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Analysis of movie based on consumer behaviour

Sana Arif Butt Zunaira Tahir Nazish Quamar Khurram Javaid Zeshan Ali Muhammad Tariq

08-0826 08-0943 08-0930 08-0819 08-0825 08-0908


April, 2009]


Consumers are the essence of any marketing strategy. Theories are made on the basis of behavior of different consumers in similar or different situation. Consumer behavior studies details about these strategies. In our following we will apply them in the real life situation. Kite Runner is very interesting and appealing movie which shows how normal consumers behave in their whole life, how people change their life style and attitude towards life when they are exposed to different situation or culture and how they tackle different difficult or simple challenges. Our whole study about the movie elaborates how different theories related to consumer behavior are applied in normal life. How each character of the movie spend their life what behavior they show according to their respective personality traits. The story is so impressive that the book has been used regularly in classrooms and book clubs for education on culture and morality. REVIEW: This amazing and touching film is a story about culture, war, friendship, and the struggles one has to overcome when faced with childhood events that can shape lives. As young boys, Amir and Hasan were inseparable friends. Then, one fateful and disturbing event affected their friendship and the course of their lives forever. The film begins when the two boys are young. It continues years later when Amir embarks on a very dangerous journey to write the wrongs of his childhood. To do so, he must display courage and devotion to his friend that he lacked as a young boy.

The Kite Runner is based on its exploration of the harsh reality that class systems and inhumane treatment of others is a reality beyond US borders. The film begins with a touching boyhood

friendship that becomes disturbing when the two boys, from different backgrounds, are torn apart by one terrible event. This one event brought to life the real dividing line that existed between Amir and Hassan. The tribulation that Amir goes through later in life is extremely heart wrenching and challenging, but it is also inspirational as he endures things that he could have easily avoided, to reestablish his personal sense of justice, which he lost as a youngster. The Kite Runner truly is one of those movies that are gut-wrenching, emotionally impacting, and hard to handle.

DEMOGRAPHICS: Amir belongs to an Afghani family, who lived with his father, Hassan and Ali in Afghanistan. But Amir and his father left their country after Taliban took charge of it. He belongs to the elite class family of the Afghanistan. His father was one of the well-known businessmen of his country. But later in USA, he earned money by raising a shop in gas station. Amir was fond of writing stories and became a successful story teller after his graduation. PERSONALITY: Amirs personality was not consistent and changed over time. He acted differently with different people in different situations. He was an ACHIEVER (motivated by achievement, high resources) by nature; he had a goal oriented life style that is to become a story teller and to spend a happy life. He was also a risk-averse person who avoids situations that encourage a high degree of stimulation and change. That was the reason that he refused to become a doctor and preferred to become a story writer. However against his nature of risk-aversion, he took risk of saving Sohrab's life. He also dared to face the reality that Sohrab was his nephew.

LIFE STYLE: Amir was a person who sees himself as generous person and dependable on his father. He was a lose-confident person. He was a coward yet not violet person. Like other Afghani children, he liked to spend a simple life with his friend, used to tell stories to his friend and was fond of flying kites. But his life style changed when he went to USA. He became little independent and liberal. VALUES: Unlike his father, Amir was not self imposed person. He cares others, but his style was different. He didnt know how to respect other feelings. Amir wanted to save Hassan and his father by keeping them away. He blamed on Hassan without realizing how his feelings would hurt. But later he realized his mistake and saved Hassans son at the risk of his life. NORMS/CUSTOMS: Amir believed in cultural values and norms and was influenced by the Afghanistan culture. He liked flying kites, spend time with his friend. He was also religious and asked his father to leave drinking. But, when he went to USA, he adapt himself according to the USA culture, he used to drink while celebrating. He also became optimistic. ATTRIBUTE: Amir was a very good observer, but he could never express his feelings. He selects and organizes the things as it is and tries to interpret it in his stories. Amir used to express his feelings by telling stories to others. He told truth of Sohrab and his father to his wife. PERCEPTION:

In childhood he perceived his father as rude and unkind to him because he considered himself the cause of his mothers death so he thought his father dont like him. However later in his adult stage of life his perception was changed and he found his father very kind and concerned about him.

Hassan is one of the central characters of the movie that represents a normal Afghani boy who right from the beginning was living with Amir in his resident place because Hassans father was working in Amirs house. DEMOGRAPHIC: When we see his life from demographic aspect we found that he is very simple Afghani boy living in Kabul. And he always considered Amir to be his best friend and wished that Amir think in the same way too. LIFESTYLE: As Hassan was a very intelligent and courageous kind of a boy he always tried to help Amir through his intellectual power. Hassan never hesitated to help Amir in the situation where Amir himself become hapless, but once when Hassan needed Amir when some street boys punished Hassan, Amir was unable to even reach to that place. But because of the strong personality Hassan was able to recover from the sourness that life has shown to him. PERSONALITY: Another appealing element of Hassan was that he was a man of full dignity which was proved when Amir accused him for stealing his watch and he left his home, but at the same time he always wished

not to be neglected and also to have self respect back. His friends happiness had a huge importance for him. VALUES: Hassan had a high loyalty about his masters and friends. He sacrificed every thing for his loving friend. He gave his life while protecting Amirs house in Afghanistan. He was a person who never compromised on his dignity and respect. He is a motivated boy who always likes playing games. He played a very important part in Amirs winning the kite flying competition. Hassan loved to read and write so that he could be able to read Amirs stories and could write a letter to his friend by himself. NORMS/ CUSTOMS: He was an ethical person who never compromised on issues related to his ethics and beliefs. So Hassans whole life has much aspect when we think about it keeping in mind consumers behavior. And it was only Hassans behavior that forced Amir at the time when he was in America to take Hassans son out from Afghanistan when he was taken into prison by Taliban.


Qadir has a very important part to play in the movie because he was the father of Amir and the almost the whole story was revolving around him and his son, his wife was dead. DEMOGRAPHICS: He was residing in Kabul with his son; he was a very kind and social person who treated his servant politely. His country really meant him and thats why he was very periodic person. PERSONALITY:

His behavior was very important because it was different from other Afghanis as they have a very rigid behavior. As Amirs father was a polite person, his family has a great importance for him so he left his country and his home to make sure the safety of his family. He was a very brave and motivated person who never tried to force his own point of view on his own son and gave Amir the freedom what he wanted to do in his life and future. BELIEFS & ATTITUDE: His attitude toward life was always positive due to which he never felt disappointed. Whole movie tells us that Qadirs believes were very strong even American culture was unable to drive him away from them, he was also very loyal person, as through his life he never made Russian friend because Russian attacked Afghanistan. He learned American life easily and bravely, thought his life social classes were never important for him as Ali was his servant but he always treated him like his brother and he was very sad when they left his home because of the situation created by his own son.

DEMOGRAPHICS: Rahim Khan was Qadirs friend. Who spend most of his life in Afghanistan but later went to Peshawar. He helped his friend Qadir in his business. He belongs to the upper class family and was single. PERSONALITY: Rahim Khans personality was consistent. The main trait of his personality was to encourage others and respect their feelings. Mr. Rahim was a THINKER (motivated by ideas, high resources), he was a mature, satisfied and reflective by nature. He tends to actively sought out information while making decision. He believes in reality and truth.

LIFESTYLE: Rahim Khan lived a prosperous lifestyle. He used to go to Pakistan for his personal/business tour. He gives suggestions to Agha as a sincere friend and his business partner. He was loyal to his friend. PERSUASIVE STYLE: Rahim Khan was a daring person, who can easily convince others through his behavior. He changed the Amirs perception towards Hassans son by telling him truth. He told him about the problems facing by Sohrab.

Asifs character was though short but it was very prominent because it plays the role of villain. MOTIVATION AND PERCEPTIOPN: He carried motivation with negative directions. His behavior shows an important aspect of life that is a negative attitude for perceiving anything in life. In his early phases, means the period of his childhood, he perceived friendship in the wrong sense. He thought that status and money is everything. One can do anything with that sort of power but in fact he was jealous of others friendship. NEGATIVE ATTITUDE: Then he took revenge from Hassan as he cannot face the reality of being insulted by a boy who was not of his status. Then moving forward when he became an adult again he perceived his religion in a destructive manner. He became the part of Taliban, which was a group of people ruling the country with their own pessimistic approaches.So in this way he always shows his attitude for associating with the cruel and unkind activities.

CONSISTENT NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR: In his rule they changed the religion according to their own interpretations, they molded the religion in such a way that it converted from healthy to unhealthy practice. In this way they insulted themselves along with their religion in the whole world. They formulated unnecessary laws and regulations that became a burden for the people living there. In this way they added destruction and ruin their own society with their own hands. These whole behaviors associate his motives and intentions with immorality.


Ali belongs to a poor family who served Agha Sahib for years. He was a loyal servant but at the same time was sensitive person. He destroyed his career for the sake of his dignity. He brought up Aghas son as his own child and taught him all rules and norms of Islam. SORYA: Sorya was Amirs wife and belongs to middle upper class family. She was honest and cooperative; she told her previous love affair to Amir before marrying him. She helped her husband in all aspects and trusted him. She accepted the truth of her father-in-law and warmly welcomed her husbands nephew. DRIVER: Driver, who took Amir to Afghanistan, was a courageous and tactful person. He was Afghani and fully aware of the Talibans customs and rules. He played tricks with different people to accomplish Amirs mission.

SOHRAB Sohrab was Hassans son and an Afghani kid of almost 10-12yrs old. He was fond of sling shot, like his father. Taliban took him in their custody and treated him as a servant. Later Amir escaped him from Talibans custody and adopted him as his own child.

CHARACTERISTICS Demographics Amir's Family Father, Amir, Hassan's Family Ali, Hassan, Sohrab, General Tahir's Family General Sahib, wife and a daughter Sorya, Upper middle class. Lived in America, General Sahib was very conservative minded while his daughter wasnt. Self-centred people, General Sahib's family's attitude changed after Amir's proposal

poor family Served Agha Sahib for Lifestyle years, loyal servants and sometimes they had to pay price for being their servants Self imposed people, Selfless people cared Values no care for others for their masters. No change in father's Consistency in attitude Change in attributes belief, Amir changed of Hassan's family and perception his perception once in throughout the life childhood; after Asif (during different life threatened Hassan, stages) second after Hassan's death. Application of theory Death of Amir's Although this family of reasoned-action mother, departure of was very loyal yet two their servants and cases forced them to model Taliban's invasion leave their masters. changed family's rude 1Hassan was behaviour. threatened due to Amir. 2Amir blamed Hassan of theft.

elite class Very liberal lifestyle having dance parties along with wines and music.

General's daughter ran with an African guy he brought her back, their behaviour

Amir's family life Cycle

o o o o In Afghanistan Amir live with his father and two servants; Ali and Hassan. Belonged to an elite class and very self actualized people. To satisfy their norms they conducted late night dance parties along with supplication of wine. Family's motives were to spend a peaceful and free life with no interruptions and interference of invader. So left Afghanistan for freedom.


For matching their customs and norms America was a suitable place. o Brought up in America and graduated. o Qadri (Amir's father) earned money by raising a shop in gas station. o Amir got married with daughter of General Tahir.

o Father died due to alcoholism. o Adopted Hassan's son

From the consumers behaviour perspective we can conclude that the attitude, perception and learning of the people changes with the passage of time; with the exposure of different life situations, scenarios and experiences, as it is seen in the case of the Amir. However there are some people whose perception and attitude remains same in a given situation as it is seen that Hassans and Rahim Khans behaviour remained consistent in all similar situations. Each consumer has independent and quite different behaviour but people from same culture behave similarly in situations which relates to their social and cultural norms. Like all the characters in the movie belong to the same cultural background so it is obvious that they will share the same behaviours.

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