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Akin Alabi
A to me
Sep 6 Details

Human attention is very fleeting, Emmanuel.

Has always been.

But the fact that in this age thousands of

other things now fight for the same attention
makes it even more fleeting than ever.

Grabbing someone’s attention may be easy.

But holding that attention for a while? Not so

That is why, as a business owner, you must

always look for creative ways to both grab and
hold your prospects’ attention. I mean hold it
long enough till they learn about your offer
and its benefits — and whip out their cards or
wallets to buy.

I’ve shown you how to grab attention and also

given you two ways to hold your prospect’s

But I reserved the best for the last. Nothing

holds attention as much as it does — if you do
it rightly.

And I’m talking about…

The Story Method!

This is a powerful method, if you know how to

do it.

Human beings love stories. It’s basically

imprinted in our DNA.

It’s how traditions and cultures have been

passed down from generation to generation,
ih i i l
even without written material.

The older ones sit the younger ones around a

campfire or under the full moon and tell them
countless stories upon stories.

And unsurprisingly, that is the only time the

most restless kid settles down and listens
with rapt attention!

We love stories from childhood and carry that

undying love into old age.

The Holy Bible started with a story. There are

loads of stories in both the Bible and the

We love movies because we love stories. We

read, listen and watch the news because we
love stories.

As I'm typing this, the TV is on and it is on


They are reporting the story of South Africa’s

first female surgeon. A lot of people are
watching the STORY all over the world.

Can you tell a story to start your sales letter?


The challenge is that the story has to be

interesting and must be related to what you
are selling.

That could be a tricky combo, but nothing you

can’t master with practice.

If I am selling a course on business, I can tell

a story about myself. I will tell you a story
about how I started my business and why you
should listen to me.

I can say something like...

Dear Friend,
I would like to tell you a story about myself. I
promise to make it short.

In 2003, after completing my NYSC, I decided to

start a business. I attended a seminar on how
to create and sell information products...

Blah blah blah.

A few editions ago, I shared one of the

greatest sales letters ever written. I was
teaching another point when I shared it but
today, I will share it because of its story value.

It was written to sell the subscription of the

Wall Street Journal.

This sales letter grossed...

Two Billion Dollars!

Here goes...

Dear Reader,

On a beautiful late spring afternoon, twenty-five

years ago, two young men graduated from the
same college.

They were very much alike, these two young

men. Both had been better than average
students, both were personable and both – as
young college graduates are – were filled with
ambitious dreams for the future.

Recently, these two men returned to college for

their 25th reunion.

They were still very much alike. Both were

happily married. Both had three children. And
both, it turned out, had gone to work for the
same Midwestern manufacturing company
after graduation, and were still there.

But there was a difference. One of the men was

manager of a small department of that
company. The other was its president.
p y p

What Made The Difference?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes

this kind of difference in people’s lives?

It isn’t always a native intelligence or talent or

dedication. It isn’t that one person wants
success and the other doesn’t.

The difference lies in what each person knows

and how he or she makes use of that

And that is why I am writing to you and to

people like you about The Wall Street Journal.

Blah Blah Blah

Now tell me whether using a story is powerful

or not!

Let me leave you with the final one.

The opening hook Sabri Suby used to sell his

best selling book, Sell Like Crazy:

Dear Business Owner,

If you want to create a torrential downpour of

buyers that flood your business and literally
DEMAND that you sell them your products and
services, this will be the most important book
you'll ever read.

Here is why: My name is Sabri Suby and five

short years ago I was dead broke. I had just
started my business from my bedroom – with
no more than $50 and an old computer that my
girlfriend had bought me.


Let me not move past the opening hook.

I will save that for my next email.


Akin Alabi,
Africa's Number One Business Teacher

PS: I want to recommend a book to you.

It is called The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan

Kennedy. Go to amazon and order a copy.

And if you don’t have my books already, find

them here:

1. Small Business Big Money

2. How to Sell to Nigerians

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