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Author , Author (Times New Roman, 12, Bold)
1, 2
Afiliation (Times New Roman, 11,Italic)
Corresponding author: (Times New Roman, 11,Italic)
Contains the aims, methodology and the result of the research. Abstract is written in bilingual; Bahasa Indonesia and English.. Abstract writing
system is in Times New Roman in size 10 with single space. Abstract is about 150-200 words. (Times New Roman 10 Italic)
Keywords (Times New Roman; 11, Bold) ; About three to five key words(Times New Roman 10 Italic)(3-5 words)


Articles can be written in English or Indonesian using Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1.5 pt spacing, 0 pt spacing before and after, a maximum of 12

pages, and a margin of 2.5 cm (left-right-top-bottom). The introduction should include at least four aspects: (1) the background of the researched problem; (2) a

summary of relevant theoretical studies related to the researched problem, and may be supplemented with a discussion of previous research (if any), specifying

the gap between the conducted research and previous studies; (3) insights and plans for solving the problem; (4) research objectives. The writing of research ob -

jectives should be descriptive in the last paragraph of the introduction, without using bullets and numbering. Authors may also add expectations or benefits from

the research results."

METHODOLOGY (Material and Method) (TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 BOLD)

The methodology section explains how the research is conducted. The main content of this section includes (1) the type and design of the research;

(2) the population and sample or participants of the research; (3) data collection techniques and the development of research instruments; and (4) data analysis

techniques. For qualitative research such as action research, ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, and others, it is necessary to add the presence of the re -

searcher, research subjects, and informants who assist in the research process, along with how research data is gathered, the location, and the duration of the re -

search. Also, include a description of the validation of the research results. The writing of the research method should preferably be in descriptive form, but if

necessary, it can be written using sub-sections. The writing of sub-sections may vary according to the type or approach of the research used.


In the Results section, the author presents the research findings obtained. The presented research results are the final outcomes derived from the con-

ducted analysis. Calculations performed in data analysis, such as statistical calculations and hypothesis testing processes, do not need to be presented. Only the

results of the analysis and hypothesis testing need to be reported. To clarify the presentation of research results, tables and graphs can be used. The presentation

of tables and graphs should be accompanied by comments. Specifically for qualitative research, the Results section contains detailed sub-topics related directly to

the research focus and categories. The Discussion in the article aims to address the research problem and questions, demonstrate how the findings were obtained,

interpret the findings, relate the research findings to existing theories/knowledge (must be accompanied by references), and (5) propose new theories or modifica-

tions to existing theories. For the writing rules of sub-topics, presentation of graphs, and tables, you can follow the following format:

First Sub-Topic (TNR 12 pt Bold, without numbering) \

Figures and their titles are displayed centered, as shown in the example. The displayed figures must have meanings that support the results and dis -

Figure1. Illustration of Talking Chips Teaching Model

The writing rules for tables are centered, with the table title written at the top of the table. Table numbering uses Arabic numerals. Tables should ideally be on one page and not

be cut off. Below is an example of how to write a table.

Table 1. Summary of the Normality Test Results for Initial Ability

No. Group n Lobs Ltabel

1 Probing Prompting 37 0,087 0,146

2 Discovery Learning 38 0,078 0,144


The conclusion depicts the answers to the research problem or questions posed. The author should refrain from repeating sentences from the previ -

ous sections. Instead, they must represent the content of the article related to the answers to the research problem or questions. Additionally, the author should

discuss the implications and limitations of the research. This section is written descriptively, without numbering and bullets. Recommendations are written with

reference to the impact or consequences of the research on relevant parties, along with suggestions for future research as a follow-up to the research results. It

does not include recommendations beyond those related to further research."

"Acknowledgments (optional)

Acknowledgments can be extended to individuals or institutions that have provided assistance in the execution of the research. The form of assistance typically

mentioned in this section includes research grant funding."



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