Shipping Invoice: Collectable Amount: 2999.50

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Supplier Name :
Address :Shop No 17A/30-31,Ajmal Khan Road Karolbagh Order ID : Ob7b3b2
New Delhi,110005 Order Date : 2023-12-21
GSTN Code : Invoice No : Cb7b3b208
State Code : Invoice Date : 2023-12-21
PAN Number : Shipping ID : Cb7b3b208
CIN Number:

Place of supply: Courier Name : XpressBees

Customer Name: Test order cancel mado
AWB Number : 14224221309567
Shipping Address/Billing Address : Test order cancel karo,
Pincode : 560001
Customer Phone No : +91 9493926759
Mode of Payment : CASH_ON_DELIVERY
Delivery Type : Standard delivery

Reference Number: Ob7b3b2
If Undelivered, Please return to :Multibrand store 1
Collectable Amount: 2999.50
Shop No 17A/30-31, Ajmal Khan Road Karolbagh, New Delhi, New
Delhi, 110005


Product ID Description Qty MRP Amount Discount Value (%) (%) (%) (%) TAX Total

8905183808011 A1AJF131 1 5999.00 5999.00 2999.50 2541.95 0.00 457.55 0.00 0.00 457.55 2999.50
Rinsed (0.00) (18.00) (0.00) (0.00)
Womens Jeans

Total Value : Rs. 2541.95

CGST : Rs. 0.00
IGST : Rs. 457.55
SGST : Rs. 0.00
UTGST : Rs. 0.00
Grand Total : Rs. 2999.50
Shipping Cost: Rs. 0.00
AMOUNT TO BE PAID : Rs. 2999.50

Thank you for Shopping with us

a) Keep this invoice and Manufacturer Box for Warranty purposes.
b) The goods sold as part of this shipment are intended for end user consumption / retail sale and not for re­sale.
c) For feedback / queries, please contact 080-46465500 or write to us at

Invoicing company

Authorised Signatory

This is a computer generated Invoice.No signature is required.

Got questions? 080-46465500

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