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Importance of Chemicals in our Daily

In our modern world, hearing the word “chemical” is often met with ire. We see it in
our news, popular media, and society. From various depictions of hazard signs, melted
faces, and destruction of environments. Chemicals are most of the time associated with
terrifying otherworldly substances that bring danger to an individual, heck to an entire
community as a whole. But despite all that, this thing we consider an angel of death is
actually very vital to our daily lives. This irrational fear we have to these substances are often
a byproduct of misunderstandings and lack of common knowledge regarding chemicals.
So that begs the question, how exactly are chemicals important to us despite the
dangers it brings? First, let’s properly introduce what chemicals are, the Cambridge
Dictionary states that a chemical is a “any basic substance that is used in or produced by a
reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules:”. Here we can see the chemicals by itself
are quite neutral, and can either be disastrous or beneficial depending on its use.
You see, chemicals are used in quite a lot of aspects in our lives. We can find it in our
food, technology, shelter, the air we breathe, etc.. Heck, we can even find it in our very being.
In our body we can find various chemical elements, as well as chemical reactions necessary
for our lives. So instead of fearing the chemicals that are around us, instead we should learn
to appreciate its wonders. That way we can hope to learn more about them, and further enrich
our lives as human beings.

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