Assessment of Vegetation and Soil Conditions in Restored Mangroves Interrupted by Severe Tropical Typhoon Chan-Hom' in The Philippines

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DOI 10.1007/s10750-013-1766-4


Assessment of vegetation and soil conditions in restored

mangroves interrupted by severe tropical typhoon
‘Chan-hom’ in the Philippines
Severino G. Salmo III • Catherine E. Lovelock •

Norman C. Duke

Received: 1 March 2013 / Accepted: 23 November 2013

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Using a space-for-time substitution development trajectory was however interrupted

approach, we investigated the effects of a typhoon by the occurrence of the typhoon. Severe damage
on the vegetation and soil development trajectories was more apparent in older mangrove stands (11-
of monospecific stands of Rhizophora mucronata and 18- year stands) with very low to no damage in
mangroves of different ages (6-, 8- 10-, 11-, 12-, 17-, the younger stands. The typhoon-impacted sites
18- and 50-year stands). The vegetation and soil experienced a number of changes, including: com-
parameters were compared to a reference system plete defoliation; reduced living tree densities of
comprised of mature, natural mangrove stands. Pre- 61–69 %; decreased above-ground biomass of
typhoon measures of vegetation and soil parameters 70–79 %; increased soil nutrient levels of
were compared with 1-mo, 7-mo and 9-mo post- 40–60 %; more waterlogged soils by at least
typhoon. Prior to the occurrence of the typhoon, 113 % and increased soil temperature of 8–10 °C.
there were clear patterns of vegetation and soil Cumulative tree mortality, compounded by the lack
development with age of the stands. The of seedling recruits and unfavourable soil condi-
tions may limit long-term recovery of the typhoon-
impacted stands.
Guest editors: M. Tokeshi & H. T. Yap / Biodiversity in
Changing Coastal Waters of Tropical and Subtropical Asia
Keywords Mangroves  Restoration 
S. G. Salmo III (&) Rhizophora mucronata  Typhoon damage 
Department of Environmental Science, Ateneo de Manila Post-typhoon recovery  Philippines
University, 1108 Quezon City, Philippines

S. G. Salmo III  C. E. Lovelock Introduction

School of Biological Sciences, The University
of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia Mangrove rehabilitation programmes have been
implemented to increase forest cover and restore the
S. G. Salmo III
College of Agriculture, Central Luzon State University, ecosystem functionality of mangrove forests of the
Science City of Munoz 3120, Nueva Ecija, Philippines tropical coasts (Fortes, 1995; Kaly & Jones, 1998;
Field, 1999; Katon et al., 2000; Barbier, 2006). Many
N. C. Duke
of these planted mangroves are mono-specific (Walt-
Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem
Research, James Cook University, Townsville, ers, 2004; Lewis, 2005) with stunted growth and poor
QLD 4811, Australia survival (Samson & Rollon, 2008) raising doubts as to


whether these plantations effectively restore ecosys- accumulation of organic matter. The large organic matter
tem functionality. Unfortunately, monitoring activi- content in mangroves has been proposed to exert a strong
ties are rarely undertaken to document the success (or influence on nutrient regeneration as well as other factors
failure) of these planting programmes (Ellison, 2000). such as redox potential of soils (Cardona & Botero,
While some researchers estimated that planted man- 1998).
groves may approach the biomass, stand structure and Mangroves are vulnerable to typhoons because of
productivity of natural forests within two decades (see their position in the coastal zone (Hogarth, 2007). The
for example Colonello & Medina, 1998; Twilley et al., frequency and severity of typhoon shapes the popula-
1998; McKee & Faulkner, 2000), empirical data to tion structure and forest dynamics of mangroves that
support such claims are limited. One of the key could define their resilience, survival and regeneration
parameters that determine the success of mangrove patterns over longer periods (Ellison & Farnsworth,
planting programmes is the rate and time at which a 1996; Cahoon et al., 2003). Most studies of the effects
stand attains the forest structure and biomass of a of intense storms on mangroves are from the Caribbean
mature, natural mangroves (cf. Ellison, 2000). region (although see Smith et al., 2009). There are very
The role of soil characteristics in influencing the few reports of typhoon effects on mangroves from SE
establishment and growth of mangrove forest has been Asia where typhoons are prevalent. While it is likely
reported in several studies (Boto & Wellington, 1984; that planted mangroves may show similar develop-
Thom, 1987; Clarke, 1995; Cohen et al., 1999 among mental trajectory patterns as natural mangroves (e.g.
others). Predictable changes in soil characteristics may Fromard et al., 1998; Alongi, 2009), it is not clear if
be expected as mangrove forest age increases (Alongi, planted mangroves will have the same rate of forest
2009). Boto (1984) proposed that soil parameters are the recovery as natural mangroves if they are disturbed.
most important factors that have direct influence on The low biodiversity of planted mangroves (often
forest stands, providing essential nutrients for growth, mono-cultures) and less well-developed soils may
the physical structure for anchorage and stability and result in delayed recovery compared to natural forests.
substrate for a wide range of fauna. Aside from nutrients, The Philippines is a tropical archipelagic country
other soil parameters that may affect mangrove growth known as one of the most disaster-prone country in the
are soil grain size, salinity, redox and temperature world (Gaillard et al., 2007). An average of 20
(Pernetta, 1993; Feller, 1995; McKee, 1995; Chen & typhoons per year visits the country (Velasco &
Twilley, 1998; Duarte et al., 1998). Most mangrove Cabanilla, 2003). In the last 30 years, the number of
restoration programmes are located in coastal fringes typhoons has increased. Such increased frequency
(Primavera & Esteban, 2008; Samson & Rollon, 2008) appears to be associated with increases in sea-surface
where nutrients may be inherently low and where plants temperatures (Webster et al., 2005). With prevailing
may be exposed to several known stresses (i.e. being climate change, several simulations suggest that the
periodically inundated and drained, with rapid, daily frequency of typhoons would decrease, but their
fluctuations in desiccation, salinity and temperature). severity may increase (Kubota & Chan, 2009). The
The growth and survival of the planted mangroves will occurrence of high intensity typhoons in the Philip-
therefore be affected by the soil characteristics prevail- pines threaten the growth, development and regener-
ing in a given locality. Additionally, the development of ation of both planted and natural mangroves.
soil maturity (sensu Alongi, 2009) may also be related to Studies of the restoration ecology and post-distur-
the development of mangrove vegetation. bance regeneration in mangroves are rare because, in
The inter-relationship between mangrove vegetation most cases, a reference system within restored sites is
and soil characteristics was proposed by Ukpong (1994) absent (Cairns & Heckman, 1996) or each planted
to be similar to that observed in tropical terrestrial forests mangrove stand has a different management system.
(Vitousek & Reiners, 1975; Hooper & Vitousek, 1997). Fortunately, in Lingayen Gulf, northwestern Philip-
As vegetation structure and productivity increases with pines, planted monospecific Rhizophora mangroves of
mangrove age, the production of litter and organic known different ages (6-, 8-, 10-, 11- and 18-year old
detritus production also increases. These materials are plantations) exist, with comparable planting and man-
deposited in the forest floor, and after degradation and agement systems (e.g. similar species, planting density
mineralization, facilitate the enhancement and and planting location), thus providing a rare opportunity

Table 1 Biological and physical description of the study sites (modified from Salmo III et al., 2013)
Stand Location Study Biological Physical
age/ area
stage (ha) Species Tree density Above-ground Tree height, DBH, m Tree height Mean Total annual Elevation, Exposure

(stems ha-1) biomass (T m to DBH annual rainfalla, m to

ha-1) ratio temp.a,°C mm wave &

6 Tondol 6 Rm 7,780 13.58 2.01 ± 0.44 0.025 ± 0.001 80.40 27.1 2,904 -0.12 Exposed
(Lingayen ± 0.3 ± 84 ± 0.02
8 Pangapisan 6 Rm 6,450 18.21 3.66 ± 0.34 0.040 ± 0.004 91.50 27.1 2,904 0.14 Protected
(Lingayen ± 0.3 ± 84 ± 0.01
10 Imbo 8 Rm 2,387 38.45 4.14 ± 0.33 0.045 ± 0.003 92.00 27.1 2,904 -0.22 Exposed
(Lingayen ± 0.2 ± 84 ± 0.03
11 Pilar 8 Rm 1,886 43.29 5.32 ± 0.59 0.050 ± 0.007 106.40 27.1 2,904 -0.13 Exposed
(Lingayen ± 0.3 ± 84 ± 0.01
12 Buswang 10 Rm, Ra 2,122 51.43 6.41 ± 0.66 0.060 ± 0.006 106.83 27.2 2,597 0.12 Protected
(Panay Is.) ± 0.2 ± 32 ± 0.01
17 Buswang 10 Rm, Ra 1,532 101.80 8.96 ± 0.92 0.080 ± 0.01 112.00 27.2 2,597 0.07 Protected
(Panay Is.) ± 0.2 ± 32 ± 0.01
18 Bangrin 42 Rm 1,358 115.62 10.51 ± 0.98 0.090 ± 0.009 116.78 27.1 2,904 0.20 Protected
(Lingayen ± 0.3 ± 84 ± 0.01
50 Banacon 10 Rm, Rs 1,231 132.18 10.36 ± 0.78 0.100 ± 0.014 103.60 27.6 1,775 -0.23 Exposed
(Bohol) ± 0.2 ± 15 ± 0.03
Nx Buenavista 8 Rm, Ra, 1,442 147.60 9.11 ± 0.97 0.090 ± 0.034 101.22 27.6 1,775 0.10 Protected
(Bohol) Am, Sa, ± 0.2 ± 15 ± 0.01
Bg, Nf
Ny Masinloc 8 Rm, Ra, 1,485 142.79 10.08 ± 0.79 0.100 ± 0.026 100.80 27.2 3,049 -0.13 Exposed
(Zambales) Am, Sa, ± 0.3 ± 85 ± 0.01
Nz Palauig 5 Rm, Ra, Sa 1,399 137.98 11.76 ± 0.96 0.115 ± 0.029 102.26 27.2 3,049 -0.09 Exposed
(Zambales) ± 0.3 ± 85 ± 0.01

Nx, Ny and Nz are natural mangroves of unknown ages. Elevation was estimated based on mean tidal level. Species are listed based on order of dominance. Species legend: Am—Avicennia
marina; Bg—Bruguiera gymnorrhiza; Nf—Nypa fruticans; Ra—Rhizophora apiculata; Rm—R. mucronata; Rs—R. stylosa; Sa—Sonneratia alba
Extrapolated from 30-year climate normals (FAO, 2001)


to study restoration ecology in planted mangroves. The Fig. 1 Location of the study sites. Numbers indicate the age of c
plantations were exposed to Typhoon Chan-hom on 7th plantation. P—planted mangroves, N—natural mangroves.
Planted mangroves are located in: northwestern Lingayen Gulf
May 2009. The typhoon event provided a rare oppor- (top left); Kalibo, central Philippines (mid right) and Getafe,
tunity to investigate the effects of a typhoon on the central Philippines (bottom right). Natural mangrove stands are
restoration trajectory of planted mangroves. Here, using located in Masinloc, Palauig (north-northwestern Philippines;
a range of planted forests of different ages and mature bottom left) and Buenavista, central Philippines (bottom right).
The age of natural mangroves are unknown. The dashed lines
forests (referred to as the restored system), we tested indicate the estimated trajectory of Typhoon Chan-hom
whether planted mangroves recover in a similar way to (adapted from Kitamoto, 2009)
natural mangrove stands (referred to as the reference
system) after an intense typhoon.
River. Detailed information on each stand and site can
be found in Salmo III et al. (2013). Additional man-
Materials and methods grove plantations from the Central Philippines were
included, these are: 12- and 17-year old plantations from
Experimental design Buswang, Kalibo (Panay Island, central Philippines);
and 50-year old plantation from Banacon Island (Bohol,
We used existing mangrove plantations of known central Philippines). The mangrove forests in Banacon
different ages to establish a space-for-time (SFT) are considered one of the earliest and largest mangrove
sequence of mangrove growth and development trajec- plantations in Asia (at least 50 years, 400 ha). Most of
tory following restoration and disturbance. Data gath- the early planted forests were subjected to rotational
ered from planted mangroves (referred to as the restored harvesting (Walters, 2004) with a small patch
system) were compared with data from natural man- (*5–10 ha) spared from cutting by the local people.
groves (referred to as the reference system) that serve as This remnant pseudo-protected area of mangroves was
a proxy trajectory endpoint. Our sampling design used used as the sampling site for the 50-year old forest.
the SFT substitution approach that inferred temporal Three natural mangrove forests were used as
trend from different age stands to generate patterns in reference sites (Fig. 1): Buenavista in Bohol (Nx;
the trajectory of the restored system (cf. Pickett, 1989). central Philippines); and Masinloc (Ny) and Palauig
We acknowledged the limitations of SFT substitution (Nz) in Zambales (north-northwestern Philippines;
approach particularly the role of localized confounding 15°330 N latitude, 119°570 E longitude). These natural
factors such as topography, elevation and exposure to forests are dominated by Rhizophora species and are
waves (Table 1). However, such an approach has been protected by national environmental laws.
used in similar studies in restoration ecology where The average depth of tidal water across study sites
optimal sampling designs (i.e. presence of experimental is estimated as 2 m during high tide, but forests are
controls and age replicates within one site) may not be generally exposed at low tide particularly during
available (cf. Michener, 1997). September to February. All sites receive precipitation
of more than 1,700 mm year-1. Under the modified
Site description Corona climate classification system, the climate in
the Lingayen Gulf and Zambales is classified as Type I
The main study sites are located in Lingayen Gulf, (with two pronounced seasons, dry from November to
northwestern Philippines (between 16°230 and 16°390 N April and wet from May to October), while Aklan is
latitude; 119°530 –120°190 E longitude). This study uti- categorized as Type II (no dry season, but pronounced
lized the planted Rhizophora mucronata mangroves wet season from December to February). The climate
located in Tondol, Anda (6 years); Mona, Alaminos in Bohol falls under Type IV, which has no pro-
(8 years); Imbo, Anda (10 years); Pilar, Bolinao nounced wet and dry seasons.
(11 years); and Bangrin, Bani (18 years; Fig. 1). Sites
in Alaminos, Anda and Bolinao are more exposed to Typhoon Chan-hom
coastal currents since they face the Lingayen Gulf, while
mangroves in Bani are located in sheltered areas in Typhoon Chan-hom (known locally as Typhoon Emong)
Tambac Bay and receive freshwater inputs from Bani was the fifth typhoon that entered the Philippines in the



2009 season. There were four other typhoons that crossed of the plot using a CI-110 Plant Canopy Imager (CID
the Lingayen Gulf (Nangka, Ketsana, Parma and Miri- Bio-Science, Washington, USA). The Plant Canopy
nae) in that season. However, these typhoons had lower Imager captures a 150° image of the canopy then
wind speeds and did not pass as close to the study sites. calculates LAI through the solar beam transmission
Typhoon Chan-hom was formed near SE Vietnam in the coefficients, or the fraction of the sky visible from
West Philippine Sea and crossed the Philippine Area of beneath the plant canopy. Each individual within the
Responsibility (PAR) on 3rd May 2009. It had strong plot was tagged and measured repeatedly throughout
winds of 85–150 km h-1 and was categorized as the sampling period. All individuals within the plot
Typhoon 2 under the Saffir-Simpson Scale. The eye of were recorded by measuring tree diameter (at 2–3 cm
the typhoon first crossed land at Cape Bolinao on 7th May above the highest prop root using a measuring tape)
2009 (see dashed lines in Fig. 1) bringing with it strong and total tree height (using a telescoping pole). Tree
winds, heavy rains (at least 200 mm in 24 h), and density and aboveground biomass were then later
flooding which directly affected the mangroves in computed using allometric equations (Komiyama
northwestern Lingayen Gulf. We estimated the distance et al., 2008). The number of seedlings (\2.5 cm
of the plots to the published path of the typhoon diameter) and saplings (2.5–5 cm diameter) in each
(Kitamoto, 2009). Plots P6, P8, P10, P11 and P18 were plot were also measured. The diameter of each
within 5 km of the path of the typhoon (Fig. 1). The seedling and sapling was measured 2–3 cm above
farthest distance from the northernmost and southern- the first node.
most mangrove plots is \20 km. P12 and P17 were From each vegetation plot, three replicate soil
approximately\3 km from the path of the typhoon. Ny samples were randomly collected during low tide to
and Nz were approximately 100 km from the typhoon 10 cm depth using a soil corer (diameter 6.5 cm).
path, while P50 and Nx were 800 km from the path. Sites From the interstitial waters, salinity was measured
that were [80 km from the path were considered to be with a hand-held refractometer (HT211-ATC, HT
unaffected by the typhoon. Tech, Jiangsu, China). The pH, redox and temperature,
were measured using a TPS Aqua-pH portable instru-
Sampling ment (Aqua pH 2.2, TPS, Brisbane, Australia). Soil
samples were collected and submitted within 24–48 h
Prior to the typhoon, measurements of trees and soils of sampling to the Bureau of Soils and Water
in experimental plots were carried out in December Management (BSWM) laboratory in Quezon City,
2008. Subsequent samplings were made at 1-mo and Philippines for the analysis of sand and silt particle
7-mo post-typhoon in May and December 2009, size composition, organic matter (OM), total nitrogen
respectively. Additional measurements were made (TN) and available phosphorus (AP) contents. Soil
for Lingayen Gulf sites at 9-mo post-typhoon (March organic matter was measured by Walkley–Black
2010) to further establish patterns of damage and method (Walkley & Black, 1934), total nitrogen by
regeneration in typhoon-affected sites. Additional digestion method (Nelson & Sommers, 1972) and
sampling was also carried out in natural mangrove available phosphorus by the Bray 2 method (Bray &
sites in Zambales (Ny and Nz) at 9-mo post-typhoon Kurtz, 1945).
(March 2010) to provide comparison of non-typhoon
affected sites with those affected by the typhoon. Data analyses

Vegetation and soil characteristics One-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to
determine if the vegetation and soil variables varied with
At each of the planted and natural sites, three circular time (pre-typhoon vs. post-typhoon) in each stand. Data
permanent monitoring plots were established. Plots from the three natural mangrove sites were pooled. The
had 3-m radius for plantations less than 17 year-old assumptions for ANOVA were evaluated using Le-
and 5-m radius for the more mature sites. The vene’s test without data transformation (a = 0.05). Post
differences in plot sizes were made to standardize hoc comparisons were made using Tukey’s test to
the number of trees measured from each plot. Leaf determine pair-wise differences between sampling
area index (LAI) was measured twice from the centre periods. To compare the change in forest and soil


variables with time, Analysis of Covariance and 18-year old plantations (4.02 ± 0.01 m2 m-2) had
(ANCOVA) was used with stand age as the covariate. comparable LAI values with P50 and natural mangrove
The slope of the pre-typhoon regression line was stands (4.54 ± 0.05 m2 m-2). The typhoon resulted in
compared with the slopes of 1-mo, 7-mo and 9-mo the total defoliation of the 11- and 18-year old stands in
post-typhoon regression lines. Data for natural man- Lingayen Gulf. The ANCOVA test showed significant
groves were pooled. Data were log transformed prior to differences between pre-typhoon and all post-typhoon
ANCOVA test to conform to assumptions of normality. LAI (Table 2A). After the typhoon, the 11-year
Multivariate tests were conducted to visualize old plantation had faster refoliation rate (Y =
forest and soil development patterns with age of the 1.313x - 14.504, r2 = 0.52) compared to the 18-year
stands and between sampling periods (pre-typhoon vs. old plantation (Y = 0.629x - 11.581, r2 = 0.87).
post-typhoon). The variables used in multivariate tests
were LAI, density, AGB and the number of seedlings Tree density
and saplings for the vegetation and the proportion of
sand and silt, OM, TN, AP, salinity, pH, redox and Prior to the occurrence of the typhoon, the tree density
temperature in the soils. Post-typhoon data were decreased logarithmically with age, Y = -1,828 ln
pooled and then compared with the pre-typhoon data. (x) ? 7,722 (r2 = 0.46; Fig. 2B). The highest density
LAI data was untransformed, while the tree density was observed from the youngest plantation
and AGB data were log-transformed and then nor- (7,780 ± 770 trees ha-1), rapidly decreased in inter-
malized to create a resemblance matrix based on mediate age stands (P10; 2,387 ± 115 trees ha-1) and
Euclidean Distance. Principal Component Analysis then tended to stabilize at P11 (1,886 ± 156 trees
(PCA) plots were then created. From the resemblance ha-1). The 12-, 17- and 18-year old stands
matrix, an Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) test was (1,671 ± 321 trees ha-1) had comparable densities
conducted to compare differences among stand ages. as the P50 (1,231 ± 42 trees ha-1) and the natural
To test the relationship between the soil and that of the mangrove stands (1,499 ± 76 trees ha-1). The occur-
mangrove vegetation, a stepwise multiple regression rence of the typhoon resulted in a decline in tree
analysis was applied to a correlation matrix (Sokal & densities in the 11- and 18-year old stands in Lingayen
Rohlf, 1997). The BEST-BIOENV procedure was Gulf. At 9-mo post-typhoon, tree densities were
used to compare the rank-similarity matrices for the reduced by 61 and 69 % in P11 and P18, respectively
soil with matrices created from the vegetation vari- (Fig. 2B). The ANCOVA test showed significant
ables on 999 permutations. All ANOVA and difference between pre-typhoon and that of the 7-mo
ANCOVA tests were run in R Statistical Software and 9-mo post-typhoon slopes (Table 2A).
(R Development Core Team, 2012), while multivar-
iate tests were conducted in PRIMER (version 6; Aboveground biomass (AGB)
Clarke & Gorley, 2006).
The aboveground biomass (AGB) increased logarith-
mically with age of mangrove stands (Y = 62.35 ln
Results (x) - 97.76; r2 = 0.89; Fig. 2C). Lowest AGB was
recorded from the youngest plantation (13.59 ± 1.56
Pre- versus post-typhoon vegetation development T ha-1) and steadily increased as stand age increased.
The 17- and 18-year old plantations had 30–40 %
Leaf area index (LAI) lower AGB compared with the natural mangroves. The
50-year old plantation (132.18 ± 3.18 T ha-1) had
The LAI increased logarithmically with age of the comparable biomass to the natural mangroves
stands (Y = 1.86 ln (x) - 2.32; r2 = 0.74; Fig. 2A). (150.66 ± 3.57 T ha-1). The typhoon caused AGB
The lowest LAI values were observed from the reductions in the 11- and 18-year old plantations in
youngest plantations (P6 = 0.15 ± 0.01 m2 m-2; Lingayen Gulf by 70 and 79 %, respectively (Fig. 2C).
P8 = 0.29 ± 0.01 m2 m-2), increased in the interme- There was a significant difference between pre-
diate stands (P10–P12, mean = 2.54 ± 0.02 m2 m-2) typhoon and that of the 7-mo and 9-mo post-typhoon
and then peaked at P50 (4.54 ± 0.18 m2 m-2). The 17- slopes (ANCOVA Test; Table 2A).


Fig. 2 Changes in: A LAI,

B tree density and
C aboveground biomass
with age of the mangrove
stands and with sampling
periods (pre- vs. post-
typhoon). Prior to the
occurrence of the typhoon,
there was a significant
relationship between LAI
(Y = 1.86 ln (x) - 2.32;
r2 = 0.74), tree density
(Y = -1,828 ln
(x) ? 7,722 (r2 = 0.46) and
aboveground biomass
(Y = 62.35 ln (x) - 97.76;
r2 = 0.89) with age of the
stands. The typhoon caused
complete defoliation,
reduction of tree density (by
61–69 %) and aboveground
biomass (by 70–79 %) of
the typhoon-affected sites
(see arrows and encircled
dashed lines in the plot).
Legend: unfilled circles
(pre-typhoon), grey circles
(1-mo post-typhoon),
triangles (7-mo post-
typhoon) and solid dashed
lines (9-mo post-typhoon)

Seedling and sapling abundance few saplings were observed and were only present in
the natural stands (3–5 saplings 100 m-2).
Seedlings were present in the 50-year old plantation
and natural mangroves, but none in plantations \20- Pre- versus post-typhoon soil development
year old. The seedling abundance was significantly
higher in the 50-year old plantation (20–25 seedlings Organic matter, total nitrogen and available
100 m-2) compared to the three natural mangroves phosphorus
that had similar abundances of 12–15 seedlings
100 m-2. Seedlings had homogeneous girth (mean Prior to the typhoon, only the OM and TN contents had
0.75 ± 0.05 cm) and height (mean 0.75 ± 0.01 m) significant relationships with the age of the mangrove
and were more abundant at pre-typhoon and 7-mo stands (OM: Y = 4.456 ln (x) - 6.543; r2 = 0.75;
post-typhoon than at the other sampling periods. Very Fig. 3C; TN: Y = 0.067 ln (x) - 0.103, r2 = 0.82;

Table 2 Results of 1-way repeated measures ANOVA on: changes of (A) vegetation and (B) soil parameters across sampling periods (pre- vs. post-typhoon) of the typhoon-
affected sites
Time LAI, m2m-2 Tree density, n ha-1 AGB, T ha-1

P11 P18 Slope P11 P18 Slope P11 P18 Slope

Pre-typhoon 2.80a 4.13a -0.269xa 1,886a 1,532a 0.001xa 45.37a 115.62a 0.057xa
(0.01) (0.05) (156) (170) (12.36) (3.97)
1-mo post-typhoon 0.00b 0.00b -0.119xb 891ab 848ab -0.009xa 12.86b 52.18b 0.005xa
(0.01) (0.00) (127) (212) (4.34) (1.21)
7-mo post-typhoon 1.50c 0.51c -0.0006xb 806bc 764bc 0.051xb 13.66b 23.28bc -0.004xb
(0.17) (0.01) (194) (124) (4.90) (1.64)
c c b bc bc b b
9-mo post-typhoon 1.77 0.63 -0.084x 733 424 -0.028x 13.01 22.80d -0.046xb
(0.15) (0.02) (147) (42) (7.25) (1.13)
MS 4.02 10.76 78.76 1.71 9 106 5.91 9 105 2.97 7.78 9 108 9.69 9 109 5.51
df 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
F-ratio 429.10 302.85 6.38 6.38 16.61 4.83 20.67 194.60 6.36
P *** *** *** * ** * ** *** ***
Time OM, % Total N, % Avail. P, ppm ORP, mV Temp., °C
P11 P18 Slope P11 P18 Slope P11 P18 Slope P11 P18 Slope P11 P18 Slope

Pre-typhoon 7.53a 7.99a 0.037xa 0.08a 0.09a 0.0001x 22.37a 22.37a 1.52xa 8.00a 14.67a 0.142xa 30.87a 30.70a 0.001xa
(0.97) (1.27) (0.01) (0.01) (4.66) (4.66) (0.79) (3.29) (0.25) (0.22)
1-mo post-typhoon 4.54b 3.74b -0.036xb 0.14b 0.08ab -0.0003x 35.73b 29.33b 1.73xb -10.00b -0.67b 0.078xb 37.60b 38.63b -0.001xb
(0.35) (0.34) (0.04) (0.01) (2.42) (2.78) (0.35) (4.03) (0.62) (0.89)
b b a a b ab b b a a b b
7-mo post-typhoon 5.46 3.55 0.005x 0.08 0.06 -0.0003x 34.80 27.63 -1.25x 11.33 14.33 0.322x 35.80 34.60c 0.001xb
(0.37) (1.01) (0.00) (0.01) (5.92) (2.91) (0.37) (2.05) (0.82) (0.67)
9-mo post-typhoon 6.51a 3.49b 0.007xa 0.08a 0.05b 0.0005x 30.40ab 25.43b -1.72b 8.67a 14.67a 0.101xa 32.63a 33.73c -0.001xb
(0.63) (0.62) (0.00) (0.02) (1.48) (0.26) (0.63) (5.25) (0.73) (0.42)
MS 4.81 14.44 76.89 0.003 0.01 9107 0.01 22.04 18.47 222.96 21.46 17.46 178.45 27.68 159.3 212.91
df 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
F-ratio 10.43 17.90 3.39 4.76 6.39 2.03 4.59 5.78 3.83 4.45 7.87 3.67 41.65 343.20 6.75



The slopes are derived from the ANCOVA values (using stand age as covariate) to determine the differences in vegetation and soil trajectories between pre- and post-typhoon
Fig. 3D). The occurrence of the typhoon resulted in

the immediate reduction of soil OM contents by 40 and
53 % in P11 and P18, respectively (Table 2B).
However, the two typhoon-impacted sites showed

different post-typhoon recovery trends. The P11
Temp., °C

plantation appeared to recover the soil OM content

at 7-mo post-typhoon, while P18 in contrast, showed a


continuous decline in soil OM even at 9-mo post-

typhoon (Table 2B). The slope of pre-typhoon regres-
sion line was significantly different from the 1-mo

post-typhoon line, but not from the slopes of 7-mo and


9-mo post-typhoon periods (Table 2B).

For TN, the typhoon-impacted sites showed


increases of 60 and 33 % for P11 and P18, respectively


at 1-mo post-typhoon (Fig. 3D; Table 2B). This trend

was no longer evident for P11 at 7-mo and 9-mo post-

typhoon. However, P18 showed continuous decreased


from 1-mo post-typhoon to 7-mo and 9-mo post-

typhoon. There was no significant difference between

pre-typhoon and post-typhoon changes on TN with age


of the stands. In terms of AP, the typhoon-impacted

sites showed increases of 38 and 23 % for P11 and P18,
Avail. P, ppm

respectively at 1-mo post-typhoon (Fig. 3E; Table 2B),


but no significant difference from initial pre-typhoon

values at 7- and 9-mo post-typhoon.

sampling periods. Different letters denote significance between sampling periods

Redox and soil temperature


The occurrence of typhoon caused the soils of typhoon-

impacted sites to become more anoxic (P11 =

P denote significance at \0.05 (*), \0.01 (**) and \0.001 (***)

-10.00 ± 0.35 mV; P18 = -0.67 ± 4.03 mV, at

0.5-mo post-typhoon; Table 2B). Both stands tended

to return to pre-typhoon redox values at 7-mo post-

Total N, %

typhoon. The ANCOVA test showed significant

difference in redox potential with forest age between

pre-typhoon, 1-mo and 7-mo post-typhoon, but a return

to pre-typhoon values at 9-mo post-typhoon.

There was an increase in soil temperature by

8–10 °C in P11 and P18 after the typhoon (Table 2B).

Both impacted sites showed that temperatures at 9-mo

post-typhoon were still 3–4 °C warmer compared to the


pre-typhoon data. The ANCOVA test showed signifi-

cant differences between pre-typhoon and post-typhoon
Table 2 continued
OM, %

in the relationship between soil temperature and stand



age. The pre-typhoon slope of the relationship was

significantly different from pre-typhoon to 1-mo post-
typhoon, but was similar to the pre-typhoon relationship

at 7-mo and 9-mo post-typhoon (Table 2B).


Fig. 3 Changes in A sand

content, B silt content,
C organic matter, D total
nitrogen, E available
phosphorus, F salinity,
G pH, H oxidation–
reduction potential and
I temperature in the soil with
age of the mangrove stands
and with sampling periods
(pre- vs. post-typhoon).
Prior to the occurrence of the
typhoon, only the OM
(Y = 4.456 ln (x) - 6.543;
r2 = 0.75) and TN
(Y = 0.067 ln (x) - 0.103,
r2 = 0.82) have significant
relationship with age of the
mangrove stands. At 1-mo
post-typhoon, there was a
reduction of OM (by
40–53 %), and sudden
increase of TN (by 43 %)
and AP (by 23–38 %) in the
typhoon-affected sites (see
arrows and encircled
dashed lines in the plot). The
soils also became more
waterlogged (by at least
113 %) and warmer by
8–10 °C. Legend: unfilled
circles (pre-typhoon), grey
circles (1-mo post-typhoon),
triangles (7-mo post-
typhoon) and solid dashed
lines (9-mo post-typhoon)

Pre-typhoon versus post-typhoon vegetation of the stands (Fig. 4A). The result of Principal
and soil development patterns Component Analysis showed three major stand age
groupings: P6 and P8 (group 1), P10 and P11 (group
Prior to the occurrence of the typhoon, there was a 2), and P12, P17, P18, P50 and natural mangroves
clear vegetation and soil development pattern with age (group 3). The PC1 and PC2 accounted for 91.3 and


Fig. 4 PCA plots of

vegetation and soil
parameters A pre-typhoon
and B post-typhoon. Prior to
the typhoon, four distinct
groupings can be inferred
and classified based on age
and development stage of
the stands as: young (6- and
8-year), intermediate (10-,
11- and 12-year), mature
(17-, 18- and 50-year) and
natural stands (see also
Salmo III et al., 2013). The
typhoon caused the
impacted sites (grey circles)
to retract from their pre-
typhoon groupings and
moved to the category of the
younger stands (see arrow).
Legend: dashed ellipse—
grouping per stand age; solid
ellipse—grouping per
development stage

6.1 % of the variation where LAI and tree density had These patterns were, however, disrupted by the
the highest correlation in PC1 and PC2, respectively. typhoon (Fig. 4B). The PC1 and PC2 accounted for 68.6
These groupings showed progression in forest devel- and 28.1 % of the variation. The reductions in tree
opment with age approaching maturity as was density (q = 0.67) and AGB (q = 0.89) had the highest
observed in natural mangroves. These groupings were correlation with PC1 and PC2, respectively. The
significantly different from each other as revealed by ANOSIM test revealed significant difference between
the ANOSIM test (Global R = 0.84, P \ 0.001). pre-typhoon and post-typhoon groupings (Global
There was no significant differences between sites R = 0.80, P \ 0.01). The typhoon-affected sites sepa-
within the age groups. The BIOENV test revealed a rated from their pre-typhoon groupings at 1-mo post-
significant relationship between the forest vegetation typhoon and remained different at 7-mo and 9-mo post-
and soil characteristics (q = 0.68, P \ 0.01) where typhoon (see arrow in Fig. 4B), although the variables
the combination of OM, TN, redox and soil temper- that caused the differences at different sampling periods
ature had the highest correlation (q = 0.67). Simi- varied. The two most heavy typhoon-affected sites were
larly, the mangrove vegetation is strongly correlated grouped together and were significantly different from
with the soil characteristics (q = 0.64, P \ 0.01) the less affected sites in all post-typhoon sampling
where LAI had the highest correlation (q = 0.63). The periods. The summary of BEST-BIOENV correlations
relationship between mangrove vegetation and soils are presented in Tables 3A and 3B. At 1-mo post-
were significantly correlated in all sampling periods typhoon, the combination of increased in soil temper-
(1-mo post-typhoon: r = 0.60, P \ 0.01; 7-mo post- ature (0.57) and the reduction in redox potential (0.56)
typhoon: r = 0.57, P \ 0.01; 9-mo post-typhoon: and OM (0.42) were related to the changes in mangrove
r = 0.56, P \ 0.01). vegetation (q = 0.57, P \ 0.01). Soil temperature


Table 3 Summary of BEST-BIOENV results showing corre- early establishment phase, and with self-thinning as
lation coefficients between soil characteristics (A) and vege- they approach the stabilization stage at the 11th year.
tation (B) for each sampling period
In the Philippines, most plantations have stunted
Variables Time growth and very low survival (10–40 %; Primavera &
Pre- 1-mo post- 7-mo post- 9-mo post- Esteban, 2008; Samson & Rollon, 2008).
typhoon typhoon typhoon typhoon These parameters stabilized at the 11th year
indicating that many characteristics of the planted
A. Soil
forests are similar to natural forests. Similar trends in
Sand 0.21 0.09 0.03 0.21
canopy closure and stem density have been observed
Silt 0.27 0.22 0.15 0.36
OM 0.76 0.42 0.42 0.47
in plantations in Malaysia (Clough et al., 1997; Alongi
Total N 0.59 0.17 0.12 0.30
et al., 1998) and also in natural forests in French
Avail. P 0.37 0.20 0.21 0.21
Guiana (Fromard et al., 1998). The time to maturity is
Salinity 0.37 0.11 -0.13 -0.12
estimated at 25 years, which is relatively slow com-
pH 0.29 0.11 -0.07 -0.04
pared to the gap regeneration process in natural
Redox 0.59 0.56 0.05 0.19 mangroves (Duke, 2001), but similar to that observed
Temp. 0.52 0.57 0.56 0.22 in other plantations and natural forests (Fromard et al.,
q 0.76 0.57 0.56 0.47 1998; Alongi, 2009).
P ** ** ** ** From the PCA plot (Fig. 4A), three distinct group-
B. Vegetation ings can be inferred and classified based on the
LAI 0.64 0.55 0.52 0.49 vegetation and soil development stage of the restored
Tree density 0.40 0.24 0.18 0.21 stands. These are: Group 1 (young stands: \10-year),
AG biomass 0.52 0.54 0.35 0.29 Group 2 (intermediate stands: 10- to 11-year) and
q 0.64 0.55 0.53 0.49 Group 3 (mature stands: [12-year). The vegetation
P ** ** ** ** and soil characteristics in 17-, 18- and 50-year stands
are comparable with that of the reference system
The variables that have high correlation coefficients are in bold
fonts (natural stands). Following the evolutionary model of
P denote significance at \0.01 (**) mangrove forest development (cf. Fromard et al.,
1998), mangrove plantations reported here that are less
than 12 years old are comparable to the early devel-
(0.56) and OM (0.42) remained the main contributing opment stage, while plantations that are 17- and
variables that were associated with the vegetation at 18-years old are similar to the young development
7-mo post-typhoon (q = 0.56, P \ 0.01), but at 9-mo stage, and the 50-years old are comparable with the
post-typhoon, only OM (0.47) maintained a high mature stage.
correlation coefficient with vegetation (q = 0.47, As mangrove stands mature, the change in vegeta-
P \ 0.01). tion contributes to the attainment of soil maturity. The
relationship between mangrove vegetation and soil
characteristics has been reported in previous studies
Discussion which suggest linkage of vegetation structure and
productivity with redox potential of soils (Sherman
Pre-typhoon restoration trajectory et al., 1998; Rivera-Monroy et al., 2004), and nutrient
availability particularly nitrogen and phosphorus
Our study showed a clear trajectory of mangrove (Boto & Wellington, 1984; Ukpong, 1994). The
forest and soil development patterns from a series of relationship between soil temperature and forest
ages of planted mangrove stands (see also Salmo development is related to the surrounding mangrove
III et al., 2013). There were increases in the LAI, canopy cover that regulates absorption of solar
AGB, OM, TN, AP and redox potential, and decreases radiation (Bosire et al., 2005; Tolhurst & Chapman,
in tree density and soil temperature with stand age. In 2007), while the relationship of nitrogen is likely
young plantations, the rapid decline in tree density caused by the enhancement of litter degradation and
with stand age is due to high mortality rates during the organic matter decomposition (Bosire et al., 2005).


Table 4 Reductions in tree density and basal area (BA) reported in typhoon-damaged mangroves
Location Age/stage Density reduction, % BA reduction, % Reference

Lingayen Gulf, Philippines 11 61 60 This study

Lingayen Gulf, Philippines 18 70 80 This study
Bluefields, Nicaragua Natural 36 68 Roth (1992)
SW Florida, USA Natural 40 54 Doyle et al. (1995)
SW Florida, USA Natural 60 – McKoy et al. (1996)
Guadeloupe, French West Indies Natural 59 68 Imbert et al. (1996)
Dominican Republic Natural 48 42 Sherman et al. (2001)
SW Florida, USA Natural 47 – Milbrandt et al. (2006)
In this study, BA was derived from tree diameter measurements

The accumulation of OM in the soils may be attributed attributed to gradients of wind speed over the path of
to the increases in belowground root expansion with the typhoon and localized site gradients such as
stand age (which is correlated with LAI from BEST- position relative to shoreline, tidal elevation, soil type
BIOENV results in this study) that may have lead to and tree height (see for example Everham & Brokaw,
the rapid deposition of litter and organic detritus in the 1996; Busby et al. 2008). The path of the typhoon,
soil (see for example Saenger, 2002; Morrisey et al., which followed an arc, led to more severe damage in
2003; McKee, 2010). The significant correlation of the 11- and 18 year old stands. Consistent with
mangrove aboveground vegetation with soil OM is published reports, trees with taller heights and larger
similar to the findings of Alongi (2009) for the Matang diameters had higher mortality than smaller trees
forests. Moreover, Cardona & Botero (1998) proposed (Roth, 1992; Smith et al., 1994; Baldwin et al., 2001).
that the large pool of OM might also affect nutrient The trees that died had stem diameter [8 cm and
availability as well as other variables such as pH and height [7 m in the 11-year old plantation, and stem
redox potential. diameter [10.5 cm and height [10 m in 18-year old
plantation. Similar to other tropical forest types,
Impacts of typhoon on vegetation and soil mangrove plantations are perceived to be more
development trajectory pattern vulnerable to typhoons compared to natural stands
(Everham & Brokaw, 1996) because of the lower
We acknowledged the unbalanced nature of our structural complexity and lower wind firmness (sensu
experimental design. In assessing the effects of typhoon Gardiner & Quine, 2000) as defined by high height to
in restoration trajectory, the comparisons we made DBH ratio (Ancelin et al., 2004). The typhoon-
between and among mangrove stands relative to the damaged 11- and 18-year old stands were relatively
track of the typhoon and the differences in ages of the tall with height to DBH ratios of 106.40 and 116.78,
stands (including that of planted vs. natural stands) are respectively (Table 1). Given the high frequency and
confounded. Like other natural disasters however, severity of typhoons prevailing in the area, such size
typhoons are unexpected events with heterogenous classes could be the maximum size that these
effects, and therefore do not comply with optimal mangroves may reach and it is possible that damage
ecological experimental designs. Nevertheless, our from typhoons could be responsible for the relatively
study documented the effects of typhoon in young low biomass reported for Philippine mangrove forests
growing mangrove plantations of different ages. (see for example Gevaña & Pampolina, 2009).
We observed that Typhoon Chan-hom caused The reductions in tree density and basal area in
severe damage to mangrove plantations in Lingayen Lingayen Gulf after the typhoon are comparable to
Gulf, although the damage was not homogeneous over losses described in other published reports (Table 4).
all mangrove stands. Similar to published reports, the Tree mortalities continued even after 9 months post-
damage from a typhoon within a forest stand or even at typhoon and may even persist for at least two more
a landscape level are heterogeneous and may be years, also similar with other published reports (Smith


et al., 1994; Sherman et al., 2001). The sudden 1998; Castaneda-Moya et al., 2010), which may have
reduction in LAI, tree density and AGB in the 11- and long-term effects on the structure and function of
18-year stands effectively retarded the restoration forests (Smith et al., 2009).
trajectory by five to ten years.
The occurrence of the typhoon also caused signif- Prospects for post-typhoon regeneration
icant changes in soil characteristics in the typhoon-
affected sites (Fig. 4B). Changes to soils after intense Reports of the recovery of mangroves after a cata-
storms have also been reported from other typhoon- strophic typhoon are highly variable (Saenger, 2002).
disturbed sites (Craighead & Gilbert, 1962; Smith There is a general consensus that recovery could be
et al., 1994; Ellison, 1998; Rivera-Monroy et al., very slow or may even be uncertain (Milbrandt et al.,
2004). In this study, among the immediate and easily 2006; Smith et al., 2009) since delayed tree mortalities
discernable post-typhoon changes are the reductions in may still occur more than 10 years post-typhoon and
OM (40–53 %), more anoxic soils (-10 mV) and species differ in both their susceptibility to storm
increase in nutrients (TN by 30–60 %; AP by damage and their recovery (Baldwin et al., 2001). The
30–40 %), salinity (4–10 ppt) and soil temperature mangrove plantations in the Lingayen Gulf are
(8–10 °C). Increases in soil temperature can be exclusively composed of Rhizophora species that do
attributed to the removal of canopy shading that not coppice or resprout (Tomlinson, 1994; Imbert
exposes the soil to solar radiation (Bosire et al., 2003). et al., 1996). In the Lingayen Gulf, the only visible
The increases in temperature after defoliation may sign of recovery 9 months after the typhoon was that
also cause increases in salinity due to higher evapo- the typhoon-impacted sites began to refoliate.
ration and decreases in redox potential through In Nicaraguan mangroves, signs of recovery (i.e.
enhanced microbial activity. The increase in nutrient refoliation, resprouting, coppicing and seedling
availability after the typhoon may be explained by the growth) were manifested 5 years after a typhoon and
influx of fine-grained materials during the typhoon trees that recovered were those with low initial tree
surge that were deposited on the forest floor (pers. diameter and height (Roth, 1992). Models of regen-
obs.), but also could be explained by the mortality of eration pathways (sensu Everham & Brokaw, 1996)
roots and release of nutrients in the biomass to the soil. predict that the primary mode for recovery of the
The deposition of material within the forests during typhoon-affected mangroves in Lingayen Gulf, would
intense storms was observed at other sites (Craighead be through seedling colonization, as reported in other
& Gilbert, 1962; Smith et al., 1994; Ellison, 1998) sites (Roth, 1992; Smith et al., 1994; Baldwin et al.,
where 50–100 % increases in soil N and P were 1995; McKoy et al., 1996; Imbert et al., 1996; Baldwin
reported (Castaneda-Moya et al., 2010). The observed et al., 2001). Rapid seedling recruitment and growth
reduction in soil OM in this study could be due to was observed in the mangroves in Nicaragua and
enhanced decomposition of organic matter due to Dominican Republic at 17- and 18-months post-
increased nutrient availability (Bianchi, 2011), typhoon, respectively (Roth, 1992; Sherman et al.,
although this hypothesis requires further assessment. 2001). But the planted mangroves in Lingayen Gulf
The changes to the soil environment were closely have very few seedlings prior to the typhoon which is a
linked with the continuous decline in mangrove consequence of very high density plantings that
vegetation after the typhoon (as revealed from BIO- inhibits seedling recruitment and growth (Salmo
ENV results; Tables 2A, 2B). While post-typhoon III & Duke, 2010). With a limited source of regener-
salinity (33 ppt) falls within the normal range of ation, it is not clear if the typhoon-affected planted
mangrove conditions, the 4–10 ppt increase (above 20 mangroves will recover without management inter-
ppt from pre-typhoon) may cause reductions in tree vention (i.e. replanting).
growth and slow forest recovery. Abrupt increases in It is apparent that most soil and vegetation variables
soil salinity have caused massive mangrove mortality measured had returned to pre-typhoon state at 7-mo
in the Caribbean coast of Colombia (Cardona & and 9-mo post-typhoon. However, the two most
Botero, 1998). The increase in nutrient availability, typhoon-affected sites had contrasting patterns of
particularly of phosphorus is known to contribute to recovery. Based on pre-typhoon values of soil OM,
changing vegetation characteristics (Chen & Twilley, nutrients, redox potential and soil temperature, the


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