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Product (detail of product/service)

 When we heard the term of "Texas Chicken," we mustly automatically assume that the food
must be prepared from chicken products. As we all know, The first condition that customers
will notice when selecting the product they want is all about the branding it simply seeing
the branding is enough to know what the company or premise is selling. So, when we talk
about texas chicken company, of course we know that this company will focus on food made
from chicken. It evidenced when all of the food or menu items listed are made from chicken,
such as the burger and the wrap. However, as a standard company that sells fast food, such
as KFC, McDonald's, and others beverages and desserts and the side dish that comes with
such as biscuits are commonly provided in order to diversify the product selection and
attract customers to dine in.
Also, the characterises Texas chicken apart from the rest which is other restaurant is the
spice they used. As is well known, the food prepared by these organisations is spicy, and the
spiciness they produce can be felt by people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. or, in other
words, this spiciness is not too hot and is appropriate for Malaysian culture.
Basically, when it comes to the service. Fast food restaurants use the quick service concept
which mean The food served in fast food restaurants is typically part of a "meat-sweet diet",
offered from a limited menu, cooked in bulk in advance and kept hot, finished and packaged
to order, and usually available for take away. Fast food restaurants are typically part of a
restaurant chain or franchise operation that provides standardized ingredients and or
partially prepared foods and supplies to each restaurant through controlled supply channels.
The quick service are mainly suitable for someone who had a “ life waiting “ which they
simply buy and get the food immediately after.

When starting a business, the first technique and condition is to use social media to find
customers. As we all know we are living in era of technology, social media is highly essential
in today's world, especially for those in business. Despite the fact that our company has
reached the eyes of the world, social media has always been the primary platform for
business person to connect with customers during the buying and selling process.
Besides, Texas chicken also follows in the footsteps of other bussiness. where they also
connected with thier customers via facebook, instagram, twitter, and youtube. They also
have a specialised website for their business which is we knew that every business person
creating website is all for a wider market and the interesting part is texas chicken also
prominently shown abroad on billboards. The Texas Chicken brand has appeared on bus
bodies in johor bharu, Malaysia. We all knew that this is part of their marketing strategy to
advertise their goods throughout Malaysia, but particularly in Johor Bharu.

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