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NASA SP-5051

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NASA SP-5051




By A. M. Hall
and C. J. Slunder

Prepared under contract for NASA by

Battelle Memorial Institute,
Columbus Laboratories

Technology Utilization Division

Washington, D.C.
NOTICE • This document was prepared under the sponsorship of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Neither the United States Government
nor any person acting on behalf of the United States Government assumes any
liability resulting from the use of the information contained in this document,
or warrants that such use will be free from privately owned rights.

sale by the Superintendent ofl Documents,

Government^Printing Office,/Washingto 02
i $1.50
Library ot^ongress Catalog CaS

This report resulted from a survey of users and manufacturers of

maraging steels, Government agencies, research institutions, and pub-
lished literature. It presents the technical status of the 18-percent nickel
maraging steels in detail and brings together a large body of knowledge
with regard to the metallurgical and engineering aspects of maraging
Since such steels were first announced in 1959, they have become highly
important in aerospace, defense, and industrial work. The requirements
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have given impetus
to their development, and research now underway is expected to result in
further improvements and applicability.
The NASA Office of Technology Utilization sponsored this report as
part of its program to disseminate information on technological develop-
ments which appear to be useful for general industrial applications.


Special thanks are due to James E. Campbell who, because of the death
of C. J. Slunder, was called on to contribute the chapter on mechanical and
physical properties of maraging steels. The assistance offered by Howard
R. Batchelder and Vernon W. Ellzey of Battelle's Columbus Laboratories
also was much appreciated.

Chief, Specialty Alloys Division
Battelle Memorial Institute
Columbus Laboratories



Applications in Aerospace • 5
Applications in Hydrospace 11
Tooling Applications 13
Structural Applications 17


M 23
Age-Hardenable Martensitic Steels ... 23
The Iron-Nickel System 25
The Martensite in Maraging Steels ... 27
Aging Reactions 28
Reversion to Austenite 33

w Thermal Treatment of Maraging Steels

Influence of Cold Work F.dB
Banding and Nonmetallic Inclusions 38


m Melting
Ingot Breakdown
Conversion of Slabs, Blooms, and Billets
Annealing 47
Quality Control 47

Cutting,'Shearing,'and Grinding \ *'.?'. 49
Hot Working ■.". 50
Cold Forming 53
'C.7f W,arm Working 59
s. a .Machining 60

Heat Treating 83
Descaling and Pickling 87


Specifications for Composition and Properties .". 89
Properties of Solution-Annealed Maraging Steels 90
Effects of Variations in Solution-Annealing and Aging Temperatures on the Properties 90
/. .({ Tensile Room Temperature .. . . 93
' v Tensile Properties at Elevated Temperatures 93
Tensile Properties at Low Temperatures 95
, ß CompressiveJPjrojJerties^ at Elevated Temperatures . 95
f Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Maraging Steels 95
£ V Creep Properties 99
/,. fCy Fatigue Properties 100
, J• ""Charpy
Charpy V-Notch In Impact Properties 102
Fracture_JougJu5sjs 102
^ I / Shear Strengthjanöoearing Strength^Jl.'- fi. 107
Physical Properties -«.... 108
«= ■— f-e #,
General Corrosion ....'. A 109
Stress-Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen-Stress Cracking 110





The maraging steels evoked tremendous and simplicity of heat treatment over the
interest, especially in the aerospace world, other two alloys. As a consequence, the
when their development was announced in former have achieved engineering impor-
1959. These extra-low-carbon, high-nickel, tance, while the latter have faded from the
iron-base alloys held great promise of pro- scene. Because one of the 18 percent nickel
viding an extraordinary combination of steels develops a yield strength of about
structural strength and fracture toughness 250 ksi and the other a yield strength of
in a material that was, at the same time, some 280 to 300 ksi when aged, they are
readily weldable and easy to heat-treat. often referred to as the 18 Ni 250 grade and
The alloys were termed "maraging" because the 18 Ni 280 grade or 18 Ni 300 grade,
they possess a martensitic microstructure respectively.
when annealed, and attain their ultrahigh
Considerable effort has been directed at
strength on being aged in the annealed or
martensitic condition. Yield strengths up the development of additional maraging
to and well beyond 300 ksi are available in stee's. Modifications suitable for use in the
these steels in the aged condition. form of castings and for service at moder-
ately elevated temperatures have been in-
It was quickly recognized that the mar-
vestigated. In addition, two steels having
aging steels might be especially well quali-
fied for a host of ultra-high-strength pre- especially high degrees of toughness, with
cision parts for numerous applications. The yield strengths in the range of 180 to 210
National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- ksi, have been developed. One is an 18 per-
tration's need for boosters possessing enor- cent nickel alloy of the same type as the
mous thrust provided the sustaining motiva- 18 Ni 250 grade and 18 Ni 280 grade; this
tion for rapid development of these steels. steel is known as the 18 Ni 200 grade. The
The original announcement of the develop- other steel is a 12 percent nickel alloy to
ment of maraging steel encompassed a 25 which chromium, molybdenum, titanium,
percent nickel steel and a 20 percent nickel and aluminum have been added. Another
steel, both of which contained significant variant of the 18 percent nickel type has been
amounts of titanium, aluminum, and colum- developed and is capable of attaining excep-
bium, as well as two 18 percent nickel steels tionally high yield strengths in the vicinity
containing appreciable amounts of cobalt, of 350 ksi. Not unexpectedly, this steel is
molybdenum, and titanium. Their com- referred to as the 18 Ni 350 grade. The com-
positions are given in table 1 (refs. 1-7). positions of all these steels appear in table
Studies of engineering properties, fabri- 1. Some effort has also been directed toward
cation techniques, and heat-treating pro- developing maraging steels in which man-
cedures have shown that the two 18 percent ganese is substituted for some of the nickel
nickel steels have advantages in toughness (ref. 8).

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Attention is now focused largely on the This report will present a comprehensive
various grades of the 18 percent nickel view of the present technical status of the
alloys containing cobalt, molybdenum, and maraging steels and the outlook for the
titanium. The research-and development future of these materials, as indicated by the
effort that has been devoted to the produc- data that have become available. Specifi-
tion, mechanical and physical properties, cally, the purpose is to provide the research
corrosion behavior, physical metallurgy, as worker, the materials engineer, the process
well as to the forming, joining, and heat engineer, the designer, and other interested
treating of these steels, has been quite sub- readers with a report on the maraging
stantial. Much has been learned of their steels that can be used to—
metallurgy; patterns of usage have evolved;
methods of producing a broad range of mill (1) Assist in the selection of these
products have been established; and the steels for appropriate applications.
means for successfully forming, joining, and (2) Serve as a point of departure for
heat treating these metals have been de- further study and evaluation of the marag-
veloped. ing steels.
Inevitably, as has been the case with most (3) Function as a guide or first approxi-
other structural materials, problems have mation in establishing fabrication proce-
arisen with the use of these steels. While dures for the steels.
researchers were seeking improved under-
standing of the maraging type of alloy, (4) Assist in identifying potential trouble
these problems were being tackled vigorous- spots and corresponding precautionary pro-
ly and often with an encouraging degree cedures in fabricating and using the steels.
of success. (5) Serve as a text or reference work.
The maraging steels have been investi- Most of the material in the report relates
gated by a number of steel producers, aero- to the 18 percent nickel variety of maraging
space hardware and missile manufacturers, steel containing additions of cobalt, molybde-
numerous Government laboratories, and uni- num, and titanium. This type of maraging
versities and independent contract research steel has achieved current practical signifi-
facilities in the United States and abroad.
cance, and the present knowledge of its
Members of NASA's Lewis Research Center
metallurgical and mechanical characteris-
have studied the mechanical properties of the
maraging steels, investigated the failure of tics is more advanced than that of the other
maraging steel components under test, and types. However, other types of maraging
contributed to an improved understanding of steel will be mentioned at appropriate places
the fracture toughness of these materials. to illustrate technical points or to indicate
The result of all these various activities is trends that may influence the future pros-
that a considerable body of literature con- pects and opportunities for the maraging
cerning maraging steels has been generated. steels.

Applications and Uses of the 18-Percent Nickel Maraging Steels

APPLICATIONS IN AEROSPACE niques may be used with the maraging

steels, a number of technological advances
Large Rocket-Motor Cases had to be made to meet the reliability and
There is no doubt that the large, solid- tolerance requirements of the program.
propellant, rocket-motor program sparked This necessitated extensive metallurgical
the considerable research and development investigations dealing with various aspects
that has been conducted to take advantage of evaluation and characterization of the
of the many fine properties of the maraging maraging steels. Welding and fabricating
steels. These steels, which combine a high procedures, and especially testing and in-
strength-to-weight ratio with good fracture spection techniques, required further study
toughness, ready weldability, and simple in the light of specific requirements relating
heat treatment, became available just when to rocket-motor cases. Finally, fabrication,
such properties were needed to permit a burst testing, and static firing of smaller
scaleup in missile-case dimensions. motor cases were undertaken to provide the
data and experience needed to carry on the
The joint Air Force-NASA 260-inch-
260-inch booster program. Many groups
diameter booster program was started in
of investigators participated in these stud-
1962. An early report (ref. 9) discussed
the reasons for the selection of maraging ies. Their work has been recorded in nu-
merous reports and other published matter.
steel as the material from which the motor
This intensive effort has resulted in a con-
cases were to be constructed. In addition
tinuing advance in the state of the art and
to the good combination of mechanical
knowledge of the maraging steels.
properties, it was pointed out that the mar-
aging steels are readily machined, formed, The goal of the 260-inch-diameter boos-
and welded. Preweld and postweld treat- ter program was achieved by the successful
ments are not required, and full strength is static test firing of two short-length motors
obtained by aging at 900° F and air cooling. in late 1965 and early 1966. This was a
By contrast, conventional quench and temper major milestone in the development of solid-
heat treatments, such as are used for most propellant rocketry (ref. 10). Previous ex-
other high-strength alloys, introduce prob- perience with 120-inch and 156-inch-diam-
lems in handling and in size of equipment eter cases, as well as detailed studies of the
necessary to process the very large motor many factors involved in fabrication and
cases. testing, contributed to the success of the
The original work statement provided program. Some of the program problems
that state-of-the-art technology be used and their solutions are summarized in
wherever possible (ref. 10). While events reference 10. It would be of use to review
have generally proved that conventional the highlights of that report in order to
melting, processing, and fabricating tech- focus on the pertinent factors that determine

the usefulness of the maraging steels. Gar- and inclusions being present within the
land's excellent summary (ref. 11) includes metal or on the metal surface. Unfortunate-
many practical aspects of the undertaking. ly, the size of tolerable flaws in high-
The combination of high strength and strength alloys under plane-strain conditions
good fracture toughness is a prime requi- decreases as the strength of the alloy in-
site for applications where performance is creases. Hence, it is sometimes necessary
dependent en resistance to brittle fracture to compromise between strength and tough-
at stresses below the design stress. This ness requirements. This was done in the
means that the alloy should tolerate cracks selection of consumable-electrode, vacuum-
or flaws at least as large as the largest flaw arc-remelted (VAR), 18 percent nickel 200-
that may escape detection by inspection grade maraging steel for the Aerojet 260-
techniques. Obviously, it is impossible to inch cases, because subscale 36-inch-di-
fabricate something as large as a 260-inch- ameter cases made of 250-grade maraging
diameter-by-60-foot-long rocket-motor case steel had failed in a brittle manner well be-
without some flaws such as nicks, dents, low the predicted burst pressure.

■ Forward lower gores

Aft "Y" ring forging

Forward Aft skirt

upper gores Aft gores
Dollar plate

Forward boss
■Forward Y ring forging Aft fig-
■Forward skirt forging

Entrance forging Exit forging

Cone Throat forging

FIGURE 1.—260-inch, short-length case and nozzle shell components.

Figure 1 (ref. 11) illustrates the config-

uration of the components that make up a
260-inch short-length case and nozzle
shell assembly. The components, made from
plate material, were formed in the annealed
condition using conventional pressure ves-
sel cold-forming equipment. Forgings were
used when precise dimensional control was
required, when difficult forming operations
arose, and when preclusion of longitudinal
welding of thick sections was desired (ref.
10). An example of such forgings is the
large Y-rings used for transition between
the heads and the cylindrical section; one
of these is shown in figure 2. These were
made from 26 000-pound billets and were the
largest ring-rolled forgings ever made from
maraging steel. As shown in figure 1, large
forgings also were used to fabricate the
nozzle shell.
Joining and assembly of the components
was done by welding. The cylindrical sec-
tion was made by rolling 102-inch-wide
plates into semicircles and joining two of
these by longitudinal welds. Five of these
cylinders were then joined by circumferen- FIGURE 2.—Ring-rolled forging, 22 feet in diameter,
tial welds to form the cylindrical sections. fabricated from 18 Ni 200-grade maraging steel.
The other components were also welded as
necessary to form the complete case. It is
clear that welding is a key process in the in the annealed condition and then to age it
fabrication of rocket cases. The gas tung- as a complete unit.
sten-arc (GTA) method of welding had Considerable data on notched-bend frac-
been used earlier in the fabrication of ture toughness tests with the notches in the
120-inch- and 156-inch-diameter cases and parent metal and at various locations along
proved satisfactory. The automatic GTA the weld are given in reference 14, as well
process was also selected for the 260-inch- as various welding procedures. The data
diameter cases because sound welds could be can only be considered comparative because
made with minimum contamination (ref. changes for the better have been made both
11). However, a great deal of work was in mill processing of the steels and in frac-
done to determine the best filler metal com- ture toughness testing procedures. The
position (ref. 12) and fracture toughness, tests were made on specimens cut from
as well as other properties of the welds 3/4-inch plate, notched and fatigue cracked
(refs. 13, 14, and 15). The three programs to a total depth of about 0.21 inch for the
were all in support of the NASA 260-inch- 200-grade VAR steel and approximately
case contracts. Welds made with the se- 0.14 inch for the 250-grade air-melted
lected filler metal had a yield strength of material. Three-point loaded, bend test
about 200 to 215 ksi after aging. It was also results showed that the fracture toughness
found that the weld metal responded to of GTA welds at the center of the welds was
aging in the same way as the parent metal. superior to that of other types of welds. In
This made it possible to fabricate the case these tests it was found that the 250-grade

plate had medium-to-heavy delaminations been mentioned. This factor created a need
which appeared to affect the fracture tough- for reliable inspection and nondestructive
ness. The VAR 200-grade material, with no testing techniques and for information on
delaminations, was reported to have a Ku the plane-strain fracture-toughness testing.
111 ksi Vin. through the center of the Work has been conducted in both of these
value of 120 ksi Vin. in the base metal and fields to improve flaw-detection techniques
weld; however, the banded condition of the and to develop a quantitative approach to
250-grade steel prevents a direct quantita- the problem of crack tolerance in pressure
tive comparison. vessels. Although these subjects are very
The complete, fabricated motor case, important, a comprehensive discussion of
shown in figure 3, was then ready for the them is beyond the scope of this report. For
aging heat treatment to develop the full- those readers who want to explore these sub-
strength properties. For this purpose a 30- jects, the following key references may be
foot-diameter-by-95-foot-high furnace, large of interest.
enough to accommodate the entire case, was Liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, radio-
fabricated. This was gas fired through a graphic and ultrasonic inspection methods
heat exchanger to prevent the products of were evaluated in relation to their use on
combustion from coming into contact with the large 18 percent nickel maraging steel cases
steel (ref. 11). The aging response of all the by Excelco Developments (ref. 16). This
plates, forgings, and welds had been charac- report includes a review of nondestructive
terized in the laboratory, and a final compro- testing specifications with special emphasis
mise cycle of about 6 hours' heatup to 900° on ultrasonic methods. Data gathered from
F, 8 hours' hold at 900° F, followed by air the 120-inch hydroburst contract and the
cooling, was selected as the aging treatment. 156-inch case contracts are discussed. A
The cases were successfully hydrotested proposed process specification for ultrasonic
under pressure to 737 psig using water inspection is also presented in this report.
inhibited with sodium dichromate. This cor- Inspection procedures are also discussed in
responds to a calculated stress level of about the report on the investigation of a failure
160 ksi. After hydrotesting, the cases were during hydrotesting of a 260-inch case
transported to the Aerojet facility for in- (ref. 17). Two recent reports (refs. 18 and
sulation, pouring of the propellant, and 19) indicate that this subject is still under
static firing tests. active investigation. The program discussed
The harmful effect of cracks and other in reference 18 encompasses discontinuity
flaws in high-strength pressure vessels has stress analysis, evaluation of ultrasonic in-
spection methods by posttest sectioning, and
a detailed failure analysis. Shear wave
ultrasonic testing methods proved effective
in detecting and defining parent metal and
weld deposit flaws. In reference 19, conven-
tional nondestructive inspection techniques
were studied and advanced techniques de-
veloped; fracture toughness and subcritical
flaw growth experiments were performed.
Results of these tests were combined with
the results of an analysis of design devia-
tions (e.g., weld joint mismatch) and the
results of residual stress experiments to
define allowable flaw sizes.
FIGURE 3.—260-inch-diameter, half-length motor The pertinent references on fracture
case. toughness testing are discussed in chapter 3.

Smaller, Special-Purpose Rocket-Motor Cases

Maraging steels also have been used in the

fabrication of smaller rocket cases designed
for special purposes and high performance.
Generally these are thin-wall cases, 0.070
inch or less thick compared with the 0.40- to
0.60-inch chamber wall thickness used for
the 260-inch motor cases. Maraging steels
were selected for the smaller cases because
of their high strength, fracture toughness,
and ease in fabrication. An example of FIGURE 4.—9-inch-diameter case made from 250-
grade maraging steel. (Photograph supplied by
these small cases is the 9-inch-diameter case Vasco, a Teledyne company.)
shown in figure 4. This case was manu-
factured by the roll-and-weld process from 18 Ni 250 grade maraging steel to form the
0.070-inch VAR, 250-grade, 18 percent cylindrical section. Head and end closures
nickel sheet and two thin-wall ring forgings. were fabricated separately. These cases
It is used in an aircraft control capsule were successfully hydrotested, demon-
ejection system which requires very high strating that the maraging steel, helical
reliability. The requirements of 3180-psig weld combination was a satisfactory manu-
proof and 4300-psig burst pressures were facturing procedure for rocket-motor cases.
easily met. The rework capability of the The most important advantages of helically
material was demonstrated when it was
welded cases are the uniform thickness and.
necessary to shorten some cases by several
good finish available with mill-rolled sheet,
inches. This was easily done at one end, and
and the additional strength provided by cold
a new forging was welded into place. Local
reduction. The diameter of the case may
aging of the ring forging and weld at
also be held to very close tolerances. The
900° F restored the strength and the origi-
tube length is limited only by the size of the
nal section of the case was not affected by
coil. In this program 250-grade maraging
the change (ref. 20).
steel coils, 0.020 inch thick by 3.596 inches
Another example is the thin-wall, 16-inch- wide, were aged in a vacuum furnace to a
diameter-by-120-inch-long case shown in yield strength of 305 ksi. They were then
•figure 5, which is used as a booster in the helically welded into 6-inch-diameter tubes,
High Altitude Research Project (HARP) which were cut into 24-inch-long cylinders.
experiments. This also is fabricated from The hemispherical heads and aft adapters
VAR 250-grade steel. The initial impulse were fabricated separately and welded to
for these vehicles comes from the powder the cylinders. Figure 6 (ref. 21) shows the
charge used in the 16-inch-diameter gun details of the cases. Considerable experi-
from which they are fired. The propellant mental work was involved in developing a
in the rocket case is ignited by the time the method to produce part-through notches on
projectile passes the gun nozzle, thus pro- the surface of the hardened cases. The
viding the additional thrust that enables the unnotched cases, as well as some with sub-
projectile to reach very high altitudes. critical, critical, and supercritical notches,
Helical welding of maraging steel strip were hydrotested. The results for notched
into rocket-motor cases was investigated by specimens are assembled in figure 7. By
the Budd Co. (ref. 21). In a previous con- comparison, unnotched cases failed at hoop
tract with the Army, the Budd Co. had stresses ranging from 314 to 332 ksi. Thir-
produced 20-inch-diameter-by 60-inch-long ty-nine cases were manufactured in this
cases by helical welding of 0.040-inch-thick, program to show that consistently high

FIGURE 5.—16-inch-diameter, 120-inch-long thin-wall case fabricated from 250-grade maraging steel. Photo-
graph supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne company.)

-Cerro-matrix seal




-Aft adapter GTA

-Close off plate for hydro test

FIGURE 6.—Helically welded rocket-motor case (ref. 13).

burst strength and dimensional control tabulated in a recent report by Coleman

could be maintained in helically welded (ref. 22) on tactical missile rocket motors,
cases. The report also includes the results of an
Maraging steels, for use in a variety of experience survey obtained by contacts with
rocket cases, are being evaluated in other mill producers, forgers, and fabricators,
development programs. These steels are The survey indicated that numerous studies







4 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 x I0"4
Crack area, sq in.

FIGURE 7.—Fracture stress versus crack area (ref. 13).

and prototype hardware programs have been APPLICATIONS IN HYDROSPACE

conducted to define the potential problem
areas in the utilization of maraging steels. Only a few references on the use of 18
Suppliers were hesitant to guarantee percent nickel maraging steels in deep-sea
strengths above those specified in ASTM A environments were found in a. study by
538-65 (ref. 23). The chemical composition Bernstein (ref. 24). Pressure hulls for
and tensile property requirements from that deep-submergence vehicles have been fabri-
specification are given in tables 2 and 3. cated from relatively low-strength but tough
However, progress is being made in the pro- materials that could deform plastically in
duction of maraging steels having yield the presence of a crack without catastrophic
strengths of 350 ksi and above. crack propagation and failure. Some of the
Fabricators and users of pressure vessels present submersibles, such as the Trieste II,
reported relatively few problems with the are large and cumbersome and have little
maraging steels (ref. 22). At the higher mobility on the ocean bottom. The pressure
strength levels, the ease of fabrication and hull of the Trieste II is a steel sphere, which
heat treatment are advantages that will is heavier than the water it displaces by a
permit maraging steels to replace other factor of 2 (ref. 24).
materials in some rocket and pressure ves- The design of more mobile vessels capable
sel applications. of carrying practical payloads and men to

TABLE 2.—Chemical Composition Requirements for Maraging Steels"

[From ref. 23]

Ladle analysis Check analysis

Element variations, all
Grade A, percent Grade B, percent Grade C, percent grades, percent

Carbon, maximum 0.03 0.03 0.03 + 0.005

Nickel .. . 17.0 to 19.0 17.0 to 19.0 18.0 to 19.0 ±.20
Cobalt 7.0 to 8.5 7.0 to 8.5 8.0 to 9.5 ±.20
Molybdenum 4.0 to 4.5 4.6 to 5.1 4.6 to 5.2 + .10
Titanium 0.10 to 0.25 0.30 to 0.50 0.55 to 0.80 ±.05
Silicon, maximum 0.10 0.10 0.10 + .02
Manganese, maximum 0.10 0.10 0.10 + .03
Sulfur, maximum 0.010 0.010 0.010 + .002
Phosphorus, maximum 0.010 0.010 0.010 + .002
Aluminum 0.05 to 0.15 0.05 to 0.15 0.05 to 0.15 ±.03

" Certification of compliance with the addition of these elements shall be furnished by the producer.
In addition to the elements listed in this table, the following elements in the amounts specified shall be
added to the steel: boron, 0.003 percent; zirconium, 0.02 percent; and calcium, 0.05 percent.

TABLE 3.—Tensile Requirements for Maraging Steels

[From ref. 23]

Grade A Grade B Grade C

Minimum tensile strength, ksi 210 240 280

Yield strength at 0.2 percent offset, ksi 200 to 235 230 to 260 275 to 305
Minimum elongation in 2 in., percent 6 6
Minimum reduction of area in 2-in. gage length,
Round cross-section specimens 40 35 30
Rectangular cross-section specimens 35 30 25

greater ocean depths placed some unique nickel maraging steel. Some of the same
demands on materials (refs. 24 and 25). considerations that prompted the selection
High strength-to-density ratios, good frac- of the 18-percent nickel, 200-grade steel
ture toughness, and resistance to corrosion for the 260-inch rocket-motor cases were
are the primary requirements. Nonmetallic also applicable in the case of the submersible
materials used as flotation spheres are em- pressure hull, where the pressure is applied
ployed to reduce overall weight and weight/ externally rather than internally. The
displacement ratios to usable levels and to greater toughness of the 200 grade over the
provide the necessary buoyancy. 250 grade is as important to externally
Design considerations and material prop- pressurized vessels as it is to internally
erties for pressure hulls of two new deep pressurized rocket-motor cases. Other con-
submersibles are discussed by Schapiro siderations, such as resistance to corrosion,
(ref. 26). The ocean ographic research stress corrosion, and corrosion fatigue,
vehicle and mobile test facility, Deep Quest, entered into the picture because of the salt-
is the only such deep-sea submersible with water environment in which the deep sub-
a pressure hull fabricated from 18 percent mersibles operate.

The pressure vessel consists of two 7-foot- contains specifications for a prototype
diameter spheres made from 0.895-inch buoyant vessel to be used in undersea ex-
plate with an intersecting ring section con- ploration (ref. 27). The proposed vehicle
necting the two spheres. This provided is a helium-charged pressure vessel into
more usable volume, better habitability, and which sea-water ballast is pumped to vary
lighter total weight than the same total the net buoyancy. Its components are to be
volume in a single sphere. Although VAR made from premium quality 250-grade, 18
200-grade steel was selected as the basic percent nickel maraging steel. Specifi-
material of construction, the composition cations are given for maraging steel plates
was modified slightly and an aging treat- up to 11/2 inches thick, maraging steel forg-
ment of 4 hours at 840° F was selected in an ings, maraging steel weld filler metal, and
effort to obtain better toughness at the ex- maraging steel GTA welding.
pense of some loss in strength. The ma- The full capabilities of the present 18-
terial was characterized by an extensive percent maraging steels were developed by
testing program that provided the following improved control of composition and proces-
property values: sing procedures. Heat treatment procedures
Tensile yield strength 180 ksi min. were modified where necessary to obtain the
Tensile modulus of elasticity _. 25.7 + 0.4 x 106-psi best combination of properties. Advances
Compression yield strength 190.6 + 8.6 ksi in welding and other fabrication processes
Compression modules of elas- were made and used in various phases of
ticity 26.8 ± 1.2 x10s psi the fabrication of the vessels. Inspection
Charpy V-notch impact 40.6 + 4.5 ft-lb
Fracture toughness 133 ±4.7 ksi Vin. and testing techniques were improved to
Sea-water threshold toughness . 48 ksi Vin. provide more reliable information on the
Fatigue notch sensitivity at presence and size of flaws in the metal and
2V=104, £=-1.0 0.5 in air; 0.43 in on fracture toughness properties. The over-
sea water all effect of these improvements was a defi-
The welds had essentially the same prop- nite advance in the state of the art and
erties, except that the sea-water threshold knowledge of the maraging steels. This has
toughness was higher at 78 ksi Vin. The helped to promote the use of the steels in a
sea-water threshold toughness figure is of growing number of new applications in
interest because it is a measure of the re- various fields of interest. Some of these are
sistance to crack propagation under plane- discussed in the following paragraphs.
strain conditions in a sea-water environ-
ment. This property is identified as Klscc TOOLING APPLICATIONS
in chapter 7. It should be noted that the Most of the general properties that have
value reported in the presence of seawater
assured the success of the maraging steels
is much lower than the fracture toughness
(or Kjc) value in an ordinary atmospheric in aerospace applications have also played
environment. This means that the maxi- a part in the selection of these steels in
mum size of crack or flaw that can be pres- manufacturing of other products. These
ent without danger of failure is much small- properties are high strength, simple heat
er in sea water than in air. treatment, good toughness, dimensional
A y5 -scale model and a full-scale pres- stability, freedom from decarburization
sure hull successfully completed pressure during heat treatment, and good machin-
testing in an environmental chamber and ability and fabricability. Because of their
Deep Quest is now undergoing sea trials toughness at high hardness, the maraging
to test its performance at depths as great alloys are being used as tooling materials
as 8000 feet. and for a wide variety of other industrial
A final reference to the use of 18 percent components (ref. 28). In some instances
nickel maraging steels in deep-sea water they provide the only material for applica-

tions requiring a combination of very high

strength and toughness. In others they
give increased performance and reliability.
A major use for the maraging steels in
tooling has developed in die-casting opera-
tions. Core pins, cores, and dies are being
used in the production of aluminum die
castings with encouraging results (ref. 29).
Maraging steels have shown excellent resist-
ance to heat checking and erosion by the
molten aluminum. The temperature at the
die surface may reach 1000° to 1100° F;
therefore, retention of hardness and
strength at these elevated temperatures is
a very significant factor in providing re-
sistance to washing and heat checking. A
comparative test to show the effect of 200
hours of exposure at temperatures up to
1200° F on the hardness of die block ma-
terials showed that after exposure at 1200°
F, 250- and 300-grade maraging steels had
a hardness of 34 to 35 Rockwell C, about FIGURE 9.—Heavy section aluminum die casting
core manufactured from 300-grade VAR marag-
10 to 12 points higher than the other ma- ing steel. (Photograph supplied by Vasco, a
terials tested (ref. 29). Performance tests Teledyne company.)
have indicated a much longer life (some-
times up to 25 times longer) for the mar-
aging steel dies over other typical die
steels. This more than makes up for the
higher cost of maraging steels. Figures
8, 9, and 10 show typical die-casting tooling
applications. Figure 10 shows a die made
from VAR 300-grade, 18 percent maraging

FIGURE 8.—Aluminum die casting core pin manu- FIGURE 10.—Aluminum die casting die, 5x5x2
factured from 250-grade VAR maraging steel; inches, made from 300-grade VAR maraging
%6-inch diameter x 12 inches long. (Photograph steel. (Photograph supplied by Vasco, a Tele-
supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne company.) dyne company.)

steel. This material was chosen because

the. excellent finish that was required on a
certain portion of the die could be readily
obtained on this alloy.
Several precautions should be observed
in the use of the steels in die-casting appli-
cations (ref. 30). The small shrinkage that
occurs during heat treatment applies gen-
erally to simple shapes that are free of
stresses induced by cold working. If stress-
es caused by large amounts of machining
are present or suspected, they should be
relieved by an annealing treatment at 1500°
F, followed by air cooling, before final ma-
chining. The break-in period in the an-
nealed condition, such as may be feasible
for conventional hot-work steels, is unde-
sirable and dangerous with maraging steels.
Preferential aging and hardening of the
die cavity surfaces could occur during such
a break-in period if the metal surface tem-
perature reached the 800° to 900° F range.
The interior structure would remain rela-
tively soft and the stresses accompanying
such localized aging may be sufficient to
cause distortion or cracking of the die.
Figure 11 is an illustration of a plastic
compression transfer mold made from a PIGURE 11.—Plastic compression transfer mold
made from 250-grade VAR maraging steel. Mold
block of VAR 250-grade steel. This mold dimensions are 8 x 3% x 12 inches. (Photo-
measures 8 by 3% by 12 inches with a vari- graph supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne company.)
ety of holes shown in one area of the die.
This is quite a complex configuration re- nium, beryllium, high nickel alloys, and simi-
quiring a material with a fine surface finish lar materials. These materials are extreme-
that would not distort during heat treatment ly stiff and require high extrusion pressures
and have sufficient hardness and strength for the extrusion ratios and temperatures
to withstand the pressures of compression involved in the operations. The 300-grade
molding. Aging at 900° F for 4 hours re- maraging steel proved to be an ideal ram
sulted in a hardness of 50 Rockwell C, with material for these extrusion operations.
all dimensions shrinking only about 0.0008 The high compressive yield strength of the
in./in., without distortion or cracking. It 300-grade VAR steel is mainly responsible
was reported that no other material was for its success. The maraging steel rams
suitable for this part. are consistently operating at applied load
Maraging steels have also been used for levels considerably higher than the limiting
extrusion tools; specifically, dies, mandrels, load of 190 ksi used with other materials.
and rams. An example of the performance Satisfactory service has been obtained at
obtainable from maraging steel extrusion extrusion pressures in the neighborhood of
rams is illustrated in reference 31. Here, 300 ksi. Production rams in use range from
such products as wire, rod, tubing, and lVs to 31/2 inches in diameter (fig. 12).
other shapes are made by extrusion of a Another extrusion ram application (ref. 32)
variety of metals and alloys such as zirco- demonstrating the superiority of maraging

FIGURE 12.—Extrusion ram made from 300-grade

VAR maraging steel. (Photograph supplied by
Vasco, Teledyne company.

steels involved the extrusion of lead or lead-

tin-alloy sheaths with outside diameters
down to 0.032 inch. Tool-steel rams buckled
or fractured under stresses between 180 and FIGURE 13.—Deformed, quenched, and tempered
tool steel extrusion ram (left) compared with a
210 ksi, resulting in delays and additional maraging steel replacement. (Photograph sup-
expenses. This problem was solved through plied by Vasco, a Teledyne company.)
the use of 300-grade VAR rams that nor-
mally can operate at stresses of 230 ksi or
more for this application. Figure 13 shows
a deformed quenched and tempered tool
steel ram that failed in the press, compared
with its maraging steel replacement. It is
clear that the higher compressive yield
strength was a significant factor in this
An example of a die used in the extrusion
of aluminum shapes is shown in figure 14.
The hardness and resistance to the extrusion
temperature and dimensional stability
during heat treatment are the factors that
led to the use of VAR 18 percent nickel,
240-grade maraging steel for this applica-
tion. Maraging steel mandrels have been
used in the extrusion of brasses and other
copper alloys.
Other tooling applications depend on the
high impact strength of the maraging
steels. For example, the index plate, shown FIGURE 14.—Extrusion die for aluminum made from
in figure 15 (ref. 33), controls drilling, 250-grade VAR maraging steel. (Photograph
spotting, milling, grinding, and boring supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne company.)

operations. These operations are controlled representative applications discussed in sub-

by a plunger which engages the teeth of the sequent paragraphs.
index plate. The impact of the plunger Modern rockets generate thrusts amount-
caused a failure at the root of the teeth of ing to millions of pounds, and the accurate
low-alloy steel plates after short periods of measurement of such high forces imposes
operation. VAR 250-grade maraging steel severe requirements on the load cells used
plates withstood this type of service for con- for the purpose. One such cell (fig. 16) de-
siderably longer periods. Other similar veloped for NASA's Marshall Space Flight
applications depending on the toughness Center is capable of measuring sustained
and strength of the maraging steels include forces of 5 million pounds. The major por-
broaches, cold-forming punches, and punches tion of this cell is constructed from 300-
used in cold impact extrusion of aluminum. grade maraging steel, heat treated to a yield
strength of 270 ksi. Another instrument
developed to measure the thrust is shown in
Maraging steels have also found a place figure 17. This is a universal flexure cou-
in structural applications. Although many pling device that alines the thrust into one
of these applications are connected in some or more controlled directions (ref. 34).
way with aerospace and aircraft, they are Loading and misalinement forces are con-
not necessarily dependent on the plane- fined to highly ductile flexure webs rather
strain fracture-toughness properties of the than to the load cell. The webs centralize
steels to such a degree as are the rocket- the force of the thrust into the load cells.
motor cases. The combination of high pro- The ability to withstand high axial loads,
portional limit and yield strength, ductility, torque, and side loads is a critical feature
flexibility, resistance to distortion during in this application. The cells were fabri-
heat treatment, and ease of welding are the cated from 18-inch-diameter-by-18-inch
more important properties responsible for long forgings of consumable-electrode,
the successful use of maraging steels in the vacuum-arc remelted, 18 percent nickel,

FIGURE 15.—Maraging steel index plate for mount- FIGURE 16.—Load cell made from 300-grade VAR
ing on a turret to control machining operations. maraging steel to withstand 5 million pounds
(Photograph supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne com- force. (Photograph supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne
pany.) company.)
300-grade maraging steel. Because of the
concentration of very high forces into a
relatively small area, the flexures had to be
strong, ductile, tough, and machinable. The
maraging steel met all these requirements.
Furthermore, a proportional limit over 60
percent higher than that of other steels
made it possible to reduce the size of these
flexures considerably below that necessary
for comparable units made from the other
Another application in which flexural
strength was an important factor in the
selection of maraging steel as the material
of construction is shown in figure 18. This
is a gimbal-ring assembly employing four
flexural pivots which allow a rocket engine
to swivel and correct for pitch and yaw
during flight. Two of the four pivots con-
nect the gimbal ring to the airframe, and
the opposing two connect the ring to the
rocket engine. A double-ended type of
flexural pivot is used in this device. The
center section is attached either to the air-
frame or to the engine, and the ends support
the gimbal ring. The pivot consists of a
core made of two diametrically opposed,
hollow cylindrical segments connected by
FIGURE 17.—Universal flexure made from VAR three thin flexing members called flexures
300-grade maraging steel. (Photograph supplied
by Vasco, a Teledyne company.)
(ref. 35). Bending of the flexures permits
one piece of the core to rotate in relation to
the other. A view of the pivot is shown in
figure 19. The 18 percent nickel maraging
steel was selected for this application be-
cause of its initial high-yield strength and
excellent resistance to distortion during heat
treatment. The parts of the pivot must be
machined to close tolerances before being
assembled, since all pivots must have identi-
cal performance.
Flexural strength was also the critical
property in two other applications of the
maraging steels. One of these, figure 20, is
a flexible shaft, made of VAR 250-grade
steel, which drives the main rotor on a
Hughes light observation helicopter. This
is an assembly composed of a center tube
FIGURE 18.—Gimbal ring assembly employing four spun from a small segment of bar stock,
flexural pivots made from 18 percent nickel mar-
aging steel. (Photograph supplied by Interna-
with thin, flexible, welded diaphragm pack-
tional Nickel Co., Inc.) ets on each end. Low work-hardening

properties, lack of distortion in heat treat-

ment, and reliability of welding were impor-
tant factors in the construction of this unit.
This flexible drive shaft is designed to trans-
mit 275 horsepower at 6000 rpm with a
total of 3° permissible misalinement. The
use of maraging steel in this application
reduced the weight of the unit and lowered
the cost of manufacturing. A similar flexi-
ble shaft designed for use in aircraft tur-
bines was judged recently to be the out-
standing example of materials in design
(iron-base alloys category) in the 1967 ASM
Materials Application Competition (ref. 36).
Angular and lateral misalinements and axial
movements are accommodated by flexible
joints on the ends of a two-piece shaft.
Each joint consists of six hyperbolic-section
FIGURE 19.—Nickel maraging steel flexural pivot, disks of maraging steel formed by a single
5-inch O.D. x 6% long, for gimbaling rocket
engines. (Photograph supplied by International
blow on a high-energy forging press and
Nickel Co., Inc.) electrochemically machined to precise

FIGURE 20.—Flexible drive shaft made from 250-grade VAR maraging steel. (Photograph supplied by
International Nickel Co., Inc.)

dimensions ranging from 0.0075 to 0.0170

inch thick. Electron beam welds join the
disks around their circumferences without
distortion or embrittlement. The joints
have exhibited unlimited fatigue life in
torsion and flexure.
A heavy-duty application for maraging
steel is shown in figures 21, 22, and 23.
These figures illustrate the fabrication and
installation of the large anchor rails that
hold down the supporting columns of the
mobile service tower for the Saturn 1-B
• K,2
vehicle at Cape Kennedy. For these rails, FIGURE 23.—One of the forged maraging steel anchor
18 percent nickel maraging steel, closed-die rails in place on launch complex. (Photograph
forgings were selected because of their supplied by International Nickel Co., Inc.)

ability to sustain the heavy loads and be-

Hfe»»-- " ijaj cause limited space and available clearances
necessitated the use of a high-strength ma-
terial (ref. 37). Also, the uniform response

L $3L.
Ik £J^Ä
r^ --"•aste*»*""

to heat treatment provided the required
properties throughout the heavy sections.
The strength and impact properties of
maraging steels are used advantageously in
.i*. : ... ^-^ . -I M several aircraft applications. Figure 24
shows a landing leg on the Sikorsky S 61-R
helicopter. It is made from 18 Ni 250-grade
FIGURE 21.—Maraging steel billet being preformed maraging steel and nickel and is chromium
in open die. (Photograph supplied by Interna- plated to provide some protection against
tional Nickel Co., Inc.) corrosion. This tubular component has a
3V&-nich outside diameter and a %-inch
wall thickness. High strength and impact
toughness were the critical properties
needed for the Northrop F-5 arresting hook
shown in figure 25. The shank and fitting
of the hook are made from 18 percent nickel,
280-grade maraging steel. The versatility
of maraging steel is demonstrated by its use
as a wing hinge for a French swing-wing
fighter plane. This part was fabricated by
welding a combination of sheet and
machined forgings to the design shown in
figure 26. By using maraging steel instead
of a conventional low-alloy steel, it was
possible to replace an expensive 20-step
heat treatment with the simple 900° F
aging step. The costs saved in construction
FIGURE 22.—Machined maraging steel anchor rail.
(Photograph supplied by International Nickel and fabrication more than offset the addi-
Co., Inc.) tional cost of the steel.


FIGURE 25.—Maraging steel arresting hook for

Northrop F-5 tactical fighter.

FIGURE 24.— Sikorsky S-61R helicopter landing leg

made from maraging steel. (Photograph sup-
plied by Sikorsky Aircraft.)

A considerable quantity of maraging steel

was used in the construction of the Royal
Canadian Navy FHE 400 hydrofoil ship,
which was designed to skim the surface of
the water at 60 knots on foils. A major prob-
lem in the design was to find a structural
material with a high strength-to-weight
ratio; the best combination of tension,
fatigue, impact, and shear properties; and
good weldability. VAR 250 grade was
selected for the foil skin, and VAR 200 grade
was selected for many of the heavy struc-
tural members in the foil and support sys-
tems. The selection of 200-grade steel for
the large forgings in the foil system was
based primarily on the excellent ductility
FIGURE 26.—Wing hinge fabricated by welding a
and notch strength of the alloy, especially combination of maraging sheet and forgings.
in the short transverse direction. The re- (Photograph supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne com-
placeable leading edges of the foils are made pany.)

FIGURE 27.—Royal Canadian Navy FHE 400 hydrofoil ship. (Photograph supplied by Vasco, a Teledyne

from Inconel 718. These foils encounter may be obtained intentionally by changes
most of the cavitation erosion effects of sea in chemical composition and processing
water at high speed. The rest of the foil variables. In most cases the reasons for the
surface is made of maraging steel and is selection of maraging steels are given, and
protected from erosion and corrosion by a a study of these will undoubtedly suggest
0.020-inch-thick organic coating. An artist's other applications where similar reasons
concept of the ship is shown in figure 27. may apply. Where even more demanding
The applications discussed in this chapter requirements exist, the development of the
illustrate the types of service conditions maraging steels is continuing at a rapid
under which the 18-percent nickel maraging pace. Higher strength 350-grade maraging
steels may be considered. They also show is already available (ref. 38), and experi-
the fabricating procedures that may be used ence and information on potential uses are
and the range of mechanical properties that being obtained.

Physical Metallurgy

AGE-HARDENABLE MARTENSITIC STEELS Age-hardenable, semiaustenitic stainless

steels, such as 17-7PH, PH15-7Mo, PH14-
The 18-percent nickel maraging steels be- 8Mo, AM-350, and AM-355, also belong to
long to a loosely knit family of iron-base the family of iron alloys that can be strength-
alloys that are strengthened by a combina- ened by the combination of martensite for-
tion of martensite formation followed by an mation and age hardening. However, the
aging treatment. Other members of the temperature M. at which transformation
family include such age-hardenable mar- to martensite begins for these alloys, as
tensitic stainless steels as Stainless W, 17- solution annealed, is too low to permit them
4PH, AFC 77, PH13-8Mo, 15-5PH, Cus-
to transform to martensite immediately on
tom 455, and AM362. Table 4 gives the com-
cooling to room temperature. Instead, they
positions of these alloys together with their
appropriate heat-treating schedules (refs. 39 require thermal pretreatment, cold working,
to 53). or refrigeration to martensitize. Composi-
In all of these steels, as well as the 18- tions and illustrative thermal treatments for
percent nickel maraging steels, the matrix these steels appear in table 4.
will transform to martensite on cooling to The 20- and 25-percent nickel maraging
room temperature directly after a solution steels mentioned in chapter 1 are also mem-
annealing or austenitizing treatment which bers of the family. The 20-percent nickel
is carried out at an elevated temperature. steel acts like an age-hardenable marten-
(In some alloys, the transformation is made sitic stainless steel, but requires refrigera-
more complete by cooling to cryogenic tem- tion at -100° F, after cooling to room
peratures immediately after cooling to room temperature, to insure complete martensite
temperature.) The cooling rate is not criti- transformation. The 25-percent nickel
cal for the maraging steels. The stainless maraging steel resembles the age-harden-
steels usually may be air cooled when the able semiaustenitic stainless steels in that
sections are thin, but should be oil or water
it is austenitic as annealed and must be
quenched when the sections attain appre-
cold worked, refrigerated, or given a ther-
ciable thickness. When any of the steels in
the family are reheated (i.e., aged) at mal pretreatment at a moderate temperature
moderate temperatures, their strength and to induce it to martensitize.
hardness are increased. The diversity of the compositions given
Another alloy in the same family is in table 4 is noteworthy. A considerable
Nitralloy N, a nickel-containing nitriding range of carbon contents is represented,
steel (ref. 39). This alloy age-hardens dur- which means that there is substantial
ing nitriding, an operation commonly variation in the strength, ductility, and
carried out at temperatures of 930° to toughness of the raw martensites that are
1000° F. produced on transformation of the different


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steels from the austenitic condition. The

mechanical properties of the martensites are
influenced also by the content of alloying 1600
elements, which varies widely. In addition,
the tabulation reflects the fact that a num- r
ber of elements can'be used to impart aging
response to the various alloys, notably 1200
titanium, aluminum, copper, and molyb- /'
\ /0'
denum. The implication of this fact taken i
3 i
together with the great variations prevail- o a +/
u \
ing in the compositions of the steels is that, a> 800
although there are striking similarities E a
among the members of the family regarding
the schedules by which they are strength-
ened, important features of the underlying 400
mechanisms responsible are likely to differ
considerably from member to member.
With their high nickel content and extremely
low carbon content, permitting formation i-v
of an outstandingly tough martensite that 10 20 30
can be strengthened rapidly to extraor- Nickel, wt percent
dinarily high levels, the maraging steels
clearly are unique members of the family. FIGURE 28.—Iron-nickel equilibrium diagram (ref.

The maraging steels owe their outstanding The equilibrium diagram scarcely hints
characteristics mainly to certain specific at the transformation reactions actually
features of the iron-nickel binary system observed in the system when normal heating
upon which these alloys are based. The and cooling rates are used. The transforma-
pertinent part of the iron-nickel equilibrium tion diagram in figure 29, adapted from the
diagram, as determined by Owen and Liu, work of Jones and Pumphrey (ref. 55),
is shown in figure 28 (ref. 54). This diagram depicts more accurately the transformation
shows that when an alloy containing 18 per- characteristics observed in practice. When
cent nickel is held at temperatures of about this diagram is compared with the equilib-
1100° F and above, under equilibrium con- rium diagram in figure 28, one can see that,
ditions, its structure consists entirely of on cooling, the start of the gamma-to-alpha
gamma (austenite). At temperatures below transformation is depressed to compara-
tively low temperatures. By the same token,
1100° F the equilibrium structure is duplex,
the end of the transformation is accelerated.
consisting of a mixture of alpha (ferrite) As a result, the duplex alpha-gamma phase
and gamma. field is severely compressed, a situation that
A noteworthy feature of the system, at favors reasonably complete transformation
equilibrium, is the rapidity with which the of gamma (austenite) on cooling and dis-
alpha-gamma phase field broadens as courages the development of two-phased
temperature decreases and nickel content ferrite-austenite structures as the trans-
increases. The great breadth of this field, formation products.
coupled with the comparatively low tempera- Single-phased alloys generally display sig-
tures involved, encourages extreme slug- nificantly more toughness and ductility over
gishness in the transformation reactions wider temperature ranges than multiphased
that occur in this part of the system. materials. Thus, they are more readily pro-

ing and cooling rates between 2° C/min

(3.6° F/min) and 150° C/min (270° F/
min). Within this range of rates, they found
Heatin g
that transformation temperature was not
^ r
affected by the heating or cooling rate. They
\\ 10 percent tronsformed s.^\90 percent transformed
also noted that the progress of transforma-
2 tion on cooling could be stopped or resumed
at r /
depending on whether cooling was inter-
rupted or started again. This dependence
on temperature, and lack of dependence on
y the rate of temperature change, suggested
\\ that the transformation was of the diffusion-
90 perc enl transfer med\ 10 percent transformed
less type. The idea that transformation in
a the iron-nickel system proceeds in a dif-
/* + T
fusionless manner seems to have been first
proposed by Hansen (ref. 56).
Later investigators accumulated addi-
tional information on the transformation.
It now appears that at the lower nickel
20 25 30 35
Nickel, percent contents and, hence, at the higher transfor-
mation temperatures, the thermodynamic
FIGURE 29.—Iron-nickel transformation diagram
(ref. 55).
situation favors a diffusion-controlled trans-
formation process. At higher nickel con-
tents and correspondingly lower transforma-
duced in the form of wrought mill products tion temperatures, the extremely low
and are more amenable to hot working, cold diffusion rates which prevail discourage
forming, and welding. Furthermore, being diffusion-controlled transformation. The
tougher, they are more reliable structural situation then lends itself to diffusionless
materials. or shearing-type transformation. Thus,
Another important feature of the iron- depending on the temperature, the time at
nickel system is that martensite will form temperature, and the composition, the lower
with normal cooling and even very slow nickel alloys tend to transform by diffusion
cooling from the gamma field. Early in- to alpha, whereas the higher nickel alloys
vestigators, such as Owen and Liu (ref. 54) tend to transform by shearing to martensite.
and Jones and Pumphrey (ref. 55), noted In effect, the diffusionless transformation
a change in the structure of the alpha phase which occurs at relatively high nickel con-
formed on transformation of the gamma tents is a short-cut method of making the
phase in the range of 660° F and below. transition across what would otherwise be
At the time, they did not recognize the a wide two-phase region.
variant structure as martensite; instead The results obtained by Gilbert and Owen
they referred to it as a2. suggest that, at a minimum nickel content
Actually, Jones and Pumphrey had of the order of 18 percent, the transforma-
reached the conclusion that the transforma- tion temperature is sufficiently depressed
tion in the iron-nickel system was of the that martensite forms, rather than alpha
diffusionless type. The significance of the (ferrite), under all conditions of cooling
diffusionless mode of transformation to mar- (ref. 57). The M, temperature at this nickel
tensite formation had not been established content is about 550° F. The fact that
and these investigators did not associate martensite will form in the iron-nickel
martensite with their findings. In some of system is of twofold significance to the de-
their experiments they had varied the heat- velopment of maraging steel. Iron-nickel

martensite is an exceptionally tough, strong tion is reversible. As a consequence the

matrix and an unusually well-suited host grain size does not change on passing up and
for age-hardening reactions. down through the phase transition, with
An additional important feature of the the structure merely shearing back and
iron-nickel system is brought out in figure forth between the original austenite and the
29. Readily discernible in this figure is the descendant martensite. To refine the grain
considerable hysteresis between martensite size of this type of alloy requires the
formation on cooling and its reversion to development of plastic strain in the material
austenite on heating. This hysteresis per- prior to, or during, the austenitizing treat-
mits reheating of the martensite to fairly ment, so that recrystallization of the austen-
high temperatures before reversion to ite can be brought about. Of course, the
austenite occurs, which, in turn, provides greater the degree of straining, the greater
the requisite opportunity for the develop- will be the number of nuclei activated
ment of aging reactions within the martens- during the thermal treatment and the finer
ite. To a great extent the maraging steels will be the resulting grain size.
are the fruits of capitalizing on this oppor- In contrast, the ferritic grain size of
tunity. standard plain carbon and alloy steels is
subject to alteration when these steels pass
through the ferrite-austenite transition, as
At nickel contents high enough to insure in normalizing and various kinds of anneal-
that the product of austenite transformation ing treatments. This transformation pro-
will be martensite regardless of the cooling vides an opportunity for grain refinement
rate, neither ferrite nor any other phase will by thermal treatment because it is an
form. The lack of alternative austenite irreversible nucleation and growth process,
decomposition products, formed by diffusion - and the nucleation and growth factors can
controlled reactions, insures that the be controlled.
martensite transformation in these alloys Iron-nickel martensite has a crystallo-
is not disturbed by the cooling rate in the graphic structure that is essentially body-
ordinary sense. Hence, section size is not centered cubic and a yield strength on the
a factor in the martensitization of alloys order of 42 000 psi (ref. 58). The crystal-
containing 18 percent or more nickel, and lographic structure of iron-nickel martensite
the concept of hardenability, which is virtually the same as that of iron-
dominates the technology of quenched-and- nickel ferrite. The principal difference seems
tempered steels, is inapplicable to the mar- to be that the martensitic structure con-
aging steels. Yet, in the iron-carbon system, tains a tremendously high density of dis-
ferrite and carbide phases develop whenever locations and may also contain fine twins
the cooling rate is low enough to permit depending, apparently, on the nickel con-
these higher temperature, diffusion-con- tent (ref. 59). In contrast, iron-carbon
trolled reactions to occur. martensites are body-centered tetragonal,
The fact that other phases do not form the degree of tetragonality being directly
also means that tempering does not take proportional to the concentration of carbon
place in the iron-nickel system on reheat- in the martensite (ref. 60). In addition, the
ing. In the iron-carbon system, epsilon carbon content is the dominant factor
carbide and cementite tend to form when determining the strength of iron-carbon
fresh martensite is heated. martensites.
A further implication of the fact that The effect of carbon on the strength of
martensite is the only austenite transforma- martensite is especially dramatic at low
tion product in iron-nickel alloys containing carbon concentrations. For example, the
some 18-percent or more nickel is that, presence of some 0.02 percent carbon in-
under normal conditions, the transforma- creases the yield strength of raw iron-nickel

martensite to the vicinity of 100 000 psi 100 000 psi, on being aged 3 hours at 900° F,
(ref. 61). A yield-strength value of about may reach a yield strength of 250 000 psi.
95 000 psi has been obtained for an iron- This is an aging response of outstanding
nickel-carbon martensite containing 30.8 magnitude.
percent nickel and 0.02 percent carbon (ref. Moreover, the hardening response of these
62). steels during aging is rapid. For instance,
Now the martensite formed in the 18- the hardness of a steel containing 19 percent
percent nickel maraging steels is also re- nickel, 7 percent cobalt, 4.9 percent molyb-
ported to be essentially body-centered cubic denum, and 0.4 percent titanium was 28
(ref. 63). In fact it is considered to be a Rockwell C as annealed; however, after only
type of martensite known as massive mar- 3 minutes at 900° F the hardness had risen
tensite, which is characterized by a high to 43 Rockwell C and then gradually in-
dislocation density, the absence of twins, creased to 52 Rockwell C over a total time
and blocky irregularly shaped grains having period of 3 hours at 900° F (ref. 63). Rapid
the appearance of ferrite (ref. 59). Little response is quite common in age-hardening
wonder that the earlier investigators passed or precipitation-hardening systems.
it off as a type of ferrite—in a sense it is. The practical effect of rapid aging re-
Yield-strength values on the order of 95 sponse is to introduce an element of in-
to 119 ksi have been reported for the 18- flexibility into the heat treatment of age-
percent nickel type of maraging steel when hardenable alloys. The tendency is toward
in the as-martensitized condition (refs. the existence of a rather narrow tempera-
63 and 64). Therefore, as a first approxima- ture band in which it is worthwhile to age
tion, the martensite in the 18-percent nickel the alloy. For the 18-percent nickel mar-
maraging steels can be considered as be- aging steels, this band ranges from about
having in the same way as an iron-nickel- 750° to some 950° F. At lower temperatures,
carbon martensite containing about 0.02 little change will occur in the properties
percent carbon. Apparently, such elements unless the time at temperature is greatly
as molybdenum, cobalt, titanium, and alumi- extended. At higher temperatures, the
num do not make their presence felt to an processes which detract from the desired
appreciable extent with respect to the aging effects set in quickly, and optimum
strength of the martensite. However, even combinations of mechanical properties do
though present in relatively small concentra- not have a chance to develop. Furthermore,
tions, carbon seems to be of great im- within the preferred aging-temperature
portance. It is possible also that nitrogen range, the various processes which occur
may contribute substantially toward start off so rapidly that it is generally
strength. If small amounts of carbon and, impractical to try to interrupt them in order
perhaps, other elements have a profound to develop intermediate combinations of
effect on the strength of the martensite mechanical properties.
developed in the 18-percent nickel maraging
Taken together, these characteristics
steels, then indeed the mechanical proper-
mean that in any effort to achieve a given
ties of tnis type of steel must be regarded
set of mechanical properties, the extent to
as extremely composition sensitive.
which the heat-treating schedule can be
AGING REACTIONS altered to compensate for undesired compo-
sition variations is quite limited. By con-
When the maraging steels are heated to trast, the tempering processes which take
moderate temperatures, but below the tem- place in conventional hardenable steels
perature range of rapid reversion to austen- offer wide latitude in the development of
ite, their hardness and strength increase mechanical properties. Most quenched,
markedly. For example, an 18-percent nickel medium-carbon, low-alloy steels show sig-
maraging steel with a yield strength of nificant property changes on being tempered

in a range extending from about 300° to

1300° F and above. Here, one has con-
siderable opportunity to vary the heat-
treating schedule to compensate for a
nonoptimum chemical composition in the
development of a desired set of mechanical
Identity of Precipitates
The mechanisms responsible for the
increase in strength that takes place in the
18-percent nickel maraging steels during the
aging treatment have been the subject of
considerable investigation. It was quickly
recognized that the shapes of the curves ob-
tained for the changes occurring in mechan-
ical properties as a function of time at
constant aging temperature were com-
parable to those for precipitation-harden- FIGURE 30.—Age-hardening precipitate in maraging
able alloys. However, early X-ray and 250-grade steel. Electron micrograph of extrac-
electron diffraction studies failed to tion replica (ref. 65) x 70 000.
positively identify a precipitant or other
mechanism, although an ordering reaction i.e., 1 hour at 1500° F, air cool, plus 3 hours
was offered as a possibility (ref. 64). at 900° F (ref. 66). One precipitate took
In another effort to identify precipitates the form of ribbons situated on dislocation
in maraging steels, an extraction replica was lines and at the martensite subboundaries,
made from an 18-percent nickel maraging whereas the other appeared as small, iso-
steel that had been aged 3 hours at 900° F lated particles distributed homogeneously
after being annealed 1 hour at 1500° F and throughout the matrix. X-ray diffraction
air cooled; i.e., the standard heat treatment studies of this steel, and two experimental
(ref. 65). An electron micrograph of this alloys similar to the commercial steel, ex-
replica revealed a host of small discrete cept that one contained no Ti and the other
particles, shown in figure 30, which the no Al, led to the conclusion that the ribbon-
investigator believed to be responsible for shaped precipitate was Ni3Mo, and the finer
the age hardening of the steel. The electron precipitate was a titanium compound ten-
diffraction pattern obtained from these tatively identified as Ni3Ti.
particles fit the diffraction pattern for Another research study aimed at estab-
Ni3Mo. Electron-microprobe analysis of the lishing the hardening mechanisms operative
particles indicated the presence of Mo, Ni, in the 18-percent nickel maraging steels
Fe, Ti, and Co. Combining the evidence, and encompassed the use of thin-foil, electron-
taking into account the uncertainties in- microscope studies of fully aged material
volved in the methods and measurements, and the use of extraction replica techniques,
the author hypothesized (Ni, Fe, Co)3Mo as well as an electron-microprobe analysis
as the precipitate with the titanium being of overaged material (ref. 67). Included in
present as Ti(C, N). the materials studied were a steel of stand-
In later research using thin-section elec- ard composition and a series of experimental
tron microscopy, two types of precipitate alloys of simplified composition with each
were observed in an 18-percent nickel hardening element deleted in turn. The con-
maraging steel of typical composition heat clusions drawn from the results obtained
treated according to the standard procedure; were: (1) that hardening resulting from

titanium is effected by the development titanium-rich compound. On the basis of

during aging of zones of order based on a additional observations, the authors further
metastable Ni3Ti structure which becomes speculated that this precipitate may be
a Widmanstätten Ni3Ti precipitate on unstable compared with the one observed
overaging; and (2) that hardening re- in other research studies to form at dis-
sulting from molybdenum comes about by locations and, hence, would dissolve as
the formation of face-centered, cubic-disk- aging proceeded and the later precipitate
shaped zones during aging which become developed and grew.
a spheroidal precipitate of Fe2Mo on over- Thus, by suggesting that three precipi-
aging. tates may be involved and that one of them
Still another group of investigators may be transient, the results of this inves-
concluded that two precipitates were in- tigation offer a viable explanation of the
volved in the age-hardening process (ref. somewhat conflicting conclusions that have
68). By means of electron diffraction been reached in studies of precipitate
measurements and electron-microprobe identity.
analyses made on extraction replicas, these The second paper reported phase identi-
investigators identified one precipitate as fication studies based on Mössbauer spectros-
Ni3Mo and the other as possibly Ni3Ti. copy (ref. 71).' The Mössbauer effect is
In a recent paper dealing with a trans- the recoilless, resonant emission and absorp-
mission electron microscope and electron tion of gamma rays by atomic nuclei. Be-
diffraction study of the strengthening cause of a fortunate combination of param-
precipitates in the 18-percent nickel eters, the recoilless fraction for the Fe"
maraging steels, orthorhombic Ni3Mo was isotope favors studies of the Mössbauer
reported to be the primary precipitate effect in iron at room temperature, and the
(ref. 69). The secondary precipitate was natural abundance of Fe" is sufficient to
reported to be tetragonal FeTi sigma phase. make enrichment unnecessary. A thin
The experimental materials had been specimen containing Fe" is placed between
annealed at 1500° F and aged at 900° F. a suitable source of gamma rays and a
Two other papers go far toward un- detector. Absorption is measured by moving
scrambling what might appear, at this the specimen relative to the source, which
point, to be a considerable controversy results in a Doppler shift of the gamma-ray
over the identity of the precipitates involved energy and permits the production of pat-
in the age hardening of the 18-percent nickel terns showing transmitted energy as a func-
maraging steels. In one paper, it was noted tion of relative velocity. The character-
that a marked additional hardening com- istics of the patterns are influenced by
ponent was operative at the lower tempera- the quantity, composition, and magnetic
tures and longer aging times in an 18 Ni-8 susceptibility of the phases present.
Co-5 Mo alloy, which did not exist at By means of Mössbauer spectroscopy, the
higher aging temperatures (ref. 70). It was authors found the martensitic matrix of a
further observed that the presence of this commercial 18-percent nickel maraging steel
component required the matrix to be highly to be depleted in solute on aging 3 hours at
supersaturated with molybdenum and that 900° F. Because they observed no paramag-
it took the form of a finely distributed netic peak in the spectrum (which would
precipitate evidently not nucleated at dis- indicate the presence of iron in the new
locations. It was speculated that this pre- phase), they considered their finding con-
cipitate might be analogous to the molyb- sistent with the supposition that the pre-
denum-rich clusters observed in the binary
Fe-Mo system and might correspond to the 1
The research described was supported in part
fine spherical particles that other investiga- by a traineeship conferred on one of the authors
tors have tentatively identified as a by NASA.

cipitate that had formed was Ni3Mo; how-

ever, as the technique does not easily
detect a slightly ferromagnetic precipitate,
the phase could also have contained some _3
iron. In material aged 34 hours at 995° F, o
they found the precipitate to be Fe2Mo. a>
Thus, these investigators also found evidence o
of an early transient precipitate that gave c
way to a more stable one in the course of IOOO
aging; in addition, their results suggest
the transition from the first precipitate to o

the second might be effected by a change

in the composition, rather than by the
resolution of the first precipitate in the
In summary, it seems plausible to hy- en
pothesize that the strengthening occurring
in 18-percent nickel maraging steels on 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Aging Time, hours
aging results from the early formation of
zones or clusters based on an Ni3Mo group- FIGURE 31.—(a) Effect of aging time and tempera-
ing containing iron (i.e., (Ni, Fe)3Mo) ture on the electrical resistivity of a commercial
maraging steel. (6) Linear time plot of resistiv-
which, at higher aging temperatures, may ity decrease at 800° F from the data of (a)
give way or evolve into a precipitate of (ref. 70).
Fe2Mo. At the lower aging temperatures
and the longer holding times, the clusters
may perhaps be supplemented by the Fe2Mo
precipitate. It is also hypothesized that a
third precipitate containing titanium forms
in the promotion of age hardening in these
steels. Most likely, this precipitate is FeTi
sigma phase.
The changes produced in a commercial
18 Ni 250 grade of maraging steel, as a
function of aging time and temperature, are
shown with dramatic clarity in figures 31
and 32 (ref. 70). The steel contained 18.39
Ni, 4.82 Mo, 7.83 Co, 0.02 C, 0.35 Ti, and
0.07 Al and had been annealed 1 hour at J.ÖOI 0.01 0.1 I 10 100 1000
1500° F before being aged. Figure 31 shows
Aging Time, hours
how electrical resistivity changes, and
figure 32 illustrates the effect of aging on
the hardness of the material. FIGURE 32.—Effect of aging time and temperature
on the hardness of a commercial maraging steel
The resistivity curves show a small de- (ref. 70).
crease at short aging times due probably
to the partial recovery of the martensite
defect structure. The large decrease in no incubation period is seen for the aging
resistivity that follows is characteristic of process because it occurs at temperatures
precipitation of solute from solid solution. of 800° F and above. Thus, a nucleation rate
When the data in figure 31(a) are plotted is not involved at these temperatures, the
on a linear time scale, as in figure 31 (b), rate of reaction depending entirely on the

precipitate growth rate. At lower aging steels are aged (refs. 65, 67, and 68). Like-
temperatures, however, there may well be wise, in the work done with Mössbauer
an incubation period. The upturn in spectroscopy, cobalt was not found to be a
resistivity, to be noted in the 900°, 1000°, component of any of the precipitates that
and 1100° F curves, marks reversion to developed in the maraging steel specimens
austenite which is a prominent factor in the (ref. 71). Finally, in none of the programs
overaging of the maraging steels. Overaging that have made use of electron diffraction
is taken up in a later section. or X-ray diffraction techniques has a pre-
From figures 31 and 32 it is seen that a cipitate been observed with characteristics
great increase in hardness, hence strength, coinciding with any cobalt compounds. These
accompanies the precipitation processes, various observations have confirmed the
and, of course, the rates of precipitation earlier deduction that cobalt does not play
and of hardening increase with increasing a direct role in the precipitation reactions
aging temperature. By the same token, the that occur in the 18-percent nickel maraging
onset of overaging occurs earlier at the steels.
higher aging temperatures. In this connec- It has been shown, however, that a minor
tion, it is of interest to note that hardening amount of age hardening can actually be
may occur even though reversion to aus- induced in iron alloys containing 18 Ni, to
tenite is taking place at the same time. This which some 5 to 15 Co has been added (ref.
is particularly evident in the 900° F curves 64). Because no precipitate formed during
where austenite formation began at about aging, it was speculated that the hardening
10 hours (fig. 31), while the attainment of may have resulted from ordering. Evidence
peak hardness required about 100 hours has been found that ordering occurs in an
(fig. 32). alloy of iron containing 22.7 Ni and 19.3
Co (ref. 72).
The Role of Cobalt
By far the largest contribution of cobalt
The role of cobalt in the age hardening to the strength of the 18-percent nickel
of the 18-percent nickel type of maraging maraging steels is the synergistic effect
steel has been as much of an enigma as the that occurs in conjunction with the addition
identity of the precipitates responsible for of molybdenum. Apparently, the cobalt-
the hardening. In early research on these molybdenum interaction is unique; no such
steels, it was found that an alloy containing interaction has been observed in cobalt-
18.9 Ni, 5.4 Mo, and 7.0 Co could attain a containing alloys with additions of alum-
hardness of 50 Rockwell C on aging, al- inum, beryllium, columbium, manganese,
though a similar alloy without cobalt was silicon, or titanium (ref. 73). At low molyb-
able to reach a hardness of only 40 Rockwell denum contents, in the region of 1 percent,
C (ref. 63). On the other hand, an alloy the interaction effect is nonexistent or weak,
containing 7.0 Co and no Mo showed no and any strengthening noted may be the re-
aging response and only a hint of solid- sult of a combination of solid-solution
solution hardening attributable to the cobalt. hardening and ordering. In a steel contain-
Thus, the cobalt seemed to be making some ing 8 Co and 1 Mo, the increment in strength
kind of indirect contribution to age harden- is about 25 ksi, but at the level of 5 percent
ing that required the presence of molyb- molybdenum, the addition of 8 Co results
denum to be operative. in a strength increment on aging of about
Electron-microprobe analyses made by 75 ksi over that developed in the cobalt-
subsequent investigators on extraction rep- free steel (ref. 73).
licas from annealed and aged material A clue to the part played by cobalt in the
generally revealed very little, if any, cobalt precipitation process is obtained by com-
in the precipitates considered responsible paring the transmission electron photo-
for the strengthening that occurs when the micrographs of the Fe-20 Ni-5 Mo and the

Fe-18 Ni-8 Co-5 Mo alloys (see fig. 33) by the addition of cobalt. Other effects of
aged 24 hours at 800° F (ref. 73). The the cobalt-induced supersaturation, accord-
precipitation is fine and clearly evident in ing to the authors, are to promote precipi-
the cobalt-containing alloy, but is not ex- tation without the need for an initial in-
tensive in the cobalt-free alloy. Floreen and cubation period and to accelerate the entire
Speich, who conducted the investigation, precipitation process. Cobalt also retards the
called attention to the fact that the simplest reversion of martensite to austenite.
explanation of the effect is that the presence Thus, although cobalt may make a minor
of cobalt lowers the solubility of the precipi- contribution to the strength of the 18-per-
tant in the matrix (ref. 73). Miller and cent nickel maraging steels through solid-
Mitchell expressed the same hypothesis solution hardening and through ordering
this way: "... the addition of cobalt occurring during aging, the overriding
reduces the solubility of molybdenum in the contribution of this element is through its
iron-base matrix and this results in forma- effect on the solubility of molybdenum in
tion of a larger volume-fraction of finely the martensitic matrix. By increasing the
dispersed precipitate" (ref. 67). molybdenum supersaturation, a new finely
More recent research confirms the sup- dispersed precipitate develops, the volume
position that the addition of cobalt decreases fraction of precipitate is increased, and the
the solubility of molybdenum in the matrix, precipitation-hardening process is acceler-
the addition of 8 Co corresponding to about ated, all of which adds up to a substantial
an additional 2 Mo precipitated from solu- increase in the strength increment pro-
tion (ref. 70). The development of the third duced by aging.
hardening component discovered in the REVERSION TO AUSTENITE
course of this study, and mentioned in the
preceding section, was attributed to the When the 18-percent nickel maraging
molybdenum supersaturation brought about steels are heated for extended periods of

_!*» i'** • -**t. AAL. '

FIGURE 33.—Comparison of transmission electron mircrographs of (A) Fe-20 Ni-5 Mo and (B)
Fe-19 Ni-8 Co-5 Mo alloys. Aged 24 hours at 800° F (ref. 73). x 40 000.

time at the higher aging temperatures, i.e., compositions controlled by the temperature
overaged, the matrix tends to revert to at which the reaction occurred. Thus, as
austenite. The same thing happens on heat- shown in figure 28, upon reheating an 18-
ing at temperatures between the aging range percent nickel steel at 1000° F for a period
and the annealing range. The extent of re- long enough to establish equilibrium, ferrite
version depends on the time and the tem- of composition «' and austenite of compo-
perature. For example, in one research sition / are formed from the previously
program the investigators noted a thin con- existing martensite. It is seen that the
tinuous phase in light and electron micro- ferrite is leaner in nickel and the austenite
graphs of a commercial 18-percent nickel is richer in nickel than the prior martensite.
maraging steel aged 10 hours at 900° F, On cooling back to room temperature, the
which they considered to be reverted aus- ferrite does not transform to martensite.
tenite (ref. 68). Greater amounts of the In addition, the austenite may be sufficiently
phase were seen in material aged 100 hours enriched with nickel that it becomes stable
at the same temperature, and an X-ray and therefore does not transform to mar-
diffraction study indicated the presence of tensite. To return the austenite to a trans-
14 percent austenite in the specimen. formable condition, it is necessary to reheat
In the course of an earlier investigation, in the single-phase gamma region where the
3 percent austenite was found in a steel austenite can be restored to its original
aged 5 minutes at 1000° F, whereas 6 per- composition.
cent austenite was developed by extending The austenite-reversion phenomenon in
the aging time to 30 minutes (ref. 74). By these steels has several implications of
heating 1 hour at 1200° F, a structure practical importance, most of which stem
containing 50 percent austenite was ob- from the fact that the austenite which is
tained. In another study, substantial formed tends to be too stable to retransform
amounts of reverted austenite were observed to martensite on subsequent cooling. Thus,
in material aged 10 hours at 1000° F (ref. this stable austenite neither contributes to
65). martensitic hardening nor to the additional
In displaying austenite reversion upon strengthening developed when the martens-
being heated at intermediate temperatures, ite is subsequently aged. Its presence in
the steel is behaving in accordance with the the steel, then, promotes reduction in
dictates of the equilibrium diagram for the strength and, accordingly, is undesirable.
iron-nickel system, as shown in figure 28. One implication of austenite reversion is
In the martensitic form, the 18-percent that after the process has gone forward to
nickel alloy is in a metastable condition, as a sufficient extent, it contributes to over-
described by the iron-nickel transformation aging in the steel. To judge from such
diagram in figure 29. This metastable state evidence as that depicted in figures 31 and
holds indefinitely at room temperature and 32, depending on the aging temperature, re-
at moderate temperatures above ambient. version to austenite and formation of the
However, as the temperature is increased, precipitates responsible for age hardening
the martensitic condition becomes in- can proceed simultaneously. The net result
creasingly unstable and the tendency to is a continued gain in strength until a peak
establish true equilibrium (fig. 28) becomes strength is reached, after which classical
stronger. At perhaps 900° F and above, overaging (excessive precipitate particle
diffusion rates have increased sufficiently to growth) sets in (ref. 70). Some time there-
permit the system to move toward the con- after, the degree of austenite reversion be-
dition of equilibrium at appreciable rates. comes sufficiently significant for this process
In achieving equilibrium, the reaction to make its contribution to the softening of
which takes place is the conversion of mar- the metal. The addition of cobalt retards
tensite into ferrite and austenite having austenite formation; as a result, the amount

of austenite present at the point of peak speed dilatometer attachment he obtained

strength is substantially less than that in curves of dilatation versus heating rate from
cobalt-free material (ref. 70). which he could observe the transformations
Again, the reversion phenomenon imposes which occurred and the manner in which
they were influenced by the heating rate.
limitations on the thermal treatments to
The results are shown in figure 34. At high
which these steels can be subjected. Inter-
mediate and process annealing treatments heating rates, an As temperature2 was
noted, and martensite began to revert to
at moderate temperatures are ruled out, as
are moderate-temperature, stress-relieving austenite at this temperature. As the temp-
perature was raised above A„ reversion
treatments. When the steel is to be con-
proceeded further and reached completion
ditioned or softened for further fabrication,
at the A, temperature.3 This reversion took
it must be given a full anneal; i.e., heated
well into the single-phase austenite region, place by means of a shearing mechanism.
as indicated in figure 29. At heating rates below 400° F/sec, a
The austenite-reversion phenomenon is of diffusion-controlled reaction appeared to
particular significance with respect to weld- occur before the start of the shearing proc-
ing. Austenite reversion can be avoided ess. This, as shown in figure 34, was the
conversion of martensite into low-nickel
during aging and during annealing. How-
ever, a narrow region inevitably develops ferrite a and high-nickel austenite y'.
in weld-heat-affected zones where reversion As mentioned earlier in this discus-
to austenite has occurred. In this connec- sion, the high-nickel / resist tranfor-
tion, Petersen's studies, which have been mation back to martensite on subsequent
reported by Decker, are pertinent (ref. 75).
Petersen prepared expanded, simulated, 2
The temperature at which reversion to austenite
weld-heat-affected zones in an 18-percent begins.
nickel maraging steel using a high-speed The temperature at which reversion to austenite
time-temperature device. With a high- is theoretically complete.





1000. 300 400 500 800

Heating Rate, F/sec

FIGURE 34.—Effect of heating rate on reversion to austenite in 18 percent nickel maraging steels (ref. 75).

cooling. Decker has reported that loss in such as heating at 1650° F and then re-
strength is proportional to the percentage heating at 1525° F, or heating at 1750° F
of y in the structure (ref. 75). At higher and then reheating at 1400° F, improve the
temperatures, Petersen again found an strength and toughness of the subsequently
As temperature where the shearing reaction aged material.
began. Heating just above this temperature The casting grade of maraging steel
caused the •/ to become rehomogenized to is given a high-temperature-homogenizing
the original unstable y, which would then anneal before the age-hardening treatment
retransform to martensite when the steel (refs. 76 and 77). The reason is that, in
was cooled back down to room temperature. common with other highly alloyed cast
Somewhat above the A, temperature, the materials, this steel is quite inhomogeneous
a formed at lower temperatures was con- chemically in the as-cast condition and
verted to y and, thus, the process of austen- as such, does not respond uniformly to the
ite reversion was completed. age-hardening treatment. The condition is
Decker reported that, in these studies, the not eliminated by annealing at the tempera-
reverted austenite grain size was the same tures used for the wrought maraging steels;
as that of the austenite which was present diffusion rates are too low at these tempera-
during the previous anneal. Even the tures, and soaking at very high tempera-
diffusion reactions yielded products which tures is necessary. The usual treatment is
were so oriented that they eventually joined 4 hours at 2100° to 2200° F. Heating the
to re-form the prior austenite grain (ref. cast steel 4 hours at 1800° F plus 1 hour at
75). 1100° F, followed by 1 hour at 1500° F be-
Petersen found a small loss in strength fore age hardening is recommended for the
in the artificial heat-affected zones because development of a fine grain size in the
of the presence of the region of stable casting.
austenite. The extent of the loss depended
Age Hardening
on the amount of ■/ present and this, in turn,
could be varied by varying the dwell time In experimental investigations of the
in the temperature range in which martens- 18-percent nickel maraging steels, a wide
ite decomposes to a and ■/. range of aging conditions was used. Tem-
peratures have ranged from below 700° F
THERMAL TREATMENT OF MARAGING STEELS to as high as 1200° F, with times extending
Annealing to 1000 hours. In industrial practice, how-
ever, the aging temperature usually em-
It is to be noted from figure 29 that an ployed is 900° F; the amount of time gen-
18-percent nickel-binary alloy must be erally is 3 hours, although it has been ex-
heated above 1150° F to be completely tended to as long as 10 hours. The 3-hour
transformed to gamma. With their addi- treatment at 900° F is economical, and,
tional alloy content, the 18-percent nickel although it does not produce peak strength,
maraging steels must be heated to a mini- this schedule generally results in an opti-
mum temperature of about 1350° F to assure mum combination of strength, ductility, and
complete transformation to austenite. toughness.
In practice, the 18-percent nickel mar- INFLUENCE OF COLD WORK
aging steels are annealed at temperatures
considerably above this borderline value. Because they combine considerable duc-
Annealing at a temperature on the order tility with a very low work hardening rate,
of 1500° F dissolves precipitates and pro- the 18-percent nickel maraging steels are
motes relief of internal residual stresses capable of drastic cold reduction. The low
developed during hot working, cold working, rate of work hardening probably can be
or joining. Double-annealing schedules attributed to the extra-low carbon content
of the steel's martensitic structure, making
little interstitial material available to pin o -3 hours
In one study (ref. 63), annealed bar
stock was cold rolled in various amounts 300
up to 90 percent reduction of area. The
-10 hours
resulting change in hardness is shown in
figure 35; from this it is seen that 90 percent 280

cold reduction brought about a hardness in-

crease of only 6 points Rockwell C. In the 2601: 30 40 50 60
same study, another series of bars was Cold Work, percent
first cold rolled from 50 to 90 percent and
then aged 3 hours at 900° F. The yield FIGURE 37.—Effect of cold working and aging time
at 900° F on the yield strength of 18 Ni 250-
strengths obtained are shown in figure 36. grade maraging steel (ref. 78).
The increase in the yield strength of this
particular material from 220 to 295 ksi was
accomplished without impairing ductility.
To place this mechanical property change
in perspective, it should be said that the
same amount of cold reduction in a chro-
mium-nickel stainless steel of the AISI 301


30 40 50
32 Cold Work, percent
FIGURE 38.—Effect of cold working and aging time
24. at 900° F on the yield strength of 18 Ni 300-
20 40 60 80 100
Cold Reduction, percent grade maraging steel (ref. 78).

FIGURE 35.—Effect of cold working on the hard- type,4 subsequently stress equalized at
ness of an 18.5 Ni-7.0 Co-5.0 Mo-0.4 Ti marag- 800° F, would have produced approximately
ing steel bar annealed 1 hour at 1500° F and
a fivefold increase in its yield strength.
air cooled before cold rolling (ref. 63).
In numerous investigations, data have
been generated that relate to the effect of
320 cold working on the mechanical properties
of the 18-percent- nickel maraging steels.
Some of these investigations have been
£ 280 researches on cold working alone, whereas
others have been concerned with the fabri-
cation of components and end items by
cold-forming methods. Portions of the
accumulated data are presented in figures
200; 37 and 38 (ref. 78). The data show that
20 40 60 60 100
the strengths of both the 250 and the 300
Cold Reduction, percent
grades of 18-percent nickel maraging steel
FIGURE 36.—Effect of cold working on the yield 4
strength of 18.5 Ni-7 Co-5 Mo-0.1 Ti maraging Designation of the American Iron and Steel
steel bars annealed 1 hour at 1500° F, air cooled, Institute for the standard 17 Cr-7 Ni austenitic
cold rolled, and aged 3 hours at 900° F (ref. 63). stainless steel.

are increased by cold working prior to BANDING AND NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONS

aging. In these steels maximum strength
was obtained when the metal was cold re- Shortly after 18-percent nickel maraging
duced about 50 percent. In all cases the steel plate became available, it was often
magnitude of the increment in strength was observed that fractured tensile test speci-
significant but modest. mens that were oriented in the longitudinal
direction of the rolled plate exhibited longi-
It is logical to suppose that the main
tudinal splits parallel to the rolling direction
reason the increments in strength have been
and plane. The same kind of phenomenon
observed in the cold-worked material after
appeared in plane-strain fracture-toughness
aging is that the work-hardening effect was
test specimens and on the edges of thermally
retained, in whole or in part, during the
cut plates. Metallographic examination of
aging treatment. However, in a recent
polished cross sections cut longitudinally
paper on the electrical and magnetic prop-
through these splits revealed no unusually
erties of maraging steels an additional rea-
high concentrations of nonmetallic inclu-
son is suggested (ref. 79). In this investi-
sions associated with them. However,
gation, as shown in table 5, it was observed
etching metallographic specimens taken
that a moderate amount of cold working not
from numerous plates generally revealed
only influenced the hardness of 18 Ni 250
grade material but also significantly reduced a banded microstructure; the degree of
coercive force and resistivity. The author banding varying from extremely mild to
considered that the most plausible expla- moderate, as shown in figure 39 (ref. 80),
nation of the reduction in coercive force and to unbelievably severe, as illustrated in
electrical resistivity was to assume the

TABLE 5.—The Influence of Deformation on

Properties of 18 Ni 250 Grade Maraging
Steel After Annealing 30 Minutes at
1650° F
[From ref. 79]

Coercive Electrical
Deformation, Hardness, force, resistivity,
percent VHN oe microhm-cm

0 307 22 68.2
15 315 14 63.1

original annealed material contained some

retained austenite which was transformed
to martensite by the subsequent straining.
Although this explanation probably could
not account for all of the hardness increase
noted, it could explain some of it. Trans-
formation of retained austenite could be a
factor in the improved strength effected in
material aged prior to cold working, since
martensite is a far more cooperative matrix
FIGURE 39.—Moderate degree of banding observed
for precipitation-hardening reactions than in consumable-electrode vacuum-arc-remelted 18
is austenite. Ni 300-grade maraging steel plate (ref. 80).

dendritic segregation occurring during

solidification of the ingot.
Confirmation of the inferred chemical
inhomogeneity is found in an electron-micro-
probe investigation that was made of severe-
ly banded plates (ref. 81). Some of the
results obtained are shown in table 6. Anal-
ysis was also made for cobalt in the different
bands, but no evidence of significant segre-
gation of this element was found.
It is significant to note that banding,
even the severe type, has not been detrimen-
tal to the tensile properties and fracture
toughness of material in the longitudinal
or in the long transverse direction of flat-
rolled products. Thus, this phenomenon has
not seemed to affect the performance of
18-percent nickel maraging steel sheet and
strip. However, the presence of bands (or
laminations as they are often called) dras-
tically reduces fracture toughness in the
short transverse (or through-the-thickness)
direction, thereby seriously impairing the_
capability of plate of any appreciable thick-
ness to function properly as an ultra-high-
FIGURE 40.—Severe banding observed in air-melted strength structural material (ref. 81).
18 Ni 250-grade maraging steel plate (ref. 81). The standard heating and hot-working
operations used to convert ingots to plates
figure 40 (ref. 81). The splitting was do not promote, or permit, a sufficient
associated with the more severe banding. amount of diffusion to eliminate the original
Reaction to the etchants used in optical interdendritic segregation prevailing in the
metallography suggested that the white
bands observed when the degree of banding
was quite severe, as illustrated in figure TABLE ß.—Electron-Microprobe Analysis of
40, were austenite. It was deduced that this Bands in Maraging Steel Plate
austenite was not reverted but residual,
having persisted through the conversion [From ref. 81]
operations from the ingot stage. Evidently,
then, such bands must have represented Percent of concentration
regions in the ingot where the content of Area analyzed
Ni Mo Ti Sa
nickel was considerably higher than the
average for the material, high enough, in
White bands (austenite) 20.2 6.3 0.81 100
fact, to make the austenite completely 19.4 5.0 .56 91
stable. By analogy, the dark etching bands, Light bands (matrix) __ 17.6 4.3 .38 77
common to all degrees of banding, also Average bulk material _ 18.0 4.7 .44 .012
would reflect chemical inhomogeneity in the
ingot, though perhaps different from, or less a
Suitable sulfur standards were not available for
pronounced than, that giving rise to the calibration in percent. Therefore, the figures repre-
austenite bands. Such chemical inhomo- sent relative amounts using 100 units as the sulfur
geneity, of course, would stem from inter- content of the austenite.

. £
1 :
. 1


41.—Aluminate stringer found in air- FIGURE 42.—Titanium sulfide inclusions found in
melted and vacuum-degassed 18 Ni 250-grade consumable-electrode vacuum-arc-remelted 18 Ni
maraging steel plate (ref. 80) x 450. 250-grade maraging steel plate (ref. 80) x 80.

ingot. The principal effect of the metal depleted of age-hardening precipitates.

flow that occurs during these operations is Thus, such a high-temperature soaking
to change the shape of the segregate pat- treatment could not be considered a satis-
tern; as the ingot section is reduced to plate factory solution to the banding problem.
thickness, the segregate regions are elon- However, as is mentioned in chapter 4,
gated and flattened parallel to the rolling changes have been made in production prac-
plane and direction. tices that have alleviated the situation.
In an effort to obliterate banding, the Although nonmetallic inclusions have not
effect of a nonstandard, high-temperature been generally associated with the splitting,
homogenizing treatment carried out on or delamination, phenomenon discussed
above, gross concentrations of aluminate
finished plate was studied (ref. 81). The
stringers have been deduced to be the cause
material was soaked 16 hours at 2300° F,
of some of the laminations discovered in
air cooled, and then annealed at 1500° F and
plates by nondestructive testing techniques
aged at 900° F. The segregation was elimi- (ref. 80). Gross formations of stringers
nated, but the toughness of the steel was have been observed in vacuum-arc remelted
generally impaired. The fractures of test steels and in air-melted material; titanium
specimens were now largely intergranular, sulfides have also been identified in these
occurring along prior austenite grain bound- steels. Examples of these types of nonmetal-
aries shown by electron microscopy to be lic inclusion are shown in figures 41 and

42. However, nonmetallic inclusions have were identified in both materials (ref. 82).
not posed serious problems in the production The authors suggested that the presence
and application of these steels. of titanium carbides at prior austenite
In a recent study of nonmetallic inclusions grain boundaries may detract from tough-
in air-melted and in vacuum-arc remelted ness, whereas tying up hardening elements,
material, titanium carbonitrides (containing such as titanium and molybdenum in the
zirconium), titanium sulfides, titanium- form of nonmetallic inclusions, tends to re-
molybdenum compounds (tentatively identi- duce the capability of the steel to develop
fied as carbides), and titanium carbides full strength.

Manufacture of Mill Products

In 1960, production of the maraging the recommended procedure of adding

steels was oriented almost exclusively to- 0.05 percent Ca, 0.02 percent Zr, and 0.003
ward military and Government application. percent B and then poured into ingot molds.
The principal mill products were sheet, In some cases, the heats were deoxidized
plate, and wire for inert-gas-shielded arc with silicon and aluminum, whereas, in
welding. Some quantity of forging billets other cases, the metal was tapped into ladles
also was produced. which were transferred to vacuum chambers
These alloys have found an increasing for degassing before being deoxidized with
number and diversity of applications in the calcium, zirconium, and boron, and teemed
civilian economy, and a complete range of into ingot molds (ref. 84).
standard and special mill products, including These alloys also have been air melted in
bar shapes, rod, and tubing, in addition to electric-arc furnaces and cast in the form
plate, sheet, and strip, has become available. of cylindrical electrode ingots, which were
Today, perhaps 60 percent of the tonnage then remelted by the consumable-electrode,
produced per year finds civilian applications, vacuum-arc process. In some cases, the air
while 40 percent is used in military applica- melts have been vacuum degassed before
tions. being poured into electrode-ingot molds. In
Accurate figures on the annual production addition, the electroslag (Hopkins) process
of the maraging steels are not available; has been used to remelt air-melted electrode
however, it is estimated that approximately ingots. Finally, the maraging steels have
6000 tons were produced through 1965. It been vacuum-induction melted, air melted
is probable that some 2500 tons were pro- and then remelted by the vacuum-induction
duced in 1966 and that the rate during 1967 process, and double vacuum-induction
was at the level of about 3000 tons per year. melted (ref. 84).
The maraging steels are processed in the The size of air-melted arc-furnace heats
mill on the same equipment and by the has ranged from 15 to 85 tons. When vac-
same general procedures as are used in uum-melting processes have been used, the
the production of mill products from other heats have varied in size from less than a ton
high-quality alloy steels. Very few pre- to 15 tons and more. Ingots teemed from
cautions need to be taken in production that air melts have been as large as 32 inches by
are peculiar to the maraging steels (ref. 83). 60 inches and weigh 50,000 pounds, although
a frequent size for consumable-electrode,
MELTING vacuum-arc remelted ingots is 33 inches in
The 18-percent nickel maraging steels diameter, with a Aveight of 30 000 pounds
have been air melted in basic electric-arc (refs. 83 and 84).
furnaces. In some cases the air-melted The composition of the alloy in terms of
heats have been deoxidized according to the major elements can be controlled satis-


factorily by air melting in the electric-arc nonmetallic inclusions would do the least
furnace. Even the contents of carbon, harm to the mechanical properties of the
sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, and silicon steel.
can be held to the desired low levels with Another important distinction between
this process (ref. 85). However, the gas- the consumable-electrode vacuum-arc melt-
eous elements oxygen, nitrogen, and hydro- ing process and the other melting methods
gen cannot be reduced to low concentrations, is in the production and freezing of the in-
nor can volatile impurities such as arsenic, gots (ref. 83). In air melting and vacuum-
bismuth, and lead be eliminated. Moreover, induction melting, the molten metal is rapid-
the nonmetallic inclusions present in the ly poured into the mold where it freezes
air-melted metal tend to be large and non- from the sides inward and the bottom up-
uniformly distributed. In particular, some ward, and then from the top downward,
of the titanium that is added as a major age- while the still-molten metal is moving about
hardening element is used up in forming inside as a result of complex thermally in-
oxide, nitride, and carbonitride inclusions duced convection currents. Solidified in
and, thus, is not available to contribute to this manner, it is possible for the metal
the strengthening of the steel. Also, the to display considerable chemical inhomo-
titanium-containing inclusions tend to form geneity of a fairly gross character. In
stringers in the finished product that detract vacuum-arc remelting, the melting crucible
from ductility and toughness, particularly is also the ingot mold, which means that
in the transverse direction. the ingot is produced and frozen in a pro-
Vacuum degassing offers an opportunity gressive manner, with freezing starting at
to reduce the concentration of the gaseous the bottom and moving steadily to the top.
elements, notably hydrogen, that are present The molten pool under the arc is turbulent
in air-melted steel. Both the vacuum-induc- and promotes mixing not only of the non-
tion and the consumable-electrode vacuum- metallic inclusions, but also of the elements
arc remelting processes provide a better comprising the matrix; the result is that
opportunity to remove hydrogen, nitrogen, although little homogenization with respect
and the volatile impurities. However, when to the alloying elements and other constit-
the metal to be remelted by either of the uents can occur along the length of the
vacuum processes already contains such ingot, a great deal can occur transvei-sely
strong deoxidizers as Al, Ti, Zr, or Ca, the as long as the molten metallic pool is not too
remelting operation has little or no effect large.
on the carbon and oxygen contents (ref. 85). In general, the producers have selected
On the other hand, when the deoxidizers are from the available melting procedures those
added late, as can be done easily in vacuum- which produce metal of the required quality
induction remelting, then the carbon and at the lowest cost. Air melting in the elec-
oxygen contents are capable of further con- tric-arc furnace is the least expensive pro-
trol beyond that afforded by air melting. cedure, air melting followed by vacuum de-
The sulfur, phosphorus, and silicon contents gassing is more expensive, and procedures
are not affected significantly by vacuum calling for vacuum-arc or vacuum-induction
remelting, whether by the consumable-elec- remelting are the most expensive (ref. 83).
trode or the induction process. The usual methods used for the 18 Ni 200
The spraying action of the arc generated and 18 Ni 250 grades are air melting in the
in the consumable-electrode, vacuum-arc electric-arc furnace or air melting followed
process makes possible the breaking up of by consumable-electrode, vacuum-arc re-
large masses and clusters of nonmetallic melting. With regard to the 18 Ni 250
inclusions into small, fairly uniformly dis- grade, there is some inclination to consider
persed particles (ref. 85). In this finely that vacuum-arc remelting may be a better
divided form it would be expected that the method when plane-strain fracture tough-

ness or resistance to stress-corrosion crack- influenced by melting practice itself; how-

ing is critically important. The maraging ever, because this type of segregation is
steels of higher strength, such as the 18 affected by the solidification rate, the con-
Ni 300 and 18 Ni 350 grades, are almost dition can be alleviated by changes in the
always consumable-electrode vacuum-arc casting practice. Moreover, it can be con-
remelted. trolled to some degree by homogenization
treatments and by the procedures used for
ingot breakdown (ref. 87).
It does not appear necessary to give 18 To homogenize the material by diffusion
Ni maraging steel ingots any special post- of the segregated elements, maraging steel
teeming treatment because they do not ingots are soaked at the hot-working tem-
appear subject to cracking when air cooled perature (ref. 87). The time varies with
after being stripped from the molds. The the ingot size and the grade of steel; the
probable reason for this freedom from temperature range generally used is 2200°
cracking under such circumstances is the to 2300° F. As an example, a period of 3
ductility of the martensite formed on trans- hours at 2300° F has been used (ref. 88).
formation during cooling. One practice has Homogenizing temperatures are well above
been to strip 3 to 8 hours after teeming and those at which most of the secondary phases
then allow the metal to air cool to room and precipitates dissolve, but safely below
temperature (ref. 84). the solidus temperature.
However, like other metallic materials Ingot breakdown may be accomplished by
containing large amounts of alloying ele- hot rolling, by press or hammer forging, or
ments, the maraging steels are subject to by a combination of forging and rolling
considerable dendritic segregation on freez- (ref. 83). The usual products are slabs,
ing, regardless of the melting method or blooms, and billets. Plate and other flat-
the manner in which the ingot is cast. Nick- rolled products often are produced by roll-
el, molybdenum, and titanium segregate ing directly from the ingot stage.
to the extent that the austenite in the inter- To further the homogeneity of the mate-
dendritic regions tends to remain stable to rial, it is desirable, where practicable, to
room temperature (ref. 86). These highly upset as well as to draw forge. In the man-
alloyed regions persist through forging and ufacture of plate and other flat-rolled
rolling, and elongate during these opera- products, it is desirable to schedule some
tions so that in etched sections they take on cross-rolling in the operation, rather than
the appearance of streaks or bands. Be- to produce the product entirely by straighta-
cause they contain more nickel, molybdenum, way rolling. Cross-rolling tends to improve
and titanium, the 18 Ni 250 and the 18 Ni the degree of correspondence between the
300 grades have a greater tendency toward mechanical properties in the transverse and
banding than the 18 Ni 200 grade. in the longitudinal directions.
The presence of these bands in the end The maraging steels exhibit no hot short-
product reduces the ductility and the tensile ness in the hot-working temperature range
strength in the direction perpendicular to and may be worked from about 2300° F
the bands (ref. 85). Fracture toughness down to temperatures somewhat below
in the plane parallel to the bands also tends 1500° F without cracking (ref. 87). One
to be reduced. Again, severely banded sheet schedule that has been used to forge ingots
and plate are susceptible to delamination; of the 18 Ni 200, 18 Ni 250, and 18 Ni 300
i.e.-, splitting along the bands during certain grades into billets is as follows (ref. 84):
cutting, forming, and testing operations. (1) Preheat to 1200° F.
The dendritic segregation that leads to (2) Heat to 2250° F and soak.
the development of bands containing large (3) Forge until the metal has cooled to
concentrations of alloying elements is not 1700° to 1900° F.

(4) Reheat as needed to 2200° to 2250° F. brittled when slow cooled through, or iso-
(5) Finish forging at 1700° to 1900° F. thermally held in, the temperature range
(6) Air-cool. of 1400° to 1800° F after being heated above
Before hot working, the surfaces of in- 2000° F (refs. 90 and 91). The degree of
gots are commonly conditioned by grinding. embrittlement was found to increase as the
Care is taken in the grinding to avoid smear- upper temperature was increased above
ing and dragging of metal along the surface, 2000° F, as the holding temperature was
rather than clean removal of it, because the increased toward 1800° F, and as the time
resulting condition carries through to the at the holding temperature was extended
finished hot-rolled product and sometimes (ref. 92). The source of the embrittlement
to finished cold-rolled products, causing was considered to be the precipitation of
minute platelets of titanium carbonitride
surface and subsurface defects.
along the austenite grain boundaries occur-
ring at intermediate temperatures (ref. 92).
The effect may well have been augmented
The conversion of ingot-breakdown prod- by grain coarsening occurring during
ucts is accomplished almost entirely by hot heating at the upper temperature. In any
rolling. In this manner, slabs are converted event, the observations indicate that work
to plate or strip; blooms are processed into finished hot should be cooled to room tem-
large-sized forging stock, large rounds, and perature quite rapidly and without interrup-
other massive shapes; and billets are proc- tion.
essed into bar shapes, tubing, rod, wire, and The results of another investigation point
sheet bar for further conversion to sheet. to the desirability of water-spray quenching
Before reheating, the ingot-breakdown after the last pass in the manufacture of
product is inspected, and surface defects maraging steel plate (ref. 93). In this in-
are removed by grinding or other suitable vestigation, i/2-inch-thick plates of 18 Ni
means. 250-grade maraging steel were produced by
Rolling is done in the same temperature finishing at temperatures of 1600°, 1750°,
range as that used for ingot breakdown, the and 1980° F, the amount of reduction in the
material usually being air cooled to room last pass in each case being about 35 percent.
temperature after the last pass. The gen- Three plates were finished at each tempera-
eral practice is to schedule operations in ture; one being air cooled, another cooled
such a way that considerable reduction is in vermiculite, and the third water-spray
done at the lower end of the temperature quenched.
range during the final hot-working cycle. Finishing temperature had little effect on
The fine grain size resulting from finishing the strength of the material when aged.
at low temperatures with a fairly heavy However, at a specific finishing temperature,
reduction increases the strength and tough- the slow-cooled material tended to show
ness of the steel. Superior results have been slightly lower strength and ductility than
reported when hot working is finished below the other materials. The effects of slow
1700° F, and preferably at about 1500° F cooling were more evident in material
(ref. 89). The only other way to change aged directly after hot rolling than in
the grain size of the maraging steels is material that had been annealed before
by cold working and then annealing. being aged.
When the final hot-working temperature In fracture toughness, however, the re-
is high, i.e., 2000° F and above, the manner sults were considerably different, as may
in which the work is cooled to room tem- be seen in figure 43 which shows the plane-
perature influences the toughness of the strain fracture-toughness index, KIc, at a
material. The 18 Ni 250-grade maraging yield strength of 250 ksi for the material
steel, for example, has been severely em- in the various conditions studied. It can

Cooling medium öfter hot rolling The results clearly showed the desira-
O Water bility of rapidly cooling plate, as by spray
A Air quenching, from any finishing temperature,
□ Vermiculite
100 the need for rapid cooling being greater the
higher the finishing temperature. If spray
quenching is not feasible and the metal must
be air cooled, then a low finishing tempera-
S ture with substantial reduction at that tem-
perature is desirable.
Finally, it should be said that hot forming
•= 100 operations can be carried out subsequently
on the mill product without danger of
c embrittlement if the reheating temperature
does not exceed 1950° F. Yet, there is some
Annealed at 1500 F and aged
possibility of restoring embrittled material
by reheating to 2000° F and above, followed
S 100 .Annealed at I600°F and aged by rapid cooling. However, because the
n treatment invites rapid grain growth, it
B^-^ A may only be partially successful and there-
fore should be used only as a last resort.
1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
Plate finishing temperature°F Many maraging-steel-mill products are
supplied to the customer in the mill-annealed
FIGURE 43.—Effect of finishing temperature on the condition. Plate, sheet, and strip are nor-
fracture toughness of 18 Ni 250-grade maraging mally supplied in this condition. The usual
steel at a yield strength of 250 ksi (ref. 93). practice is to heat the product thoroughly
at 1500° F and air-cool.
be seen that the effects of the rolling vari- Recently, it was found that the repro-
ables were similar for material tested as ducibility of mechanical properties is im-
aged, and as annealed and aged, after hot proved and a superior combination of
rolling. In general, as finishing temperature strength and toughness is obtained with a
increased, Klc values decreased (increasing double-annealing cycle (ref. 94). The con-
brittleness) for plates cooled in air or ver- ditions that have been used are heating to
miculite, but increased for water-spray- 1600° to 1800° F, followed by air cooling
quenched plates. In addition, at any partic- to room temperature, reheating to 1400°
ular finishing temperature, Klc decreased to 1500° F, and again air cooling. A typical
as the cooling rate decreased, the effect cycle is to heat 1 hour at 1750° F, air-cool,
being more pronounced at the higher finish- reheat 1 hour at 1450° F, and air-cool.
ing temperatures than at the lower ones. The mechanism by which the double-
Austenite grain size was not a factor annealing treatment improves mechanical
with respect to either strength or tough- properties is not well understood. Apparent^
ness because the grain size of all the mate- ly, the first anneal carried out at the higher
rials was essentially the same, approximate- temperature insures that the material will
ly ASTM No. 7. However, electron-metallo- be completely recrystallized, a condition that
graphic examination of extraction replicas may not always occur when the steel is
showed that the fracture path in the brittle given a single anneal at lower temperatures.
samples was along prior austenite grain
boundaries and that these boundaries con-
tained large amounts of titanium carboni- It is axiomatic that high-performance
tride precipitate. materials, such as the maraging steels, be

produced to stringent specifications de- Ingot surfaces may contain cold shuts,
signed to define the quality of the material cracks, and roughness due to irregularities
with precision and to insure that it per- in the mold wall. The surfaces of blooms,
forms adequately in service. To manu- slabs and billets may contain rolled-in scale,
facture mill products from high-perfor- laps, seams, slivers, and cracks. Surface
mance materials, the producer must have defects may be removed by lathe turning,
a quality-control program integrated with milling, chipping, and grinding.
his production operations that assures the Another activity in the in-process inspec-
manufacture of products which do, in fact, tion category is the examination of vacuum-
meet specifications. arc remelted ingots for grain structure,
The quality-control program in the mill presence of precipitates, and degree of seg-
is usually a three-step operation. The first regation. This is done by removing a trans-
step is the qualification of raw materials. verse slice from one end of the ingot and
In the case of maraging steels, the materials examining the surface visually or at low
of major concern are the melting stock, magnification after it has been macroetched.
fluxes, deoxidants, furnace refractories, ladle Still another function is determination of
refractories, and ladle nozzles that are used the forgeability of the steel. This can be
in air melting in the electric-arc furnace. accomplished by upsetting or step forging
These materials are analyzed to determine a series of specimens with a press or ham-
their chemical composition, the objective mer. Yet another activity is the monitoring
being to insure that the composition of the of in-process annealing treatments to insure
heat will be within specifications and that that they have effected the desired degree
harmful contaminants will not be intro- of softness and the desired grain size in the
duced. Consumable-electrode, vacuum-arc metal. Other functions relate to the control
remelting involves no additional material; of such factors as weights, dimensions, flat-
however, in vacuum-induction remelting, ness, and straightness, as the material moves
the furnace, ladle linings, and nozzles again through the mill on the way to becoming a
are of concern. finished mill product.
The second step is in-process inspection, The third step is the quality assurance
the objectives of which are to identify con- operation. Here, the finished or nearly
ditions at the proper time that may prevent finished product is inspected to determine
the finished product from meeting specifi- that it does meet specifications and to assure
cations and to insure that the required re- the purchaser that such is the case. The
medial action is taken at the appropriate tests that are made in each case are deter-
stage of mill processing. An important mined by the requirements of the applicable
concern of this operation is the identification specification. They may include such items
of surface defects in material at various as grain-size determination; Rockwell or
intermediate stages of processing. Hand Brinell hardness; . room-temperature tensile
in hand with this activity is the parallel properties for the material as annealed and
function of assuring the removal of the de- aged; nonmetallic inclusion rating; and
fects. It is common to inspect the surfaces indications of surface and internal defects.
of vacuum-arc remelted ingots as well as The methods used to inspect for surface
ingots from air melts before forging or and internal flaws include ultrasonic testing,
rolling; of blooms before conversion to radiographic inspection, liquid-penetrant
billets and slabs; of slabs before rolling to inspection, and magnetic-particle inspection.
plates; and of billets before conversion to Comments on these methods appear in
bar stock, rod, and other mill products. chapter 2.


This chapter covers the types of fabri- solution of soluble oil in water (15 parts
cating methods normally encountered in the water to 1 part oil) (ref. 96).
production of end items from 18-percent The 18-percent nickel maraging steels
nickel maraging steel-mill products. In- can be cut by thermal methods, the oxyacety-
cluded are cutting, shearing, grinding, hot lene torch being widely used and the plasma-
working, the more common cold-working arc process being recommended because of
processes, warm working, mechanical its efficient heat input (ref. 96). Delamina-
machining procedures, welding, heat treat- tion of hot-rolled plate and cracking of hot-
ing, and descaling and pickling. The less rolled billets have been encountered occa-
commonly used fabricating processes such sionally in oxyacetylene cutting (ref. 97).
as explosive forming, electrospark discharge However, the difficulty has been overcome
machining, electrochemical machining, by cutting while the metal is still hot or
electrolytic grinding, soldering, and brazing by heating to 1100° F and cooling to room
are not discussed. In many cases, these temperature before cutting (ref. 98). At
fabricating methods are most appropriate the same time, the severity of laminations
in unusual situations and, in other cases, has been reduced greatly with improvements
the principles guiding the procedures are in procedures for converting ingots to plate,
not well developed; thus, the parameters as indicated in chapter 4.
must be determined on a trial-and-error It is reasonable to postulate that hot-
basis to suit each new situation. Perhaps rolled or annealed 18-percent nickel mar-
the best way to obtain literature on these aging steels can be sheared in much the
subjects is to make a NASA STAR search same manner as the extra-high-strength,
or a Defense Documentation Center search. quenched-and-tempered structural steels
with yield strengths in the vicinity of 110
ksi. The latter can be sheared in thick-
The 18-percent nickel maraging steels nesses to about 1 inch, although punching
are sawed in the hot-worked or annealed can be done in plate to thicknesses of per-
conditions. High-speed-steel circular saws haps one-half inch (ref. 99). Sturdy, amply
with alternating high- and low-tooth design, powered equipment with sharp, properly
the high teeth being set 1/32 inch above the set blades and secure clamping are required.
low teeth, have been used with success In shearing hot-rolled or annealed maraging
(ref. 95). For cutting with a circular saw, steel, as well as maraging steel cold worked
it has been recommended that a speed of 50 percent, it has been reported that the
60 to 70 surface feet per minute be used capacity of the equipment should be 1%
with a feed of 0.001 to 0.002 inch per tooth, times that required for mild steel of the
the coolant being either chlorinated sul- same thickness (ref. 100).
furized fatty mineral or sperm oil, or a rich As to grinding, the indications are that


the 18-percent nickel maraging steels behave Forging

in a manner similar to that of stainless The 18-percent nickel maraging steels
steels. They can be ground easily when can be forged into a broad spectrum of
using a heavy-duty, water-soluble grinding
shapes, varying widely in size and complex-
fluid such as is employed with stainless ity. The metal can be press or hammer
steels (ref. 100). When ordinary water-
forged at temperatures of 2300° F down to
soluble oil is used, excessive wheel wear
1500° F or slightly below (ref. 100), al-
may be encountered. Aluminum oxide,
though one reference suggests stopping at
vitrified bonded wheels of medium hardness
1600° F (ref. 98). It has been recom-
and medium-to-open structure have been
mended that large sections of the metal be
satisfactory (ref. 98). Additional informa-
preheated at intermediate temperatures,
tion on grinding is given in table 7.
such as 1700° to 1800° F, before being
raised to the forging temperature; bar
stock and billets having cross sections less
The 18-percent nickel maraging steels can than 6 inches square do not require pre-
be hot worked to finished or semifinished heating (ref. 98). Heating times compar-
products by all the standard methods that able to those used for low-alloy steels may
are used for other steels. The principal also be employed; i.e., about 15 minutes per
processes are forging, hot forming, and inch of section.
extrusion. Forging is completed at comparatively low
To avoid the possibility of carburizing temperatures, usually 1500° to 1700° F, with
or sulfidizing, the metal should be free of considerable reduction in thickness at those
oil, grease, and shop soil before heating. temperatures (refs. 100, 101, and 102). The-
Likewise, fuel low in sulfur is preferred. objective is to refine the grain structure,
It has been recommended that fuel oil equal thereby enhancing the strength and tough-
to Grade 3 and containing not more than ness of the steel. For optimum mechanical
0.75 percent sulfur or fuel gas containing properties in the finished product, a mini-
not more than 100 grains of total sulfur mum of 25 percent reduction in thickness
per 100 cubic feet be used (refs. 98 and during the final forging cycle has been
100). It has also been suggested that the recommended (ref. 102).
furnace atmosphere contain about 5 C02 The practice of finish forging at relatively
(ref. 98). Such an atmosphere would low temperatures places an added burden
neither carburize nor cause excessive scaling on the forging equipment. Power require-
of the steel. ments, loads on dies, and the frequency with

TABLE 7.—Data on the Grinding of 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steels

[From ref. 98]

Hardness of
Condition of material material, Wheel speed, Table speed, Downfeed, Crossfeed,
Rockwell C fpm fpm in./pass in./pass

Hot rolled, as rolled 5500 50 Rough 0.003 A -wheel width
and 30-33 to to
Hot rolled, annealed 6500 100 Finish 0.001
Maraged 50-60 5500 50 Rough 0.003 %-wheel width
to to
6500 100 Finish 0.0005

TABLE 8.—Mechanical Properties of Rear Domes for Pershing Rocket-Motor Casesa

[From ref. 101]

Yield strength, Tensile strength, Elongation, Reduction in area,

psi psi percent percent
temperature, F
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

850° 251 900 269 200 269 200 271 300 10.0 12.0 39.8 48.7
900° 271 300 278 600 284 500 289 200 8.0 12.0 36.0 48.2
950° 279 400 287 600 286 600 293 900 8.0 10.0 37.6 48.7

'Radial and tangential specimens taken from center, midradius, and skirt, then solution treated at 1500°
F for 1 hr, air cooled, and aged 3 hr at indicated temperatures.

which tools must be rebuilt, all are in- 18 Ni 250 grade of maraging steel illustrate
creased. some other aspects of forging procedure
It appears that tooling designed for low- (ref. 97). In this program, eight ring
alloy steel often may be used with success forgings were made of air-melted and
for the maraging steels (ref. 101). How- vacuum-degassed steel and eight forgings
ever, for optimum properties in the finished were made of consumable-electrode, vacuum-
part, the die design should be tailored specif- arc remelted steel. The starting stock was
ically to the characteristics of the maraging either a 10-inch round-cornered square
steels. For example, regions receiving only 131/2 inches long or a 12-inch round-
small reductions during the final forging cornered square 16%6 inches long. In the
operation show lower transverse ductility production of the rings, two heating tem-
and Charpy-impact values than those that peratures were used for upsetting, 2250°
are well worked during finish forging (refs. and 1950° F; two heating temperatures
100 and 101). Therefore, the sets of dies were used for rolling, 2250° and 1950° F;
that are used should be so designed that all and two wall thickness, reductions were em-
regions of the product are well worked in ployed, 50 and 75 percent. When the start-
the final forging operation. ing temperature for rolling was 2250° F,
The experience of one forging company the operation was carried to completion with-
producing domes from 18 Ni 250-grade out reheating. However, when the heating
maraging steel for Pershing rocket-motor temperature for rolling was 1950° F, the
cases illustrates the consistency of mechani- workpiece was reheated several times to this
cal properties obtainable with good forging temperature in the course of the rolling
practice (ref. 101). Shown in table 8 are operation. The production schedules are
the results of tension tests made on radial given in table 9.
and tangential specimens taken at the cen- Standard 14-inch-diameter tension-test
ter, midradius, and skirt locations on the specimens, as well as bars for precracked
rear domes. The specimens were annealed Charpy V-notch impact tests, were removed
1 hour at 1500° F, air-cooled, and aged 3 from each ring in the axial, circumferential,
hours at either 850°, 900° or 950° F before and radial direction. The specimens were
testing. As the table shows, the differences annealed at either 1500° or 1650° F before
in tensile properties among locations or being aged 3 hours at 900° F. Statistical
directions in the dome, within any group analysis of the test results indicated that
of specimens aged at the same temperature, the vacuum-arc remelted steel had greater
are very small. strength and fracture toughness than the
The results of an evaluation carried out air-melted material; that material annealed
on rolled ring forgings produced from the at 1500° F was stronger than that annealed

TABLE 9.—Rolled Ring Forging s Used in Evaluation Program

[From ref. 97]

Material Air-melt or vacuum-arc remelt

Percent wall reduction 75 50

Upsetting- temperature, F _. 1950 0 2250° 1950° 2250°

Rolling temperature, F 1950° 2250° 1950° 2250° 1950° 2250° 1950" 2250°

Production of Rings With 50 Percent Wall Reduction Production of Rings With 75 Percent Wall Reduction
Stock: 10-inch round-cornered square 13-1/2 inches Stock: 12-inch round-cornered square 16-7/16
long inches long
Procedure: Procedure:
(1) Upset to 6-inch height and plug 5-inch di- (1) Upset to 4-inch height and plug 5-inch
ameter hole diameter hole
(2) Ring roll and flatten to 12-inch I.D. by 6- (2) Ring roll and flatten to 1-1/2-inch I.D. by
inch wall by 4-inch height 10-1/2-inch wall by 4-inch height
(3) Ring roll and flatten while rolling to 3-inch (3) Ring roll and flatten while rolling to 2-7/8-
wall by 4-inch height inch wall by 4-inch height

at 1650° F; and that circumferential speci- ly demonstrated the beneficial effect of a

mens showed the greatest ductility and substantial final hot reduction.
fracture toughness.
Hof Forming
The statistical analysis of the forging
variables indicated that upsetting tempera- Perhaps the most common hot-forming
ture had no significant effect on strength, operation is bending, although hot spinning
ductility, or fracture toughness. However, and hot drawing are also done with con-
ring-rolling practice influenced fracture siderable frequency. For optimum mechani-
toughness. As shown in figure 44, rolling cal properties in the finished product, it
from 2250° F without reheating resulted is desirable to use minimum temperatures
in a median circumferential fracture tough- (ref. 102). A suggested range is 1800° to
ness W/A value of 490 in.-lb/in.8 compared 1500° F (ref. 98). Higher temperatures
with a median value of 415 in.-lb/in.2 for can be used, but, as mentioned in chapter
rolling from 1950° F with repeated reheat- 4, fast cooling becomes increasingly im-
ings. Thus, ring rolling from 2250° F with- portant the higher the temperature, if
out reheating seems to be the preferable high levels of fracture toughness are to be
practice. maintained. In particular, it is not desir-
The degree of plastic deformation in the able to carry out forming operations at
final ring-rolling operation exerted a pro- temperatures above 1950° F because rapid
nounced influence on fracture toughness, grain growth may occur and, unless the
but not on strength. The cumulative fre- cooling rate is quite fast, the material may
quency distribution curves in figure 45 show become embrittled.
that increasing final wall reduction from
50 to 75 percent increased the median
W/A value in the circumferential direction Although maraging steel tubular products
by about 180 in.-lb/in.J. Although the are made by extrusion, and it has been re-
difference at the median for the axial and ported that the extrusion process has been
the radial directions was less, the data clear- used in the production of preforms for

shear forming (ref. 103), little detailed

information on the extrusion of the 18-per-

cent nickel maraging steels has appeared
in the literature.
An investigation concerned with the
Ro ling frorr I95ÖV maximuft using
production of 0.060-inch-thick tee sections 1
erol reh ats . / inch by 2 inches by 20 feet long demon-
& 80 I /

S 70
~7 strated the capability of these steels to be
extruded in thin sections (ref. 104). The
1 50 extrusion ratio was 45 to 1; the die material
1 40 / was a cobalt-base alloy containing nominally
33.5 percent Cr, 6.0 percent W, and 1.0 per-
Ü 20 /
cent C; the die was coated with zir-
10 L ~~ Rollin g over fc Hing ten perature
conium oxide; the program was carried out
5 on an H. M. Harper 1200-ton press; and
11 the billet heating atmosphere was dry nitro-
2 /
/ gen. In an extensive series of trials, it
0.5 was found that thoroughly satisfactory
1 i 1 i 1 i i
extrusions with excellent dimensional accu-
244 304 364 424 484 544 604
Precracked Charpy Value (W/A), in.-lb/in.2
664 724
racy and surface finish could be produced
when the billet heating temperature was
2075±25° F, the transfer time was 16
seconds, the container temperature was 600°
FIGURE 44.—Cumulative-frequency distribution
curves showing the effect of ring-rolling practice to 700° F, the lubricant was a glass, and
on the fracture toughness of 18 Ni 250-grade the ram pressure was approximately 3000
maraging steel rings (ref. 97). psi, resulting in an average ram speed of 2.2
Almost invariably, cold-forming opera-
/ tions are performed on annealed material.
/ The combination of enormous strength and
reduced ductility makes it possible to carry
50 percent wall reduction.
/ out only the simplest operations, such as

bending with very generous radii, on the
y metal in the age-hardened condition. How-
/ ever, even in the annealed condition, the
/ 18-percent nickel maraging steels have
/ yield strengths in the order of 115 ksi,
/ approximately four times that of deep
/ N
75 percent wal reduct on
10 !
1 drawing steel body stock, a clear indication
1 /
1 that forming equipment must be sturdy,
// rigid, and well powered. As a first approxi-
mation, power requirements can be con-
i i , , , , ' i ' 1
sidered proportional to yield strength.
184 244 304 364 424 484 544 604 664
Precracked Charpy Values (W/A). in.-lb/in.2
724 784
Aside from its yield strength, another
factor that profoundly influences the cold-
forming characteristics of a metal is its
FIGURE 45.—Cumulative-frequency distribution
curves showing the effect of final-wall reduction ductility and, particularly, the manner in
on the fracture toughness of 18 Ni 250-grade which the ductility is displayed. Being
maraging steel rings (ref. 97). martensitic, these steels exhibit limited

tensile elongation. In fact, the tensile and, therefore, the metal can be expected
elongation of annealed sheet may be as to have limited capabilities in such sheet-
little as 3 to 4 percent (ref. 105). In addi- forming processes as deep drawing and
tion, the amount of uniform elongation in stretch forming.
tension tests is small and necking down sets However, a low R value is advantageous
in rapidly. These facts indicate some limita- where the process depends on thinning of
tions with respect to the firing of sheet the material. Operations that make use of
metal by processes in which the stresses are thinning are rolling, wire drawing, and
predominantly tensile. shear forming. The performance of the
Yet, as mentioned in chapter 3, the 18-percent nickel maraging steels in impor-
18-percent nickel maraging steels work tant cold-forming processes is described in
harden very slowly and can be reduced sub- the following sections.
stantial amounts by a number of methods; Shear Forming
i.e., up to 85 percent or more reduction in
In this process, which also is known by
section, before annealing is required (ref.
such other names as flow turning, flow
100). The modest influence of cold rolling
forming, and shear spinning, a flat circular
on the hardness of annealed 18 Ni 250-grade
blank, a ring, or a thick-walled cylindrical
maraging steel, as illustrated in figure 36,
preform is cold worked over a mandrel by
attests to the fact that these steels have
force exerted by a narrow small-diameter
great capacity for certain kinds of cold
roller. Two basic types of shear forming
are illustrated in figures 46 and 47. By the
A good way to characterize cold-forming process shown in figure 46, the wall thick-
capability is to examine the plastic aniso- ness of a tubular or ring-shaped preform
tropy ratio (R value) of the material. The is reduced and the length correspondingly
R value shows whether the material tends extended. No drastic change in shape
to thin in the thickness direction, when occurs. The preform usually is machined
stretched, or tends to draw in along the from a forging billet, although work is in
width direction. The expression for the progress on the fabrication of preforms
R value is as follows: by rolling and welding plate (ref. 102).
The latter method would constitute far
( W. \ W0 = original width
lQ more efficient utilization of material.
g- V w, ) W,=final width
R To=original thickness In the setup shown in figure 47, a flat
blank is changed to a conical or curved
**■ (I) T, = final thickness
shape. The resulting thickness is controlled
The measurements required to determine by the original thickness of the blank and
R values are made from tension tests. the geometry of the mandrel as illustrated
These measurements are not easy to make in figure 48.
at best and are extremely difficult when the In shear forming the maraging steels,
material shows only a small amount of uni- high-carbon, high-chromium alloy tool steel
form elongation before necking down. hardened to 550 to 600 BHN, or ductile
Nevertheless, the R value for the maraging iron or alloy gray iron hardened to at least
steels seems to lie between 0.6 and 1.0 (ref. 400 BHN, are recommended mandrel
105). By comparison, the R value for deep materials (ref. 100). Roller tool profile
drawing mild steel is between 1.2 and 1.5. rings have been made of molybdenum- and
The R value for the maraging steel shows tungsten-high-speed steels, as well as chro-
that the material tends to thin in the thick- mium-hot-work tool steel, hardened to 58
ness direction during tensile deformation tcT62 Rockwell C. Steels suggested for this

Finished part
Roll head


U J tool

FIGURE 46.—Setup for testing the shear-forming
capability of 18 percent nickel maraging steel
(ref. 106).
application are types M4, T'5, and Hll. reduced
The bodies on which the profile rings are
mounted have been made of shock-resisting t_J
tool steel hardened to 60 Rockwell C.
To prevent galling and seizing between
the work and the mandrel, a heavy paste
lubricant such as a lithium soap or colloidal
zinc has been applied to the inside surface
of the workpiece and to the mandrel (ref.
106). Because considerable heat is gen- Complete
erated in the work and the tool during shear
forming, a steady flow of coolant, as near
room temperature as feasible, must be
directed at the work and the tool. Soluble FIGURE 47.—Setup for shear forming a conical
oil and water, 20 parts water to one part shape from a flat blank (ref. 107).
oil, or medium-to-rich solutions of a chemi-
cally active water-soluble coolant, have been
used with success (ref. 106). Coolants
should be continually filtered. Lubricants
and coolants should be completely removed
from the work before annealing or other
heat treatment.
Spindle speeds at 350 to 1000 fpm, with
roller tool feeds of 0.010 to 0.100 inch per
Sine-law relationship: tf = ts x sin a
revolution, have been used to work cylindri-
cal preforms; speeds of 600 to 1000 fpm and a. Cone Mandrel b. Hemispherical Mandrel
feeds of 0.020 to 0.080 inch per revolution Wall thickness constant Wall thickness varies
have been used to shape cones from flat
blanks (ref. 100). For each job, the opti- FIGURE 48.—Sketches showing the relationship be-
tween wall thickness and mandrel angle (ref.
mum combination of speed and feed is deter-
mined by trial. The principal factors are
the fluidity of the metal, the diameter of the
part, the thickness and strength of the wall tion be taken as a point of departure (ref.
of the part, and the surface finish desired. 106). Trials can be expedited by taking
It has been recommended that a speed of into account the principles that high speed
600 fpm and a feed of 0.040 inch per revolu- and low feed produce the smoothest finish;

a low feed will cause diameter growth and illustrated in figure 50. The peripheral
loosen the work from the mandrel, and a radius for the contour of cone-shaping tools
high feed will tighten the work on the man- used on material less than 346-inch-thick
drel; a high speed may impair the rigidity ranges from %Cl to 14 inch. Relief from the
of the setup and may also cause over- radius on the face of the tool should be 30°.
heating; and a high feed with thin-walled Larger radii to 1/2 inch, with zero to 10° re-
material may develop enough working lief, have been suggested for material
pressure to fracture the part. thicker than %G inch. The contour surface
The results of experimentation have of all roller tools must be polished smooth
suggested a rule-of-thumb guide to feasible and free from cutting-tool scratches or
wall thickness reductions (ref. 106). In grinding wheel marks.
shaping cones, 50 percent reduction in one
operation has been satisfactory.
In shear forming ring shapes and cylin- As shown in figure 51, the setup for
drical preforms up to %6 inch in thickness, spinning has much in common with that
a 6-to-l reduction ration (83 percent) in used in shear forming. However, the
one pass is possible, provided the resulting process requires much less sophisticated and,
wall thickness is not less than 0.030 inch. hence, less expensive equipment, but much
For material over %G inch thick, excessively more craftsmanship (ref. 107). Spinning
large reductions should be avoided; although may be classified as manual or power, de-
the metal may not rupture, it may pile up pending on the source of the power used
ahead of the tool and interfere with the to form the workpiece. Power spinning
spinning operation. For the thicker makes use of hydraulic or mechanical de-
materials it has been recommended that the vices that apply greater tool forces and,
reduction per pass be limited to 75 per- therefore, can be used to form thicker and
cent; and, of course, the work must be stronger materials. Power spinning is
annealed between passes. For material with recommended for the maraging steels be-
wall thicknesses between 0.030 and 0.010 cause they are too strong to permit much
inch, a maximum per pass reduction of 40 manual spinning (ref. 105).
percent has been recommended, and 20 to Spinning differs considerably in principle
30 percent for thin walls. from shear forming in that the workpiece
Profiles of roller tools used to form cylin- is subjected primarily to bending forces
drical preforms of 18-percent nickel mar- along the axis of spinning rather than to
aging steels are shown in figure 49 (ref. shearing forces (ref. 107). Tangential
106). Profiles of tools to form cones are compressive forces build up during the

Feed Feed 1/8 to t/4 R Feed

1/4 to 1/2 R 16 to 1/8 R

1/8 in.
/8 in.

FIGURE 49.—Roller tool profiles for spinning of maraging steels. Two profiles at left are used for forming
materials over M inch thick. Profile at right is best for materials less than % inch thick (ref. 106).

Tool feed Chuck
Ball-bearing tail center
v^Tailstock spindle

Roller forming tool
Backup lever


FIGURE 51.- -Schematic diagram of metal spinning

setup (ref. 107).
Tool feed
1500° F and then to spin when it has cooled,
to about 400° F, at which temperature it
is still austenitic and very ductile. The
surface oxidation that develops is removed
by pickling or shot blasting.

Deep Drawing
1/4" R
FIGURE 50.-—Shear-forming tools for cold- Flat-bottomed cups of 18 percent nickel
forming maraging steels. These tools maraging steel can be drawn cold to con-
are suitable for materials under %e siderable depths in one operation; however,
inch thick (ref. 106).
drawing a rounded shape, such as a hemi-
sphere, is reported to be a difficult operation
operation and, as the outer diameter de- because secondary wrinkling occurs around
creases, the metal actually thickens and the unsupported area of the blank between
upsets slightly. This upsetting action may the contact point of the punch and the
be troublesome so that it may lead to die-entry radius (ref. 105). The latter
buckling when the ratio of the depths of the type of shape is more readily formed by
spun part to the original thickness is too means of the flexible-die-forming process.
great. Cold-rolled material in the annealed con-
Spinning is useful in producing items of dition is recommended for deep drawing
cylindrical or more-or-less spherical shape (ref. 106). The safe maximum reduction
that have axial symmetry. The process is in diameter, in a single-draw operation,
especially attractive for producing partial from the diameter of the blank to that of
closures and reentrant contours. The the drawn shell is reported as 35 percent.
starting material is a flat circular blank. In subsequent draws the reduction in diame-
However, it is common today to start with ter may be 20 to 25 percent. The shell
a deep-drawn shape using the spinning proc- should be annealed and descaled between
ess to modify its contour (ref. 107). draws.
Considerable success has been achieved When the wall of the drawn part is not
in spinning the maraging steels. It has thinned intentionally, the clearance between
been found that they are particularly amen- the punch and die should be sufficient to
able to spinning when in the austenitic permit an unrestricted flow of metal. Thus,
rather than the martensitic condition (ref. using material up to %6 inch thick, a clear-
105). The schedule used has been to aus- ance of 20 percent, plus metal thickness,
tenitize the steel by annealing at some between the punch and die (on one side)

is satisfactory (ref. 106). For heavier process in which a punch forces the sheet
material, clearance between punch and die blank into a rubber diaphragm which is
(on one side) is increased to metal thick- pressurized on the other side by a hydraulic
ness plus 50 percent. fluid.
Draw-ring radii should be 6 to 10 times the Cold-rolled, solution-annealed material
thickness of the blank (ref. 106). A sharp is preferred. Hot-rolled, solution-annealed
punch-nose radius causes excessive thinning, and descaled material, with the surface free
especially on the initial draw. This radius of mechanical defects, has also performed
should be 5 to 8 times the thickness of the satisfactorily; however, the reduction from
stock. The general practice of using a larger blank diameter should be approximately
radius on the first draw and proportionately 10 percent less than is normally used for
decreasing it for each succeeding draw is cold-rolled and annealed material (ref. 106).
recommended. If reduction in diameter is 5 In a single operation, the reduction from
percent, the wall can be "ironed" about 20 the blank diameter to the diameter of the
percent. If the reduction in diameter is 15 drawn part should not exceed 5.0 percent
percent, the wall can be ironed only about for cold-rolled, annealed material (ref. 106).
10 percent. Parts that are to be further cold reduced
The drawing speeds are approximately should be annealed and descaled before
30 to 40 fpm. The lower speeds, on the forming is resumed. For parts made in one
order of 20 fpm, should be used for ironing or more passes, the total reduction in diame-
the walls of shells. It appears that approxi- ter between anneals should be limited to 25
mately 40 percent more pressure is required percent.
for drawing the 18-percent nickel alloy in A minimum punch radius of five times
the annealed condition than for annealed the blank thickness is reported to be satis-
AISI type 302 stainless steel. factory for a 50-percent initial reduction
Suitable die materials are alloy tool steel in diameter from the blank diameter (ref.
such as high-carbon, high-chromium die 106). For subsequent forming, a minimum
steel, ductile iron, and alloy cast iron. Hard punch radius of four times the metal thick-
aluminum bronze is reported to serve well ness is usually satisfactory.
for draw rings (ref. 106). Cemented car- The blankholder (draw-ring) radius
bide also has been suggested for draw rings, should be of sufficient size to avoid locally
since it affords the best nongalling charac- overstressing the material when it is locked
teristics. Die components of high-speed to the punch. A radius of three times the
tool steel are hardened and double tempered blank thickness has been suggested (ref.
to a hardness of about 60 Rc. Those made 106).
of ductile iron or alloy cast iron are heat Alloy die steel, hard aluminum bronze,
treated and flame hardened to at least 400 cast nodular ductile iron, and alloy cast
BHN. iron are suitable punch and blankholder
Extreme-pressure lubricants containing materials. Die components of alloy die
sulfurized or chlorinated fatty mineral steel are hardened and double tempered to
oils are suitable for deep drawing opera- a hardness of about Rc 63. Ductile iron
tions. Pigmented lubricants also are good. and alloy cast iron are thermally treated and
Solid film compounds are satisfactory and flame hardened to at least 400 BHN.
are especially useful for heavy drawing and Lanolin-base greases and soft neutral
ironing operations. potassium soap are generally used for work
Flexible Die Forming
Bending and Roll Forming
One of the more attractive methods for
producing thin-walled maraging steel shapes Annealed material can be bent to a radius
by a pressing operation is the flexible die of six to eight times its thickness through

180°. These limitations are suitable for

material to about %-inch thickness. A mini- Weld
mum radius of eight times the metal thick-
ness is suggested for heavier material (ref.
100). For press brake 90° V-die bending, a V-
opening of 15 to 17 times the metal thick-
ness, and a minimum bend radius 6 to
6V£ times the metal thickness have been FIGURE 52.—Sketch of helically wrapped cyl-
recommended. inder.
Rolling and welding of sheet, strip, and
plate is a common method of forming cylin-
drical shapes. In the usual procedure, a The annealed metal, which is in the mar-
cylindrical section is fabricated by joining tensitic condition, can be worked advanta-
geously at temperatures substantially above
one or more rolled elements with longitu-
dinal seam welds. Sections so fabricated ambient (ref. 98). However, in establishing
the fabrication parameters attention must
can then be joined together by means of
girth welds to produce cylinders of increased be paid to the amount of heat generated
length. The cylindrical components of by the operation itself. The initial heat
large rocket-motor cases have been formed content of the workpiece together with the
from 18 percent nickel maraging steel plate additional heat input from the forming
by this procedure; the largest size thus far operation must not be so great as to raise
produced is 260 inches in diameter and made the temperature of the metal above 600° to
from 0.73-inch-thick plate (ref. 108). 650° F. Somewhat above these tempera-
Another method of roll forming a cylin- tures, noticeable age hardening occurs and
tends to defeat the purpose of warm work-
drical shape is illustrated in figure 52. The
ing by increasing the metal's resistance to
metal, in the form of strip, is wrapped at
deformation and reducing its ductility.
an angle over a mandrel, producing a helix,
The 18-percent nickel maraging steels also
each turn abutting the previous turn. The
can be warm worked in the austenitic con-
metal is welded along the helical line of con-
tact during or following wrapping. This dition (ref. 110). The procedure is to
austenitize the metal by heating to the an-
process has been used to form the cylin-
drical sections of 20-inch-diameter motor nealing temperature and then air cooling
cases from 0.040-inch-thick 20 percent nick- to the working temperature. The metal
el maraging steel strip (ref. 109). There will remain austenitic as long as its tempera-
ture does not fall below the M. temperature;
is every reason to consider the 18-percent
nickel maraging steels equally adaptable to i.e., some 310° F. By this method, hemi-
spherical shapes have been successfully spun
this forming technique.
from flat 18 percent nickel maraging steel
WARM WORKING blanks (ref. 105).
From time to time, situations may be Two sizes of cylindrical hydroburst test
encountered in which more plasticity than specimens were shear formed successfully
is available in the metal at room tempera- from preforms in the austenitic condition
ture would be advantageous, but fabrication (ref. 103). One size was 4.25 inches inside
at standard hot working temperatures is diameter by 0.050 inch wall by 7 inches long,
inappropriate. In these cases, resort may and the other was 14.5 inches inside diame-
be had to warm working; that is, working ter by 0.072 inch wall by 30 inches long.
at intermediate temperatures where the The preferred fabrication schedule was to
metal displays greater ductility than at austenitize the preform at 1500° F, air-
room temperature. The 18-percent nickel cool to 500° F, and effect a 65-percent wall
maraging steels can be warm worked in two reduction in two passes, the feed and speed
ways. being so adjusted that the temperature of

the work increased no more than 100° F same considerations given to the selection
during the forming operation. High of machine tools for machining low-alloy
strength was obtained on subsequent aging high-strength steels also be given to equip-
3 hours at 900° F. The process was deemed ment destined for machining maraging
to be a technically attractive and economical steels. Carbide tool grades C-7 and C-8
way to produce cylindrical sections for were satisfactory for machining the marag-
rocket-motor cases. ing steel. The compositions of tool materials
used to machine the maraging steels are
MACHINING given in table 10 (ref. 112). The major
difference noted in machining the annealed
The machining characteristics of the 18 Ni 300 grade of maraging steel, as
18-percent nickel maraging steels have been compared with the AISI 4340 material, was
the subject of a number of investigations. the difficulty encountered in chip breaking.
One program comprised an extensive series
The rough analogy between annealed 18
of turning tests on 6-inch-diameter by 30-
percent nickel maraging steel and AISI 4340
inch-long workpieces of annealed 18 Ni 300-
heat treated to the same hardness is a good
grade maraging steel in which AISI 4340
first approximation. However, as is true
heat treated to the same hardness as the
of all materials, the process must be adapted
maraging steel, i.e., 30-32 Rockwell C, was
to the material if optimum results are to be
included for purposes of comparison (ref.
obtained. Considerable effort has been di-
111). Tool force tests were run using a
rected toward determining the specific pa-
semiorthogonal condition; i.e., a 0° side
rameters in the machining of the 18 percent
cutting edge angle. The triangular carbide
nickel maraging steels, and recommended
inserts that were used had side rake angles
procedures have been developed for all the
of +5°, 0°, and -5°. Tool life tests were
major machining processes.
made to compare the machinability of the
maraging steel and AISI 4340, to evaluate Annealed 78 Ni 250-Grade Maraging Steel
the effect of side rake angle, and to obtain
information on the type of cemented carbide In turning annealed 18 Ni 250-grade
best suited for machining the maraging maraging steel, cutting speed has been found
steel. The side cutting edge angle was 15°. to exert a profound influence on tool life,
The same rake angles were used as were as shown in figure 53 (ref. 113). For exam-
employed in the tool force tests, but with ple, at a cutting speed of 90 fpm with an M2
%-inch-square inserts, rather than trian- high-speed steel tool, the tool life was 86
gular inserts. The end-point criterion for minutes. An increase of 10 percent in the
the tool life tests was a 0.015-inch flank wear cutting speed decreased the tool life to 12
scar on the clearance face. minutes. The cutting speed with carbide
It was concluded that the 18 Ni 300- tools was five times that with the M2 high-
grade maraging steel is readily machinable speed steel tools for a given tool life. The
in the annealed condition. Although the tool life was 40 minutes at a cutting speed
life of tools having negative side rake angles of 480 fpm using a C-3 grade of carbide
was slightly shorter with the maraging and slightly less with the C-6 carbide grade.
steel than with AISI 4340, it was suggested It is to be noted also in figure 53 that, for
that inserts with negative rakes may be the a tool life of 30 minutes, the cutting speed
more economical and preferred tooling for on the maraging steel with a C-6 grade of
most normal machining operations. The net carbide was 50 percent higher than on AISI
power required to machine the maraging 4340 stock heat treated to the same hard-
steel was slightly less than for AISI 4340; ness.
however, the difference was not so great Cutting speed also is critical in face
as to justify use of less powerful machine milling, particularly with high-speed steel
tools. In fact, it was recommended that the cutters (ref. 113). As shown in figure 54,

TABLE 10.—Tool Materials Used to Machine 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steels

[From ref. 112]

Designation C Cr V W Mo Co WC TiC TaC

High-Speed Steel

Ml 0.80 3.75 1.15 1.75 8.75

M2, class 1 .85 4.00 2.00 6.25 5.00
M3, class 2 .1.20 4.00 3.00 6.25 5.75

M33 .88 3.75 1.15 1.75 9.50 8.25

M34 .90 3.75 2.10 1.75 8.75 8.25
M35 .85 4.00 2.00 6.00 5.00 5.00
M44 1.15 4.25 2.00 5.25 6.50 11.75
T15 1.55 4.50 5.00 12.50 .60 5.00

Sintered Carbide

C 9 9 91
C <? 4.5 95.5
10 82 8
8 80 12
6 84 10
C 50 8.5 72 8 11.5

increasing the cutting speed from 155 fpm life of the %-in.-diameter end mill did not
to 190 fpm resulted in decreasing the cut- decrease rapidly until the feed exceeded
ter life from 208 to 24 inches of work tra- 0.003 inch per tooth. Figure 56 shows the
vel (ref. 113). On the other hand, cutter effect of cutting speed on tool life at a feed
life was not so sensitive to cutting speed of 0.002 inch per revolution. At a cutting
when carbide tools were used. However, speed of 140 fpm, for example, the tool life
it is to be noted that when face milling dry, was 200 inches of work travel.
the life of the cutter was almost double that The annealed 18-percent nickel maraging
when using a soluble oil. It is possible that steel also was observed to perform well in
cutter life was reduced when the coolant drilling and tapping operations (ref. 113).
was used by the occurrence of chipping Using a conventional i/4-in.-diameter-screw
brought about when the coolant quenches machine drill, 135 holes could be drilled at
the cutter as it leaves the cut. It should also a feed of 0.005 ipr and a cutting speed of
be noted that positive rake angles were used. 100 fpm. In tapping a %6-24 NF thread in
The axial rake was +10° and the radial rake a i/^inch-deep through hole, the tap life was
was 0°. These tool angles provided an 180 holes at a cutting speed of 150 fpm.
appreciably longer tool life than negative The performance of the annealed mar-
rake angles. aging steel in drilling, in comparison with
In the same investigation, end-mill slot- AISI 4340 and D6AC, is shown in table 11
ting of the annealed steel was not found to (ref. 113). It is seen that, under the same
be particularly difficult (ref. 113). The drilling conditions, the maraging steel could
effect of feed on tool life at a cutting speed be drilled three times as fast as the AISI
of 177 fpm is illustrated in figure 55. The 4340 material of comparable hardness.

(Nomenclature is defined in Table 12)

Tool materials. Cutter: 4" diam single tooth face mill
HSS Carbide M2 HSS C-2 Carbide
BR: 0° ECEA: 5° BR: 5°neg ECEA: 15° AR: 5° ECEA: io° AR: 10 ECEA: 10°
SR: 10° Relief; 5° SR: 5° neg Relief: 5° RR: 5° Clearance 8° RR: 0' Clearance; 8°
SCEA: 15° NR: 0.030" SCEA: |5° MR:0.030' CA: 45° CA: 45°
Tool life end point: 0.015" uniform wear Tool life end point: 0.015" uniform wear
0.060" wearland 0.030" localized wear 0060" wearland 0.030" localized wear
Feed: 0.009 in ./rev Feed: 0.005 in/tooth
Depth of cut: 0.062" Depth of cut: 0.060"
Cutting fluid: Soluble oil (h20) Width of cut: 2"
Cutting fluids: See below
100 i 250 Setup: Climb milling

60 200
,M2 HSS 0.010" wea
51 min at 0.0l0"wear
60 - 450 ft/min ■ 42 min at
C-6 carbide 475 ft/min
C-3 carbide
40 100
AISI 4340
20 50
320 BHN
?'\ C-6 carbide

100 200 300 400 500 600 200 300 400

Cutting Speed, ft/min Cutting Speed, ft/min

FIGURE 53—Effect of cutting speed and tool mate- FIGURE 54.—Effect of cutting speed and tool mate-
rial on tool life in turning annealed 18 Ni 250- rial on tool life in face milling annealed 18 Ni
grade maraging steel (ref. 113). 250-grade maraging steel (ref. 113).

TABLE 11.—Data on the Drilling of 3 Steels

[From ref. 113]
Conditions: Drill: 1/4-inch diameter Ml high-speed steel screw machine length
Feed: 0.005 inch/rev
Depth: 0.5 inch through
Cutting fluid: Highly sulfurized oil

Hardness, Cutting speed, Tool life,

Steel Condition BHN ft/min holes

AISI 4340 Annealed 217 125 250

AISI 4340 Normalized 341 30 140
D6AC Annealed 229 90 175
18 Ni 250 grade Annealed 321 100 140

The outcome of the investigation was the Recommendations offered by another source
establishment of recommended practices are given in tables 13, 14, 15, and 16 (refs.
for the machining of the maraging steels. 96 and 100). The latter recommendations
Recommendations for annealed 18 Ni 250- are intended to apply to the 18 Ni 200 and
grade maraging steel are given in table 12. 18 Ni 300 grades as well as to the 18 Ni 250

-| r
(Nomenclature is defined in Table 12)
Cutter: 3/4"diam 4 flute M HSS end mill
CA: 45° x 0.060" Helix angle: 30°
RR: 10° Flute length: 2"
Peripheral clearance: 7°
Depth of cuf. 0.250"
Width of cut: 0.750"
Cutting fluid: Highly chlorinated oil
Tool life end point: 0.012" uniform wear
0.020" localized wear
Cutting speed: 177 ft/min Feed: 0.002 in./tooth

100 250


- 150



0.000 .001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Feed, inch/tooth Cutting speed, ft/min

FIGURE 55.—Effect of feed rate on tool life in end- FIGURE 56.—Effect of cutting speed on tool life in
mill slotting of annealed 18 Ni 250-grade marag- end-mill slotting of annealed 18 Ni 250-grade
ing steel (ref. 113). maraging steel (ref. 113).

grade of maraging steel. Close scrutiny- speed steels. However, there was an appre-
shows that the data from the various sources ciable difference between the two grades
are in generally good agreement. of carbide that were studied. As shown in
figure 57, the cutting speed for a 30-minute
Age-Hardened 18 Ni 250-Grade Maraging Steel
tool life with C-6 carbide was 150 fpm com-
Because the maraging steels must some- pared to 280 fpm with G-3 carbide.
times be machined after aging, the machin- An interesting comparison is made in
ing characteristics of these steels in the age- figure 57 between the results obtained with
hardened condition have been brought under the C-6 grade of carbide in turning the
study. As aged, the 18 Ni 250 grade has maraging steel, aged to 52-53 Rc, and those
a hardness in the order of 50-53 Rockwell obtained on an AISI 4340 steel, quenched
C. and tempered to 52 Rc. The data indicate
The importance of the tool material in that under the same conditions the maraging
turning the aged steel is shown in figure 57 steel can be machined at almost twice the
(ref. 113). At a cutting speed of 60 fpm, cutting speed for a 30-minute tool life as
the life of the T15 high-speed steel was 90 can the AISI 4340 steel.
minutes, whereas that of the M2 steel was The T15 grade of high-speed steel was
only 10 minutes. As was the case with the found to be superior to the M2 high-speed
annealed maraging steel, the cemented car- steel in face milling the aged maraging
bides considerably outperformed the high- steel. As shown in figure 58, the cutting

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TABLE 13.—Machining Procedures for Annealed or Hot-Worked 18 Percent Nickel Maraging

[From refs. 96 and 100]

Turning Tool materials11 High-speed steel types T-15, M-3 type 2, M-15, and M-34. Cemented
carbide types C-2, C-50, C-70
Speed, sfpm 50-95 (HSS), 220-400 (CC type C-50)
Feed, ipr 0.01-0.018
Depth, inches 0.1-0.4
Coolants' Nos. 1, 2, and 3
Planing Tool materials b High-speed steel types T-15, M-2, M-35
Speed, fpm 40-50
Feed, inches 0.015 (roughing), to 3/16 (finishing), to 0.008 (parting)
Depth of cut, inches __. 3/16 (roughing), 0.010 (finishing)
Coolants c Nos. 1 and 2 (1 only for finishing)
Milling Tool materials b High-speed steel types T-15 and M-3 type 2
Cemented carbide types C-50 (face milling) and C-2 (slotting and end
Speed of cutter, sfpm HSS: 60-70 (plain); 60-80 (face); 50-80 (slotting and end), CC: 275-
325 (face); 175-250 (slotting and end)
Feed per cutter HSS: 0.002-0.004 (plain); 0.003-0.004 (face); 0.001-0.003 (slotting and
tooth, inches. end), CC: 0.005-0.008 (face); 0.001-0.004 (slotting and end)
Coolants e Nos. 1, 2, and 3
Drilling Tool materials b High-speed steel types T-15, M-2, and M-33
Speed, fpm 60-85
Feed, ipr 1/8-inch drill: 0.0015; 1/4-inch drill: 0.0025; 1/2-inch drill: 0.006;
3/4-inch drill: 0.011; 1-inch drill: 0.012
Coolantsc Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (reduce speed as hole becomes deeper)
Reaming Tool materials b Tungsten or molybdenum high-speed steels surface treated to improve
wear resistance. Cemented carbide: type C-50
Speed, sfpm 40-55 (HSS), 70-110 (CC)
Feed, ipm 1 to 1-1/2 times that of drill size corresponding to reamer size
Coolantc No. 1
Tapping Tool materials b High-speed steels
Speed, sfpm 15
Thread tappable, per- 70-75
cent of full depth.
Coolantc No. 1

"HSS=high-speed steel; CC=cemented carbide.

For compositions, see table 10.
1. Chlorinated, sulfurized fatty mineral and/or sperm oil
2. Rich solution of soluble oil in water
3. Chemically active water soluble oil

speed with the T15 high-speed steel cutter the feed was decreased from 0.002 inch per
was at least 15 percent higher than that tooth to 0.001 inch per tooth. As shown in
with the M2 high-speed steel cutter for figure 60, cutting speed also is a critical
equivalent tool life. Also, with the carbide^ factor in end-mill slotting the hardened
cutter, negative rake angles were found to maraging steel.
be far superior to positive ones in face mill- The selection of the tool material and tool
ing the aged steel. geometry was found to be very important
The effect of feed on tool life in end-mill in the drilling of the 18 Ni 250-grade mar-
slotting is illustrated in figure 59 (ref. 113). aging steel after age hardening to high-
Cutter life was multiplied by three when hardness levels (ref. 113). Drill life with

TABLE 14.—Tool Geometries for Machining Annealed or Hot-Worked 18 Percent Nickel

Maraging Steels *
[From ref. 100]

High-speed steels:
BR: 0° to 5°; SCEA: 15° to 20°; SR: 10° to 15°; ECEA: 5° to 7°, Relief: 5° to 7°; NR:
1/32 inch, chip breaker required.
Cemented carbides:
Precision ground throwaway inserts with BR: —5° and SR: —5°. For light finish cuts, +5° BR
and SR are satisfactory. Square or rectangular inserts are preferred. A chip breaker is required;
mechanical attached breakers are preferred.
High-speed steels:
Roughing: BR: 8", lip grind face of cutting edge to 30° hook, lead angle: 35°; SR: 3°, end relief:
5°; NR: 1/16 inch, or BR: 8°; SR: 20°, lead angle: 35°; SR: 4°, end relief: 7°; NR: 3/32 inch.
BR: 8°, cutting edge inclined at an angle of 12° to 15° with line of travel of the work, end relief:
Grind face to 25° hook, axial side clearance: 6°; SR: 4°, end relief: 12°, break corners.
Gooseneck tools are suggested. Clapper boxes with return stroke lifting devices are recommended.
Plain milling:
High-speed steels:
RR: 8° to 12°, clearance angle of 4° is sufficient for cutters over 3 inches in diameter, somewhat
greater clearance is required for smaller cutters, helix angle: 25° to 40°.
Face milling:
High-speed steels:
AR: 5° to 8°; RR: 5° to 8°; CA: 45°, face cutting edge angle: not over 4°, face relief:
4° to 6°, peripheral relief: 4° to 6°.
Cemented carbides:
AR: 0° to -7°; RR: -10°; CA: 45°, face cutting edge angle: not over 4°, face relief: 4° to 6°,
peripheral relief: 4° to 6°.
End milling:
High-speed steels:
Helix angle: 25° to 35°; RR: 8° to 10°, face cutting edge angle: 3° to 4°; CA: 45°, face relief:
5°, peripheral relief: 4° to 5°.
Cemented carbides:
Helix angle: 25° to 35°; RR: 0°, face cutting edge angle: 3°; CA: 45°, face relief: 4°, peripheral
relief: 4° to 5°.
High-speed steels:
RR: 5°, side reliefs: 3° to 5°, peripheral clearance: 4° to 5°.
Cemented carbides:
RR: 0°, side reliefs: 3° to 5°, peripheral clearance: 3° to 4°.
Drill grinds:
High-speed steels:
118°-120° included point angle. Thin the web of the drill at the chisel point 40 to 50 percent of its
original thickness, 120°-135° chisel edge angle, 9°-12° lip clearance.
* Nomenclature is defined in table 12.

T15 high-speed steel was more than double In the age-hardened condition, the 18 Ni
that obtained with Ml high-speed steel 250 grade of maraging steel was observed
drills. Also, an additional 50 percent in- to have better characteristics in drilling and
crease in cutting speed resulted by using in tapping than AISI 4340 quenched and
a split point instead of a plain-point drill. tempered to the same hardness (ref. 113).

TABLE 15.—Data on Reamer Geometry'

[From ref. 100]
End cutting, straight fluted reamers are preferred for reaming straight, noninterrupted holes.
End cutting, spiral fluted reamers with the hand of spiral opposite to the hand of cut are satisfactory
for reaming interrupted cuts.
Spiral fluted reamers with the hand of spiral opposite to the hand of cut are suggested for reaming tapered
Suggested Geometry for HSS and Carbide End-Cutting Straight and Spiral Fluted Reamers "

Chamfer Circular margin Land

rake angle, Relief,
degrees Angle, Relief,d Reamer Reamer
degrees degrees diameter, in. Width, in. diameter, in. degrees

0 to 5 45 20 to 10 to% 0.004 to 0.010 toJ/2 20 to 10

10 to 8 y2 to 1 0.010 to 0.015 % to 1 10 to 8
8to 6 1% to 2 0.015 to 0.020 l%to2 8to 6

Tungsten or molybdenum high-speed steels surface treated to improve wear resistance. C-50 cemented
carbide is recommended.
" Manufacturers' standard back taper.
Use 0° with cemented carbide and spiral fluted reamers.
Secondary relief equals primary relief plus 15° to 6°.

TABLE 16.—Data on Taps for Machine or Hand Tapping Annealed or Hot-Worked 18

Percent Nickel Maraging Steels
[From ref. 100]
Spiral pointed taps are preferred for machine tapping through holes.
Conventional chamfered plug taps are satisfactory for tapping bottoming holes.
Serial hand taps are likewise satisfactory.
Interrupted thread taps are satisfactory.
Suggested Tap Geometries a

Rake angle, Chamfer* angle, Chamfer relief angle, Spiral point angle,
degrees degrees degrees Land relief degrees

10 to 12 4 to 6 Concentric' 12 to 20
6 to 8-

Manufacturers' standard back taper.
Proportion chamfer angle and number of flutes so the chip load per tooth is not more than 0.004 in.
on hot-worked and annealed materials and 0.0015 to 0.002 in. on maraged material.
Concentric taps are suitable to 3/8-inch diameter.

Data are given in tables 17 and 18. In the age-hardened condition are listed in
drilling, it was found that for the same tool tables 19, 20, 21, and 22. The recommenda-
life the maraging steel could be drilled tions given in tables 20, 21, and 22 apply
almost twice as fast and at double the feed. to the 18 Ni 200 and to the 18 Ni 300 grades
of maraging steel. The information on
In tapping, the cutting speed was 20 per-
reaming shown in table 15 also applies to
cent higher and the tool life three times
age-hardened 18 percent nickel maraging
longer. steels, except that class C-2 or C-70 ce-
Recommended conditions for machining mented carbide is recommended instead of
the 18 Ni 250 grade of maraging steel in C-50.

(Nomenclature is def ned in Table 12)

Tool materials: Cutter: 4"diam single tooth face mill
HSS Carbide HSS C-2 Carbide
BR: 0° ECEA:5° BR:5°neg ECEA: 15' AR ECEA: 10° AR I5°neg ECEA: 10'
SR: 10° Relief:5° SR5°neg Relief 5 RR Clearance^" RR 7° neg Clearance^"
SCEAM5" NR: 0.030" SCEA: 15° NR0.030" CA 45° CA 45°
Feed: 0.005 in./rev 0.009 in,/rev Feed; 0.005 in./tooth 0.004 in /tooth
Tool life end points Tool life end point;
0.060" wearland 0.015" uniform weo 0.060" wearland 0.015" uniform wear
0.030" localized wear 0.030" localized wear
Depth of cut: 0.062" Depth of cut: 0.060"
Cutting fluid: Soluble oil (h20) Width of cut: 2"
Setup: Climb milling

0OI6"wear, 90min at 60 ft/min

TI5 HSS - 250

0.020" wear, 84 min at 45 ft/min


£ 150
C-6 carbide on AISI 4340
steel 52 Rc
C-6 carbide H 100

C-3 carbide

200 300 400 500 100 150 200 250
Cutting speed, ft/min Cutting speed, ft/min

FIGURE 57.—Effect of cutting speed and tool mate- FIGURE 58.—Effect of cutting speed and tool mate-
rial on tool life in turning fully aged 18 Ni 250- rial on tool life in face milling fully aged 18 Ni
grade maraging steel (ref. 113). 250-grade maraging steel (ref. 113).

Annealed 18 Ni 300-Grade Maraging Steel In drilling tests on the annealed 18 Ni

Generally no distinction is made between 300-grade steel, it was found that, for a tool
life of 200 holes, the use of a highly sul-
the machining characteristics of the 18 Ni
furized cutting oil permitted a 20-percent
250 and the 18 Ni 300 grades of maraging
increase in cutting speed over that obtained
steel (refs. 96, 98, and 100). However, in
when a highly chlorinated oil was used (ref.
one study minor differences were noted (ref.
114). 114). The speeds were 90 fpm versus 75
fpm. Tool life was strongly influenced by
In this study, it was found that T15 high-
feed, falling off quite rapidly when the feed
speed steel was a definitely preferable tool
was increased much above 0.005 ipr.
material for turning the 300-grade steel,
whereas M2 or M3 were entirely satisfactory In reaming, the highly sulfurized and
for the 250 grade (ref. 114). Compare highly chlorinated cutting oils were found
figures 53 and 61. It was found also that to be far superior to soluble oil, the sulfur-
the C-6 and C-8 grade cemented carbides ized oil being somewhat better than the
outperformed the C-2 and C-3 grades on chlorinated fluid (ref. 114). The highly
the 18 Ni 300-grade material; however, in sulfurized oil also was more effective than
turning the 18 Ni 250-grade steel, the C-3 the highly chlorinated oil in tapping
was superior to C-6. annealed 18 Ni 300-grade maraging steel.

(Nomenclature is defined in Table 12)

Cutter: 3/4" diam 4 flute M2 HSS end mill
CA: 45° x 0.060" Helix angle: 30°
RR: 10° Flute length: 2"
Peripheral clearance: 7°
Depth of cut: 0.250"
Width of cut: 0.750"
Cutting fluid: Highly chlorinated oil
Tool life end point: 0.012" uniform wear
0.020" localized wear
Cutting speed: 43 ft/min

Feed: 0.001 in./tooth

■C 250


« 150
I- 100


0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 Q0020 0.0025 20 40 60 80 100 120

Feed, inch/tooth Cutting Speed, ft/min

FIGURE 59.—Effect of feed on tool life in end mill FIGURE 60.—Effect of cutting speed on tool life in
slotting of fully aged 18 Ni 250-grade maraging end-mill slotting of fully aged 18 Ni 250-grade
steel (ref. 113). maraging steel (ref. 113).

Recommended conditions for machining this WELDING

material are given in table 23. Additional
A satisfactory process for welding the 18-
data on the machining of annealed 18 Ni percent nickel maraging steels usually must
300-grade maraging steel are shown in
produce a joint with the same, or nearly
table 24 (ref. 115). the same, ultra-high-strength and superior
fracture toughness in the age-hardened con-
Age-Hardened 78 Ni 300-Grade Maraging Steel
dition that is processed by the base metal.
Age-hardened 18 Ni 300-grade maraging This is a tall order. Of particular importance
steel is slightly more difficult to machine among the factors that influence these prop-
than age-hardened 18 Ni 250-grade mar- erties are the microstructure of the weld
aging steel because it is somewhat harder. metal and the heat-affected zone, the com-
The difference is manifested principally in position of the weld, and the heat-input
slower cutting speeds and shorter tool life, heat-dissipation relationships.
as is evident on comparing tables 10 and 25. Weld Deposit Microstructure
The latter table gives recommended
practices for machining 18 Ni 300-grade The photomicrographs in figure 62 show
maraging steel in the age-hardened con- microstructures typical of 18 percent nickel
dition. maraging steel weld metal deposited by such

TABLE 17.—Data on the Drilling of 18 Ni 250-Grade Maraging Steel and AISI 434.0 Both in
the Hardened Condition
[From ref. 113]

Conditions: Drill: %-in.-diameter. T15 HSS screw machine length

Depth: 0.500 inch through
Cutting fluid: Highly sulfurized oil

Hardness, Cutting speed, Feed, Tool life,

Steel Condition Rockwell C ft/min in./rev holes

AISI 4340 __- Quenched and tempered 50 30 0.001 100

18 Ni (250) _ Age hardened 50 50 .002 100

TABLE 18.—Data on the Tapping of 18 Ni 250 Maraging Steel and AISI 4340 Both in the
Hardened Condition
[From ref. 113]
Conditions: Tap:
4 flute taper tap 5/16-18 NC
MIO HSS nitrided (AISI 4340)
2 flute plug spiral point 5/16-24 NF
Ml HSS nitrided (maraging steel)
Depth: 0.500 inch through

Hardness, Cutting speed, Tool life,

Steel Condition Rockwell C Cutting fluid ft/min holes

AISI 4340 _. Quenched and tempered 50 Inhibited trichloroethane _ 5 32

18 Ni 250 — Age hardened 50 Highly chlorinated oil 7 125

methods as the gas-tungsten arc, gas-metal drites. These tendencies are observable in
arc, and submerged arc processes. The figure 62. Electron-microfractographic ex-
microstructure of the material as aged com- amination of fractures in GTA1 and SAZ
prises dendritic cells of light-etching mar- welds made in plate has indicated that, when
tensite surrounded by boundary regions the plane-strain fracture toughness value
composed of dark-etching martensite with was high, most of the fracture surface was
light-colored islands of austenite, which dimpled, a condition indicative of ductility;
usually occur at the intersections. Electron however, when the plane-strain fracture-
microprobe investigation has shown both the toughness value was low, considerable
dark-etching intercellular regions and the portions of the surface were flat (ref. 116).
austenite islands to be enriched in nickel,
Moreover, electron diffraction studies of ex-
titanium, and molybdenum, whereas the
traction replicas of fracture surfaces showed
light-etching martensitic cells were depleted
of these elements (ref. 116). The amount the flat, featureless areas to contain high
of cobalt segregation was insignificant. concentrations of titanium carbide and
It has been observed also that when frac- titanium nitride particles in contrast to the
tures occur in the weld they tend to follow dimpled areas which contained fewer parti-
cell boundaries, cutting through the cells
only when forced to do so by the orientation 1
GTA = gas-tungsten arc.
of the crack plane to the axes of the den- '■ SA — submerged arc.

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TABLE 20.—Machining Procedures for Age-Hardened 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steels'

[From refs. 96 and 100]

Turning . Tool materials* High-speed steel types T15, M3 type 2, M15 and M34. Cemented carhiHe
types C-2, C-50, C-70
Speed, sfpm 30-35 (HSS), 90-115 (CC types C-2 or C-70)
Feed, ipr 0.01
Depth, inches 0.1
Coolants' Nos. 1, 2, and 3
Planing Tool materials b High-speed steel types T15, M2, M35
Speed, fpm 25
Feed, inches 0.015 (roughing) to 3/16 (finishing), to 0.004 (parting)
Depth of cut, inches __. 3/16 (roughing), 0.010 (finishing)
Coolants c Nos. 1 and 2 (1 only for finishing)
Milling. Tool materials'1 High-speed steel types T15 and M3 type 2. Cemented carbide types C-59
(face milling) and C-2 (slotting and end milling)
Speed of cutter, sfpm HSS: 15-25 (face); 15-25 (slotting and end)
CC: 60-80 (face); 50-70 (slotting and end)
Feed per cutter HSS: 0.003 (face); 0.0005-0.002 (slotting and end)
tooth, inches. CC: 0.005 (face); 0.0007-0.002 (slotting and end)
Coolants0 Nos. 1, 2, and 3
Drilling . Tool materials b High-speed steel types T15, M2, and M33
Speed, fpm 20-25
Feed, ipr 1/8-inch drill: 0.001; 1/4-inch drill: 0.002
1/2-inch drill: 0.005; 3/4-inch drill: 0.005
1-inch drill. 0.009
Coolants0 Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (reduce speed as hole becomes deeper)
Reaming Tool materials b Tungsten or molybdenum high-speed steels surface treated to improve
wear resistance. Cemented carbide: Types C-2 or C-70
Speed, sfpm 15-25 (HSS)
25-50 (CC)
Feed, ipm 1 to 1-1/2 times that of drill size corresponding to reamer size
Coolant' No. 1
Tapping Tool materials b High-speed steels
Speed, sfpm 7
Thread tappable, per- 50-55
cent of full depth.
Coolant' No. 1

HSS=high-speed steel; CC=cemented carbide.
For compositions, see table 10.
1. Chlorinated, sulfurized fatty mineral and/or sperm oil.
2. Rich solution of soluble oil in water.
3. Chemically active water soluble oil.

cles. In the latter regions, the particles other things equal, the metal is able to dis-
were usually near the centers of the dimples play its superior toughness when these parti-
and may have contributed to their forma- cles are absent or are present only in small
tion. quantities.
These observations suggest that titanium
carbides, nitrides, and perhaps other com-
Filler Wire Composition
pounds, concentrated in the cell boundaries
and the dendrite interstices where cracks It is doubtful that much, if anything, can
prefer to propagate, reduce the plane-strain be done about the location of the harmful
fracture toughness of the weld. Conversely, particles in the weld deposit. However, by

TABLE 21.—Tool Geometries for Machining Age-Hardened 18 Percent Nickel Maraging Steels"
[From ref. 100]

Hisrh-soeed steels :
BR: 0° to 3°; SCEA: 15° to 20°; SR: 0° to 3°; ECEA: 5° to 7°; relief: 5° to 7°; NR:
1/32 inch
Cemented carbides:
Precision-ground throwaway inserts with BR and SR of — 5°. For light finish cuts, +5° BR and
SR are satisfactory. Square or rectangular inserts are preferred. A chip breaker is required,
preferably a mechanical attached type.
High-speed steels:
Roughing: BR: -3°; SR: 6°, lead angle: 35°; SR: 2° to 4°, end relief: 5°; NR: 1/16 inch
Finishing: BR: 3° to 5°, cutting edge inclined at an angle of 12° to 15° with line of travel of
the work, end relief: 5°
Parting: BR: 3° to 5°, axial side clearance: 4°; SR: 3°, end relief: 6° break corners
Gooseneck-type tools are suggested. Clapper boxes with return stroke lifting devices are rec-
Face milling:
High-speed steels:
AR: 0°; RR: 0°; CA: 45°, face cutting edge angle: not over 3°, face relief: 4°, peripheral relief: 4°
Cemented carbides:
AR: — 5° to —7°; RR: -10° to -15°; CA: 45°, face cutting edge angle: not over 3°, face relief:
4°, peripheral relief: 4°
End milling:
High-speed steels:
Helix angle: 25° to 35°; RR: 0° to 3°, face cutting edge angle: 3°; CA: 45°, face relief: 3° to 4°,
peripheral relief: 4° to 5°
Cemented carbides:
Helix angle: 25° to 35°; RR: 0°, face cutting edge angle: 3°; CA: 45°, face relief: 3° to 4°, periph-
eral relief: 4° to 5°
High-speed steels:
RR: 0°, side reliefs: 3°, peripheral clearance: 3° to 4°
Cemented carbides:
RR: 0° to —5°, side reliefs: 3°, peripheral clearance: 3° to 4°
Drill grinds:
High-speed steels:
118°-120° included point angle. Thin the web of the drill at the chisel point 40 to 50 percent of its
original thickness, 120°-135° chisel edge angle, 9°-12° lip clearance.
A notch or crankshaft grind of 135° included point angle, 115° to 125° chisel edge angle, 9° lip
clearance also can be used.
" Nomenclature is defined in table 12.

increasing the proportion of cell boundaries intercellular and interdendritic particles can
and interdendritic areas per unit of volume, be limited. Major factors determining weld-
the unit concentration and, hence, the metal composition are the compositions of
deleterious effect of the particles, can be the base material and the filler wire.
reduced. This can be done by decreasing the It has been shown that maximum tough-
size of the weld-metal dendrites; a reduction ness in maraging steel plate is achieved
in dendrite size can be brought about, within when residual elements such as carbon,
limits, by reducing the energy input in the sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen are at low
welding operation. levels (ref. 117). In a comprehensive pro-
Again, by controlling the composition of gram supported by the Navy and NASA,
the weld metal, the number of harmful indications were obtained that, to achieve

'"'max ölmax Mn«, Almax Jtmax ömax

18 Ni 200 grade 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.002 0.005

18 Ni 250 grade .01 .02 .05 .10 .002 .005

plane-strain fracture-toughness values low values. Presumably, one of the results

equivalent to those of the base material in of limiting the content of these minor and
GTA welds made in plate having thick- adventitious elements to low levels is the
nesses up to 1 inch, called for limiting the minimization of the formation of carbides,
minor elements in the filler wire approxi- sulfides, and other compounds that detract
mately as shown above (ref. 118). from fracture toughness.
Thus, it can be expected that, for optimum Other important factors strongly in-
weld-metal toughness, both the base material fluenced by filler-metal composition are
and the filler metal should be extremely low strength, soundness, and freedom from crack-
in these elements. Moreover, strong evi- ing. Thus, the filler wire must contain suffi-
dence obtained in another research program, cient amounts of strengthening elements,
supported jointly by the Navy and NASA, notably molybdenum and titanium, to insure
indicated that the plane-strain fracture that, although losses will occur in welding,
toughness of the weld deposit is inversely the deposited metal will nevertheless be rich
related to the oxygen content (ref. 119). enough in these elements to attain the de-
Hence, the oxygen content of the filler metal sired strength level on subsequent aging. In
and base material should also be held to very

TABLE 22.—Data on Taps for Machine or

Hand Tapping Age-Hardened 18 Per- (Nomenclature is defined in Table 12)
BR: 0° ECEA 15"
cent Nickel Maraging Steels SR: 10° Relief: 5°
SCEA: 15° NR: 0.030"
[From ref. 100] Feed: 0.009 in ./rev
Conventional chamfered plug taps are preferred for Depth of cut: 0.062"
Cutting fluid: Soluble oil (h20)
machine tapping.
Tool life end point = 0.060" wearland
Interrupted thread taps are satisfactory.
Serial hand taps are satisfactory.
Conventional taper, plug and bottoming taps are
likewise suitable. IOO

Suggested Tap Geometries

Chamfer Chamfer
Rake angle, angle,b relief angle, Land relief
degrees degrees degrees

2to4 4to6 3 to 5 Eccentric c

■ Manufacturers' standard back taper.
Proportion chamfer angle and number of flutes
so the chip load per tooth is not more than 0.004 70 80 90 IOO 110 120
inch on hot-worked and annealed materials and Cutting Speed, feet/minute
0.0015 to 0.002 inch on maraged material.
Grind may be full eccentric at pitch diameter FIGURE 61.—Effect of cutting speed and tool mate-
and concentric on major diameter with somewhat rial on tool life in the turning of annealed 18
increased back taper. Ni 300-grade maraging steel (ref. 114).

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10 6 SI IN
1 u
(N g
ci "
IN W 10


-I IN 02
m IM .

§ bo hi bö ™ 5 — to ß
bo _ß ß ß 3 g bo bo
fi so
ß B
5 0
ft •aI* 'ß a) 5 fß #
O ß 3 ^ a c3 T3 B a m

M = Martensite
A = Austenite

MJnaffected base metal

Heat-affected zone
- Fusion line
-Coarse-grained region
-Light-etching region
-Dark-etching band

FIGURE 63.—Schematic illustration of the different

regions in a maraging steel weldment (ref. 117).

Heat-Affected Zone

As shown in figure 63, the heat-affected

zone of a single-pass weld in a maraging
steel can contain three distinct bands (refs.
122 and 123). During welding, the base
material adjacent to the fusion line is heated
to such high temperatures in the austenite
region that considerable grain growth
occurs. On cooling, the metal transforms to
FIGURE 62.—Photomicrographs of the profiles of coarse-grained martensite. As stated in
fracture through 18 Ni 250-grade maraging steel
weld metal deposited by the gas-tungsten arc chapter 3, the austenite-martensite reaction
process (ref. 116) x 375. in maraging steels is truly reversible and,
as a consequence, the martensitic trans-
formation product inherits the grain size of
addition, it is considered that aluminum and the parent austenite. Thus, when the aus-
titanium reduce the incidence of porosity tenite is coarse grained, the martensite
and the susceptibility to cracking, that formed therefrom will have the same coarse
molybdenum enhances resistance to hot grain size. Only by introducing plastic de-
cracking, and that hydrogen promotes cold formation prior to, or during, the austenit-
cracking (refs. 100 and 120). Thus, al- izing treatment can the grain size be
though the subject has not yet been com- changed.
pletely clarified, it is evident that a combina- The next band outward from the fusion
tion of factors should be taken into account line is a light-etching martensitic zone that
in arriving at filler-wire compositions. It had been heated into the austenitic region,
appears that the best results are obtained but not high enough to cause appreciable
when filler wire with a clean contaminant- grain growth.
free surface, which has been produced from The third band, a dark-etching zone, is
vacuum-melted material, is specified (ref. where the phenomenon of austenite rever-
117). Filler-wire compositions gathered sion, as discussed in chapter 3, takes place.
from a number of sources are given in table The amount of austenite formed is usually
26. Somewhat different compositions are quite considerable. In one study, the dark-
offered in table 27 (ref. 121). etching bands in a multipass GTA welded
/■"«■ y—* -— /—
ofc W"OS •"""*' i |
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to s °.
g O
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«H +?
§> g ^ ^ ^^ ^^ B 0)
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ho ttl
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w to

o S ^5 -a >erlSi
o r~< *—I I 0) i <u
p. H HtS ■E2T3 4; B 3
tu o
bo .60
3 .5 ä w H < -B B
to p,^.
< <! <!d ? 2 ? ö bo'
ter H H H^ s» ^<n«
O Ü Ü Ü Ü O w

TABLE 27.—Effect of Filler Composition on Mechanical Properties of 18-Percent Ni Maraging

Steel Welds Made by the GTA Process'
[From ref. 121]

Properties as maraged b
Filler Thickness Charpy
of weld, Yield Tensile Elonga- Reduction V-notch
inches strength, strength, tion, in area, value,
Ni Co Mo Ti Al ksi ksi percent percent ft-lb

17 7.3 2.0 0.7 0.05 1/2 201 213 10 47 24

18 8.0 4.5 0.5 0.2 0.062 235 246 3.5 18
18 9.5 4.5 0.7 0.2 0.062 271 276 2.5 10

* GTA=gas tungsten-arc.
Aged 3 hr at 900° F.

joint were found by X-ray determination to cally produced heat-affected zones that were
contain as much as 38 percent austenite, aged 3 hours at 900° F before and after
whereas the dark-etching bands in an SA thermal cycling (ref. 124). The coarse-
welded joint contained up to 45 percent grained region, resulting from peak tem-
austenite (ref. 116). peratures of some 2100° F and above, ex-
The microstructural features of the heat- perienced a strength loss of about 5 percent
affected zone would not be a matter of great along with a considerable increase in Charpy
concern except for the fact that they can V-notch value. The properties of the fine-
significantly influence the strength and grained region were about the same as those
fracture toughness of the joint. The in- of the base material. In the dark-etching
fluence of the heat-affected zone microstruc- band that resulted from peak temperatures
ture on the tensile strength and the Charpy in the vicinity of 1200° F, the strength loss
V-notch value for an 18 Ni 250-grade mar- was about 6 percent, and the Charpy V-
aging steel is illustrated in figure 64. The notch value increased slightly. Greater
data were obtained from a study of syntheti- strength losses, up to 10 percent, were ex-
perienced in the dark-etching band when the
Corresponding Distance From Weld Centerline, inch energy input was increased above that used
■9 0.45 040 035 0.32 030 027 025 '5
in obtaining the data shown in figure 64.
Figure 65 shows the hardness of a syn-
thetically produced heat-affected zone de-
signed to simulate the welding of an 18 Ni
250-grade maraging steel in the age-hard-
ened condition (ref. 121). Softening oc-
curred as the peak temperature increased
240 =
1400 1800
Peak Temperature, F
above 1000° F until the metal reached the
fully annealed condition, after which the
FIGURE 64.—Effect of synthetic weld thermal-cycle hardness level remained essentially constant.
peak temperature on mechanical properties of the Postweld aging at 900° F for 3 hours re-
heat-affected zone in 18 Ni 250-grade maraging turned the heat-affected zone largely to its
steel (ref. 124). (Thermal cycle was equivalent original hardness. The two regions that did
to energy input of 40 Kj/in. for %-inch plate.
not fully attain original hardness were the
All specimens were aged 3 hours at 900° F
before and after cycling.) ones in which stable austenite had formed

Corresponding Distance From Weld Centerline, inch

0.45 0.40 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.27 0.25 in

40,000 joules/inch thermal cycles c

50 Thermal cycle + 3 hr/900F AC Thermal cycle + 3 hr/900 F
I 50
X-^-~w Thermal cycle only "_ 40
"***■■■. 1 ' *

* Thermal cycle only

g 30
1 1 1 1 1 '. 1 1 L, .
1000 1400 1800 2200
Peak Temperature, F _l_ _i_ _L
600 1200 1800 2400
Peak Temperature, F
FIGURE 65.—Hardness of thermally cycled speci-
mens simulating the heat-affected zone of an 18 FIGURE 66.—Hardness of thermally cycled speci-
Ni 250-grade maraging steel welded in the age- mens simulating the heat-affected zone of an 18
hardened condition (ref. 121). Ni 250-grade maraging steel welded in the an-
nealed condition (ref. 121).

(peak temperatures in the range of 1200°

F) and grain coarsening had occurred (peak In the comprehensive investigation
temperatures above about 1800° F). mentioned earlier, a considerable amount of
The effects of weld thermal cycles on the data on the plane-strain fracture toughness
hardness of material welded in the annealed of actual heat-affected zones in multipass
condition are illustrated in figure 66 (ref. welds were obtained from notched bend
121). The region that experienced peak tests, with the notch located in various
temperatures around 900° F age hardened regions of the joint (ref. 118). The results,
slightly, whereas the regions that saw peak which are summarized in table 28, lack the
temperatures above 1200° F were not consistency of those plotted in figure 64. In
greatly affected. Again, postweld aging 3 some cases, the fracture toughness at the
hours at 900° F developed full hardness in various locations in the heat-affected zones
the heat-affected zone except for the band was higher and, in other instances, it was
containing stable austenite and for the lower than that of the base material. This
grain-coarsened region. variance undoubtedly reflects the microstruc-
If reductions in strength and hardness, tural complexity of the multipass weldments.
such as are illustrated in figures 64, 65, and Perhaps of greater concern was the strong
66, cannot be tolerated, a full postweld heat tendency for the weld metal to display low
treatment consisting of annealing followed fracture toughness in comparison with the
by aging is necessary to obliterate the weak base material, an observation that empha-
structures and thereby raise the strength to sizes the critical importance of the micro-
that of the base material. structure and composition of the weld metal.
However, it was found that in multipass
Input and Dissipation of Heat
welds the heat of subsequent passes restored
the hardness of the previously produced As suggested in the foregoing discussion,
coarse-grained regions, and thus such the degree to which strength deteriorates in
regions of low strength would be present the heat-affected zones of welded joints in
only in the heat-affected zone of the last 18 percent nickel maraging steels is in-
weld pass (ref. 124). Yet, due to the sta- fluenced by the energy input during welding.
bility of the reverted austenite, the hardness Certainly, this factor affects the extent of
of dark-etching regions was not restored by the grain-coarsened bands, as well as the
the heat of subsequent passes or by using the width of the dark-etching bands, and the
aging treatment without a prior anneal. amount of reverted austenite they contain.

TABLE 28.—Fracture Toughness of Various Regions in Welds in 18 Ni Maraging Steels

[From ref. 118]

Test bar axis b Average K,c values, ksic V in.

in relation to
Steel type Plate heat' Welding method plate rolling
direction BM CW FZ HAZ DB

84.5 83.5 100.5 94.0 92.5

250 X14636 GTA
76.5 69.5 81.0 74.5 67.0
250 X14636 GTA
92.5 104.0 120.5 128.5 121.0
250 X53013 GTA (big TIG) .
85.5 95.5 107.5 89.0
250 X53013 GTA (big TIG) .
88.0 78.0 107.0 98.5
250 X14636 GMA (spray)
78.0 71.5 84.0 93.5 89.5
250 X53013 GMA (spray)
GMA (dip) 87.0 69.5 104.5
250 X53013
GMA (dip) 83.0 58.0 97.5 90.0 88.0
250 X53013
GTA 120.5 111.0 121.0 121.5 121.5
200 3960819
GTA 130.5 112.0 126.5 116.0 118.5
200 3951215
3951215 GTA (big TIG) 114.0 113.0 142.5 150.0
3951217 GTA (big TIG) 127.0 110.5 144.0 141.5 126.5
3951217 GMA (spray) 126.0 70.5 122.5 107.5 100.5
3960819 GMA (spray) — 95.5 62.0 115.5 113.5 109.5
3951215 GMA spray on heat- 76.0 111.5 125.5 114.0
treated plate
3951215 GMA (dip) 126.0 61.0 113.0 116.5 109.0
3951215 GMA (dip) 128.0 75.0 134.0 145.5 115.5

" 3/4-inch plate with the following compositions and properties:

Element, Heat X14636, Heat X53015, Heat 3951215, Heat 3951217, Heat 3960819,
weight air melted, air melted, vacuum remelted, vacuum remelted, vacuum remelted,
percent 250 grade 250 grade 200 grade 200 grade 200 grade

Carbon 0.03 0.02 0.025 0.020 0.016

0.06 0.02 0.09 0.09 0.07
0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.007
Sulfur 0.010 0.009 0.006 0.006 0.007
0.10 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.06
Nickel 18.37 4.80 18.35 18.35 18.35
Molybdenum 4.70 17.59 4.07 4.05 3.98
Cobalt 8.49 8.06 7.55 7.50 7.50
0.42 0.49 0.19 0.19 0.20
0.13 0.07 0.13 0.14 0.13

Yield strength,
Parallel to
direction 263 258 225 230 233
to rolling
direction 248 268 228 225 229

11 = tests simulate a longitudinal seam weld in a rocket-motor case.
| = tests simulate a girth weld.
c Test specimens were aged 4
Unless otherwise noted, welds were made in solution-annealed materials.

It has been suggested that energy input has been observed (ref. 119). The pertinent
affects the fracture toughness of the weld data are presented in bar graph form in
metal by influencing dendrite size and, figure 67, from which it can be seen that
hence, the concentration of undesirable weld deposits with high oxygen contents
compounds along cell boundaries and den- possessed low fracture toughness, and vice
drite interstices. And, of course, multipass versa. Since the oxygen content of the plate
welds usually differ substantially from material and the filler wire was, in all cases,
single-pass welds in these respects, as well less than 30 ppm, the data also indicate that
as in the location and contour of the dif- the oxygen content of the welds was influ-
ferent bands. enced by the welding process. Thus, it can be
The various effects that have been ob- speculated that one reason the GTA proc-
served have led to the formulation of some esses produce tougher welds than the GMA
general rules regarding the heat input for processes is that the resulting welds tend to
the welding of maraging steels (ref. 125). be lower in oxygen content.
They are as follows: In addition to standard GTA and GTA
(1) Avoid prolonged times at elevated (big TIG), efforts have been in progress on
temperatures; the development of a gas tungsten-arc proc-
(2) Do not preheat, keep interpass tem- ess for welding the maraging steels which
peratures below about 250° F; involves arc currents considerably higher
(3) Use minimum possible weld-energy than those used in the big TIG process (ref.
input; and 132). Several investigations have demon-
(4) Avoid other conditions causing slow strated that the maraging steels can be
cooling rates. welded successfully by the electron-beam
process (refs. 123, 133, and 134). These
Welding Processes steels have also been welded by the electro-
The 18 percent nickel maraging steels gas, plasma arc, laser beam, spot welding,
have been joined by all the major welding and seam welding (refs. 100 and 117).
processes. Illustrative welding parameters
are given in table 29 (refs. 126 to 131). HEAT TREATING
Recent emphasis has been placed on process
and filler-wire combinations that will per-
mit increased deposition rates and out-of- As mentioned in chapter 4, the maraging
position welding without sacrificing the steels are often annealed by heating at
fracture toughness of the joint (ref. 117). 1500° F and air cooling. For improved
These efforts have met with some success, combinations of strength and toughness,
but generally the toughest welds are pro- they may be double annealed; the schedule
duced by the gas tungsten-arc process. The being to heat at 1600° to 1800° F, air-cool
superior toughness of the welds produced by to room temperature, reheat at 1400° to
this process is shown by the values for 1500° F, and again air-cool.
critical flaw tolerance reproduced in table
Furnaces may be open, semimuffle or full-
30. muffle types. The heat source may be elec-
Also, as mentioned earlier, an apparent
relationship between the oxygen content of tricity, gas, or oil. Fuel oil should be equal
welds in 18 percent nickel maraging steels to grade 3 and should contain no more than
and their plane-strain fracture toughness 0.75 percent sulfur, and the fuel gas should

hours at 915° F after machining from weldments.

Notches were located as follows: BM=base metal; CW=center of fusion zone; FZ=approximate fusion
line; HAZ=approximate center of heat-affected zone, light etching region; DB router edge of heat-affected
zone, dark-etching region.

to to to CO CO to o
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TABLE 30.—Critical Flaw Tolerance at Center of Weld Fusion Zone *

[From ref. 118]

Calculated radius Calculated radius

Nominal Average of surface crack of surface crack
hardness hardness Mean Ktc Minimum (a = c) tolerated (a = c) tolerated
Steel Kic value, at 0.9 (Tji based at 0.9 o,s based_
grade, of base of center value
ksi Welding process' plate, Re of weld, Re ksi Vin. ksi Vin. on mean Kic, in. on minimum Kic, in.

52 49 104.0 92.5 0.115 0.091

250- GTA (big TIG) .038
52 50.5 83.5 60.0 .074
250- GTA .044
(spray) 52 49.0 73.5 64.5 .057
250- GMA .038
52 50.0 69.5 59.5 .051
250- GMA (dip) — d
41.0 35.0 .028
250 c_ SA .106
48.5 49.5 113.0 86.5 .181
200 — GTA (big TIG) .132
48.5 50.0 111.0 96.5 .175
200 — GTA .054
(spray) __ 48.5 49.5 70.5 61.5 .070
200 — GMA .035
GMA (dip) — 48.5 50.0 61.0 50.0 .053

• Welds were made perpendicular to plate rolling direction to simulate a longitudinal seam in a rocket-
motor case. All plate was 3/4 inch thick.
GTA=conventional gas-tungsten-arc process.
GTA (big TIG) =gas-tungsten-arc process with higher arc current and faster arc travel than conven-
tional GTA
GMA (spray) = gas-shielded metal-arc process with spray transfer
GMA (dip) = gas-shielded metal-arc process with dip transfer
SA=submerged arc process.
Data from ref. 22.
Based on 0.75 <rs, of base plate.

contain no more than 100 grains of total to 6 hours (ref. 98). Air is commonly used
sulfur per 100 cubic feet (ref. 100). as the heat-treating atmosphere. The tem-
No special furnace atmospheres are perature of the load must be uniform and
required to prevent decarburization because held within fairly narrow limits. It is advis-
of the low carbon content of the maraging able to maintain the temperature at all parts
steels. Normal precautions to prevent car- of the load within ±10° F of the desired
burization, sulfidation, or excessive oxidation temperature. This is fairly easy to do with
are required. To produce an oxide-free sur- electric furnaces, but often is difficult to do
face, the work may be heated and cooled to with gas- or oil-fired units unless provisions
room temperature in an atmosphere of are made to circulate the hot gases. In fact,
either pure, dry hydrogen with a dewpoint for the most uniform results, forced cir-
of —45° F or completely dissociated culation furnaces are recommended regard-
ammonia with a dewpoint of —50° to less of the heat source.
-60° F (ref. 100). Dimensional Changes
The work should be completely clean
before annealing. All surfaces should be free The nature of the hardening reactions
of all carbonaceous matter, sulfurous com- that occur in the maraging steels is such that
pounds, and shop soil. Direct impingement a high degree of dimensional stability is
of flames on the charge should be avoided. maintained throughout the treatment. The
length changes that take place during heat
Age Hardening treatment of the 18 Ni 250 grade are shown
The usual age-hardening temperature is diagramatically in figure 68. The lack of
900° F, the time varying generally from 3 retained austenite insures that the alloys

will undergo no further dimensional changes

after heat treatment. Furthermore, because
of the slight uniform dimensional changes
occurring during the aging treatment, the
amount of distortion that takes place is
extremely small.
Nominal values have been reported for the
length changes that occur on age hardening
0 25 50 75 100 125 100 200 300 and are as follows (ref. 100):
Fracture Toughness, Oxygen Content,
avg K|c value, 1000 psi \f\n. ports per million

Welds In 18 Ni (250) Maraging Steel Plate

18 Ni 18 Ni 18 Ni
Units 200 grade 250 grade 300 grade
in./in. _ _ _ -0.0004 -0.0006 -0.0008
17 Percent -.04 -.06 -.08


17 0
These values will vary slightly with proc-
essing history. Also if the steels are over-
25 50 75 100 125 100 200 300
aged by heating at higher temperatures or
Fracture Toughness, Oxygen Content, for longer times than standard, the amount
avg K i,. value, 1000 psi vTn" parts per million
of shrinkage will be increased over the
Welds In ISNi(200) Maraging Steel Plate values just cited.
FIGURE 67.—Relationship of oxygen content to frac- Nitriding
ture toughness in maraging steel welds (ref.
119). In numerous machinery and structural
applications, the resistance of the component
GTA = conventional gas tungsten-arc
to wear, sizing, and fatigue is significantly
GTA (big TIG) =gas tungsten-arc process with enhanced by a case-hardening treatment. In
higher arc current and faster this regard, carburizing, cyaniding, or
arc travel than conventional gas carbonitriding treatments are not attractive
tungsten-arc process for case hardening the maraging steels be-
GMA (spray) =gas-shielded metal-arc process
with spray transfer
cause they promote austenite formation in
GMA (dip) =gas-shielded metal-arc process the case which reduces, rather than in-
with dip transfer creases, its hardness. However, it has been
reported that the maraging steels can be gas
nitrided successfully (refs. 135, 136, 137,
and 138).
N A satisfactory procedure is to treat the
§ +050
Age hordening ot 900F - M work in the annealed condition using tem-
4 +0.25
peratures of 800° to 850° F for times from
c 0.00
As rolled As-= Slort of M-**A transformation
20 to 48 hours in an atmosphere of 25 per-
g -025
■ Ms =
End of M-*A transformation
Stort of A *■*■ M transformation
cent to 30 percent dissociated ammonia
MS-3I0F MF: End of A-*- M transformation
I i
(refs. 135, 136, and 137). Under these con-
ditions, the work is simultaneously nitrided
and age hardened. Surface hardness values
FIGURE 68.—Diagrammatic representation of the
up to 67 Rockwell C are obtainable along
dimensional changes that occur during heat treat- with full age-hardened properties in the
ment of the 18 Ni 250 grade of maraging steel case. The cases are rather shallow, seldom
(ref. 100) exceeding 0.006 inch in depth.

TABLE 31.—Duplex Procedure for Pickling Maraging Steels

[From ref. 100]

Solution no. 1 Solution no. 2

Water 3/4 gal lgal

Hydrochloric acid (20° Be) 1 gal -
Nitric acid (70 percent) _. 3/8 gal
Hydrofluoric acid
(52 percent) 1/2 pt
Temperature 160° F 80° F
Time 20 to 40 min" 1 1/2 to 2 min
Containers Earthenware crocks, glass, Carbon or brick-lined tanks
ceramic, or acidproof
brick-lined tanks
' Additional time may be required to loosen heavy scale.

Standard nitriding temperatures of 975° TABLE 32.—Single Bath Procedure For

to 1000° F and normal age-hardening tem- Pickling Maraging Steels
peratures of 900° to 925° F cannot be used [From ref. 100]
because the long nitriding times cause aus-
tenite reversion and thus loss in strength.
Water 5 gal
Sulfuric acid:
(66° Be, 93 percent) 3qt
(60° Be 78 percent) lgal
Two pickling procedures have been recom- 150° to 175° F
Temperature __.
mended: a duplex process and a single Time About 15 min "
solution method (ref. 100). In the duplex Containers Earthenware crocks,
process, which effectively removes surface glass or ceramic
oxide and produces a clean, reasonably vessels, or rubber-lined
smooth surface, the work is immersed in tanks
solution No. 1 shown in table 31. The time
allotted for this depends on the nature and Inspect the work frequently to avoid overpickling.
the amount of oxide present. To avoid over-
pickling the work should be frequently in-
spected during the operation. On removal
from solution No. 1, the work should be The single solution, shown in table 32,
rinsed in cold water and immersed in solu- pickles rapidly and leaves a black smut on
tion No. 2, after which it should again be the surfaces of the work. Following the
rinsed in cold water and then neutralized in pickling operation, the work should be rinsed
a 1- to 2-percent (by volume) ammonia in cold water and then neutralized in a 1-
solution. to 2-percent (by volume) ammonia solution.

Mechanical and Physical Properties of 18 Percent

Nickel Maraging Steels

The unusual combination of strength and mum design values. In reporting properties
toughness that can be obtained with mar- such as fatigue life or fracture toughness for
aging steels has been noted previously in which various testing methods have been
this report. This advantage and other used, only selected data representing the
advantages such as ease of heat treating and best testing procedures are presented. The
good weldability were recognized early in mechanical properties discussed in this
the development of maraging steels. Because chapter are for the 18-percent nickel types
new applications for high-strength steels of maraging steels only.
were being considered by the Air Force and
NASA, particularly for large solid-propel-
lant booster cases, considerable research
effort was expended in the development and The mechanical properties that can be
evaluation of the maraging steels. As a re- achieved with maraging steels depend on the
sult of this accelerated developmental effort, composition and the specified heat treat-
a large volume of mechanical property data ment. Specifications for composition and
was accumulated. At the same time, im- properties from two different sources are
provements were made in composition con- presented in tables 33 and 34 (refs. 139 and
trol, in reduction of segregation, and mill 140). In the ASTM designation: A538-65,
processing procedures, etc. These processing grade A is commonly known as 200-grade,
improvements resulted in improved quality grade B is 250-grade, and grade C is 300-
and a higher degree of reliability in achiev- grade maraging steel. The ranges for yield
ing the intended properties. At the present strength in these grades allow for some
time several mills will supply maraging variation in composition. The usual heat
steels in at least three grades representing treatment involves solution annealing at
three strength levels. Further research is 1500° F for a sufficient time to obtain
being conducted to increase the useful thorough heating followed by cooling in air.
strength level while retaining sufficient Heating at 900° F for 3 hours is the usual
toughness for certain types of structures. aging treatment. For critical applications
Because of the large volume of data on the it is desirable to obtain specimens for test-
mechanical properties of maraging steels, ing from the plate or bar stock as supplied
it is not feasible to present a statistical by the mill to check the response of the
analysis of these properties from the availa- material to the aging treatment. For some
ble sources. Instead the data on mechanical heats, variations in the aging temperature
properties will indicate typical or repre- or time at temperature may be beneficial in
sentative properties, or in some cases, mini- obtaining the desired properties.


TABLE 33.— Chemical and Tensile Requirements for 3 Grades of Maraging Steel According
to ASTM Designation A5S8-65
[From ref. 139]

Chemical requirements, percent Grade A Grade B Grade C

Carbon, maximum 0.03 0.03 0.03

Nickel 17.0-19.0 17.0-19.0 18.0 19.0
Cobalt 7.0-8.5 7.0-8.5 8.0-9.5
Molybdenum 4.0-4.5 4.6-5.1 4.6-5.2
Titanium 0.10-0.25 0.30-0.50 0.55-0.80
Silicon, maximum 0.10 0.10 0.10
Manganese, maximum 0.10 0.10 0.10
Sulfur, maximum 0.010 0.010 0.010
Phosphorus, maximum 0.010 0.010 0.010
Aluminum 0.05-0.15 0.05-0.15 0.05-0.15
Boron (added) 0.003 0.003 0.003
Zirconium (added) 0.02 0.02 0.02
Calcium (added) 0.05 0.05 0.05

Tensile requirements:
Tensile strength, ksi,
minimum 210 240 280
Yield strength, 0.2 percent
offset, ksi _ _ 200-235 230-260 275-305
Elongation in 2 inches,
percent, minimum 8 6 6
Reduction in area for
round specimens, percent,
minimum 40 35 30

The specifications in table 34 are for com- EFFECTS OF VARIATIONS IN SOLUTION-

positions and properties for certain product ANNEALING AND AGING TREATMENTS
forms, such as sheet, plate, bar, and forc- ON THE PROPERTIES
The solution-annealing temperature of
PROPERTIES OF SOLUTION-ANNEALED 1500° F is usually used for the 200, 250, and
MARAGING STEELS 300 grades of maraging steels. This tem-
perature was selected after a series of
Tensile properties and hardness of solu-
solution-annealing and aging temperatures
tion-annealed maraging steels are presented
were evaluated during the development of
in table 35 (ref. 141). The alloys are
these alloys. The results of a more recent
machinable and may be cold formed in this
series of tests, showing the effect of varying
condition. The mills will usually supply the
the solution-annealing temperature, are
alloys in the solution-annealed condition if
desired. Air cooling after heating to 1500° shown in figure 69. These data indicate that
F is sufficient for developing the low-carbon some variation in the annealing temperature
martensitic structure which is characteristic can be tolerated.
of the solution-annealed condition, although Mechanical properties of specimens from
water quenching has been used in some in- each of three grades of maraging steel which
stances. had been solution annealed at 1500° F and

TABLE 34.—Composition and Tensile Properties for 5 Grades of Mar aging Steel as Specified
in Aerospace Material Documents
[From ref. 140]


64BLa 64 BM a 64 BN 64 BP-1a 64 BR-1 a
(sheet, strip, (sheet, strip, (bars, forgings, (bars, forgings, (bars, forgings,
plate) plate) tubing) tubing, rings) tubing, rings)

Composition, percent Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

.10 .10 .10 .10 .10
.10 .10 .10 .10 .10
Phosphorus .010 .010 .010 .010 .010
Sulfur 17.5 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010
7.5 18.5 18.0 19.0 17.5 18.5 17.0 19.0 18.0 19.0
Cobalt 4.7 8.5 8.5 9.5 7.5 8.5 7.0 8.5 8.0 9.5
Molybdenum .30 5.2 4.7 5.2 4.7 5.2 4.6 5.1 4.6 5.2
Titanium .050 .50 .50 .80 .30 .50 .30 .50 .55 .80
.15 .5 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15 .05 .15
Calcium (added) .05 .05 .05 .05 .05
Zirconium (added) .02 .02 .02 .02 .02
.003 .003 .003 .003 .003

Tensile properties: d
Tensile strength, ksi . 250 280 250 260 "290
d d
Yield strength, ksi ___ 240 270 245 250 280
Elongation in 2 inches, de df
percent (b) C) 5 6 5
Reduction in area, df
35 "45 35

Consumable electrode melted. For bars and forgings under 2.5 inch thick,
Elongation is dependent on thickness: Up to 0.065 longitudinal and transverse specimens.
inch, 2.0 percent min; 0.065 to 0.090 inch, 3.0 min; For longitudinal specimens (4 percent elongation
0.090 to 0.125 inch, 4.0 min; 0.125 to 0.250 inch, 5.0 and 40 percent reduction in area are minimum
min; 0.250 to 0.375 inch, 6.0 min; over 0.375 inch, 8.0 values for transverse specimens).
min. For longitudinal specimens (3 percent elongation
Elongation is dependent on thickness: Up to and 30 percent reduction in area are minimum
0.100 inch, 2.0 percent min; 0.100 to 0.3?5 inch, 4.0 values for transverse specimens).
min; over 0.375 inch, 8.0 min.

TABLE 35.—Tensile Properties and Hardness of Solution-Annealed Maraging Steels

[From ref. 141]

Yield strength
0.2 percent offset, Tensile strength, Elongation in 4 D, Reduction in area, Rockwell C
Grade ksi ksi percent percent hardness

110 140 18 72 27-29

200 —
250 ___ 100 140 19 78 28-30
300 ___ 110 150 18 72 30-32
350 — 120 165 18 70 35

200 grade

-* 250h
Ultimate tensile
a> =8
01 200 0.2% yield

150 90

Reduction in area

I _L
1400 1500 1600 1700 1800
Solution anneal, F

300 300
250 grade
Ultimate tensile
2% yield
250 c 250
2% yield
t7) 300 grade
200 90 200 90

Reduction in area
—-5'60 y Reduction in area

30 30
b—or°Tr°" h—O-O-O-°-HO—o
1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800
Solution anneal, F Solution anneal, F

FIGURE 69.—Effect of solution-annealing temperature on the tensile properties of 200-, 250-, and 300-grade
maraging steel after aging at 900° F for 3 hours (ref. 141; courtesy Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co.)
Condition: Solution annealed at the indicated temperatures for 30 minutes.

aged at various temperatures for 3 hours are properties for vacuum-arc-remelted alloys
shown in figure 70. It is obvious from these such as billets are shown in table 36. These
curves that aging at 900° F develops the data indicate that the material in large bil-
maximum strength in specimens from these lets forged from vacuum-arc-remelted ingots
particular heats. This is characteristic of develops relatively uniform properties on
most heats of maraging steel for the 200, aging. However, good control of casting and
250, and 300 grades. However, in some processing variables is required, as well as
instances it is advisable to determine the a certain amount of reduction by forging or
aging response of a specific heat or plate of hot rolling, to obtain uniform properties.
steel before the component or components One of the advantages of the mar-
from this heat or plate are aged. For some aging steels for large forgings is that there
heats an aging temperature of 850° or is no hardenability limitation as there is for
950° F produces maximum strength. For low-alloy steels such as AISI 4340. Maraging
the 350 grade of maraging steel the supplier steel forgings 10 and 12 inches thick harden
may recommend a solution-annealing tem- throughout on aging.
perature of 1400° F or 1475° to 1525° F, In evaluating the tensile properties of
and an aging temperature of 925° to 950° F maraging steels as plate and sheet, the re-
with an aging time of 3 hours. An alternate sults will vary somewhat depending on the
aging treatment is 900° F for 6 to 12 hours. thickness. This effect is shown in table 37.
The effect of variations in aging time on For the higher strength compositions, there
the tensile properties of specimens from one is a tendency for tensile specimens to exhibit
heat of 250-grade maraging steel is shown lower strengths and lower ductility as the
in figure 71. For these specimens, increasing thickness of the sheet is reduced.
the aging time from 3 to 6 hours resulted in Typical room-temperature properties of
a slight increase in the strength. As the 350-grade maraging steel are presented in
figure shows, doubling the time at tempera- table 38.
ture for the aging treatment has little effect
on the tensile properties. This characteris-
tic is important in the fabrication of large
components, such as solid-propellant motor In some applications maraging steels may
cases. In one example the capacity of the be exposed to moderately elevated tempera-
largest, available aging furnace was smaller tures. The effect of elevated temperatures
than the largest motor cases and the com- on the short-time tensile properties of three
pleted motor cases could not be aged in one grades of maraging steel is shown in table
piece. Instead, individual segments of the 39. Increasing the testing temperature
motor cases were aged in the largest availa- causes a reduction in tensile strength and
ble furnace. The segments were then
an increase in ductility for round specimens.
welded together at girth welds. Each girth
weld was locally aged using heaters that Data from another source also show the
encircle the motor case. The parent metal trend for tensile data at elevated tempera-
near each girth weld was aged twice in this tures (ref. 143). These data are sum-
process, but the additional aging treatment marized in tables 40 and 41. In obtaining
had little effect on the properties of the the data for these tables, 10 specimens of
parent metal (ref. 142). each orientation were tested at room tem-
perature, and 5 specimens of each orienta-
TENSILE PROPERTIES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE tion were tested at each of the elevated tem-
Room-temperature tensile properties of peratures. The maximum and minimum
the commercial grades of maraging steel are values for each condition are presented in
designated by certain specifications as pre- the tables to show the amount of spread that
sented in tables 33 and 34. However, typical may occur in such tests. Increasing the test-


200 grade

-c 200

C/> 150,

100 - -90
Reduction in area
■^ooo—er 60^.
30 0-

500 600 700 800 900 1000 110Ä

Aging temperature, F

400 400r

—o o—oOo-cP—°-
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Aging temperature, F Aging temperature, F

FIGURE 70.—Effect of aging temperature on the tensile properties of 200-, 250-, and 300-grade maraging
steel after solution annealing for 30 minutes at 1500° F (ref. 141; courtesy Vanadium-Alloys Steel
Co.) Condition: Aged 3 hours at indicated temperatures.

ing temperature has little effect on the 400

True fracture stress
elongation of sheet-type specimens of mar- ■—o ■
aging steels.
Exposure at 1000° F causes overaging
with a substantial reduction in strength at
the exposure temperature and at room tem- 300
perature after exposure (ref. 144). Ultimate tensile
The curves in figure 72 show the effect of
elevated temperatures on the tensile proper- j_- 250 0.2 % yield
ties of round specimens of 250-grade mar- c
aging steel. The dashed curve shows the 200
effect of 200-hour exposure at the testing £ 250 grade
temperature on the yield strength. The
effect of overaging for extended times at 150 90
900° and 1000° F is evident from this curve.
Stress-strain curves for elevated tempera- Reduction in area
IOO -D-o-oa o— -a. 60»-
ture tensile tests on 250-grade maraging c
steel are shown in figure 73. O
-30 0-
Tensile properties for specimens of 0.025- _L X
inch sheet of 250-grade maraging steel are 12 3 4
presented in table 42 for testing tempera- Aging time, hours
tures of 75°, -100°, -320°, and -423° F
(ref. 145). Values for yield strength,
FIGURE 71.—Effect of aging time at 900° F on the
ultimate strength and elastic modulus are tensile properties of 250-grade maraging steel
increased by decreasing the testing tempera- after solution annealing for 30 minutes at 1500°
ture while the ductility is decreased. The F (ref. 141; courtesy Vanadium-Alloys Steel
room-temperature tensile properties of the Co.).
specimens from this heat indicate that the
composition is on the borderline between the specimens had slightly higher yield strength
250 and 300 grades. However, because of values than the sheet specimens at each test-
the low ductility and associated low tough- ing temperature.
ness of the maraging steels at cryogenic The compressive yield strength of a high-
temperatures, use of these steels at very low strength alloy usually is slightly higher than
temperatures is not recommended. the tensile yield strength at 0.2 percent off-
set. Typical ratios of compressive yield
strength to tensile yield strength for dif-
ferent forms and grades of maraging steel
Compressive properties for specimens of are shown in table 44 (ref. 146).
0.070-inch sheet at room temperature and DYNAMIC MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF
at elevated temperatures are shown in table MARAGING STEELS
43. This is the same alloy that was used for
the tensile test data in table 40. As before, Results of dynamic modulus of elasticity
the maximum and minimum values are re- tests for 250- and 300-grade maraging
ported to show the spread in individual test steels at room temperature and at elevated
data. temperatures are presented in table 45.
Compressive properties of bar material Values for dynamic modulus usually are
from the same heat of 250-grade maraging intermediate between the corresponding ten-
steel also are shown in table 43. The bar sile and compressive values. The values for

TABLE 36.—Typical Room-Temperature Tensile Properties of Billets of 200-, 250-, and 300-
Grade Maraging Steel After Solution Annealing at 1500° F For 30 Min and Aging at
900° F for 3 Hr
[From ref. 141]

Yield strength
0.2 percent offset, Tensile strength, Elongation in 4 D, Reduction in area,
Grade Size, inches Location ksi ksi percent percent

200 4 round MR' 203 210 11 50

C 203 208 11 50
5 square MR 196 204 12 52
C 195 203 12 56
8 square MR 196 205 12 50
C 195 204 11 51
10 square MR 195 203 12 49
C 193 203 11 50
250 4 round MR 255 257 8.0 42
C 256 259 8.0 43
6 square MR 254 260 9.0 47
C 260 262 9.0 46
6 round MR 248 253 8.5 41
C 248 252 8.0 36
12 square MR 247 251 7.0 28
C 248 253 8.0 34
300 9 square MR 274 279 7.0 37
C 272 282 7.0 36
4 round MR 273 278 9.0 48
C 271 278 9.0 44
6 square MR 278 282 8.0 41
C 279 283 10.0 48
10 square MR 277 286 8.5 38
C 275 284 8.5 40

" MR=mid radius; C = center.

TABLE 37.—Effect of Thickness on Room-Temperature Tensile Properties

[From ref. 141]

percent in —
Yield strength
0.2 percent offset, Tensile strength,
Grade Thickness, inch ksi ksi 1 inch 2 inches

200 _ - 0.500 204 209 13

0.320 202 208 14
0.080 213 215 7.2 3.9
0.060 207 216 6.5 3.5
300 - - 0.250 315 321 9.0 5.0
0.125 314 317 6.8 3.4
0.090 308 313 6.0 3.2
0.065 301 307 5.0 3.0
0.045 292 295 4.0 2.0
0.025 294 296 2.0 1.0

Condition: Vacuum arc remelted, solution annealed at 1500° F for 30 min (200 grade) or 15 min (300
grade), and aged at 900° F for 3 hr.

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TABLE 39.—Typical Elevated Temperature Tensile Properties of 200, 250, and 300 Grades
of Maraging Steel After Solution Annealing at 1500° F for 30 Min and Aging at 900°
F for 3 Hr
[From ref. 141]

Testing Yield strength Tensile Elongation Reduction

Maraging temperature, 0.2 percent offset, strength, in 4.5 VA,* in area,
steel grade op ksi ksi percent percent

200 70 208 213 12 62

600 166 176 12 60
800 154 167 14 61
900 142 151 18 66
950 127 138 18 70
250 70 254 263 11 56
600 234 244 12 56
700 224 235 12 56
800 211 227 14 58
900 192 207 16 65
950 177 191 21 71
300 70 282 288 12 62
600 240 250 12 62
700 236 246 12 62
800 223 240 14 61
900 203 216 17 68
950 181 196 22 76

'This factor permits correlations of elongation for specimens of different diameters. A=cross-section

TABLE 40.—Elevated Temperature Tensile Properties of 0.070-Inch Sheet of 250-Grade

Maraging Steel Heat A °
[From ref. 143]

Yield strength Tensile Elongation Elastic

Testing Specimen 0.2 percent offset, strength, in 2 inches, modulus,
temperature, °P orientation ksi ksi percent 106 psi

75 L 251-264 258-268 3 24.5-27.6

T 254-271 258-275 3 26.1-28.3
300 __.. L 235-247 239-251 3-4 23.4-24.6
T 225-246 230-251 3-4 24.8-26.0
600 _ _ _ L 219-224 227-231 3-3.5 22.8-25.4
T 211-232 217-240 2-3.5 23.8-24.8
800 _ L 197-205 213-218 3-3.5 20.7-22.8
T 199-209 210-225 2.5-3.0 22.5-24.2
1000 L 101-128 137-161 9.5-11 17.1-19.4
T 113-133 154-162 8.5-11.5 19.6-21.6

" 10 specimens of each orientation were tested at room temperature and 5 specimens of each orientation
were tested at each of the elevated temperatures. The data show the spread in results.
L = longitudinal; T = transverse.

TABLE ^.-Elevated Temperature Tensile Properties of 0.250-Ineh Plate of 300-Grade

Maraging Steel Heat D*
[From ref. 143]

Yield strength Tensile Elongation Elastic

strength, in 2 inches, modulus,
Testing Specimen 0.2 percent offset 106 psi
orientation ksi ksi percent
temperature, °F

298-306 6-8 25.4-26.7

75 — L 289-300
279-304 6-8 25.6-29.2
T 269-294
275-278 7.0 22.9-24.9
300- L 267-270
263-279 6.5-7.0 24.3-28.2
T 254-274
254-264 7.0-7.5 24.4-26.3
600- L 246-254
226-249 236-258 6-7 21.6-26.1
T 22.1-23.7
222-228 233-241 7.0
800 - L 21.6-25.2
210-224 227-242 6-7
T 18.9-21.5
164-168 191-196 9-10
1000 L 17.1-23.1
160-189 191-208 6-10

• 10 specimens of each orientation were tested at room temperature and 5 specimens of each orientation
were tested at each of the elevated temperatures. The data show the spread in results.
L=longitudinal; T=transverse.

0.2% offset^
250 grade
300 ,0.2 % yield after
200 hour
Ultimate tensile exposure at lest-
0 ing temperature

0.2% yield

- 200

150 90

3.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008

Strain, in./in.

FIGURE 73.—Typical stress-strain curves for tensile

specimens of 250-grade maraging steel tested at
room temperature and elevated temperatures (ref.
30 141; courtesy Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co.). Con-
dition: Solution annealed at 1500° F for 30 min-
utes, aged at 900° F for 3 hours.

400 600 800 1000 1200

Testing temperature, F dynamic modulus are nearly the same for the
250 and the 300 grades at each temperature
FIGURE 72.—Effect of testing temperature on the
tensile properties of 250-grade maraging steel
after solution annealing at 1500° F for 30 min- Maraging steels usually are not intended
utes and aging at 900° F for 3 hours (ref. 141;
courtesy Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co.). for use for extended time periods at elevated

TABLE 42.—Low-Temperature Tensile Properties of 0.025-Inch Sheet of 250-Grade Maraging

[From ref. 145]

Yield strength Tensile Elastic

Testing Specimen 0.2 percent offset, strength, Elongation, modulus,
temperature, °P orientation ksi ksi percent 10" psi

75_ L 277 283 3.9 25.7

T 277 285 3.1 25.4
-100 L 293 304 1.6 26.1
T 302 311 1.9 26.6
-320 L 336 351 1.1 28.1
T 341 356 1.3 27.7
-423 _ L 386 397 1.1 28.7
T 388 398 0.9 27.9

* Average data for 5 specimens at each temperature and each orientation. Heat C56858. Specimens aged
at 900° F for 3 hr. This composition is on the borderline between the 250 and 300 grades.
L=longitudinal; T=transverse.

temperatures. However, if such applica- Data for rotating beam tests from another
tions are considered, creep data are needed source are shown in figure 77 (ref. 148).
to estimate the extent of creep deformation In this figure the stress scale represents the
at specific temperatures and time intervals. normalized stress (maximum fiber stress on
Creep data for specimens of 250 and 300 fatigue loading/ultimate tensile strength).
grades of maraging steel tested at 600° F Data for different heats, different aging
are presented in figures 74 and 75 (ref. treatments, and different cyclic rates are
143). The same reference also contains shown for the 250 and 300 grades in the two
creep data, for 800° F exposure. graphs of figure 77. In the stress range for
104 to 105 cycles for failure the variations do
FATIGUE PROPERTIES not show significant trends for smooth
specimens. However, other data from the
The fatigue properties of maraging steels same source indicate that underaging or
as reported by various sources have shown overaging can cause substantial reductions
considerable variation depending on the in fatigue lives for notched specimens.
methods used to make the fatigue tests. Ap- S-N curves for axial loading of sheet
parently the mode of stressing and the sur- specimens from the longitudinal and trans-
face conditions are particularly critical in verse orientations and for different stress
determining the resistance to fatigue failure ratios are shown in figures 78 and 79 for
of these alloys. Typical S-N curves for 250-grade maraging steel. As shown,
rotating beam specimens of several grades failure did not occur in 10' cycles at stresses
of maraging steel are shown in figure 76 in the range from 40 000 to 50 000 psi on
(ref. 147). These data indicate that the these tests. Results of tests on similar speci-
endurance limit has not been reached for the mens at 600° and 800° F are shown in figure
smooth specimens at 10s cycles. Further- 80 for 250-grade and in figure 81 for 300-
more, the maximum fatigue stress for an grade maraging steel. These data indicate
average life of 10' cycles or 108 cycles is that at the lower stress levels, the lives of
only slightly higher for the 300-grade than the specimens tested at elevated tempera-
for the 200-grade maraging steel. This same tures were longer than for corresponding
trend is shown for notched bars. specimens tested at room temperature.

TABLE 43.—Elevated Temperature Compressive Properties of 0.070-Inch Sheet and 1.5-Inch-

Diameter Bar of 250-Grade Maraging Steel Heat A a
[From ref. 143]

0.070-inch sheet 1.5-inch-diameter bar

Compressive Compressive
yield strength Compressive yield strength Compressive
0.2 percent offset, modulus 0.2 percent offset, modulus,
Testing Specimen 106 psi
temperature, °F orientation ksi 106 psi ksi

254-264 27.0-28.9 264-267 27.4-28.7

75- L
T 230-254 29.4-31.7
214-224 26.7-28.6 238-242 24.9-27.4
300 L
T 224-234 27.7-30.4
196-204 23.4-26.4 223-226 24.8-26.4
600 L
T 201-215 26.0-29.1
181-195 22.3-24.1 209-214 22.6-24.6
800 - L
T 194-204 25.0-28.2
162-163 22.8-24.4 170-173 20.2-22.5
1000 L
T 147-163 22.3-25.2

• 10 specimens of each orientation were tested at room temperature and 5 specimens of each orientation
were tested at each of the elevated temperatures. The data show the spread in results. Elevated temperature
tensile data for this same material are shown in table 40. Condition: solution annealed at 1500 F, aged
at 900° F for 3 hr.
L = longitudinal; T = transverse.

TABLE 44.—Yield Strength Ratios for Compressive Tests of Maraging Steels

[From ref. 146]

Compressive yield strength

Grade Orientation Tensile yield strength


247 000
250 ' - 0.98

"250 289,000
247,000 107
250 230,000
248,000 L09
250 228,000
Bar 300 272,000

300 Longitudinal
289 000
' ■ ■ 1.06

This heat was designated 250 grade, but its properties are more like 300 grade.
Condition: Specimens aged at 900° F for 3 hr.

TABLE 45.—Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity at Room and Elevated Temperatures for

250-Grade and 300-Grade Maraging Steel
[F]rom ref. 143]

Dynamic modulus, 106 psi

Form Specimen orientation temperature, °F 250 grade * 300 grade b

Sheet, 0.070 Longitudinal 75 26.9 27.2

in. 300 26.1 26.3
600 24.8 24.9
800 23.7 23.4
1000 22.3 22.3
Sheet, 0.070 Transverse 75 26.5 26.6
in. 300 25.8 25.8
600 24.4 24.5
800 23.3 23.5
1000 22.1 22.4
Plate, 0.250 Longitudinal 75 25.9 26.3
in. 300 25.0 25.4
600 23.7 24.0
800 22.6 23.0
1000 21.5 21.8
Plate, 0.250 Transverse 75 26.5 26.4
in. 300 25.9 25.4
600 25.0 24.2
800 24.0 23.2
1000 22.8 22.0
Bar, 7/8-in. Longitudinal 75 25.5 26.4
diameter 300 24.6 25.5
600 23.2 24.1
800 22.2 23.2
1000 20.8 21.8

■ Heat A, see table 40.

Heat D, see table 41.

CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT PROPERTIES recognized standard methods for making

Effect of low and elevated temperatures plane-strain fracture-toughness tests. Con-
on the Charpy V-notch impact energy of sequently, various methods have been used
200-, 250-, and 300-grade maraging steels is in different laboratories and there is a high
shown in figure 82. Data for different heats degree of scatter in the data. ASTM Com-
mittee E24 has recently completed a round-
are likely to show some scatter at each test-
robin program to evaluate a recommended
ing temperature, because the toughness of
practice for plane-strain fracture-toughness
these alloys is influenced by a number of
testing using notched and precracked bend
melting and mill processing variables.
specimens. The NASA Lewis Research
FRACTURE TOUGHNESS Center was responsible for a large part of
the development work required for arriving
Fracture toughness of maraging steels, at a recommended specimen design as well
for both parent metal and welds, has been as producing the original draft of the recom-
studied on a number of programs in the past mended practice. Recommended practices
4 years. However, there have been no for other procedures for fracture-toughness


FIGURE 74.-Results of creep tests at 600° F on specimens of 250-grade maraging steel (^143).
Condition: Aged at 900° F for 3 hours. Transverse specimens of 0.070-mch sheet. See table 40 for
tensile properties of this heat (heat A).

-18 Ni

, creep

18 Ni
. 250(270.5) 300(288.6)
80 18 Ni
200(221.0) Notched bars, Kt = 2.2
60 18 Ni — %
I I I I I 11 250(250.0)
40 IO7 IO8
I02 io3 IO4 IO5 IO6
N, cycles
FIGURE 75.—Results of creep tests at 600° F on
specimens of 300-grade maraging steel (ref. 143).
Condition: Aged at 900° F for 3 hours. Trans- FIGURE 76.—S-N curves for rotating-beam fatigue
verse specimens of 0.070-inch sheet. See table specimens of maraging steels (ref. 147). Condi-
41 for tensile properties of this heat (heat D). tion: Solution annealed at 1500° F for 1 hour,
aged at 900° F for 3 hours. Numbers in paren-
theses are tensile strengths in ksi.

testing also are being developed. Until practice, amount of reduction, finishing tem-
these practices are approved for standards, perature, and other mill practices have a
it will be necessary to refer to the best pronounced effect on the fracture toughness
estimates for plane-strain fracture tough- of the maraging steels. The trend, however,
ness of those alloys that have been evaluated. is for the fracture toughness to decrease as
Best-estimate values for maraging steel the strength level is increased, as is the case
plate are shown in table 46 (refs. 149 and for the VM or VAR heats in table 46. Ad-
150). The key to specimen and notch ditional data on fracture toughness of mar-
orientations for these specimens is in figure aging steels has been reported by Aerojet-
83. It should be pointed out that the melting General Corp. (ref. 151).

300 grade
Code £yj
A,B,C,0.E 200
X 5000
Z 10,000
1 I I i i i I i

Cycles to failure
250 grade
Code Cyclic rate, cpm
F,G,H,I,J 200 FIGURE 79.—S-N curves for axial loading of speci-
X 5000 mens of 0.070-inch sheet of 250-grade maraging
Y 5000
2 10,000 steel with stress ratios of A =0.98 and A = 0.67
_1_ _1_ J I I I I I (Ä=0.2) (ref. 143). Condition: Aged at 900° F
I03 10" io5 for 3 hours and air cooled.
Cycles to fqilure, N

FIGURE 77.—Normalized stress versus number of

cycles to failure for rotating-beam fatigue speci-
mens of 300- and 250-grade maraging steels (ref.
148). Letter codes refer to different heats and
different aging treatments.

Maraging 250
Room temperature
o Longitudinal X Transverse
UTS ■ 2660 ksl
TYS * 260 0 ksi
K,' 10, 4'a), IR---I 0)

Cycles to failure FIGURE 80.—S-N curves for cyclic-tension loading
of 0.070-inch-sheet specimens of 300-grade marag-
ing steel, heat D (ref. 143). Condition: Aged at
FIGURE 78.—S-N curves for axial loading of speci- 900° F for 3 hours.
mens of 0.070-inch sheet of 250-grade maraging
steel with stress ratio A = oo (£=— 1) (ref. 143).
Condition: Aged at 900° F for 3 hours and air
cooled. been detected in the structures. This was
the cause of the premature failure in a 260-
inch-diameter motor case which had been
The purpose in obtaining plane-strain fabricated of maraging steel (ref. 152).
fracture-toughness data is that the numbers For relatively thin material, fracturing at
(KIc values) can be used in fracture mechan- flaws often occurs according to a plane-
ics equations to estimate the critical crack stress mode which cannot be accurately
sizes for catastrophic failures at specified analyzed by fracture mechanics procedures.
stress levels. This is significant, because However, prototype pressure vessels may be
most failures of high-strength components fabricated and pressure tested. Before
are initiated at small cracks which had not pressure testing, a small flaw may be pro-

200 grade^^''^ /
E 40 -
250 grade^^^**^^^/

1 . i i ...j
200 400 600
Testing temperature, F

FIGURE 82.—Charpy-impact energy curves indicating

the effect of low and elevated temperatures on the
impact energy (ref. 141, courtesy Vanadium-
Cvcles to failure
Alloys Steel Co.).

FIGURE 81.—S-N curves for cyclic-tension loading

of 0.070-inch-sheet specimens of 250-grade marag- Unpublished data from Lewis Research
ing steel, heat A (ref. 143). Condition: Aged at
900° F for 3 hours and tested at room tempera- Center indicate that vacuum-melted mar-
ture, 600° F, and 800° F. aging steel of 250 grade has substantially
better fracture toughness than air-melted
duced in the wall of each pressure vessel. In material. Double-vacuum melting did not
cylindrical pressure vessels, these flaws result in any further improvement in tough-
should be halfway between the ends of the ness over the single-vacuum-melted product.
vessel and oriented in the longitudinal direc- The tests were made at —110° F in an at-
tion. Data from one series of tests are tempt to obtain plane-strain fracturing,
shown in figure 84 (ref. 153). This kind as the specimens were not large enough for
of information is important in evaluating valid Ku data at room temperature. Limited
materials for small tactical missile motor fracture-toughness data obtained at room
cases. In addition, it establishes the lower temperature also indicate that vacuum-
limit of flaw size for detection by nonde- melted maraging steel has better fracture
structive testing methods. toughness than air-melted material of 250

TABLE 46.- -Representative Plane-Strain Fracture-Toughness Data for Notched and Pre-
packed Bend Specimens of Maraging Steel"
[Refs. 149 and 150]

Specimen dimensions
Yield Tensile Specimen Best estimate
strength, strength, and notchc Thickness, Width, for Kic,
Grade b ksi ksi orientation inches inches ksi Vin. Reference

200 (AM) 193 200 RW 2 4 105 149

200 (VM) 187 195 RW 2 4 160 149
250 (VM) 246 257 RW 2 4 87 149
250 (VAR) 242 WR 0.45 1,2 84.5 150
250 (VAR) 259 RW 0.50 1,2 68 150
300 (VAR) — 285 RW, RT 0.25-1.0 1,2 52 150

Data are for 4-point bending tests on notched and precracked specimens at room temperature.
*AM = air melted; VM = vacuum melted; VAR=vacuum arc remelted.
' See fig. 82.

T R O Uniaxial fracture test, gross tensile stress

;^ D Biaxial fracture test, hoop tension
A Biaxial fracture test, hoop tension
S\ ^*1 ^1
w i
-y^- S? w •^

R^ RJ^
Uniaxial specimens

220- Biaxial specimens

(c) WR
180 J_
FIGURE 83.—Crack-propagation directions. 0.040 0080 0.120 0.160
Crack length, inch
R = rolling- direction
W = width direction FIGURE 84.—Fracture stress versus crack length for
T = thickness direction precracked-tension specimens and pressure vessels
of 250-grade maraging steel, cold rolled and aged
to 305 000-psi yield strength (ref. 153).

TABLE 47.—Shear Strengths and Shear Strength/Tensile Strength Ratios for Maraging Steels
[From ref. 146]

Shear strength
Form Grade Orientation
Tensile strength ratios

143,000 „ rr
Sheet 250 Longitudinal - 0.55

Plate 250 Longitudinal ■ = 0.60

250 Transverse 0.61

149 00
Bar (1/4 in. D) 250 Longitudinal ' ° - 0.56

167,000 „rr
300 Longitudinal ■— = 0.55

Bar ■ 300 Longitudinal ■ 0.58

162,000 n „n
300 Longitudinal ' = 0.58

grade. Preliminary data indicate that high- forms and grades of maraging steel are
purity base maraging steel of 250 grade also shown in table 47. For these data, the ratios
has improved toughness compared with that are from 0.55 to 0.61 for the 250 and 300
expected for air-melted material. grades.
Data for bearing strengths and bearing
yield strengths and the corresponding bear-
Data for shear strengths and shear ing/tensile ratios for 300-grade maraging
strength/tensile strength ratios for several steel are shown in table 48.

TABLE 48.—Bearing Strength and Bearing Strength/Tensile Strength Ratios for 300-Grade
Maraging Steel
[From ref. 146]

Heat 06989 Heat 07081

Bearing strength (e/D=1.5), psi 391,000 402,000

Tensile strength, psi 281,000 282,000

Bearing strength (e/D=2), psi 500,000 513,000 „ o„

- - 1 82
Tensile strength, psi 281,000 282,000

Bearing yield strength (e/.D = 1.5), psi 382,000 372,000 _

Tensile yield strength, psi 272,000 272,000

Bearing yield strength (e/D—2), psi 474,000 431 00

= 1.75 ' ° 1.58
Tensile yield strength, psi 272,000 272,000

—i i r
Tensile ultimate strength
Bearing yield strength
Bearing ultimate strength
Exposure time at temperature up
to 30 minutes

200 400 800 IOOO 200 400 600 800 IOOO

A. 43104
A-4SI03 Temperature, F
Temperature, F

FIGURE 86.—Effect of temperature on the tensile

FIGURE 85.—Effect of temperature on the ultimate yield strength, compressive yield strength, and
tensile strength for bearing yield, and ultimate ultimate shear strength of 18 percent nickel
bearing strength of maraging steels aged at 900° maraging steels aged at 900° F for 3 hours (ref.
Ffor 3 hours (ref. 146). 146).

TABLE 49.—Thermal Conductivity and Speci- TABLE 51.—Physical and Electrical

fic Heat of 250- and 300-Grade Maraging Properties of Maraging Steel
Steel Aged at 900° F For 8 Hr [From ref. 141]
[Prom ref 143]
250 grade 350 grade
Testing Thermal
Grade temperature, conductivity, Specific heat Density, lb/cu in. 0.289 0.292
•p Btu/(hr)(ft)(F) Btu/(lb)(°F) Modulus of elasticity,
10" psi 26.5 27.0
250 __. 75 14.6 0.069 Modulus of rigidity
300 16.2 0.107 (torsion), 10" psi 10.2
600 17.6 0.149 Poisson's ratio 0.30
800 17.8 0.338 Coefficient of expansion,
300 — 75 14.6 0.086 10-« in./in./°F 5.6 6.3
300 16.2 0.115 Change in length on
600 17.6 0.143 maraging, in./in. -0.0004 (70°-900'' F)
800 17.8 0.205 Electrical resistivity,
Solution annealed 60-61
Maraged 38-39
Intrinsic induction, gauss:
When H = 250
TABLE 50.—Mean Thermal Expansion Coeffi- oersteds 16 500
cient for 250- and 300-Grade Maraging When H = 5000
Steel Aged at 900° F For 3 Hr oersteds 18 550
Remanence, gauss 5 500
[From ref. 143] Coercive force, oersteds 28.1

Mean thermal
expansion coefficient
10-6in./in./°F The effect of low temperatures and ele-
Temperature range, °F
vated temperatures on tensile, compressive,
250 grade 300 grade shear, and bearing properties is shown in
figures 85 and 86.
75-200 5.6 48
75-400 5.8 5.4
75-500 5.8 54 Thermal conductivity, specific heat, and
75-600 5.7 5.5 thermal expansion data for 250-grade and
75-700 5.6 5.6 300-grade maraging steel are presented in
75-800 5.6 5.6 tables 49 and 50. Other physical and elec-
trical properties are noted in table 51.

Corrosion, Stress Corrosion, and Related Properties

High strength and toughness have been turing. Variables in test procedures include
emphasized in many uses of the 18-percent the nature of the environment, period of
nickel maraging steels. However, retention exposure, type of test specimen, level of
of these properties and prevention of failure applied stresses, and method of applying
in certain environments must also be con- stresses to the specimens. In hydrogen-
sidered as major requirements. Almost any stress cracking investigations, the effect of
environment may cause some form of de- the hydrogen content in the metal and
terioration in metals and alloys. Such de- various means for charging the metal with
terioration may range from mild to severe, hydrogen have both been studied.
depending on the material and the condi- In this chapter, the results of studies on
tions. In the case of maraging steels and the numerous factors mentioned above are
other high-strength steels, stress corrosion, reviewed and summarized. It is not possible
hydrogen embrittlement, and corrosion in all cases to compare the results of different
fatigue may seriously reduce the load-carry- investigations quantitatively because of
ing capabilities of the steels. Ordinary differences in the test procedures that
corrosion of unstressed material is less have been used. In comparable investiga-
harmful because it proceeds at a relatively tions, however, valid conclusions on the
slow rate in most natural environments. effects of metal variables may be reached.
Corrosion under stress, however, may lead
to failure by stress-corrosion cracking GENERAL CORROSION
(SCC) which is a much more serious situa- Maraging steels are not stainless. Conse-
tion. Similarly, the accumulation of hydro- quently they may be expected to corrode in
gen in stressed maraging steel may result in aggressive environments. Relatively little
a brittle fracture that is referred to as hy- quantitative data have been reported on the
drogen-stress cracking (HSC). Further- corrosion of maraging steels in natural en-
more, the combination of corrosion and vironments. This is probably because it is
cyclic stress can result in failure by corro- taken for granted that the steel will rust;
sion fatigue. More details about these failure therefore protective coatings may be needed
mechanisms are given in later sections. just as with ordinary steels. Also, since the
Many factors that affect the behavior of maraging steels are relatively new, long-
maraging steels in corrosive environments range tests, if any, are still in progress for
have been studied extensively. The ones the commercial 18-percent nickel series. Re-
pertaining to the metal include melting sults of 1-year exposure in an industrial
practice, heat treatment, composition, and a marine atmosphere have been reported
structure, .mechanical properties (particu- (ref. 154). They are summarized in table 52.
larly strength and toughness), and the kind The four 18-percent nickel alloys tested
of fabricating procedures used in manufac- are representative of the 200, 250, and 300


grades, the first two being air melted and the high-strength levels where they are more
other two being consumable-electrode, vac- susceptible to sudden catastrophic fracture
uum-arc-remelted heats. The low-alloy by stress-corrosion cracking or by delayed
steels AISI 4340 and HY-80, included for brittle fracture induced by hydrogen.
comparison, had yield strengths of 240 hsi Maraging steels are attractive for appli-
and 96 ksi, respectively. Results of total cations such as large rocket-motor cases,
immersion tests in quiet sea water at Harbor hulls for deep submersible vessels, auto-
Island, N.C., are also included in table 52 claves, and similar pressure vessels where
(ref. 154). The corrosion rates in mils per high strength, toughness, and light weight
year (mpy) were calculated from the weight are of paramount importance. This has
losses determined after the corrosion prod- stimulated numerous investigations to
ucts were removed. Thus, they are average evaluate the susceptibility of maraging
values for metal wastage over the whole steels to such cracking, and to establish their
surfaces and do not indicate the depth of limits of usefulness. It is of interest, first
pitting. The depths of the 10 deepest pits to consider the characteristics and mecha-
on each panel exposed to the industrial nism of stress-corrosion cracking and hydro-
atmosphere at Bayonne were measured and gen-stress cracking, to place these phe-
the average recorded in the table. nomena in proper perspective in relation to
It appears that the corrosion rates for the possible uses for the steels.
all four maraging steels were about the same
in either the industrial or marine atmos- Characteristics of Cracking
pheres, but they corroded at only about half Stress-corrosion cracking and hydrogen-
the rate of the low-alloy steels. Maraging stress cracking are similar in some respects,
steels also had shallower pitting. In the although the basic mechanisms of fracture
Bayonne atmosphere the average corrosion may be different. The similarities and
rates of all the alloys decreased substantially differences have been discussed in two recent
during exposure because of the development reports (refs. 156 and 157). It appears
of a protective rust scale. In quiet sea water likely that, under some circumstances, both
the maraging steels corroded at a rate of types of cracking occur simultaneously.
about 3 mpy, somewhat less than the rate Both types of cracking are affected by some
observed for the low-alloy steels. In flowing of the same factors. The important ones are
sea water the maraging steels were reported strength level, composition and structure of
to corrode at 5 to 7 mpy (ref. 155). the steel, applied and residual stresses, en-
The maraging steels also corrode substan- vironment, and time (ref. 157).
tially in tap water, some neutral salt solu- It is generally accepted that SCC is caused
tions and in some inorganic and organic by the combined effects of corrosion and
acids. Therefore, the steels should be pro- static tensile stresses at the metal surface.
tected by suitable coatings when used in such Neither the stresses, or corrosion acting
environments. Conventional cathodic protec- separately, will cause the cracking. Fracture
tion is not recommended because of the occurs in a brittle manner even though the
danger of hydrogen embrittlement (ref. 155). material is ductile in the ordinary sense.
Furthermore, failure occurs at a stress level
that is sometimes considerably below the
yield strength of the material. Usually
The behavior of maraging steels in there is little general corrosion of the metal
stressed components exposed to corrosive surface and no macroscopic evidence of im-
environments, or to environments that intro- pending failure (ref. 158). In some cases,
duce hydrogen into the metal, has been of applied stresses merely accelerate general
considerable concern to the aerospace indus- corrosion and the metal does not fail unless
try. This is because the steels are used at the entire cross section has been reduced to

CO Iß *tf CO 00 CO

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the point where it is no longer able to with- anodic areas. Extremely low current flow
stand the applied stress mechanically. This is sufficient for this. If higher current
is not stress-corrosion cracking. In con- densities are used excess hydrogen is formed
trast, the corrosion in a material that is and failure then may occur by the related
susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking is mechanism of hydrogen-stress cracking
concentrated in deep, narrow pits, so that described below.
very little total corrosion occurs before Hydrogen-induced delayed brittle fracture
failure takes place. The sequence of events occurs as a result of the presence of atomic
in the stress-corrosion cracking of smooth hydrogen in the metal in combination with
metallic parts of high-strength structural tensile stresses. Before hydrogen-stress
alloys is thought to be as follows (ref. 159): cracking can occur a critical combination of
(1) The surface of the metal slowly be- stress and hydrogen content must exist in
comes pitted or roughened by nonuniform a susceptible material and at a location suit-
corrosion. able for crack nucleation (ref. 157). This
(2) When a surface irregularity such as type of cracking cannot occur if hydrogen
a pit attains sufficient depth and acuity, a is prevented from entering the steel, or if
stress-corrosion crack initiates and grows. any hydrogen that does enter is eliminated
(3) When this crack attains a critical before permanent damage has occurred.
size, the remaining ligament ruptures by The source of the hydrogen is of little im-
purely mechanical fracture, provided the portance. It can be introduced, for example,
stress has not been relaxed. during cleaning, pickling, or electroplating
Not all alloys corrode or pit as indicated in operations. If the material is exposed to a
step (1), so that the mechanism of the devel- corrosive environment a corrosion reaction
opment of a nucleus for propagation of a could provide the necessary hydrogen for
crack may differ. For example, a manufac- stress cracking. However, if the corrosion
turing defect or flaw may serve as the origin is taking place at the tip of a rapidly
of a stress-corrosion crack. advancing crack, as described above for
There is considerable evidence that SCC SCC, it might be difficult to decide whether
results from stress-induced electrochemical fracture was caused by SCC or HSC.
corrosion of a metal in contact with an In contrast to the results of cathodic
electrolyte. That is, the propagation of a polarization tests described for SCC, im-
crack depends on the flow of current between posing a cathodic current on a specimen that
localized anodic and cathodic areas (ref. is susceptible to HSC will cause the specimen
159). According to one theory, the plastic to fail more quickly because of the additional
yielding at the advancing edge of a crack hydrogen that is supplied, whereas imposing
stimulates the anodic reaction there, causing an anodic current will extend its life (unless
the metal to go into solution more rapidly the material is also susceptible to stress-
than at the sides of the crack. This accounts corrosion cracking).
for the rapid propagation of the crack into As summarized in reference 157, both
the metal with little or no evidence of cor- fracture mechanisms are promoted by
rosion products. To complete the electro- higher stress levels, both require tensile
lytic cell circuit, electrons are released into stresses, both seem to involve a nucleation
the metal through which they flow to a period and the fracture modes are generally
cathodic area in the metal where they par- intergranular, although transgranular
ticipate in a reduction reaction. cracking also has been reported. Also, fail-
This mechanism has been verified for ures occur at stress levels considerably below
some high-strength alloys by experiments the design stresses. Yet HSC is promoted by
showing that the time to fracture could be cathodic conditions whereas SCC is pro-
greatly extended by polarizing the cathodic moted by anodic conditions. In addition,
areas to a potential approaching that of the HSC is more likely to occur near room tern-

perature, whereas failures by SCC are likely various heat treatments or other processing
to be accelerated at higher temperature. variables on the SCC behavior under labora-
The above discussion may appear to be tory test conditions may be examined and
somewhat disparaging about the ability of compared.
maraging steels to survive under highly In the case of maraging steels, an appreci-
stressed conditions. Such is not the case able number of investigations were con-
because, as will be seen in the following sec- cerned with an assessment of SCC life in
tions, the maraging steels are considerably salt-water environments. Stressed speci-
more resistant to SCC and HSC than most mens have been exposed to 3, 3%, and
other martensitic steels at similar strength 5 percent aqueous sodium-chloride solutions,
levels. Also, as a result of the knowledge either by continuous immersion or by alter-
gained in numerous investigations, it is nate wetting and drying cycles. Other tests
possible to specify the treatments and con- have been made in quiet sea water, flowing
ditions that are likely to provide the sea water, and synthetic sea water. Ex-
optimum resistance to brittle fracture. posure tests in seacoast atmospheres have
also been conducted. In. comparing results
Results of Stress-Corrosion-Cracking it should be remembered that these saline
Investigations environments are not equally corrosive.
In the evaluation of the SCC susceptibility The need for information on the SCC sus-
of any material the most realistic, quantita- ceptibility of maraging steels in environ-
tive data would, of course, be obtained by ments encountered during the manufacture,
field tests. That is, exposure of the full-scale hydrotesting, and storage of rocket-motor
parts in the actual service environments and cases prompted the investigation of such
observing their performance over the life of environments in other laboratory tests (refs.
the products. This is obviously not practical 160 and 161).
in instances where it is desired to determine Several methods for stressing the test
the effect of the many processing and mate- specimens have been used. In the 2-, 3-, or
rial factors within reasonable periods of 4-point loaded bent beam tests for sheet the
time. Therefore, one must resort to labora- specimen is bent elastically, and restrained
tory tests. These are sometimes designed in the stressed position while exposed to the
to simulate the natural exposure conditions. corrosive environment. This stresses the
In other procedures, the conditions are made outer fibers to a level usually below the 0.2-
more aggressive in order to obtain results percent offset yield strength of the material.
within shorter periods of time. It is also The time to failure, or nonfailure, is a
common practice to expose laboratory test measure of susceptibility to SCC. Another
specimens to the desired natural environ- test procedure utilizes a specimen
ments, but usually more exposure time is around a mandrel in a U-form, with the legs
necessary to get results. The design of cor- drawn together and held in position with a
rosion experiments thus becomes quite com- bolt. The deformation introduces both
plicated, and interpretation of the results plastic and elastic strain in the outer fibers.
even more so. The use of laboratory test Some recent studies of SCC have used a
results to predict the performance in the notched-bar fatigue cracked specimen as a
field must be done very carefully only after cantilever beam; i.e., loaded at one end
sufficient data have been accumulated and (ref. 159). In this test, the cracked speci-
correlated. men is surrounded by a corrodent and loaded
The most common use of laboratory data at an initial stress intensity somewhat lower
is for comparative purposes. For example, than that required to fracture the sample in
the behavior of different alloys subjected to air. Time for fracture is noted, and succes-
the same stress-corrosion-cracking test sively lower stress intensities are used in
procedure may be compared. The effect of additional tests until one is reached that does

not cause crack propagation to failure with- immersion in 5.0 NaCl without failure.
in the period of the test. The data may be Three years earlier, specimens tested by the
plotted to determine the threshold value of same procedure failed in times ranging from
stress intensity, Ku„, that is required to 4 to 12 hours. This large difference
initiate SCC. Thus, using- the concepts of prompted a metallographic investigation
fracture mechanics, stress-corrosion crack- which revealed bands of inclusions and
ing is measured in terms of the stress significantly larger grain size in the latter
intensity at the root of the crack, rather specimens, probably accounting for the
than by time to failure. The parameter poorer performance. This emphasizes the
K with appropriate subscripts is the importance of structure and homogeneity
same as that used to characterize fracture in the properties of the steel, and also points
toughness. It has been emphasized, how- out the hazards of making comparisons of
ever (ref. 162), that there is no implied results obtained in different investigations.
relationship between fracture toughness In the same investigation an entirely dif-
and SCC. The fact that Klscc is lower ferent procedure was used to evaluate sheet
than the fracture toughness index Klicc material (ref. 163). Fatigue-precracked,
merely means that SCC occurs at a lower center-notched specimens were stressed in
level of stress intensity. It has been ob- tension while immersed in 3 percent sodium
served that, as the strength of the steel is chloride. The results are summarized in ta-
increased by composition or processing ble 54. The times to failure were very short
changes, the fracture toughness decreases. and generally so nearly the same at com-
In most cases the resistance to SCC also de- parable stress levels that no clear-cut dis-
creases, but not in any known relationship tinctions can be made. On an overall basis,
to the change in fracture toughness. there appears to be a slight trend in favor
of the VAR material.
Melfing Practice Bent-beam stress-corrosion cracking tests
Several evaluations and investigations of that included both air-melted and vacuum-
the maraging steels included a few tests on arc-remelted material were part of several
the effect of melting practice on the stress- other investigations. In the investigation
corrosion behavior of the steels. The con- reported in reference 154, specimens of 18
sensus seems to be that consumable-elec- Ni 250 grade air melted and VAR material,
trode, vacuum-arc remelting or vacuum- similarly processed to i/8-inch sheet, were
induction melting produces steel that is stressed up to about 90 percent of the 0.2
somewhat more resistant to SCC than air- percent offset yield strength and exposed to
melted steel. However, the improvement is the industrial atmosphere at Bayonne, N.J.,
relatively minor and, in some cases, no for 514 days, and to the marine atmosphere
significant differences were reported. In at Kure Beach for 491 days without failure.
an evaluation of closed-die forgings (ref. Thus, both melting practices produced mate-
163), the data summarized in table 53 show rial having - very good resistance to
that VAR 18 Ni 250-grade steel is somewhat SCC. In the same test, AISI 4340 steel at
tougher than its air-melted counterpart, about the same strength level failed after 1
with little difference in SCC susceptibility. or 2 weeks' exposure to either environment.
In this comparison round, unnotched speci- The same maraging steels stressed in the
mens were used and only 3 specimens out of form of U-bends were immersed in flowing
32 failed during the period of the test. Per- sea water for 490 days without failure.
haps a longer test period is needed to detect An investigation of candidate hull mate-
possible differences. rials for deep submergence applications
The specimens of 18 Ni 300-grade VAR (ref. 164) included one comparison of VAR
steel, stressed to 75 percent of their tensile versus AM material, as shown in the follow-
strength, withstood 333 hours of alternate ing tabulation. The specimens were

stressed to 90 percent of their yield strength stress-corrosion resistance appears to in-

and exposed (in triplicate) to flowing sea crease with toughness.
water: Although quantitative comparisons of the
reported results are not possible because of
0.2 percent offset TABLE 53.—Results of Stress-Corrosion Tests
Material yield strength, Days to
ksi failure on 250- and 300-Grade Closed-Die Forgings"
[From ref. 163]
18-9-5 VAE ___ 286 26,52 18 percent Ni (300) VAE_
18-8-5 VAE 253 447, 447, 374 UTS 290 ksi, K„c 54.4 ksi V in."
18-8-3 VAE ___ 210 NC," NC, NC *
18-8-3 AM 205 NC, NC, NC Applied stress
Time to failure, hr
° Not cracked in 457 days, general surface attack.

The influence of melting practice in this "2/5 (85), 3NF (333)

0/3 (333)
test is shown only on the 200-grade marag- 3/8 (469), 5NF (-500)
ing steel. Again, the resistance to SCC was
so good that no distinction attributable to
melting practice could be made. The sur- 18 percent Ni (250) VAE
faces of the specimens were covered with a UTS 261.8 ksi, K„c 66.3 ksi Vln.
tightly adherent, calcareous scale.
One other investigation reported on the
Time to failure, hr
influence of melt practice (ref. 165). In
this case, vacuum-induction-melted and air-
melted 200-grade maraging steel heats were
tested. Face-notched, cantilever-beam test 0/4 (400-577)
specimens were exposed in synthetic sea 0/4 (333)
1/8 (433), 7NF (-500)
water at various loads to determine the
Kiscc values. The low-residual, vacuum-
induction-melted 18 Ni-8 Co-3 Mo steel 18 percent Ni (250) AM
was found to have a critical stress-corro- UTS 269.1 ksi, Km 58.3 ksi Vm.
sion-cracking stress intensity value (KISCc)
of 120 ksi yin. in a 1000-hour test period. Applied stress
The KTSCC value for the air-melted heat was Time to failure, hr
108 ksi Vin-> indicating somewhat poorer ksi of UTS
resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. The
vacuum-induction-melted material was also 242 c
90 • 0/4 (-400)
tougher, as shown by the plane-strain- 200 "75 0/4 (338)
c 2/8 (600), 6NF (-500)
stress-intensity factor Klc of 142 ksi Vim 200 75
against 118 ksi Vin- f°r the air-melted
material. A comparison of the stress- Deadweight tension load, round unnotched speci-
corrosion resistance of the 18 Ni 200-grade mens, short-transverse grains exposed.
steel and a 12 Ni-5 Cr-3 Mo is shown in " Eelative stress intensity factor.
figure 87 (ref. 165). The fracture-tough- 3% percent NaCl, alternate immersion, 9 min
wet, 51 min drying.
ness index (measured in air) is noted on the d
5 percent NaCl, alternate immersion, 5 min wet,
curves. The results indicate that toughness 15 min drying.
is not necessarily a measure of SCC re- "Batio of number of specimens failed to number
sistance when different steel compositions tested. NF = not failed. Numbers in parentheses are
are compared. However, for each alloy, the hours in test, or average hours to failure.

TABLE 54.—Results of Stress-Corrosion Tests no doubt, related to improved homogeneity

on 250- and 300-Grade Sheeta and purity that are obtained by the latter
[From ref. 163] methods. As discussed in chapter 4, the
VAR-300 grade: choice of melting practice is dependent on
0.045-in. sheet, YS 278.9 ksi, NTS/YS 0.53 the properties required for specific applica-
0.160-in. sheet, YS 262.2 ksi, NTS/YS 0.72
tions, the grade of maraging steel, and pos-
Time to failure, hr sibly on cost factors. In some of the in-
Applied stress,
percent of vestigations just described, it appeared that
yield strength 0.045-inch 0.160-inch the lower strength grades of maraging
sheet sheet
steels had very good resistance to SCC in
marine and atmospheric environments, and
90 __ _ 25 17
80 31.5
air melting might be acceptable. For best
70 _ 43 28 results at very high applied stresses and
where maximum toughness is required,
vacuum-arc remelting should be advanta-
VAR-250 grade: geous. Also, VAR is preferable for the
0.045-in. sheet, YS 268.3 ksi, NTS/YS 0.72
higher strength grades such as 18 Ni 300 and
0.160-in. sheet, YS 248.5 ksi, NTS/YS 0.73
18 Ni 350 grades.
Time to failure, hr
Applied stress, Processing and Compositional Factors
percent of
yield strength 0.045-inch 0.160-inch
sheet sheet Numerous reports have been written deal-
ing with evaluation of maraging steels
90 "26 32 either for an intended application, or to
80 33 38 determine the effect of processing or com-
70 _ _ _ °36 d
NF48 positional changes on the properties of the
steels. Usually the main interest has been on
mechanical properties, but, in some in-
AM-250 grade:
0.045-in. sheet, YS 234.4 ksi, NTS/YS 0.77 stances, resistance to corrosive environ-
0.160-in. sheet, YS 225.6 ksi, NTS/YS 0.84 ments was also determined.
Some of the early investigations were
Time to failure, hr
Applied stress, undertaken to study the susceptibility to
percent of
yield strength 0.045-inch 0.160-inch SCC of high-strength materials that were
sheet sheet contemplated for use as rocket-motor case
materials (refs. 160, 161, and 166). The
90 0 <1 behavior of maraging steels was tested in
80 24, 138 32 environments considered to be representa-
70 __. 46 45 tive of those to which rocket-motor cases
would normally be exposed during fabrica-
" Fatigue precracked center notched specimens, in tion and storage. In these programs com-
tension, immersed in 3 percent NaCl. Tests in dupli- position and processing of the maraging
cate. Longitudinal direction. steels were varied to get 0.2 percent offset
1 specimen; duplicate did not fail in 252 hours. yield strengths ranging from 181 to 354 ksi.
1 specimen; duplicate did not fail in 48 hours.
<1 The main compositional variable that af-
NF = not failed.
fected the strength was the titanium content,
although the highest strengths were ob-
the differences in test procedures, it appears tained by cold rolling 50 percent prior to
that some improvement in resistance to aging. Some of the results are tabulated
stress-corrosion cracking may be expected in table 55. These show that the suscepti-
in material that has been vacuum-induction bility to stress-corrosion cracking increases
melted or vacuum-arc remelted. This is, as the strength of the metal is increased by


18 Ni Vocuum-induction-melted Kic 142 ksi VTrT

18 Ni Air-melted Krc ksii/m
12 Ni Vacuum-induction-melted Klc 169 ksi \fin~

1 80

12 Ni Air-melted KIc 130 ksi/in"


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -Y4

Time to failure, hours

FIGURE 87.—Stress-corrosion resistance of 12 Ni and 18 Ni maraging steels (ref. 165).

compositional changes, although some in- held at 1400° F from the 2200° F solution
consistent results are apparent. These may- annealing temperature were even more
be caused by differences in primary process- susceptible. This treatment would tend to
ing of heats by various producers. The cause harmful precipitation at the grain
material that was strengthened by cold boundaries.
working prior to aging showed superior The reversion of martensite to austenite
resistance at high-strength levels. This is during heating of the maraging steels is
probably because the cold rolling breaks up discussed thoroughly in chapter 3. Rever-
coarse grains and produces a more uniform sion has been observed in maraging steels
fine-grain structure. However, this treat- that have been heated at temperatures
ment was reported to reduce the fracture between the aging and annealing ranges,
toughness. The maraging steels were less and the extent of reversion depends on the
susceptible to failure than the two conven- time and temperature of the treatment. The
tional high-strength steels in this test pro- austenite that is formed during such
gram. heating is stable, and therefore does not
The effect of changes in processing con- change back to martensite when the metal
ditions on grain size and resistance to is cooled to room temperature. The
SCC is also shown in table 56 (ref. 154). presence of the stable austenitic phase is
Two experimental heat treatments intended reported to affect the formability, machin-
to simulate improper processing are com- ability, cold-working behavior, and stress-
pared with the standard treatment. Solu- corrosion resistance (ref. 167). Figure 88
tion annealing at 2200° F caused signifi- shows that the resistance to SCC is markedly
cant grain growth and resulted in poor influenced by the aging temperature (ref.
resistance to SCC. Specimens cooled to and 168). The temperatures used (800°, 900°,

TABLE 55.—Effect of Composition and Strength Level on Stress-Corrosion Cracking'

[From ref. 166]

Failure ratio and time, hrc

0.2 percent offset
Alloy type b Ti content, yield strength, Distilled water 3 percent NaCl
percent ksi
Ratio Time Ratio Time

Annealed and Aged d

18-7-5 0.50 250 3/3 70 3/3 140

18-9-5 .52 255 0/3 NF 3600 0/2 NF 3600
18-9-5 .62 283 3/3 36 3/3 36
18-9-5 1.00 323 3/3 24 2/2 6.5
18-8-3 .23 182 0/3 NF 5080 0/3 NF 5712
18-8-5 .52 248 3/3 1032 0/3 NF 5040
18-8-5 .49 270 3/3 3190 3/3 1940
18-9-5 .55 279 3/3 510 3/3 119

50 Percent Cold Reduced and Aged1

18-9-5 0.40 278 0/3 NF 3600 0/2 NF 3600

18-7-5 .50 303 3/3 1780 2/3 3200
18-9-5 .52 331 0/3 NF 3600 0/2 NF 3600
18-9-5 .62 324 4/4 536 3/3 1580
18-9-5 1.00 354 3/3 4460 2/2 20

Conventional High-Strength Steels

H-ll _^_ 219 1/2 1828 2/2 853

H-ll ___ 233 2/2 544 2/2 416
D 6 Ac 203 0/3 NF 3984 0/2 NF 4700
D 6 Ac 237 3/3 720 1/3 NF 4464

" Transverse bent-beam specimens, stressed to 75 percent of yield strength.

'Numbers refer to Ni, Co, and Mo percentage, respectively.
Ratio of samples failed to samples tested; median failure time; NF = not failed.
Aged at 900° F, 3 hr.

and 975° F) were selected to form increasing temperatures because other changes occur
amounts of stable austenite, although insur- that can influence the results. For example,
ing that the ultimate strengths at the two higher temperature aging results in growth
temperature extremes were similar. The and precipitation of age-hardening com-
curves show that the life of stressed speci- pounds in the grain boundaries. This is
mens increased markedly with increasing harmful from a stress-corrosion standpoint.
aging temperature. Aging at 975° F re- Also, the larger proportion of stable aus-
sulted in about a twentyfold increase in tenite formed at higher aging temperatures
life, under equal stresses, compared to lowers the strength of the alloy.
aging at 800° F. It should be emphasized, The improved formability of maraging
however, that this relationship cannot be steels that have been intentionally heated to
extrapolated to cover still higher aging cause some reversion of martensite to aus-

TABLE 56.—Effect of Heat Treatment on Re- 00 \

in \
sistance of 18 Percent Ni 250-Grade \
Steel to Stress-Corrosion Cracking 90 \ \
in \ \
[From ref. 154] .*— \
\ \
80 \
Time to visible a CM \
cracking, days \ \
Heat treatment, Ö
F/time, hr Grain size in 3.5 percent \ \
NaCl "5 70 \
\ \
CR, 1500/1/4, AC; Small OK, OK0 in 60
i/i \
900/3, AC b o>
CR, 2200/1, WQ; Very large 3,6 (75
900/3, AC 500
Very large 0.2, 0.6 5 10 50 IOO
CR, 2200/1-1400/24,
AC; 900/3, AC Time to fracture, hours
CR, 2200/1-1400-24, Very large 0.2, 0.8 FIGURE 88.—Influence of heat treatment on stress-
AC; 2200/1, WQ; corrosion cracking resistance of 18 Ni-9 Co-5 Mo
900/3, AC maraging steel (ref. 167).
1560° F/2 hr/O.Q.+800° F/3 hr/A.C.
a (VTS 263 ksi)
U-bend specimens.
CR = cold rolled; WQ = water quenched; AC = air 1560° F/2 hr/O.Q.+900° F/3 hr/A.C.
(VTS 284 ksi)
cooled to room temperature.
Test terminated after 30 days. 1560° F/2 hr/O.Q.+975° F/3 hr/A.C.
(VTS 263 ksi)

tenite has made it possible to produce very-

high-strength wire having a certain measure
of ductility (refs. 167 and 168). A process- 0.25 inch thick, were stressed to 80 percent
ing sequence involving a reversion treat- of their yield strength in the Boeing U-bend
ment at 1150° F, followed by cold drawing configuration. This configuration is not a
and aging, was used to produce wire having U-bend in the sense used earlier in this re-
a tensile strength of 430 ksi, with good port, but is a modified bent beam adapted to
ductility and improved stress-corrosion- thick plate and billet material. The design
cracking resistance (ref. 168). This wire was reported to produce very uniform
had a life of 83 days at Kure Beach, N.C. stresses in the desired area of the specimen.
(80-ft lot), compared to 5 days for a cold- The 18-7-5 specimens from billet and plate
worked and aged wire at the same strength material survived the 1000-hour test period
level. in all of the laboratory tests without failure.
A comparative investigation of the effects
One specimen exposed to the atmosphere in
of a number of variables on the mechanical
Seattle, Wash., cracked after 3456 hours of
properties and resistance to SCC of several
exposure, although a duplicate did not crack
high-strength steels included 18-9-5 and
in 3730 hours. This was an excellent over-
18-7-5 maraging steels in the program
all performance. The 18 Ni-7 Co-5 Mo
(ref. 169). Among the variables evaluated
plates and billets were among the least
were grain direction, product form, strength
susceptible alloys at about the 250-270-ksi
level (177- to 272-ksi yield strength), en-
yield strength level in the comparative test
vironment, welding, and effect of deforma-
program. This is shown in table 57. It was
tion after heat treatment. The resistance to
evident, however, that the susceptibility to
SCC was tested by alternate immersion in
SCC increased greatly as the yield strength
a 3.5-percent sodium chloride solution, using
a cycle of 8 minutes' immersion every hour approached 300 ksi. An 18 Ni-9 Co-5 Mo
until failure, or until 1000 hours had plate specimen having a yield strength of
elapsed. Plate and billet material specimens, 300 ksi failed within 1 day in the test.

TABLE 57.—Summary of the Least Suscepti- chloride solution for 200 hours. This caused
ble Alloys at Various Strength Levels" a decrease in tensile strength from 258 ksi
[From ref. 168] to 229 ksi on the undeformed specimen,
whereas the decrease for the explosively
Yield strength, Alloy deformed specimen was only from 253 ksi
ksi Alloy form
to 238 ksi. It was hypothesized that the
changes in properties observed for deformed
270 18-7-5 Billet material may be caused by changes in re-
210 to 230 18-7-5, martempered Billet
4335 M, and D6AC
sponse to heat treatment, rather than by
170 to 190 H-ll, 4335M, and 4340 __ Billet the forming operation itself.
255 _ _ ___ 18-7-5 Plate It was mentioned earlier that most of the
210 to 220 9Ni-4Co, 4335M Plate stress-corrosion-cracking tests were con-
180 to 200 17-4PH Plate ducted in saline environments. A few tests
in other environments were reported in
"Alternate immersion, 8 min wet, 52 min dry, reference 161. The environments are listed
in 3.5 percent NaCl. Stressed to 80 percent of the below in an approximate decreasing order
yield strength.
of aggressiveness in causing stress-corrosion
failure of maraging steels:
This point was also demonstrated in Natural sea-water immersion
another evaluation of ultra-high-strength 140° F water-saturated air
maraging steels (ref. 170). The data are Aerated 3 percent NaCl solution
summarized in tables 58 and 59. Yield Aerated distilled water
strengths of about 330 ksi were obtained by Kure Beach, N.C., marine atmosphere
raising the titanium content to about 1.25 Bayonne, N.J., industrial atmosphere
percent. However, this was at the expense Newport Beach, Calif., marine atmos-
of notch toughness, and the alloys also were phere
very susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking. Aerated tap water
The standard 300-grade material with a 0.25 percent Na2Cr207 solution
titanium content of about 0.7 percent had 4 percent soluble oil
considerably higher notch strength and Trichlorethylene
better resistance to stress-corrosion crack-
ing. Weldments
Explosive forming is a new method of
fabrication that is being investigated. In Considerable effort has been expended in
this process an explosive charge provides the development of satisfactory welding
the energy to deform the metal into the procedures for the maraging steels. Con-
desired shape. This is a severe cold-forming sequently, several evaluations of the stress-
operation and it is important to know the corrosion properties of welds have been
effect of such treatments on the properties made. In the cases where data are avail-
of the metal. Some information has been able, the weld metal is somewhat inferior to
published on this recently (ref. 171), in- the base-plate metal in resistance to SCC.
dicating that explosive deformation followed However, welded plates have performed very
by aging reduced the mechanical properties well in several laboratory tests.
only very slightly in the case of the 18- Plates of 18 Ni-7 Co-5 Mo were welded
percent nickel maraging steels. The effect on using manual and automatic fusion welding
resistance to stress corrosion was also by the GTA (argon) process (ref. 169). The
evaluated by noting the change in mechan- weld wire was of approximately the same
ical properties after exposure. Four-point composition as the plates. Specimens of the
loaded, bent-beam specimens stressed to 80 Boeing U-bend configuration were stressed
percent of the yield strength were exposed to 205 ksi (80 percent of the yield strength)
to alternate immersion in 3.5 percent sodium and tested by alternate immersion in a

TABLE 58.—Tensile Properties of Ultra-High-Strength Maraging Steels Evaluated in

Stress-Corrosion Tests *
[From ref. 170]

Titanium 0.2 percent offset

Melting content, yield strength, Ultimate strength, Notch strength,b Notch-to-yield
practice percent ksi ksi ksi strength ratio

1.32 328 335 130 0.39

.66 284 289 259 .90
1.25 336 340 147 .44
.75 289 294 233 .79

See table 61.
Root radius 0.001 in. or less; Kt >17.

TABLE 59.—Stress-Corrosion Cracking Tests on Ultra-High-Strength Maraging Steels*

[From ref. 170]

0.2 percent offset Days to failure in—

Material yield strength,
ksi Tap waterc 3 percent NaCl
c 40-1 soluble oilc Atmospherec

1.32 percent Ti 328 46 <1 19 20

VAR" 337
0.66 percent Ti 284 NF(600)
d NF(600) NF(600)
336 26 <1 5 35
Air 1.25 percent Ti
289 NF(600) NF(600) 2NF(600) 185
0.75 percent —

Bent-beam tests; specimens stressed to 75 percent of yield strength.
VAR=vacuum-arc remelt.
Average of 3 tests.
NF=no failure; number in parentheses=days' exposure.

31/2-percent salt solution. No failures oc- set yield strength. Welded and unwelded
curred in a 1000-hour test period. With the test specimens of 18 Ni-8 Co-3 Mo 200
exception of a few specimens at much lower grade and 12 Ni-5 Cr-3 Mo steels were
stress levels, all of the other alloy weldments exposed to the following marine environ-
tested failed in much shorter exposure ments:
periods. Excellent performance of welded (1) Sea water; total immersion, 1 to 2
material was also reported (ref. 172) in feet below the surface in quiescent water at
connection with the long-range investiga- Wrightsville Beach, N.C.
tion of materials for use in submarine (2) Sea water; tide zone, specimens sus-
hulls. In this test strips of plate were cut pended so that they were below the high-
parallel to the rolling direction, and one tide line and above the low-tide line. Al-
longitudinal weld pass was made without ternate wetting and drying occurred twice
filler metal by the GTA (gas tungsten-arc) a day.
process on one surface of the strip. U-bend (3) Sea water, flowing at about 2 feet per
specimens were prepared with the weld on second.
the convex side. This procedure stressed (4) Marine atmosphere in the 80-foot lot
the outer fibers beyond the 0.2-percent off- at Kure Beach, N.C.

None of the 18 Ni-8 Co-3 Mo welded or

ro 240 3.5% NaCI solution
unwelded specimens had failed during an ex- c
Tested at centerline of GTA weld
posure period of 750 days. Another set of 'S 200 " Fracture orientation: RT
18 Ni-8 Co-3 Mo specimens was given var- "■ No crack growth
ious combinations of annealing, welding, and t 160

aging (applied to the aged mill-treated Dry KIe
.E 120
material) as follows: to

(1) Annealed at 1500° F, 1 hour <D

J= 80 --O-0-
(2) Welded v
(3) Welded and aged 900° F, 3 hours I 40
(4) Annealed 1500° F, 1 hour, and
welded I 10 100 1000
(5) Annealed 1500° F, 1 hour, welded Time to fracture, hours
and aged 900° F, 3 hours. FIGURE 89.—Stress-corrosion curve for an 18-percent
These were exposed in the sea-water tide nickel, 215-ksi YS, maraging steel (ref. 162).
zone and in flowing sea water for 750 days
and no failures resulted. ISO -
In several other investigations, welded
maraging steels were evaluated by determin-
ing the üT/,„ values, using precracked
1 160


I« c

cantilever-beam test specimens. Figure 89 £• 120 iw

shows that the threshold value of K„cc £
through the weld of a 215-ksi yield strength 2°^ W
80 O n °
material in 3.5 percent salt solution is about W KI5CC = 78 2"-1-
70 ksi Vin. This compares with the value C
60 1
of 78 ksi Vin. shown in figure 90 (ref. 173) 40
for a weld material of 198-ksi yield strength.
Table 60 summarizes the results reported
0 1 1 1
(ref. 165) for a comparison of air and roo
200 300 400
500 601

vacuum-induction-melted materials, and Time to fracture, hours

GTA deposited weld metals of the same

composition. The comparison for the base FIGURE 90.—Stress corrosion of weld centerline
materials was discussed earlier. metal (ref. 173). Numbers adjacent to the points
indicate that the specimens have been step loaded
The comparison of the weld metals that many times (i.e., the load on an unbroken
shows again that the material with the specimen in test was increased). Points marked
higher Klc fracture toughness does not "W" designate specimens taken from an area
where the weld had been repaired.
necessarily have the best resistance to
SCC. Although the 12 Ni GTA weld metal
had a higher KIc value than the 18 Ni able for stress-corrosion cracking. The sub-
weld metal, the latter was considerably more ject is of interest, however, because previous
resistant to SCC, having a Kjscc of 60 ksi experience with other steels has shown that
Vin.) (compared with enly 38 ksi Vin.) for for susceptible materials the chances for
the 12Ni weld metal. failure become greater with increasing
strength of the metal. It was indicated
Results of Hydrogen-Stress Cracking earlier that the source of the hydrogen is
Investigations of little importance. It may be introduced
during melting or heat-treating operations;
Quantitative data on the hydrogen em- during cleaning, pickling, or electroplating
brittlement of the maraging steels are processes; or it may be picked up from
relatively meager, compared to that avail- service environments as a result of cathodic

TABLE 60.—Summary of Properties for 12 Ni and 18 Ni Maraging Steels and Weldments

[From ref. 165]

Yield strength Charpy V-notch /Vlscc,

Steel and melting practice 0.2 percent offset, impact energy,
ksi ft-lb ksi VlnT ksi Vin.

12 Ni airmelted. 176 36 130 40

12 Ni vacuum-induction-
melted. 183 60 169 108
12 Ni GTA weld metal. 164 45 148 38
18 Ni air-melted. 178 35 118 108
18 Ni vacuum-induction-
melted. 175 54 142 120
18 Ni GTA weld metal. 191 24 94 60

" 1000-hr tests in synthetic sea water.

Calculated using Bueckner's equation and Irwin's correction for face notching (m=l/2).

protection or corrosion reactions. Thus, in these tests shows that hydrogen has an
there are numerous opportunities for a embrittling effect, but other tests were
susceptible material to pick up enough necessary to correlate this with delayed
hydrogen to cause serious embrittlement and fracture. Such tests have often been made
result in failure under stress. in the presence of aqueous environments
The design of laboratory experiments to (refs. 175, 176, 177, and 178). This raises
provide quantitative results on the behavior the question of whether the mechanism of
of materials under HSC conditions becomes failure was stress-corrosion cracking or
quite difficult because of the number of hydrogen-stress cracking. Earlier in this
factors that must be considered. A common chapter (see table 57), the results of bent-
way to make hydrogen available for entry beam tests of maraging steels in distilled
into the metal is by cathodic charging. water were presented. These were part of
Nascent hydrogen is formed by electrolysis a comprehensive investigation of stress-
in an electrolytic cell in which the test corrosion cracking. The results indicated
specimen serves as the cathode. This pro- that failures in distilled water, in general,
cedure was used in some early studies on were more prevalent as the strength level
the effect of hydrogen in maraging steels was increased by compositional changes.
(ref. 174). Specimens were charged for Some contradictory results were thought to
various lengths of time and then im- be due to unknown differences in prior
mediately cadmium-plated to retain the processing history.
absorbed hydrogen. Embrittlement was It was noted that 18 Ni maraging steel
evaluated by measuring the reduction of (230-ksi yield strength) did not fail in 100
area in a tensile test. If was found that an hours of exposure to distilled water as a
18 percent nickel 300-grade steel required fatigue-cracked, center-notch specimen
considerably longer charging periods than stressed in direct tension (ref. 176). Low-
AISI 4340 steel to cause an equivalent loss alloy steels were much more susceptible to
in ductility. Cathodic charging with hydro- hydrogen-stress cracking, and based on a
gen for about 2 hours was also observed to study of the latter, the authors concluded
cause a decrease in the notched tensile that failures were caused by hydrogen, but
strength of 18 Ni 250-grade maraging steel that the hydrogen was formed by corrosion
(ref. 175). The reduced ductility observed reactions. A much higher strength maraging

steel, heat treated to get yield strengths in processes and the results obtained are re-
the 270-322-ksi range, failed within 20 to ported in reference 180. Notched-bar speci-
30 hours in a similar test when stressed mens were given several standard cleaning
between 80 and 140 ksi (ref. 178). No and pickling treatments and then loaded to
failures occurred in 1000 hours at applied 90 percent of the notched tensile strength
stresses of less than 40 ksi. In general, (NTS was 407 ksi) for periods exceeding
therefore, the lower strength maraging 100 hours without failure. Analysis for
steels were fairly resistant to cracking even hydrogen after the treatments indicated
in a distilled-water environment. The sus- that, in most cases, the treated specimens
ceptibility to failure increased when alloys had lower hydrogen content than specimens
were in the 300-ksi yield strength range. that had not been exposed to the cleaning
A comprehensive investigation of the treatments.
hydrogen embrittlement of a number of Similar notched specimens were nickel
high-strength steels, including 18 percent plated or hard-chromium plated and then
nickel maraging steel, is being conducted for subjected to a sustained load of 90 percent
NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight of the notched tensile strength. The nickel-
Center. The results of the first 2 years of plated specimens survived the 100-hour
work have been summarized in annual re- test period, but the hard chromium failed on
ports to the sponsor (refs. 179, and 180). loading to about 79 percent of the NTS.
The initial experiments were designed to However, they did survive the 100-hour
determine the life of smooth, round speci- period when stressed only to 75 percent of
mens under stress, while being continuously the NTS. In these plating evaluations, the
charged with hydrogen. Four charging maraging steel performed appreciably better
conditions ranging from severe to very mild than the AISI 4340 or H-ll steels. With
were used. The alloys in test were rated the exception of the hard-chromium plating
according to the severity of charging that operation, it appears that the other cleaning,
they could withstand without failure for pickling, or plating operations did not in-
200 hours, although stressed at 80 percent troduce enough hydrogen to harm the
of their yield strength. It was found that maraging steel.
18 percent nickel maraging steel (0.2 per-
The results of the investigations on the
cent yield strength, 258 ksi) was in the
stress-corrosion cracking of the 18 percent
group that failed only under the two most
nickel maraging steels may be summarized
severe charging conditions. Compared to
other materials at the same strength level, very briefly. The steels are susceptible to
the maraging steel was definitely more cracking in corrosive environments, but
resistant to HSC. Comparison of the rates their performance is, in most cases, superior
at which hydrogen entered the alloys, and to that of other high-strength steels of
also of the average hydrogen content of the similar strength levels. It is important to
alloys charged under conditions that did or note, however, that for best results, good
did not produce failure, seemed to indicate processing practices must be used to obtain
that the presence of a critical amount of clean, fine-grained material. There is also a
hydrogen may be more important than the limit to the strength level at which the
entry rate. Alloys AISI 4340, AISI H-ll, present maraging steels may be used in cor-
and the 18 percent nickel maraging steel rosive environments under stress. When the
all heat treated to the 260-ksi strength level yield strength is greater than about 280
showed marked differences in their average ksi, the resistance to stress-corrosion crack-
hydrogen content and entry rates, as well as ing decreases rapidly. Therefore, measures
in their susceptibility to cracking. must be taken to either reduce the applied
Tests to evaluate the embrittling tenden- stresses or to insulate the steel from the
cies of cleaning, pickling, and plating corrosive environment.

On the basis of limited data, essentially Ordinary pickling and plating operations
the same conclusions may be made regarding (except for chromium plating) did not
the susceptibility of the maraging steels to appear to introduce enough hydrogen into
hydrogen-stress cracking. Steels at the the metal to be troublesome. In situations
250-ksi or lower strength level have better where harmful quantities of hydrogen are
absorbed, such as from chromium plating,
resistance than the low-alloy steels of
it may be necessary to resort to baking at
similar strength. The higher strength elevated temperature to drive the hydrogen
maraging steels, such as the 300 or 350 out. Twenty-four hours at 375° F or 2
grade, are much more susceptible to hydro- hours at 600° F have been suggested (ref.
gen-induced delayed failure. 180).

Future Prospects

The maraging steels have made a tremen- the theoretical strength-hardness relation-
dous impact on many segments of the aero- ship for steel, their tensile strength at this
space, defense, and industrial communities hardness level should be about 800 ksi. Of
of the United States, and they have also course, the factor that limits realization of
aroused a great deal of interest abroad. The such high strength is fracture toughness.
reasons are clear. As this report attests, the In the past, achievement of tensile strengths
various grades of maraging steel that have in the range of 500 to 600 ksi has depended
reached the status of commercial availability on extremes of strain hardening, either by
have demonstrated extraordinary levels of, itself or in conjunction with heat treatment,
and combinations of, desirable properties and has been confined to fine wire, thin
and have thrust themselves into an impres- strip, small shapes, and test pieces. In the
sive number and variety of applications. maraging type of alloy, such strength can
Has the extraordinarily rapid develop- be obtained by thermal treatment alone.
ment of these steels left little prospect for This opens the possibility that a meaningful
more than minor gains and refinements in amount of fracture toughness can be
the future? Or, is there more to come? achieved and that it can be accomplished in
material having appreciable cross-sectional
The indications are strong that there is
area, thereby making available useful
more to come. The extraordinary qualities
structural materials possessing unbelievable
of carbon-free, or essentially carbon-free,
martensite as a host for precipitation-
hardening reactions and as a matrix for Nor is the development of extraordinary
solid-solution strengthening are just begin- strength combined with useful fracture
ning to be appreciated. The strength and toughness the only achievement on the
hardness potential of this type of martensite horizon of the maraging steels. Stainless
when liberally alloyed with such elements as maraging steels are in the offing (ref. 182).
nickel, cobalt, and molybdenum has only The near-term prospects are for a stainless
recently come under study (ref. 181). alloy with a yield strength of 180 ksi and a
Alloys already have been found that can be room-temperature Charpy V-notch value
age hardened to yield strengths of 400 to of 60 ft-lb. Later on, yield strengths up to
500 ksi. At the 500-ksi level, the correspond- 280 ksi may be expected.
ing elongation has been sufficient to be New alloys, with development well under-
measurable, 0.5 to 1.0 percent; while at the way, are maraging steels of lower alloy con-
400-ksi level, the elongation has been a re- tent than the 18 percent nickel alloys that
markable 6 to 8 percent. possess yield strengths in the vicinity of 150
Some maraging steels have reached the to 180 ksi. The superior resistance of these
extreme hardness of Rc 71 on aging (ref. steels to stress-corrosion cracking and hy-
181). Assuming that these alloys follow drogen-stress cracking, coupled with their


exceptional fracture toughness, may make magnetic grades of maraging steels that
them prime candidates for submarine hulls, combine high strength and toughness with
deep submergence vehicles, and high- desirable coercive force and saturation mag-
performance deep-sea stationary structures. netization. Finally, research is in progress
The cobalt-free varieties should find con- that can be expected to result in the devel-
siderable application in the nuclear-power opment of improved toughness in massive
fields. sections of maraging steel, even when they
Because of refinements in composition and are aged to yield strength levels as high
processing procedures the higher strength as280ksi (ref. 182).
grades of 18 percent nickel maraging steel When these burgeoning developments and
may be made into wire having exceptional attractive possibilities are superimposed on
properties, especially suited to heavy-duty the healthy position the maraging steels
cable applications (ref. 182). Also, the has already reached, it is clear that their
future holds promise for the development of future is promising.

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randum 196, Report on Fourth Maraging cal Documentary Report no. ML-TDR-64-
Steel Project Review, Defense Metals Infor- 174, Lycoming Division, Avco Corp., Strat-
mation Center, Battelle Memorial Institute, fort, Conn., July 1964.
Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 19,1964. 104. Scow, A. L.: Development of Extruding,
91. PELLISSIER, G. E.: The Physical Metallurgy Drawing, and Heat Treating Processes for
and Properties of Maraging Steels. DMIC Thin Steel Extrusions. Interim Engineering
Report 210, Problems in the Load Carrying Progress Report no. 2, Dec. 1965, and In-
Application of High-Strength Steels, De- terim Engineering Progress Report no. 5,
fense Metals Information Center, Battelle Oct. 1966. Northrop Norair, division of

Northrop Corp., Hawthorne, Calif., Air 116. SALMON COX, P. H.; BIRKLE, A. J.; REISDORF,
Force Contract AF 33(615)-3159. B. G.; AND PELLISSIER, G. E.: An Investiga-
105. CAMPION, D. J.: Spinning and Related Form- tion of the Mechanical Properties and Micro-
ing Techniques With Particular Reference structures of 18 Ni (250) Maraging Steel
to Maraging Steel. Sheet Metal Industries, Weldments. ASM Transactions Quarterly,
vol. 44, Mar. 1967, pp. 160-166. vol. 60, no. 2, June 1967, pp. 125-143.
106. FOWLER, E. L.: Cold-Forming of Maraging 117. KAMMER, P. A.; AND MARTIN, D. C: Welding
Steels. Machinery (U.S.), vol. 71, no. 8, High-Strength Steels. DMIC Report 229,
Apr. 1965, pp. 118-124. Defense Metals Information Center, Battelle
GERDS, A. F.; GLAESER, W. A.; HENNING, H. Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, July 15,
J.; HOPPER, A. T.; MUKHERJEE, A. K.; PUGH, 1966.
H. LE. D.; AND STROHECKER, D. E.: Metal 118. ROMINE, H. E.: Plane Strain Fracture Tough-
Deformation Processing, Vol. II. DMIC Re- ness of 18 Ni (250) and 18 Ni (200) Marag-
port 226, Defense Metals Information Center, ing Welded Steel Plate. Report 1959, U.S.
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, Va.,
July 7,1966. Jan. 8, 1965.
108. SRAWLEY, JOHN E.; AND ESGAR, JACK B.: In- 119. ROMINE, H. E.: Relation of Oxygen Content
vestigation of Hydrotest Failure of Thiokol to Fracture Toughness in 18 Ni Maraging
Chemical Corporation 260-in.-Diameter SL-1 Steel Welds. Technical Report No. 2033,
Motor Case. NASA Technical Memorandum U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren,
NASA TM X-1194, National Aeronautics Va., May 2,1966.
and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., 120. DUFFEY, F. D.; AND SUTAR, W.: Submerged-
Jan. 1966. Arc Welding of 18% Nickel Maraging Steel.
109. DETHLOFF, R. C: High Performance Rocket Welding Journal, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 251S-
Motor Cases. Maraging Steel Project Re- 263S, 1965.
view, ASD Technical Documentary Report 121. KNOTH, R. J.; AND LANG, F. H.: 18% Nickel
63-262, Air Force Materials Laboratory, Maraging Steel Metallurgy and Its Effects
Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force on Welding. ASM Metals, Engineering
Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Quarterly, vol. 6, May 1966, pp. 49-53.
Force Base, Ohio, May 1963. 122. CANONICO, D. A.: Gas Metal-Arc Welding of
110. KULA, ERIC B.; AND HICKEY, CHARLES F., JR.: 18% Nickel Maraging Steel. Welding Jour-
Thermomechanical Treatments of the 18% nal, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 433S-442S, 1964.
Ni Maraging Steels. Trans. The Metallurgi- 123. SAPERSTEIN, Z. P.: Evaluation of Maraging
cal Society of AIME, vol. 230, Dec. 1964, pp. Steel for Application to Space Launch Vehi-
1707-1712. cles. Report SM-43105, Douglas Aircraft
111. WILSON, GEORGE F.: Machining Evaluation of Co., Inc., Santa Monica, Calif., NASA Con-
High-Strength Maraging Steel. EM 66-162, tract NAS7-214, Feb. 1964.
presented at the Engineering Conferences, 124. PETERSEN, W. A.: Weld Heat-Affected Zone of
ASTME, 1966, 8 pp. 18% Nickel Maraging Steel. Welding Jour-
112. Materials for Cutting Tools. Metals Hand- nal, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 428S-432S, 1964.
book, 8th ed., vol. 3, Machining, Taylor Ly- 125. EVANS, R. M.; AND MONROE, R. E.: The Cur-
man, ed., American Society for Metals, rent Status of the Welding of Maraging
Metals Park, Ohio, 1967, pp. 311-332. Steels. DMIC Memorandum 182, Defense
113. ZLATIN, NORMAN; CHRISTOPHER, JOHN; AND Metals Information Center, Battelle Memo-
JAMESON, ROBERT T.: Machining Character- rial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1963.
istics of 18% Nickel Maraging Steels. EM 126. CRIMMINS, P. P.; AND TENNER, W. S.: How To
66-163, presented at the Engineering Con- Weld Thick Plates of 18% Ni Maraging
ferences, ASTME, 1966,18 pp. Steel. Metal Progress, vol. 87, no. 5, pp.
WILLIAM P.; ET AL.: Final Report on Ma- 127. ABBOTT, W. D.; AND BROOKS, L. A.: Investiga-
chinability of Materials. Technical Report tion of Subarc, Excelco Big TIG, and Other
AFML-TR-65-444, Metcut Research Asso- Welding Processes on 18% Nickel Maraging
ciates, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 1966. Steel. Quarterly Report Cr 57856, Excelco
115 . KIRSCHBAUM, RAYMOND A.: Machining 18% Developments, Inc., Silver Creek, N.Y.,
Nickel Maraging Steel With Rotary Tools. NASA Contract NASw-687, Mar. 1965.
Technical Report 65-3561, U.S. Army Weap- 128 . Canadian Submission on New Developments
ons Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Re- and New Applications of Welding Techniques
search and Engineering Division, Rock Is- for High-Strength Steels, to Tripartite Tech-
land, 111., Dec. 1965. nical Cooperation Program, Jan. 1965.

129. Canadian Submission on New Developments 141. 18% Nickel Ultrahigh Strength Maraging
and New Applications of Welding Techniques Steels. Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co., Latrobe,
for High-Strength Steels, to Tripartite Tech- Pa. (1966).
nical Cooperation Program, Jan. 1966. 142. 260-in.-Dia. Motor Feasibility Demonstration
130. COLBERT, L. E.: Design, Fabrication, and Hy- Program, vol. 5: 260-SL Motor Chamber
drotesting of a 120-in.-Diameter Pressure and Nozzle Shell Fabrication of 18 Ni Mar-
Vessel Using 18 % Ni Maraging Steel—Final aging Steel. Aeroject-General Corp., NASA
Report. Report 609-F, Lockheed Propulsion CR-72126 (Apr. 8, 1966).
Co., Redlands, Calif., Air Force Contract 143. HOENIE, A. F.; ET AL.: Determination of Me-
AF04(611)-8525, Oct. 2, 1964. chanical Property Design Values for 18 Ni-
131. CRAIG, P. S.; AND SFORZINI, R. H.: Materials CoMo 250 and 300 Grade Maraging Steels.
and Processes for a 156-in.-Diameter Mono- Report AFML-TR-65-197, North American
lithic Motor. Paper no. 65-164, Thiokol Aviation, Inc., Contract AF33 (615)-1209
Chemical Corp., Brunswick, N.J., presented (July 1965).
at AIAA 6th Solid Propellant Rocket Con- 144. HEISER, F. A.: Effect of Exposure to Elevated
ference, Washington, D.C., Feb. 1-3, 1965. Temperature on the Mechanical Properties
132. VILKAS, E. P.; REYNOLDS, R. W.; AND LOUDEN, of Maraging Steel. Technical Report, Wa-
J. T.: Final Report on Development of tervliet Arsenal (June 1967).
Manufacturing Methods for TIG Welding. 145. CHRISTIAN, J. L.; YANG, C. T.; AND WITZELL,
Technical Report AFML-TR-66-74, Sciaky W. E.: Physical and Mechanical Properties
Bros., Inc., Chicago, 111., Apr. 1966. of Pressure Vessel Materials for Application
in a Cryogenic Environment. Report ASD-
TR-62-258, pt. Ill, General Dynamics/As-
180/210 Maraging Steel Weldments: Suita-
tronautics (Dec. 1964).
bility of Electron Beam and High Current
Density TIG Processes. Report RE-65-037-
D. P.: The Mechanical Properties of the
CRE-34, Air Reduction Company, Murray
18% Nickel Maraging Steels. DMIC Report
Hill, N.J., Navy Contract NObs/88540, Apr.
23, 1965. 198, Defense Metals Information Center
(Feb. 24, 1964).
amination of Electron Beam Welds in 18% SON, J. H.: An Investigation of the Fatigue
Ni/Co/Mo Maraging Steel Sheet. British Behavior of 18% Nickel Maraging Steel.
Welding Journal, vol. 13, no. 7, July 1966, ASM Transactions Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 4
pp. 415-435. (Dec. 1966).
135. SEABROOK, J. B.: Working With Maraging 148. BARRANCO, J. M.; ET AL.: The Effect of Mi-
Steels—Nitriding. Metal Progress, vol. 84, crostructure and Aging Condition on the Fa-
no. 1, July 1963, pp. 78-80. tigue Characteristics of the 18 Ni Maraging
136. HAYNES, A. G.: Maraging Steels—Surface Steels. Watervliet Arsenal (May 1965).
Protection and Surface Effects. Special Re- 149. ROLFE, S. T.; AND NOVAK, S. R.: Slow Bend
port 86, Metallurgical Developments in High Kic Testing of Medium-Strength High
Alloy Steels, The Iron and Steel Institute Toughness Steels. Technical Report, U.S.
(British), pp. 125-133,1964. Steel Corp. Applied Research Laboratory,
137. IMRIE, W. M.: An Assessment of Maraging Contract NObs-94535 (FBM) SF020-01-01
Steel for Aircraft Applications. Journal of (Aug. 1,1967).
the Royal Aeronautical Society, vol. 70, no. 150. BROWN, W. F.; AND SRAWLEY, J. E.: Plane
668, Aug. 1966, pp. 776-777. Strain Crack Toughness Testing of High-
Strength Metallic Materials. ASTM Special
138. GRAAE, A.: How To Nitride Maraging Steels.
Technical Publication No. 410, American So-
Metal Progress, vol. 92, no. 1, July 1967, pp.
74-76. ciety for Testing and Materials, Philadel-
phia, Pa. (1966).
139. ASTM Designation: A538-65, Standard Speci- 151. Evaluation of High Nickel Steel for Applica-
fication for 18% Nickel Precipitation-Hard- tion in Large Booster Motor Fabrication.
ening (Maraging) Alloy Steel Plates for Technical Documentary Report no. ML-
Pressure Vessels. ASTM Standards, pt. 4, TDR-64-115, Aerojet-General Corp., Con-
pp. 818-821 (1967). tract AF33(657)-8740 (Apr. 1964).
140. Aerospace Material Documents AMD 64 BL, 152. SRAWLEY, J. E.; AND ESGAR, J. B.: Investiga-
AMD 64 BM, AMD 64 BN, AMD 64 BP-1, tion of Hydrotest Failure of Thiokol Chemi-
and AMD 64 BR-1. Society for Automotive cal Corporation 260-Inch-Diameter SL-1 Mo-
Engineers, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New tor Case. Report NASA TM-X-1194, Lewis
York, N.Y. Research Center (Jan. 1966).

153. GERMER, J.: Fabrication and Fracture Tough- 166. RUBIN, A.: Stress Corrosion Cracking of
ness of 0.020-Inch-Thick Maraging Steel Ex- High-Strength Alloys. Report no. 2914,
perimental Cases. Final report, The Budd Aerojet-General Corp., Azusa, Calif., Aug.
Co., Contract DA-01-021-AMC-12524 (Z) 1964.
(May 22,1967). 167. LEGENDRE, P.: Some Properties of Maraging
154. DEAN, S. W.; AND COPSON, H. R.: Stress Cor- Steels. Cobalt No. 29, Dec. 1965, pp. 171-
rosion Behavior of Maraging Nickel Steels 180.
in Natural Environments. Corrosion, vol. 168. DECKER, R. F.; NOVAK, C. J.; AND LANDIG, T.
21, no. 3, Mar. 1965, pp. 95-103. W.: Developments and Projected Trends in
155. 18% Nickel Maraging Steels. Summary Data, Maraging Steels. Journal of Metals, vol. 19,
The International Nickel Co., Inc., New no. 11, Nov. 1967, pp. 60-66.
York, N.Y., Mar. 30, 1965, 8 pp.
156. BROWN, B. F.: Stress Corrosion Cracking and vestigation of the Effects of Stress Corrosion
Related Phenomena in High-Strength Steels. on High-Strength Steel Alloys. Report no.
NRL Report 6041, U.S. Naval Research Lab- ML-TDR-64-3, Boeing Co., Airplane Divi-
oratory, Washington, D.C., Nov. 6, 1963. sion, Renton, Wash., Feb. 1964.
A. R.: Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hy- 170. CROWNOVER, W. S.; AND WRIGHT, J. W.: Stress
Corrosion Susceptibility of 18% Nickel
drogen-Stress Cracking of High-Strength
Maraging Steels at High-Strength Levels.
Steel. DMIC Report 232, July 29, 1966, De-
Report no. RK-TR-66-11, Propulsion Me-
fense Metals Information Center, Battelle
chanics Branch, Propulsion Laboratory, Re-
Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
search and Development Directorate, U.S.
158. LOGAN, H. L.: The Stress Corrosion of Metals.
Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966,
306 pp. Ala., July 13, 1966.
159. BROWN, B. F.: A New Stress Corrosion Crack- 171. AGRICOLA, K. R.; AND SNYDER, J. T.: Stress
ing Test for High-Strength Alloys. Mate- Corrosion of Explosively Deformed High-
rials Research and Standards, vol. 6, no. 3, Strength Alloys. Metals Engineering Quar-
Mar. 1966, pp. 129-133. terly, vol. 7, no. 3, Aug. 1967, pp. 59-63.
160. SETTERLUND, R. B.: Stress Corrosion Crack- 172. LOGINOW, A. W.: Stress Corrosion of Marag-
ing of Maraging Steel. Materials Protec- ing Steel Weldments in Seawater. Technical
tion, Vol. 4, Dec. 1965, pp. 27-29. Report, Contract NObs-94535 (FBM), Ap-
161. SETTERLUND, R. B.: Stress Corrosion Cracking plied Research Laboratory, U.S. Steel Co.,
of High-Strength Alloys. Report no. 2684, Monroeville, Pa., Aug 1,1967.
Aerojet-General Corp., Azusa, Calif., Con- 173. SANDOZ, G.; AND NEWBEGIN, R. L.: Stress
tract DA-04-495-ORD 3069, Sept. 1963. Corrosion Cracking of an 18 Ni 200 Grade
162. PETERSON, M. H.; BROWN, B. F.; NEWBEGIN, Maraging Steel Base Plate and Weld. NRL
R. L.; AND GROOVER, R. E.: Stress Corrosion Memorandum Report 1772, Naval Research
Cracking of High-Strength Steels and Ti- Laboratory, Washington, D.C., Mar. 1967.
tanium Alloys in Chloride Solutions at Am-
174. GRAY, H. R.; AND TROIANO, A. R.: How Hy-
bient Temperature. Corrosion, vol. 23, no. 5,
drogen Affects Maraging Steel. Metal Prog-
May 1967, pp. 142-148.
ress, vol. 85, no. 4, Apr. 1964, pp. 75-78.
J. A.: Manufacturing Process Development 175. TOURKAKIS, H. .C; AND SONNINO, C. B.: Hy-
drogen Embrittlement of 250 Grade Marag-
for High-Strength Steels. Technical Report
ing Steel. Report on the Fourth Maraging
AFML-TR-66-340, Republic Steel Corp.,
Steel Project Review, DMIC Memorandum
Central Alloy District, Canton, Ohio, Dec.
196, Defense Metals Information Center,
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio,
164. WACKER, G. A.: Stress Corrosion Cracking
Studies of 10%, 12%, and 18% Nickel Mar- Aug. 19,1964.
aging Steels in Seawater. MEL R&D Phase 176. HANNA, G. L., AND STEIGERWALD, E. A.: In-
Report 73/66, U.S. Navy Marine Engineer- fluence of Environment on Crack Propaga-
ing Laboratory, Annapolis, Md., Mar. 1966. tion and Delayed Failures in High-Strength
165. NOVAK, S. R.; AND ROLFE, S .T.: KIC Stress Steels. RTD-TDR-63-4225, Thompson Ramo
Corrosion Tests of 12 Ni-5 Cr-3 Mo and 18 Wooldridge, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 1964.
Ni-8 Co-3 Mo Maraging Steels and Weld- 177, JOHNSON, H. H.; AND WILLNER, A. M.: Mois-
ments. Technical Report, Contract NObs- ture and Stable Crack Growth in a High-
88540, Applied Research Laboratory, U.S. Strength Steel. Applied Materials Research,
Steel, Monroeville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1966. vol. 4, Jan. 1965, pp. 34-40.

178. BRISBANE, A. W.; HAWN, J. M.; AND AULT, brittlement of Various Alloys. Annual Sum-
R. T.: Fracture Toughness and Delayed mary Report, Contract no. NAS8-20029,
Failure Behavior of 18% Nickel Maraging Supplement 1, Battelle Memorial Institute
Steel. Materials Research and Standards, to NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight
vol. 5, Aug. 1965, pp. 395-405. Center, Huntsville, Ala. June 23, 1967.
ELSEA, A. R.: A Study of Hydrogen Em- Toward Attaining Theoretical Strength
brittlement of Various Alloys. Annual Sum- With Iron-Nickel Maraging Steels. Journal
mary Report, Contract no. NAS8-20029, of Metals, vol. 18, no. 9, Sept. 1966, pp.
Battelle Memorial Institute to NASA, George 1033-1036.
C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, 182. DECKER, R. F.; NOVAK, C. J.; AND LANDIG,
Ala., June 23, 1966. T. W.: Developments and Projected Trends
180. GROENEVELD, T. P.; FLETCHER, E. E.; AND in Maraging Steels. Journal of Metals, vol.
ELSEA, A. R.: A Study of Hydrogen Em- 19, no. 11, Nov. 1967, pp. 60-66.

AUSTIN, C. W., JR.: Mechanical Behavior of 18Ni- IANNELLI, A. A.; AND RIZZITANO, F. J.: Notched
7Co-5Mo (250 ksi) Maraging Steel Under Bia- Properties of High-Strength Alloys at Various
xial Stress and Rapid Heating. Report RR-TR- Load Rates and Temperatures. Report AMRA-
65-12, Redstone Arsenal (Aug. 1965). TR66-13, Army Materials Research Agency
AUSTIN, C. W. JR.: Short-Time Creep Behavior of
(July 1966).
18-Nickel (250 ksi) and 18-Nickel (300 ksi) Mar- KENDALL, D. P.; AND DAVIDSON, T. E.: The Effect
aging Steel Under Uniaxial Tensile and 1:2 of Strain Rate on Yielding in High-Strength
Tension-Tension Biaxial Loading. Report RR- Steels. Report WVT-6618, Watervliet Arsenal
TR-67-2, Redstone Arsenal (Jan. 17, 1967). (May 1966).
BARTON, C. J.; ET AL.: Investigation of Thermal KIES, J. A.; SMITH, H. L.; AND ROMINE, H. E.:
Embrittlement in 18 Ni (250) Maraging Steel. Fracture Toughness and Critical Defect Sizes
U.S. Steel Corp., Contract AF33(615)-2780 With Welds of 18% Nickel Maraging Steels.
(Second Quarterly Progress Report is dated Mar. ASM Metals Engineering Quarterly, vol. 6, no.
31,1966). 4, pp. 37-47 (Nov. 1966).
Data on Some Republic Steel Consumable Electrode Manufacturing Process Development for High-
Vacuum Arc Remelt Steels. Republic Steel Corp. Strength Steels. Technical Report AFML-TR-
(Nov. 1967). 66-340, Manufacturing Technology Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Contract
DECKER, R. F.; ET AL.: Developments and Proj-
AF33(657)-11277 (Dec. 1966).
ected Trends in Maraging Steels. Journal of
SPAEDER, G. J.; ET AL.: The Effect of Hot Roll-
Metals, pp. 60-66 (Nov. 1967).
ing Variables on the Fracture Toughness of 18
FREED, C. N.: Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Ni Maraging Steel. Transactions Quarterly, vol.
High and Ultrahigh Strength Materials. NRL 60, no. 3, pp. 418-425, American Society for
Report 6554, Naval Research Laboratory (Apr. Metals (Sept. 1967).
1966). WEISS, V.; AND SESSLER, J. G.: Aerospace Struc-
GARLAND, C: Fabricating Maraging Steel, Paper tural Metals Handbook, Vol. I, Third Revision,
no. 540-1 for Northeastern States Naval Re- Ferrous Alloys. Syracuse University Research
search and Development Clinic, Philadelphia, Institute, Syracuse, N.Y., Contract AF33(615)-
Nov. 18-20,1964. 11848, Syracuse University Press (Mar. 1966).


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