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This ARCHICAD Add-On can convert3DStudio Max (.3ds) files to ARCHICAD as GDL objects. The
conversion process can be customized by the user.

Download and install 3DStudio In Add-On

You can download this Add-On amongst other Goodies by clickingonHelp menu > ARCHICAD
Downloadsoption in ARCHICAD.

In the appearing GRAPHISOFTdownload siteplease select the language of your ARCHICAD then the
OS icon matching your computer to download the Goodies Installer.

As of version 20 Goodies for ARCHICAD are available in one single installer package. During
installation you can select which one(s) you want to install.

Start the installer and follow the instructions. The add-on will be automatically loaded the next time
you start ARCHICAD.

The new set of commands will appear in theFile > Interoperability > 3D Studiosub-menu by File

Number of points, faces and objects

Object sizes (X dimension(A),Y dimension(B), andHeight). You can modify these.

Force smooth:Tick this, if you want the add-on to try to smooth all objectsurfaces.

Import hidden objects:If you tick this box, hidden objects will also be imported from the file.

Use texture’s alpha channel:If you check this box, the transparency information will be imported
from the 3D Studio file, if the related TGA/TIFF textures contain alpha channel


Click OK, to start importing.

The add-on checks whether the 3DS file contains texture links.If the defined texture file does not
exist next to the 3DS file, the program asks the userto specify its location.

The add-on creates the new library part. The name will be generated from the original .3ds file name
(without the .3ds extension). At the end of the conversion, a message will prompt that the Library
Part has been created in the Embedded Library.


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