNDS to reload. The rocket traces
enemy cannon fire to its source, negating a need for a DEX roll by a crewman.
19. Tentacle Cluster: 10 HP. A mass of semi-sentient tentacles. Can be used as touch-
range weapon or grappler. Can even grab crewmen or objects when commanded.
20. Eye of Orgidex: 6 HP. An eye-beast’s eye, mounted as a beam weapon. Fires only at
enemy crew from close range. -3/Disadvantage to use, choose random beam from your
preferred eye beast list. Extremely rare.


1. Axeoak Hull Decking: 4 HP timber reinforcements.

2. Iron Hull Rivets: 6 HP fasteners for shipbuilding. Always hit before parts.
3. Cold Iron Armor Plates: 8 HP blast armor part.
4. Admantium Railing Shield: 10 HP blast armor part.
5. Interior Hull Armor: 12 HP supreme quality and rarity armor. Only hit if parts at 0 HP
and hull to be hit. Cannot be seen from the outside.
6. Anchor Gun: 10 HP. A massive iron hook fired from a pneumatic turret. This anchor
functions as normal, but with a tremendous range of 2 ROUNDS of pursuit. It can also be
used as a boarding hook, winch OR weapon.
7. Grapple Crane: 8 HP. A common, cheap haul-in winch and articulated tentacle - hook.
8. Hidden Cargo Bay: A 4 HP part that cannot be actively targeted by foes. Carry 4 parts
or up to 40 people. Secret access hatch is -4 for searchers to detect.
9. Freight Bay: 12 HP. A massive cargo bay large enough for small vehicles are 1-part
ships. So large, it is always hit first by enemy fire under normal conditions.
10. Cold Iron Anchor: 4 HP. A huge spiked block of iron and 500’ of chain. With a -3/
Disadvantage DEX action, can even be ʻset’ in an enemy vessel’s decking.
11. Fishing Rig: 8 HP. A series of cranes and nets for catching wildlife in water or aethr.
Fish for food supplies, dredging for trinkets, or as profession.
12. Arcane Cloak: 8 HP. An arcane spellstone incurs a -D8 spot penalty on those seeking
the hidden ship when manned by 1 crew.
13. Heavy Smoke Bellows: 10 HP. A cloaking device. When deployed, roll D10 for spot/
target/pursue penalty on opposing ships and crew.
14. Medical Bay: 8 HP. A compact first aid facility. When manned by 1 crew, heal D8 HP
on one crew therein each ROUND. Violates maritime law to target directly.
15. Repair Crane: 6 HP. A long-reach device with assorted tools. With 1 crew manning
controls, repair D6 part HP as an action.
16. Modron Contingent: Crew. A cadre of three automaton repairmen, no larger than
halflings. These metal fellows can execute 1 crew action each turn. Rare.
17. Cold Iron Refinery: 6 HP. Refines any salvage material such as wood, weapons, trash,
rock, or biomass into usable engine fuel. Generate 6 HP reserve fuel for each ROUND
this part is manned by 1 crew.
18. Crystal Telescope: 8 HP. A large brass-and-quartz spyglass. See vast distances, or
use a D8 to negate enemy cloaking or obfuscation penalties. Roll WIS to use.
19. Air Cannon: 12 HP. This huge propeller-tube blasts ambient gas, clearing clouds or
aethr-weather. The clearing endures for D12 ROUNDS once accomplished.
20. Ghost Ship Decoy: 4 HP. An arcane pylon of purple fluorite which projects a mirror-
copy of its resident ship. The decoy can appear up to 2 ROUNDS pursuit distant, and
incurs a -D4 penalty to those trying to verify its reality.


1. Deck Crampons: Armored boots with heel-activated steel clamps. Disregard

impediments imposed by low or zero gravity. Many creative uses in the aethr.
2. Basic Hazard Suit: A full-body temperature environment and air supply. This version is
clumsy, imposing a DEX penalty, and can be easily ripped.
3. Cleat Spike: This metal tool resembles a hand-pick or miner’s hammer. Strike any
wooden decking to fix a super-strong mounting cleat for ropes or cables.
4. Heavy Ore Fragment: A superdense piece of stone that acts as a tiny gravity well.
5. Meteor Ore: A chunk of metal-rich ore for making ʻmeteor’ weapons. When refined,
such weapons are +3 to 1 or more stats and feature 1 special property.
6. Gad Fly Pod: This strange plant organism can be held like a zipline pulley. Its odd
succulent ’wings’ hum when squeezed... a tiny runabout type vehicle for 1 person.
7. Life Raft: A compact air-pod for 4 people, deployed with the pull of a rope.
8. Spider Bow: A strange weapon with 6 ʻarms.’ This bow requires a 15+ STR to use, but
fires two arrows and inflicts twice normal damage.
9. Argosian Rope: Sleek woven cable that effortlessly ties and unties, even at distance.
10. Rescue Gun: A pocket-size pistol grappler with 100 feet of line and a small winch.
11. Torchstone: A rhomboid fragment of yellow crystal that glows brightly when held.
12. Gauss Musket: This long-barreled rifle weapon uses magnetism to launch a long,
slender sliver of iron. It never suffers range penalties and pierces all conventional armor.
It requires 2 full ROUNDS to reload. The iron sliver can also be used as a cleat.
13. Coal Thrust Pack: A backpack-sized thruster with 1D2 capacity.
14. Arcane Beacon: This torch crystal is larger than its pocket-size cousin, and pulsates
with a piercing green light that can be seen for hundreds, if not thousands, of miles.
15. Star Map: Ah, the jammer’s friend! Gain +3/Advantage on all navigation checks.
16. Clockwork Arm: A combination of dwarven and outsider technology. This extra limb
lets one crewman serve as two, and grants a +3 STR bonus.
17. Outsider Relic: A weird humming black egg with gold inlay patterns. Every 3 days,
this object gains a random level 3 spell. The new spell replaces the old if unused. The
spell can be cast by any user. Some say these objects ʻcall’ their former masters.
18. Squid Helmet: The squids created these creepy helmets for allies of other species.
A tentacled space travel helm with breathable air and interior optics. +1 CON, +1 WIS.
19. Blip Module: More strange outsider tech. When you move, by whatever means, you
do not cross the space between.
20. Outsider Varisuit: The best space suit out there. A transparent bubble helm, woven
alloy fabric, and integrated suction boots. Dwarves usually cut off the sleeves.


1. Gas Cloud: A colossal mass of breathable gas, partially opaque with mineral elements,
hovers in the void. Includes 1D4 large rock masses within and light gravity.
2. Derelict Ship: An aethrjammr drifts, damaged and devoid of crew. Such wrecks are
usually occupied by star spiders, ghosts of the doomed, or a single outsider.
3. Debris Mass: After a huge explosion or space battle, giant sparse clouds of wreckage
and stone remain. Only very slow travel is possible here.
4. Mass of Water: A globule of water hosts fishes and aquatic peoples. There may also be
moorage on the outer surface for air-breathers.
5. Smoke Ring: A ring of breathable gas around a tiny crystal star or eternal flame. Within
this gas, trees hover weightlessly, hosting long-limbed arboreal folk.
6. Gravity Lake: A shimmering mass of superdense fluid that emits powerful gravity in all
directions. Those who plunge in to the oily liquid are never seen again.
7. Wizard’s Gate: By the work of ancient star-mages, this glyph-portal still hovers, large
enough to fly a ship to parts unknown.
8. Ship’s Graveyard: Flotsam and ruined ships sometimes aggregate in space, forming
huge flotillas of debris. A salvager’s dream.
9. Young Planet: Rock and magma rumble in a smoky air cloud, forming a tiny world.
10. Cityship: The rare and wondrous starcraft of the ancient ones, hosting towns of
hundreds or even thousands, adrift in the furthest reaches of the aethr.
11. Asteroid Mine: Dwarves work a large chunk of space rock.
12. Thrust Portal: These gates jettison ships at incredible speeds to hasten travel
between two moons or gas colonies. No one knows who built them.
13. Rogue Moon: A tiny moon that has wandered from its star... drifting in the dark.
14. Crystal Wall: The realms of aethr are contained in immense transparent bubbles or
spheres. These bubbles feature superthin walls that can be passed through with effort.
Between these bubbles, though, is absolute airless void.
15. Nomad Ring: An alloy ring with soil and plant life on the interior.
16. Titan Wanderer: The titans were gigantic arthropods in ancient days. Those few who
remain are thousands of years old, miles tall... slowly wandering the void.
17. Pirate Outpost: Space raiders gather in hidden starports, waiting to prey on any
ships they spot. They use devious tactics, smoke, and decoys.
18. Cinder Cloud: A mass of burning smoke, ash and fire in space.
19. Outsider Observatory: The seldom-seen outsiders built these crystal scopes to
observe distant spheres. Most are abandoned, but some still host their strange creators,
who prefer isolation.
20. Tomb of Stars: Kings and emperors find their final rest among colorful, lantern-like
lights. These lights are usually found in eerie clouds of folding mist. The distant sound of
singing can be heard on the stellar breeze.



• ROLL THE DIE corresponding to the engine max HP • Hold as many parts as HP available
• PULL AWAY from your location that many ROUNDS • Hold 10 x HP in crew or passengers
of travel for any pursuer
• CONSUME that many HP in fuel from the engine CREW ACTIONS: ENEMY SHIPS
• Engines with 0 HP need not save vs. obliteration • Enemy ships have D4 crew actions on their turn
• An empty engine CAN be fired one last time, unless crewed by less than 4
triggering instant obliteration
• REFUEL an engine with reserves, 1 crew 1 turn CREW ACTIONS: STR CHECK
(Sailing or INT check) • Hoist an anchor or retrieval line
• If no reserves, engines will SELF-REFUEL over time. • Hold course in a terrible storm
Roll the die again. In that many ROUNDS the engine • Catch a crewman falling overboard
is refueled • Hold fast if a ram or weather jolts the deck


• Roll the brake’s die. In that many TURNS, come to • Fire ship’s weapons
full stop • Avoid fire or flying debris
• Brakes do not consume fuel • Use rigging or ropes for specific outcomes
• LOWER dice are superior with brakes
• 1 crew 1 turn to use (Sailing or INT check) CREW ACTIONS: CON CHECK
• Withstand heavy impact or extreme weather
SAILS • Resist smoke or fumes from fires or engines
• Sails function as engines, with no sound and no fuel • Stay conscious in low-air environments
• Sails are only available as 4 HP / D4
• If heavy gas currents, special crew effort or solar
• Execute ship’s maneuvers, steering, or turns
wind in play, escalate the sail’s die as needed
• Repair a ship’s part
RAMS • Operate winches and brakes
• Once a collision has occurred, roll the ram’s die • Analyze opponent ship specifications
• Subtract damage from the enemy part hit
• On all successful rams, subtract 1 HP from the ram
• Spot enemy ships or distant objects
• Spot obscured ships or objects
WEAPONS • Improvise improvements or tactics with parts
• Ships within 1 ROUND of pursuit are in range unless
otherwise noted, -2 per ROUND out of range to hit CREW ACTIONS: CHA CHECK
• Once a hit is made, roll the weapon’s die • Hasten crew actions with inspiring commands
• Subtract that amount of HP from the enemy part • Dominate enemy crew via hail
hit. Select randomly or by common sense • Convince doubtful crew of risky stratagems
• 1 crew 1 turn to fire (DEX check)
• Incur a -3 penalty for aiming at specific parts. OBLITERATION
Specific parts can’t be targeted when out of range. • Ship’s hull cannot be targeted until parts destroyed
• Once a ship has no usable parts, even if not
ANCHORS, GRAPPLES AND WINCHES obliterated, the hull takes any subsequent damage
• Utility parts used to retrieve or moor • A hull with 0 HP must save vs. obliteration or explode
• No specific die, but anchors do have HP • A hull with 0 HP explodes if hit again
• 1 crew 1 turn to use (Sailing or INT check) • If a hull is destroyed, crew must make a 50 / 50 save
to survive, or be vaporized instantly

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