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Mã đề 7.1.

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
I. Listen to five short conversations and choose the correct answer. (1.0 point)
1. What did the doctor tell Richard to do? 4. What homework has Richard got to do?

History/ Maths/ English/

Maths English History

5. When is Richard going to go back to school?

2. What’s the matter with Richard now?

3. What does Richard ask his mother for?

II. Listen and complete questions 1-5. (1.0 point)

Name of music school: The Stage Music School
Where: (1) next to the____________________
Address: (2)__________________London Street
Day of lesson: (3)_____________________________
Name of teacher: (4) Mr.__________________________
Teacher’s telephone number: (5)
I. Circle the correct answer
1. You like playing monopoly or chess, your hobby may be _______.
A. collecting things. B. playing sports C. dancing D. board games
2. Hoa looks red. She was outdoors yesterday. Perhaps she has _______
A. flu B. sunburn C. spots D. stomachache
3. Hoa is very ______ and she paints very well.
A. create B. creative C. creativity D. created
4. Choose the best word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline word.
Ho Chi Minh City is an exciting city
A. dangerous B. boring C. interesting D. expensive
5. My sister _______ to pop music every day.
A. listens B. is listening C. listened D. has listened
6. I love cooking, _______ my sister doesn’t.
A. because B. so C. but D. and
7. _____tomatoes do you need to make the sauce?
A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often
8. This exercise is not ___________ as that one.
A. difficult B. so difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult
9. “ I think model making is an expensive hobby” - “______. It’s incredibly cheap.”
A. You are right B. Certainly C. No matter D. Not at all
10. Mary: “ Would you like me to turn off your computer? Tim: “________ I’ll do it myself”
A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Don’t do it D. Of course
C. READING (2.0pts)
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage. (1.0pt)
I have a very interesting and (1) _____ hobby. I make short video clips with my digital camera. It was my birthday present from
my parents last year. Since then, I have made three short films. It’s (2) ___ great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to (3)
______ part in the films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, 1 make copies for the “actors”.
Each scene is small and they can look at the words just before we start filming. We film (4) ___ the weekend in my neighborhood, (5)
____ no one has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house.
1. A. excited B. terrible C. boring D. enjoyable
2. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
3. A. take B. play C. participate D. attend
4. A. in B. after C. at D. until
5. A. although B. because C. but D. so
II. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer. (1.0pt)
Each country has many good people who take care of others. For example, some of students in the United States often spend
many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly. They read books to the people in these places, or they just
visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.
Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do
the shopping. For boys who don’t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these
boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.
Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games. Some of these clubs show movies or hold short
trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because
they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls.
1. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes?
A. They tell them stories and sing and dance for them.
B. They do shopping, and repair or clean up their houses.
C. They cook, sew, and wash their clothes.
D. They take them to basketball games.
2. The word “They” in the first paragraph refers to A. orphanages B. hospitals C. students D. homes for the elderly
3. Which activity the students CAN’T do at the clubs?
A. playing games B. watching films C. going to interest places D. learning photography
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Doing volunteer work in the USA B. Helping sick people and elderly people
C. Using a lot of students as volunteers D. Playing games with boys who don’t have fathers
5. Why do they use many students as volunteers? – Because ______ .
A. they know how to do the work B. they have a lot of free time
C. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls D. they are good at playing games and learning new things
D. WRITING (2.0pts)
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence. (1.0 pt)
1. Nam eats too many sweets, so he has toothache.  Because Nam ……………………………………………..…….
2. Both Hoa and her brother are interested in learning English.  Hoa is interested in learning English, and so……………..…….
3. We began donating books and clothes ten months ago.  We have……………………………………………………..…..
4. This exercise is easier than that one.  That exercise is ……………………………..………………
5. They sell tickets at the gate of the tourist site.  Tickets ……………………………………………………….…

Mã đề 7.1.24
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
A.LISTENING (2,0 pts).
1. You will hear five shorts conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one questions for each conversation.
Circle the correct picture A, B or C. (1 pts)

2. You will hear a telephone conversation about a show at a theatre.Listen and complete questions 1-5.You will hear the
conservation twice.(1pts)
Play : Cinderella
There are ticket for : (1).................................................................... April
A child,s ticket costs : (2) £..............................................................
Name of main actor : (3) Sophie........................................................
Show begins at : (4)..................................................................p.m.
For information about Children,s Club, phone : (5).........................................


Choose A, B, or C to complete the following sentences.
1. My dad enjoys __________ his bike to work. A. ride B. to ride C. riding
2. If you like playing monopoly or chess, your hobby is_______A. collecting B. playing sports C. playing board games
3. Hoa looks red. She was outdoors yesterday. Perhaps she has_______A. flu B. sunburn C. spots
4. We often organise concerts to ___ funds for poor children. A. donate B. raise C. volunteer
5. Will you take up __________models in the future? A. playing B. doing C. making
6. What__________your father __________ in his free time?A. does/do B. will/do C. did/do
7. Lan: “Would you like some bananas?” Mai: “________”A. Yes, please. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I’d love to.
8. We decided to clean up the neighbourhood_______it is full of rubbish. A. because B. but C. although
9. Mother: “What's for breakfast?” Son: “__________.” A. I'm full B. There is some bread C. I'd like some milk
10. Tony: “We’ll go to the art gallery next week. Would you like to join us?” Daisy: “__________. I’ll have to ask my parents.”
A. Let me see B. Come on C. It isn’t my thing
C. READING: (2 pts)
I. Read and circle the best option A, B or C to complete the passage (1,0 pts)
One of the first novels in history of literature (1) __________written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
Daniel Defoe was born (2) _________ London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a schoolboy, he began to write stories.
After (3) ________ school, he worked in his father’s shop and (4) ________articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and
met many people. That helped him (5) _________in his writings.
1. A. has B. was C. were
2. A. in B. at C. on
3. A. coming B. going C. leaving
4. A. sold B. wrote C. read
5. A. few B. much C. many
II. Read the following passage then choose the correct answer to each question. (1,0 pts)
Maintaining a healthy body is not that easy and not so difficult also. Most important tip for a healthy body is to have healthy
food and eat them at proper time. Avoid eating junk food. Your diet should contain food which has more nutrients. Try to include
vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you are having your breakfast regularly. Skipping your breakfast regularly
will definitely affect your health. Make sure you drink more amount of water daily. Regular exercise will also keep your body in good
health. You can go for running, do cycling, walking faster etc. Apart from these always try to manage your stress. By controlling your
stress you can maintain a healthy body. Your body should get enough time to take rest. Make sure you get a sleep of 8 hours daily. Sleep
is very important for healthy body and also for mental and emotional happiness.
1.To have a healthy body, you should _________. A. eat junk food B. put on weight C. have a healthy diet
2.Skipping breakfast is _________ for your health. A. good B. bad C. necessary
3.Your diet shouldn’t include _________ A. vegetables B. fish C. junk food
4.Managing stress can help people _________. A. have a good body B. live longer C. stay healthy
5.Which of the followings is NOT true?
A. It’s difficult to maintain a healthy body. B. Getting enough sleep can make you happier.
C. Eating healthy and exercising are tips to stay healthy.
D. WRITING: (2,0 pts)

I. Choose A, B or C to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one. (1.pts)
1. She is young, but she performs excellently. . →. Although she is young, ……..
2. She started to work for this volunteer organisation in 2019.→ She has ……………………………….
3. Nga can’t paint as well as Lan.. →Lan is a ……………….
4. We grow a lot of flowers in Da Lat throughout the year.→ A lot of flowers are …………………………..
5. Trang doesn’t like fish. Her mother doesn’t like fish.→Trang doesn’t like ……………………………

Mã đề 7.1.25
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Question1: Listen to conversation about study tips, then choose the correct answers. (1 point)
1.Ben …
A.doesn’t study. B.studies and does well. C.studies but doesn’t do well.
2.Ben usually studies … the library. home. his friend’s house.
3.On Ben’s desk there are …
A.papers, books and pens. B.pencils, books and pens. C.a pencil case and pens.
4.Katy ...
A.has a break for thirty minutes. B.exercises for thirty minutes C.studies for thirty minutes.
5.When Ben studies …
A.he doesn’t take breaks. B.he has a break for two or three hours. C. he has two or three breaks each hour.
Question 2: Listen to a talk about A good night's sleep. Fill the gaps with the correct phrase. You will listen twice (1 point)
1. ……………….….to the show, Doctor Baker.
2. Thank you. It’s …………………….. Let’s start with tip one.
3. Do your hardest homework…………………….…….
4………………….…your mobile when you go to bed
5. Play music if you like. But turn the sound…………………..
Question 3.Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences.
1. She loves ______ flowers and putting them into different vases. A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. bought
2. My hobby is …………………..dolls A. collecting B. collect C. collects D .collected
3. They …………….that swimming is interesting. A. like B. think C. find D. make
4. If you have a lot of bottles, dolls, or stamps, your hobby is ……….A. making model B. dancing C. travelling D. collecting
5. I ……… Nha Trang when I was a child. A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. have visited
6.There are............................expensive new flats next to the river. A. some B. little C. much D. any
7.In_________, we study different countries and our people. A. math B. music C. chemistry D. geography
8. – Harry: “Are you ready, Kate? There’s not much time left.” – Kate: “Yes, just a minute. _________!”
A. No longer B. I’m coming C. I’d be OK D. I won’t finish
9.After break, everyone goes_________ and classes start again. A. indoor B. indoors C. outdoor D. outdoors
10. Hoa” Would you like a drink?” Lan“___________”.
A. I don’t like coffee B. I prefer tea C. Coffee, please D. I’m very thirsty
Question 4.Read the passage and then choose the correct answer to each question. (1 point)
Ann lives in London. She is twenty-nine and works for the BBC. She interviews people on an early morning new program called The
World Today. Every weekday she gets up at 3.00 in the morning because the program starts at 6.30. She loves (1) ________ work
because it is exciting and she meets a lot of very interesting people.
On Friday she comes home from the BBC at abour 2.00 in the afternoon and she just (2) ________. On Friday evenings she (3) ________
out, but sometimes a friend comes or dinner. He or she brings wine and they cook. Ann loves cooking. They (4) ________ music .
On Saturday mornings she gets up at 9.00 and she goes (4) ________ .
1. her B. she's C. hers D. and
2.A. relax B. relaxs C. relaxes D. relaxing
3.A. not goes B. isn't go C. don't go D. doesn't go
4.A. listen B. hear C. listen to D. hear to
5. A. shop B. to shop C. shopping D. shops
Question 5. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question (1 point)
Vietnamese people often have three meals a day – breakfast , lunch and dinner. People in the countryside usually have rice with meat or
fish and vegetables for breakfast but people in the cities often have light breakfast with a bowl of Pho or instant noodles or sticky rice
berofe going to work . For lunch , they often have rice, meat , fish and vegetables. People in the countryside often have lunch at home but
people in the cities often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls. Most people prepare their dinner at home . They eat many kinds
of meat , seafood,fish, fresh vegetables and rice. Many people say dinner is the main and the best meal of the day.
Statements True False

1. Vietnamese people often have three meals a day.
2. People in the countryside usually have only rice with meat for breakfast.
3. People in the cities often have big breakfast before going to work.
4. People in the countryside often have lunch at the canteens or at the food stalls.
5. Most people cook their dinner at home.
Question 6. Rewrite the following sentences as directed ( using the suggested words) so that the meanings stay the same. (1 pt)
1. I find watching television interesting.→ I think…………………………………………………
2. Hung started collecting stamps and coins in 2010.→ Hung has …………………………………………………
3.Where does he live?-> What ………………………………………………………………………
4. Why don’t we go to the beach ?-> What about ........................................................................?
5.My father likes to do gardening at the weekend.->My father enjoys …………………………………………………………………
Question 7. Minh is describing his neighbourhood. Use the given words to make complete sentences about it. (1 pts)
1. I / not / visited / museum / three months.
A. I haven't visited the museum three months ago. B. I haven't visited the museum for three months.
C. I didn't visited the museum for three months. D. I haven't visited the museum three months ago.
2. Ms Linda / beautiful photos / few days ago.
A. Ms Linda took many beautiful photos a few days ago. B. Ms Linda took much beautiful photos a few days ago.
C. Ms Linda took many beautiful photos few days ago. D. Ms Linda took much beautiful photos few days ago.
3. The students / arrived / because / traffic jam.
A. The students arrived late because the traffic jam. B. The students arrived late because of the traffic jam.
C. The students arrived lately because the traffic jam. D. The students arrived lately because of the traffic jam.
4. I / eat / fruits / because / they / green.
A. I can't eat these fruits because of they are green. B. I can't eat this fruits because of they are green.
C. I can't eat these fruits because they are green. D. I can't eat this fruits because they are green.
5. I/like/cook/home
A. I like cooking at home B. I like cookat home C. I like cooking home D. I likes cooking at home

Mã đề 7.1.26
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Part 1. You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation.
For question 1-5, choose the right answer A, B or C. (1pt):
1. How will they travel to the pop concert ?

2. What was the weather like on Beth’s holiday?

3. Where has the teacher put the dictionaries?

4. Where did Paul go running yesterday?

5. What does Karen still need to get for the school play?

Part II. You will hear a girl asking for information about a summer job. Listen and complete questions 6-10. You will hear the
conversation twice (1pt):
Type of Job : Farm worker
Time working day ends :(6) ………………………
You need to be :(7) ……………….and careful
You will earn :(8) £ ………………a week
What you must pay for :(9) …………………….
Date work begins : (10) ………………………….May

Part II. Choose the correct answer for each gap to complete the passage. (1 pt)
Sandwiches are common in many countries. But (16) ________did this strange name come from? The Earl of Sandwich (1718 - 1792)
was an Englishman. He liked (17)_____cards. One night he played for hours and got very hungry, (18) _____ he didn’t want to stop his
card game. He asked for some roast meat (19) _____ two pieces of bread. (People bake roastmeat in the oven or a stove). He ate the food
while he played cards. People gave his name (20)_____this new kind of food.
16. A. what B. where C. when
17. A. plays B. played C. playing
18. A. so B. moreover C. but
19. A. between B. for C. among
20. A. for B. to C. from
Part III. Read the passage and answer the following questions by circle the letter A, B or C. (1 pt)
Lunar New Year is one of the festivals celebrated in some Asian countries. It is the greatest Vietnamese festival. It is called Tet in Viet
Nam. It usually takes place between the end of January and the beginning of February. Celebrations begin with the family reunion dinner
which is held on the New Year Eve’s. Every member of the family is eager to attend this family feast. The feast usually consists of banh
chung or banh tet, spring rolls, chicken and some other special food. The children usually wear new clothes and go with their parents to
visit their grandparents and relatives. The children say “Happy New Year” to all the people they visit and are often given lucky money in
red envelopes. They are very happy.
21. When does the Lunar New Year take place?
A. between the end of January and the beginning of February B. at the end of January C. at the beginning of February
22. When do the Vietnamese hold their family reunion dinner? A. at Tet B. on the New Year Eve’s C. at midnight
23. What do the Vietnamese children usually do at Tet?
A. They usually wear new clothes. B. They visit their grandparents and relatives.
C. They usually wear new clothes and go with their parents to visit their grandparents and relatives.
24. What are the children often given at Tet? A. new clothes B. some special food C. lucky money
25. How do the children feel? A. happy B. unhappy C. lucky
Part I. Choose the sentences so that their meanings stay the same, using the beginning given for each. (1 pt)
26. Her hobby is raising money for the poor.
A.She enjoys raising money for the poor. B.She enjoys raise money for the poor. C.She enjoy raising money for the poor.
27. He was tired, so he went to bed early.
A.Because he is tired, he went to bed early. B.Because he was tired, so he went to bed early.
C.Because he was tired, he went to bed early.
28. Making birthday cakes is more difficult than making pancakes.
A.Making birthday cakes isn’t more difficult than making pancakes. B.Making pancakes isn’t as difficult as making birthday cakes.
C. Making pancakes is as difficult as making birthday cakes.
29. The boy made the model yesterday. A.The model was made by the boy yesterday. B.The model ís made by the boy yesterday.
C.The model was make by the boy yesterday.
30. My sister started to cook the food one hour ago. A. My sister have cooked the food for one hour.
B.My sister has cooked the food for one hour. C.My sister has cooked the food since one hour.

II. Imagine that you are taking part in the volunteer activities in your community. Write a paragraph (about 80 – 100 words)
about your volunteer work. (1.0 pt)
Your paragraph should include:
- How long have you done volunteer work?
- What have you done so far?
- What and When are going to do next?
- How do you feel about your volunteer work?
-------- The End --------

E. SPEAKING (2.0pts)
A/ Self-introduction (0.5 point)
- Students introduce about their personal information such as: name, age, address, hobbies, family
B/ Speaking topic: (1 point)
- Students choose one topic among the following to talk about:
+ Talk about their hobbies.
+ Talk about some ways to keep you healthy.
+ Talk about Vietnamese food and drink.
+ Talk about some volunteer works of a student.
C/ Questions and answer (0.5pt)
Answer the teacher’s questions on the student’s topic.

Questions Keys Marks
A. Listen (2.0pts) I.
I. Listen and choose the right picture 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A
(1pt). II. - 0,2pt for each right
II. Listen and complete the notes (1pt): 1. library 2. 102 3. Saturday
4. Bagley 5. 314479 - 0,2pt for each right

B. READING (3.0pts) I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each

I. Choose the best word A, B or C to blank in the following passage.
fill in the text.(1pt) 1. D - 0,2pt for each.
2. D
II. Read the text then choose the best 3. A
answer A, B or C. (1pt) 4. C - 0,2pt for each.
5. D
II. Read the passage, and then choose the correct
answer. - 0,2pt for each.
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. C

C. Writing (3.0pts) I.
I. Complete the second sentence so 1. Because Nam eats too many sweets, he has toothache.
that it has similar meaning to the first 2. Hoa is interested in learning English, and so is her - 0,3 pt for each
sentence. (1,5pts) brother.
3. We have donated books and clothes for ten months.
4. That exercise is more difficult than this one.
5. Tickets are sold at the gate of the tourist site.
(students’ writing)
- right form.
II. Write a paragraph about your - accurate grammar and appropriate vocabulary.
volunteer work. (1,5pts) - good content
0,5 pt

-------- The End --------

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