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2022-2030 : Your life's graph during this decade

History is witness to the fact that all global crisis have been followed by a period of all
round growth & boom. With a hope that 2022 will see the crisis of the recent times give
way to growth & prosperity, it might be time to strategize about the post crisis period & to
look at your future & destiny on a larger canvas of life. Our research team has therefore
worked out a graph mapping how your fortune would rise or dip in this decade.

How is the New Decade significant? The most important factor to determine your
destiny graph is the interpretations of your operating Dasa along with the transit of Saturn
that currently transiting the sign of Capricorn, followed by its move to Aquarius, Pisces &
finally in Aries by the end of this decade. Capricorn is the natural sign of Saturn that asks
for hard work & honesty to succeed, followed by Aquarius in 2023-2025 which is also the
self-owned sign of Saturn but which is new age & technology related in nature that
promises massive technology leaps changing the very way we would grow & survive.
Saturn would then move into Pisces between 2025 & 2028 bringing the rapid boom post
crisis to an end heralding dual trends where some would fail & the others would zoom up
& finally Saturn would fall into it’s debilitation in the sign of Aries during 2028-2030 that
might push us into a phase of challenges due to over consumption & reckless living over
the past 5 years. A decade is a long enough period for nearly all planets to show their full
results but slower moving planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are the ones that
govern the karmic cycles that make each decade different from the other.

This decade for you: The decade would start warming up for you in 2023 & then create a
peak between 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2029. You will see your growth & influence rise
between the 2023 – 2029 period. Saturn will give you steady support starting from 2023
with very good & strong period running during 2025-2027 period & then again a gainful
period during 2028 & 2029. Jupiter will begin support in 2022 itself with good gains in
2023, 2026 & 2029 while Rahu & Ketu ( dragon’s head & tail) will bring tremendous gains
during 2022,2023, 2024 & 2025. Along with this wherever your dasa runs in harmony with
these trends, your destiny will peak or dip with a greater intensity.

A general pattern of your fortune in the coming decade can be seen as below:

Your Fortune: 2022-2030

2022 & New Decade 2022-30 Reading: This report would give a detailed reading &
analysis of this decade from 2022 to 2030 with a greater emphasis on 2022. The report
would try & give you a larger picture that should help you build up strategy on whether it is
a time to look for stability or growth OR whether its time to take risks or slow down. Also
the report should help you work out period when you should focus more on profession &
when are the period that family or health needs time investment from you. Besides, the
report would cover suggestions, cautions & opportunities along with astrological remedies
for 2022 and the coming decade. Read More

Blessing & May this Universe give you happiness in Abundance

Pt Punarvasu

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Love Transit Your Next 100 Days : Work

Place Drama, Love Relief & a
Love Transit Report is a unique
mapping of days & times that are
Roller Coaster till April 2022
sensitive with regard to your love life & Our research process during the
relationships. Many times, we see that mapping of the transits of 2022, made
we are upset about work or financial our head spin, considering so many
issues & end up in a conflict with planets that are shifting & crisscrossing
partner or spouse. Similarly, there are during the first 100 days of 2022.
some simply amazing days for love Based on that our team decided to put
which are indeed blissful. A Love together a 100 day guidance report to
transit reading helps us find more of help you understand the many moves,
those perfect blissful days to find new challenges and the opportunities before
love or make a great memory with the the chance is lost... Read More
one you love. Similarly, the Love transit
reading helps you avoid those bad
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days so you are on your guard and
don’t mess up things... Read More

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Your 2022 List: 5 Areas You Need to Plan for

2022 comes carrying hope on the back of many planetary changes that promise
to deliver relief and success after the challenging times of the past . Saturn will
break the jinx 28th April (even though for a short period) while Jupiter will finally
go back to playing the ultimate benign role from 13th April. At the same time
Rahu & Ketu ( Dragon’s head & tail) will break the Kal Sarpa pattern also in April
after moving positions in March 2022. Most importantly all the planets will escape
the axis of Pluto which will finally help us come out of this crisis... Read More

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